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Summary Diffusion of small nonelectrolytes through planar lipid bilayer membranes (egg phosphatidylcholine-decane) was examined by correlating the permeability coefficients of 22 solutes with their partition coefficients between water and four organic solvents. High correlations were observed with hexadecane and olive oil (r=0.95 and 0.93), but not octanol and ether (r=0.75 and 0.74). Permeabilities of the seven smallest molecules (mol wt <50) (water, hydrofluoric acid, hydrochloric acid, ammonia, methylamine, formic acid and formamide) were 2- to 15-fold higher than the values predicted by the permeabilities of the larger molecules (50相似文献   

Summary Literature data suggest that water accumulation by the human fetus is driven by osmotic gradients of small solutes. However, the existence of such gradients has not been supported by prior measurements. Attempts to estimate the size of the gradient necessary to drive net water movement have been seriously hampered by the lack of permeability data for the syncytiotrophoblast membranes. Stopped-flow light scattering techniques were employed to measure the osmotic water permeability (P f )of microvillous (MVM) and basal membrane (BM) vesicles isolated from human term placenta. At 37°C, the P f was determined to be 1.9±0.06 × 10+–3 cm/sec for MVM and 3.1±0.20 × 10+–3 cm/sec for BM (mean ±SD, n = 6). At 23°C, P f was reduced to 0.7±0.04 × 10+–3 cm/sec in MVM and 1.6±0.05 × 10+–3 cm/sec in BM. These P f values are comparable to those observed in membranes where water has been shown to permeate via a lipid diffusive mechanism. Arrhenius plots of P f over the range 20–40°C were linear, with activation energies of 13.6 ± 0.6 kcal/mol for MVM and 12.9±1.0 kcal/mol for BM. Water permeation was not affected by mercurial sulfhydryl agents and glucose transport inhibitors. These data clearly suggest that water movement across human syncytiotrophoblast membranes occurs by a lipid diffusion pathway. As noted in several other epithelial tissues, the basal membrane has a higher water permeability than the microvillous membrane. It is speculated that water accumulation by the human fetus could be driven by a solute gradient small enough to be within the error of osmolarity measurements.We thank the staff of the labor and delivery ward at University of San Francisco Medical Center for help in obtaining placental tissue. This work was supported by NIH grant HD 26392. Dr. Jansson was supported by the Sweden-America Foundation, The Swedish Society of Medicine, The Swedish Society for Medical Research, and the Swedish Medical Research Council.  相似文献   

1. 1. Anesthetic alcohols (pentanol, hexanol and heptanol) were found to increase the fluidity of red cell membrane lipids as monitored by the fluorescence depolarization of diphenylhexatriene. The relative potency of the alcohols was found to be parallel to their relative membrane/water partition coefficients.
2. 2. Hexanol had biphasic effect on erythritol uptake by simple diffusion by red cells. At concentrations less than 9 mM, hexanol had no significant effect. At concentrations greater than 9 mM, there was an approximately linear increase in erythritol permeability with increasing alcohol concentration.
3. 3. The facilitated transport of uridine was markedly inhibited by hexanol. Hexanol at 6 mM produced a 65% inhibition of uridine (4 mM) uptake. Hexanol decreased both the apparent Km and V values for the equilibrium exchange of uridine.
4. 4. The facilitated transport of galactose was only slightly inhibited by hexanol.
5. 5. Hexanol was without effect on the passive and active fluxes of Na+ and K+ in red cells with altered cation contents. Cells that were slightly depleted of K+ and cells that were highly K+-depleted were both insensitive to hexanol.
Keywords: Anesthetic alcohol; Transport; (Human erythrocyte membrane)  相似文献   

