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The cold oligo-eurytherm diatomsCoscinodiscus concinnus W. Smith andRhizosolenia setigera Brightwell were cultured to determine their best competitive position by growth. Comparison of their generation times with those of other diatoms indicate that they reach this position between 6°C and 12°C. Both species grew between –1.5°C and about 20°C. The experiments indicate thatC. concinnus flowerings are possible in a deep water column, during periods of high light intensities. The simultaneous death of species in the upper layer is also caused by high light intensities.C. concinnus appeared in two morphological forms; the normal voluminous form, and a flatter form with a few intercalary bands only, filled with large oil-droplets. The latter appeared at 0°C and below, and at the upper temperature limit for growth of about 19°C–20°C. The separation of nov. spec. fromC. concinnus based on the absence or presence of a hyaline area and intercalary bands as identification characteristics should be reconsidered.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung 1. Über einen inCoscinodiscus-Arten der Nordsee endobiotisch parasitierenden Phycomyceten wird erstmalig ausführlich berichtet. Gemeinsam mit seinen Wirtsalgen läßt er sich leicht kultivieren.2. Der Pilzthallus ist unregelmäßig räumlich verzweigt und unseptiert. Der Protoplast enthält stark lichtbrechende, unregelmäßig geformte Fetttröpfchen.3. Der Pilz ist holokarp. Die lateral zweigeißeligen Zoosporen entstehen endogen und werden durch einen Entleerungstubus entlassen. Die Zoosporenbildung erfolgt bei Temperaturen zwischen 8° und 25° C. Sexuelle Vorgänge wurden nicht beobachtet.4. Als Wirtsalgen werden die beiden großlumigen ArtenCoscinodiscus granii undC. concinnus bevorzugt. AndereCoscinodiscus-Arten werden selten oder gar nicht befallen.5. Da eine zwanglose Einordnung des Pilzes in das gegenwärtige System derLagenidiales nicht möglich ist, bleibt er zunächst unbenannt.
A parasitic phycomycete (Lagenidiales) inCoscinodiscus
Morphology, asexual reproduction, and host specificity of a marine parasitic phycomycete in the diatomCoscinodiscus was studied. The observations were supported by culturing the endobiotic fungus together with one of its hosts (Coscinodiscus granii). The plasma of the irregular branched and nonseptate mycelium contains light refractive, irregular shaped fatty droplets (reserve material), which are characteristic for the genusLagenidium. However, in regard to the endogenous formation of numerous laterally biflagellate zoospores, this fungus corresponds more to the genusPontisma (Sirolpidiaceae). Sexuality remains unknown. The unnamed phycomycete is a parasite in some species ofCoscinodiscus, especially of the large-celled speciesC. granii andC. concinnus.

Erweiterte Darstellung eines Vortrages während es Arbeitssymposions über Niedere Pilze im Küstenbereich (17. bis 19. Oktober 1966) im Institut für Meeresforschung, Bremerhaven.  相似文献   

The biomass production of three common aquatic macrophytes,viz. Azolla pinnata, Eichhornia crassipes andHydrilla verticillata, was high at the prevailing environmental conditions and by the enriched water of River Ganga. The biomass production ofAzolla andEichhornia was positively correlated with the orthophosphate phosphorus and nitrate-nitrogen concentrations of the enriched water. The biomass ofAzolla andHydrilla was positively correlated with the electrical conductivity of the water. The average yield of crude protein was highest in Azolla (8,520 kg.ha–1.yr–1), and somewhat lower inEichhornia (6,520 kg.ha–1.yr–1). The annual biogas production was highest inEichhornia (44,381 litres), and somewhat lower inAzolla (17,186 litres).  相似文献   

