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Yeast Ssb proteins (Ssbp) are ribosome-associated Hsp70 chaperones that function in translation. Elevated levels of Ssbp enhance the ability of over-expressed Hsp104 chaperone to eliminate the yeast [PSI+] prion, while depletion of Ssbp reduces this effect. Millimolar concentrations of guanidine in the growth medium cure yeast cells of prions by inactivating Hsp104. Guanidine is also toxic to yeast, irrespective of the status of Hsp104 and [PSI+]. Strains that lack Ssbp are hypersensitive to guanidine toxicity. Here we show that ssb- cells have normal numbers of [PSI+] "seeds", but can be cured of [PSI+] using one-sixth of the guanidine concentration required to eliminate [PSI+] from SSB cells. Correspondingly, the level of intracellular guanidine was eight-fold higher in ssb- cells than in wild-type cells, which explains all effects of Ssbp depletion on susceptibility to guanidine. The sensitivity of wild-type cells to the effects of guanidine also correlated with guanidine uptake, which was enhanced at low temperature. Guanidine sensitivity of strains mutated in any of 16 ABC membrane transporters, which are implicated in multidrug resistance, was normal. We found that an erg6 mutant that has an altered membrane lipid composition was hypersensitive to guanidine toxicity, but the lipid composition of ssb- cells was identical to that of wild-type cells. Our results suggest that Ssbp depletion does not affect prion seed regeneration, and that elevated guanidine uptake by ssb- cells may be due to increased retention rather than to an alteration in active or passive transport of the compound.  相似文献   

Jung G  Jones G  Wegrzyn RD  Masison DC 《Genetics》2000,156(2):559-570
[PSI(+)] is a prion (infectious protein) of Sup35p, a subunit of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae translation termination factor. We isolated a dominant allele, SSA1-21, of a gene encoding an Hsp70 chaperone that impairs [PSI(+)] mitotic stability and weakens allosuppression caused by [PSI(+)]. While [PSI(+)] stability is normal in strains lacking SSA1, SSA2, or both, SSA1-21 strains with a deletion of SSA2 cannot propagate [PSI(+)]. SSA1-21 [PSI(+)] strains are hypersensitive to curing of [PSI(+)] by guanidine-hydrochloride and partially cured of [PSI(+)] by rapid induction of the heat-shock response but not by growth at 37 degrees. The number of inheritable [PSI(+)] particles is significantly reduced in SSA1-21 cells. SSA1-21 effects on [PSI(+)] appear to be independent of Hsp104, another stress-inducible protein chaperone known to be involved in [PSI(+)] propagation. We propose that cytosolic Hsp70 is important for the formation of Sup35p polymers characteristic of [PSI(+)] from preexisting material and that Ssa1-21p both lacks and interferes with this activity. We further demonstrate that the negative effect of heat stress on [PSI(+)] phenotype directly correlates with solubility of Sup35p and find that in wild-type strains the presence of [PSI(+)] causes a stress that elevates basal expression of Hsp104 and SSA1.  相似文献   

The yeast [PSI(+)], [URE3], and [PIN(+)] genetic elements are prion forms of Sup35p, Ure2p, and Rnq1p, respectively. Overexpression of Sup35p, Ure2p, or Rnq1p leads to increased de novo appearance of [PSI(+)], [URE3], and [PIN(+)], respectively. This inducible appearance of [PSI(+)] was shown to be dependent on the presence of [PIN(+)] or [URE3] or overexpression of other yeast proteins that have stretches of polar residues similar to the prion-determining domains of the known prion proteins. In a similar manner, [PSI(+)] and [URE3] facilitate the appearance of [PIN(+)]. In contrast to these positive interactions, here we find that in the presence of [PIN(+)], [PSI(+)] and [URE3] repressed each other's propagation and de novo appearance. Elevated expression of Hsp104 and Hsp70 (Ssa2p) had little effect on these interactions, ruling out competition between the two prions for limiting amounts of these protein chaperones. In contrast, we find that constitutive overexpression of SSA1 but not SSA2 cured cells of [URE3], uncovering a specific interaction between Ssa1p and [URE3] and a functional distinction between these nearly identical Hsp70 isoforms. We also find that Hsp104 abundance, which critically affects [PSI(+)] propagation, is elevated when [URE3] is present. Our results are consistent with the notion that proteins that have a propensity to form prions may interact with heterologous prions but, as we now show, in a negative manner. Our data also suggest that differences in how [PSI(+)] and [URE3] interact with Hsp104 and Hsp70 may contribute to their antagonistic interactions.  相似文献   

