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兰科(Orchidaceae)植物是植物保护中的“旗舰”类群,其种子细小粉末状,缺乏萌发所需的营养物质,研究种子萌发和幼苗生长特性对于兰科植物保育、资源可持续利用和产业化等具有重要意义。本研究以附生齿瓣石斛(Dendrobium devonianum Paxt.)为对象,建立原生境播种方法,研究其生活史周期和不同附主树种齿瓣石斛株丛生长特性。结果显示,采取稀牛粪+种子(或米汤+种子)的原生境播种方法,齿瓣石斛种子可大量萌发生长形成幼苗;种子萌发当年生长缓慢,完成由种子到种子的生活史周期需3~5年或更长;不同附主树种的齿瓣石斛株丛生长及结果情况存在差异,4年生假鳞茎在不同附主树种上的茎节数指标为:李树 > 梨树 > 桃树 > 披针叶楠;茎粗指标为:披针叶楠 > 梨树 > 桃树 > 李树;茎长指标为:梨树 > 披针叶楠 > 李树 > 桃树;结实率指标为:梨树 > 桃树 > 李树 > 披针叶楠,其中,梨树上的齿瓣石斛株丛自然结果率达24.86%。该研究为附生石斛的原生态栽培和回归保育提供了一条新途径。  相似文献   

对比分析3种具有重要药用价值的石斛属植物高位腋芽萌发情况,为石斛种苗营养繁殖提供参考。方法:采集扁草石斛Dendrobium nobile Lindl.、铁皮石斛Dendrobium officinale Kimura et Migo和齿瓣石斛Dendrobium devonianum Paxt.等3种石斛假鳞茎,观察高位腋芽萌发率和生长情况。结果:扁草石斛、铁皮石斛和齿瓣石斛的茎条高芽萌发率分别为93.7%、74.2%、83.3%;茎节萌发率分别为26.4%、15.8%、16.1%;高芽生长情况齿瓣石斛扁草石斛铁皮石斛。结论:3种石斛均具有典型高位腋芽萌发特性,随着当前市场石斛假鳞茎成本降低,利用其高位腋芽繁育种苗具有较好的发展前景。  相似文献   

铁皮石斛种植技术体系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
铁皮石斛是我国濒临灭绝的珍贵中草药,关于种植铁皮石斛的系统技术研究还鲜见报道。本文研究了铁皮石斛苗期栽培基质的筛选、不同附主树种和种植高度、不同林分郁闭度对林下铁皮石斛附生生长的影响以及林下种植石斛对附主树种生长的影响等。结果表明:(1)综合瓶苗移栽成活率、株高、茎长、茎粗以及生物量等生长指标,铁皮石斛的苗期栽培的理想基质为等体积混合基质(松树皮+花生壳+马占相思树皮);(2)不同树种和附生部位对铁皮石斛的株高生长、茎粗、生物量等影响差异显著,但两者没有交互作用。附生60 d时,郁闭度大的杨桃最优,120 d开始,檀香迅速表现出绝对优势,各树种均为中部(1.2~1.5 m)最适附生,马占相思附生的石斛生物量最大。檀香、马占相思和降香黄檀的综合评价显著优于龙眼和杨桃;(3)铁皮石斛附树种植在林分郁闭度为30%~50%,光照入射强度为空地的62.5%左右对其生长最为有利;(4)附树种植铁皮石斛可以显著增加附主胸径。综合认为,在华南地区种植铁皮石斛,选择混合基质(松树皮+花生壳+马占相思树皮)为筛苗基质,附生林分郁闭度为30%~50%的檀香或降香黄檀树干中部是值得推广"以林养林"的复合经营模式。  相似文献   

阐述了齿瓣石斛的生物学特性及资源情况。为附生草本植物,主要分布于热带、亚热带温暖湿润地区,高温环境下茎条细长,低温(1℃以下)容易受冻,为冬季落叶型石斛。自然条件下,齿瓣石斛繁殖方式包括有性繁殖和营养繁殖,有性繁殖对环境要求严格,果实种子量大,为明显的“以量取胜”繁殖,是扩大种群分布范围的主要途径;营养繁殖分合轴生长和高芽繁殖,合轴生长形成并壮大株丛,有春秋两个萌芽峰期,而高芽是扦插、压条繁殖的保证。野生资源过度采摘、生境破坏与植树造林、繁殖特性缺陷、人工种植产业发展缓慢、供需矛盾突出等是齿瓣石斛野生资源濒危的主要原因。应制定相关政策,加强野生资源保护,推进齿瓣石斛工厂化育苗,并积极开展种子自然繁殖技术研究,降低种苗培育成本,加快规模化种植产业发展,实现齿瓣石斛资源的可持续利用。  相似文献   

