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The effects of foliar sprays of gibberellic acid (GA) on thegrowth of tomato plants cv. Potentate were studied in growthrooms and a glasshouse. Four sprays of GA (5 ppm) increasedleaf area and whole plant weight relative to water controlsgrown at constant temperatures (7, 17, 22, and 27 °C) for12 days, the largest plants being obtained with 5 ppm. Experimentsmade at four photoperiods (5, 10, 15, and 20 h) and at two lightintensities (7000 and 10 750 lx) showed that GA increased leafand whole plant weight at 15 h, leaf area at 10 and 15 h andstem height at all photoperiods; area, height, and weight increaseswere obtained at both light intensities, leaf growth being increasedmore by GA at 7000 lx and stem growth more at 10 750 lx. Four foliar sprays of GA (5 ppm) were combined with N supplementsapplied via leaf and/or root to plants in sand culture. Withlow supply to the roots (20 ppm N) GA failed to increase growth,but increased it at higher levels. Total N in leaf and stemwas increased by GA or by NH4NO3 (10 sprays 280 ppm N) at alllevels of N supplied to roots, but when applied together theeffect on total leaf N was more than additive except at thehighest level (540 ppm) GA increased the concentration of N(as per cent dry matter) in leaf and stem at all levels of Nsupplied to roots. GA and NH4NO3 together resulted in a greateramount and a higher concentration of N in the shoots (and usuallyalso in roots) than did NH4NO3 alone. Leaf thickness (as freshweight/unit area) could only be increased appreciably by sprayingwith a complete nutrient solution which reduced leaf area butnot dry weight. Growth increases induced by GA were detectable 43 days afterthe first of four sprays in the glasshouse and after 30 daysin the growth room. The persistence of GA effects was comparedwith those induced by sprays of NH4NO3.  相似文献   

Houneida Attia 《Phyton》2023,92(1):149-164
Pea is a seed legume. It is rich in cellulose fibre and protein. It is also a significant source of minerals and vitamins. In this paper, we set out to better characterize the physiological responses of Pisum sativum L. to the combined effects of NaCl, 100 mM and gibberellins (GA3). Our analysis revealed that NaCl caused a decrease in growth resulting in a reduction in root elongation, distribution and density, leaf number and leaf area, and a decrease in dry matter of roots and shoots. However, the contribution of GA3 in the salty environment induced an increase in these different parameters suggesting an improving effect of this hormone on growth of pea in presence of salt. NaCl also led to a disturbance of the photosynthetic machinery. Indeed, level of chlorophyll pigments (a and total) and photosynthetic activity were decreased compared to the control plants. However, the exogenous supply of GA3 restored this decrease in net CO2 assimilation, but not in chlorophyll content. Additional analyses were performed on the effect of salinity/GA3 interaction on osmolytes (soluble sugars and starch). Our results showed an increase in sugars and a decrease in starch in the presence of 100 mM NaCl. The salt-GA3 combination resulted in compensation of soluble sugar contents but not of starch contents, suggesting a beneficial effect of GA3 under saline stress conditions. Level of three main polyamines putrescine, spermidine, and spermine increased significantly in all organs of salt-treated plants.  相似文献   

An Analysis of the Effects of Gibberellic Acid on Tomato Leaf Growth   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The effects of four consecutive daily sprays of gibberellicacid (GA3) on the growth of leaves of young tomato plants cv.Potentate were studied. Total leaf weight and area were increasedby GA3. The percentage changes were larger in the younger leavesthan in the older but the absolute increases of the middlleleaves accounted for most of the total response. Chlorophyllcontent, both total and per unit weight, was reduced by GA inthe older leaves and increased in the younger; on an area basisit was reduced in all but the youngest leaves. Palisade cell length and palisade cell number per unit sectionlength were reduced by GA3 in the oldest leaves and increasedin the youngest. There were larger intercellular spaces in bothmesophyll layers and a larger transectional area of the mid-ribsof the oldest and two youngest leaves in GA3 plants. The ‘surfaceareas’ of epidermal cells were also increased by GA3 treatment.Leaf fresh weight per unit area was only a true index of laminathickness in the two oldest leaves.  相似文献   

Polyethylene glycol (PEG 6000)-induced water deficit causes physiological as well as biochemical changes in plants. The present study reports on the results of such changes in hydroponically grown tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Nikita). Plants were subjected to moderate and severe levels of water stress (i.e. water potentials in the nutrient solution of- 0.51 and -1.22 MPa, respectively). Water stress markedly affected the parameters of gas exchange. Net photosynthetic rate (Pn) decreased with the induction of water stress. Accordingly, a decrease in the transpiration rate (E) was observed. The ratio of both (Pn/E) resulted in a decrease in water use efficiency. One of the possible reasons for the reduction in Pn is structural damage to the thylakoids, which affects the photosynthetic transport of electrons. This was indicated by an increase in non-photochemical quenching and a reduction in the quantum yield of photosystem Ⅱ. Furthermore, a decrease in both leaf water potential and leaf osmotic potential was observed, which resulted in a significant osmotic adjustment during stress conditions. Analysis of the physiological responses was complemented with a study on changes in proline content. In stressed plants, a 10-fold increase in proline content was detected compared with control plants. It is clear that water stress tolerance is the result of a cumulative action of various physiological and biochemical processes, all of which were affected by PEG 6000-induced water stress.  相似文献   

