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Three egg-yolk diluents, which have been used successfully in cryopreservation of human spermatozoa, were compared for their ability to protect macaque semen against cryodamage. TEST (Tes + Tris + egg yolk), TEST with 20% skim milk (TSM), and egg yolk-citrate (EYC), each with 3 or 5% glycerol were compared using 12 ejaculates from 6 male cynomolgus macaques. Computer-aided analysis of sperm motion was used to determine the percentage motility (%M), curvilinear velocity (VCL), and linearity (LIN) of spermatozoa after thawing. The supravital stain Hoechst 33258 and a fluoresceinated pea lectin were used to determine the % of viable spermatozoa with intact acrosomes. TSM and TEST were superior to EYC in terms of % M and of % viable, acrosome-intact spermatozoa. TSM and TEST produced equivalent VCL and LIN values, while EYC had clearly reduced VCL and LIN. There were no interactions between diluent and glycerol level. The 3% glycerol level gave superior results to 5% glycerol for %M. EYC, which is widely used for cryopreservation of human spermatozoa, was not suitable for cynomolgus monkey semen. Artificial insemination with semen cryopreserved in TSM resulted in a healthy, full-term infant.  相似文献   

Interspecies microinsemination assay was applied to examine the ability of minke whale haploid spermatogenic cells to induce Ca2+ oscillations and oocyte activation. Populations of round spermatids (RS), early-stage elongating spermatids (e-ES), late-stage elongating spermatids (1-ES) and testicular spermatozoa (TS) were cryopreserved in the presence of 7.5% glycerol on board ship in the Antarctic Ocean. Repetitive increases of intracellular Ca2+ concentration occurred in 0, 65, 81 and 96% of BDF1 mouse oocytes injected with the postthaw RS, e-ES, 1-ES and TS, respectively. A normal pattern of the Ca2+ oscillations was observed in 26-47% of the responding oocytes. Most oocytes that exhibited Ca2+ oscillations, regardless of the oscillation pattern, resumed meiosis (83-94%). These results indicate that whale spermatogenic cells acquire SOAF activity, which is closely related to their Ca2+ oscillation-inducing ability at the relatively early stage of spermiogenesis.  相似文献   

We have examined the motility, morphology, and cryopreservation of epididymal spermatozoa collected by needle biopsy from cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis). At collection, epididymal sperm (23 x 10(6) +/- 4 x 10(6) sperm/sample; 611 x 10(6) +/- 116 x 10(6) sperm/ ml; n = 18) were alive (79 +/- 2%), motile (67 +/- 2%), and exhibited intact membranes (65 +/- 2%). Sperm maintained at room temperature in handling medium exhibited decreased motility over time, but head-to-head agglutination was limited. Tris egg-yolk extender containing 6% glycerol and dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) did not significantly affect functional morphology, whereas extender containing propanediol significantly reduced motility, survival, and membrane integrity. Cryostorage reduced all measures of functional morphology independent of cryoprotectant. Post-thaw motility was superior for glycerol and DMSO compared to propanediol. Variation in glycerol concentration (4, 6, and 8%) produced equivocal effects on sperm functional morphology post-thaw. Needle biopsy may be a useful technique for laboratory and field-based collection of spermatozoa from nonhuman primates.  相似文献   

Using a monoclonal antibody as a highly specific probe and a seminal particle-free fraction of rabbit ejaculated spermatozoa, actin has been localized in the postacrosomal region of mature rabbit spermatozoa. The sperm actin has been extracted and identified on two-dimensional PAGE immunoblots as a single spot of pI = 5.45 and Mr = 43,000. Rabbit sperm actin is present in a nonfilamentous form and is not removed by removing the plasma membrane. Unlike mature spermatozoa, however, filamentous actin is present in spermatogenic cells, as determined by rhodamine phalloidin staining. Starting as diffusely distributed in spermatocytes, actin accumulates in the subacrosomal space and appears as a band in conjunction with the developing acrosome. This band lengthens throughout the spermatid stage and becomes continuous with the postacrosomal region staining in testicular spermatozoa. Actin may therefore function during spermatogenesis to both shape the acrosome to the nucleus and to anchor inner acrosomal membrane proteins.  相似文献   

Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells(BM-MSCs) are a potential tool for cell therapy and tissue engineering.In this study,we carried on a comparative study of the characteristics of MSCs from different age cynomolgus monkeys.A variety of factors,including donor age,must be considered before further applications,and various tests should be used to properly assess MSCs before the clinical application,especially when a prolonged culture and ex vivo expansion is necessary.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody (CAMPATH-1G) against the human lymphocyte surface protein CD52, which is similar to the epididymal secretion HE5, was used to ascertain the presence of this protein on maturing primate spermatozoa by flow cytometry. The percentage of human viable spermatozoa stained specifically with this antibody increased from sperm in spermatocoeles (0.5%), to the efferent ducts (3.8%), corpus (47.2%), and cauda (85.7%) epididymidis. Positive cells revealed staining mainly over the whole tail and postacrosomal region of the sperm head. Spermatozoa (∼10%) from both the efferent ducts and corpus epididymidis took up additional antigen when incubated with human distal cauda epididymidal plasma as a source of CD52, and 12–22% of human testicular sperm (from spermatocoeles) took up CD52 from human seminal plasma. In the cynomolgus monkey, nonspecific binding of control IgG was greater than that in human males and net CD52 staining was measurable only on ∼30% of corpus sperm where it was mainly on the principal piece. Neither caput nor cauda sperm took up human CD52 upon incubation with human seminal plasma, but an additional 27% of corpus sperm expressed CD52. Such uptake of CD52 was drastically reduced, or did not occur, when seminal plasma had been fractionated by filtration through 0.1 μm filters (filtrate II) or 300,000 Da cutoff filters (filtrate III), respectively. Western blots revealed that CD52 contents were much reduced in filtrate II and nondetectable in filtrate III of seminal plasma. Similar reduction of CD52 in the filtrate of cauda epididymidal plasma indicates the association of this epididymal secretion with large molecular factors and suggests their involvement as carriers in the in vivo transfer of the secretion onto the epididymal sperm surface. The in vitro uptake of CD52 by some but not all immature sperm and the detection by Western blotting of much less CD52 in the corpus than the cauda luminal plasma suggest that the acquisition of this epididymal secretion by spermatozoa depends on their maturation status as well as the availability of the protein in the epididymal lumen. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 48:267–275, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The rabbit sperm membrane autoantigen RSA-1 is a sialoglycoprotein of 13,000 daltons which first appears on the surface of pachytene spermatocytes. Using specific antiserum to RSA-1 the antigen has been localized by immunofluorescence and immunoperoxidase staining. On testicular cells labeled at 37°C, RSA-1 is seen in patches on the surfaces of pachytene spermatocytes, round spermatids, and over the acrosomal area of later spermatids and spermatozoa. Over the postacrosomal and middle-piece regions of late spermatids and spermatozoa the labeling appears uniform. The uniformity can be seen to stop abruptly at the equatorial segment-postacrosomal border. Labeling cells after fixation gives a uniform distribution of label over the surface where patches were seen at 37°C. The polypeptides recognized by the antiserum used for labeling were identified by immunoadsorbent chromatography and subsequent SDS-PAGE. In testicular cells anti-RSA-1 recognizes the 13,000-dalton form and another component which migrates with the dye front. In ejaculated spermatozoa anti-RSA-1 recognizes a distinct ejaculate complex of higher-molecular-weight proteins containing an 84,000-dalton major band and five minor components.  相似文献   

