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Many coral species spawn simultaneously and have compatible gametes, leading to controversy over the nature of species boundaries and the frequency with which hybridization occurs. Three western Atlantic corals, Montastraea annularis, M. faveolata, and M. franksi, typify this controversy; they all spawn sympatrically on the same evenings after the fall full moons. Here we show, in both Panama and the Bahamas for multiple years, how a variety of mechanisms may act in concert to reproductively isolate all three species. Field studies indicate that M. franksi spawns two hours earlier than the other two species, and the eggs released during this earlier period disperse an average of 500 m by the time the other species spawn. Field measures of fertilization indicate that peak fertilization occurs when spawning synchrony is high and that corals that spawn at the tails of the spawning distributions have greatly reduced fertilization success. Laboratory studies indicate that there is a gametic incompatibility between M. faveolata and the other two species. There are regional differences in the gametic compatibility of M. franksi and M. annularis. In Panama, the two species are completely compatible, whereas in the Bahamas, M. franksi sperm can fertilize M. annularis eggs but the reciprocal cross often fails. Gamete age influences patterns of fertilization, such that very young eggs seem resistant to fertilization and old sperm lose viability after two hours. In sum, the combination of temporal differences in spawning, sperm aging, gamete dispersal and dilution, and gametic incompatibility act in various combinations among the three species, making it unlikely that hybrid fertilization would occur.  相似文献   

Broadcast spawning corals release gametes into the oceans with extraordinarily accurate timing. While the date of spawning is set by the lunar cycle, the hour/minute of spawning is set by the solar cycle. In this report, we describe experiments that test whether the time of spawning is regulated by an entrained biological clock or whether it is directly controlled by the solar cycle. Montastraea franksi samples were collected on the morning of the predicted spawning. Fragments from colonies were kept under three different lighting conditions and spawning monitored. The three conditions were sunset times of 0, 1 or 2 h earlier than normal. Fragments from the same colony spawned differently under these three conditions, with an early sunset causing a corresponding early shift in spawning. These results indicate that spawn timing is not controlled by a circadian rhythm and that it is directly controlled by local solar light cycle.  相似文献   

In broadcast spawners, prezygotic reproductive isolation depends on differences in the spatial and temporal patterns of gamete release and gametic incompatibility. Typically, gametic incompatibility is measured in no‐choice crosses, but conspecific sperm precedence (CSP) can prevent hybridization in gametes that are compatible in the absence of sperm competition. Broadcast spawning corals in the Montastraea annularis species complex spawn annually on the same few evenings. Montastraea franksi spawns an average of 110 min before M. annularis, with a minimum gap of approximately 40 min. Gametes are compatible in no‐choice heterospecific assays, but it is unknown whether eggs exhibit choice when in competition. Hybridization depends on either M. franksi eggs remaining unfertilized and in proximity to M. annularis when the latter species spawns or M. franksi sperm remaining in sufficient viable concentrations when M. annularis spawns. We found that the eggs of the early spawning M. franksi demonstrate strong CSP, whereas CSP appears to be lacking for M. annularis eggs. This study provides evidence of diverging gamete affinities between these recently separated species and suggests for the first time that selection may favour CSP in earlier spawning species when conspecific sperm is diluted and aged and is otherwise at a numeric and viability disadvantage with heterospecific sperm.  相似文献   

Behaviors associated with spawning by the halfmoon grouper, Epinephelus rivulatus, at Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia, are described from in situ observations made each evening throughout most of a lunar cycle. Spawning occurred after sunset on six consecutive evenings during the full moon period. During this time males were particularly aggressive toward one another and maintained high levels of activity among the gravid females that rested within each of their territories. Spawning occurred when a male swam alongside a responsive female and the pair rose in a tight spiral 1–1.5 m into the water column before releasing gametes and returning to the seabed. Spawning activity was followed by a longer nonspawning period (ca. 20 days), when fewer intraspecific interactions were observed and gamete reserves were replenished. Histological and behavioral evidence suggests that this cycle of spawning and replenishment may occur on a monthly basis. Although individual fish, particularly females, moved into certain areas to spawn, E. rivulatus did not form spawning aggregations as do larger species of grouper.  相似文献   

