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The feeding of bleak, Alburnus alburnus (L.), was studied in a natural eutrophic lake of northern Greece by an analysis of gut contents. Feeding was more intense during the first half of the day. Monthly analyses showed temperature-dependent feeding intensities, which were high during summer and the beginning of autumn and showed a decline in winter. The low feeding intensity in April coincided with the maximal value of the GSI. Bleak is a zooplankton feeder mainly, consuming Copepoda and Bosmina all the year round. During the hot period the diversity of its food increased. Other Cladocera, mainly Diaphanosoma , but also Moina, Daphnia and other less abundant genera, were found also. Meanwhile, Hydracarina and insect nymphs were found frequently, but in very low quantities. The size of bleak did not play an important role in its food composition. The stenophagic nature of its feeding could be explained in terms of the abundance of zooplankton in the environment. The influence of feeding intensity on the condition factor of the species is discussed.  相似文献   

The occurrence of hybrids between bleak, Alburnus alburnus , and chub, Leuciscus cephalus is reported from four discrete river systems in England. The hybrids are described and illustrated, and means of identification from the parent species are given. Bleak × chub hybrids appear to be moderately common and on superficial examination resemble the bleak parent species more than the chub.  相似文献   

Heavy infestations of the cestode Ligula are reported in bleak Alburnus alburnus (L.) from the tidal Thames. This parasite has not apparently been recorded previously from this host in the British Isles. The life cycle of the parasite is briefly summarized. Data on this infestation suggest an increase in the incidence of infestation up to a maximum in young bleak, followed by a decrease in older fish. There also appears to be a decrease from summer to autumn. The positive relationship between the weight of the parasite and the length of the host is discussed. Observations are made on the effect of Ligula on its host; it is suggested that many of the young bleak die during the autumn and winter, following their infestation.  相似文献   

High levels of ultraviolet-B radiation (UVB) could represent a danger to seaweeds by affecting their physiological processes and development. The aim of this work was to study the effects of UVB radiation on early developmental stages of commercially and ecologically important marine algal species in southern Chile, considering spores survival and embryos growth. Spores of Mazzaella laminarioides, Gigartina skottsbergii, Sarcothalia crispata and embryos of G. skottsbergii and Macrocystis pyrifera were submitted to treatments of a) photosynthetically active radiation (PAR: Control), b) PAR+UVA (PA) and c) PAR+UVA+UVB (PAB). UV radiation did not affect spore survival of M. laminarioides S. crispata and G. skottsbergii (P = 0.55, P = 0.6 & P = 0.25 respectively), but did provoke differences in the growth rate of G. skottsbergii embryos (P = 0.00). Differences in survival and growth of M. pyrifera embryos were also observed (P = 0.001 & P = 0.007, respectively). Differences in growth of M. pyrifera embryos were observed only in the first five days, whereas changes in survival persisted until the end of the experiment. Additionally, UVB provoked morphological alteration in M. pyrifera embryos, as evidenced by progressive curling. These results suggest that the initial stages of the subtidal algae species G. skottsbergii and M. pyrifera cultivated in laboratory conditions were sensitive to UVA and UVB radiation, and their recruitment and development could be affected as well in natural conditions found in southern South America, where the ozone layer has thinned more than in other parts of the planet.  相似文献   