Summary Resealed human erythrocyte ghosts are regarded as valuable tools for the study of membrane properties. In order to investigate to what extent preparation procedures affect the yield of ghosts, their general properties, and their permeability, ghosts prepared by lysis at low (hypotonic media) and high (isotonic media) ionic strength were compared with each other and with native erythrocytes. For isotonic lysis, cells were either subjected to dielectric breakdown or suspended in isotonic NH4Cl solutions. In spite of very different characteristics of the lysis and the resealing process in the three types of preparations, the resulting ghosts do not differ in a number of features except for somewhat varying yields and for properties resulting from the mode of lysis.Specific transport properties, as characterized by the mediated fluxes ofm-erythritol,l-arabinose,l-lactate, and sulfate, proved to be unaltered with a few unsystematic exceptions. The simple nonmediated fluxes of all these permeants, as measured in the presence of inhibitors, however, were enhanced between 1.5- and 4-fold, indicating a somewhat increased ground permeability (of the lipid domain) in all ghost membranes.  相似文献   

Treatment of sickle red cells (SS homozygous) with a voltage pulse of less than 0.8 kV/cm and duration of 20 μs caused a change in the cell membrane, so as to facilitate the permeation of oxygen. The unsickling of the treated cells after a re-introduction of oxygen took place at a much faster rate. Neither leakages of Na+ and K+, nor a change in the cell volume occurred as the result of the low voltage pulsation. The effect of the voltage treatment persisted for hours at 25°C but disappeared rapidly at 37°C. The result suggests that a selective modification of membrane permeability may be achieved by the voltage pulsation technique.  相似文献   

The transport of several neutral amino acids by human erythrocytes in vitro was studied. The measurements made included steady-state distributions, kinetics of initial rates of uptake, effects of monovalent cations and anions, general mutual inhibitory interactions, kinetics of inhibitions, effluxes, ability to produce accelerative exchange diffusion, and the inhibitory action of the thiol reagent N-ethylmaleimide. The results are interpreted as showing that the human erythrocyte membrane possesses several distinct transport systems for these amino acids, including one Na+-dependent system and one dependent on both Na+ and a suitable anion, that are qualitatively similar to those systems previously described in pigeon erythrocytes and mammalian reticulocytes. Quantitatively, however, the systems differ among the different kinds of red cell and a major difference lies in their abilities to produce accelerative exchange diffusion.  相似文献   

Abtract Raman spectra were used to study the effects of the phosphorylated amino acids on the erythrocyte membrane. It was found that some phosphorylated amino acids might cause the polar part of the membrane phospholipid to become less ordered, the packing of the chains to become looser, and the end of the chain more ordered. Some of the phosphoamino acids cause the phospholipids' all-trans/gauche ratio to increase and some cause them to decrease. This could give some clues to the function of phosphorylated proteins in the biological process concerning the change in membrane mobility.  相似文献   

Summary The osmotic water permeabilityP f of brush border (BBM) and basolateral (BLM) membrane vesicles from rat small intestine and renal cortex was studied by means of stopped-flow spectrophotometry. Scattered light intensity was used to follow vesicular volume changes upon osmotic perturbation with hypertonic mannitol solutions. A theoretical analysis of the relationship of scattered light intensity and vesicular volume justified a simple exponential approximation of the change in scattered light intensity. The rate constants extracted from fits to an exponential function were proportional to the final medium osmolarity as predicted by theory. For intestinal membranes, computer analysis of optical responses fitted well with a single-exponential treatment. For renal membranes a double-exponential treatment was needed, implying two distinct vesicle populations.P f values for BBM and BLM preparations of small intestine were equal and amount to 60 m/sec. For renal preparations,P f values amount to 600 m/sec for the fast component, BBM as well as BLM, and to 50 (BBM) and 99 (BLM) m/sec for the slow component. The apparent activation energy for water permeation in intestinal membranes was 13.3±0.6 and in renal membranes, 1.0±0.3 kCal/mole, between 25 and 35°C. The mercurial sulfhydryl reagentpCMBS inhibited completely and reversibly the highP f value in renal brush border preparations. These observations suggest that in intestinal membranes water moves through the lipid matrix but that in renal plasma membranes water channels may be involved. From the highP f values of renal membrane vesicles a transcellular water permeability for proximal tubules can be calculated which amounts to 1 cm/sec. This value allows for an entirely transcellular route for water flow during volume reabsorption.  相似文献   