Competition for females generally results in some males adopting alternative reproductive tactics to acquire matings. For fish, the ecological and evolutionary consequences of these tactics are not well understood because of an inability to link directly the interactions of individuals on the breeding grounds with genetic data. This study combines behavioural observations with genetic estimates of male reproductive success within an intensively studied wild population of lacustrine brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis). Male brook trout exhibit a conditional reproductive strategy with small males adopting a peripheral position to that of larger dominant males in their proximity to spawning females. Parentage analysis of eggs collected from wild redds confirmed the reproductive success of individual males. Males relegated to peripheral positions during spawning participated frequently in spawning events, but in most cases the first male to spawn was the sole contributor, and no more than two males contributed successfully to a single brood. While behavioural observations of salmonines suggests that reproduction is partitioned among males in a manner dependent upon body size and proximity to spawning females, the genetic evidence from this study suggests a more limited distribution of reproductive success in the field. The genetic contributions of male brook trout are highly skewed towards larger males for this population. A review of the salmonine literature suggests little difference in individual reproductive success for males exhibiting size-related tactics within a conditional mating strategy vs. precocial maturation. Collectively, these genetic studies provide new insights on the evolution of alternative life histories among salmonines.  相似文献   

Recent coral spawning observations in the central Red Sea show that most scleractinian species release their gametes in the spring, with a majority of species spawning in April. There is, however, a lack of reproductive data for several other coral species, as well as a general lack of data for other invertebrates. Here, we document the detailed timing of spawning for 13 scleractinian coral species, one sea anemone, and six echinoderms from an inshore reef off the coast of Thuwal, Saudi Arabia, in the spring between April and June 2014. Furthermore, inferred from the presence of mature gametes, we report the month of spawning for three additional coral species in the spring. Seven scleractinian coral species were inferred to release their gametes in a second reproductive season, in the autumn, between September and November. This is the first report of a second spawning season in the Arabian region. Biannual spawning has so far been reported on the Great Barrier Reef, in Western Australia, in Indonesia, in Malaysia, in Palau, in Thailand, in Taiwan, and in Western Samoa.  相似文献   

In recent years, the new phenomenon of intracolonial genetic variability within a single coral colony has been described. This connotes that coral colonies do not necessarily consist of only a single genotype, but may contain several distinct genotypes. Harboring more than one genotype could improve survival under stressful environmental conditions, e.g., climate change. However, so far it remained unclear whether the intracolonial genetic variability of the adult coral is also present in the gametes. We investigated the occurrence of intracolonial genetic variability in 14 mature colonies of the coral Acropora hyacinthus using eight microsatellite loci. A grid was placed over each colony before spawning, and the emerging egg/sperm bundles were collected separately in each grid. The underlying tissues as well as the egg/sperm bundles were genotyped to determine whether different genotypes were present. Within the 14 mature colonies, we detected 10 colonies with more than one genotype (intracolonial genetic variability). Four out of these 10 mature colonies showed a transfer of different genotypes via the eggs to the next generation. In two out of these four cases, we found additional alleles, and in the two other cases, we found only a subset of alleles in the unfertilized eggs. Our results suggest that during reproduction of A. hyacinthus, more than one genotype per colony is able to reproduce. We discuss the occurrence of different genotypes within a single coral colony and the ability for those to release eggs which are genetically distinct.  相似文献   

