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Cultivated rice fields worldwide are plagued with weedy rice, a conspecific weed of cultivated rice (Oryza sativa L.). The persistence of weedy rice has been attributed, in part, to its ability to shatter (disperse) seed prior to crop harvesting. In the United States, separately evolved weedy rice groups have been shown to share genomic identity with exotic domesticated cultivars. Here, we investigate the shattering phenotype in a collection of U.S. weedy rice accessions, as well as wild and cultivated relatives. We find that all U.S. weedy rice groups shatter seeds easily, despite multiple origins, and in contrast to a decrease in shattering ability seen in cultivated groups. We assessed allelic identity and diversity at the major shattering locus, sh4, in weedy rice; we find that all cultivated and weedy rice, regardless of population, share similar haplotypes at sh4, and all contain a single derived mutation associated with decreased seed shattering. Our data constitute the strongest evidence to date of an evolution of weeds from domesticated backgrounds. The combination of a shared cultivar sh4 allele and a highly shattering phenotype, suggests that U.S. weedy rice have re‐acquired the shattering trait after divergence from their progenitors through alternative genetic mechanisms.  相似文献   

Origins and population genetics of weedy red rice in the USA   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Londo JP  Schaal BA 《Molecular ecology》2007,16(21):4523-4535
Weedy red rice (Oryza sativa spontonea) is a persistent and problematic weed of rice culture worldwide. A major hypothesis for the mechanism of production of this weed in South and Southeast Asia is hybridization between cultivated rice (Oryza sativa) and wild rice (Oryza rufipogon). However, weedy red rice can often be found outside the range of O. rufipogon leaving questions on the origin and process behind weedy rice infestations. In the USA, weedy red rice was first documented as early as 1846 and has continued to affect rice production areas. In this study, we attempt to identify the origin and population structure of weedy red rice sampled from the USA using both DNA sequence data from a neutral nuclear locus as well as microsatellite genotype data. Results suggest that two major accessions of weedy rice exist, strawhull and blackhull, and these forms may both hybridize with the cultivated rice of the USA, O. sativa japonica. Using population assignment of multilocus genotype signatures with principal component analysis and structure, an Asian origin is supported for US weedy rice. Additionally, hybridization between strawhull and blackhull varieties was inferred and may present the opportunity for the production of new weedy forms in the future.  相似文献   

Seed shattering is one of the main traits related with the domestication of cultivated rice and with the invasiveness and persistence of weedy rice. Two independent studies in 2006 have indicated that qSH1 in Japonica and Sh4 in Indica rice are major genes governing this trait. However, a wide variation of seed shattering occurs in weedy rice ecotypes from the same geographic region and even within the same ecotype. The aim of this study was to evaluate the nucleotide variability of known and putative genes related to seed shattering in cultivated rice and to identify and validate new genes related to this trait in weedy rice. The qSH1 gene was not associated with seed shattering in the evaluated genotypes. The nucleotide variability of the genes Os01g0849100 and Os08g0512400, previously identified based on a genome‐wide resequencing study, was related to seed shattering in rice. The nucleotide variability of three single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of the OsXTH8 gene, which is related to cell wall biosynthesis, was not associated with seed shattering. However, the high expression of this gene was related to the occurrence of this trait. This study evaluated jointly a series of genes involved in rice seed shattering and indicated that the genes OsXTH8, Os08g0512400 and Os01g0849100 are important for the regulation of this trait in weedy rice in addition to previously described genes. Seed shattering in weedy rice has a more complex regulation than in cultivated rice where few major genes were identified.  相似文献   

Weedy forms of crop species infest agricultural fields worldwide and are a leading cause of crop losses, yet little is known about how these weeds evolve. Red rice (Oryza sativa), a major weed of cultivated rice fields in the US, is recognized by the dark‐pigmented grain that gives it its common name. Studies using neutral molecular markers have indicated a close relationship between US red rice and domesticated rice, suggesting that the weed may have originated through reversion of domesticated rice to a feral form. We have tested this reversion hypothesis by examining molecular variation at Rc, the regulatory gene responsible for grain pigmentation differences between domesticated and wild rice. Loss‐of‐function mutations at Rc account for the absence of proanthocyanidin pigments in cultivated rice grains, and the major rc domestication allele has been shown to be capable of spontaneous reversion to a functional form through additional mutations at the Rc locus. Using a diverse sample of 156 weedy, domesticated and wild Oryzas, we analysed DNA sequence variation at Rc and its surrounding 4 Mb genomic region. We find that reversion of domestication alleles does not account for the pigmented grains of weed accessions; moreover, we find that haplotypes characterizing the weed are either absent or very rare in cultivated rice. Sequences from genomic regions flanking Rc are consistent with a genomic footprint of the rc selective sweep in cultivated rice, and they are compatible with a close relationship of red rice to Asian Oryzas that have never been cultivated in the US.  相似文献   

