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Activation of mouse B cells with lipopolysaccharide in conjunction with anti-immunoglobulin (Ig) antibodies results in interleukin 2 (IL2) receptor (IL2-R) expression and IL2 responsiveness. In most studies on the effect of IL2 on antibody production by B cells, polyclonally activated normal B cells or B cell lines established in vitro have been used as indicator cells, thus allowing no direct correlation between the experimental findings and the actual physiological mechanism of IL2 action in antigen-specific B cell response. We employed the splenic fragment culture technique, which measures antibody response on the clonal level, to analyze the effect of purified human recombinant IL2 (rIL2) on the primary antigen-specific Ig response of mouse B cells. Here we report that rIL2 increased the frequency of dinitrophenyl (DNP)-responsive splenic B cells and the amount of Ig secreted per clone. The anti-DNP antibody response was dependent upon interaction of naive B cells with carrier-primed T cells, which apparently provided the signal for IL2-R expression. Recombinant IL2 also facilitated Ig isotype switching by individual clones, suggesting a role for IL2 in activation, maturation, and differentiation of antigen-specific naive B cells in their response to T-dependent antigens.  相似文献   

The secondary immune response classically differs from the primary response in magnitude, avidity, and isotype of the antibodies produced. Cell transfer studies to assess the contribution of memory B and memory T cells to each of these parameters are described. Avidities of the anti-DNP plaque-forming cells (PFC) generated in lethally irradiated recipients of naive B cells and keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH)-primed T cells, followed by immunization with soluble DNP-KLH, are medium to high, and do not differ significantly from the avidities of anti-DNP PFC in recipients of DNP-primed B cells and KLH-primed T cells. However, the number of indirect (I)-PFC and the ratio of I-PFC to direct (D)-PFC are significantly greater in the recipients of primed B and primed T cells. The results suggest that carrier primed T cells can selectively activate virgin B cells which are committed to produce medium- and high-avidity antibodies, and/or enhance the generation of somatic mutation which leads to antibodies of higher avidity. Priming of B cells is necessary for the increased magnitude of the I-PFC.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DCs) residing in different tissues and exposed to different organisms are likely to have different reactivities to their surrounding environment. Many studies use in vitro generated DCs to examine functions of these cells, but such cells may not truly reflect the nature of DCs and their in situ activities in vivo. We have used magnetic label-based technique to isolate colonic DCs to conduct derailed characterization of these cells. Colonic DCs comprise mainly CD11b+ DCs with few CD8alpha+ DCs or plasmacytoid DCs. Functionally, isolated colonic DCs are able to endocytose and process proteins, undergo maturation, and stimulate T cells to proliferate. Importantly, expression of TLRs by colonic DCs is significantly lower than that of their spleen counterparts; however, they appear to be as, or more, responsive to stimulation by oligodeoxynucleotides containing CpG motif based on their cytokine production. We speculate that colonic DCs have unique reactivities differing from DCs residing in other lymphoid tissues and are adapted for the unique microenvironment of the colonic mucosa and that these cells react uniquely to their environment.  相似文献   

IL-21 is a type I cytokine that influences the function of T cells, NK cells, and B cells. In this study, we report that IL-21 plays a major role in stimulating the differentiation of human B cells. When human B cells were stimulated through the BCR, IL-21 induced minimal proliferation, IgD down-modulation, and small numbers of plasma cells. In contrast, after CD40 engagement, IL-21 induced extensive proliferation, class switch recombination (CSR), and plasma cell differentiation. Upon cross-linking both BCR and CD40, IL-21 induced the largest numbers of plasma cells. IL-21 drove both postswitch memory cells as well as poorly responsive naive cord blood B cells to differentiate into plasma cells. The effect of IL-21 was more potent than the combination of IL-2 and IL-10, especially when responsiveness of cord blood B cells was examined. IL-21 costimulation potently induced the expression of both B lymphocyte-induced maturation protein-1 (BLIMP-1) and activation-induced cytidine deaminase as well as the production of large amounts of IgG from B cells. Despite the induction of activation-induced cytidine deaminase and CSR, IL-21 did not induce somatic hypermutation. Finally, IL-2 enhanced the effects of IL-21, whereas IL-4 inhibited IL-21-induced plasma cell differentiation. Taken together, our data show that IL-21 plays a central role in CSR and plasma cell differentiation during T cell-dependent B cell responses.  相似文献   

The immunological synapse is a highly organized complex formed at the junction between Ag-specific T cells and APCs as a prelude to cell activation. Although its exact role in modulating T cell signaling is unknown, it is commonly believed that the immunological synapse is the site of cross-talk between the T cell and APC (or target). We have examined the synapses formed by naive and memory CD4 cells during Ag-specific cognate interactions with APCs. We show that the mature immunological synapse forms more quickly during memory T cell activation. We further show that the composition of the synapse found in naive or memory cell conjugates with APCs is distinct with the tyrosine phosphatase, CD45, being a more integral component of the mature synapses formed by memory cells. Finally, we show that signaling molecules, including CD45, are preassociated in discrete, lipid-raft microdomains in resting memory cells but not in naive cells. Thus, enhanced memory cell responses may be due to intrinsic properties of signaling molecule organization.  相似文献   

