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The effect of host switching on parasitism by Trichogramma minutum Riley (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) (TM) was examined for parasitoids attacking a factitious host, the Mediterranean flour moth, Ephestia kuehniella Zell. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) (MFM), and a natural host, the eastern spruce budworm, Choristoneura fumiferana (Clemens) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) (SBW). Parasitoids that were switched from rearing on the natural host to rearing on the factitious host had lower realized fecundities on both MFM and SBW eggs than a control line that was maintained continuously on the natural rearing host, SBW eggs. Conversely, T. minutum reared on the factitious host and switched to rearing on the natural host showed greater realized fecundities. This increase in realized fecundity was lost in the first generation after switching parasitoids back to the factitious rearing host. T. minutum that were maintained on the natural rearing host (SBW eggs) showed more variation in realized fecundity and host acceptance of both MFM and SBW eggs, than parasitoids that were reared on MFM eggs.  相似文献   

Clerid beetles are common natural enemies of bark beetles, and could potentially be used as biological control agents if they could be reared in sufficient numbers. We developed an artificial diet devoid of insect components for rearing Thanasimus dubius (Fabricius), a clerid that attacks several economically important bark beetles in eastern North America. We reared larvae of this predator using the artificial diet, and then used either natural or factitious prey to feed the adults so produced. Two different methods of presenting the diet were also examined. We then compared the performance of T. dubius reared on the artificial diet with newly-emerged wild individuals collected from the field. Our results suggest that adult predators reared on the diet are near in quality to wild ones, and high R0 values can be obtained. No difference in prey preference was found between wild and diet-reared individuals after five generations in the laboratory. Sufficient numbers of predators could be generated using these techniques to permit limited field trials of augmentative biological control.  相似文献   

The ectoparasitoid Bracon hebetor Say is an insect frequently found in storage facilities, where it attacks stored grain pests. The biology of this parasitoid was studied when reared on seven different artificial diets (in vitro rearing), under controlled temperature (25 ± 2 °C), relative humidity (60 ± 10%), and photoperiod (14-h photophase), and compared to its biology on its natural host Anagasta kuehniella (Zeller) (in vivo rearing). The artificial diet contained 60% holotissue of Diatraea saccharalis (Fabricius) pupae, 12% fetal bovine serum, 12% lactoalbumin hydrolysate, and 16% egg yolk, enabled development similar to that obtained on the natural host. The life cycle duration (egg–adult) was not significantly different, and the adults reared on this diet promptly paralyzed and parasitized the natural host, though at a lower proportion than those reared in vivo. There was no difference in the longevity of females obtained with these two different rearing systems (in vivo and in vitro). However, about 60% of the larvae developed on the diet failed to produce a protective cocoon during the pupal phase, indicating a sub-optimal quality associated with this artificial medium.  相似文献   

Development, fecundity, and longevity of the predator,Orius insidiosus (Say) (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae), when reared on greenbug [Schizaphis graminum (Rondani)], cotton aphid (Aphis gossypii Glover), or eggs of tobacco budworm [Heliothis virescens (F.)] with green beans or water were examined. Developmental time was shortest when predators were reared onH. virescens eggs and beans and longest when reared on cotton aphids and water. Predators were most fecund when fedH. virescens eggs. The inclusion of beans in the nymphal diet further enhanced fecundity when fed eggs. Longevity of both females and males was significantly shorter when reared on aphids than on eggs. Beans in the nymphal diet enhanced longevity of female predators only in combination with budworm eggs. FemaleO. insidiosus were largest when reared onH. virescens eggs. Addition of green beans in aphid treatments resulted in increased size ofO. insidiosus when compared to aphids and free water.  相似文献   

Diapetimorpha introita(Cresson) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), a native ectoparasitoid ofSpodopteraspp. pupae, was reared in the laboratory on an artificial diet devoid of any insect host components. Diet-reared wasps demonstrated a propensity to search for and parasitize natural hosts in a field cage trial. Longevity of the diet-reared wasps was comparable with the longevity of wasps reared on host pupae. Survival rate ofD. introitawas 61.3% when reared on diet and 76.3% when reared on host pupae. Wasps reared on the artificial diet had longer developmental times, reduced fecundity, and reduced adult weights compared to wasps reared on host pupae. These studies suggest that future research efforts should focus on increasing fecundity and weight of diet-reared wasps and decreasing the mortality and developmental time of wasps reared on the artificial diet. The ability to rearD. introitaon an inexpensive, artificial diet significantly enhances the potential of mass rearing this parasitoid for inundative releases againstSpodopteraspp.  相似文献   

