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Electrophoretic variation in isozymes coded by 40 loci was examined in two self-pollinating populations, one with white and the other with pink flowering plants, and four outcrossing populations ofClarkia xantiana (Onagraceae) native to California. The study was carried out to test theMoore & Lewis (1965) hypothesis that the pink selfer originated from the sympatric outcrossing population and then gave rise to the white selfer. The hypothesis could be rejected if one or the other selfer was more similar genetically to an allopatric population than to the sympatric one. Both selfers were monomorphic at all loci whereas the outcrossing populations were polymorphic at nearly half of them. The two selfers had the same genes at 32 loci but had different ones at eight loci. The pink selfer was not more similar to the allopatric populations than to the sympatric one, consistent with theMoore & Lewis model. The evidence also supported their proposal that the white selfer originated from the pink one and not independently. The electrophoretic evidence was valuable because it permitted qualitative comparisons (presence versus absence of particular alleles) between the selfer and the several outcrossing populations; such analysis was not previously possible because the latter populations are morphologically and cytologically similar.  相似文献   

The beetle genus Prodontria is of importance to New Zealand conservation programs. All Prodontria species are brachypterous (having reduced wings), and the genus presents some interesting evolutionary and biogeographic questions that are testable using phylogenetic reconstruction. A phylogeny was produced for 14 flightless Prodontria species, 2 macropterous (fully winged) Odontria species, and single representatives of 2 outgroup genera using sequence data from the mitochondrial COII gene. The data support probable conspecificity of the morphologically similar P. modesta and P. bicolorata but do not support their hypothesized sister-species relationship with the geographically proximate P. lewisi. The alpine P. capito is found to be a paraphyletic group, with the most eastern population diverging after the western populations made their appearance. Many interesting biogeographic disjunctions are here proposed to be anomalous and the result of morphological convergence. The data do not support the idea of a common flightless ancester for Prodontria, but suggest that brachyptery has evolved numerous times. In some instances, this appears to have led to contemporaneous speciation resulting in little resolution of phylogenetic relationships in some parts of the tree. These data allow for a new interpretation of the origin and diversification of the southern New Zealand flightless melolonthine fauna. Multiple speciation events involving wing reduction are suggested to involve at least one widespread flighted ancestor that has given rise to brachypterous forms.  相似文献   

In the diploid speciesP. prolifera, the evolution of autogamy has resulted in the presence of distinct selfing and outcrossing races. The change in breeding system toward autogamy is associated with a reduction in the size of floral features and a lower pollen production. The outbreeding populations have only been found in Greece, while the selfing populations have colonized much of Europe. The two races appear to be reproductively isolated from one another. —Petrorhagia sect.Kohlrauschia contains four species.P. glumacea is outbreeding and shows unilateral incompatibility with the small-flowered race ofP. prolifera and interfertility with the large-flowered race; althoughP. glumacea is sympatric with the large-flowered race, they do not appear to hybridize in the wild. Amongst the allopatric species, internal breeding barriers are also found. These may take the form of hybrid sterility or seed incompatibility.P. velutina is autogamous and reproductively isolated from all the other species of the section regardless of whether they are sympatric or allopatric. It is suggested that the evolution of autogamy has been an important factor in the spread ofP. velutina, the tetraploidP. nanteuilii, and the small-flowered race ofP. prolifera in Europe.  相似文献   