Weedy rice is a close relative of domesticated rice (Oryza sativa) that competes aggressively with the crop and limits rice productivity worldwide. Most genetic studies of weedy rice have focused on populations in regions where no reproductively compatible wild Oryza species occur (North America, Europe and northern Asia). Here, we examined the population genetics of weedy rice in Malaysia, where wild rice (O. rufipogon) can be found growing in close proximity to cultivated and weedy rice. Using 375 accessions and a combined analysis of 24 neutral SSR loci and two rice domestication genes (sh4, controlling seed shattering, and Bh4, controlling hull colour), we addressed the following questions: (i) What is the relationship of Malaysian weedy rice to domesticated and wild rice, and to weedy rice strains in the USA? (ii) To what extent does the presence of O. rufipogon influence the genetic and phenotypic diversity of Malaysian weeds? (iii) What do the distributions of sh4 and Bh4 alleles and associated phenotypes reveal about the origin and contemporary evolution of Malaysian weedy rice? Our results reveal the following: independent evolutionary origins for Malaysian weeds and US strains, despite their very close phenotypic resemblance; wild‐to‐weed gene flow in Malaysian weed populations, including apparent adaptive introgression of seed‐shattering alleles; and a prominent role for modern Malaysian cultivars in the origin and recent proliferation of Malaysian weeds. These findings suggest that the genetic complexity and adaptability of weedy crop relatives can be profoundly influenced by proximity to reproductively compatible wild and domesticated populations.  相似文献   

Moderate plant height and successful establishment of reproductive organs play pivotal roles in rice grain production. The molecular mechanism that controls the two aspects remains unclear in rice. In the present study, we characterized a rice gene, ABNORMAL FLOWER AND DWARF1 (AFD1) that determined plant height, floral development and grain yield. The afd1 mutant showed variable defects including the dwarfism, long panicle, low seed setting and reduced grain yield. In addition, abnormal floral organs were also observed in the afd1 mutant including slender and thick hulls, and hull‐like lodicules. AFD1 encoded a DUF640 domain protein and was expressed in all tested tissues and organs. Subcellular localization showed AFD1‐green fluorescent fusion protein (GFP) was localized in the nucleus. Meantime, our results suggested that AFD1 regulated the expression of cell division and expansion related genes.  相似文献   

The two independent domestication events in the genus Oryza that led to African and Asian rice offer an extremely useful system for studying the genetic basis of parallel evolution. This system is also characterized by parallel de‐domestication events, with two genetically distinct weedy rice biotypes in the US derived from the Asian domesticate. One important trait that has been altered by rice domestication and de‐domestication is hull colour. The wild progenitors of the two cultivated rice species have predominantly black‐coloured hulls, as does one of the two U.S. weed biotypes; both cultivated species and one of the US weedy biotypes are characterized by straw‐coloured hulls. Using Black hull 4 (Bh4) as a hull colour candidate gene, we examined DNA sequence variation at this locus to study the parallel evolution of hull colour variation in the domesticated and weedy rice system. We find that independent Bh4‐coding mutations have arisen in African and Asian rice that are correlated with the straw hull phenotype, suggesting that the same gene is responsible for parallel trait evolution. For the U.S. weeds, Bh4 haplotype sequences support current hypotheses on the phylogenetic relationship between the two biotypes and domesticated Asian rice; straw hull weeds are most similar to indica crops, and black hull weeds are most similar to aus crops. Tests for selection indicate that Asian crops and straw hull weeds deviate from neutrality at this gene, suggesting possible selection on Bh4 during both rice domestication and de‐domestication.  相似文献   

