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The effects of three arginine-specific reagents on uptake were studied using corn seedlings (Zea mays L., GoldenCross Bantam). In the presence of borate, 0.25 mM 2, 3-butanedione(BD) and 1.0 mM 1, 2-cyclohexanedione (CHD) inhibited uptake by 76% and 68%, respectively, compared tothe controls. However, in the absence of borate, only 18% and38% inhibition was observed for 0.25 mM BD and 1.0 mM CHD, respectively.Similarly, 0.5 mM phenylglyoxal (PGO) resulted in 75% inhibition.The degree of inhibition of nitrate uptake exhibited a concentration-dependencewith respect to the reagents. Corn seedlings are 2- or 3-foldmore sensitive to BD than to PGO and CHD, respectively, presumablydue to the unfavourable steric effects of the benzal ring. Uptakeof was partially restored after removal of BD, CHD, and PGO from the uptake medium. No significant differenceswere observed for the ATPase and plasma membrane-associatedvanadate-sensitive H+-ATPase or K+-stimulated ATPase activityin homogenates and microsomal fractions prepared from corn seedlingswhich had been incubated for 2 h in the presence or absenceof 0.5 mM BD or 1.0 mM PGO. This suggests that inhibition ofnitrate uptake by the arginine-specific reagents was not causedby the indirect effect of their binding and inhibiting H+-ATPase.The fact that the arginine-specific reagents strongly inhibit uptake indicates that the transport system has arginine residues at or near the activesite. Key words: Arginine-specific reagents, borate effect, nitrate uptake, reversibility  相似文献   

Dark-grown, decapitated corn (Zea mays L.) seedlings that hadbeen grown without nitrogen were used to characterize relationshipsamong uptake, translocation and in vivo reduction of [15N] nitrateduring induction of the nitrate uptake process and throughoutthe subsequent steady-state period. During induction, cumulativenitrate reduction increased from less than 20%of cumulativenitrate uptake to about 30%Concurrently, translocation of nitrateincreased from less than 30%to over 50%of that absorbed. Duringthe following steady-state period, partitioning of incomingnitrate between reduction and translocation remained relativelyconstant. Initially, removal of the endosperm had little effecton nitrate uptake, but by 6 h cumulative uptake had been depressed30%relative to control plants. In contrast, endosperm removallimited nitrate reduction within 1 h, and as a consequence nitratereduction during the 6 h exposure period was 60% less in endosperm-freetissues. Collectively these observations indicate that nitrateuptake and reduction are independent processes, since they developat dissimilar rates upon initial exposure to nitrate, and sincethey differ markedly in response to endosperm removal. However,the constancy of nitrate reduction during steady-state uptake(30% of incoming nitrate), does reflect an association betweenthe two processes. Key words: uptake, reduction, -N translocation, Induction, Post-induction  相似文献   

Travis RL  Key JL 《Plant physiology》1971,48(5):617-620
Nitrate reductase can be induced in excised shoots of 3-day-old dark-grown Zea mays (var. WF9 × M14) seedlings in the absence of light. In contrast, leaves of 10-day-old dark-grown seedlings require a light treatment in order to induce enzymatic activity. Leaves of 10-day-old dark-grown seedlings contain a very low level of polyribosomes while 3-day-old shoots contain a very high level of polyribosomes. There is a gradual loss of polyribosomes from 3 to 10 days and a gradual loss of in vitro protein synthetic activity of the ribosome preparations. The loss of polyribosomes and decrease in their amino acid-incorporating activity correlate positively with the loss of ability to induce nitrate reducase activity as leaves of dark-grown corn seedlings age. These results corroborate and extend our previous results, in that light is not required for nitrate reductase induction per se in leaves of dark-grown seedlings but is required to reactivate the protein synthetic apparatus of older leaves.  相似文献   

Nitrate provision has been found to regulate the capacity forChara corallina cells to take up nitrate. When nitrate was suppliedto N sufficient cells maximum nitrate uptake was reached after8 h. Prolonged treatment of the cells in the absence of N alsoresulted in the apparent ability of these cells to take up nitrate.Chlorate was found to substitute partially for nitrate in the‘induction’ step. The effects on nitrate reductionwere separated from those on nitrate uptake by experiments usingtungstate. Tungstate pretreatment had no effect on NO3uptake ‘induced’ by N starvation, but inhibitedNO3 uptake associated with NO3 pretreatment. Chloridepretreatment similarly had no effect on NO3 uptake ‘induced’by N deprivation, but inhibited NO3 uptake followingNO3 pretreatment. The data suggest that there are atleast two mechanisms responsible for the ‘induction’of nitrate uptake by Chara cells, one associated with NO3reduction and ‘induced’ by CIO3 or NO3and one associated with N deprivation. Key words: Nitrate, Chlorate, Chara corallina, Induction  相似文献   