This study combined morphological and morphometric information on egg clutches, egg capsules and paralarvae of two sympatric coastal octopuses from New Zealand waters, Octopus huttoni and Pinnoctopus cordiformis, to provide species-specific traits to identify their early life stages obtained from field surveys. Eggs of O. huttoni (2.5 mm length; 1 mm width) were entwined with one another forming strings that ranged from 11 to 25.8 mm in length. Eggs of P. cordiformis (6.4 mm length; 1.5 mm width) were significantly bigger than those of O. huttoni and were grouped in small clusters of about seven eggs. Paralarvae O. huttoni and P. cordiformis differed in hatching size (1.4 mm versus 3.1 mm mantle length), number of suckers per arm (four versus eight), number of lamellae per outer demibranch (five versus ten) and arrangements of chromatophores in the body surface (29 to 59 versus 91 to 179), respectively. The morphological traits described in hatchlings from the laboratory allowed comparisons with field-collected paralarvae, suggesting that such characters were reliable species-specific patterns to enable a consistent differentiation between the early life stages of these two sympatric species, even in the absence of the brooding female.  相似文献   

Rapid increases in global trade and human movement have created novel mixtures of organisms bringing with them the potential to rapidly accelerate the evolution of new forms. The common brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula), introduced into New Zealand from Australia in the 19th century, is one such species having been sourced from multiple populations in its native range. Here, we combine microsatellite DNA‐ and GIS‐based spatial data to show that T. vulpecula originating from at least two different Australian locations exhibit a population structure that is commensurate with their introduction history and which cannot be explained by landscape features alone. Most importantly, we identify a hybrid zone between the two subspecies which appears to function as a barrier to dispersal. When combined with previous genetic, morphological and captive studies, our data suggest that assortative mating between the two subspecies may operate at a behavioural or species recognition level rather than through fertilization, genetic incompatibility or developmental inhibition. Nevertheless, hybridization between the two subspecies of possum clearly occurs, creating the opportunity for novel genetic combinations that would not occur in their natural ranges and which is especially likely given that multiple contact zones occur in New Zealand. This discovery has implications for wildlife management in New Zealand because multiple contact zones are likely to influence the dispersal patterns of possums and because differential susceptibility to baiting with sodium fluoroacetate between possums of different origins may promote novel genetic forms.  相似文献   

We investigated the origin of Hawaiian Pittosporum and their relationship to other South Pacific Pittosporum species using internal transcribed spacer sequences of nuclear ribosomal DNA. We performed both maximum-parsimony and maximum-likelihood analyses, which produced congruent results. Sequence divergence was 0.0% between Hawaiian members of Pittosporum. These taxa formed a strongly supported clade, suggesting a single colonization event followed by phyletic radiation. Sister to the Hawaiian clade were two South Pacific species, P. yunckeri from Tonga and P. rhytidocarpum from Fiji. This result presents convincing evidence for a South Pacific origin of Hawaiian Pittosporum. Our results also identify a monophyletic group comprising three species representing the Fijian Province and East Polynesia, two introductions onto New Caledonia, and at least one (but possibly two) introduction(s) onto New Zealand. Whether the New Zealand taxa form a monophyletic group is unclear from these data. Previous morphologically based hypotheses, however, suggest the presence of four different lineages occupying New Zealand. The nonmonophyly of the New Caledonian species was not surprising based on the extent of their morphological diversity. Although this latter result is not strongly supported, these species are morphologically complex and are currently the subject of taxonomic revision and molecular systematic analyses.  相似文献   

We examined the species groups relationships of the freshwater snail genus Austropeplea using mitochondrial, nuclear and morphological markers in addition to traditional methods of shell shape analysis. Based primarily on the results of a combined molecular and morphological analysis, samples of the nominal species A. tomentosa form distinct lineages. The New Zealand populations of A. tomentosa are a very distinct lineage from any of the Australian populations attributed to A. tomentosa. Furthermore, within the Australian group, three lineages, south Australia, Tasmania and eastern Australia, appear to have undergone recent and/or rapid speciation events. Samples assigned to A. lessoni were resolved as two distinct lineages, representing the eastern and northern Australian populations. Kutikina hispida was resolved within the Australian A. tomentosa clade. Molecular results for A. viridis suggests that it is also composed of at least two distinct lineages that could be treated as species. Incongruence observed between the single mitochondrial, nuclear and morphological topologies highlight the importance of using a number of different datasets in the delimitation of species-group taxa.  相似文献   