The immunogenicity and the protective efficacy of a new polyvalent triple vector (DNA/SFV/MVA) based vaccine against mucosal challenge with pathogenic SIVmac251 were investigated. Cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) were primed intradermally with DNA, boosted twice subcutaneously with recombinant Semliki Forest virus (rSFV) and finally intramuscularly with recombinant Modified Vaccinia Virus Ankara strain (rMVA). Both DNA and recombinant viral vectors expressed SIV proteins (Gag, Pol, Tat, Rev, Nef and Env). The vaccinated monkeys developed T helper proliferative responses to viral antigens after the second immunization while interferon (IFN)-gamma enzyme-linked immunosorbent spot-forming cell assay (ELISPOT) specific responses appeared only after the last boost with rMVA. Upon intrarectal challenge with pathogenic SIVmac251, three of four vaccinated monkeys were either fully protected or exhibited a dramatic reduction of virus replication up to undetectable level. A major contribution to this protective effect appeared to be the anamnestic T-cell IFN-gamma ELISPOT responses to vaccine antigens (Gag, Rev, Tat, Nef) that mirrored the viral clearance. These results underline the efficacy of a multiprotein approach in combination with a triple vector system of antigen delivery.  相似文献   

The effects of intravenous injection of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF) were investigated in cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis). Injection of 20 micrograms/kg of LPS from E. coli (serotype 055:B5) into cynomolgus monkeys fed a monkey chow diet caused a twofold increase in plasma triglyceride and a 25% reduction in plasma cholesterol 48 h after injection. Similar results were found with injection of recombinant human TNF at a dose of 20 micrograms/kg into chow-fed animals. However, injection of the same dose of LPS or TNF into animals fed an atherogenic diet containing saturated fat and cholesterol resulted in a 2.4- to 5-fold increase in plasma triglyceride concentrations and no significant change in plasma cholesterol levels. The fall in plasma cholesterol levels observed in chow-fed animals was associated with a 57% decrease in the cholesteryl ester (CE) content in low density lipoprotein (LDL) and 35% decrease in CE in high density lipoprotein (HDL) in LPS-injected animals, and a decrease of 33% in CE concentration of LDL and 41% in CE of HDL in animals injected with TNF. In animals fed the atherogenic diet containing saturated fat and cholesterol, the injection of both LPS and TNF also resulted in a significant decrease in the CE content of LDL and HDL. However, the plasma total cholesterol levels did not change in the animals fed saturated fat and cholesterol because the decrease in CE content of LDL and HDL was offset by an increase in very low density lipoprotein (VLDL)-CE.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The differentiation of spermatids in Hoplias malabaricus is characterized by chromatin compaction, flagellum development, nuclear rotation, nuclear fossa formation, and excess cytoplasm elimination. In the resulting spermatozoon, the head is round and the nucleus contains chromatin compacted in thick filaments, peripherically arranged, to a central electron-lucent area. The acrosome is absent. The nuclear fossa is eccentric but not pronounced. The proximal centriole penetrates it and is oblique to the flagellum. The long midpiece has several converging elongate vesicles, forming membranous hoops in the initial segment of the flagellum, but has no cytoplasmic channel. The mitochondria are elongate and branched or C-shaped and located around the initial segment of the axoneme. The lateral flagellum does not show lateral projections. The ultrastructural characteristics of H.malabaricus spermatozoa are similar to the Cypriniformes.  相似文献   

