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1. We evaluated the effects of brown trout on boreal stream food webs using field surveys and enclosure/exclosure experiments. Experimental results were related to prey preference of uncaged trout in the same stream, as well as to a survey of macroinvertebrate densities in streams with vs. without trout. Finally, we assessed the generality of our findings by examining salmonid predation on three groups of macroinvertebrate prey (chironomid midges, epibenthic grazers, invertebrate predators) in a meta-analysis. 2. In a preliminary experiment, invertebrate predators showed a strong negative response to trout, whereas chironomids benefited from trout presence. In the main experiment, trout impact increased with prey size. Trout had the strongest effect on invertebrate predators and cased caddis larvae, whereas Baetis mayfly and chironomid larvae were unaffected. Trout impact on the largest prey seemed mainly consumptive, because prey emigration rates were low and independent of fish presence. Despite strong effects on macroinvertebrates, trout did not induce a trophic cascade on periphyton. Uncaged trout showed a strong preference for the largest prey items (predatory invertebrates and aerial prey), whereas Baetis mayflies and chironomids were avoided by trout. 3. Densities of invertebrate predators were significantly higher in troutless streams. Baetis mayflies also were less abundant in trout streams, whereas densities of chironomids were positively, although non-significantly, related to trout presence. Meta-analysis showed a strong negative impact of trout on invertebrate predators, a negative but variable impact on mobile grazers (mainly mayfly larvae) and a slightly positive impact on chironomid larvae. 4. Being size-selective predators, salmonid fishes have a strong impact on the largest prey types available, and this effect spans several domains of scale. Discrepancies between our experimental findings and those from the field survey and meta-analysis show, however, that for most lotic prey, small-scale experiments do not reflect fish impact reliably at stream-wide scales. 5. Our findings suggest that small-scale experiments will be useful only if the experimental results are evaluated carefully against natural history information about the experimental system and interacting species across a wide array of spatial scales.  相似文献   

Predator impacts on stream benthic prey   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
David Wooster 《Oecologia》1994,99(1-2):7-15
The impact that predators have on benthic, macroinvertebrate prey density in streams is unclear. While some studies show a strong effect of predators on prey density, others show little or no effect. Two factors appear to influence the detection of predator impact on prey density in streams. First, many field studies have small sample sizes and thus might be unable to detect treatment effects. Second, streams contain two broad classes of predators, invertebrates and vertebrates, which might have different impacts on prey density for a variety of reasons, including availability of refuge for prey and prey emigration responses to the two types of predators. In addition, predatory vertebrates have more complex prey communities than predatory invertebrates; this complexity might reduce the impact that predatory vertebrates have on prey because of indirect effects. I conducted a meta-analysis on the results of field studies that manipulate predator density in enclosures to determine (1) if predators have a significant impact on benthic prey density in streams, (2) if the impacts that predatory invertebrates and vertebrates have differ, and (3) if predatory vertebrates have different impacts on predatory prey versus herbivorous prey. The results of the meta-analysis suggest that on average predators have a significant negative effect on prey density, predatory invertebrates have a significantly stronger impact than predatory vertebrates, and predatory vertebrates do not differ in their impact on predatory versus herbivorous invertebrate prey. Three methodological variables (mesh size of enclosures, size of enclosures, and experimental duration) were examined to determine if cross correlations exist that may explain the differences in impact between predatory invertebrates and vertebrates. No correlation exists between mesh size and predator impact. Over all predators, no correlation exists between experimental duration and predator impact; however, within predatory invertebrates a correlation does exist between these variables. Also, a correlation was found between enclosure size and predator impact. This correlation potentially explains the difference in impact between predatory invertebrates and predatory vertebrates. Results of the meta-analysis suggest two important areas for future research: (1) manipulate both types of predators within the same system, and (2) examine their impacts on the same spatial scale.  相似文献   

In order to estimate predation risk in nature, two basic components of predation need to be quantified: prey vulnerability, and density risk. Prey vulnerability can be estimated from clearance rates obtained from enclosure experiments with and without predators. Density risk is a function of predator density, and the spatial and temporal overlap of the predator and prey populations. In the current study we examine the importance of the vertical component of overlap in making accurate estimates of predation risk from the invertebrate predator Mesocyclops edax on rotifer versus crustacean prey. The results indicate that assumptions of uniform predator and prey densities cause a significant underestimation of predation risk for many crustacean prey due to the coincident vertical migration of these prey with the predator. The assumption of uniformity is more reasonable for estimating predation risk for most rotifer prey.  相似文献   