The organization of the lux structural genes (A-E) in Photobacterium phosphoreum has been determined and a new gene designated as luxF discovered. The P. phosphoreum luminescence system was cloned into Escherichia coli using a pBR322 vector and identified by cross-hybridization with Vibrio fischeri lux DNA. The lux genes were located by specific expression of P. phosphoreum DNA fragments in the T7-phage polymerase/promoter system in E. coli and identification of the labeled polypeptide products. The luxA and luxB gene products (luciferase subunits) were shown to catalyze light emission in the presence of FMNH2, O2, and aldehyde. The luxC, luxD, and luxE gene products (fatty acid reductase subunits) responsible for aldehyde biosynthesis could be specifically acylated with 3H-labeled fatty acids. The order of the lux genes in P. phosphoreum was found to be luxCDABFE with luxF coding for a new polypeptide of 26 kDa. The presence of a new gene in the P. phosphoreum luminescence system between luxB and luxE as compared to the organization of the lux structural gene in V. fischeri and Vibrio harveyi (luxCDABE) demonstrates that the luminescent systems in the marine bacteria have significantly diverged. The discovery of the luxF gene provides the basis for elucidating the role of its gene product in the expression of luminescence in different marine bacteria.  相似文献   

Over the last years, the microRNA (miRNA) pathway has emerged as a key component of the regulatory network of pluripotency. Although clearly distinct states of pluripotency have been described in vivo and ex vivo, differences in miRNA expression profiles associated with the developmental modulation of pluripotency have not been extensively studied so far. Here, we performed deep sequencing to profile miRNA expression in naive (embryonic stem cell [ESC]) and primed (epiblast stem cell [EpiSC]) pluripotent stem cells derived from mouse embryos of identical genetic background. We developed a graphical representation method allowing the rapid identification of miRNAs with an atypical profile including mirtrons, a small nucleolar RNA (snoRNA)-derived miRNA, and miRNAs whose biogenesis may differ between ESC and EpiSC. Comparison of mature miRNA profiles revealed that ESCs and EpiSCs exhibit very different miRNA signatures with one third of miRNAs being differentially expressed between the two cell types. Notably, differential expression of several clusters, including miR290-295, miR17-92, miR302/367, and a large repetitive cluster on chromosome 2, was observed. Our analysis also showed that differentiation priming of EpiSC compared to ESC is evidenced by changes in miRNA expression. These dynamic changes in miRNAs signature are likely to reflect both redundant and specific roles of miRNAs in the fine-tuning of pluripotency during development.  相似文献   

A Graham  N Papalopulu  R Krumlauf 《Cell》1989,57(3):367-378
In situ hybridization analysis of mouse embryos shows the seven members of the Hox-2 complex to be differentially expressed in the central and peripheral nervous system and in mesodermal derivatives (somites and lung). Beginning at the 5' end of the cluster, each successive gene displays a more anterior boundary of expression in the central nervous system. A gene's position in the Hox-2 cluster therefore reflects its relative domain of expression along the anteroposterior axis of the embryo, a feature observed with Drosophila homeotic genes. Sequence comparisons of the Hox-2 cluster with other mouse and Drosophila homeobox genes have defined subgroups of related genes; in the mouse there are four clusters related by duplication and divergence. Alignment shows a clear relationship among genes in the mouse and Drosophila complexes, based on relative position, sequence identity, and domains of expression along the rostral-caudal axis. Our results argue that these complexes arose from a common ancestor, present before the divergence of lineages that gave rise to arthropods and vertebrates.  相似文献   

During secondary immune response, memory B lymphocytes proliferate and differentiate into Ig-secreting cells. In mice, the binding of CD40 by CD154 clearly enhances the activation and differentiation of memory B lymphocytes. In humans, the role of CD40-CD154 in the stimulation of memory B lymphocytes is not as obvious since in vitro studies reported positive and negative effects on their proliferation and differentiation in Ig-secreting cells. In this study, we examine the response of peripheral memory and naive cells in relation to the duration of CD40-CD154 interaction. We measured the proliferation and differentiation of both subsets stimulated with CD154 and IL-4 for short- (4-5 days) and long-term (>7 days) periods. Following short-term stimulation, memory B lymphocytes did not expand but represented the only subset differentiating into IgG- and IgM-secreting cells. A longer stimulation of this population led to cell death, while promoting naive B lymphocyte proliferation, expansion, and differentiation into IgM- or IgG-secreting cells. This prolonged CD40 stimulation also triggered naive B lymphocytes to switch to IgG and to express CD27 even in absence of somatic hypermutation, suggesting that these latter events could be independent. This study suggests that naive and memory B lymphocytes have distinct requirements to engage an immune response, reflecting their different roles in humoral immunity.  相似文献   