The frequency with which the yeast [PSI(+)] prion form of Sup35 arises de novo is controlled by a number of genetic and environmental factors. We have previously shown that in cells lacking the antioxidant peroxiredoxin proteins Tsa1 and Tsa2, the frequency of de novo formation of [PSI(+)] is greatly elevated. We show here that Tsa1/Tsa2 also function to suppress the formation of the [PIN(+)] prion form of Rnq1. However, although oxidative stress increases the de novo formation of both [PIN(+)] and [PSI(+)], it does not overcome the requirement of cells being [PIN(+)] to form the [PSI(+)] prion. We use an anti-methionine sulfoxide antibody to show that methionine oxidation is elevated in Sup35 during oxidative stress conditions. Abrogating Sup35 methionine oxidation by overexpressing methionine sulfoxide reductase (MSRA) prevents [PSI(+)] formation, indicating that Sup35 oxidation may underlie the switch from a soluble to an aggregated form of Sup35. In contrast, we were unable to detect methionine oxidation of Rnq1, and MSRA overexpression did not affect [PIN(+)] formation in a tsa1 tsa2 mutant. The molecular basis of how yeast and mammalian prions form infectious amyloid-like structures de novo is poorly understood. Our data suggest a causal link between Sup35 protein oxidation and de novo [PSI(+)] prion formation.  相似文献   

Kirkland PA  Reidy M  Masison DC 《Genetics》2011,188(3):565-577
Replication of amyloid-based yeast prions [PSI(+)], [URE3], and [PIN(+)] depends on the protein disaggregation machinery that includes Hsp104, Hsp70, and Hsp40 molecular chaperones. Yet, overexpressing Hsp104 cures cells of [PSI(+)] prions. An Hsp70 mutant (Ssa1-21p) antagonizes propagation of [PSI(+)] in a manner resembling elevated Hsp104. The major cytosolic Hsp40 Sis1p is the only Hsp40 required for replication of these prions, but its role in [PSI(+)] curing is unknown. Here we find that all nonessential functional regions of Sis1p are dispensable for [PSI(+)] propagation, suggesting that other Hsp40's might provide Hsp40 functions required for [PSI(+)] replication. Conversely, several Sis1p functions were important for promoting antiprion effects of both Ssa1-21p and Hsp104, which implies a link between the antiprion effects of these chaperones and suggests that Sis1p is a specific Hsp40 important for [PSI(+)] curing. These contrasting findings suggest that the functions of Hsp104 that are important for propagation and elimination of [PSI(+)] are either distinct or specified by different Hsp40's. This work also uncovered a growth inhibition caused by [PSI(+)] when certain functions of Sis1p were absent, suggesting that Sis1p protects cells from cytotoxicity caused by [PSI(+)] prions.  相似文献   

Prions are self-propagating, infectious proteins that underlie several neurodegenerative diseases. The molecular basis underlying their sporadic formation is poorly understood. We show that autophagy protects against de novo formation of [PSI+], which is the prion form of the yeast Sup35 translation termination factor. Autophagy is a cellular degradation system, and preventing autophagy by mutating its core components elevates the frequency of spontaneous [PSI+] formation. Conversely, increasing autophagic flux by treating cells with the polyamine spermidine suppresses prion formation in mutants that normally show a high frequency of de novo prion formation. Autophagy also protects against the de novo formation of another prion, namely the Rnq1/[PIN+] prion, which is not related in sequence to the Sup35/[PSI+] prion. We show that growth under anaerobic conditions in the absence of molecular oxygen abrogates Sup35 protein damage and suppresses the high frequency of [PSI+] formation in an autophagy mutant. Autophagy therefore normally functions to remove oxidatively damaged Sup35, which accumulates in cells grown under aerobic conditions, but in the absence of autophagy, damaged/misfolded Sup35 undergoes structural transitions favoring its conversion to the propagatable [PSI+] form.  相似文献   

Most prions in yeast form amyloid fibrils that must be severed by the protein disaggregase Hsp104 to be propagated and transmitted efficiently to newly formed buds. Only one yeast prion, [PSI+], is cured by Hsp104 overexpression. We investigated the interaction between Hsp104 and Sup35, the priongenic protein in yeast that forms the [PSI+] prion.1 We found that a 20-amino acid segment within the highly-charged, unstructured middle domain of Sup35 contributes to the physical interaction between the middle domain and Hsp104. When this segment was deleted from Sup35, the efficiency of [PSI+] severing was substantially reduced, resulting in larger Sup35 particles and weakening of the [PSI+] phenotype. Furthermore, [PSI+] in these cells was completely resistant to Hsp104 curing. The affinity of Hsp104 was considerably weaker than that of model Hsp104-binding proteins and peptides, implying that Sup35 prions are not ideal substrates for Hsp104-mediated remodeling. In light of this finding, we present a modified model of Hsp104-mediated [PSI+] propagation and curing that requires only partial remodeling of Sup35 assembled into amyloid fibrils.  相似文献   