Endocytosis is now considered a basic cellular process common to plant cells. Although both non-specific and receptor-mediated endocytosis appear to take place in plant cells, the physiological role of the latter remains unclear. We have investigated the endocytic process in rice cell suspensions using two biotinylated proteins, peroxidase and bovine serum albumin (bHRP and bBSA), as markers. First, we show that markers are internalized by rice cells and appear in intracellular membranes. The uptake of the two markers is temperature dependent, saturable with time and markers dose and it is competed by free biotin. Thus, it shows the properties of a receptor-mediated process. We also show that uptake of markers is strongly influenced by growth phase as optimal uptake occurs during the lag phase, but the initiation of the exponential growth phase decreases uptake drastically. Arrest of the cell cycle by starvation of either a nutrient (phosphate) or a growth regulator (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid), both components of the culture medium, does not modify the rate of bBSA uptake. Subsequent readdition of these components results in growth recovery and a dramatic decrease in bBSA uptake. On the other hand, nocodazole treatment, a method to arrest the cell cycle by microtubule depolymerization, inhibited bBSA uptake. The possible causes for this arrest of endocytosis are discussed.  相似文献   

A rice semidwarfing gene, sd-1, known as the "green revolution gene," was isolated by positional cloning and revealed to encode gibberellin 20-oxidase, the key enzyme in the gibberellin biosynthesis pathway. Analysis of 3477 segregants using several PCR-based marker technologies, including cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence, derived-CAPS, and single nucleotide polymorphisms revealed 1 ORF in a 6-kb candidate interval. Normal-type rice cultivars have an identical sequence in this region, consisting of 3 exons (558, 318, and 291 bp) and 2 introns (105 and 1471 bp). Dee-Geo-Woo-Gen-type sd-1 mutants have a 383-bp deletion from the genome (278-bp deletion from the expressed sequence), from the middle of exon 1 to upstream of exon 2, including a 105-bp intron, resulting in a frame-shift that produces a termination codon after the deletion site. The radiation-induced sd-1 mutant Calrose 76 has a 1-bp substitution in exon 2, causing an amino acid substitution (Leu [CTC] to Phe [TTC]). Expression analysis suggests the existence of at least one more locus of gibberellin 20-oxidase which may prevent severe dwarfism from developing in sd-1 mutants.  相似文献   

Crop tolerance to flooding is an important agronomic trait. Although rice (Oryza sativa) is considered a flood‐tolerant crop, only limited cultivars display tolerance to prolonged submergence, which is largely attributed to the presence of the SUB1A gene. Wild Oryza species have the potential to unveil adaptive mechanisms and shed light on the basis of submergence tolerance traits. In this study, we screened 109 Oryza genotypes belonging to different rice genome groups for flooding tolerance. Oryza nivara and Oryza rufipogon accessions, belonging to the A‐genome group, together with Oryza sativa, showed a wide range of submergence responses, and the tolerance‐related SUB1A‐1 and the intolerance‐related SUB1A‐2 alleles were found in tolerant and sensitive accessions, respectively. Flooding‐tolerant accessions of Oryza rhizomatis and Oryza eichingeri, belonging to the C‐genome group, were also identified. Interestingly, SUB1A was absent in these species, which possess a SUB1 orthologue with high similarity to O. sativa SUB1C. The expression patterns of submergence‐induced genes in these rice genotypes indicated limited induction of anaerobic genes, with classical anaerobic proteins poorly induced in O. rhizomatis under submergence. The results indicated that SUB1A‐1 is not essential to confer submergence tolerance in the wild rice genotypes belonging to the C‐genome group, which show instead a SUB1A‐independent response to submergence.  相似文献   