The frequencies of lipopolysaccharide- (LPS) reactive B cells and their antibody specificity repertoire have been determined in the spleen and bone marrow (BM) of mice at different ages. A limiting dilution culture system was employed that allows the growth and development of every LPS-reactive B cell into a clone an IgM-secreting cells that are capable of switching to other Ig heavy chain isotypes (C gene expression). The secretion of IgM and IgG1 was assessed in the protein A plaque assay, whereas specific IgM antibody-secreting cells (V gene expression) were detected with the use of plaque assays specific for various heterologous erythrocytes and sheep red blood cells (SRBC) coupled with a number of different haptens. The frequencies of LPS-reactive B cells in the spleen and BM of C3H/Tif, C57BL/Ka, BALB/c, and CBA/Rij mice appeared to be similar in 6- to 12- and 100-wk-old animals, as was the switch frequency to IgG1 secretion in three strains tested. Moreover, no age-related changes were observed in the frequencies of antigen-specific B cells within the pool of LPS-reactive B cells in the spleen and BM of C57BL/Ka mice. The frequencies ranged from 1 in 10 to 1 in 20 for NIP4- and NNP2-SRBC, from 1 in 50 to 1 in 100 for TNP30-SRBC, and from 1 in 1000 to 1 in 4000 for SRBC, HRBC, and GRBC. The specificity repertoire of the "spontaneously" occurring ("background") IgM-secreting cells in the spleen and BM, on the other hand, did differ between young and old C57BL/Ka mice. During aging the frequencies of the tested specificities decreased in the spleen but increased in the BM. Our data indicate that in unintentionally immunized mice the clonal selection of B lineage cells by antigen takes place at the level of the mature, antigen-reactive B cell.  相似文献   

T cells may have a role in sustaining the leukemic clone in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). In this study, we have examined the ability of T cells from CLL patients to support the survival of the leukemic B cells in vitro. Additionally, we compared global gene expression of T cells from indolent CLL patients with healthy individuals and multiple myeloma (MM) patients. Apoptosis of purified leukemic B cells was inhibited in vitro when co-cultured with increasing numbers of autologous T cells (p < 0.01) but not autologous B and T cells of normal donors. The anti-apoptotic effect exceeded that of the anti-apoptotic cytokine IL-4 (p = 0.002) and was greater with CD8+ cells (p = 0.02) than with CD4+ cells (p = 0.05). The effect was depended mainly on cell–cell contact although a significant effect was also observed in transwell experiments (p = 0.05). About 356 genes involved in different cellular pathways were deregulated in T cells of CLL patients compared to healthy individuals and MM patients. The results of gene expression profiling were verified for 6 genes (CCL4, CCL5 (RANTES), XCL1, XCL2, KLF6, and TRAF1) using qRT–PCR and immunoblotting. Our results demonstrate that CLL-derived T cells can prevent apoptosis of leukemic B cells and have altered expression of genes that may facilitate the survival of the leukemic clone.  相似文献   

There is growing evidence that the metastatic spread of melanoma is driven not by a linear increase in tumorigenic aggressiveness, but rather by switching back and forth between two different phenotypes of metastatic potential. In vitro these phenotypes are respectively defined by the characteristics of strong proliferation/weak invasiveness and weak proliferation/strong invasiveness. Melanoma cell phenotype is tightly linked to gene expression. Taking advantage of this, we have developed a gene expression-based tool for predicting phenotype called Heuristic Online Phenotype Prediction. We demonstrate the predictive utility of this tool by comparing phenotype-specific signatures with measurements of characteristics of melanoma phenotype-specific biology in different melanoma cell lines and short-term cultures. We further show that 86% of 536 tested melanoma lines and short-term cultures are significantly associated with the phenotypes we describe. These findings reinforce the concept that a two-state system, as described by the phenotype switching model, underlies melanoma progression.  相似文献   

DNA methylation is an epigenetic mechanism of gene regulation. We have determined that specific modifications in DNA methylation at the IFN-gamma locus occur during memory CD8 T cell differentiation in vivo. Expression of the antiviral cytokine IFN-gamma in CD8 T cells is highly developmental stage specific. Most naive cells must divide before they express IFN-gamma, while memory cells vigorously express IFN-gamma before cell division. Ag-specific CD8 T cells were obtained during viral infection of mice and examined directly ex vivo. Naive cells had an IFN-gamma locus with extensive methylation at three specific CpG sites. An inhibitor of methylation increased the amount of IFN-gamma in naive cells, indicating that methylation contributes to the slow and meager production of IFN-gamma. Effectors were unmethylated and produced large amounts of IFN-gamma. Interestingly, while memory cells were also able to produce large amounts of IFN-gamma, the gene was partially methylated at the three CpG sites. Within 5 h of antigenic stimulation, however, the gene was rapidly demethylated in memory cells. This was independent of DNA synthesis and cell division, suggesting a yet unidentified demethylase. Rapid demethylation of the IFN-gamma promoter by an enzymatic factor only in memory cells would be a novel mechanism of differential gene regulation. This differentiation stage-specific mechanism reflects a basic immunologic principle: naive cells need to expand before becoming an effective defense factor, whereas memory cells with already increased precursor frequency can rapidly mount effector functions to eliminate reinfecting pathogens in a strictly Ag-dependent fashion.  相似文献   

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