An experimental ‘closed’ rearing system, where egg and larval manipulations were eliminated, was developed for the in vitro rearing of Catolaccus grandis (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) Burks, an important ectoparasitoid of the cotton boll weevil, Anthonomus grandis Boheman. In this rearing model, n-hexane (a synthetic ovipositional stimulant for this parasitoid), was smeared on the Parafilm® cover of a modified rearing chamber (a Multiwell®) tissue culture plate) to induce the deposition of uncontaminated eggs, on the inner side of this waxy membrane, and on or around an agar retained diet that had been dispensed into the individual chamber wells. When the efficiency of the in vitro rearing system was compared to the current in vivo rearing method for this species, the duration of the life cycle was significantly shorter in parasitoids reared in vivo, but this difference was less than one day (17.8 vs 17.1 days, respectively). On the other hand, the number of eggs laid in the in vitro rearing chamber during a 4 h period was c. 2.5 times greater than in the conventional in vivo rearing apparatus, and adult yields were c. 25% greater when using the in vitro closed rearing method. Male to female ratios were c. 1:9 when reared in vitro as compared to 1.0:1.5 for those reared in vivo. There were no apparent adverse effects of this in vitro rearing system on the parasitoid's general behavior and reproduction after two consecutive generations.  相似文献   

Biotypes of Trichogramma australicum were reared on artificial diet "A", Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (natural host) eggs and Sitotroga cerealella (Olivier) (factitious host) eggs. We evaluated the quality of these biotypes by comparing their oviposition behaviour and reproductive performance on H. armigera eggs. Female T. australicum reared in vitro accepted H. armigera eggs for oviposition and displayed similar behavioural components of oviposition to females reared on natural hosts. However, handling time during oviposition in H. armigera eggs by females from in vitro rearing was significantly longer than handling time of females reared on the natural host because the females needed a significantly longer time for host feeding. In vitro reared females produced significantly more progeny and parasitised more H. armigera eggs than the females reared on S. cerealella. Improvements to the artificial diet for T. australicum may reduce handling time of the in vitro reared females and increase the female population. These improvements may include changes in nutrient content and size of the artificial eggs.  相似文献   

The purpose of our study was to identify a trait that changes quickly during Trichogramma mass rearing, and that could therefore be used to monitor stock deterioration. Quality deterioration in mass reared Trichogramma wasps was evaluated by examining host acceptance behaviour of Trichogramma brassicae Bezdenko (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) on the target host Ostrinia nubilalis Hübner (Lepidoptera: Crambidae). We compared three replicate lines (designated ‘E’) reared in the laboratory on the factitious host Ephestia kuehniella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) for 27 generations, a line ‘O’ reared in the laboratory on O. nubilalis for 24 generations, and a line ‘F’ reared in the laboratory on O. nubilalis for only two generations. All lines were initiated from field collections of O. nubilalis egg masses. We also evaluated natal host effects by rearing each line on E. kuehniella as well as on O. nubilalis for the last generation prior to testing. The percentage of wasps accepting the O. nubilalis egg mass was significantly higher for the E lines (69.6%) than for the F line (46.5%), while wasps of the O line showed intermediate (57.4%) acceptance. Thus, wasps laboratory reared on E. kuehniella performed better than wasps which had recently been collected in the field. Wasps of the O line showed extended probing behaviour compared to the other lines. Lines did not differ in the duration from the first host contact to the beginning of the drilling, probing or trembling behaviour. Natal host (E. kuehniella or O. nubilalis) did not affect acceptance of the target host O. nubilalis. Even though there is some evidence of adaptation to laboratory rearing conditions, we found no indication for quality deterioration in terms of acceptance behaviour of the target host O. nubilalis when T. brassicae was mass reared on the factitious host E. kuehniella.  相似文献   