Nitrate uptake and the subsequent induction of in vivo nitratereductase activity in wheat were studied by investigating aeuploid and certain ditelosomic stocks which exhibited in vivoactivity significantly greater than that of the euploid. Thekinetics of nitrate uptake were investigated, but the high activitiesof the ditelosomics were not caused by increased uptake of nitrate,although ditelo-7BL exhibited unusual uptake dynamics. Analysisof the induction of nitrate reductase activity revealed a biphasicgeneral pattern, with an initial rapid phase being followedby a slower but longer period of induction. The induction rateover the second period, although responsible for only a minorproportion of the total activity induced, was positively correlatedwith the final nitrate reductase level, unlike the rate overthe first induction period. Several stocks exhibited high inductionrates over one or other of the two phases, while ditelo- 1 Asshowed an abnormal monophasic induction pattern. At the endof the second period of induction, nitrate reductase activitybecame more or less steady, except for activity fluctuationsassociated with the time of application of induction stimuli.  相似文献   

Nitrate uptake, reduction, and translocation were examined in intact, 14-day-old, nitrogen-depleted wheat (Triticum vulgare var. Knox) seedlings during a 9-hour exposure to 0.2 mm Ca (NO(3))(2). The nitrate uptake rate was low during the initial 3-hour period, increased during the 3- to 6-hour period, and then declined. By the 3rd hour, 14% of the absorbed nitrate had been reduced, and this increased to 36% by the 9th hour. Shoots accumulated reduced (15)N more rapidly than roots and the ratio of reduced (15)N to (15)N-nitrate was higher in the shoots. A significant proportion of the total reduction occurred in the root system under these experimental conditions. Accumulation of (15)N in ethanol-insoluble forms was evident in both roots and shoots by the 3rd hour and, after 4.5 hours, increased more rapidly in shoots than in roots.An experiment in which a 3-hour exposure to 0.2 mm Ca ((15)NO(3))(2) was followed by a 12-hour exposure to 0.2 mm Ca ((14)NO(3))(2) revealed a half-time of depletion of root nitrate of about 2.5 hours. A large proportion of this depletion, however, was due to loss of (15)N-nitrate to the ambient (14)N-nitrate solution. The remaining pool of (15)N-nitrate was only slowly available for reduction. Total (15)N translocation to the shoot was relatively efficient during the first 3 hours after transfer to Ca ((14)NO(3))(2) but it essentially ceased after that time in spite of significant pools of (15)N-nitrate and alpha-amino-(15)N remaining in the root tissue.  相似文献   

Nitrite and nitrate uptake by wheat (Triticum vulgare) from 0.5 mM potassium solutions both showed an apparent induction pattern characterized by a slow initial rate followed by an accelerated rate. The accelerated phase was more rapid for nitrate uptake, was initiated earlier, and was seriously restricted by the presence of equimolar nitrite. The accelerated phase of nitrite uptake was restricted by nitrate to a lesser extent. The two anions seem not to be absorbed by identical mechanisms. Ammonium pretreatments or prior growth with ammonium had relatively little influence on the pattern of nitrite uptake. However, prior growth with nitrate eliminated the slow initial phase and induced development of the accelerated phase of nitrite uptake. A beneficial effect was noted after 3 h nitrate pretreatment and full development had occurred by 12 h nitrate pretreatment. The evidence suggests that a small amount of tissue nitrite, which could be supplied either by absorption or by nitrate reduction, was specifically required for induction of the accelerated phase of nitrite uptake. Cycloheximide (2 μg ml?1) seriously restricted development of the accelerated phase of nitrite uptake, but its effect was not as severe when it was added after the accelerated phase had been induced by prior exposure to nitrite or nitrate. However, translocation of 15N from the absorbed nitrite was sharply decreased under the latter conditions, indicating a difference in sensitivity of the uptake and translocation processes to cycloheximide. Potassium uptake was greater from KNO3 than from KNO2 and in both instances it was enhanced during the early stages of the accelerated phase of anion uptake. Moreover, addition of NaNO3 to KNO2 substantially increased potassium uptake. A coupling between anion and potassium uptake was therefore evident, but the coupling was not obligatory because the accelerated phase of nitrite uptake could occur in absence of rapid potassium uptake.  相似文献   

