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Background and Aims

Functional groups of species interact and coevolve in space and time, forming complex networks of interacting species. A long-term study of temporal variation of an ant–plant network is presented with the aims of: (1) depicting its structural changes over a 20-year period; (2) detailing temporal variation in network topology, as revealed by nestedness and modularity analysis and other parameters (i.e. connectance, niche overlap); and (3) identifying long-term turnover in taxonomic structure (i.e. switches in ant resource use or plant visitor assemblages according to taxa).


Fieldwork was carried out at La Mancha, Mexico, and ant–plant interactions were observed between 1989 and 1991, between 1998 and 2000, and between May 2010 and 2011. Occurrences of ants on extrafloral nectaries (EFNs) were recorded. The resulting ant–plant networks were constructed from qualitative presence–absence data determined by a species–species matrix defined by the frequency of occurrence of each pairwise ant–plant interaction.

Key Results

Network variation across time was stable and a persistent nested structure may have contributed to the maintenance of resilient and species-rich communities. Modularity was lower than expected, especially in the most recent networks, indicating that the community exhibited high overlap among interacting species (e.g. few species were hubs in the more recent network, being partly responsible for the nested pattern). Structurally, the connections created among modules by super-generalists gave cohesion to subsets of species that otherwise would remain unconnected. This may have allowed an increasing cascade-effect of evolutionary events among modules. Mutualistic ant–plant interactions were structured 20 years ago mainly by the subdominant nectarivorous ant species Camponotus planatus and Crematogaster brevispinosa, which monopolized the best extrafloral nectar resources and out-competed other species with broader feeding habits. Through time, these ants, which are still present, lost their position as network hubs and diminished in their importance in structuring the network; simultaneously, plants gained in importance.


The long-term network analysis reveals a decrease in attended plant species richness, a notable increase in plant species participation from 1990 to 2010 (sustained by less plant taxonomic similarity in the older 1990 network), an increase in the number of ant species and a diminishing dominance of super-generalist ants. The structure of the community has remained highly nested and connected with low modularity, suggesting overall a more participative, homogeneous, cohesive interaction network. Although previous studies have suggested that interactions between ants and EFN-bearing plants are susceptible to seasonality, abiotic factors and perturbation, this cohesive structure appears to be the key for biodiversity and community maintenance.  相似文献   

The concept of colony-level life history evolution is introduced for the cooperative spiders by describing the life cycle and demography of Atbuhna binotata (Araneae: Dictynidae), a species living in groups containing up to several dozen adult females plus their offspring. In a life cycle remarkably similar to that of army ants, the colonies of A binotata were found to reproduce by fission and to alternate nomadic and sedentary phases in tight association with their internal demography. Colonies of other cooperative spiders, on the other hand, remain stationary as they grow for a number of generations before producing propagules that are relatively small subsets of the maternal colony. It is suggested that A. binotata!% peculiar life cycle may have unfolded as a consequence of the two-dimensional architecture of its nests. Expanding two-dimensional nests may fragment more easily than the three-dimensional nests characteristic of other species. A long distance group migration or nomadic phase, described here for the first time for a spider, may have followed as a mechanism to cope with potential disadvantages of fission while selecting for strict synchronization of individual life cycle stages within the nests. It is shown, however, that, as in other cooperative spiders, A. binotatd% sex ratio is also highly female biased. The theoretical implications of biased sex ratios in a species with fissioning colonies are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Saleh N  Chittka L 《Oecologia》2007,151(4):719-730
To test the relative importance of long-term and working spatial memories in short-range foraging in bumblebees, we compared the performance of two groups of bees. One group foraged in a stable array of six flowers for 40 foraging bouts, thereby enabling it to establish a long-term memory of the array, and adjust its spatial movements accordingly. The other group was faced with an array that changed between (but not within) foraging bouts, and thus had only access to a working memory of the flowers that had been visited. Bees in the stable array started out sampling a variety of routes, but their tendency to visit flowers in a repeatable, stable order (“traplining”) increased drastically with experience. These bees used shorter routes and converged on four popular paths. However, these routes were mainly formed through linking pairs of flowers by near-neighbour movements, rather than attempting to minimize overall travel distance. Individuals had variations to a primary sequence, where some bees used a major sequence most often, followed by a minor less used route, and others used two different routes with equal frequency. Even though bees foraging in the spatially randomized array had access to both spatial working memory and scent marks, this manipulation greatly disrupted foraging efficiency, mainly via an increase in revisitation to previously emptied flowers and substantially longer search times. Hence, a stable reference frame greatly improves foraging even for bees in relatively small arrays of flowers.  相似文献   