Exotic plants often displace native plants and thus alter the availability of native hostplants for specialist herbivorous insects. The submersed aquatic weevil Euhrychiopsis lecontei Dietz is endemic to North America, but there are now source populations on the exotic Eurasian watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum L.) as well as on the weevil's ancestral host, northern watermilfoil (Myriophyllum sibiricum Komarov). This provides an opportunity to examine a host range expansion in progress. To further define the host range of the weevil and to determine how population source and rearing plant influence host plant preference and performance, we conducted a series of preference and rearing experiments with weevils from two source populations reared on northern milfoil, on Eurasian milfoil, switched late in larval development from northern to Eurasian milfoil, and vice versa. We also included two rearing treatments with milfoils on which the weevil has not been documented: the native M. verticillatum L. and the exotic M. aquaticum Verd. Preference by weevils in the switched rearing treatments was similar to preferences exhibited by weevils reared solely on the second (later) milfoil species and an increase in preference for Eurasian milfoil was induced by adult exposure to Eurasian milfoil for 2 weeks. In contrast, sizes and development times of weevils in the switched rearing treatments were similar to sizes and development times exhibited by weevils reared solely on the first (early) milfoil species. These results indicate that preference by the milfoil weevil is determined late in larval development or later and Hopkins' host selection principle is not supported. However, size and development time were most affected by hostplant quality during larval development when larvae must acquire the resources needed for pupation. Oviposition preference in the milfoil weevil was a population attribute, not a fixed individual attribute and there was no significant variation in preference among individuals reared on northern milfoil, but significant variation in preference was detected among weevils reared on Eurasian milfoil. Weevils oviposited on all four milfoil species and completed development on three of them, but did not develop beyond the larval stage on M. aquaticum. Weevils reared on Eurasian milfoil developed faster and reached larger adult sizes than weevils in any other rearing treatment. The smallest sizes and longest development times were for weevils reared on the natives, northern milfoil and M. verticillatum. The milfoil weevil oviposits on an array of milfoil species and is unable to distinguish an unsuitable host (M. aquaticum) within this genus. The influence of rearing plant and adult exposure to Eurasian milfoil on hostplant preference suggests that host range expansion to novel congeners may occur more rapidly than predicted by models which assume that genetic variation is required. Significant variation among individuals in hostplant preference suggests the potential for a host shift to a plant for which E. lecontei appears pre-adapted.  相似文献   

Ceutorhynchus assimilis has been selected as a potential biological control agent of Lepidium draba, which is a Eurasian invasive weed in North America. Preliminary studies indicated specificity of this weevil collected in southern France on L. draba. This result was in discord with the pest status of C. assimilis found in the literature. Host-specificity tests based both on field and laboratory experiments showed heterogeneity in the host spectrum of the weevils reared from different host-plants as determined by larval development. However, no distinguishable morphological differences could be visually detected between the populations feeding on different host-plants. All sampled populations of weevils were polyphagous as adults. Weevils reared from L. draba were specific to this plant for their complete larval development. Conversely, populations living on other wild and cultivated Brassicaceae species were not able to use L. draba as a host plant. Such differentiation is further highlighted by other biological aspects such as plant infestation rates, sex-ratio, duration of larval development, and differences in the timing of their life cycles. These results demonstrate that C. assimilis, an insect species formerly considered as a pest of Brassicaceae, is characterized by its host-range variability, with one population being potentially useful in the biological control of L. draba. Moreover, this example points to the need to test multiple populations of biological control agents in assessing risk.  相似文献   

Ooencyrtus kuvanae is a key egg parasitoid of Lymantria dispar (L.), an important defoliating pest in China and North America. We have developed mass rearing techniques for O. kuvanae and in this study compared the reproductive capacity of O. kuvanae when it was previously reared on the natural host, L. dispar or the factitious host, Antheraea pernyi Guerin‐Meneville. There was no significant difference in the oviposition period or total number of eggs laid between L. dispar‐reared and A. pernyi‐reared females. However, the mean number of offspring successfully emerging from those eggs was significantly larger from the A. pernyi‐reared females compared with L. dispar‐reared females. From this, we can conclude that, with respect to reproductive capability, eggs of A. pernyi are suitable factitious hosts for mass rearing of O. kuvanae.  相似文献   

