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The phagocytosis of inert particles, a long-known in vivo phenomenon among cells of the reticuloendothelial system, has more recently been found to be a widespread capability of cells in vitro (Gropp 1963) and can be utilized as a marking system when colored particles are employed. Carbon particles (black) were used by Stoker (1964) as cellular markers and later carmine particles (red) were used as markers in cell transformation studies (Stoker 1967; Rabinowitz and Sachs 1968).  相似文献   

Carbon use efficiencies (gram cell organic dry weight accumulated per gram sugar assimilated from the medium) of unadapted and NaCl-adapted (428 millimolar) cells of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. var Wisconsin 38) were determined to evaluate metabolic costs associated with growth and survival in a saline environment. No net increase in carbon costs was associated with salt adaptation. At low substrate levels, carbon use efficiencies of unadapted and NaCl-adapted cells were not appreciably different (0.495 and 0.422, respectively) and at higher substrate levels carbon use efficiency of NaCl-adapted cells was clearly higher than that of unadapted cells. These results indicate that a homeostasis of metabolic efficiency is established after cells have adapted to NaCl. Altered carbon availability does not cause the reduced cell volume that results from adaptation to NaCl. This does not preclude, however, the possibility that altered intracellular partitioning of carbon affects cell expansion.  相似文献   

A Burkitt lymphoblastoid cell line, P3J-HR-1, was fused and hybridized to a human sternal marrow cell line. The somatic cell hybrids were negative when examined for Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) markers. When the hybrid cells were exposed to 5-iododeoxyuridine, both EBV-specific antigens and virus particles were induced as determined by the immunofluorescence test and by electron microscopy. The data presented suggest that the EBV genome can be transferred from a lymphoblastoid cell to another cell type during cell hybridization, that the EBV genome can persist in the hybrid cells for long periods of time, and that synthesis of the virus can be induced in the heterokaryons.  相似文献   

The generative cells used for fusion experiments were isolated from pollen grains of Zephyranthes candida and Lycoris radiata by “2-step osmotic shock” and from those of Hippeastrum vittata, Hemerocallis minor and Iris tectorum by “weak enzyme treatment” as reported previously. Using PEG method, fusions have been successfully induced between generative cells of the same species mentioned above, between generative cells of Z. candida and L. radiata, between generative cells and petal protoplasts in L. radiata, and between generative cells of L. radiata and hypocotyl protoplasts of Brassica napus. In all cases either homokaryons or heterokaryons could be obtained. Fusion of nuclei was observed sometimes in homokaryons of generative cells in L. radiata. The generative nuclei in fusion products could be well identified by labelling the generative cells before fusion with DAPI. FDA test demonstrated that most of the fusion products were viable. Factors affecting fusion efficiency including cell density, PEG concentration, duration of PEG treatment and effect of calcium ions were studied in fusion of generative cells in Z. candida. Our experiments indicate that isolated generative cells are likely to be deprived of cell wails and may be regarded as a special kind of protoplasts for direct fusion experiments.  相似文献   

Hybrids between mouse cells and simian virus 40 (SV40)-transformed rat cells were made, and their properties and chromosome constitution were investigated over many generations. Their hybrid nature was confirmed by enzyme studies. During a period of 1 year a loss of 10 to 20% of the total number of chromosomes was observed. The SV40 tumor antigen was present and remained present in the hybrids. The parental and hybrid cells were studied for agglutination with concanavalin A, for growth in soft agar, and for serum requirement. These growth and surface characteristics of the transformed cells appeared in the hybrids.  相似文献   