Abstract: The putative role of glutamine, exported from leaves to roots, as a negative feedback signal for nitrate uptake was investigated in Zea mays L. seedlings. Glutamine (Gln) was supplied by immersion of the tip-cut leaves in a concentrated solution. Nitrate (NO3) uptake was measured by its depletion in amino acid-free medium. The treatment with Gln resulted in a strong inhibition of nitrate uptake rate, accompanied by a significant enrichment of amino compounds in root tissue. The effect of N-availability on NO3 uptake was determined in split-root cultures. The plants were subjected to complete or localized N supply. Inducible NO3 uptake systems were also induced in N-deprived roots when the opposite side of the root system was supplied with KNO3. The inhibitory effect of Gln was unaffected by localized N supply on one side of the split-root. The potential role of Gln in the shoot-to-root control of NO3 uptake is discussed.  相似文献   

The induction by ambient NO3- and NO2- of the NO3- and NO2- uptake and reduction systems in roots of 8-d-old intact barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) seedlings was studied. Seedlings were induced with concentrations of NaNO3 or NaNO2 ranging from 0.25 to 1000 [mu]M. Uptake was determined by measuring the depletion of either NO3- or NO2- from uptake solutions. Enzyme activities were assayed in vitro using cell-free extracts. Uptake and reduction systems for both NO3- and NO2- were induced by either ion. The Km values for NO3- and NO2- uptake induced by NO2- were similar to those for uptake induced by NO3-. Induction of both the uptake and reduction systems was detected well before any NO3- or NO2- was found in the roots. At lower substrate concentrations of both NO3- and NO2- (5-10 [mu]M), the durations of the lag periods preceding induction were similar. Induction of uptake, as a function of concentration, proceeded linearly and similarly for both ions up to about 10 [mu]M. Then, while induction by NO3- continued to increase more slowly, induction by NO2- sharply decreased between 10 and 1000 [mu]M, apparently due to NO2- toxicity. In contrast, induction of NO3- reductase (NR) and NO2- reductase (NiR) by NO2- did not decrease above 10 [mu]M but rather continued to increase up to a substrate concentration of 1000 [mu]M. NO3- was a more effective inducer of NR than was NO2-; however, both ions equally induced NiR. Cycloheximide inhibited the induction of both uptake systems as well as NR and NiR activities whether induced by NO3- or NO2-. The results indicate that in situ NO3- and NO2- induce both uptake and reduction systems, and the accumulation of the substrates per se is not obligatory.  相似文献   

Susceptible corn tissues exposed to the host-specific toxin of Helminthosporium carbonum race 1 reduced more nitrate to nitrite than did control tissues, as measured by an in vivo method. There were no differences in nitrate reductase activities extracted from treated and control tissues and assayed by an in vitro method. Toxin-treated susceptible roots removed nitrate from solution and accumulated it in the tissues twice as fast as did control roots. Uptake by resistant roots was stimulated also, provided approximately 100 times higher concentrations of toxin were used. Toxin-stimulated nitrate uptake occurred in the presence of tungstate, which eliminates nitrate reductase activity. Toxin did not cause leakage of nitrate from roots under these conditions. Thus, toxin-enhanced nitrate accumulation was caused by increased nitrate uptake rather than by decreased nitrate metabolism or decreased nitrate leakage. The data indicate that toxin increases the rate of nitrate reduction in vivo by increasing the availability of substrate, not by stimulation of enzyme synthesis.  相似文献   

Phytochrome was partially purified from etiolated seedlings of Avena sativa L. Several properties of the red-absorbing (PR) and far-red absorbing (PFR) forms of the pigment were compared. The 2 forms could not be shown to differ with respect to their sedimentation velocity in sucrose density gradients, elution volume from Sephadex G-200 columns, binding properties on calcium phosphate, or electrophoretic mobility. PFR, however, was more labile than PR during precipitation with 50% ammonium sulfate. Sephadex G-200 elution diagrams obtained with fresh phytochrome preparations revealed 2 components of different molecular weights, 1 roughly 180,000, and 1 roughly 80,000. Native phytochrome had an absorption spectrum in vivo showing an absorption maximum for PR of 667 nm. Both the large and small forms of phytochrome mentioned above can be maintained with an absorption maximum for PR of 667 nm. However, allowing them to remain for several hours as PFR, even at 4°, shifted this peak to 660 nm. The protein conformational change during phytochrome transformation may be quite small, though the various comparative techniques used do not strictly rule out a fairly large one. The need for maintaining the pigment as PR during all steps of purification, but particularly during ammonium sulfate precipitation is underscored.  相似文献   