The composition of an artificial medium and environmental conditions are described for the in vitro rearing of the egg parasite Trichogramma pretiosum Riley (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae). The medium was composed of defined amounts of protein, carbohydrates, lipid, salts, and vitamins, but also contained up to 40% insect hemolymph. The hemolymph was necessary to induce pupation. T. pretiosum eggs were obtained by dissection of Heliothis virescens (F.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) eggs. In vitro reared T. pretiosum were similar in size to H. virescens reared T. pretiosum, and females were fecund.
Résumé Les oeufs de Trichogramma pretiosum ont été obtenus par dissection d'oeufs d'Heliothis virescens. T. pretiosum Riley (Hymenoptère, Trichogrammatidae) a été élevé avec succès sur un substrat synthétique. Outre des quantités définies de protéines, glucides, lipides, éléments minéraux et vitamines, la ration contenait aussi jusqu'à 40% d'hémolymphe de Manduca sexta. L'hémolymphe était nécessaire pour induire la nymphose. En plus de la nourriture, les conditions d'environnement sont apparues extrêmement importantes pour élever T. pretiosum dans des conditions satisfaisantes. Le contrôle de l'humidité relative, en particulier, était le facteur le plus important. Les adultes produits au cours de cette étude étaient d'apparence normale; ils se sont accouplés sans problèmes, les femelles étaient fécondes et leur taille ne différait pas de celle d'individus élevés sur H. virescens.

The mirid bug Macrolophus caliginosus is commercially reared on eggs of Ephestia kuehniella, constituting an effective but expensive factitious food. Artificial diets can decrease the rearing costs of this natural enemy, but developing and evaluating an artificial diet is a very time-consuming activity. In the current study, development and reproduction of M. caliginosus on two artificial diets based on egg yolk were investigated. The artificial diets resulted in longer development and lower adult weights, but survival was comparable with that of control insects fed E. kuehniella eggs. Reproductive potential of the predator reared on factitious and artificial foods was assessed using a dissection method. The influence of nymphal food on fecundity was less important than that of adult food. Adults fed E. kuehniella eggs had a preoviposition period of about 4 days, whereas adults offered only plant material started laying eggs about 7 days after emergence. Ovarian scores at day 7 were higher for females fed E. kuehniella eggs than for those given access only to a tobacco leaf. Ovarian scores were not significantly affected by mating status. In a final test, a parallel comparison of two methods for assessing reproductive response to diet was made. Here, adult couples were offered one of four diets: E. kuehniella eggs, one of two artificial diets or no food. Half of the females were dissected and the other half was held for determining lifetime oviposition. Females fed E. kuehniella eggs had superior ovarian scores and laid more eggs than those fed either artificial diet or those given no extra food. A good correlation (r = 0.97) was obtained between ovarian scores and oviposition data, indicating that dissecting females after 1 week provides a reliable estimate of fecundity as affected by diet quality. Rapid reproductive assessments as used in the current study will help to increase the rate of development of artificial diets and may contribute to more cost effective production methods for augmentative biological control agents.  相似文献   