Current hypotheses of gene duplicate divergence propose that surviving members of a gene duplicate pair may evolve, under conditions of purifying or nearly neutral selection, in one of two ways: with new function arising in one duplicate while the other retains original function (neofunctionalization [NF]) or partitioning of the original function between the 2 paralogs (subfunctionalization [SF]). More recent studies propose that SF followed by NF (subneofunctionalization [SNF]) explains the divergence of many duplicate genes. In this analysis, we evaluate these hypotheses in the context of the large monosaccharide transporter (MST) gene families in Arabidopsis and rice. MSTs have an ancient origin, predating plants, and have evolved in the seed plant lineage to comprise 7 subfamilies. In Arabidopsis, 53 putative MST genes have been identified, with one subfamily greatly expanded by tandem gene duplications. We searched the rice genome for members of the MST gene family and compared them with the MST gene family in Arabidopsis to determine subfamily expansion patterns and estimate gene duplicate divergence times. We tested hypotheses of gene duplicate divergence in 24 paralog pairs by comparing protein sequence divergence rates, estimating positive selection on codon sites, and analyzing tissue expression patterns. Results reveal the MST gene family to be significantly larger (65) in rice with 2 subfamilies greatly expanded by tandem duplications. Gene duplicate divergence time estimates indicate that early diversification of most subfamilies occurred in the Proterozoic (2500-540 Myr) and that expansion of large subfamilies continued through the Cenozoic (65-0 Myr). Two-thirds of paralog pairs show statistically symmetric rates of sequence evolution, most consistent with the SF model, with half of those showing evidence for positive selection in one or both genes. Among 8 paralog pairs showing asymmetric divergence rates, most consistent with the NF model, nearly half show evidence of positive selection. Positive selection does not appear in any duplicate pairs younger than approximately 34 Myr. Our data suggest that the NF, SF, and SNF models describe different outcomes along a continuum of divergence resulting from initial conditions of relaxed constraint after duplication.  相似文献   

Abstract 1 The effects of feeding by larvae of the rice water weevil, Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus Kuschel, on the growth and yield components of rice, Oryza sativa, were evaluated using four varieties of rice, ‘Cocodrie’, ‘Cypress’, ‘Bengal’ and ‘XP1003’, over 2 years. 2 Both adults and larvae of L. oryzophilus feed on rice plants, but it is feeding by the larval stage that causes economic losses. Feeding by L. oryzophilus larvae resulted in extensive damage to root systems. Pruning of root systems resulted in a decrease in tiller number and shoot biomass of rice plants in the vegetative stage of growth. 3 Yield losses were due to a combination of decreases in panicle densities, numbers of grains per panicle, and grain weights. Decreases in panicle densities were a direct result of the reductions in tiller numbers. Reductions in numbers of grains per panicle and grain weights probably resulted from decreases in shoot biomass. 4 Injury by rice water weevil larvae is chronic. The tillering stage of rice suffered the majority of weevil damage, but the growth effects were not manifested until later.  相似文献   

Although susceptibility to seed shattering causes severe yield loss during cereal crop harvest, it is an adaptive trait for seed dispersal in wild plants. We previously identified a recessive shattering locus, sh-h , from the rice shattering mutant line Hsh that carries an enhanced abscission layer. Here, we further mapped sh-h to a 34-kb region on chromosome 7 by analyzing 240 F2 plants and five F3 lines from the cross between Hsh and Blue&Gundil. Hsh had a point mutation at the 3' splice site of the seventh intron within LOC_Os07g10690, causing a 15-bp deletion of its mRNA as a result of altered splicing. Two transferred DNA (T-DNA) insertion mutants and one point mutant exhibited the enhanced shattering phenotype, confirming that LOC_Os07g10690 is indeed the sh-h gene. RNA interference (RNAi) transgenic lines with suppressed expression of this gene exhibited greater shattering. This gene, which encodes a protein containing a conserved carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) phosphatase domain, was named Oryza sativa CTD phosphatase-like 1 ( OsCPL1 ). Subcellular localization and biochemical analysis revealed that the OsCPL1 protein is a nuclear phosphatase, a common characteristic of metazoan CTD phosphatases involved in cell differentiation. These results demonstrate that OsCPL1 represses differentiation of the abscission layer during panicle development.  相似文献   

In a screen for MADS box genes which activate and/or repress flowering in rice, we identified a gene encoding a MADS domain protein (OsSOC1) related to the Arabidopsis gene AtSOC1. AtSOC1 and OsSOC1 show a 97% amino acid similarity in their MADS domain. The rice gene contains a large first intron of 27.6 kb compared to the 1 kb intron in Arabidopsis. OsSOC1 is located on top of the short arm of chromosome 3, tightly linked to the heading date locus, Hd9. OsSOC1 is expressed in vegetative tissues, and expression is elevated at the time of floral initiation, 40-50 days after sowing, and remains uniformly high thereafter, similar to the expression pattern of AtSOC1. The constitutive expression of OsSOC1 in Arabidopsis results in early flowering, suggesting that the rice gene is a functional equivalent of AtSOC1. We were not able to identify FLC-like sequences in the rice genome; however, we show that ectopic expression of the Arabidopsis FLC delays flowering in rice, and the up-regulation of OsSOC1 at the onset of flowering initiation is delayed in the AtFLC transgenic lines. The reciprocal recognition and flowering time effects of genes introduced into either Arabidopsis or rice suggest that some components of the flowering pathways may be shared. This points to a potential application in the manipulation of flowering time in cereals using well characterized Arabidopsis genes.  相似文献   