焦振彬  罗毅波 《生物多样性》2021,29(8):1073-3852
石斛属(Dendrobium)种类繁多, 属内物种具有丰富的表型多样性。霍山石斛(D. huoshanense)为我国特有物种, 其与河南石斛(D. henanense)和细茎石斛(D. moniliforme)以及铁皮石斛(D. catenatum)等近缘种表型相似, 在分类处理中存在争议。这种争议很大程度上与植物普遍存在的表型可塑性和代际共存有关。为探究环境和代际间遗传因素对霍山石斛表型性状的影响以及霍山石斛与近缘种的物种边界问题, 本研究观测了安徽省霍山县霍山石斛(野生、林间和温室F1代、林间和温室F2代)、野生河南石斛、细茎石斛和铁皮石斛, 共计16个群体2,279株植株的假鳞茎茎长等12个表型性状; 在种内层面, 首次借鉴生态学同质园实验和遗传学代际间性状比较的方法, 对霍山石斛群体表型性状进行差异显著性检验和95%置信区间比较以及主成分和变异系数等统计学分析。在种间层面, 对霍山石斛与河南石斛和铁皮石斛等近缘种群体表型性状进行比较和分析。结果表明, 环境因素对霍山石斛假鳞茎茎长和假鳞茎直径等具有显著的影响, 代际间遗传因素对霍山石斛假鳞茎直径具有显著的影响。霍山石斛与铁皮石斛和细茎石斛等近缘种群体在假鳞茎茎长、假鳞茎直径、花瓣长和花瓣宽等表型性状方面均存在显著性差异和间隔, 但与河南石斛仅在假鳞茎表型性状方面有显著性差异。我们的研究明确了环境和代际间遗传因素对霍山石斛表型性状的影响程度, 为霍山石斛与近缘种等争议物种的分类和鉴定提供了表型证据。  相似文献   

金钗石斛(Dendrobium nobile)具有极高的药用价值,是重要的林下药用植物。在华南地区9种主要人工林树种进行金钗石斛种植试验,通过调查金钗石斛保存率、株高、茎粗与生物量等生长指标,研究不同附主树种和种植高度对金钗石斛存活和生长的影响,为林下栽培金钗石斛提供技术依据。结果表明:不同附主树种和种植高度对金钗石斛生长和生物量积累有显著影响。9个附主树种中,附着于马占相思的金钗石斛生长表现最好,生长18个月生物量对比附着于南洋杉增加了26.3%,南洋杉最不适于金钗石斛生长,台湾相思与马占相思有相似效应,综合评价得分最高的是马占相思(0.77),南洋杉得分最低(0.44);最佳附树种植高度为树干中部(距地面1.2~1.5 m),平均单株干重高于下部(距地面0.6~0.9 m)4.7%,高于上部(距地面1.8~2.1 m)9.8%。因而,在华南地区人工林种植金钗石斛,马占相思林分树干中部位置是其理想生境。  相似文献   

为比较不同地区铁皮石斛品质差异,简化铁皮石斛品质的评价指标,以引进的30个铁皮石斛材料为试材,测定了假鳞茎长度等14项指标,利用性状变异分析明确不同地区间铁皮石斛品质的差异,相关性分析探索指标间的关系,结合主成分分析和聚类分析对铁皮石斛的评价指标进行简化。结果表明,铁皮石斛的14项指标中,除含水率变异系数最小,其余13项指标的变异系数均在10%以上;假鳞茎长度和假鳞茎直径、节数、叶片宽度,假鳞茎直径和节数、叶片宽度,节数和叶片宽度、叶片形状,节距和叶片长度,叶片宽度与叶片形状,假鳞茎姿态和叶先端形状有极显著正相关,节距和叶片形状有极显著负相关,多糖和含水率与其它指标无显著相关,醇溶性浸出物含量仅与叶片长度有显著正相关;结合主成分分析和聚类分析,13项铁皮石斛品质指标可以简化为5项,即假鳞茎长度(或假鳞茎直径)、假鳞茎姿态、假鳞茎颜色、醇溶性浸出物含量和多糖含量。  相似文献   