Classical biological control programmes rely on mass production of high‐quality beneficial insects for subsequent releases into the field. Psyttalia lounsburyi (Silvestri) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) is a koinobiont larval–pupal endoparasitoid of tephritid flies that is being reared to support a classical biological control programme for olive fruit fly in California. The mass‐rearing system for a P. lounsburyi colony, initiated with insects originally collected in Kenya, was evaluated with the goal of increasing production, while at the same time reducing time requirements for rearing in a quarantine facility. We tested the effect of exposure time of a factitious host Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae), on parasitization, adult production, superparasitism, and sex ratio of P. lounsburyi and survival of the host. Parasitization rates were highest (31%) at 3‐ and 4‐hr exposure times, while adult production (i.e., emergence of wasp progeny) was highest (16%) at the 2‐hr exposure time. Superparasitism over the course of the study was 1.5% and did not appear to be a factor affecting parasitoid production. The sex ratio of wasp progeny was male‐biased and did not vary significantly over different exposure times. The rate of stings on host larvae increased with exposure time and was consistent with decreases in pupal eclosion from larvae and emergence rate of adult flies. When compared to current rearing procedures, the 2‐hr exposure time resulted in an overall 2.8‐fold increase in P. lounsburyi production when standardized for time.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2000,3(2):65-70
Laboratory studies were conducted to investigate the effect of selected temperatures on the development, mortality, sex ratio, and emergence rate of Trichogramma dendrolimi Matsumura reared from a factitious host, oak silkworm, Antheraea pernyi (Guérin-Méneville) eggs. The comparison tests were conducted to investigate the fecundity on Dendrolimus spectabilis (Butler) eggs of T. dendrolimi reared from natural and factitious hosts, and artificial hosts. Developmental periods from egg to adult of T. dendrolimi reared at 26, 28, 30, and 32°C were 10.9, 9.6, 9.0, 8.6 days, respectively. Emergence rates of T. dendrolimi decreased 78.0, 88.4, 60.7, and 50.1% as temperature increased. The progeny sex ratios (i.e., females per male) were 7.3, 8.4, 8.2 and 6.9 at the respective temperatures. When adult T. dendrolimi emerged from A. pernyi eggs were kept in dark conditions for storage at different temperatures for 34 days, their mortality increased as temperature increased: 0% at 0°C; 10% at 4°C; 40% at 6°C; 50% at 18°C and 100% at ≥26°C. The fecundity of T. dendrolimi reared from three different hosts was investigated on D. spectabilis eggs. During the first day, the adult T. dendrolimi reared on A. pernyi eggs laid most eggs (99.0±10.7), followed by those reared on artificial hosts (76.6±24.5) and D. spectabilis eggs (63.4±35.9). Over the entire lifespan, T. dendrolimi reared on D. spectabilis eggs produced the highest number of eggs (218.0±27.9), followed by A. pernyi eggs (104.0±44.7) and artificial host (98.2±37.1). These results suggest that the temperature and three hosts factors had an effect on rearing of the T. dendrolimi on the factitious host, A. pernyi eggs.  相似文献   

Two parasitoids,Pteromalus cerealellae (Ashmead) andAnisopteromalus calandrae (Howard) (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae), were compared for their ability to parasitize two important internally-developing insect pests of stored maize (Zea mays L.). Parasitism byP. cerealellae was greater on Angoumois grain moth,Sitotroga cerealella (Olivier), than on maize weevil,Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky, in no-choice experiments.Anisopteromalus calandrae parasitized more maize weevils than didP. cerealellae. The former parasitoid parasitized only a few Angoumois grain moths successfully in maize, but parasitized many in wheat if the hosts were younger than 3 weeks old. Thus, both host age and type of grain affect suitability for parasitism. The effects of parental host (species on which the female developed) and experimental host (species exposed to parasitism) on parasitism rate ofP. cerealellae were tested in a host-switching experiment. Parasitism by parasitoids reared on maize weevils was 23% lower than that of parasitoids reared on Angoumois grain moth. This effect was independent of which host the filial generation of parasitoids was tested on. However, the experimental host species had a much greater effect on parasitoid fecundity than the parental host species. Female progeny had smaller body sizes when emerging from maize weevil than from Angoumois grain moth, which may explain the parental host effect on fecundity. There was also a slight intergenerational effect of host species on parasitoid body size.  相似文献   

We examined longevity, fecundity, and oviposition strategies ofEucelatoria bryani Sabrosky (Diptera: Tachinidae), a gregarious endoparasitoid ofHelicoverpa zea (Boddie) andHeliothis virescens (F.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Longevity of adult femaleE. bryani was not related to body size. In contrast to longevity, largerE. bryani females had greater potential fecundity than smaller females, as determined by the number of embryonated eggs present in the common oviduct. However, female parasitoid size did not affect primary clutch size (number of eggs deposited in a host). Because embryos in eggs located in the ovisac were larger than those located elsewhere in the common oviduct, maximum primary clutch size may be physiologically limited by the number of fully mature eggs a female has available at one time.E. bryani females adjusted primary clutch size in response to host size, for bothH. zea andH. virescens. This adjustment appears to be adaptive because females did not overexploit hosts by depositing more larvae than a host could support. Adult emergence was not related to host size. Although host weight positively influencedE. bryani progeny weight, increases in progeny size with host size were counterbalanced by increases in primary clutch size with host size.  相似文献   