《Developmental neurobiology》2017,77(9):1072-1085
Brain compartment size allometries may adaptively reflect cognitive needs associated with behavioral development and ecology. Ants provide an informative system to study the relationship of neural architecture and development because worker tasks and sensory inputs may change with age. Additionally, tasks may be divided among morphologically and behaviorally differentiated worker groups (subcastes), reducing repertoire size through specialization and aligning brain structure with task‐specific cognitive requirements. We hypothesized that division of labor may decrease developmental neuroplasticity in workers due to the apparently limited behavioral flexibility associated with task specialization. To test this hypothesis, we compared macroscopic and cellular neuroanatomy in two ant sister clades with striking contrasts in worker morphological differentiation and colony‐level social organization: Oecophylla smaragdina , a socially complex species with large colonies and behaviorally distinct dimorphic workers, and Formica subsericea , a socially basic species with small colonies containing monomorphic workers. We quantified volumes of functionally distinct brain compartments in newly eclosed and mature workers and measured the effects of visual experience on synaptic complex (microglomeruli) organization in the mushroom bodies—regions of higher‐order sensory integration—to determine the extent of experience‐dependent neuroplasticity. We demonstrate that, contrary to our hypothesis, O. smaragdina workers have significant age‐related volume increases and synaptic reorganization in the mushroom bodies, whereas F. subsericea workers have reduced age‐related neuroplasticity. We also found no visual experience‐dependent synaptic reorganization in either species. Our findings thus suggest that changes in the mushroom body with age are associated with division of labor, and therefore social complexity, in ants. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 77: 1072–1085, 2017  相似文献   

Summary Genes for -amylase, alcohol dehydrogenase, andEm, an ABA-regulated gene expressed late in embryogenesis, were localized on rice chromosomes by the analysis of primary trisomies. The validity of the mapping approach was confirmed usingAdh-1 as a control. TheAdh-1 gene has previously been assigned to chromosome 11 using conventional techniques. In this study we confirm this assignment and report an additional locus for alcohol dehydrogenase (Adh-2) on chromosome 9. The -amylase genes were located on chromosomes 1, 2, 6, 8, and 9 while theEm gene was mapped to chromosome 5. To facilitate trisomic analysis and correlation of cloned genes with bands observed on Southern blots, a nomenclature for the rice -amylase genes has been proposed. In addition to mapping nine cloned -amylase genes, we have identified two previously uncloned -amylase genes as part of this study. Polymorphism for -amylase genes belonging to each of the three subfamilies was observed between M202 and IR36. The maximum degree of polymorphism was found among genes belonging to the RAmy3 subfamily, which also has the most diverse group of genes.  相似文献   

Discussion of the vertical stratification of organisms in tropical forests has traditionally focused on species distribution. Most studies have shown that, due to differences in abiotic conditions and resource distribution, species can be distributed along the vertical gradient according to their ecophysiological needs. However, the network structure between distinct vertical strata remains little-explored. To fill this gap in knowledge, we used baits to sample ants in the canopy and understorey trees of a Mexican tropical rain forest to record the ant–tree co-occurrences. We examined the ant–tree co-occurrences in the canopy and understorey using complementary network metrics (i.e., specialization, interaction diversity, modularity, and nestedness). In addition, we evaluated co-occurrence patterns between ant species on trees, using C-score analysis. In general, we found no differences in the network structure, although the interaction diversity was greater in the understorey than in the canopy networks. We also observed that co-occurrence networks of each vertical stratum featured four ant species in the central core of highly co-occurring species, with three species unique to each stratum. Moreover, we found a similar trend toward ant species segregation in the both strata. These findings reveal a similar pattern of ant–ant co-occurrences in both vertical strata, probably due to the presence of arboreal-nesting ants in the understorey. Overall, we showed that despite the marked differences in species composition and environmental conditions between understorey and canopy strata, ant–tree co-occurrences in these habitats could be governed by similar mechanisms, related to dominance and resource monopolization by ants.  相似文献   

