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Potato tubers grown in experimental plots maintained at nominalpH values ranging from 4.5 to 7.5 were sampled by striking coresections from heel to rose ends. These were divided into consecutivepieces and analyzed for cations and anions and also the traceelements iron, manganese and copper. Linear regression equationswere fitted to each set of data thus giving the gradient ofeach constituent from heel to rose ends of the tubers. The gradientof each constituent within the tuber could then be comparedin relation to soil pH. Only the calcium content of the tuberincreased markedly with increased pH but the ratios of potassiumplus sodium to calcium plus magnesium and of phosphorus to ironboth showed maxima at pH 6 and decreased towards either endof the pH range. Solanum tuberosum, potato, tuber, calcium availability, soil pH  相似文献   

Dry Matter Production in a Tomato Crop: Measurements and Simulation   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
Heuvelink  E. 《Annals of botany》1995,75(4):369-379
Simulation of dry matter production by the explanatory glasshousecrop growth model SUKAM (Gijzen, 1992, Simulation Monographs),based on SUCROS87 (Spitters, Van Keulen and Van Kraalingen,1989, Simulation and systems management in crop protection),was validated for tomato. In the model, assimilation rates arecalculated separately for shaded and sunlit leaf area at differentcumulative leaf area in the canopy, taking into account thedifferent interception of direct and diffuse components of light.Daily crop gross assimilation rate (Pgd) is computed by integrationof these rates over total crop leaf area and over the day. Leafphotochemical efficiency and potential gross assimilation rateat saturating light depend on temperature and CO2 concentrationand are approximated as being identical in the whole canopy.Crop growth results from Pgd minus maintenance respiration rate(Rm; dependent on temperature and crop dry weight), multipliedby the conversion efficiency (carbohydrates to structural drymatter; Cf). Growth experiments (periodic destructive harvest) with differentplanting dates and plant densities and two data-sets from commerciallygrown crops, were used for model validation. Hourly averagesfor global radiation outside the glasshouse, glasshouse temperatureand CO2 concentration, together with measured leaf area index,dry matter distribution (for calculation of Cf) and organ dryweights (for calculation of Rm) were the inputs to the model. Dry matter production (both level and dynamic behaviour) wassimulated reasonably well for most experiments, but final drymatter production was under-estimated by about 27% for the commerciallygrown crops. At low irradiance and with large crop dry weight,growth rate was under-estimated, probably as a result of over-estimationof Rm. This could almost completely explain the large under-estimationfor the commercially grown crops, which had large dry weight.Final dry matter production was over-estimated by 7-11% if dailyaverages instead of hourly input of climatic data were used. It is concluded that SUKAM is a reliable model for simulatingdry matter production in a tomato crop, except for those situationswhere Rm has a large influence on crop growth rate (low irradianceand large crop dry weight). An improved estimate of Rm wouldtake into account the influence of metabolic activity. A preliminaryattempt to relate maintenance costs to relative growth rate(a measure for metabolic activity), showed promising results.Copyright1995, 1999 Academic Press Crop growth, dry matter production, glasshouse, maintenance respiration, metabolic activity, model, relative growth rate, respiration, simulation, tomato, model validation  相似文献   

Observations that deciduous and evergreen conifers growing in Britain show similar annual growth increments, despite marked differences in short-term growth rates, led to a comparative study of seasonal photosynthetic capacity in established trees of four coniferous species with contrasting growth habits. The photo-synthetic data were compared with seasonal changes in environmental parameters and chloroplast ultrastructure. The maximum net photosynthetic rates (at 20°C) recorded for Larix leptolepis were higher than those for the evergreen conifers when expressed on a leaf weight basis but not when expressed per unit leaf area. The photosynthetic efficiency of new needles in the evergreen species showed an overall decline from just after needle maturity until just before budbreak in their second season, after which photosynthetic rates recovered temporarily, approaching previous maximum levels. There was no obvious correlation between seasonal photosynthetic efficiency (at 20°C) on the one hand, and daily air, and (30 cm) ground temperatures on the other, and there was no obvious winter suppression of evergreen photosynthetic rates. Evergreen needles showed starch loss and some membrane changes with the onset of winter, but there was no evidence for wintertime chloroplast clumping or membrane disruption.  相似文献   

Observations that deciduous larch species can show annual growth increments equal to or greater than evergreen conifers, and that the saturating light intensity for photosynthesis in needles of Larix leptolepis was almost twice those for several evergreen conifers, led to a study of the photosynthetic mechanism in L. leptolepis. Several features of photosynthesis in L. leptolepis placed this species in an intermediate position between classical C3 and C4 plants. Incorporation of 14C from 14CO2 by enzyme preparations of larch needles was eight times greater with PEP as substrate than with ribulose bis phosphate; a chlorophyll a/b ratio of 3.5 was obtained; needles possessed a green starch-containing endodermis but with little orientation of mesophyll cells to this “bundle sheath”; no clear ultrastructural dimorphism was observed between chloroplasts of mesophyll and endodermal cells; a CO2-compensation point of 20 μl-l?1 was recorded; and the first measurable product of photosynthesis appeared to be malate rather than phospho-glyceric acid. These results are discussed in relation to the deciduous habit of L. leptolepis and its high productivity in comparison with other conifers.  相似文献   