Three components of the energy budget, consumption ( C ), production ( P ) and respiration ( R ) in juvenile roach and bleak kept under controlled food ( Anemia salina , 2400 ind. l−1) and temperature (20° C) conditions were measured in a study aimed at defining differences between the two species and elucidating the patterns of energy partitioning during ontogeny.
Daily food consumption rates (J day−1 fish−1) increased allometrically ( C =a W b) with body size ( W , mg dry weight) in both species. Covariance analysis indicated no differences in slope or intercept for the two regression lines ( P ≤ 0.05, n = 82). However, the two species grew at significantly different rates, roach faster than bleak.
The dependence of the respiration rate (μmol h−1 fish −1) on body weight ( W ) can be described by an allometric function: R = a W b, where a ± 95% C.L. = 0.17 ± 0.15 for roach and 0.18 ± 0.20 for bleak. The slope for roach (b ± 95% C.L. = 0.78 ± 0.01) is slightly higher than that for bleak (0.69 ± 0.03).
Assimilation efficiency [AE = ( P + R ) C −1] was significantly higher in roach than in bleak. Different levels of AE correlated with differences in relative gut length (gut length as percentage of body length). Due to the shorter relative gut length above a weight of 5 mg, bleak has lower powers of digestion, which may explain lower production rates. These differences in energetic performance between the two species indicate mechanisms leading to niche differentiation in the early life history of the fishes.  相似文献   

Summary Parts of the grey crescent region of 1–2 cell, 8 cell and morula stages ofAmbystoma mexicanum were combined with presumptive gastrula ectoderm of the same species (sandwich method).Grey crescent material of the early cleavage stages induced neural tissues at a very low rate (6%–7%).From the morula stage onwards, the inducing ability of the grey crescent area increased and led to the formation of mesodermal as well as neural organs. The implanted area did not participate in the organ formations.
Zusammenfassung Von Axolotl-Keimen wurden im 1–2 Zell-Stadium, im 8 Zell-Stadium und im Morula-Stadium Implantate aus der Region des grauen Halbmondes entnommen und mit präsumptivem Ektoderm aus frühen Gastrulen der gleichen Spezies kombiniert (Sandwich-Methode).Material aus dem grauen Halbmond früher Furchungsstadien induzierte nur wenig neurales Gewebe (6%–7% der Fälle).Vom Morula-Stadium an war die Induktionsrate höher. Neben neuralen wurden auch mesodermale Organe induziert. — Das implantierte Gewebe war nicht an den Organbildungen beteiligt.

Embryonic and early postembryonic development of the carp is associated with an increase in the content of soluble proteins and nitrogen of non-protein nitrogenous components. Simultaneously, the activity of trypsin-like and chemotrypsin-like peptide hydrolases increases together with the increase in the degree of proteolysis. These data suggest that the development of carp embryos and early larva is accompanied by intensification of two opposite processes--synthesis and catabolism of proteins. The observed changes are more evident in early postembryonic period as compared with the early stages of embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Intra- and interspecific effects together with changing environmental conditions regulate the dynamics of the fragile bleak populations in Lake Balaton. Size- and age-structures, length-weight relationships and mortality were studied on 1493 individuals and growth history were determined using scales from 703 specimens. The population growth rate was slow and the basic population parameters showed area variations along the longitudinal axis of the lake. Gut contents were analyzed in 224 individuals. The bleak stocks are trophically strongly related to the littoral zooplankton and benthos; and they play a significant energy-mediating role in the food-webs between the periphytic communities and fish assemblages in the littoral zone of Lake Balaton.  相似文献   

The effects of the herbicides 1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridylium dichloride (paraquat), 3,6-dichloro-2-metoxybenzoic acid (dicamba) and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) on cell growth of non-green potato tuber calli are described. We attempted to relate the effects with toxicity, in particular the enzymes committed to the cellular antioxidant system. Cell cultures were exposed to the herbicides for a period of 4 weeks. Cellular integrity on the basis of fluorescein release was strongly affected by 2,4-D, followed by dicamba, and was not affected by paraquat. However, the three herbicides decreased the energy charge, with paraquat and 2,4-D being very efficient. Paraquat induced catalase (CAT) activity at low concentrations (1muM), whereas at higher concentrations, inhibition was observed. Dicamba and 2,4-D stimulated CAT as a function of concentration. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity was strongly stimulated by paraquat, whereas dicamba and 2,4-D were efficient only at higher concentrations. Glutathione reductase (GR) activity was induced by all the herbicides, suggesting that glutathione and glutathione-dependent enzymes are putatively involved in the detoxification of these herbicides. Paraquat slightly inhibited glutathione S-transferase (GST), whereas 2,4-D and dicamba promoted significant activation. These results indicate that the detoxifying mechanisms for 2,4-D and dicamba may be different from the mechanisms of paraquat detoxification. However, the main cause of cell death induced by paraquat and 2,4-D is putatively related with the cell energy charge decrease.  相似文献   