【目的】分析兰科植物营养器官结构对喀斯特生境的适应特性和不同兰科植物响应生境异质的生存策略,为兰科植物研究、保护与发展提供理论支持和参考依据。【方法】该研究以贵州北盘江喀斯特地区6种不同生活型兰科植物的叶、假鳞茎、根为研究对象。应用石蜡切片法,进行结构观察并测量相关指标,通过描述和方差分析、相关性分析和主成分分析。【结果】结果表明:(1)不同兰科植物结构特征间存在显著差异,丘北冬蕙兰、莎叶兰、兔耳兰和单叶石仙桃均为等面叶,叶片较薄;栗鳞贝母兰与梳帽卷瓣兰叶片为异面叶,有栅栏组织和海绵组织的分化,叶片较厚。(2)假鳞茎主要由表皮、基本组织和维管束组成,地生兰基本组织细胞较小,维管束密度大;附生兰基本组织细胞较大,储水结构较发达。(3)地生兰根被和皮层较厚,根被细胞排列紧密,皮层细胞小层数多;附生兰根被与皮层较薄,皮层细胞较大。(4)叶片下表皮厚度与叶片厚度、叶维管束直径、叶肉厚度、叶脉厚度呈极显著(?<0.01)正相关,叶肉厚度与下角质层厚度、茎维管束直径呈显著(?<0.05)负相关;茎直径和表皮厚度、茎维管束数量、茎横截面积呈极显著正相关,茎维管束直径占比与茎直径、表皮厚度、茎维管束数量、茎横截面积均呈极显著负相关;根的各指标间呈极显著正相关,根直径、根被厚度和皮层厚度与根维管束直径占比呈极显著负相关。【结论】兰科植物根部结构具有相对稳定的趋同适应性,叶片和假鳞茎结构间相互促进协调,是兰科植物响应干旱喀斯特环境的重要结构。 关键词 生态适应性;兰科植物;结构特征;喀斯特地区  相似文献   

福建省武夷山自然保护区以其绮丽的森林自然景观和丰富多样的生物资源而闻名于世。在那崇山峻岭的悬崖峭壁上,生长着兰科奇葩——独蒜兰(见封三照片)。 独蒜兰(Pleionebulbocodioldes),又名一叶兰,兰科独蒜兰属植物。该属10种,我国约有6种,分布于长江流域及以南各省区。独蒜兰为附生兰,株高10—25厘米,假鳞茎紫  相似文献   

研究拟境栽培下附石(stone epiphytic cultivation, SE)和附木(tree epiphytic cultivation, TE)两种附生方式金钗石斛化学成分组成和根内生菌的差异性及二者的相关性。采用高通量测序技术对根内生菌进行了测序与分析,并初步探究了化学成分含量与根内生菌的差异性和相关性。研究结果表明,SE金钗石斛中石斛碱、总生物碱、总黄酮含量高于TE,TE总多糖含量高于SE。两种附生方式金钗石斛根内生菌物种相对丰度差异较大,SE金钗石斛根内生菌物种丰富性、多样性高于TE,SE中的壳三毛孢属(Robillarda)促生菌、根瘤杆菌属(Rhizobacter)和芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus)固氮菌、镰刀菌属(Fusarium)致病菌属较TE增加,而TE中的柱孢属(Cylindrocarpon)和Ralstonia致病菌属较SE增加。相关性研究发现,SE金钗石斛富集的假诺卡氏菌属(Pseudonocardia)、根瘤杆菌属(Rhizobacter)细菌相对丰度与石斛碱含量显著正相关;TE富集的Cladophialophora真菌、热酸菌属(Acidothermu...  相似文献   

Callus cultures were established from dioecious plant species Rumex acetosella and R. acetosa, using cotyledons, hypocotyls and stem tips of aseptically germinated seedlings as primary explants. Cultures were also established from male and female R. acetosella adult plants, starting from vegetative lateral buds. Cell division was induced using a high 2,4-D concentration, while bud induction and multiplication were stimulated on a medium with high BAP/IAA ratio. Cotyledon fragments of both species produced only rhizogenic calli. Hypocotyl-derived calli of R. acetosella produced buds, while those of R. acetosa showed no bud forming response under these conditions. Bud multiplication occurred in stem tip cultures of both species and in lateral bud cultures of R. acetosella. Calli derived from male plants produced more buds than those from female. Shoots were easily rooted using IBA, and plantlets were effectively transferred to soil. Flowering was not induced in culture. The sex of regenerated male and female plants was not altered by the culture conditions.  相似文献   