Spermatozoa mature during epididymal transit, acquiring the abilities to swim progressively, fertilize oocytes, and produce viable offspring. In this study, we investigate the capacity of spermatozoa retrieved from the midcorpus and distal cauda regions of the epididymis of the cynomolgus monkey to penetrate homologous zone pellucida. Successful in vitro fertilization by ejaculated macaque sperm is dependent upon the addition of caffeine and dbcAMP. Therefore, the effect of these cyclic nucleotide mediators was also examined in this study. Results of sperm motion analysis indicate no difference in baseline values (without stimulators) for any motion parameter. With the addition of caffeine and dbcAMP, curvilinear velocity significantly increased only for the distal cauda sperm (P = 0.05). Amplitude of the lateral head displacement was significantly increased for distal cauda sperm (P < 0.01); although elevated above baseline, the increase observed after activation by corpus sperm was significantly lower than that achieved by cauda sperm (P < 0.05). The addition of caffeine and dbcAMP was an absolute requirement for zona penetration by both midcorpus and distal cauda sperm. With activation, zona penetration was significantly decreased for corpus sperm compared to cauda sperm (P < 0.001). These results suggest that cynomolgus monkey sperm reaching the midcorpus region of the epididymis have not completed all of the maturational changes requisite for successful fertilization; this immaturity is evidenced by decreased sperm motion and by impedance at the level of zona penetration. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Glycerol has commonly been employed as a cryoprotectant in cryopreservation of human spermatozoa. However, the addition of glycerol into the sperm before freezing and the removal of glycerol from the sperm after freezing and thawing result in anisotonic environments to the cells, which can cause cell injury. To define optimal procedures for the addition/removal of glycerol and to minimize the cell injury, one needs to know the kinetics of glycerol permeation across the sperm plasma membrane at different temperatures. For this, one has to determine the permeability coefficient of glycerol (Pg) and its activation energy (Ea). Values of Pg at different temperatures and at different glycerol concentrations were determined by measuring the time required for 50% spermolysis in hyperosmotic glycerol solutions which were hypotonic with respect to electrolytes. Value of the Ea was determined assuming an Arrhenius type temperature dependence of Pg. A dual fluorescent staining technique (propidium iodide and 6-carboxyfluoroscein diacetate) and flow cytometry were used to measure the spermolysis. The values of Pg in 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 M glycerol at 22 degrees C are 1.62, 1.88, 1.68, and 1.54 x 10(-3) cm/min, respectively. The values of Pg in 1 M glycerol at 0, 8, 22, and 30 degrees C are 0.33, 0.54, 1.88, and 2.60 x 10(-3) cm/min, respectively. The value of Ea is 11.76 kcal/mol.  相似文献   

1. The pharmacokinetics of frusemide have been compared in 3 non-human primate species after single intravenous dose of 3 mg/kg of the drug. 2. Peak mean plasma concentrations of frusemide were 31.6, 33.6, 43.6 micrograms/ml in the rhesus monkey, cynomolgus monkey and baboon respectively, and concentrations declined with a half-life of about 20 min. 3. There were no notable differences in the pharmacokinetic parameters estimated from either a one-compartment or two-compartment open model. 4. There were statistically significant species-related differences in clearance, half-lives and volumes of distribution adjusted for bodyweight. 5. The pharmacokinetics of frusemide in the cynomolgus monkey are closer to those in man than are those in the rhesus monkey, the baboon or other commonly used laboratory animal species.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To describe the early detection of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) with ultrasound in three clinically normal cynomolgus monkeys post-renal transplantation and immunosuppression with cyclosporine. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The monkeys in this report were treated with cyclosporine (Neoral) after receiving renal transplants. In addition to clinical and laboratory (hematology, serum chemistry) monitoring, renal allografts were monitored every 2 weeks with ultrasound and ultrasound-guided allograft biopsies were performed. RESULTS: Enlarged renal hilar and mesenteric lymph nodes were detected with ultrasound in three monkeys on days 36, 49 and 134 post-transplantation. Sonographically the lymph nodes were inhomogeneous, of low echogenity and rounded. In two animals, the spleen was sonographically enlarged and inhomogeneous. All three monkeys were symptom-free at the time of ultrasound detection and NHL was diagnosed histologically. CONCLUSION: Ultrasound provides a rapid, non-invasive means of early detection of NHL in animal transplantation models prior to the onset of clinical symptoms of disease.  相似文献   