Species delimitation inLipomyces was attempted by nuclear genome comparison in conjuction with the re-evaluation of 48 physiological characters of 65 strains.High intraspecific (>75%) and low interspecific (<28%) similarity values established thatL. japonicus, L. lipofer andL. tetrasporus are genetically isolated, and also distinct fromL. kononenkoae andL. starkeyi.Ambiguous similarity values were obtained withL. kononenkoae andL. starkeyi. Strains previously assigned toL. kononenkoae constitute two related clusters. While similarity values within each cluster range from 76–99%, representatives of the two clusters reassociate for only 47%. Since these clusters are differentiated by their ecologically relevant maximum growth temperature,L. kononenkoae is subdivided. Strains previously assigned toL. starkeyi resolve into four closely related clusters. While similarity values within each cluster range from 78–100%, representatives of the four clusters reassociate for only 59–69%. Since these four clusters are poorly differentiated, the subdivision ofL. starkeyi does not appear possible without recourse to other criteria.Four unassigned strains constitute a further two clusters. Reassociation within these clusters is of the order of 91–100%, while reassociation between them occurs only at 59%. Reassociation of representatives of these clusters with those of theL. kononenkoae andL. starkeyi complexes is around 40% and 31%, respectively. These two clusters consequently appear to be intermediate betweenL. kononenkoae andL. starkeyi, and will, as such, have to be considered in any delimitation of these two species. A key to the taxa ofLipomyces and related genera of the Lipomycetaceae is given.  相似文献   

In the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands pollen dimorphism was found inTeucrium fruticans L.,T. pseudochamaepitys L., andT. rotundifolium Schreber. Generally, this dimorphism shows two sizes of pollen grains, the smaller more or less collapsed. The percentage of pollen viability is calculated. Differences in size between viable and nonviable pollen grains are similar, being about 40% inT. fruticans andT. pseudochamaepitys, and about 26% inT. rotundifolium. With regard to pollen viability, the percentage of male sterility is higher inT. fruticans, in which from male sterile (ms) plants, 100% nonviable pollen was obtained from every flower observed. InT. pseudochamaepitys andT. rotundifolium with rare exceptions, the percentage of nonviable pollen does not seem to be significant.  相似文献   

Isozyme analysis was used to determine genetic variation within and between populations of sevenLolium species. All populations from the inbreeding species (L. temulentum, L. remotum, L. loliaceum, andL. persicum) were completely fixed for all enzymes scored. They also contained, for four of the five enzyme systems studied, exactly the same allelic variant. The three cross-breeding species showed large within-population variation and much less between-population variation. The great similarity of the allozymic variants found in all species, made the division of the genusLolium into species on basis of allozymic data difficult. It was not possible to separate the different inbreeding species from each other. Within the cross-breeding groupL. multiflorum andL. rigidum could be distinguished fromL. perenne. L. multiflorum, andL. rigidum could, with more difficulty, also be separated from each other. Allelic variation could have more relation with the provenance of the populations than with taxonomic classification.Genetic variation inLolium spp. II. For first part see Pl. Syst. Evol. 188: 87–99.  相似文献   

Fluorochrome chromosome banding is applied for the first time to 15 samples of five cultivatedCapsicum species, all with 2n = 24, and allows a detailed analysis of the karyotypes (Tables 2–3, Fig. 8). Banding patterns differ between cytotypes, species and groups, reflecting the dynamics of chromosomal differentiation and evolutionary divergence. Taxa have from 1 to 4 NOR-bearing satellited chromosome pairs and exhibit increasing numbers of terminal (rarely intercalary and indistinct centromeric) heterochromatic fluorescent bands. Amounts of heterochromatin (expressed in % of karyotype length) increase from the group withC. annuum (1.80–2.88),C. chinense (3.91–5.52), andC. frutescens (5.55) toC. baccatum (7.30–7.56), and finally toC. pubescens (18.95). In all taxa CMA+DAPI—(GC-rich) constitutive heterochromatin dominates, onlyC. pubescens has an additional CMAo DAPI+ (AT-rich) band. The fluorochrome bands generally (but not completely) correspond to the Giemsa C-bands. Structural heterozygosity can be demonstrated but is not prominent. The independent origin of at least three evolutionary lines leading to the cultivated taxa ofCapsicum is supported.Chromosome studies inCapsicum (Solanaceae), V. For the fourth part seeMoscone & al. 1995.  相似文献   