Coral spawning on the oceanic reef systems of north-western Australia was recently discovered during autumn and spring, but the degree to which species and particularly colonies participated in one or both of these spawnings was unknown. At the largest of the oceanic reef systems, the participation by colonies in the two discrete spawning events was investigated over three years in 13 species of Acropora corals (n = 1,855 colonies). Seven species spawned during both seasons; five only in autumn and one only in spring. The majority of tagged colonies (n = 218) spawned once a year in the same season, but five colonies from three species spawned during spring and autumn during a single year. Reproductive seasonality was not influenced by spatial variation in habitat conditions, or by Symbiodinium partners in the biannual spawner Acropora tenuis. Colonies of A. tenuis spawning during different seasons separated into two distinct yet cryptic groups, in a bayesian clustering analysis based on multiple microsatellite markers. These groups were associated with a major genetic divergence (G”ST = 0.469), despite evidence of mixed ancestry in a small proportion of individuals. Our results confirm that temporal reproductive isolation is a common feature of Acropora populations at Scott Reef and indicate that spawning season is a genetically determined trait in at least A. tenuis. This reproductive isolation may be punctuated occasionally by interbreeding between genetic groups following favourable environmental conditions, when autumn spawners undergo a second annual gametogenic cycle and spawn during spring.  相似文献   

Broadcast spawning by corals is a tightly synchronized process characterized by co-ordinated gamete release within 30–60 min time windows once per year. In shallow water corals, annual water temperature cycles set the month, lunar periodicity the day, and sunset time the hour of spawning. This tight temporal regulation is critical for achieving high fertilization rates in a pelagic environment. Given the differences in light and temperature that occur with depth and the importance of these parameters in regulating spawn timing, it has been unclear whether deeper coral can respond to the same environmental cues that regulate spawning behaviour in shallower coral. In this report, a remotely operated vehicle was used to monitor coral spawning activity at the Flower Garden Banks at depths from 33 to 45 m. Three species Montastraea cavernosa, Montastraea franksi, and Diploria strigosa were documented spawning within this depth range. All recorded spawning events were within the same temporal windows as shallower conspecifics. These data indicate that deep corals at this location either sense the same environmental parameters, despite local attenuation, or communicate with shallower colonies that can sense such spawning cues.  相似文献   

Species boundaries among five sympatric coral species of the Indo-Pacific Acropora aspera group were examined by a combination of in vitro breeding trials, comparisons of spawning times and DNA sequence analysis of ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer (rDNA ITS) and 5.8S regions. The breeding trials showed that reproductive compatibility exists between at least some colonies of all the species pairs tested, suggesting a large potential for natural hybridization and introgression. The Acropora ITS regions exhibited extremely high levels of variability (up to approximately 62% for ITS1, approximately 11% for 5.8S and approximately 43% for ITS2), but most of the variation was shared among four of the five species, A. millepora, A. papillare, A. pulchra and A. spathulata, consistent with extensive introgression. Phylogenetic analyses did not resolve these four species as distinct clusters across a wide biogeographic region stretching from the southern Great Barrier Reef to Papua New Guinea. However, most colonies of the fifth species, A. aspera, constituted a distinct clade in phylogenetic analyses. This is consistent with our observations of a semi-permeable temporal barrier involving differences in spawning times between this and the other four species. Although the majority of colonies of all five species generally spawned within 90 min of each other, in two out of four years, gametes were absent prior to mass spawning episodes from at least some A. aspera colonies. Hence, our data suggest that transient reproductive barriers may be the result of year-to-year variation in the date of spawning and that this difference in spawning time contributes to the genetic structure detected among Acropora species in this group. Occasional leakage through the reproductive barrier was confirmed by the observation of A. aspera xA. pulchra F1 hybrids, identified based on additivity of ITS sequences.  相似文献   