Growth of the Potato Tuber   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

An experiment was carried out within a crop of spring wheat(cv. Condor) to examine dry matter partitioning between thedeveloping stem and ear, and to estimate the magnitude of carbonstored in the stem both before and after anthesis, and the subsequentutilization of these reserves during grain growth. The amount of reserve laid down and mobilized was estimatedfrom analysis of data for changes in masses of stem and leaffrom frequent harvests. The rate of change of the dry mass ofthe individual plant organs was expressed as a proportion ofthe rate of change of the total dry mass of the large culm.This value was called the Allocation Ratio (AR). It was assumedthat assimilate was transferred directly from the stem intothe growing ear, and not into other organs. This paper providesevidence for the idea that the stem intemodes of wheat are ableto accumulate and subsequently mobilize a dry matter reserve.The accumulation and subsequent mobilization of fructans inthe stem was demonstrated using ascending thinlayer chromatography.On a dry matter basis the large culms of the wheat crop accumulatedall of their stem reserves after anthesis (0–41 g perlarge culm; 98·4 g m–1). After adjusting the lossof mass by 33% to allow for respiration, it was concluded thatpost-anthesis stem reserves may have contributed at least 21%of the final grain yield of this crop. Triticum aestivum L., semi-dwarf spring wheat, dry matter partitioning, stem reserves, fructans  相似文献   

ELAROSI  HUSSEIN 《Annals of botany》1957,21(4):555-567
Rhizoctonia solani, Fusarium solani, and Phoma foveata werechosen for the study of disease caused by these fungi in differentcombinations in potato tubers. An initial Rhizoctonia infection,when followed by a Fusarium infection, gave an extensive rottingwith external pimple-like formations in some cases. This typeof rotting could not be brought about by individual infectionswith either of the two fungi, or jointly by them when Fusariumwas inoculated first. Microscopic observations of infected matureand young potato tubers showed that Rhizoctonia grew intracellularlywhen infected alone, whereas it grew inter- as well as intra-cellularlyin the successive double infection. Fusarium formed more haustorium-likestructures when inoculated alone that when it followed Rhizoctonia.The length of these structures in the double infection was greaterin mature than in young tubers. Atmospheric humidity affectedthe amount of rotting, the shape and colour of the rot, andthe morphology of the fungus in the tissue.  相似文献   

The permeability to oxygen of the periderm of the potato tuberhas been measured during its development and storage. When expressedas ml O2, diffusing through 1 cm2 periderm in 1 sec under anO2, pressure of 1 atm, the values for freshly harvested tubersranged from a maximum of 2.4 x 10–4 in immature tubers,to less than 0.7 x 10–4 in tubers harvested mature someweeks after the death of the foliage. In every case, after storagefor up to 10 weeks at 10° C, the permeabilities, as expressedabove, were less than 0.7 x 10–4 (minimum values, c. 0.5x 10–4 It was shown that the oxygen deficit under theperiderm was unlikely to exceed 0.03 atm during development,and the oxygen status of the developing tuber should thus beadequate for the low oxygen-affinity oxidase system (if present)to function.  相似文献   

Vegetative crops of chrysanthemum were grown for 5 or 6 weekperiods in daylit assimilation chambers. Crop responses to differentradiation levels and temperatures were analysed into effectson dry matter partitioning, specific leaf area, leaf photosynthesisand canopy light interception. The percentage of newly formed dry matter partitioned to theleaves was almost constant, although with increasing radiationor decreasing temperature, a greater percentage of dry matterwas partitioned to stem tissue at the expense of root tissue.There was a positive correlation between the percentage of drymatter in shoot material and the overall carbon: dry matterratio. Canopy photosynthesis was analysed assuming identical behaviourfor all leaves in the crop. Leaf photochemical efficiency wasonly slightly affected by crop environment. The rate of grossphotosynthesis per unit leaf area at light saturation, PA (max),increased with increasing radiation integral, but the same parameterexpressed per unit leaf dry matter, Pw (max) was almost unaffectedby growth radiation. In contrast, PA (max) was hardly affectedby temperature but Pw (max) increased with increasing growthtemperature. This was because specific leaf area decreased withdecreasing temperature and increased with decreasing radiation.There was a positive correlation between canopy respirationintegral and photosynthesis integral, and despite a four-foldchange in crop mass during the experiments, the maintenancecomponent of canopy respiration remained small and constant. Canopy extinction coefficient showed no consistent variationwith radiation integral but was negatively correlated with temperature.This decrease in the efficiency of the canopy at interceptingradiation exactly cancelled the increase in specific carbonassimilation rate that occurred with increasing growth temperature,giving a growth rate depending solely on the incident lightlevel. Chrysanthemum, dry matter partitioning, photosynthesis, specific leaf area  相似文献   