Purified detergent solubilized dimeric human erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase (6.3 S form) was converted to a stable monomeric 3.9 S species when treated with 2-mercaptoethanol and iodoacetic acid. More than 60% of the enzymatic activity were recovered after this treatment. A decreased susceptibility to reduction and alkylation was observed with purified, detergent depleted acetylcholinesterase aggregates. When erythrocyte membranes (ghosts) were subjected to the same treatment, acetylcholinesterase could subsequently be solubilized as monomeric 3.9 S form and and more than 90% of the activity were recovered. Monomeric acetylcholinesterase was less reactive towards antibodies raised against (dimeric) human erythrocyte membrane acetylcholinesterase and towards antibodies against human erythrocyte membranes. The results suggest that acetylcholinesterase is present as dimeric species in human erythrocyte membranes despite the fact that fully active monomers can be obtained.  相似文献   

The characteristics of water diffusional permeability (P) of human red blood cells were studied on isolated erythrocytes by a doping nuclear magnetic resonance technique. In order to estimate the basal permeability the maximal inhibition of water diffusion was induced by exposure of red blood cells to p-chloromercuribenzene sulfonate (PCMBS) under various conditions (concentration, duration, temperature). The lowest values of P were around 0.7×10–3 cm s–1 at 10°C, 1.2×10–3 cm s–1 at 15°C, 1.4×10–3 cm s–1 at 20°C, 1.8×10–3 cm s–1 at 25°C, 2.1×10–3 cm s–1 at 30°C and 3.5×10–3 cm s–1 at 37°C. The mean value of the activation energy of water diffusion (Ea,d) was 25 kJ/mol for control and 43.7 kJ/mol for PCMBS-inhibited erythrocytes. The values of P and Ea,d obtained after induction of maximal inhibition of water diffusion by PCMBS can be taken as references for the basal permeability to water of the human red blood cell membrane.  相似文献   

Infection of human erythrocytes with the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum induces new permeability pathways (NPPs) in the host cell membrane. Isotopic flux measurements demonstrated that the NPP are permeable to a wide variety of molecules, thus allowing uptake of nutrients and release of waste products. Recent patch-clamp recordings demonstrated the infection-induced up-regulation of an inwardly and an outwardly rectifying Cl(-) conductance. The present experiments have been performed to explore the sensitivity to cell volume and the organic osmolyte permeability of the two conductances. It is shown that the outward rectifier has a high relative lactate permeability (P(lactate)/P(Cl) = 0.4). Sucrose inhibited the outward-rectifier and abolished the infection-induced hemolysis in isosmotic sorbitol solution but had no or little effect on the inward-rectifier. Furosemide and NPPB blocked the outward-rectifying lactate current and the sorbitol hemolysis with IC(50)s in the range of 0.1 and 1 microM, respectively. In contrast, the IC(50)s of NPPB and furosemide for the inward-rectifying current were >10 microM. Osmotic cell-shrinkage inhibited the inwardly but not the outwardly rectifying conductance. In conclusion, the parasite-induced outwardly-rectifying anion conductance allows permeation of lactate and neutral carbohydrates, whereas the inward rectifier seems largely impermeable to organic solutes. All together, these data should help to resolve ongoing controversy regarding the number of unique channels that exist in P. falciparum-infected erythrocytes.  相似文献   

During the intraerythrocytic growth of Plasmodium falciparum in culture, marked changes are observed in the permeability properties of the host cell membrane. Anionic substances otherwise impermeant to normal cells, become highly permeant to infected cells. These changes in permeability become apparent as rings mature into trophozoites and remain throughout schizogony. The permeability changes to anionic substances are not manifested as degradation of band 3, the purported erythrocyte anion transporter. They probably reflect alterations of a more general nature.  相似文献   