Summary The nucleotide sequence of a spacer region between 16S and 23S rRNA genes from soybean chloroplasts has been determined. The spacer region is over 3000 bp long and contains two tRNA genes, coding for rRNAIle and tRNAAla which contain intervening sequences of 953 and 811 base pairs respectively. There is a strong homology between the two introns suggesting that they have a common origin. These spacer tRNAs are synthesized as part of a kb precursor molecule containing 16S and 23S rRNA sequences.  相似文献   

The technique of horseradish peroxidase retrograde axonal transport and local electrical stimulation of the pre-Botzinger complex was used to study the connections between neurones of the bulbar respiratory nucleus and descending pathways from bulbar nuclei in the cat spinal cord. A possible role of the nuclei under study for rhythmogenesis of breathing and respiratory control, is discussed.  相似文献   

This work proposes a control law for efficient area coverage and pop-up threat detection by a robot swarm inspired by the dynamical behavior of ant colonies foraging for food. In the first part, performance metrics that evaluate area coverage in terms of characteristics such as rate, completeness and frequency of coverage are developed. Next, the Keller–Segel model for chemotaxis is adapted to develop a virtual-pheromone-based method of area coverage. Sensitivity analyses with respect to the model parameters such as rate of pheromone diffusion, rate of pheromone evaporation, and white noise intensity then identify and establish noise intensity as the most influential parameter in the context of efficient area coverage and establish trends between these different parameters which can be generalized to other pheromone-based systems. In addition, the analyses yield optimal values for the model parameters with respect to the proposed performance metrics. A finite resolution of model parameter values were tested to determine the optimal one. In the second part of the work, the control framework is expanded to investigate the efficacy of non-Brownian search strategies characterized by Lévy flight, a non-Brownian stochastic process which takes variable path lengths from a power-law distribution. It is shown that a control law that incorporates a combination of gradient following and Lévy flight provides superior area coverage and pop-up threat detection by the swarm. The results highlight both the potential benefits of robot swarm design inspired by social insect behavior as well as the interesting possibilities suggested by considerations of non-Brownian noise.  相似文献   

Summary To date it has been accepted that preprophase bands of microtubules (PPBs) either do not precede cell division or do so inconsistently in suspension cultures, the assumption being that such cultures proliferate in an unorganized state in which placement of cell plates is not regulated by the PPB system that is widespread in organized tissues. Using indirect immunofluorescence microscopy with antitubulin, the relative frequency of occurrence of PPBs in enzymatically separated cells from root tips and suspension cultures of carrot and tobacco, was quantified by taking the ratio of the number of PPBs: phragmoplast. This ratio was termed the PPB index.One carrot suspension culture proliferated in a medium containing 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), and recognizable stages in somatic embryogenesis formed when 2,4-D was removed from the medium. Another carrot suspension culture was nonembryogenic and removal of 2,4-D resulted in a reduction of cell division and increase in cell elongation. The tobacco culture was a cytokinin habituated cell line and also required 2,4-D to maintain cell division. It ceased proliferation, and cell elongation took place if 2,4-D was removed.The PPB index in the root tips from both species, and in both types of carrot suspension culture was approximately the same but was approx. 15-fold lower in the tobacco suspension. PPBs in the tobacco suspension were atypical in structure as well as sparse in numbers. The PPB index allows quantitative comparisons between different tissues to be made. The low PPB index and the irregular PPBs in the tobacco suspension correlates with its inability to undergo organized morphogenesis and generate spatially defined cell lineages upon 2,4-D removal. In contrast, the high PPB index in the carrot suspension cultures correlates with their potential for organized embryo formation, whether or not that potential is realized by withdrawal of 2,4-D. However, their high PPB index is not obligatorily coupled to embryogenesis.  相似文献   