We studied physiological mechanisms of photoavoidance and photoprotection of a dwarf rice mutant with erect leaves, d1, in which the RGA1 gene, which encodes the Gα subunit of the heterotrimeric G protein, is non‐functional. Leaves of d1 exhibit lower leaf temperature and higher photochemical reflectance index relative to wild type (WT), indicative of increased photoavoidance and more efficient light harvesting. RNA sequencing analysis of flag leaves revealed that messenger RNA levels of genes encoding heat shock proteins, enzymes associated with chlorophyll breakdown, and ROS scavengers were down‐regulated in d1. By contrast, genes encoding proteins associated with light harvesting, Photosystem II, cyclic electron transport, Photosystem I, and chlorophyll biosynthesis were up‐regulated in d1. Consistent with these observations, when WT and d1 plants were experimentally subjected to the same light intensity, d1 plants exhibited a greater capacity to dissipate excess irradiance (increased nonphotochemical quenching) relative to WT. The increased capacity in d1 for both photoavoidance and photoprotection reduced sustained photoinhibitory damage, as revealed by a higher Fv/Fm. We therefore propose RGA1 as a regulator of photoavoidance and photoprotection mechanisms in rice and highlight the prospect of exploiting modulation of heterotrimeric G protein signalling to increase these characteristics and improve the yield of cereals in the event of abiotic stress.  相似文献   

Auxin and cadmium (Cd) stress play critical roles during root development. There are only a few reports on the mechanisms by which Cd stress influences auxin homeostasis and affects primary root (PR) and lateral root (LR) development, and almost nothing is known about how auxin and Cd interfere with root hair (RH) development. Here, we characterize rice osaux1 mutants that have a longer PR and shorter RHs in hydroponic culture, and that are more sensitive to Cd stress compared to wild‐type (Dongjin). OsAUX1 expression in root hair cells is different from that of its paralogous gene, AtAUX1, which is expressed in non‐hair cells. However, OsAUX1, like AtAUX1, localizes at the plasma membrane and appears to function as an auxin tranporter. Decreased auxin distribution and contents in the osaux1 mutant result in reduction of OsCyCB1;1 expression and shortened PRs, LRs and RHs under Cd stress, but may be rescued by treatment with the membrane‐permeable auxin 1‐naphthalene acetic acid. Treatment with the auxin transport inhibitors 1‐naphthoxyacetic acid and N‐1‐naphthylphthalamic acid increased the Cd sensitivity of WT rice. Cd contents in the osaux1 mutant were not altered, but reactive oxygen species‐mediated damage was enhanced, further increasing the sensitivity of the osaux1 mutant to Cd stress. Taken together, our results indicate that OsAUX1 plays an important role in root development and in responses to Cd stress.  相似文献   

The metabolism of organic dormancy-breaking chemicals is poorly defined and may provide clues to their mode of action. Therefore, hydrated, dormant seeds of red rice ( Oryza sativa L.) were exposed to dormancy-breaking treatments of propionate-2-13C (22 m W ) or propanol-1-13C (75 m M ) for 24 h at 30°C. Embryo extracts were analyzed by 13C-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Metabolism of propionate and propanol to 3-hydroxypropionate, an intermediate of the modified β-oxidation pathway, was detected after 2 and 4 h, respectively. This occurred prior to the onset of dormancy-breaking which required 12 h of chemical exposure. Accumulation of 3-hydroxypropionate was rapid and linear in the embryos of propionate-treated seeds. In the embryos of propanol-treated seeds, the level of 3-hydroxypropionate reached a plateau at 4 h. Following 24 h of contact with propionate, labeled citrate was detected in the embryos. The decrease in tissue pH associated with the dormancy-breaking process was fully accounted for by direct acid uptake and metabolic production of 3-hydroxypropionate.  相似文献   

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