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Calcareous grasslands have become severely threatened habitats in Europe. The aim of this study was to investigate the changes in plant species richness, and functional and phylogenetic diversity in northern Estonian calcareous (alvar) grasslands resampled after 90 years of land-use change. Functional traits characterizing species that have benefited most from decreased habitat area and altered environmental conditions, and additional species that can potentially inhabit the remaining grassland patches were identified. Also changes in the relative amount of habitat-specific species were studied to detect a possible decrease in habitat integrity. Although grasslands in the studied region had lost most of their original area (~90 %), species richness had substantially increased due to invasion by more competitive, nutrient-demanding native species. Functional diversity generally increased, whereas phylogenetic diversity showed no response to altered conditions. Overall, these grasslands have lost their integrity as calcareous grassland habitat type in the region, because the relative amount of habitat-specific characteristic species has declined significantly. However, although the grasslands have transformed to a ‘hybrid’ habitat type and restoration to their previous state is likely not reasonable, such degraded species-rich grassland fragments can still be recognized as important habitats to preserve high local biodiversity and several characteristic species of calcareous grasslands. As current landscapes consist of an increasing number of hybrid and novel communities, new tools to supplement traditional conservation or restoration practices are necessary to recognize and maintain regions and habitats of high local biodiversity.  相似文献   

Open inland sand ecosystems harbour a specialised flora and fauna and are among the most endangered habitats in Central Europe. Land-use changes and lack of habitat dynamics are acknowledged as significant drivers for habitat loss and degradation. It is imperative for nature conservation to obtain criteria such as community structure and biodiversity of model groups to assess the conservation value of threatened habitats. By investigating the correlation between ground spider assemblages and habitat structure, the study aimed to find out the indicator potential of spiders in order to promote conservation objectives and management strategies for open inland sand ecosystems. Non-metric multidimensional scaling revealed four habitat groups with distinct spider assemblages that clearly reflected the whole variety of habitat structure types within the study area. Species distribution was constrained by biotic and abiotic gradients while the ecological traits of spiders differed significantly among the groups. Generalised linear models showed that abundances of particular species were significantly correlated with environmental factors and habitat structure, making them thus suitable as focal species to assess natural habitat modifications as well as success of management efforts. Based on these findings, we derived major aims for successful habitat management of inland sand ecosystems taking into account also the needs of arthropod conservation. Management should include both small and large reserves when aiming for higher levels of disturbance, and sand dynamics to prevent increasing scrub encroachment and to create a larger number of early succession stages.  相似文献   

Aapa mires are EU priority habitats that harbour unique biodiversity values but face increasing global change threats. Here, we investigate the exposure of red-listed aapa mire species inhabiting fen and flark fen habitats to the impacts of land use and climate change. Climate change-based threats were assessed across the aapa mire zone of Finland based on climate velocities (a metric describing the speed and direction of climate movement) measured for mean January temperature (TJan), growing degree days (GDD5) and mean annual water balance (WAB). Land use threats were assessed based on the cover of drainage ditches and three other adverse land use types around the species occurrences. Our results suggest that rapid changes in TJan may alter winter thermal conditions and thereby also species performance, particularly in the northernmost part of the aapa mire zone, where the most valuable concentrations of red-listed species are situated. The land use and GDD5 threats are highest in the southern regions where the red-listed aapa mire species occurrences are sparser but face severe risks to their persistence. In the central part of the aapa mire zone, a number of valuable aapa mires with red-listed species are exposed to both intermediately high TJan and GDD5 velocities and a spatially varying amount of ditching. Three conservation approaches to support the persistence of red-listed aapa mire species: (i) restoration, (ii) establishment of new protected areas, and (iii) monitoring of the key habitats, should be flexibly and complementarily applied to the preservation of aapa mires subject to accelerating climate change.  相似文献   

The Evolutionary species pool hypothesis (ESPH) predicts that historically more common habitats will be richer in species because they have had greater opportunity for the evolution of suitably adapted species. We explored the relationship between mire species richness and pH, an important environmental variable in mires, in two regions that differ in habitat pH distribution: the West Carpathians and Bulgaria. Mire habitats in both the West Carpathians and Bulgaria demonstrate support for the ESPH prediction that habitats with more common pH values host more species. We also explored the influence of habitat history by examining the distribution of generalists and specialists along gradients of habitat pH, using extensive community-level vegetation data from European mires in these two regions. We found a striking pattern with the distribution of pH-specialists having three distinct peaks in both regions, whereas the total species pool peaked in near neutral pH habitats in both regions. Because the peaks in specialist richness do not correspond to regional pH distribution patterns, we hypothesize that historical explanations may be important, and that habitats currently rich in pH-specialists may have historically acted as pleniglacial refugia for many mire species. Our findings support the general predictions of the ESPH, but further suggest that historical processes such as patterns of glacial refugia, may significantly influence contemporary species distributions and the diversity of plant species in mire habitats.  相似文献   