For centuries, freesia has been one of the most important crops in the floriculture industry. Here, aqua-space samples collected from entire flowers of diploid Freesia refracta, three tetrapioid freesia cuitivars, and interspecific hybrids of three tetraploid freesia cultivars were analyzed using gas chromatograph coupled with mass selective detector, in all, 75 different compounds were identified. The compounds were mainly terpenes, hydrocarbons, alcohols, fatty acid esters and aromatic class compounds. Among these, iinalool was detected from all the sweet-scented flowers except for scentless white tetraploid F. hybrida. Stable inheritance of linalool between F. hybrida and their Ft progeny was observed. Based on the present analyses, the relationship between the aroma of freesia and iinalooi was discussed.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic carbon fixation in guard cells was reexamined in experiments with highly purified guard cell protoplasts from Vicia faba L. irradiated with red light. The fate of 14CO2 (4.8 microcuries of NaHCO3; final concentration: 100 micromolar) supplied to these preparations was investigated with two-dimensional paper, and thin layer chromatography. Rates of CO2 fixation were 5- to 8-fold higher in the light than in darkness. Separation of acid-stable products into water-insoluble, neutral, and anionic fractions showed that more radioactivity was incorporated into the neutral fraction in the light than in the dark. In the dark, malate and aspartate comprised 90% of the radiolabel found in the anionic fraction, whereas in the light, radioactivity was also found in 3-phosphoglyceric acid (PGA), sugar monophosphates, sugar diphosphates, and triose phosphates. Phosphorylated compounds contained up to 60% of the label in the light-treated anionic fraction. Phosphatase treatment and rechromatography of labeled sugar diphosphate showed the presence of ribulose, a specific metabolite of the photosynthetic carbon reduction pathway (PCRP). In time-course experiments, labeled PGA was detected within 5 seconds. With time, the percentage of label in PGA decreased and that in sugar monophosphate increased. We conclude that PGA is a primary carboxylation product of the PCRP in guard cells and that the activity of the PCRP, and phosphoenolpyruvate-carboxylase is metabolically regulated.  相似文献   

Programmed cell death (PCD) occurs in adults to maintain normal tissue homeostasis and during embryological development to shape tissues and organs1,2,6,7. During development, toxic chemicals or genetic alterations can cause an increase in PCD or change PCD patterns resulting in developmental abnormalities and birth defects3-5. To understand the etiology of these defects, the study of embryos can be complemented with in vitro assays that use differentiating embryonic stem (ES) cells.Apoptosis is a well-studied form of PCD that involves both intrinsic and extrinsic signaling to activate the caspase enzyme cascade. Characteristic cell changes include membrane blebbing, nuclear shrinking, and DNA fragmentation. Other forms of PCD do not involve caspase activation and may be the end-result of prolonged autophagy. Regardless of the PCD pathway, dying cells need to be removed. In adults, the immune cells perform this function, while in embryos, where the immune system has not yet developed, removal occurs by an alternative mechanism. This mechanism involves neighboring cells (called "non-professional phagocytes") taking on a phagocytic role-they recognize the ''eat me'' signal on the surface of the dying cell and engulf it8-10. After engulfment, the debris is brought to the lysosome for degradation. Thus regardless of PCD mechanism, an increase in lysosomal activity can be correlated with increased cell death.To study PCD, a simple assay to visualize lysosomes in thick tissues and multilayer differentiating cultures can be useful. LysoTracker dye is a highly soluble small molecule that is retained in acidic subcellular compartments such as the lysosome11-13. The dye is taken up by diffusion and through the circulation. Since penetration is not a hindrance, visualization of PCD in thick tissues and multi-layer cultures is possible12,13. In contrast, TUNEL (Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling) analysis14, is limited to small samples, histological sections, and monolayer cultures because the procedure requires the entry/permeability of a terminal transferase.In contrast to Aniline blue, which diffuses and is dissolved by solvents, LysoTracker Red DND-99 is fixable, bright, and stable. Staining can be visualized with standard fluorescent or confocal microscopy in whole-mount or section using aqueous or solvent-based mounting media12,13. Here we describe protocols using this dye to look at PCD in normal and sonichedgehog null mouse embryos. In addition, we demonstrate analysis of PCD in differentiating ES cell cultures and present a simple quantification method. In summary, LysoTracker staining can be a great complement to other methods of detecting PCD.  相似文献   

Radioactive carbon assimilated by vegetative cells of Anabaena cylindrica in the light passed via an intrafilamentous route into heterocysts in the dark. After several hours, label per heterocyst approximated label per vegetative cell. Much of the label entering heterocysts was not available for diffusional exchange back into vegetative cells.  相似文献   

The combination of Xenopus borealis and X. laevis provides an excellent cell marking system. The potential availability of this system for chimera formation has also been suggested. However, eggs and early embryos of these species differ in size and the fusion of blastomeres of different sizez results in some disturbance in arrangement of blastomeres of a chimera. This disturbance was avoided by use of embryos from X. laevis eggs fertilized with X. borealis sperm, instead of X. borealis embryos. The cells of these hybrids could also be distinguished from the cells of X. laevis.
The fate of animal ventral cells placed in the dorsal region was followed by making a chimera by fusing a right lateral half of an 8-cell X. laevis embryo with that of an 8-cell hybrid embryo. The animal ventral cells in the "dorsal" region were found to become "dorsalized", giving rise to a lateral half of dorsal axial structures. This observation explains a previous finding that the replacement of dorsal cells by ventral ones had no effect on embryogenesis in a composite embryo.  相似文献   