Ho  L. C.; Adams  P. 《Annals of botany》1994,73(5):539-545
The regulation of the partitioning of dry matter and calciumin relation to fruit growth was investigated in cucumber plantsgrown in the salinity range of 3-8 mS cm-1 in NFT (NutrientFilm Culture), with or without a fruit pruning treatment. Thedry weight gain of the plants was proportional to the outdoorintegral irradiance, with a common daily rate of 1 g MJ-1 m-2in two crops grown under summer (18 MJ m-2 d-1) and autumn (7MJ m-2 d-1) conditions. Within the salinity range studied, thereduction of plant dry weight was 9% mS-1 cm-1. However, fruitdry weight was only reduced at salinities above 5·5 mScm-1, although the daily dry matter accumulation by fruit, asa percentage of total dry matter accumulation, was increased.Salinity reduced the dry matter accumulation in the young shootproportionally more than in the fruit. Although the total plantCa content was reduced by 13% mS-1 cm-1, the Ca content of theyoung shoot was reduced by 16·6%, compared to 11% inthe fruit. Pruning fruit reduced neither plant dry weight norCa uptake. The growth of the remaining fruit, and to a lesserdegree of the young shoot, accounted for all surplus assimilates.Thus, fruit were the dominant sinks for assimilates whilst themature leaves were the strongest sinks for Ca. Nevertheless,the fruit sustained the capacity to import Ca better than theyoung shoot, when supplies of both assimilates and Ca were reducedby high salinity.Copyright 1994, 1999 Academic Press Cucumber, Cucumis sativus L., salinity, fruit pruning, dry matter and calcium  相似文献   

When a potato tuber is cut into slices, the activity of dehydrogenase system linked to DPN decreases but the activities of tyrosinase system and G-6-P dehydrogenase increase in the slices. Accompanying the changes of these enzymatic activities, the metabolic pathway in the slices turns from glycolytic path to pentose phosphate path. Tyrosinase oxidizes phenols which are formed from an intermediate of the pentose phosphate path, sedo-heptulose via shikimate as in microorganisms, resulting in increase in the oxygen uptake of the slices. It seems impossible to play a role as a terminal oxidase linked to diphosphopyridine nucleotide.  相似文献   

ROBINSON  DAVID 《Annals of botany》1986,58(6):841-848
Equations are derived relating relative growth rate (RGR) toroot:shoot ratio, root length, nitrogen inflow rate, leaf area,photosynthesis and carbon and nitrogen concentrations in theplant. The extents to which changes in specific root lengthand root: shoot ratio can compensate for the effects of lowN availability upon RGR are examined. Such responses could haveseveral compensatory functions: maximizing RGR; maintaininggrowth in which the activities of root and shoot limit RGR equally;and maximizing the efficiency of increase in RGR. Growth, nitrogen, carbon, dry matter, partitioning, root:shoot ratio, relative growth rate  相似文献   

Life cycles of plants including tuberization and flowering are strongly related to environmental factors such as photoperiod and temperature. Theobroxide induces potato tuber formation and flower bud formation of morning glory under non-inductive conditions and stimulates the activity of lipoxygenase (LOX). In this study, to understand the LOX activity more systematically, the relationships between LOX activity and light and temperature, which effects potato tuber and flower-bud formation, have been investigated. The results showed that LOX activity in morning glory was greatly enhanced up to 30 min and then declined after switching from the light to the dark condition, while the activity did not vary when switching from the dark to the light condition. In addition, the temperature profile of measured LOX activity in the potato and morning glory plants was nearly consistent with the time taken to form potato tubers and flower buds in morning glory, respectively, at different growing temperatures. These results strongly suggest that LOX activity is directly connected with light and temperature to regulate the formation of tubers and flower-buds.  相似文献   

对于作物育种而言,早熟性是一种优良的综合性状。因此,探讨如何将常规育种方法和分子生物学技术相结合,用以缩短主要作物品种生育期,对作物生产的发展具有十分重要的意义。本文概括了作物早熟性相关性状,重点阐述了作物早熟性相关性状定位与遗传分析的研究现状,提出了目前作物早熟性育种研究中存在的问题与未来的研究展望。  相似文献   

In previous studies polygene mapping of a backcross population derived from haploid potato (Solanum tuberosum) and a diploid wild species (Solanum berthaultii) showed at least eight quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with tuber dormancy. The same population was mapped for abscisic acid (ABA) content in tubers so that any QTLs identified could be compared with those detected previously. At least three distinct loci on three chromosomes (2, 4, and 7) were associated with variation in ABA content. One of the QTLs was detected only as a main (single locus) effect, and two QTLs were found through two-locus interaction analysis (epistasis). Interaction between QTLs at markers TG234 (chromosome 2) and TG155 (chromosome 4) explained 20% of total phenotypic variance for this trait. The interaction closely resembled one previously detected for dormancy, suggesting an association between high ABA content and long tuber dormancy. Although relationships between ABA level and dormancy could be demonstrated through polygene mapping, there was no indication of a relationship between these traits when they were subjected to a conventional correlation test. This illustrates the usefulness of polygene mapping as a tool to identify possible associations between hormone levels and plant development.  相似文献   

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