Loxosceles spider venom usually causes a typical dermonecrotic lesion in bitten patients, but it may also cause systemic effects that may be lethal. Gel filtration on Sephadex G-100 ofLoxosceles gaucho, L. laeta, orL. intermedia spider venoms resulted in three fractions (A, containing higher molecular mass components, B containing intermediate molecular mass components, and C with lower molecular mass components). The dermonecrotic and lethal activities were detected exclusively in fraction A of all three species. Analysis by SDS-PAGE showed that the major protein contained in fraction A has molecular weight approximately 35 kDa inL. gaucho andL. intermedia, but 32 kDa inL. laeta venom. These toxins were isolated from venoms ofL. gaucho, L. laeta, andL. intermedia by SDS-PAGE followed by blotting to PVDF membrane and sequencing. A database search showed a high level of identity between each toxin and a fragment of theL. reclusa (North American spider) toxin. A multiple sequence alignment of theLoxosceles toxins showed many common identical residues in their N-terminal sequences. Identities ranged from 50.0% (L. gaucho andL. reclusa) to 61.1% (L. intermedia andL. reclusa). The purified toxins were also submitted to capillary electrophoresis peptide mapping afterin situ partial hydrolysis of the blotted samples. The results obtained suggest thatL. intermedia protein is more similar toL. laeta toxin thanL. gaucho toxin and revealed a smaller homology betweenL. intermedia andL gaucho. Altogether these findings suggest that the toxins responsible for most important activities of venoms ofLoxosceles species have a molecular mass of 32–35 kDa and are probably homologous proteins.  相似文献   

Summary The abundance of the transposable elementmariner differs dramatically in the genomes of the closely related speciesDrosophila simulans, D. mauritiana, D. sechellia, andD. melanogaster. Natural populations ofD. simulans andD. mauritiana have 1–10 and 20–30 copies per diploid genome, respectively, and the insertion sites are polymorphic. The element has not been found inD. melanogaster. In this paper we show thatD. sechellia, a species endemic to the Seychelles Islands, contains only twomariner elements that are at fixed sites in the genome. One element, inserted in chromosome 2R at 51A1–2, contains three deletions and is missing much of the 3 end. The other element, inserted in chromosome 3L at 64A10–11, is the full length of 1286 bp. Although the sequence of the full-length element is polymorphic in populations ofD. sechellia, at least some of the sequences are closely related to elements fromD. simulans andD. mauritiana that are known to be active. However, judging from the progeny of crosses betweenD. sechellia andD. simulans, the biological activity of the full-lengthD. sechellia element appears to be low, either because of the nucleotide sequence of the element or because of its position in the genome, or both.  相似文献   

The chloroplast gene encoding ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate-carboxylase (rbcL) was sequenced for phylogenetic analysis of 13 species (10 genera) in the tribePolygonatae s.l. of theLiliaceae-Asparagoideae. The data were analysed using maximum parsimony and neighbour-joining methods. There were 233 phylogenetically informative sites out of 1368 base pairs compared. The results suggest that there are three monophyletic groups withinPolygonatae s.l. with high bootstrap confidence values. Group A representsPolygonatae s.str., with generaMaianthemum, Smilacina, Convallaria, Disporopsis, andPolygonatum. Group B containsUvularia andDisporum and group C includesStreptopus, Tricyrtis, Clintonia, andProsartes. The study suggests thatPolygonatae s.l. are not a monophyletic group, including at least three groups of different phylogenetic origin. Monophyly of the taxa within groups A, B, and C is supported by the high bootstrap confidence values (85–100%) of the bootstrap replications for both parsimony and neighbour-joining methods. The differences between each group (calculated as 100x base substitutions per site) were 6.99–9.03 for group A and B, 4.92–7.35 for A and C, and 6.66–7.57 for B and C.  相似文献   

This revision describes, illustrates and documents morphological variation inDoniophyton (Compositae, Barnadesioideae), restricted to Argentina and Chile. Two species are recognized,D. anomalum andD. weddellii (sp. nova), possessing distinct morphological and chromosomal features, elevational tolerances, and nearly allopatric distributions.Doniophyton weddellii occurs primarily in central to northern Andean Chile and Argentina from 1900–4000 m a. s. l.;D. anomalum is found principally in centralwestern Argentina and south into Patagonia at 0–1800 m a. s. l. Close relationship exists withChuquiraga of subfam.Barnadesioideae. It is hypothesized thatDoniophyton evolved out ofChuquiraga in the high central Andes between Chile and Argentina. It is suggested thatD. weddellii differentiated first, correlating with an aneuploid chromosomal decrease from n = 27 (inChuquiraga) to n = 25. Further evolution and chromosomal decrease to n = 24 resulted inD. anomalum, with accompanying migration into southern Andes and Patagonia. Nomenclatural changes result from examination of protologues and type specimens:Doniophyton anomalum replaces the commonly used nameD. patagonicum, and a new species,D. weddellii, is described for the taxon masquerading under the routinely used superfluous nameD. andicola. This paper is dedicated with admiration and respect to emer. Univ.-Prof. DrFriedrich Ehrendorfer, one of the world's outstanding plant systematists, and a leading scientist and administrator of the Institute of Botany of the University of Vienna  相似文献   