Jonas Dahl 《Oecologia》1998,117(1-2):217-226
I assessed the impact of both vertebrate and invertebrate predators on a lotic benthic community in a 1-month-long experiment, using enclosures containing cobble/gravel bottoms, with large-mesh netting that allowed invertebrates to drift freely. Brown trout (Salmo trutta) and leeches (Erpobdella octoculata) were used as predators and four treatments were tested: a predator-free control, leeches only, trout only, and leeches and trout together. A density of 26.7 leeches/m2 (20 leeches/enclosure) and 1.3 trout/m2 (one trout per enclosure) was stocked into the enclosures. The total biomass of invertebrate prey was significantly lower in the trout and trout plus leech treatments than in the leech and control treatments, which were due to strong negative effects of trout on Gammarus. On the individual prey taxon level, both trout and leeches affected the abundance of Asellus , Baetis and Ephemerella, whereas the abundance of Gammarus was only affected by trout, and the abundance of Orthocladiinae and Limnephilidae was only affected by leeches. In the treatment with trout and leeches together, the abundance of Ephemerella and Baetis was higher than when trout or leeches were alone, which was probably due to predator interactions. Leeches and trout had no effects on prey immigration but did affect per capita emigration rates. Both trout and leeches indirectly increased periphyton biomass in enclosures, probably due to their strong effects on grazers. Both trout and leeches were size-selective predators, with trout selecting large prey, and leeches selecting small prey. Size-selective predation by trout and leeches affected the size structure of five commonly consumed prey taxa. Trout produced prey populations of small sizes owing to consumption of large prey as well as increased emigration out of enclosures by these large prey. Leech predation produced prey assemblages of larger size owing to consumption and increased emigration of small prey. These results suggest that in lotic habits, predatory invertebrates can be as strong interactors as vertebrate predators. Received: 23 June 1997 / Accepted: 4 May 1998  相似文献   

We use a model of open predation experiments to define scale domains that differ in terms of the controlling processes and scale dependence of predator impacts. For experimental arenas that are small compared to the movements of the prey (small scale domain) the model predicts that predator impacts are scale independent and controlled by prey movements. For arenas of intermediate scale we predict that predator impacts are scale dependent and controlled by both prey movements and direct predation, and for the largest scale domain we predict weak scale dependence and predation control.
We propose that the scale‐domain concept is useful when designing and interpreting field experiments. As an illustration we apply the concept to experiments examining predator effects on the stream benthos. First, we test two key assumptions of the underlying model: that area‐specific prey migration rates decrease with increasing size of experimental arenas and that predation rates are independent of arena size. For this purpose we used published estimates of prey emigration and predator consumption rates for nine studies examining the effects of stream predators on benthic prey. We found that prey per capita emigration rates but not predation rates decreased with increasing arena length.
Second, we demonstrate a method for identifying the scale domain of real experiments. The model of predation experiments was parameterized using experimental data and the expected spatial and temporal scale dependence of predator impacts on prey in these experiments was simulated. The simulations suggest that the studies conducted in the largest arenas (length 15–35 m) should be classified as large‐scale, consumption‐controlled experiments, whereas the experiments conducted in smaller arenas (length 1.5–6 m) should be classified as small or intermediate‐scale. We also attempted to determine the scale domain of the experiments in a large data set, including results from most published stream predation experiments. The majority of arenas used in these experiments (73%) were smaller than 1 m in length. Our data on the scale dependence of predation and prey migration rate suggest that experiments in this scale range (<1 m) should be classified as small‐scale, movement‐controlled experiments for most prey taxa.  相似文献   