The relationship between leaf anatomy, ultrastructure and carbondiscrimination was investigated in leaves of two F1hybrids (F1-1and F1-2) between two different types of the grassPanicum [anNAD-malic enzyme (ME) C4species], which differ in bundle sheathultrastructure. The female parent was Kabulabula grass, whichhas centrifugal chloroplasts in bundle sheath cells and is designatedan NAD-ME(F) species, while the male parent was Makarikari grass,which has centripetal chloroplasts in the bundle sheath cellsand is designated an NAD-ME(P) species. Suberin lamellae arepresent in Kabulabula grass but are lacking in Makarikari grass.Both F1hybrids had the same chromosome number (2n =36) as theparents but exhibited both univalent (about 45%) and bivalent(about 55%) chromosome pairing which was the major basis forthe identification of F1hybrids. In F1-1, elongated bundle sheathcell chloroplasts are arranged mainly in a centripetal position,similar to those in the male parent, Makarikari grass. In contrast,most of the bundle sheath cells in F1-2 are packed with starch-containingchloroplasts, although in some cells chloroplasts tended tobe centripetally arranged. In both F1hybrids, suberin lamellaewere found in the bundle sheath cell walls, similar to the femaleparent, Kabulabula grass. The 13C values of both F1hybrids were-11.4 to -11.7, almost the same as those of Kabulabula grass(-11.4), but significantly higher than those of Makarikari grass(-12.7). These results indicate that the chloroplast orientationin the bundle sheath cells and the presence of suberin lamellaeare not obligatorily linked in their expression and suggestthat suberin lamellae may play an important role in discriminationagainst13C. Panicum ; NAD-malic enzyme species; hybrid; chloroplast position; 13C discrimination; suberin lamellae  相似文献   

细胞融合技术是一项迅速发展的细胞工程技术,是细胞工程研究的重要内容之一。自20世纪80年代开始,细胞融合技术开始应用于藻类原生质体融合,至今已在多种藻类中开展了细胞融合及杂种培育试验。综述了在藻类细胞融合技术中常用的方法:化学融合法、电融合法、激光融合法,以及在藻类细胞融合中的最新研究进展,并对目前在藻类细胞融合研究中的困难进行简要的评述。  相似文献   

Autophagy has been implicated in a range of disorders and hence is of major interest. However, imaging autophagy in real time has been hampered by lack of suitable markers. We have compared the potential of monodansylcadaverine, widely used as an autophagosomal marker, and the Atg8 homologue LC3, to follow autophagy by fluorescence microscopy whilst labelling late endosomes and lysosomes simultaneously using EGFP-CD63. Monodansylcadaverine labelled only acidic CD63-positive compartments in response to a range of autophagic inducers in various live or post-fixed cells, staining being identical in atg5+/+ and atg5-/- MEFs in which autophagosome formation is disabled. Monodansylcadaverine staining was essentially indistinguishable from that of LysoTracker Red, LAMP1 or LAMP2. In contrast, 60-90% of EGFP-LC3-positive punctate organelles did not colocalise with LAMP1/LAMP2/CD63 and were monodansylcadaverine-negative while EGFP-LC3 puncta that did colocalise with LAMP1/LAMP2/CD63 were also monodansylcadaverine-positive. Hence monodansylcadaverine is no different from other markers of acidic compartments and it cannot be used to follow autophagosome formation. In contrast, fusion of mRFP-LC3-labelled autophagosomes with EGFP-CD63-positive endosomes and lysosomes and sequestration of dsRed-labelled mitochondria by EGFP-LC3- and EGFP-CD63-positive compartments could be visualised in real time. Moreover, transition of EGFP-LC3-I (45 kDa) to EGFP-LC3-II (43 kDa) - traced by immunoblotting and verified by [3H]ethanolamine labelling - revealed novel insights into the dynamics of autophagosome homeostasis, including the rapid activation of autophagy by the apoptotic inducer staurosporine prior to apoptosis proper. Use of fluorescent LC3 and a counterfluorescent endosomal/lysosomal protein clearly allows the entire autophagic process to be followed by live cell imaging with high fidelity.  相似文献   

Field strains of Brucella abortus were resistant to mitomycin C, whereas strain 19 was sensitive; therefore, the antibiotic was used to distinguish B. abortus strain 19 from other strains.  相似文献   

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