Qi Y  Sun Y  Xu L  Xu Y  Huang H 《Planta》2004,219(2):270-276
In seed plants, formation of the adaxial–abaxial polarity is of primary importance in leaf patterning. Since Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. genes ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 (AS1) and ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 (AS2) are key regulators in specifying adaxial leaf identity, and ERECTA is involved in the AS1/AS2 pathway for regulating adaxial–abaxial polarity [L. Xu et al. (2003) Development 130:4097–4107], we studied the physiological functions of the ERECTA protein in plant development. We analyzed the effects of different environmental conditions on a special leaf structure in the as1 and as2 mutants. This structure, called the lotus-leaf, reflects a severe loss of adaxial–abaxial polarity in leaves. Higher concentrations of salt or other osmotic substance and lower temperature severely affected plant growth both in the wild type and the mutants, but did not affect lotus-leaf frequency in the as1 and as2 mutants. as1 and as2 mutants exhibited a very low lotus-leaf frequency at 22°C, a temperature that favors Arabidopsis growth. The lotus-leaf frequency rose significantly with an increase in growth temperature, and only in plants that are in the erecta mutation background. These results suggest that ERECTA function is required for reducing plant sensitivity to heat stress during adaxial–abaxial polarity formation in leaves.Abbreviations AS1, AS2 ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1, 2 - ER ERECTA  相似文献   

The formerly rich characean community in Botshol with six species of which the rareNitellopsis obtusa andChara hispida dominated at many sites, decreased to only two species,Chara globularis andC. connivens, in the period 1980–1988. The macrophyteNajas marina also remained at some sites, and the aquatic mossFontinalis antipyretica and the filamentous algaVaucheria dichotoma predominated at many sites. These phenomena may have been due to eutrophication by the inlet of polluted water. This process of eutrophication was stopped by restoration measures in 1989, resulting in a lower phosphorus concentration (ca. 0.024 mg l–1) and a higher water transparency. Immediately after these measures the Characeae community increased strongly in abundance and number of species. During the summer of 1990, and especially of 1991, a spectacular growth occurred ofChara connivens. Chara connivens was often accompanied byChara hispida. Other species with scattered occurrence wereChara aculeolata, C. aspera, C. contraria andC. Globularis. The reasons for the shift in dominance fromNitellopsis obtusa toChara connivens are discussed. One of the reasons may be the recent higher chloride content which is one of the consequences of the restoration measures.  相似文献   

Schoenus ferrugineus andS. nigricans have restricted distributions in Sweden and are almost exclusively confined to calcareous fen habitats. AtS. nigricans sites,S. ferrugineus is usually also present, and hybrids are frequently found. In this report, I used allozymes to estimate the amount of gene flow between the two species, and to compare the partitioning of genetic diversity in each of them. Thirteen loci were analysed at eight different enzyme systems. Seven loci were variable between or within the species. The two species had completely different alleles at two of the seven variable loci, whereas there was overlap at five loci. In all, 22 different alleles were found. Six of these alleles were confined toS. nigricans, and five alleles were confined toS. ferrugineus. Nei's genetic identity was 0.55.—InS. ferrugineus, three loci (23%) were polymorphic, and the average number of alleles per polymorphic locus was 2.0 (each polymorphic locus had two alleles). InS. nigricans, three loci (23%) were polymorphic, and the average number of alleles per polymorphic locus was 2.3.—The proportion of genetic diversity due to variation among sites (G ST) was fairly similar in the two species, mean over loci = 0.12 inS. ferrugineus and 0.15 inS. nigricans. However, the proportion of genetic diversity due to variation among individuals within sites (G IS) differed markedly between the two species, mean over loci = 0.54 inS. ferrugineus and 0.17 inS. nigricans. Accordingly, there was a much higher individual heterozygosity inS. nigricans than inS. ferrugineus. — Most hybrids were interpreted as F1 hybrids. However, a small proportion, 0.5–1.6 %, were Fn hybrids or back-crosses.—On the Swedish mainland, all former occurrences ofS. nigricans are extinct, but viable hybrids are still present at a few sites in southernmost Sweden.  相似文献   