The Distribution of Substances similar to Gibberellic Acid in Higher Plants   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
RADLEY  MARGARET 《Annals of botany》1958,22(3):297-307
Gibberellic-acid-like substances have been found in extractsfrom all parts of seedlings of tall and dwarf peas and in matureseeds of wheat, French bean and tall and dwarf peas. They werepresent in amounts equivalent to o‘1–0’3 µg-gibberellicacid in 100 plants (F.W. 100–200 g.). Immature runnerbean seed yielded larger quantities, equivalent to 0.25 µg.gibberellic acid per gram fresh weight, distributed betweentestas, cotyledons, and embryos.  相似文献   

The flacca mutant in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv Rheinlands Ruhm) was employed to examine the effects of a relatively constant diurnal water stress on leaf growth and water relations. As the mutant is deficient in abscisic acid (ABA) and can be phenotypically reverted to the wild type by applications of the growth substance, inferences can be made concerning the involvement of ABA in responses to water stress. Water potential and turgor were lower in leaves of flacca than of Rheinlands Ruhm, and were increased by ABA treatment. ABA decreased transpiration rates by causing stomatal closure and also increased the hydraulic conductance of the sprayed plants. Osmotic adjustment did not occur in flacca plants despite the daily leaf water deficits. Stem elongation was inhibited by ABA, but leaf growth was promoted. It is concluded that, in some cases, ABA may promote leaf growth via its effect on leaf water balance.  相似文献   

Effect of Gibberellic Acid on Dwarf and Normal Pea Plants   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Gibberellic acid at concentrations between 10 and 100 mg/1 greatly stimulated the elongation growth of intact dwarf pea plant but showed little or no effect on that of Alaska pea. It showed no effect on the elongation growth of excised stem segments of either dwarf or normal pea when given alone. Indole-3-acetic acid stimulated the elongation of excised segments of both varieties. Gibberellic acid synergistically enhanced the indole-3-acetic acid-induced elongation of excised segments. Tryptophan also stimulated the elongation of these segments. Gibberellic acid showed a synergistic effect on the tryptophan-induced elongation, as on the indole-3-acetic acidinduced one. Gibberellic acid reduced the lag period of tryptophan-induced elongation, suggesting that gibberellic acid promotes the conversion of tryptophan to auxin.  相似文献   

Growth in lengths of tomato stems and leaves was acceleratedby 5.0 µg gibberellic acid (GA2) applied to the seed,or by 5.0, 0.5, and 0.05 µg given to the roots. Treatmentwith 5.0 µg also decreased bud number and lengthened thetime between bud appearance and fruit formation on the firsttruss by 1–8 days. Smaller amounts applied to roots shortenedthis time by 1–4 days. Indol-3yl-acetic acid at 0.5 µghad no effect, nor was simultaneous application of GA3 and IAAto the roots more effective than GA3, alone. Single applicationsof very small amounts of GA3 to seeds or seedling roots thusproved capable of changing growth-rates of stems, leaves, andtrusses.The effects of treating tomatoes with GA2 and with culturesof Azotobacter chroococcum, which contain small amounts of GA3,and IAA, are compared.  相似文献   

The effects of aqueous methanol solutions applied as a foliar spray or via irrigation were investigated in Arabidopsis, tobacco, and tomato plants. Methanol applied to roots leads to phytotoxic damage in all three species tested. Foliar application causes an increase of fresh and dry weight in Arabidopsis and tobacco plants, but not in tomato plants. The increase in fresh and dry weight of Arabidopsis plants does not correlate with increased levels of soluble sugars, suggesting that increased accumulation of other products is responsible for the differences in the methanol-treated leaves. Foliar application of methanol can induce pectin methylesterase (PME) gene expression in Arabidopsis and tomato plants, activating specific PME genes.  相似文献   

Cowpea cultivars, Adzuki, Ife Brown and New Era, were raisedin a pot-soil experiment, under greenhouse conditions. Whenapplied as a foliar spray, none of the three growth regulators,gibberellic acid (GA), benzyladenine (BA) and 2-chloroethylphosphonicacid (CEPA), had any significant effects on the vegetative growthof either Adzuki or Ife Brown, CEPA, however, suppressed stemelongation and root dry weight, and also caused defoliation,in New Era. GA had no significant effect on fertility (defined as the proportionof the number of floral buds to those developing into mature,functional, seed-bearing pods). GA also had no significant effecton harvest index (expressed as the percentage of whole plantdry weight represented by seed dry weight) in the three cultivars.BA suppressed fertility in both Ife Brown and New Era, but hadno influence on Adzuki. CEPA was effective in controlling abscission in cowpea by reducingthe number of floral buds initiated, but enhancing the numberof functional pods set, in New Era. CEPA also enhanced harvestindex in this cultivar by increasing the absolute seed weightwithout affecting total plant dry weight. The implications ofthese observations on the physiology of the cultivars are discussedin relation to the problem of fruit abscission in the cowpeaplant. Vigna unguiculata L., cowpea, abscission, gibberellic acid, benzyladenine, 2-chloroethylphosphonic acid  相似文献   

Biology Bulletin - The current study aimed to investigate responses of fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill) plants to salt stress through foliar spray of salicylic acid (SA) as priming agent. SA (0,...  相似文献   

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