Synopsis In aquaria and in ponds crosses were made between two closely related allopatric forms of ninespine stickleback of the genus Pungitius (P. pungitius and P. platygaster). There were no ethological isolation mechanisms; F1, F2 and F3 hybrids are fertile; experimental hybrid stocks as well as backcrosses maintain themselves for at least three generations. F1 hybrids are readily distinguishable from parental forms by a combination of morphological characters; F2 hybrids grown in the north near the Arctic circle, are morphologically similar to P. pungitius. The southern form P. platygaster does not survive in northern conditions; eggs of the northern form P. pungitius die at a temperature of 28°C, normal for the spawning of the southern form. By 9 out of 19 studied morphological characters there are distinctions between the two forms. Therefore, ecologically and morphologically the two forms have diverged rather significantly. On the other hand, ethologically and genetically (as judged by the absence of postmating isolating mechanisms) the forms have diverged only slightly. As a result, the differences between the two forms are considered not to exceed the subspecies or at least semispecies rank.In recent years, due to a disturbance of the ranges of both these forms in Eurasia, a tendency for a secondary contact between P. pungitius and P. platygaster appeared in the basins of the rivers Volga and Irtysh. In the immediate future the two forms are expected to come into contact. From our data we predict possible introgressive hybridization between the northern and sourthern forms in natural conditions.  相似文献   

The breeding system of the European tussock grass Nardus stricta L. (Poaceae) was investigated with pollination experiments. Plants were sampled from two populations at Lake Pukaki, Canterbury, New Zealand, where the species is recognised as an alien invader. Bagging of flowers with king-sized cigarette paper and hand-pollination were used to test for three modes of reproduction in the greenhouse: (1) agamospermy (apomixis), (2) autogamy and self-compatibility, and (3) allogamy (outcrossing). Two control groups without experimental treatments were further tested for seed set under (1) greenhouse and (2) field conditions. The success or failure of all experimental treatments was assessed with seed set and germination trials. All agamospermy treatments showed high seed set and germination proportions arguing for an apomictic mode of reproduction in Nardus stricta. Cross-pollination treatments were also successful making it difficult to estimate the degree of outcrossing, selfing, and agamospermous seed production in Nardus stricta. Fecundity in field populations was considerably reduced, possibly due to environmental factors acting upon seed development during maturation. The reproductive strategy of Nardus stricta might be particularly beneficial during invasion because single tussocks can form reproducing colonies and high reproductive output is ensured even in the absence of pollination. Genetic studies in combination with pollination experiments would be necessary to gain deeper insights into the breeding strategy of Nardus stricta.  相似文献   

We used 15 microsatellite markers to estimate the selfing rate (s), outcrossing rate (tO) and hybridization between partially sympatric ecomorphs (tH) of the coral Favia fragum. Genotyping of progeny arrays revealed complete self‐fertilization in the Tall ecomorph and low outcrossing (tO + tH < 1%) in the Short ecomorph. Further, all larvae could be assigned with high probability to the same population as their parental dam, indicating no hybridization between ecomorphs (tH = 0). Despite low ecological estimates of outcrossing, Q values from highly structured adult populations indicated that 9% of the adult samples were the products of outcrossing, and an additional 11% were hybrids. Reproductive isolation appears to have a strong geographical component, as we did not detect hybrids at a second site where the two ecomorphs were distributed in complete microallopatry. Adult estimates of gene flow within ecomorphs may be positively biased by ecomorph‐specific patterns of inbreeding depression, but cryptic gene flow between ecomorphs is most likely explained by undetected outcrossing and the fact that hybrid lineages persist after repeated generations of self‐fertilization. Our microsatellite data show that phenotypic differences between ecomorphs are maintained in sympatry despite evidence for hybridization.  相似文献   