The kinetics of osmotically induced changes in vesicular volume and internal solute concentration were analyzed for membrane vesicles containing fixed quantity of impermeable osmoticum in the lumen. The kinetic curves of the concentration and volume changes were shown to be dissimilar. The average durations of these two processes may differ by several tens of percents, depending on the extent and polarity of the initially imposed osmotic gradient. For vesicles containing identical solutes in the internal and external solutions, the problem is analyzed of how the concentration and volume changes are manifested in changes of the effective scattering cross-section of the vesicle. The light scattering changes, directed oppositely to volume changes, were found to coincide roughly with the kinetics of volume changes. The analysis shows that calculations of water permeability coefficient should be based on average duration of volume changes rather than the duration of concentration changes. The replacement in calculations of the first parameter with the second one may result in overestimation of water permeability by a factor of 1.5. This might be relevant to the reported discrepancies in water permeability values determined by the osmotic and isotope methods. Although the allowance for 1.5-fold overestimation cannot fully account for the differences observed, it significantly lowers the discrepancy between these estimates in some cases. The opposite signs of light scattering and volume changes originate from the presence of two components in the optical path of the vesicle, i.e., the membrane and the lumenal solution.  相似文献   

Electric field pulses >2-3 kV cm1 long known to induce membrane poration and fusion of erythrocytes as well as to enhance the transbilayer mobility of phospholipids and to perturb aminophospholipid asymmetry, are shown to induce, at 0 C., transformation of the discocytic cells into echinocytes and spheroechinocytes. The extent of transformation increases with strength, duration and number of pulses. Its time course is biphasic., a major rapid phase (t/2 ~ 5 s) being followed by a minor one, lasting for 2-3 h. Shape transformation goes along with the exofacial exposure of phosphatidylserine (PS), detected by FITC-annexin V binding and quantified by a calibration curve established via externally inserted dilauroylphosphatldylserine. Incubation of these echinocytes at 37 C leads to a rapid recovery of the discocytic shape followed by slower formation of stomatocytes. Shape recovery is temperature dependent (Ea ~100 kJ/mol), and can be impaired by depletion of ATP or Mg++ and by addition of vanadate or fluoride. Shape recovery and stomatocyte formation go along with a rapid loss of annexin binding in about 45% of the cells while the rest maintains its binding capacity. In the presence of vanadate, annexin binding increases in all cells. The results are discussed in the light of the bilayer couple concept of erythrocyte shape and the enhanced transverse mobility of phospholipids. Echinocyte formation is most likely caused by the reorientation of endofacial aminopho-spholipids to the outer leaflet of the bilayer. Shape recovery and stomatocyte formation probably result from a continuous reinternalization of PS via the ATP dependent aminophospholipid translocase, but may also be supported by downhill movement of PC to the inner leaflet and by other yet unidentified processes.  相似文献   

Transport properties of cuticular waxes from 40 different plant species were investigated by measuring desorption rates of 14C-labelled octadecanoic acid from isolated and subsequently reconstituted wax. Diffusion coefficients (D) of octadecanoic acid in reconstituted waxes, calculated from the slopes of the regression lines fitted to the linearized portions of desorption kinetics, ranged from 1.2 × 10?19 m2 s?1 (Senecio kleinia leaf) to 2.9 × 10?17 m2 s?1 (Malus cf. domestica fruit). Cuticular water permeabilities (cuticular transpiration) measured with intact cuticular membranes isolated from 24 different species varied from 1.7 × 10?11 m s?1 (Vanilla planifolia leaf) up to 2.1 × 10?9 m s?1 (Malus cf. domestica fruit), thus covering a range of more than 2 orders of magnitude. Cuticular water permeabilities were highly correlated with diffusion coefficients of octadecanoic acid in isolated cuticular wax of the same species. It is therefore possible to estimate cuticular barrier properties of stomatous leaf surfaces or of leaves where isolation of the cuticle is impossible by measuring D of octadecanoic acid in isolated waxes of these leaves.  相似文献   