以休眠期的台湾独蒜兰(Pleione formosana)假鳞茎为试材,利用石蜡切片及透射电子显微镜,分别对假鳞茎的5个部位(假鳞茎基部、假鳞茎中部、假鳞茎外侧、假鳞茎与叶芽相接处、假鳞茎与花芽相接处)进行了系统观察分析。结果发现:(1)台湾独蒜兰假鳞茎5个部位均观察到液泡及不同程度液泡化的细胞,表皮细胞覆着有厚厚的蜡质层。(2)台湾独蒜兰假鳞茎基部、中部、外侧细胞中均存在一定的叶绿体,少量线粒体分布在其周围。(3)假鳞茎薄壁细胞中存在淀粉粒及造粉体,且造粉体伴随有形成淀粉粒的现象。(4)假鳞茎基部、中部、外侧及其与花芽相接处的薄壁细胞壁之间有大量胞间连丝,筛管-伴胞复合体与薄壁细胞间也存在胞间连丝,同时细胞间存在不同形状的细胞间隙。研究结果表明,台湾独蒜兰假鳞茎发挥了其作为储水器官、光合作用场所及储存碳水化合物的功能,同时休眠期间主要以共质体途径进行物质的交换与运输。  相似文献   

The evolutionary trend and its ecological implications in sympodial and monopodial branching patterns has been investigated in 20 JapaneseAcer spp. through comparison of shoot tip abortion and terminal bud formation. The genus is divided into two species groups according to its branching pattern, one (6 species) predominantly exhibiting sympodial branching with frequent monopodial branching in short shoots (sympodial species), and the other (14 species) exhibiting only monopodial branching (monopodial species). The early ontogeny of leaf and bud scales is described. Despite the difference in branching patterns, the bud scales of terminal buds are essentially the same in having a leaf base developed to function as a protecting organ. In all the sympodial species, during the abortion of a sympodium shoot tip, one or two pairs of primordia were found to occur on the apex, and later wither. These primordia resemble bud scales of terminal buds in their ontogeny and morphology, and appear to be rudimentary. It is suggested that a rudimentary terminal bud develops together with the establishment of sympodial branching, and that sympodial branching has originated from monopodial branching. Based on this proposed evolutionary trend, it is suggested thatAcer has moved from less shady habitats into shady habitats with monopodial branching (advantageous for vertical growth) changing into sympodial branching (advantageous for lateral spread).  相似文献   

为了建立快速高效的全红型软枣猕猴桃离体再生体系,该研究以果皮、果肉均为红色的软枣猕猴桃新品种‘天源红’( Actinidia arguta)带腋芽茎段和幼嫩叶片、叶柄为外植体材料,采用组织培养的方法,研究适合其离体再生的外植体类型以及最佳植物生长物质组合。结果表明:初春带腋芽的茎段是最好的获得无菌苗的外植体材料,诱导腋芽出芽的最佳植物生长物质组合为MS+6-BA 0.5 mg·L-1+IBA 1.0 mg·L-1;研究发现叶柄比叶片更适合进行‘天源红’愈伤组织诱导,叶柄诱导的最佳植物生长物质组合为MS+ZT 0.5 mg·L-1;同时,研究了不定芽增殖的最佳植物生长物质组合为MS+ZT 1.0 mg·L-1;此外使用6-BA也可以达到较高的不定芽增殖率,在生产上可以替代ZT进行不定芽分化,即MS+6-BA 2.0 mg·L-1+IBA 0.5 mg·L-1;较适宜的生根培养基为1/2 MS+NAA 0.2 mg·L-1;生根后的组培苗在珍珠岩∶泥炭∶细沙=1∶1∶1的基质配比中能够达到98%的移栽成活率。该研究结果建立了全红型软枣猕猴桃的离体再生体系,为全红型软枣猕猴桃苗木快繁、工厂化育苗提供了技术支持,同时建立的再生体系为软枣猕猴桃遗传转化研究提供了基础。  相似文献   

? Premise of the study: Species in the aquatic genus Nymphoides have inflorescences that appear to arise from the petioles of floating leaves. The inflorescence-floating leaf complex can produce vegetative propagules and/or additional inflorescences and leaves. We analyzed the morphology of N. aquatica to determine how this complex relates to whole plant architecture and whether whole plant growth is sympodial or monopodial. ? Methods: We used dissections, measurements, and microscopic observations of field-collected plants and plants cultivated for 2 years in outdoor tanks in south Florida, USA. ? Key results: Nymphoides aquatica had a submerged plagiotropic rhizome that produced floating leaves in an alternate/spiral phyllotaxy. Rhizomes were composed of successive sympodial units that varied in the number of leaves produced before the apex terminated. The basic sympodial unit had a prophyll that subtended a renewal-shoot bud, a short-petioled leaf (SPL) with floating lamina, and an inflorescence; the SPL axillary bud expanded as a vegetative propagule. Plants produced either successive basic sympodial units or expanded sympodia that intercalated long-petioled leaves between the prophyll and the SPL. ? Conclusions: Nymphoides aquatica grows sympodially, forming a rhizome composed of successive basic sympodia and expanded sympodial units. Variations on these types of sympodial growth help explain the branching patterns and leaf morphologies described for other Nymphoides species. Monitoring how these two sympodial phases are affected by water depth provides an ecologically meaningful way to assess N. aquatica's responses to altered hydrology.  相似文献   