The Lanceocercata are a clade of stick insects (Phasmatodea) that have undergone an impressive evolutionary radiation in Australia, New Caledonia, the Mascarene Islands and areas of the Pacific. Previous research showed that this clade also contained at least two of the nine New Zealand stick insect genera. We have constructed a phylogeny of the Lanceocercata using 2277 bp of mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequence data to determine whether all nine New Zealand genera are indeed Lanceocercata and whether the New Zealand fauna is monophyletic. DNA sequence data were obtained from mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunits I and II and the nuclear large subunit ribosomal RNA and histone subunit 3. These data were subjected to Bayesian phylogenetic inference under a partitioned model and maximum parsimony. The resulting trees show that all the New Zealand genera are nested within a large New Caledonian radiation. The New Zealand genera do not form a monophyletic group, with the genus Spinotectarchus Salmon forming an independent lineage from the remaining eight genera. We analysed Lanceocercata apomorphies to confirm the molecular placement of the New Zealand genera and to identify characters that confirm the polyphyly of the fauna. Molecular dating analyses under a relaxed clock coupled with a Bayesian extension to dispersal‐vicariance analysis was used to reconstruct the biogeographical history for the Lanceocercata. These analyses show that Lanceocercata and their sister group, the Stephanacridini, probably diverged from their South American relatives, the Cladomorphinae, as a result of the separation of Australia, Antarctica and South America. The radiation of the New Caledonian and New Zealand clade began 41.06 million years ago (mya, 29.05–55.40 mya), which corresponds to a period of uplift in New Caledonia. The main New Zealand lineage and Spinotectarchus split from their New Caledonian sister groups 33.72 (23.9–45.62 mya) and 29.9 mya (19.79–41.16 mya) and began to radiate during the late Oligocene and early Miocene, probably in response to a reduction in land area and subsequent uplift in the late Oligocene and early Miocene. We discuss briefly shared host plant patterns between New Zealand and New Caledonia. Because Acrophylla sensu Brock & Hasenpusch is polyphyletic, we have removed Vetilia Stål from synonymy with Acrophylla Gray.  相似文献   

The distribution patterns of two genetically divergent forms (Japan Sea and Pacific Ocean forms) of Gasterosteus aculeatus and their hybrids in the Hokkaido Island, Japan were investigated. Hybrid frequencies and the mating pattern of natural F1-hybrids and backcrosses, were examined by using allozyme analysis. The distribution patterns matched those previously reported. All three sympatric localities in eastern Hokkaido Island included hybrids between the two forms in each year examined. A low frequency of hybrids of sticklebacks has been maintained in areas of sympatry of the two forms in Hokkaido Island for several years. The proportion of F1-hybrids was significantly lower than expected by random mating in six samples from four sympatric populations, suggesting form-assortative mating. Mating crosses of natural F1-hybrids existed in both patterns. Natural F1-hybrids backcrossed more frequently with Pacific Ocean form than Japan Sea form. However, the proportions of backcross individuals in two of three samples were not significantly different from the expected proportions by random mating between F1-hybrids and their parent forms. In other samples, despite the Pacific Ocean form predominant in a population, F1-hybrid predominantly backcrossed with the Japan Sea form. These results support the hypothesis of gene flow from Pacific Ocean to Japan Sea forms.  相似文献   


Acropsopilio neozealandiae (Forster) is a tiny endemic New Zealand harvestman previously reported from seven localities. Extensive pitfall collecting in the southern half of the North Island and northern quarter of the South Island produced 70 individuals, from 42 locations, documenting its local distribution. The collection method is described fully, to assist future work. All specimens that could be confidently identified were female, so it seems likely that A. neozealandiae reproduces, at least within our study areas, by parthenogenesis—as do at least two of its congeners. Our specimens showed no obvious morphological variation over their range.  相似文献   