  • 1 The seed-harvesting ant Messor (Veromessor) prrgandei (Mayr) is a common inhabitant of southwestern deserts of the U.S.A. Foragers vary in size from less than 1 mg to more than 10 mg in body mass and may travel over 80 m on a single foraging trip. Their small size, long foraging range, and hot, arid habitat suggest that water stress may limit foraging activity. We examined intercolony and interindividual variation in water loss of M.pergandei foragers under several different situations in the field.
  • 2 Colonies differed significantly in minimum critical water content (Wc) of individual foragers (water content below which foragers are incapable of normal locomotion). In one colony small workers had disproportionately higher Wc than larger workers; in the other colony Wc was isometric with body size.
  • 3 Groups of workers confined in the field approached Wc only after normal foraging stopped and substrate temperatures exceeded 45°C, while water content of individual foragers did not approach the Wc during normal foraging periods. Moreover, seed load and distance travelled did not negatively affect forager water content, as measured on return to the nest: indeed, our results suggest that forager hydration level may influence load selection and/or foraging distance. We conclude that, under normal circumstances, foraging in M.pergandei is not water-limited.

Colony size can be considered the analogue of the body size of a superorganism. Just as body size is important to the physiology of an individual animal, colony size correlates with the life-history and ecology of social insects. Although nest excavation and counting all individuals is the most accurate method for estimating colony size (or nest size), it has the major drawback of being destructive. Alternatively, mark–release–recapture (MRR) can be used repeatedly to measure the size of the same colony or nest. We compared the accuracy and feasibility of four MRR methods and a Mound-Volume method with complete counts from nest excavation for estimating the nest size of F. lugubris, a mound-building wood ant of the Formica rufa group, during the early spring in Scotland. We found that our After-Disturbing method, in which we performed marking and recapturing after gentle disturbance to the top of nest mound, has the best balance between accuracy, non-destructiveness, and time required. We also found that mound volume can be an index of ant nest size under certain conditions. Both non-destructive methods can be used on the same colony or nest repeatedly to monitor nest dynamics.  相似文献   

The relationship between plants and ants is often mediated by the presence of extrafloral nectaries (EFNs) that attract ants and provide rewards by protecting plants from herbivores or parasites. Ficus trees (Moraceae) and their pollinators (Hymenoptera: Agaonidae) are parasitized by many nonpollinating fig wasp species (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) that decrease the reproductive output of the mutualistic partners. Previous studies have shown that ants living on and patrolling Ficus species can efficiently deter parasitic wasps. The aim of this study was to verify the presence of EFNs on figs of Ficus benguetensis and test the hypothetical protection service provided by ants. Figs in different developmental stages were collected from Fu-Yang Eco Park, Taipei, Taiwan. Sugars on the fig surface were collected and analyzed through high-performance anion-exchange chromatography. Moreover, ants were excluded from the figs to determine the effect of ants on the nonpollinating fig wasps. We identified three oligosaccharides whose relative proportions varied with the fig developmental phase. In addition, results showed that the ant-excluded figs were heavily parasitized and produced three times less pollinators than did the control figs. Finally, the specific interactions of Ficus benguetensis with ants and the relationship between figs and ants in general are discussed.  相似文献   

