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1. The exotic cladoceran Daphnia lumholtzi has recently invaded freshwater systems throughout the United States. Daphnia lumholtzi possesses extravagant head spines that are longer than those found on any other North American Daphnia. These spines are effective at reducing predation from many of the predators that are native to newly invaded habitats; however, they are plastic both in nature and in laboratory cultures. The purpose of this experiment was to better understand what environmental cues induce and maintain these effective predator‐deterrent spines. We conducted life‐table experiments on individual D. lumholtzi grown in water conditioned with an invertebrate insect predator, Chaoborus punctipennis, and water conditioned with a vertebrate fish predator, Lepomis macrochirus. 2. Daphnia lumholtzi exhibited morphological plasticity in response to kairomones released by both predators. However, direct exposure to predator kairomones during postembryonic development did not induce long spines in D. lumholtzi. In contrast, neonates produced from individuals exposed to Lepomis kairomones had significantly longer head and tail spines than neonates produced from control and Chaoborus individuals. These results suggest that there may be a maternal, or pre‐embryonic, effect of kairomone exposure on spine development in D. lumholtzi. 3. Independent of these morphological shifts, D. lumholtzi also exhibited plasticity in life history characteristics in response to predator kairomones. For example, D. lumholtzi exhibited delayed reproduction in response to Chaoborus kairomones, and significantly more individuals produced resting eggs, or ephippia, in the presence of Lepomis kairomones.  相似文献   

1. Previous studies have shown that interspecific hybridisation is common among taxa from the Daphnia galeata/hyalina/cucullata species complex. We investigated the influence of predator kairomones on the morphology and life histories of nine clones belonging to three taxa (pure D. galeata, F1 hybrids between D. galeata and D. hyalina, and backcrossed D. hyalina) of this species complex. Predators exerting positive (fish) and negative (Chaoborus larvae) size‐selective predation were tested. 2. The most responsive traits were size at maturity and size of neonates. Despite large between‐clone variation, discriminant analysis revealed that the three taxa were distinct from each other in key life‐history traits. F1 hybrids did not react in an intermediate way compared to the other taxa: the multivariate distances between F1 hybrids and either taxon were larger than between pure D. galeata and backcrossed D. hyalina. 3. The average plasticity (calculated across all traits) was similar for all three taxa. With regard to the size at maturity and neonate body size, the strength of the response was a function of the intrinsic values of these traits expressed in the control. For example, for size at maturity, smaller individuals showed a significantly stronger reaction to Chaoborus kairomones than larger ones. 4. Finally, we monitored seasonal changes in body size, egg number and population density of pure D. galeata and F1 hybrids in Greifensee (Switzerland). The two taxa experienced similar seasonal changes in body size but, on some sampling dates, they differed in mean egg number. The observed seasonal changes in Daphnia body size were consistent with what would be expected if the predator assemblage shifted from fish to Chaoborus over the course of the summer. The fluctuations in the frequencies of Daphnia taxa, however, were not related to seasonal variation in Daphnia body size. 5. Experimental data suggest that temporally heterogeneous predation regimes might be an important condition stabilising the co‐occurrence of Daphnia hybrids with parental taxa. Predation regimes, however, cannot solely explain dynamic changes in taxon frequency in Greifensee.  相似文献   

Many cases of predator-induced morphological plasticity in daphnids are well studied examples of inducible defenses. However, little is known about the early development of these sometimes conspicuous traits. We compared for the first time in five different Daphnia species the embryonic development of predator-induced and noninduced animals using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). We observed significant morphological changes in the last embryonic stage in helmet formation in Daphnia cucullata and in neck-pedestal development in Daphnia pulex. In contrast, no morphological changes could be found during embryogenesis between induced and noninduced Daphnia lumholtzi, D. longicephala, and D. ambigua. Strategies for initiating the defensive traits differ among Daphnia species because of trade-offs between environmental requirements and developmental constraints. Some general features of Daphnia embryonic development are described using SEM. All Daphnia embryos have to shed at least three different membranes before leaving the brood pouch of the mother. After the embryos shed the third membrane, chemosensillae that are likely able to detect predator-released chemicals are exposed to the olfactory environment.  相似文献   