David E. Wooster 《Oecologia》1998,115(1-2):253-259
Recent theoretical work suggests that predator impact on local prey density will be the result of interactions between prey emigration responses to predators and predator consumption of prey. Whether prey increase or decrease their movement rates in response to predators will greatly influence the impact that predators have on prey density. In stream systems the type of predator, benthic versus water-column, is expected to influence whether prey increase or decrease their movement rates. Experiments were conducted to examine the response of amphipods (Gammarus minus) to benthic and water-column predators and to examine the interplay between amphipod response to predators and predator consumption of prey in determining prey density. Amphipods did not respond to nor were they consumed by the benthic predator. Thus, this predator had no impact on amphipod density. In contrast, amphipods did respond to two species of water-column predators (the predatory fish bluegills, Lepomis macrochirus, and striped shiners, Luxilus chrysocephalus) by decreasing their activity rates. This response led to similar positive effects on amphipod density at night by both species of predatory fish. However, striped shiners did not consume many amphipods, suggesting their impact on the whole amphipod “population” was zero. In contrast, bluegills consumed a significant number of amphipods, and thus had a negative impact on the amphipod “population”. These results lend support to theoretical work which suggests that prey behavioral responses to predators can mask the true impact that predators have on prey populations when experiments are conducted at small scales. Received: 21 March 1997 / Accepted: 15 December 1997  相似文献   

Turesson H  Brönmark C 《Oecologia》2007,153(2):281-290
One of the most fundamental components of predator–prey models is encounter rate, modelled as the product of prey density and search efficiency. Encounter rates have, however, rarely been measured in empirical studies. In this study, we used a video system approach to estimate how encounter rates between piscivorous fish that use a sit-and-wait foraging strategy and their prey depend on prey density and environmental factors such as turbidity. We first manipulated prey density in a controlled pool and field enclosure experiments where environmental factors were held constant. In a correlative study of 15 freshwater lakes we then estimated encounter rates in natural habitats and related the results to both prey fish density and environmental factors. We found the expected positive dependence of individual encounter rates on prey density in our pool and enclosure experiments, whereas the relation between school encounter rate and prey density was less clear. In the field survey, encounter rates did not correlate with prey density but instead correlated positively with water transparency. Water transparency decreases with increasing prey density along the productivity gradient and will reduce prey detection distance and thus predator search efficiency. Therefore, visual predator–prey encounter rates do not increase, and may even decrease, with increasing productivity despite increasing prey densities.  相似文献   

 Because cannibals are potentially both predator and prey, the presence of conspecifics and alternative prey may act together to influence the rate at which cannibals prey upon each other or emigrate from a habitat patch. Wolf spiders (Lycosidae) are cannibalistic-generalist predators that hunt for prey with a sit-and-wait strategy characterized by changes in foraging site. Little information is available on how both prey abundance and the presence of conspecifics influence patch quality for these cursorial, non-web-building spiders. To address this question, laboratory experiments were conducted with spiderlings and older juveniles of the lycosid genus Schizocosa. The presence of insect prey consistently reduced rates of spider emigration when spiders were housed either alone or in groups. Solitary juvenile Schizocosa that had been recently collected from the field exhibited a median giving-up time (GUT) of 10 h in the absence of prey (Collembola); providing Collembola increased the median GUT to 64 h. For solitary spiders, the absence of prey increased by about fourfold the rate of emigration during the first 24 h. In contrast, for spiders in patches with a high density of conspecifics, the absence of prey increased the 24-h emigration rate by only 1.6-fold. For successful cannibals in the no-prey patches, the presence of conspecifics improved patch quality by providing a source of food. Mortality by cannibalism was affected by both prey availability and openness of the patch to net emigration. In patches with no net emigration, the presence of prey reduced rates of cannibalism from 79% to 57%. Spiders in patches open to emigration but not immigration experienced a rate of cannibalism (16%) that was independent of prey availability. The results of these experiments indicate that for a cannibalistic forager such as the wolf spider Schizocosa, (1) the presence of conspecifics can improve average patch quality when prey are absent, and (2) cannibalism has the potential to be a significant mortality factor under natural field conditions because cannibalism persisted in prey patches that were open to emigration. Received: 12 April 1996 / Accepted: 14 August 1996  相似文献   

Scale dependent effects of predatory fish on stream benthos   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Göran Englund 《Oikos》2005,111(1):19-30
In open predation experiments the effects of predators on prey densities can be influenced by predator consumption and by prey movements in to and out of experimental arenas. A published model predicts that the predator effects observed in such experiments are scale dependent over the scale range where there is a transition from movement control (of prey densities) to consumption control. The scale dependence follows from the assumption that per capita rate of emigration out of an experimental arena decreases with increasing arena size.
To test this model the effects of a small benthic fish ( Cottus gobio ) on densities of stream invertebrates was investigated in instream channels of different length (0.5, 2 and 8 m). The effect of fish predation was scale dependent for four prey taxa. For three of these taxa predator effects increased with experimental scale, which is in agreement with model predictions. However, this proved to be a case of "making the right prediction for the wrong reason" as the basic assumption of scale dependent emigration rate was not upheld. By analyzing the behaviour of the model, parameterized with emigration and consumption rates observed in the experimental channels, it was found that observed scale effects occurred because prey emigration in response to the predator treatment was modified by the experimental scale. Further analysis of the parameterized model suggested that the densities of most prey taxa were controlled by prey movements and not by consumption by the sculpins.  相似文献   