In the autumn/winter breeding polychaetes, Arenicola marina and A. defodiens, spawning can be advanced or delayed by a number of months through temperature manipulation of the adults. However, this manipulation may have significant consequences for fertilization rates and embryo developmental success and so in vitro fertilizations were performed to assess the impact of manipulation. Firstly, we used oocytes and sperm obtained from advanced or delayed individuals. For both species, using gametes from 4 weeks advanced individuals did not result in a significant reduction in development, however, gametes from individuals advanced (A. marina only) or delayed by 8 weeks resulted in significantly fewer embryos developing normally. Reciprocal crosses of temperature-manipulated A. marina gametes (from 4 weeks advanced and 4 weeks delayed individuals) with those at the natural spawning time confirmed that the reduction in developmental success in both was attributable to the oocytes. After 5 h post-fertilization, the majority of oocytes from advanced individuals had fertilized, but by 24 h most were abnormal. For fertilizations with gametes from delayed individuals, nearly 100% of the embryos were developing normally after 24 h, but after 144 h significantly more were abnormal in crosses involving oocytes from delayed females. Although both species have reproductive plasticity to extend their breeding season, the significant reduction in the numbers of competent larvae produced as the spawning is delayed or advanced further may be a significant bottleneck in aquaculture and it may also have considerable implications for the long-term reproductive success of a population in response to environmental change.Sympatric populations of the species exist in many locations and the inherent variability in the breeding seasons could allow spawning times to overlap. Artificially delaying A. marina individuals enabled fertilizations to be performed with A. defodiens at the natural spawning time in the laboratory. Both conspecific fertilizations produced 100% trochophore larvae after 120 h, but A. defodiens oocytes failed to fertilize after incubation with A. marina sperm, in comparison to the A. marina oocytes incubated with A. defodiens sperm where 40% developed to the trochophore stage. This asymmetric gamete incompatibility may be one of a suite of mechanisms to minimise hybridisation.  相似文献   

The three members of the Montastraea annularis complex (M. annularis, M. franksi, and M. faveolata) are dominant reef builders in the western Atlantic whose species status has been controversial for over a decade. Although differences in colony morphology and reproductive characteristics exist, interspecific fertilizations are possible in the laboratory and genetic differentiation is slight. Here we compare the three taxa genetically and morphologically in Panama and the Bahamas, widely separated locations spanning most of their geographic ranges. In Panama, analyses of three AFLP loci, a noncoding region of the mitochondrial genome, and ITS sequences reveal that M. faveolata is strongly differentiated genetically. Discriminant function analysis also indicates no overlap with the other two species in the fine structure of the corallites that comprise the colony. Genetic analyses of larvae from interspecific crosses between M. faveolata and the other two taxa confirmed the hybrid status of the larvae, but no examples of the most probable F1 genotype were observed in the field. Although M. annularis and M. franksi were more similar, they also exhibited strong frequency differences at two AFLP loci and in the mitochondrial noncoding region, as well as distinct corallite structure. In the Bahamas, in contrast, the three taxa exhibited overlapping morphologies. Montastraeafranksi and M. annularis were indistinguishable genetically, and M. faveolata was distinct at fewer genetic loci. Once again, however, the most probable F1 genotype involving M. faveolata was not observed. Geographic differences between Panama and the Bahamas explain why past studies have come to different conclusions concerning the status of the three species. In general, the genetic and morphological data suggest a north to south hybridization gradient, with evidence for introgression strongest in the north. However, reproductive data show no such trend, with intrinsic barriers to gene flow comparable or stronger in the north.  相似文献   

Seasonal increases in sea surface temperature (SST) have long been considered the trigger for mass spawning events in reef corals. We critically examined the relationship between SST and the spawning activity of broadcasting corals in the tropical western Atlantic (Caribbean). This meta-analysis examined 12 species of broadcasting corals at 25 sites spanning 22 degrees of latitude (10°–32° N) from Venezuela to Bermuda in the Atlantic Ocean from 1986 to 2004. Sigmoidal logit regression models were used to examine the relationship between the release of reef-coral gametes and the environmental variables SST and solar insolation defined as (1) the cumulative response 7–10 months prior to spawning (integral); (2) the rate of change at the time of spawning (derivative); and (3) the average for the month of spawning. The Quasi–Newton method was used to estimate the maximum likelihood of the response function. We demonstrate that the recent history and rate of change in temperature correlate poorly with the timing of spawning, while the average temperature during the month of spawning was significant (with all corals releasing gametes 28–30 °C, except Montastraea annularis , which released gametes at 27–30 °C). In contrast, the rate of change and the cumulative response of solar insolation cycles was a better predictor of gamete release, but solar insolation intensity at the time of spawning was not. These models have important implications for predicting coral reproductive cycles in all oceans, and for examining other marine phototrophic systems beyond corals.  相似文献   