Current evidence suggests that ant–plant relationships may influence species composition, abundance, and interactions at the community scale. The main resource that plants offer to ants is extrafloral nectar (EFN) and the major part of published studies shown benefits from ants to plants possessing EFNs. However, the complementary question of whether and how ants benefit from EFNs is rarely addressed. Here, we present the results of a long-term study to demonstrate whether EFN has a positive effect on ant colony fitness. We quantified colony growth rate, survival and the final weight of individuals as measures of benefit derived from EFN. Our results provide clear evidence that EFN can have a significant positive impact on the survivorship, growth and reproduction of the Myrmicinae Cephalotes pusillus. In fact, a diet rich in EFN (providing at least 30 cal per day) resulted in five times more individuals per colony, greater body weights, and more eggs. These results have shed new light on the relationships between ants and EFN-bearing plants such as in tropical and temperate systems. The ant C. pusillus is the first case in which we have firm evidence that EFN improves colony growth and development, corroborating more than 100 years of experimental evidence of benefits to plants in these widespread relationships.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The axonal pathways of thirteen giant neurons identified in the right parietal and the visceral ganglia, found in the suboesophageal ganglia of an African giant snail (Achatina fulica Férussac), were investigated by intracellular injections of Lucifer Yellow, with regard to their axonal projections into the following six peripheral nerves: lap n (left anterior palliai nerve), lpp n (left posterior palliai nerve), int n (intestinal nerve), anal n (anal nerve), rpp n (right posterior palliai nerve) and rap n (right anterior palliai nerve).
  • 2.2. These projections were confirmed by the recording of the axonal responses from the nerves.
  • 3.3. On the dorsal surface of the right parietal ganglion, the following four giant neurons were identified: PON (periodically oscillating neuron), TAN (tonically autoactive neuron), RAPN (right anterior palliai neuron), and d-RPLN (dorsal-right parietal large neuron).
  • 4.4. The PON axonal pathways projected into int n; those of TAN into all of the nerves examined; those of RAPN into lap n, lpp n, int n, anal n and rap n.; and those of d-RPLN into pd nn (pedal nerves) through the pedal ganglia, lpp n, anal n, rap n and sometimes lap n.
  • 5.5. On the dorsal surface of the visceral ganglion, the following four giant neurons were also identified: VIN (visceral intermittently firing neuron), FAN (frequently autoactive neuron), INN (intestinal nerve neuron) and d-VLN (dorsal-visceral large neuron).
  • 6.6. The VIN axonal pathways, which had no branch into the six nerves examined, went to both the right and the left pedal ganglia, sending a branch into the cerebro-pleural connective; those of FAN projected into lap n, anal n and rap n, and sometimes into lpp n and rpp n; those of INN into int n; and those of d-VLN into pd nn, lap n, lpp n, anal n and rap n.
  • 7.7. On the ventral surface of the right parietal ganglion, v-RPLN (ventral-right parietal large neuron) was identified. The axonal pathways went to pd nn, lap n, lpp n, anal n and rap n.
  • 8.8. On the ventral surface of the visceral ganglion, the four giant neurons, v-VNAN (ventral-visceral noisy autoactive neuron), v-VLN (ventral-visceral large neuron), r-VMN (right-visceral multiple spike neuron) and 1-VMN (left-visceral multiple spike neuron) were identified.
  • 9.9. The axonal pathway of v-VNAN projected into rpp n and rap n; those of v-VLN into pd nn, lap n, anal n, rap n and sometimes to lpp n; those of r-VMN into int n and rpp n; and those of 1-VMN also into int n and rpp n.
  • 10.10. The present morphologial investigations of the giant neurons confirmed well the identifications of the neurons previously studied. The axon of the neurons examined here, except for VIN, projected into some of the peripheral nerves, while the VIN axon extended into the cerebro-pleural connective.
  • 11.11. The five neurons, PON, TAN, v-VNAN, r-VMN and 1-VMN, formed fine axonal arborizations terminating at the neuropile, while the arborizations of the other neurons were not clearly observed.
  • 12.12. Although the anatomical structures of the portion examined of the suboesophageal ganglia are asymmetrical, three pairs of symmetrically-situated neurons, d-RPLN and d-VLN, v-RPLN and v-VLN, and r-VMN and 1-VMN, were found, indicating the existence of symmetrical components in the ganglia.

Wilder SM  Meikle DB 《Oecologia》2005,144(3):391-398
While many species show positive relationships between population density and habitat patch area, some species consistently show higher densities in smaller patches. Few studies have examined mechanisms that may cause species to have negative density–area relationships. We tested the hypothesis that greater reproduction in edge versus interior habitats and small versus large fragments contributes to higher densities of white-footed mice (Peromyscus leucopus) in small versus large forest fragments. We also examined vegetation structure and foraging tray utilization to evaluate if greater reproduction was a result of higher food availability. There were greater number of litters and proportion of females producing litters in the edge versus interior of forest fragments, which may have contributed to greater population growth rates and higher densities in edge versus interior and small versus large fragments. Data on vegetation structure and giving-up densities of seeds in artificial patches suggest that food availability may be higher in edge versus interior habitats and small versus large fragments. These results, in an area with few or no long-tailed weasels, provide a distinct contrast to the findings of Morris and Davidson (Ecology 81:2061, 2000) who observed lower reproduction in forest edge habitat as a result of high weasel predation, suggesting that specialist predators may be important in affecting the quality of edge habitat. While we cannot exclude the potential contributions of immigration, emigration, and mortality, our data suggest that greater reproduction in edge versus interior habitat is an important factor contributing to higher densities of P. leucopus in small fragments.  相似文献   