The establishment and maintenance of conservation areas are among the most common measures to mitigate the loss of biodiversity. However, recent advances in conservation biology have challenged the reliability of such areas to cope with variation in climate conditions. Climate change can reshuffle the geographic distribution of species, but in many cases suitable habitats become scarce or unavailable, limiting the ability to migrate or adapt in response to modified environments. In this respect, the extent to which existing protected areas are able to compensate changes in habitat conditions to ensure the persistence of species still remains unclear. We used a spatially explicit model to measure the effects of climate change on the potential distribution of wetland habitats and connectivity of Natura 2000 sites in Italy. The effects of climate change were measured on the potential for water accumulation in a given site, as a surrogate measure for the persistence of aquatic ecosystems and their associated migratory waterbirds. Climate impacts followed a geographic trend, changing the distribution of suitable habitats for migrants and highlighting a latitudinal threshold beyond which the connectivity reaches a sudden collapse. Our findings show the relative poor reliability of most sites in dealing with changing habitat conditions and ensure the long-term connectivity, with possible consequences for the persistence of species. Although alterations of climate suitability and habitat destruction could impact critical areas for migratory waterbirds, more research is needed to evaluate all possible long-term effects on the connectivity of migratory networks.  相似文献   

Most large‐bodied wildlife populations in sub‐Saharan Africa only survive in conservation areas, but are continuing to decline because external changes influence ecological processes within reserves, leading to a lack of functionality. However, failure to understand how landscape scale changes influence ecological processes limits our ability to manage protected areas. We used GPS movement data to calculate dry season home ranges for 14 zebra mares in the Okavango Delta and investigated the effects of a range of landscape characteristics (number of habitat patches, mean patch shape, mean index of juxtaposition, and interspersion) on home range size. Resource utilization functions (RUF) were calculated to investigate how specific landscape characteristics affected space use. Space use by all zebra was clustered. In the wetter (Central) parts of the Delta home range size was negatively correlated with the density of habitat patches, more complex patch shapes, low juxtaposition of habitats and an increased availability of floodplain and grassland habitats. In the drier (Peripheral) parts of the Delta, higher use by zebra was also associated with a greater availability of floodplain and grassland habitats, but a lower density of patches and simpler patch shapes. The most important landscape characteristic was not consistent between zebra within the same area of the Delta, suggesting that no single foraging strategy is substantially superior to others, and so animals using different foraging strategies may all thrive. The distribution and complexity of habitat patches are crucial in determining space use by zebra. The extent and duration of seasonal flooding is the principal process affecting habitat patch characteristics in the Okavango Delta, particularly the availability of floodplains, which are the habitat at greatest risk from climate change and anthropogenic disturbance to the Okavango's catchment basin. Understanding how the factors that determine habitat complexity may change in the future is critical to the conservation of large mammal populations. Our study shows the importance of maintaining flood levels in the Okavango Delta and how the loss of seasonal floodplains will be compounded by changes in habitat configuration, forcing zebra to change their relative space use and enlarge home ranges, leading to increased competition for key resources and population declines.  相似文献   

This study compares the phylogenetic structure in the Canary Islands and Hawaii by means of the distributions of the species number for plant families (Taxonomic evenness) and lineages (Phylogenetic evenness) across archipelagos and across habitats in both archipelagos using the Gini coefficient. We then investigate phylogenies to identify particular habitats contributing to such differences using Taxonomic distinctness (AvTD) and its variation (VarTD).Our results show that the distribution of species number among Hawaiian lineages is much more uneven than the Canary Islands. In contrast, Hawaii produces a more even distribution of species number by family than the Canary Islands. This may be due to the Hawaiian Flora being derived from considerably fewer colonists than the Canarian Flora as a result of its much greater degree of isolation. At the same time, Hawaii is represented by the same number of families as the Canary Islands. This may stem from Hawaii's flora being derived from a greater range of source areas despite its isolation. Finally, there is much more diversification spread across a larger number of lineages in Hawaii. The higher degree of Hawaiian diversification may be due to a greater range of habitats, more diverse and phylogenetically distinct floristic sources, and low initial species diversity resulting from extreme isolation.Two Canarian habitats (Rock communities and Thermophilous habitats) and one Hawaiian habitat (Wet communities) contribute to the differences in phylogenetic structure between the two archipelagos. These habitats exhibit disproportionate levels of unevenness and may represent centres of diversification. We propose a combination of two habitat properties, high receptivity and low stability, to explain these results.  相似文献   