C. Bernstein 《Oecologia》1984,61(1):134-142
Summary Some of the processes that influence the emigration of prey and predatory mites from bean plants were investigated experimentally. The emigration of the prey depends on the damage they cause to the plants and on predator density. The predator's emigration rate is a decreasing function of prey density, and does not change (or it slightly decreases) when prey and predator numbers are increased maintaining the same prey/predator ratio. The probability of emigration of the predators is independent of their own density when prey are absent and density dependent when prey density is kep constant. Forty three per cent of the variability in the predator's instantaneous rate of emigration in the different experiments is accounted for by a two parameter negative exponential function of capture rate (number of prey eaten per predator and per unit of time).  相似文献   

Synopsis We investigated prey selection by the monkfish, Lophius upsicephalus. This sit-and-wait predator preferentially selected prey types that would be expected to react to the lure of the illicium. Prey size selection was dependent on predator size, with larger predators feeding on a wider range of prey sizes.  相似文献   

Predators and prey are often engaged in a game where their expected fitnesses are affected by their relative spatial distributions. Game models generally predict that when predators and prey move at similar temporal and spatial scales that predators should distribute themselves to match the distribution of the prey's resources and that prey should be relatively uniformly distributed. These predictions should better apply to sit-and-pursue and sit-and-wait predators, who must anticipate the spatial distributions of their prey, than active predators that search for their prey. We test this with an experiment observing the spatial distributions and estimating the causes of movements between patches for Pacific tree frog tadpoles (Pseudacris regilla), a sit-and-pursue dragonfly larvae predator (Rhionaeschna multicolor), and an active salamander larval predator (Ambystoma tigrinum mavortium) when a single species was in the arena and when the prey was with one of the predators. We find that the sit-and-pursue predator favors patches with more of the prey's algae resources when the prey is not in the experimental arena and that the prey, when in the arena with this predator, do not favor patches with more resources. We also find that the active predator does not favor patches with more algae and that prey, when with an active predator, continue to favor these higher resource patches. These results suggest that the hunting modes of predators impact their spatial distributions and the spatial distributions of their prey, which has potential to have cascading effects on lower trophic levels.  相似文献   

Classical ecological theory states that in tri-trophic systems, predators indirectly facilitate plants by reducing herbivore densities through consumption, while more recent work has revealed that predators can generate the same positive effect on plants non-consumptively by inducing changes in herbivore traits (e.g. feeding rates). Based on observations in US salt marshes dominated by vast monocultures of cordgrass, we hypothesized that sit-and-wait substrate-dwelling predators (crabs) could actually strengthen per capita impacts of potent grazers (snails), by non-consumptively inducing a vertical habitat shift of snails to their predation refuge high on canopy leaves that are vulnerable to grazing. A two-month field experiment supported this hypothesis, revealing that predators non-consumptively increased the mean climbing height of snails on grasses, increased grazing damage per leaf and ultimately suppressed cordgrass biomass, relative to controls. While seemingly counterintuitive, our results can be explained by (i) the vulnerability of refuge resources to grazing, and (ii) universal traits that drove the vertical habitat shift--i.e. relative habitat domains of predator and prey, and the hunting mode of the top predator. These results underline the fact that not only should we continue to incorporate non-consumptive effects into our understanding of top-down predator impacts, but we should do so in a spatially explicit manner.  相似文献   

Alien predators are widely considered to be more harmful to prey populations than native predators. To evaluate this expectation, we conducted a meta-analysis of the responses of vertebrate prey in 45 replicated and 35 unreplicated field experiments in which the population densities of mammalian and avian predators had been manipulated. Our results showed that predator origin (native versus alien) had a highly significant effect on prey responses, with alien predators having an impact double that of native predators. Also the interaction between location (mainland versus island) and predator origin was significant, revealing the strongest effects with alien predators in mainland areas. Although both these results were mainly influenced by the huge impact of alien predators on the Australian mainland compared with their impact elsewhere, the results demonstrate that introduced predators can impose more intense suppression on remnant populations of native species and hold them further from their predator-free densities than do native predators preying upon coexisting prey.  相似文献   