中国西南亚高山云冷杉林中大熊猫主食竹的地上生物量及其生物和非生物影响因子作为大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)的主食竹之一,缺苞箭竹(Fargesia denudate)广泛分布在中国西南山地云冷杉林的林下。然而,缺苞箭竹生物量及其分布的驱动因素仍不清楚。本研究基于对王朗大样地(25.2 ha) 209个样方(投影面积为20 m × 20 m)中的乔木层和灌木层(包括竹子等木质草本)的系统调查,探讨非生物因素(地形和土壤理化性质)和生物因素(乔木密度、乔木总胸高断面积(TBA)和灌木盖度等) 对缺苞箭竹地上生物量的影响。研究结果表明,样方缺苞箭竹地上生物量平均为1.17 ton/ha,在209 个 调查样方中差异很大(0–4.88 ton/ha,95%置信区间)。缺苞箭竹生物量随海拔、坡度和乔木平均胸径的增 加而显著增加,随乔木密度、灌木盖度和土壤pH的增加而显著降低,而与乔木TBA、坡向、土壤有机质或总氮含量无显著线性关系。随机森林模型表明,地形和生物因素对缺苞箭竹生物量的影响比土壤理化性质更大。具体来说,地形主要通过改变乔木密度和土壤理化性质来影响缺苞箭竹的生物量。本研究结果可为大熊猫的保护和亚高山云冷杉林的管理提供科学参考。  相似文献   

A BAC library from common bean has been used in order to isolate the entire multigene Bowman–Birk serine protease inhibitor family and to study its genome organization. Using a previously isolated trypsin/chymotrypsin inhibitor nucleotide sequence as probe, two positive BAC clones were identified. The P2B8 BAC clone, of about 135 kbp and containing the complete BBI family, was chosen and partially sequenced. Our results confirm that a small multigene family codes for three double-headed inhibitors named: tc-BBI-1, tc-BBI-2 and et-BBI. They contain the binding loop trypsin/chymotrypsin (tc-BBI-1 and tc-BBI-2) and the elastase/trypsin one (et-BBI), respectively. Genes coding for tc-BBI-1 and et-BBI, were found to be very close to each other and arranged in a head to head fashion. Southern blot hybridisation on genomic DNA digested with PstI enzyme suggests that all three genes are present in a fragment of 19 kbp. Northern blot analyses on RNA isolated from various common bean organs showed that the expression of tc-BBI-1 and et-BBI was restricted to the developing cotyledons. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Giant reed (Arundo donax L.) and miscanthus (Miscanthus × giganteus Greef et Deu.) are two perennial rhizomatous grasses (PRGs), considered as promising sources of lignocellulosic biomass for renewable energy production. Although the agronomic performance of these species has been addressed by several studies, the literature dedicated to the crop water use of giant reed and miscanthus is still limited. Our objective was thus to investigate giant reed and miscanthus water use by assessing crop evapotranspiration (ETc), crop coefficients (Kc) and water use efficiency (WUE). The study was carried out in central Italy and specifically designed water-balance lysimeters were used to investigate the water use of these PRGs during the 2010 and 2011 growing seasons. Giant reed showed the highest cumulative evapotranspiration, with an average consumption of approximately 1100 mm, nearly 20% higher than miscanthus (900 mm). Crop evapotranspiration rates differed significantly between the species, particularly during the midseason (from June to September), when average daily ETc was 7.4 and 6.2 mm in giant reed and miscanthus respectively. The Kc values determined in our study varied from 0.4 to 1.9 for giant reed and 0.3 to 1.6 for miscanthus. Finally, WUE was higher in miscanthus than in giant reed, with average values of 4.2 and 3.1 g L−1 respectively. Further studies concerning water use under nonoptimal water conditions should be carried out and an assessment of the response to water stress of both crops is necessary to integrate the findings from this study.  相似文献   

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