Limnobium spongia produces upright vegetative axes and prostrate stolons. The upright axes bear new stolons, whereas the stolons bear new upright axes and fertile and sterile branching systems. Upright axes and fertile and sterile branching systems are all interpreted to have sympodial growth. However, it was not determined whether growth of stolons is monopodial or sympodial. Both stolons and upright axes branch in alternate plastochrons, and branching is achieved solely by the bifurcation of apical meristems. Each meristematic bifurcation is interpreted to represent the formation of a precocious lateral bud. The upright axes develop from presumed precocious lateral buds on stolons, whereas such buds on upright axes produce renewal shoots. Limnobium spongia exhibits a marked degree of mirror-image symmetry.  相似文献   

Species of Eleocharis are prominent in aquatic and wetland habitats and serve as models for study of physiological adaptations to aquatic environments. The genus has an unusual morphology because the major photosynthetic organ is the stem. In order to define an architectural model for the genus to understand the evolution of this morphology, we examined mature morphology and development of E. cellulosa in living and fixed material using light and scanning electron microscopy. Eleocharis cellulosa has sympodial, vertical shoots that produce the photosynthetic culms and horizontal shoots that mix monopodial and sympodial development. Each sympodial unit produces three bracts, an elongated photosynthetic internode, then a fourth bract and an inflorescence that either aborts on vegetative culms or expands on reproductive culms. On each sympodium, the first bract subtends a precocious axillary bud that reiterates the sympodial unit; the second bract subtends a bud that develops the horizontal shoot. In both horizontal and vertical shoots, the internode below the second bract is produced by both the second bract and the renewal shoot. Sympodial growth is present in seedlings. In other species of Eleocharis, the structure of the sympodial unit is conserved but morphological diversity develops from variation in horizontal shoot growth.  相似文献   

植物生长调节剂对黑木相思优树腋芽增殖及生根的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为建立黑木相思(Acacia melanoxylon)快繁技术体系,以含1个腋芽的无菌茎段为材料,研究了植物生长调节剂对其增殖和生根的影响。结果表明,6-BA 极易诱导黑木相思愈伤组织形成,但芽长势较差,不利于腋芽增殖体系的建立。而生长素既能诱导黑木相思生根,又能诱导腋芽增殖;将无菌茎段接入MS+IAA 0.5 mg L-1+IBA 0.5 mg L-1培养基中培养20 d的生根率为98.41%,培养40 d的腋芽增殖倍数为2.36,单株繁殖系数为6.57。这是首次成功建立高效、简便的生根和增殖同步发生的黑木相思直接器官发生途径的组培技术体系。  相似文献   

The prostrate rhizome of Butomus umbellatus produces branch primordia of two sorts, inflorescence primordia and nonprecocious vegetative lateral buds. The inflorescence primordia form precociously by the bifurcation of the apical meristem of the rhizome, whereas the non-precocious vegetative buds are formed away from the apical meristem. The rhizome normally produces a branch in the axial of each foliage leaf. However, it is unclear whether the rhizome is a monopodial or a sympodial structure. Lateral buds are produced on the inflorescence of B. umbellatus either by the bifurcation or trifurcation of apical meristems. The inflorescence consists of monochasial units as well as units of greater complexity, and certain of the flower buds lack subtending bracts. The upright vegetative axis of Limnocharis flava has sympodial growth and produces evicted branch primordia solely by meristematic bifurcation. Only certain leaves of the axis are associated with evicted branch primordia and each such primordium gives rise to an inflorescence. The flowers of L. flava are borne in a cincinnus and, although the inflorescence is simpler than that of Butomus umbellatus, the two inflorescences appear to conform to a fundamental body plan. The ultimate bud on the inflorescence of Limnocharis flava always forms a vegetative shoot, and the inflorescence may also produce supernumerary vegetative buds. Butomus umbellatus and Limnocharis flava exhibit a high degree of mirror image symmetry.  相似文献   

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