Seeds of the widespread weed Plantago major were collected from 10 European countries, as well as Trinidad and North America. The seed collections were from populations of two taxa which are ecologically rather than geographically separated and formally recognized as the subspecies Plantago major ssp. major and P.m. ssp. intermedia (also called P.m. ssp. pleiosperma). Eight polymorphic allozyme loci and 73 random-primed DNA fragments were scored, as well as 11 morphological characters. Complete concordance between morphological traits and genetic data provides evidence that these two taxa, although very similar, are distinct species. They are both widespread, they are broadly sympatric and capable of interbreeding. However, slight morphological and ecological differences coincide with genetic clustering of populations from widely separated locations. In addition, P. major and P. intermedia differ in their population structure: P. intermedia has greater genetic diversity among populations and less genetic variance within populations than P. major. We suggest that differences between the two species in their levels of selfing may explain the distinctive genetic structure of each species. We hypothesize a link between selfing rate and lifespan of the two taxa. P. major is characterized by lower genetic variation among populations, a higher rate of outcrossing, longer lifespan and production of fewer seeds per seed capsule. P. intermedia is more highly structured with much differentiation among populations, a higher rate of inbreeding and it often grows as an annual.  相似文献   

The New Zealand red admiral butterfly, Bassaris gonerilla (F.) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae), has been known as a non-target host for the introduced biological control agent Pteromalus puparum (L.) (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) for at least 35 years, but the level of parasitism has never been quantified. Pre-imaginal mortality in B. gonerilla was assessed over the southern summer of 2000/01 at six field sites in the Christchurch area of the South Island, New Zealand. Individual eggs and larvae were identified by tagging the stem of the Urtica ferox Forst.f. plant on which they were found and the fate of these individuals was checked weekly. These data were used to construct a partial life table for B. gonerilla. Egg mortality was very high (95%), with parasitism by an unidentified Telenomus sp. Haliday (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) causing 57% mortality. Mortality in the larval and pupal stages increased at a constant rate with age and the major mortality factor was disappearance, which was assumed to be a result of predation and dispersal of larvae. The introduced biological control agent P. puparum parasitized 14% of B. gonerilla pupae sampled. However, parasitism by another exotic parasitoid, the self-introduced Echthromorpha intricatoria (F.) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), was even higher at 26%. A survey of pupal parasitism in three regions of New Zealand (Wellington, Christchurch, and Dunedin) revealed overall parasitism levels of 67% by E. intricatoria and 8% by P. puparum, but due to the difference in emergence times of B. gonerilla and its parasitoids, these are likely to be overestimates of percent parasitism. It is concluded that P. puparum has permanently enhanced mortality in B. gonerilla, but the level of mortality is low relative to egg parasitism by Telenomus sp., larval disappearance mortality, and pupal mortality due to E. intricatoria parasitism. To determine if this level of pupal parasitism has had population effects will require more data and the development of a population model for B. gonerilla.  相似文献   