Little information is available on reproductive processes among corals in isolated central Pacific reef regions, including French Polynesia. This study examined the timing and mode of sexual reproduction for Acropora reef corals at Moorea. Spawning was observed and/or inferred in 110 Acropora colonies, representing 12 species, following full moon periods in September through November 2002. Gamete release was observed and inferred in four species of Acropora between 9 and 13 nights after the full moon (nAFM) in September 2002. Twelve Acropora spp. spawned gametes between 5 and 10 nAFM in October 2002, with six species spawning 7 nAFM and four species spawning 9 nAFM. In November 2002, spawning of egg and sperm bundles was observed and inferred in 27 colonies of Acropora austera, 6 nAFM. These are the first detailed records of spawning by Acropora corals in French Polynesia.  相似文献   

The knowledge of the reproductive strategy is essential for the comprehensive understanding of the population dynamics of any fish species. This study intends to define the spawning season, verify the type of fecundity regulation and estimate relative annual fecundity for Serranus atricauda inhabiting the south-west of Portugal seamounts (Gorringe, Ampère and Lion). Monthly samples, between September 2010 and December 2011, were obtained from commercial vessels. This species is synchronously hermaphroditic, and mature individuals were found all year round, with gonadosomatic index peak from February to September. No clear relation between hepatosomatic index and Fulton’s condition factor and gonadal development was found, and therefore, it is probable that reproductive success depends more on environmental conditions and food availability during the spawning season than on body energy reserves. No gap exists between pre-vitellogenic and vitellogenic oocytes and the oocyte size-frequency distribution during the main spawning season show no dominant cohort progressing through time. The number of standing stock of advanced vitellogenic oocytes showed an increase trend along the spawning season decreasing only at its end and the relative intensity of α-atresia was always low throughout this period with an increase towards the end. All these criteria corroborate the indeterminate fecundity type assigned to S. atricauda in previous studies. Mean relative annual fecundity estimated was 5,655 ± 4,321 oocytes per gram of gutted weight.  相似文献   

Reproductive skew - the extent to which reproduction is unevenly shared between individuals in a social group - varies greatly between and within animal species. In this study, we investigated how queens share parentage in polygynous (multiple queen) colonies of the Mediterranean ant Pheidole pallidula. We used highly polymorphic microsatellites markers to determine parentage of gynes (new queens), males and workers in P. pallidula field colonies. The comparison of the genotypes of young and adult workers revealed a very low queen turnover (less than 2%). The first main finding of the study of reproductive skew in these colonies was that there was a significant departure from equal contribution of queens to gyne, male and worker production. Reproductive skew was greater for male production than for queen and worker production. There was no relationship between the magnitude of the reproductive skew and the number of reproductive queens per colony, their relatedness and the overall colony productivity, some of the factors predicted to influence the extent of reproductive skew. Finally, our study revealed for the first time a trade-off in the relative contribution of nestmate queens to gyne and worker production. The queens contributing more to gyne production contributed significantly less to worker production.  相似文献   

We investigated the reproduction of the amphioxus Branchiostoma belcheri in the southern Ariake Sea, Japan, from 1999 to 2002. Gonads were very small or almost absent from September to December and began to develop in January. Changes in the gonad length index indicated that spawning began in mid June, after the gonads had attained maximum size. Although most gametes were extruded during the first spawning, some remained in the gonads. Shrunken gonads were much smaller but contained gametes, and the second spawning occurred around 10 July. It was unclear whether all adults spawned twice, but a large proportion of individuals did. After the first spawning, both males and females lost 30% of their body weight. Most one-year-old individuals did not spawn, and the minimum size at maturity was ca. 20 mm. We found no termination of reproduction among very large individuals. The average number of gonads was significantly larger on the right side of the body (26.2 in males and 26.1 in females) than on the left side (24.0 in males and 23.5 in females). We found two hermaphrodites in a total of 11,184 specimens examined. Each had four or three ovaries among a total of 45 or 54 gonads.  相似文献   