Photoactivation of Oxygen-evolving System in Dark-grown Spruce Seedlings   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Plastids prepared from dark-grown spruce seedlings showed a negligible activity of photosystem II, and no fluorescence variation was observed during actinic illumination. The photosystem II reaction centre, however, was present in primary thylakoids. Exposure of such seedlings to continuous light induced the development of photosystem II activity via three stages (rapid, lagged and gradual), and the variable fluorescence appeared. The rapid development of photosystem II may be attributed to the activation of the oxygen-evolving system, possibly the manganese-catalyzing site, and the lagged and gradual developments may be closely related to the formation of thylakoid membranes and their assembly to grana.  相似文献   

The nitrogen economy of barley plants growing in a range ofirradiances from full shade (less than 0·5 W m–2)to 119 W m–2 has been examined by analysing levels oftotal, organic and nitrate nitrogen, and by determining nitratereductase activity in leaf extracts. It has been confirmed thatroot growth is reduced in low irradiances which are also associatedwith a lower level of total nitrogen in the plant, and hencewith a lower uptake of nitrate. In all parts of the plant thelevel of organic nitrogen is higher in high light intensitybut nitrate-nitrogen as a proportion of the total is greatestin low irradiances. In the first leaf accumulation of free nitrateis substantially greater in low irradiances. The data indicate a higher level of nitrate assimilation inhigh irradiances and nitrate reductase activity in leaf extractsis higher in such conditions. When the first leaf is shadednitrate reductase activity falls to undetectable levels afterabout 4 days, but in the case of the second leaf, where thisis shaded, some reductase activity is always found, althoughthis is substantially less than that in unshaded conditions. It is concluded that in vitro rates of nitrate reduction mayover-estimate nitrate assimilation determined as increase inorganic nitrogen.  相似文献   

The effect of Ca2+ on NO3 assimilation in young barley (Hordeum vulgare L. var CM 72) seedlings in the presence and absence of NaCl was studied. Calcium increased the activity of the NO3 transporter under saline conditions, but had little effect under nonsaline conditions. Calcium decreased the induction period for the NO3 transporter under both saline and nonsaline conditions but had little effect on its apparent Km for NO3 both in the presence and absence of NaCl. The enhancement of NO3 transport by Ca2+ under saline conditions was dependent on the presence of Ca2+ in the uptake solution along with the salt, since Ca2+ had no effect when supplied before or after salinity stress. Although Mn2+ and Mg2+ enhanced NO3 uptake under saline conditions, neither was as effective as Ca2+. In longer studies, increasing the Ca2+ concentration in saline nutrient solutions resulted in increases in NO3 assimilation and seedling growth.  相似文献   

Calcium Deficiency of Dark-grown Seedlings of Phaseolus vulgaris L   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Helms K 《Plant physiology》1971,47(6):799-804
Hypocotyl collapse in dark-grown seedlings of Phaseolus vulgaris cv. Pinto was due to calcium deficiency. There was no evidence of an associated pathogen. The number of seedlings with hypocotyl collapse decreased and the mean hypocotyl length increased when increasing levels of calcium (0-100 micrograms per gram) were supplied in an external nutrient solution to seedlings grown under sterile conditions.  相似文献   

In specimens of the hermatypic coral species Fungia scutaria and Montipora verrucosa and in the alga Ulva lactuca, nitrate uptake was measured in light and dark with a flow-through apparatus. The nitrate uptake was measurable in high-nitrate bay water of Kaneohe Bay and also in low-nitrate open ocean water. Nitrate consumption rates by the corals and the alga did not differ from light to dark. Neither the coral nor the alga showed measurable immediate nitrate uptake in open ocean water of low nitrate concentration when they had been held previously in the high-nitrate bay water. In low-nitrate open ocean water the uptake per unit time increases when the flow of the water increases. The uptake of nitrate by reef corals even from low concentrations indicates nonspecific nutrient sources for reef corals.  相似文献   

The in vitro protein synthetic activity of 80S ribosomes from leaves of dark-grown corn seedlings was enhanced (at low Mg2+ levels) by a 5-minute red light treatment applied 2 hours prior to tissue harvest. The effect was completely reversed by an immediate brief far red treatment, suggesting that ribosome activation is controlled by the phytochrome system. Experiments in which the interval between light treatment and tissue harvest was shortened indicate that the response was quite rapid. The initial increase in activity was detected within 30 minutes, followed by a rapid increase during the next 1.5 hours. No further increase occurred after 2 to 3 hours.  相似文献   

Primary and secondary metabolites of inorganic nitrogen metabolism were evaluated as inhibitors of nitrate reductase (EC induction in green leaf tissue of corn seedlings. Nitrite, nitropropionic acid, ammonium ions, and amino acids were not effective as inhibitors of nitrate reductase activity or synthesis. Increasing α-amino nitrogen and protein content of intact corn seedlings by culture techniques significantly enhanced rather than decreased the potential for induction of nitrate reductase activity in excised seedlings.  相似文献   

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