Structurally complex habitats provide cover and may hinder the movement of animals. In predator–prey relationships, habitat structure can decrease predation risk when it provides refuges for prey or hinders foraging activity of predators. However, it may also provide shelter, supporting structures and perches for sit-and-wait predators and hence increase their predation rates. We tested the effect of habitat structure on prey mortality in aquatic invertebrates in short-term laboratory predation trials that differed in the presence or absence of artificial vegetation. The effect of habitat structure on prey mortality was context dependent as it changed with predator and prey microhabitat use. Specifically, we observed an ‘anti-refuge’ effect of added vegetation: phytophilous predators that perched on the plants imposed higher predation pressure on planktonic prey, while mortality of benthic prey decreased. Predation by benthic and planktonic predators on either type of prey remained unaffected by the presence of vegetation. Our results show that the effects of habitat structure on predator–prey interactions are more complex than simply providing prey refuges or cover for predators. Such context-specific effects of habitat complexity may alter the coupling of different parts of the ecosystem, such as pelagic and benthic habitats, and ultimately affect food web stability through cascading effects on individual life histories and trophic link strengths.  相似文献   

A detailed sensitivity analysis of a model of a predator-prey system comprised of Tetranychus urticae and Phytoseiulus persimilis was performed. The aim was to assess the relative importance of the life history parameters of both species, the functional response, and the components of the numerical response. In addition, the impact of the initial predator-prey ratio and the timing of predator introduction were tested. Results indicated that the most important factors in the system were relative rates of predator and prey development, the time of onset of predator oviposition, and the mode of the predator's oviposition curve. The total oviposition of the predator, the effect of prey consumption on predator oviposition, and predator searching were important under some conditions. Factors of moderate importance were the adult female predator's functional response, total prey oviposition, the mode of the prey's oviposition curve, abiotic mortality of the pre-adult predator, and the effect of prey consumption on predator development and on the immature predator's mortality. Factors of least importance were the variances of the predator's and prey's oviposition curves, the abiotic mortality of the adult predator, the abiotic mortality of the pre-adult and adult prey, the functional response of the nymphal and adult male predators, and the effect of prey consumption on adult predator mortality. The sex ratios had little effect, except when the proportion of female predators was very low. The initial predator-prey ratio and time of predator introduction had significant impacts on system behavior, though the patterns of impact were different.  相似文献   

The impact of increasing vertebrate predator numbers on bird populations is widely debated among the general public, game managers and conservationists across Europe. However, there are few systematic reviews of whether predation limits the population sizes of European bird species. Views on the impacts of predation are particularly polarised in the UK, probably because the UK has a globally exceptional culture of intensive, high‐yield gamebird management where predator removal is the norm. In addition, most apex predators have been exterminated or much depleted in numbers, contributing to a widely held perception that the UK has high numbers of mesopredators. This has resulted in many high‐quality studies of mesopredator impacts over several decades. Here we present results from a systematic review of predator trends and abundance, and assess whether predation limits the population sizes of 90 bird species in the UK. Our results confirm that the generalist predators Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) and Crows (Corvus corone and C. cornix) occur at high densities in the UK compared with other European countries. In addition, some avian and mammalian predators have increased numerically in the UK during recent decades. Despite these high and increasing densities of predators, we found little evidence that predation limits populations of pigeons, woodpeckers and passerines, whereas evidence suggests that ground‐nesting seabirds, waders and gamebirds can be limited by predation. Using life‐history characteristics of prey species, we found that mainly long‐lived species with high adult survival and late onset of breeding were limited by predation. Single‐brooded species were also more likely to be limited by predation than multi‐brooded species. Predators that depredate prey species during all life stages (i.e. from nest to adult stages) limited prey numbers more than predators that depredated only specific life stages (e.g. solely during the nest phase). The Red Fox and non‐native mammals (e.g. the American Mink Neovison vison) were frequently identified as numerically limiting their prey species. Our review has identified predator–prey interactions that are particularly likely to result in population declines of prey species. In the short term, traditional predator‐management techniques (e.g. lethal control or fencing to reduce predation by a small number of predator species) could be used to protect these vulnerable species. However, as these techniques are costly and time‐consuming, we advocate that future research should identify land‐use practices and landscape configurations that would reduce predator numbers and predation rates.  相似文献   