Most prions in yeast form amyloid fibrils that must be severed by the protein disaggregase Hsp104 to be propagated and transmitted efficiently to newly formed buds. Only one yeast prion, [PSI+], is cured by Hsp104 overexpression. We investigated the interaction between Hsp104 and Sup35, the priongenic protein in yeast that forms the [PSI+] prion.1 Helsen CW, Glover JR. Insight into molecular basis of curing of [PSI+] prion by overexpression of 104-kDa heat shock protein (Hsp104). J Biol Chem 2012; 287:542 - 56; http://dx.doi.org/10.1074/jbc.M111.302869; PMID: 22081611 [Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] We found that a 20-amino acid segment within the highly-charged, unstructured middle domain of Sup35 contributes to the physical interaction between the middle domain and Hsp104. When this segment was deleted from Sup35, the efficiency of [PSI+] severing was substantially reduced, resulting in larger Sup35 particles and weakening of the [PSI+] phenotype. Furthermore, [PSI+] in these cells was completely resistant to Hsp104 curing. The affinity of Hsp104 was considerably weaker than that of model Hsp104-binding proteins and peptides, implying that Sup35 prions are not ideal substrates for Hsp104-mediated remodeling. In light of this finding, we present a modified model of Hsp104-mediated [PSI+] propagation and curing that requires only partial remodeling of Sup35 assembled into amyloid fibrils.  相似文献   

Jones GW  Masison DC 《Genetics》2003,163(2):495-506
We previously described an Hsp70 mutant (Ssa1-21p), altered in a conserved residue (L483W), that dominantly impairs yeast [PSI(+)] prion propagation without affecting growth. We generated new SSA1 mutations that impaired [PSI(+)] propagation and second-site mutations in SSA1-21 that restored normal propagation. Effects of mutations on growth did not correlate with [PSI(+)] phenotype, revealing differences in Hsp70 function required for growth and [PSI(+)] propagation and suggesting that Hsp70 interacts differently with [PSI(+)] prion aggregates than with other cellular substrates. Complementary suppression of altered activity between forward and suppressing mutations suggests that mutations that impair [PSI(+)] affect a similar Hsp70 function and that suppressing mutations similarly overcome this effect. All new mutations that impaired [PSI(+)] propagation were located in the ATPase domain. Locations and homology of several suppressing substitutions suggest that they weaken Hsp70's substrate-trapping conformation, implying that impairment of [PSI(+)] by forward mutations is due to altered ability of the ATPase domain to regulate substrate binding. Other suppressing mutations are in residues important for interactions with Hsp40 or TPR-containing cochaperones, suggesting that such interactions are necessary for the impairment of [PSI(+)] propagation caused by mutant Ssa1p.  相似文献   

The [PSI(+)] prion of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae was first identified by Brian Cox some 40 years ago as a non-Mendelian genetic element that modulated the efficiency of nonsense suppression. Following the suggestion by Reed Wickner in 1994 that such elements might be accounted for by invoking a prion-based model, it was subsequently established that the [PSI(+)] determinant was the prion form of the Sup35p protein. In this article, we review how a combination of classical genetic approaches and modern molecular and biochemical methods has provided conclusive evidence of the prion basis of the [PSI(+)] determinant. In so doing we have tried to provide a historical context, but also describe the results of more recent experiments aimed at elucidating the mechanism by which the [PSI(+)] (and other yeast prions) are efficiently propagated in dividing cells. While understanding of the [PSI(+)] prion and its mode of propagation has, and will continue to have, an impact on mammalian prion biology nevertheless the very existence of a protein-based mechanism that can have a beneficial impact on a cell's fitness provides equally sound justification to fully explore yeast prions.  相似文献   