Aim To report analyses and propose hypotheses of adaptive radiation that explain distributional patterns of the alpine genus Pachycladon Hook.f. – a morphologically diverse genus from New Zealand closely related to Arabidopsis thaliana. Location South Island, New Zealand. Methods Morphological and nrDNA ITS sequence phylogenies were generated for Pachycladon. An analysis is presented of species distributional patterns and attributes. Results Phylogenetic analyses of morphological characters and nrDNA ITS sequence data were found to be congruent in supporting three New Zealand clades for Pachycladon. Monophyletic groups identified within the genus are geographically distinct and are associated with different geological parent materials. Distribution maps, latitude and altitude range, and data on geological parent material are presented for the nine named and one unnamed species of Pachycladon from New Zealand. Main conclusions (a) Panbiogeographic hypotheses accounting for the origin and present‐day distribution of Pachycladon in New Zealand are not supported.
(b) Species diversity and distributions of Pachycladon are explained by a Late Tertiary–Quaternary adaptive radiation associated with increasing specialization to geological substrates. Pachycladon cheesemanii Heenan & A.D.Mitch. is morphologically similar to the closest overseas relatives. It is a geological generalist and has wide latitudinal and altitudinal ranges, and we suggest it resembles the ancestral form of the genus in New Zealand. Pachycladon novae‐zelandiae (Hook.f.) Hook.f. and P. wallii (Carse) Heenan & A.D.Mitch. are a southern South Island group that predominantly occurs on Haast Schist, are polycarpic, have lobed leaves, and lateral inflorescences. Pachycladon enysii (Cheeseman) Heenan & A.D.Mitch., P. fastigiata (Hook.f.) Heenan & A.D.Mitch., and P. stellata (Allan) Heenan & A.D.Mitch. are restricted to greywacke in the eastern South Island, and are facultatively monocarpic, have serrate leaves, and stout terminal inflorescenes.
(c) Present distributions of Pachycladon species may relate to Pleistocene climate change. Pachycladon enysii reaches the highest altitude of New Zealand species of Pachycladon and is most common in the Southern Alps in Canterbury. We propose that this species survived on nunataks at the height of the last glaciation. In contrast, P. fastigiata grows at a lower altitude and is absent from the high mountains of the Southern Alps. We suggest it was extirpated from this area during the last glaciation.  相似文献   

Two morphologically and ecologically distinct forms of smelt, Osmerus, reside sympatrically in Lake Utopia, south-western New Brunswick, Canada. The ‘normal-sized’ form matures at greater than 200 mm standard length, averages about 31–33 gill rakers, and spawns in lake outlets. By contrast, the ‘dwarf-sized’ form matures at less than 150 mm standard length, averages 34–36 gill rakers, and spawns in small streams 3–5 weeks later than the normal form. We tested whether these sympatric forms represented ecological polymorphism within a single population or two reproductively isolated demes by assaying variation within and between forms by mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) restriction site and nuclear minisatellite DNA analyses. Analysis of smelt mtDNA with twelve restriction enzymes resolved ten composite genotypes (differing by an average 0.27% sequence divergence) which differed markedly in frequency between the forms. Net percentage sequence divergence between the forms was O.l6%. A Wagner parsimony/ bootstrapping analysis of the restriction site presence/absence matrix, however, suggested that there were no significant distinctions between dwarf and normal smelt based on the phylogeny of composite genotypes. Hybridization studies of genomic DNA digests with a minisatellite probe indicated both that nuclear restriction fragment differentiation and the frequency of specific fragments differed significantly between the forms. Significant genetic differentiation between the sympatric forms demonstrates that they are distinct gene pools and reproductively isolated. Our molecular evidence for reproductive isolation between dwarf and normal smelt in Lake Utopia, coupled with the persistent morphological and ecological differentiation between them, argues strongly that they are behaving as distinct species. The Lake Utopia Osmerus populations provide further illustration of the potential for rapid differentiation to the level of biological species in postglacial environments.  相似文献   

Summary The level of electrophoretic variability in three Plantago species, P. major, P. coronopus, and P. lanceolata, was analyzed in relation to their breeding systems and compared with their morphological variability. From each species several populations were analyzed. The outcrossing P. lanceolata had the highest level of electrophoretic variability and the lowest population differentiation. The inbreeding P. major showed the opposite: a low level of electrophoretic variability and a high population differentiation. P. coronopus, with an intermediate breeding system, had an intermediate level of variability and differentiation. In comparing the species, it appeared that P. coronopus and P. major showed good concordance in the distribution of both kinds of variability, each having only a slightly higher morphological than electrophoretic differentiation between populations. P. lanceolata showed a higher morphological than electrophoretic differentiation between populations. A comparison of populations, within species, revealed good concordance of electrophoretic and morphological variability only within P. coronopus, while some populations of the other two species had relatively lower morphological variability compared with electrophoretic variability.Grassland Species Research Group Publication No. 182  相似文献   

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