  1. Predation is a pervasive force that structures food webs and directly influences ecosystem functioning. The relative body sizes of predators and prey may be an important determinant of interaction strengths. However, studies quantifying the combined influence of intra‐ and interspecific variation in predator–prey body size ratios are lacking.
  2. We use a comparative functional response approach to examine interaction strengths between three size classes of invasive bluegill and largemouth bass toward three scaled size classes of their tilapia prey. We then quantify the influence of intra‐ and interspecific predator–prey body mass ratios on the scaling of attack rates and handling times.
  3. Type II functional responses were displayed by both predators across all predator and prey size classes. Largemouth bass consumed more than bluegill at small and intermediate predator size classes, while large predators of both species were more similar. Small prey were most vulnerable overall; however, differential attack rates among prey were emergent across predator sizes. For both bluegill and largemouth bass, small predators exhibited higher attack rates toward small and intermediate prey sizes, while larger predators exhibited greater attack rates toward large prey. Conversely, handling times increased with prey size, with small bluegill exhibiting particularly low feeding rates toward medium–large prey types. Attack rates for both predators peaked unimodally at intermediate predator–prey body mass ratios, while handling times generally shortened across increasing body mass ratios.
  4. We thus demonstrate effects of body size ratios on predator–prey interaction strengths between key fish species, with attack rates and handling times dependent on the relative sizes of predator–prey participants.
  5. Considerations for intra‐ and interspecific body size ratio effects are critical for predicting the strengths of interactions within ecosystems and may drive differential ecological impacts among invasive species as size ratios shift.

Flowers attract insects and so are commonly exploited as foraging sites by sit-and-wait predators. Such predators can be costly to their host plant by consuming pollinators. However, sit-and-wait predators are often prey generalists that also consume plant antagonists such as herbivores, nectar robbers and granivores, so may also provide benefits to their host plant. Here we present a simple, but general, model that provides novel predictions about how costs and benefits interact in different ecological circumstances. The model predicts that the ecological conditions in which flower-dwelling predators are found can generate either net benefits to their host plants, net costs to their host plants, or can have no effect on the fitness of their host plants. The net effect is influenced by the relative densities of mutualists and antagonists. The flower-dwelling predator has a strong positive effect on the plant if both the pollinators and the granivores are at high density. Further, the range of density combinations that yield a positive net outcome for the plant increases if the performance of pollinators is negatively density dependent, if the predator is only moderately effective at influencing flower visitor rates by its potential prey, and if pollinators are very effective. If plants of a given species find themselves consistently in conditions where they benefit from the presence of a predator then we predict that natural selection could favour the evolution of plant traits that increase the likelihood of predator recruitment and retention, especially where plants are served by highly effective pollinators.  相似文献   

Predation among aquatic invertebrate predators can have important effects on patterns of exclusion and coexistence in aquatic habitats, especially if these predators also act as intraguild predators. Such patterns may be explained by variation in predator foraging mode and in the extent and overlap of habitat use. Predaceous diving beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) are abundant in isolated bodies of water and are effective predators on many aquatic organisms, including other dytiscids. The under-investigated role of hunting behavior and habitat use in altering outcomes of predation under different plant densities may offer insights into patterns of coexistence among larval dytiscids. I performed experiments that quantified behavior of larvae of three common genera of dytiscids that share common prey and then measured predation among genera in the presence or absence of aquatic plants. Behavioral analyses concluded that there were significant differences in foraging modes, with Dytiscus primarily exhibiting sit-and-wait tactics, Graphoderus engaging in active, open water searching, and Rhantus displaying combinations of these behaviors. Predation among larvae was common and occurred when predators were larger than the prey, with no indication of prey preference. Incidence of predation among generic combinations depended on the presence of plants and appeared to be related to behavioral differences among genera. The presence or absence of plants and differences in larval behavior may help to mitigate predation by reducing negative interactions in natural aquatic systems. These results have implications for IGP interactions and may be one of the explanations for the observed richness of this group of predators within aquatic habitats.  相似文献   

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