[PSI(+)] is a prion isoform of the yeast release factor Sup35. In some assays, the cytosolic chaperones Ssa1 and Ssb1/2 of the Hsp70 family were previously shown to exhibit "pro-[PSI(+)]" and "anti-[PSI(+)]" effects, respectively. Here, it is demonstrated for the first time that excess Ssa1 increases de novo formation of [PSI(+)] and that pro-[PSI(+)] effects of Ssa1 are shared by all other Ssa proteins. Experiments with chimeric constructs show that the peptide-binding domain is a major determinant of differences in the effects of Ssa and Ssb proteins on [PSI(+)]. Surprisingly, overproduction of either chaperone increases loss of [PSI(+)] when Sup35 is simultaneously overproduced. Excess Ssa increases both the average size of prion polymers and the proportion of monomeric Sup35 protein. Both in vivo and in vitro experiments uncover direct physical interactions between Sup35 and Hsp70 proteins. The proposed model postulates that Ssa stimulates prion formation and polymer growth by stabilizing misfolded proteins, which serve as substrates for prion conversion. In the case of very large prion aggregates, further increase in size may lead to the loss of prion activity. In contrast, Ssb either stimulates refolding into nonprion conformation or targets misfolded proteins for degradation, in this way counteracting prion formation and propagation.  相似文献   

Importance of the Hsp70 ATPase domain in yeast prion propagation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Loovers HM  Guinan E  Jones GW 《Genetics》2007,175(2):621-630
The Saccharomyces cerevisiae non-Mendelian genetic element [PSI+] is the prion form of the translation termination factor Sup35p. The ability of [PSI+] to propagate efficiently has been shown previously to depend upon the action of protein chaperones. In this article we describe a genetic screen that identifies an array of mutants within the two major cytosolic Hsp70 chaperones of yeast, Ssa1p and Ssa2p, which impair the propagation of [PSI+]. All but one of the mutants was located within the ATPase domain of Hsp70, which highlights the important role of regulation of Hsp70-Ssa ATP hydrolysis in prion propagation. A subset of mutants is shown to alter Hsp70 function in a way that is distinct from that of previously characterized Hsp70 mutants that alter [PSI+] propagation and supports the importance of interdomain communication and Hsp70 interaction with nucleotide exchange factors in prion propagation. Analysis of the effects of Hsp70 mutants upon propagation of a second yeast prion [URE3] further classifies these mutants as having general or prion-specific inhibitory properties.  相似文献   

Liu Q  Hendrickson WA 《Cell》2007,131(1):106-120
Classic Hsp70 chaperones assist in diverse processes of protein folding and translocation, and Hsp110s had seemed by sequence to be distant relatives within an Hsp70 superfamily. The 2.4 A resolution structure of Sse1 with ATP shows that Hsp110s are indeed Hsp70 relatives, and it provides insight into allosteric coupling between sites for ATP and polypeptide-substrate binding in Hsp70s. Subdomain structures are similar in intact Sse1(ATP) and in the separate Hsp70 domains, but conformational dispositions are radically different. Interfaces between Sse1 domains are extensive, intimate, and conservative in sequence with Hsp70s. We propose that Sse1(ATP) may be an evolutionary vestige of the Hsp70(ATP) state, and an analysis of 64 mutant variants in Sse1 and three Hsp70 homologs supports this hypothesis. An atomic-level understanding of Hsp70 communication between ATP and substrate-binding domains follows. Requirements on Sse1 for yeast viability are in keeping with the distinct function of Hsp110s as nucleotide exchange factors.  相似文献   

Prions are self‐perpetuating amyloid protein aggregates which underlie various neurodegenerative diseases in mammals and heritable traits in yeast. The molecular basis of how yeast and mammalian prions form spontaneously into infectious amyloid‐like structures is poorly understood. We have explored the hypothesis that oxidative stress is a general trigger for prion formation using the yeast [PSI+] prion, which is the altered conformation of the Sup35 translation termination factor. We show that the frequency of [PSI+] prion formation is elevated under conditions of oxidative stress and in mutants lacking key antioxidants. We detect increased oxidation of Sup35 methionine residues in antioxidant mutants and show that overexpression of methionine sulphoxide reductase abrogates both the oxidation of Sup35 and its conversion to the [PSI+] prion. [PSI+] prion formation is particularly elevated in a mutant lacking the Sod1 Cu,Zn‐superoxide dismutase. We have used fluorescence microscopy to show that the de novo appearance of [PSI+] is both rapid and increased in frequency in this mutant. Finally, electron microscopy analysis of native Sup35 reveals that similar fibrillar structures are formed in both the wild‐type and antioxidant mutants. Together, our data indicate that oxidative stress is a general trigger of [PSI+] formation, which can be alleviated by antioxidant defenses.  相似文献   