In natural aquatic system, Scenedesmus and Microcystis species usually coexist. Microcystins are released into water after lysis of Microcystis cells during the collapse of heavy blooms. The released toxins can then come into contact with a wide range of aquatic organisms. In this study, we used filtered Daphnia test water containing kairomone from Daphnia magna to stimulate the inducible colony formation in Scenedesmus obliquus under microcystin-contaminated system, to examine how microcystin affects the induced effect of Daphnia kairomone on colony formation in S. obliquus. The results showed neither microcystin nor Daphnia kairomone affected the growth of S. obliquus. Microcystin neither promoted nor impaired the overall Daphnia-induced colony formation in S. obliquus, except reducing the proportion of eight-celled colonies on day 2, indicating that the effect of microcystin was just short-term and in general did not disrupt grazer-induced colony formation of S. obliquus.  相似文献   

Cyanobacterial and zooplankton inducible defenses are important but understudied process that regulate the trophic interactions of freshwater ecosystem. Daphnia due to its large size is considered an important zooplankton with the high potential to control cyanobacterial blooms. It has been shown that Daphnia through maternal induction transfer tolerance to their next generation against Microcystis toxicity. Maternal induction has been investigated in different Daphnia species without considering phenotypic plasticity of prey. Laboratory experiments were performed to explore cyanobacteria-Daphnia inducible defenses in order to better understand their interactions. Two Daphnia species were fed either with Microcystis aeruginosa PCC7806 (Ma) or Microcystis flos-aquae (Mf) mixed with Chlorella vulgaris (Cv) (exposed Daphnia), and or pure Cv (unexposed Daphnia). Exposed prey cultures were produced by prior exposure to Daphnia infochemicals. Neonates produced by exposed and unexposed Daphnia were fed with mixed diet (Microcystis + Cv) of either exposed and or unexposed prey. Growth parameters and toxin production of exposed prey cultures were significantly different than that of control. Exposed Daphnia fecundity and survival was higher as compared to unexposed Daphnia. Growth and reproduction was reduced in exposed Daphnia when fed with exposed prey as compared to those fed with unexposed prey. This study provides information on the interactive inducible defenses between cyanobacteria and its grazer under laboratory conditions and may increase our understanding of cyanobacteria and Daphnia interactions in the freshwater ecosystem.  相似文献   

1. The presence of kairomone from the predaceous larval dipteran Chaoborus americanus can result in juvenile Daphnia pulex positioning themselves higher in the water column. Chaoborus normally lives at greater depth during the day, so this behavioural response by Daphnia will reduce its encounter rate with the predator and enhance survival. 2. Behavioural observations of seven clones from a single population were made under four treatments (with and without Chaoborus kairomone prior to and/or during experiments). 3. All clones moved higher when exposed to kairomones during behavioural observations. Six moved higher when kairomone was added prior to the experiment (i.e. pre‐conditioned), while the other clone went lower, providing evidence for the presence of genetic variation in induced behaviour. When this clone was removed from the analysis, the evidence for genetic variation in induced response disappeared. 4. Juvenile Daphnia that were pre‐conditioned had a significantly greater response than those that had no previous exposure. Of the total shift in depth (comparing treatment and control means), 38% was due to prior exposure to the kairomone (‘preconditioning’), while 62% was due to exposure during the 2‐h experiments when the depth selection was assessed. When the effect of the one clone with a qualitatively different response was removed, these two figures became 45% and 55%, respectively. 5. The enhanced effect of prior exposure to the kairomone during development suggests that such exposure causes greater sensitivity to the kairomone.  相似文献   