Estimates of nuclear DNA base composition by determination of thermal denaturation temperatures (Tm) indicate guanine + cytosine (G + C) levels of 35.4–46.8% for ten species of the Gracilariaceae, representing the generaGracilaria andHydropuntia. Tm values were found to be reproducible with variation among most samples and replicates of less than 1 °C and 2 mol%. Interspecific variation in G + C values was less than 11.4% amongGracilaria species. Calculation of intragenomic base pair composition distribution based on mid-resolution thermal denaturation (A 1 °C/min with 4s interval H and dT logging) indicated an inverse relationship between maximum similarity values and taxonomic rank. Intraspecific (population level) maximum similarity (homology) values were estimated to range from 79–90% inGracilaria tikvahiae (4 isolates). Interspecific values of 46–69% were found in 13 species ofGracilaria. Nucleotide distribution similarity values for the Gracilariaceae are compared with previous information for genome organization and complexity, genome size and karyotype patterns.Author for correspondence  相似文献   

The embryology ofHeliotropium scabrum andH. strigosum has been studied. The development of the anthers follows the dicotyledonous type, the tapetal cells become binucleate. The pollen grains are shed at the two-celled stage. Megaspore tetrads are linear and the development of the megagametophyte corresponds with the Polygonum type. The endosperm is cellular. The embryo development follows the Onagrad Type, i.e. the Capsella variation inH. scabrum and the Nicotiana variation of the Solanad Type inH. strigosum. The pericarp is differentiated into a one-layered epicarp with bulbous-based, unicellular hair, a 5–6-layered chlorenchymatous mesocarp and a 6–7-layered endocarp. The seed coat consists only of the thickened portions of the epidermis.  相似文献   

AxenicTrentepohlia odorata was cultured at three different NH4Cl levels (3.5 × 10–2, 3.5 × 10–3, 3.5 × 10–4 M) and three different light intensities (48, 76, 122 µmol m–2 s–1). Chloride had no effect on growth over this range of concentration. High light intensity and high NH4Cl concentration enhanced the specific growth rate. The carotenoid content increased under a combination of high light intensity and low N concentration. WhenD. bardawil was exposed to the same combination of growth conditions, there was an increase in its carotenoid content. The light saturation and the light inhibition constants (K s andK i, respectively) for growth, and the saturation constant (K m) for NH4Cl were determined. TheK s andK i values were higher inT. odorata (66.7 and> 122 mol m–2 s–1, respectively) than inD. bardawil (5.1 and 14.7 µmol m–2 s–1, respectively). TheK m value determined at 122 µmol m–2 s–1, however, was lower inT. odorata (0.048 µM) than inD. bardawil (0.062 µM).Author for correspondence  相似文献   

This work examines the cytogeographical distribution, the morphological characters, and the karyotypes of threeCrepis species endemic to Greece (C. sibthorpiana, C. incana, andC. heldreichiana). C. sibthorpiana is diploid (2n = 2x = 8),C. incana is diploid (2n = 2x = 8) and tetraploid (2n = 4x = 16, 17), andC. heldreichiana is always dekaploid (2n = 10x = 40). The Giemsa positive bands, usually pairs of dots, are mainly centromeric inC. incana, while they are terminal inC. sibthorpiana (on the short arm of all chromosomes) and inC. heldreichiana (on both arms of all chromosomes). Intercalary C-bands are scarce and usually variable within karyotypes, individuals, and species. The most variable karyotype both in Feulgen and Giemsa preparations is that ofC. incana, in which also supernumerary chromosomes were observed, which are polysomic to standard set members. On the basis of morphological and karyological data the evolutionary relationships among the threeCrepis taxa are discussed.  相似文献   

Twelve natural populations of four cedar pine species,Pinus sibirica, P. cembra, P. pumila, andP. koraiensis, occurring in the Soviet Union were investigated by starch-gel electrophoresis. Frequencies of 55 alleles at 19 loci were determined. Interpopulation genetic diversity inP. sibirica andP. pumila was only 2–4 per cent of the total genetic diversity. Nei's distance coefficient (Dn) was used to estimate the level of genetic differentiation among conspecific populations and among species. Dn values among populations ranged from 0.006 to 0.038. A dendrogram constructed using Dn values divided cedar pines species into 2 clusters:sibirica-cembra (Dn = 0.030) andpumila-koraiensis (Dn = 0.143). Nei's distance between these clusters was 0.232. On the basis of the data obtained it was possible to draw the following conclusion:P. sibirica, P. pumila, andP. koraiensis are distinct species, whileP. cembra should apparently be regarded as geographicalP. sibirica race.  相似文献   

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