Melamine is a widely-used chemical in industries. In recent years, melamine has been found to be involved in outbreaks of renal injury in infants and animals. Pathological studies indicated that the melamine-induced acute renal failure was related to the concurrence of melamine and other triazine analogs such as cyanuric acid. In the present study, human erythrocytes were used as an in vitro model to explore the cytotoxicity of melamine and its complex with cyanuric acid. The results demonstrated that mixing melamine and cyanuric acid resulted in the formation of insoluble particles and that the insoluble melamine-cyanurate complex induced membrane damages of human erythrocytes. The membrane damages included hemolysis, K+ leakage, alterations in cell shape and membrane fragility, and inhibition of enzymatic activity. By contrast, either melamine or cyanuric acid alone had no effect on erythrocyte membranes. The results of this study may provide a fresh insight into the melamine toxicology.  相似文献   

Summary The water diffusion across human erythrocyte membrane has been studied on intact cells and resealed ghosts by a doping NMR technique. Although the water exchange time of ghosts was longer than that of erythrocytes, no significant differences in their diffusional permeability were noticed for temperatures in the range 2–43°C. Contrary to what was previously noticed in erythrocytes, no significant increase in the water exchange time of ghosts in the acid range of pH occurred.  相似文献   

A methanol-utilizing phototrophic bacterium, strain M402, was isolated from surface water of an acidic hot spring. The isolated strain was identified as Rhodopseudomonas acidophila from its morphological and physiological characters. Profiles of the utilization of non-aromatic compounds as carbon sources by this strain were in good agreement with those of some strains of R. acidophila reported by Pfennig [J. Bacteriol., 99, 597 (1969)]. However, strain M402 was found to be capable of utilizing vanillic acid, vanillin, vanillyl alcohol, ferulic acid, veratric acid, syringic acid, syringal-dehyde and benzyl alcohol as carbon sources under anaerobic-light conditions. Although Pfennig did not refer to these abilities of his strains, these notable characters of strain M402 seem to be additional new characters of R. acidophila.  相似文献   

Membrane vesicles were prepared by incubation of human erythrocytes with dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine [3] and isolated by isopycnic centrifugation on Dextran density gradients. Protein analyses were carried out with crossed immunoelectrophoresis and dodecylsulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The right-side-out-oriented membrane vesicles contained membrane and cytoplasmic proteins of the erythrocyte but lacked cytoskeletal components. Comparison of proteins in vesicles and erythrocyte membranes showed that acetylcholinesterase was enriched two to six times in the vesicles relative to both membrane-spanning proteins, band 3, and glycophorin. Two further, hitherto unidentified, sialic acid-containing membrane antigens were found in the vesicles. Both faced the outside of the membranes and were enriched two to seven times. Ankyrin was not present in the membrane vesicles and spectrin could not be detected by dodecylsulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. We suggest that the redistribution of proteins in the vesicles reflects differences in their interactions with other membrane components and their relative mobility within the erythrocyte membrane.  相似文献   

This study describes the interaction of molybdenum with blood components. Molybdenum-99 was added to blood, and after four washings, 3% of the total radioactivity was found in red cells. More specifically, the radioactivity was determined to be associated with the cell membrane. Molybdenum-99 in the +VI form did not interact with the human erythrocyte membrane; however, Mo(V) forms did interact. Of five different compounds, the highes uptake was observed with a brown Mo(V)-ascorbate complex generated from Mo(VI) and ascorbic acid in the molar ratio 1∶20. A membrane suspension of Mo-ascorbate-treated human erythrocytes was prepared and the solubilized proteins were separated on a polyacrylamide gel in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). Molybdenum-99 binding to spectrin was demonstrated, as well as some minor interactions with membrane hemoglobin and bands 6 and 8.  相似文献   

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