To adaptively express inducible defenses, prey must gauge risk based on indirect cues of predation. However, the information contained in indirect cues that enable prey to fine‐tune their phenotypes to variation in risk is still unclear. In aquatic systems, research has focused on cue concentration as the key variable driving threat‐sensitive responses to risk. However, while risk is measured as individuals killed per time, cue concentration may vary with either the number or biomass killed. Alternatively, fine‐grained variation in cue, that is, frequency of cue pulses irrespective of concentration, may provide a more reliable signal of risk. Here, we present results from laboratory experiments that examine the relationship between red‐eyed treefrog tadpole growth and total cue, cue per pulse, and cue pulse frequency. We also reanalyze an earlier study that examined the effect of fine‐grained variation in predator cues on wood frog tadpole growth. Both studies show growth declines with increasing cue pulse frequency, even though individual pulses in high‐frequency treatments contained very little cue. This result suggests that counter to earlier conclusions, tadpoles are using fine‐grained variation in cue arising from the number of predation events to assess and respond to predation risk, as predicted by consumer–resource theory.  相似文献   

In aquatic environments, prey perceive predator threats by chemical cues called kairomones, which can induce changes in their morphology, life histories, and behavior. Predator‐induced defenses have allowed for prey, such as Daphnia pulex, to avert capture by common invertebrate predators, such as Chaoborus sp. larvae. However, the influence of additional stressors, such as ultraviolet radiation (UVR), on the Daphnia–Chaoborus interaction is not settled as UVR may for instance deactivate the kairomone. In laboratory experiments, we investigated the combined effect of kairomones and UVR at ecologically relevant levels on induced morphological defenses of two D. pulex clones. We found that kairomones were not deactivated by UVR exposure. Instead, UVR exposure suppressed induced morphological defense traits of D. pulex juveniles under predation threat by generally decreasing the number of neckteeth and especially by decreasing the size of the pedestal beneath the neckteeth. UVR exposure also decreased the body length, body width, and tail spine length of juveniles, likely additionally increasing the vulnerability to Chaoborus predation. Our results suggest potential detrimental effects on fitness and survival of D. pulex subject to UVR stress, with consequences on community composition and food web structure in clear and shallow water bodies.  相似文献   

Conspecific competition occurs in a multitude of organisms, particularly in parasites, where several clones are commonly sharing limited resources inside their host. In theory, increased or decreased transmission investment might maximize parasite fitness in the face of competition, but, to our knowledge, this has not been tested experimentally. We developed and used a clone-specific, stage-specific, quantitative PCR protocol to quantify Plasmodium chabaudi replication and transmission stage densities in mixed-clone infections. We co-infected mice from two strains with an avirulent and virulent parasite clone and found competitive suppression of in-host (blood-stage) parasite densities and generally corresponding reductions in transmission stage production, with the virulent clone obtaining overall competitive superiority. In response to competitive suppression, there was little evidence of any alteration in transmission stage investment, apart from a small reduction by one of the two clones in one of the two host strains. This alteration did not result in a competitive advantage, although it might have reduced the disadvantage. This study supports much of the current literature, which predicts that conspecific in-host competition will result in a competitive advantage and positive selection for virulent clones and thus the evolution of higher virulence.  相似文献   

It is well established that environmental signals can induce phenotypic responses that persist for multiple generations. The induction of such ‘transgenerational plasticity’ (TGP) depends upon the ability of organisms to accurately receive and process information from environmental signals. Thus, sensory systems are likely intertwined with TGP. Here we tested the link between an environmental stressor and transgenerational responses in a component of the sensory system (eye size) that is linked to enhanced vision and ecologically relevant behaviours. We reared 45 clones of Daphnia pulicaria in the presence and absence of a low-quality resource (cyanobacteria) and evaluated shifts in relative eye size in offspring. Our results revealed divergent shifts in relative eye size within- and across-generations. Parental Daphnia that were fed cyanobacteria produced a smaller eye than Daphnia fed high-quality algae. Such differences were then reversed in the offspring generation; Daphnia whose mothers were fed cyanobacteria produced larger eyes than Daphnia that were continually fed green algae. We discuss the extent to which this maternal effect on eye size is an adaptive response linked to improved foraging.  相似文献   