Most known proteins have at least one local Hsp70 chaperone binding site. Does this mean that all proteins interact with Hsp70 as they fold? This study makes an initial step to address the above question by examining the interaction of the E.coli Hsp70 chaperone (known as DnaK) and its co-chaperones DnaJ and GrpE with a slow-folding E.coli substrate, RNase HD. Importantly, this protein is a nonobligatory client, and it is able to fold in vitro even in the absence of chaperones. We employ stopped-flow mixing, chromatography, and activity assays to analyze the kinetic perturbations induced by DnaK/DnaJ/GrpE (K/J/E) on the folding of RNase HD. We find that K/J/E slows down RNase HD''s apparent folding, consistent with the presence of transient chaperone-substrate interactions. However, kinetic retardation is moderate for this slow-folding client and it is expected to be even smaller for faster-folding substrates. Given that the interaction of folding-competent substrates such as RNase HD with the K/J/E chaperones is relatively short-lived, it does not significantly interfere with the timely production of folded biologically active substrate. The above mode of action is important because it preserves K/J/E bioavailability, enabling this chaperone system to act primarily by assisting the folding of other misfolded and (or) aggregation-prone cellular proteins that are unable to fold independently. When refolding is carried out in the presence of K/J and absence of the nucleotide exchange factor GrpE, some of the substrate population becomes trapped as a chaperone-bound partially unfolded state.  相似文献   

Shaner L  Sousa R  Morano KA 《Biochemistry》2006,45(50):15075-15084
SSE1 and SSE2 encode the essential yeast members of the Hsp70-related Hsp110 molecular chaperone family. Both mammalian Hsp110 and the Sse proteins functionally interact with cognate cytosolic Hsp70s as nucleotide exchange factors. We demonstrate here that Sse1 forms high-affinity (Kd approximately 10-8 M) heterodimeric complexes with both yeast Ssa and mammalian Hsp70 chaperones and that binding of ATP to Sse1 is required for binding to Hsp70s. Sse1.Hsp70 heterodimerization confers resistance to exogenously added protease, indicative of conformational changes in Sse1 resulting in a more compact structure. The nucleotide binding domains of both Sse1/2 and the Hsp70s dictate interaction specificity and are sufficient for mediating heterodimerization with no discernible contribution from the peptide binding domains. In support of a strongly conserved functional interaction between Hsp110 and Hsp70, Sse1 is shown to associate with and promote nucleotide exchange on human Hsp70. Nucleotide exchange activity by Sse1 is physiologically significant, as deletion of both SSE1 and the Ssa ATPase stimulatory protein YDJ1 is synthetically lethal. The Hsp110 family must therefore be considered an essential component of Hsp70 chaperone biology in the eukaryotic cell.  相似文献   

The [PSI(+)] prion in yeast has been shown to improve short-term growth in some environments, but its effects on rates of adaptation have not been assessed before now. We adapted three yeast genotypes to three novel environments in the presence and the absence of the prion. There were significant differences in adaptation rates between lines with different combinations of genotype, environment, and prion status. We saw no consistent effect, however, of the prion on the rate of adaptation to new environments. A major factor affecting the rate of adaptation was initial fitness in the new environment: lines with low initial fitness evolved faster than lines with high initial fitness.  相似文献   

The Hsp90 chaperoning pathway and its model client substrate, the progesterone receptor (PR), have been used extensively to study chaperone complex formation and maturation of a client substrate in a near native state. This chaperoning pathway can be reconstituted in vitro with the addition of five proteins plus ATP: Hsp40, Hsp70, Hop, Hsp90, and p23. The addition of these proteins is necessary to reconstitute hormone-binding capacity to the immuno-isolated PR. It was recently shown that the first step for the recognition of PR by this system is binding by Hsp40. We compared type I and type II Hsp40 proteins and created point mutations in Hsp40 and Hsp70 to understand the requirements for this first step. The type I proteins, Ydj1 and DjA1 (HDJ2), and a type II, DjB1 (HDJ1), act similarly in promoting hormone binding and Hsp70 association to PR, while having different binding characteristics to PR. Ydj1 and DjA1 bind tightly to PR whereas the binding of DjB1 apparently has rapid on and off rates and its binding cannot be observed by antibody pull-down methods using either purified proteins or cell lysates. Mutation studies indicate that client binding, interactions between Hsp40 and Hsp70, plus ATP hydrolysis by Hsp70 are all required to promote conformational maturation of PR via the Hsp90 pathway.  相似文献   

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