Isolated spermatocytes and spermatids from hamsters contained a large amount of glutathione (GSH) (approximately 40 and 30 nmol GSH/mg protein, respectively), but showed a spontaneous decrease of GSH content during prolonged incubation (t1/2 approximately 35 h). Incubation of the germ cells in the presence of the glutathione biosynthesis inhibitor buthionine sulphoximine (BSO) provided evidence that the cells can perform glutathione synthesis. This synthesis, however, was not sufficient to maintain the GSH content of the isolated cells, or to restore the cellular GSH pool after depletion caused by exposure of the cells to the glutathione S-transferase substrate, diethyl maleate (DEM). Cultured Sertoli cells, containing approximately 10 nmol GSH/mg protein, had a more active BSO-sensitive GSH synthesis system. The Sertoli cells, but also tubule fragments containing Sertoli cells and germ cells, were able to restore their GSH pool after DEM-induced depletion. DEM treatment of the tubule fragments resulted in a 90% decrease of the GSH content of the spermatocytes and spermatids present within the fragments. The GSH levels of the tubule fragments and the enclosed germ cells were restored during a subsequent incubation in the absence of DEM. As indicated above, such a recovery was not observed for isolated spermatocytes and spermatids. The results illustrate the importance of Sertoli cell-germ cell interaction, and point to a role of Sertoli cells in glutathione synthesis by the germ cells.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to determine whether various behavioral and hormonal markers obtained in individually housed monkeys would be predictive of social rank following group housing. Body weight, serum cortisol and testosterone levels, and locomotor activity in an open-field apparatus were examined in 20 experimentally naive male cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) while they were individually housed. It was hypothesized that eventual subordinate monkeys would have higher cortisol levels and increased locomotor activity scores. These monkeys were then placed in social groups of four (five pens of four monkeys), and social rank was determined based on outcomes of dyadic agonistic encounters. Body weight correlated significantly with eventual social rank. In general, the heavier the monkey the higher the social rank. Locomotor activity in an open-field apparatus following administration of a low dose of cocaine (0.01 mg/kg, i.v.), which has been shown to increase CNS dopamine, correlated with eventual social rank such that individually housed monkeys with high levels of locomotion were more likely to become subordinate. Serum cortisol and testosterone levels failed to correlate with eventual social rank. Hypothalamic-pituitary feedback sensitivity and adrenal responsiveness were examined by measuring cortisol levels after administration of dexamethasone and following ACTH challenge. Cortisol responses in these tests were not associated with eventual social rank. These results suggest that, in addition to body weight, the level of reactivity in a novel environment after administration of a low dose of cocaine is a potential trait marker for social rank. This trait is apparently not associated with hormone levels, but may involve other CNS mechanisms.  相似文献   

To examine the synthesis and release of steroids in intestinal tissues from cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis), we performed the following experiments: 1) incubated prepared intestinal tissues with [(3)H]testosterone to study the conversion to other steroids; 2) used a radioimmunoassay to determine steroid levels in six segments of intestinal tissues and contents (duodenum, jejunum, ileum, cecum, colon, and rectum); 3) localized testosterone in the six intestinal segments by immunofluorescence histochemistry; and 4) determined steroid levels in feces from males and females of various ages by radioimmunoassay to examine a correlation between steroid levels and age or sex. In prepared intestinal tissues, testosterone was converted into androstenedione, 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone, and an unidentified substance; all of these steroids were detected in all segments of the intestinal tissues and contents by radioimmunoassay. Immunofluorescence showed that testosterone was located in all segments of intestinal epithelia. Androstenedione, testosterone, 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone, and the unidentified substance were also detected in feces, and their levels were not affected by the age or sex of the animal. The present findings in cynomolgus monkeys led us to conclude that 1) steroids were synthesized in the intestines; 2) intestinal steroids were released from the six intestinal tissues to the intestinal cavities and excreted outside the body with feces; and 3) intestinal steroids were released irrespective of age or sex of the animal. Intestinal steroids seem to be paracrine or exocrine agents and to have different characteristics from classical serum steroids.  相似文献   

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