  1. Exotic cladoceran Daphnia lumholtzi is a highly invasive species in the north and south American continents and can potentially also invade European freshwaters and outcompete native Daphnia populations. However, European waterbodies are frequently dominated by less edible filamentous cyanobacteria including also invaders such as Raphidiopsis raciborskii, which might affect the fitness of D. lumholtzi. Furthermore, temperature may influence the sensitivity of D. lumholtzi to R. raciborskii filaments.
  2. In this study, we determined whether the presence of R. raciborskii could obstruct the invasion of Europe by D. lumholtzi, through reducing its fitness, and whether this depends on temperature. We compared the population growth rate (r) and the somatic growth rate of D. lumholtzi maintained at two temperatures (20 or 26°C) and fed with two diets: green microalgae alone or green microalgae mixed with filaments of R. raciborskii. Three clones of D. lumholtzi were used to evaluate potential variation in response to the treatments among different clones.
  3. At 20°C, the population growth rate of D. lumholtzi fed with cyanobacterial filaments declined sharply. This reduction was caused by increased egg abortion, egg degeneration, and mortality of newborn daphnids. At 26°C, R. raciborskii lost its harmful effect on the population growth of D. lumholtzi. The presence of cyanobacteria did reduce the somatic growth rate of D. lumholtzi at both temperatures and in all three clones except for one that had a similar somatic growth rate on both diets at 26°C.
  4. The presence of filamentous cyanobacteria does affect growth in D. lumholtzi and may thereby substantially reduce its invasive potential, but only at lower temperatures. Therefore, the presence of filamentous cyanobacteria may not present an obstacle to the invasion of Europe by D. lumholtzi in a warmer future climate.

To investigate the effects of infochemicals from Daphnia magna reared at different densities on the growth and morphological development of Scenedesmus obliquus, we cultured S. obliquus with filtrates from D. magna with a density of 0, 6, 30, 150, 300, and 600 ind L−1, respectively. Results showed no significant differences in S. obliquus growth rates among the treatments with different Daphnia densities. On days 3 and 5, the proportion of eight-celled colonies in the treatments constituted 30% of the S. obliquus populations. Importantly, the number of cells per particle increased significantly with increasing density of Daphnia, indicating a grazer density-dependent response. Specifically, the density-response relationship followed a rectangular hyperbolic model in the first five days of treatment, and then switched to a linear model, which implies that the relationship between the inducible colony size of S. obliquus and Daphnia density may also be dependent upon incubation time.  相似文献   

Inducible defenses are important in the life strategies of many taxa. In some species of marine gastropods, water-borne chemical cues from potential predators induce defensive changes in shell form and differences in growth rate. We examined such phenotypic plasticity in the direct-developing snail, Littorina subrotundata (Carpenter, 1864). Among experimental field populations of L. subrotundata exposed to differing intensities of predation by the purple shore crab, Hemigrapsus nudus (Dana, 1851), snails collected from predation-intense environments often had more massive shells than closely related snails from adjacent environments where predation was negligible. Snails collected from both environments were raised in tanks containing cages of H. nudus that were feeding on conspecific snails and compared to a control group raised in the absence of this stimulus. Most snails developed significantly more massive shells in the presence of the crabs suggesting that adaptive phenotypic plasticity may account for some of the variation we observed in the field. In one case, snails from a predation-intense environment did not exhibit a statistically significant amount of plasticity, but instead grew a more massive shell irrespective of the laboratory stimulus. We interpret this as evidence for a genetic difference in the plasticity of shell form among experimental populations, caused by intense selection by H. nudus. There was no statistical difference in the growth rates of snails among treatments.  相似文献   

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