The reproductive behaviour of the kelp bass Paralabrax clathratus was studied on Santa Catalina Island, California, U.S.A. from April 2000 to September 2002. Adults formed aggregations of three to > 200 individuals, and spawning occurred within subgroups of three to 23 individuals that contained a single female. The gonado‐somatic index ( I G) of collected ripe males (mean = 5·8%, range = 0·5–13·1%) indicated a large investment in sperm production that is common in group‐spawning fishes characterized by intense sperm competition. Spawning occurred 32 min before sunset to 120 min after sunset, and both males and females were capable of spawning multiple times during a single evening. Behavioural observations of adults and estimates of spawning periodicity from the collection of females with hydrated oocytes suggested that spawning occurred continuously throughout the summer months and showed no significant relationship with the lunar cycle. In general, the spawning behaviour of kelp bass was similar to other functionally gonochoric, group‐spawning serranids. The dynamics of P. clathratus spawning aggregations, however, were inconsistent with that of tropical reef fish spawning aggregations, including the transient spawning aggregations of some tropical serranids. Aggregation spawning appeared to be an important component of the annual reproduction of this species.  相似文献   

Synopsis Spawning of 32 species of Labridae and 13 species of Scaridae was seen at Enewetak Atoll, Marshall Islands. Most spawned on a reef bisecting the main ocean-lagoon passage which had strong tidal currents. Others spawned on lagoon reefs and in Halimeda beds. Polygynous haremic, lek-like and promiscuous mating systems were found which were species specific. Data on reproductive patterns, sexual dichromatism, sexual dimorphism, seasonality and spawning behavior were determined. Many spawned during the day in a time-phase dependent pattern from near sunrise to sunset. Scarid spawning began at slack high water or after when currents were starting to move out of the lagoon. Labrid spawning usually started about 30 min later with some continuing up to 2 h after high tide. With high tide before sunrise, scarid spawning began 30–50 min after sunrise as the current started flowing over the reef. With high tide near sunset, spawning occurred with an incoming current. Most labroids spawned on all phases of the moon. Acanthuridae (6 spp), Caesionidae (1 sp.) and Zanclidae (1 sp.) spawned after high tide at the same time as labroids. Pomacanthidae (5 spp.) spawned only shortly before sunset without reference to tidal currents. Fishes producing pelagic eggs at the lagoon-ocean channel spawned (1) at or slightly after high tide (44spp.), (2) in late afternoon without reference to tide (6 spp.) or (3) after slack low water (1 sp. ). Spawning style can vary within a single species in different environments. Despite the presence of many piscivores, no successful predation on spawning adults was seen. Predation on newly released eggs was uncommon. Labrichthys unilineata and Anampses twistii attempted to defend their eggs for a few sec after release. Attacks by piscivores on spawning adults on tropical reefs occur once per 100–1000 spawnings. Most are wary when preparing to spawn and prespawning behavior is easily interrupted. The risk from piscivores goes down and spawning ascent speed decreases with increasing size of spawners. Egg predation by zooplanktivores is less for pair spawners than group spawners possibly due to less conspicuous gamete clouds and times of spawning. Increasing height of egg release, speed and length of the spawning ascent, and trajectory alteration of ascending adults are believed to make it more difficult for zooplanktivores to locate eggs after release. For labrids, permanent full sexual dichromatism was found among haremic, lek-like and promiscuous mating systems. Species with temporary full dichromatism, permanent and temporary partial dichromatism and monochromatism were haremic. Smaller scarids were believed to have lek-like, and larger species haremic, mating systems. Smaller scarids had male looping behavior and post spawning displays, plus faster spawning ascents and different locations for egg release than larger ones. Eggs of 21 labrids were spherical or nearly spherical, ranging from 0.55–0.80 mm in diameter, and most had one oil globule. Among 7 is scarids, 6 had spindle-shaped eggs ranging from 1.25 ×0.50 mm 2.14× 0.48 mm while one had a nearly spherical egg. One scarid egg lacked an oil globule.  相似文献   

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