Expression patterns of intermediate filament proteins have been studied during early mouse embryo development. For this purpose, pre-implantation embryos at different stages of development after in vitro fertilization were studied using antibodies to cytokeratins, vimentin and lamins, using the indirect immunofluorescence assay. The levels of expression were quantitated and localization of the protein constituents was assessed by means of confocal scanning laser microscopy. Our studies showed that, although the embryos grew in culture, vimentin could not be detected in a filamentous organization. Immunofluorescence for cytokeratins was only positive from the 8-cell stage onwards. In the morula stage an increased level of cytokeratin expression was observed with a transitional staining pattern, combining a filamentous and a diffuse occurrence. In the blastocyst stages profound cytokeratin filaments were seen in trophoblast cells but not in the inner cell mass. When the cytokeratin subtypes were analysed separately, it became apparent that expression levels of cytokeratins 8 and 18 increased gradually up to a filamentous pattern in the blastocyst stage. Cytokeratins 7 and 19, although elevated in the latter stage and showing a filamentous distribution, were not found as prominently as cytokeratins 8 and 18. A-type as well as B-type lamins could be detected in all developmental stages examined, as a faintly reactive nuclear lamina. In blastocysts both lamin types were detected in trophoblast as well as in inner cell mass.  相似文献   

Dominant lethal effects of the herbicide 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) were evaluated in the freshwater snail Biomphalaria glabrata. Wild-type snails were exposed during 10 days to 50, 75 and 100ppm of 2,4-D dimethylamine salt (2,4-D DMA) and paired with non-exposed albino snails 1, 11, 25 and 40 days after the exposure. The offspring of the non-exposed albino snails was scored for lethal malformations. One day after the exposure, a significant effect was observed at 75 and 100ppm without a dose-response relationship. After 11 days, the effect was observed only at the highest dose. After 25 days, significant increases in the dominant lethal effects occurred at 50 and 75ppm; effects were directly related to the doses. Background levels of lethal malformations were resumed after 40 days. Although the major and direct measure of dominant lethal mutations is the rate of lethal malformations in the heterozygous offspring of the albino snails, the sensitivity of the assay was substantially increased with the evaluation of all non-viable embryos, that are the sum of those with lethal malformations, identified or not as wild-type.  相似文献   

The key role of telluric microorganisms in pesticide degradation is well recognized but the possible relationships between the biodiversity of soil microbial communities and their functions still remain poorly documented. If microorganisms influence the fate of pesticides, pesticide application may reciprocally affect soil microorganisms. The objective of our work was to estimate the impact of 2,4-D application on the genetic structure of bacterial communities and the 2,4-D-degrading genetic potential in relation to 2,4-D mineralization. Experiments combined isotope measurements with molecular analyses. The impact of 2,4-D on soil bacterial populations was followed with ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis. The 2,4-D degrading genetic potential was estimated by real-time PCR targeted on tfdA sequences coding an enzyme specifically involved in 2,4-D mineralization. The genetic structure of bacterial communities was significantly modified in response to 2,4-D application, but only during the intense phase of 2,4-D biodegradation. This effect disappeared 7 days after the treatment. The 2,4-D degrading genetic potential increased rapidly following 2,4-D application. There was a concomitant increase between the tfdA copy number and the 14C microbial biomass. The maximum of tfdA sequences corresponded to the maximum rate of 2,4-D mineralization. In this soil, 2,4-D degrading microbial communities seem preferentially to use the tfd pathway to degrade 2,4-D.  相似文献   