In Chile and Uruguay, the gregarious Pteromalidae (Monoksa dorsiplana) has been discovered emerging from seeds of the persistent pods of Acacia caven attacked by the univoltin bruchid Pseudopachymeria spinipes. We investigated the potential for mass rearing of this gregarious ectoparasitoid on an alternative bruchid host, Callosobruchus maculatus, to use it against the bruchidae of native and cultured species of Leguminosea seeds in South America.The mass rearing of M. dorsiplana was carried out in a population cage where the density of egg-laying females per infested seed was increased from 1:1 on the first day to 5:1 on the last (fifth) day. Under these experimental conditions egg-clutch size per host increased, and at the same time the mortality of eggs laid also increased. The density of egg-laying females influenced the sex ratio which tended towards a balance of sons and daughters, in contrast to the sex ratio of a single egg-laying female per host (1 son to 7 daughters). The mean weight of adults emerging from a parasitized host was negatively correlated with the egg-clutch size, i.e. as egg-clutch size increased, adult weight decreased.All these results show that mass rearing of the gregarious ectoparasitoid M. dorsiplana was possible under laboratory conditions on an alternative bruchid host C. maculatus. As M. dorsiplana is a natural enemy of larval and pupal stages of bruchidae, the next step was to investigate whether the biological control of bruchid C. maculatus was possible in an experimental structure of stored beans.  相似文献   

The silverleaf whitefly, Bemisia tabaci biotype B (Gennadius) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae), is a key pest of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) and other vegetable crops worldwide. To combat this pest, a non-crop banker plant system was evaluated that employs a parasitoid, Encarsia sophia (Girault & Dodd) (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) with whitefly, Trialeurodes variabilis (Quaintance) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae), as an alternative host for rearing and dispersal of the parasitoid to the target pest. (a) Multi-choice and no-choice greenhouse experiments were conducted to determine host specificity of T. variabilis to papaya (Carica papaya L.) and three vegetable crops including tomato, green bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), and cabbage (Brassica oleracea L.). The result showed that papaya was an excellent non-crop banker plant for supporting the non-pest alternative host, T. variabilis, whose adults had a strong specificity to papaya plants for feeding and oviposition in both multi-choice and no-choice tests. (b) The dispersal ability of E. sophia was investigated from papaya banker plants to tomato and green bean plants infested with B. tabaci, as well as to papaya control plants infested with T. variabilis; and (c) the percent parasitism by E. sophia on T. variabilis reared on papaya plants and on B. tabaci infested on tomato plants was also evaluated. These data proved that E. sophia was able to disperse at least 14.5 m away from papaya plants to target tomato, bean or papaya control plants within 48–96 h. Furthermore, E. sophia was a strong parasitoid of both T. variabilis and B. tabaci. There was no significant difference in percent parasitism by E. sophia on T. variabilis (36.2–47.4%) infested on papaya plants or B. tabaci (29–45.9%) on tomato plants. Thus, a novel banker plant system for the potential management of B. tabaci was established using papaya as a non-crop banker plant to support a non-pest alternative host, T. variabilis for maintaining the parasitoid to control B. tabaci. The established banker plant system should provide growers with a new option for long-term control of B. tabaci in greenhouse vegetable production. Ongoing studies on the papaya banker plant system are being performed in commercial greenhouses.  相似文献   

The cost of rearing the root-feeding weevil, Mogulones cruciger Herbst, to control the invasive weed houndstongue (Cynoglossum officinale L.) was determined for two managed production methods. Production in an insectary setting provides control over rearing and all adult weevils that emerge can be collected, but required facility investment and high labor input. Mass-rearing in a managed ‘field crop’ setting required less facilities and labor while the insects were multiplying, but capture of the emerged adults was challenging and labor intensive. Estimated per adult weevil production costs were $CDN 2.65 for the insectary approach, and from $CDN 0.10 to $CDN 0.14 for mass-rearing in the managed field crop setting. Even though collection of adult weevils in the field crop production system was challenging, commercial production of M. cruciger should consider use of this mass-rearing method because of its lower cost.  相似文献   

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