Horppila  Jukka  Kairesalo  Timo 《Hydrobiologia》1992,(1):323-331
Lake Vesijärvi, southern Finland, suffered sewere eutrophication by sewage effluent from the city of Lahti during the 1960's and the early 1970's. The municipal sewage loading was diverted from the lake in 1976 and the lake started to recover. However, in the 1980's blue-green algal blooms increased again and the recovery of the lake faded. Enclosure experiments demonstrated that high roach (Rutilus rutilus) biomass is one of the key factors in the fading recovery of the lake. In this study, the influence of roach and another cyprinid fish species (bleak, Alburnus alburnus) to planktonic algal productivity and biomass in Lake Vesijärvi was examined. Enclosure experiments in the field showed the impacts of planktivorous bleak on water quality; in an enclosure with a density of 1 fish m–2 average daily algal production (1370 mg C m–2) and chlorophyll-a concentration (50–90 µg 1–1) were more than twice that in an enclosure without fish. Laboratory experiments showed that the availability of planktonic food affects the foraging behaviour of roach and consequently the internal nutrient loading from the sediment into the water. Roach caused the highest phosphorus loading and turbidity when there was no zooplanktonic food available in the water. The possible interactions between planktivorous and omnivorous fish species are discussed.  相似文献   

The ovarian cavity and the oviduct of Alburnus alburnus were investigated by histological, fine structural and (enzyme-) histochemical methods, and the ovarian fluid was analysed. Within the ovary there exists a system of communicating cavities, the ovarian cavity, which caudally continues with the oviduct. The ovarian cavity is bordered by an epithelium which is secretory active and covered with microvilli. It is involved in the formation of an ionic gradient in the ovarian fluid, in the secretion of glucose, proteins and enzymes (acid phosphatase, protease, beta d-glucuronidase) and in the synthesis of glucuronide steroids which is established by analysis data of the ovarian fluid. It has also auto- and heterophagocytotic activity. The oviduct epithelium consists mainly of ciliated cells which direct the eggs through the oviduct. Between the ciliated cells, clusters of microvilli cells are located which are similar to the epithelium of the ovarian cavity.  相似文献   

Summary Vitellin was purified from eggs of the silkworm,Bombyx mori, by a new method in which vitellin was extracted from isolated yolk granules. The purified vitellin had a molecular weight of 540,000. An antibody against purified vitellin was prepared in rabbits. It reacted with the hemolymph vitellogenin as well as with purified vitellin, but not with other proteins in the hemolymph or in the extract from yolk granules. The anti-vitellin IgG was used to immunocytochemically locate vitellin in theBombyx non-diapause egg during early developmental stages. In the egg, just after oviposition, vitellin was located in internal yolk granules and in small yolk granules of the periplasm. During the early developmental stages studied, vitellin was not metabolized uniformly throughout the egg. The vitellin of the internal yolk granules located at the posterior-dorsal part and of the small peripheral yolk granules was utilized in 16 h and 2 days, respectively, after oviposition. A thin, very vitellin-poor layer was located between the periplasm and the vitellin-rich interior in the newly laid egg. it was always in close contact with the periphery where blastoderm and germ-band cells developed.  相似文献   

The role of isopentenyl adenine (2ip) in cereal tissue and plant regeneration was analyzed by addition of this compound into various cultural media. Preculture of rice calli in the presence of certain levels of 2ip before transferring onto a normal tissue culture regeneration medium increased significantly the rate of embryogenesis as well as plant regeneration. Different combinations of 2ip and 2,4-D in preculture media had profound effects on cell differentiation. The procedures of embryogenesis and plant regeneration can be separated by manipulating the ratio of 2,4-D to 2ip in the culture media. Various possible functions of 2ip, 2,4-D and KT in cereal regeneration are also suggested.Abbreviations 2ip isopentenyl adenine - 2,4D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - KT kinetin - IAA indole acetic acid  相似文献   

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