Abandonment of traditional farming practices, such as hay-making and pasturing, has resulted in rapid loss of open wet grassland habitats in Europe. The globally threatened Aquatic Warbler (Acrocephalus paludicola L.) is a bird species that occurs almost exclusively in open fen mires, which have virtually disappeared in Western Europe, but still persist locally in Eastern Europe. Focusing on the world’s most important breeding site for Aquatic Warbler, the Zvaniec fen mire in Belarus, we estimated Belarusian citizens’ willingness-to-pay for adequate conservation management of this fen mire and its focal species the Aquatic Warbler. Results from a discrete choice experiment indicated that Belarusian citizens were willing to pay for appropriate conservation programmes of the Zvaniec fen mire. Scything and mechanical mowing were preferred compared to controlled burning, and especially over herbicide treatment of encroaching shrubs. Conservation management was preferred over legal protection of wetland areas without management. Respondents considered such passive conservation to be insufficient to maintain open fen mire habitat and gave a higher priority to active conservation management programmes. These preferences are consistent with evidence-based knowledge about what is effective conservation management for the Aquatic Warbler. Given the gradual disappearance of Europe’s traditional cultural landscapes, we discuss the challenge to fund the maintenance of this biocultural biodiversity legacy.  相似文献   

Definition of northern British grassland Auchenorrhyncha habitats was carried out using a classification based on analysis of data from 351 sites, involving 121 species, located between Greater Manchester and northern Scotland. Ten habitats were identified showing little influence of geographical position and exhibiting a basic upland-lowland trend. Other factors influencing habitat and species assemblage distribution were soil water, vegetation structure and land cover. An analysis of the species data with satellite-derived land cover data indicated that the lowland covers of tilled land, coast and urban and the upland covers of heath grassland and shrub heath were most important in affecting both species and assemblage distribution. The large-scale survey of grassland sites provided new information on both the ecology and distribution of individual Auchenorrhyncha species. Some were limited to specific habitat types but a considerable number were generalist species found in most or all of the 10 habitat types but showing preferences within upland to lowland or wet to dry site gradients. The ability to generate a subtle grassland Auchenorrhyncha habitat classification with large-scale survey results from standardised and reproducible sampling increases the potential for using habitat diversity for the conservation of grassland Auchenorrhyncha. Habitat preservation would also ensure that species richness (biodiversity) is maintained and that the habitats of rare species are conserved.  相似文献   

1 Using the data in a recently published seed bank database for north-west Europe, we describe how a species' seed bank behaviour can be characterized by a single 'longevity index', and investigate how representative the information in the database is of the north-west European flora. We also test the hypotheses that seeds of short-lived species are more persistent than those of long-lived species, and long-lived seeds are characteristic of species living in disturbed habitats.
2 The data are not representative of the north-west European flora as a whole; they are a fair reflection of a research effort that has been largely directed towards grassland and arable weeds. Data for rare species, non-agricultural habitats in general and wetlands, rocky habitats and native woodland in particular, are scarce or absent.
3 Annuals and biennials almost always have more persistent seeds than related perennials, and this difference is most striking when, as in Anagallis arvensis and Aphanes arvensis , the short-lived species have moved well away from the 'core' habitat of the family. Confamilial monocarps and polycarps do not differ consistently in seed mass.
4 Gradients of habitat disturbance are accompanied by predictable changes in seed persistence, which are themselves often (but not always) accompanied by parallel shifts in seed size. These results suggest that increasing habitat disturbance (i.e. increasing density-independent mortality) always selects for increased seed persistence, confirming both theory and previous analyses. However, increased seed persistence is not always associated with reduced seed size. This is because persistence depends not only on seed size, but on other traits, many of them physiological. In many habitats the probability of seed burial is strongly linked to seed size and shape, but in arable habitats cultural practices have broken this link.  相似文献   

Plant species richness in central and northern European seminatural grasslands is often more closely linked to past than present habitat configuration, which is indicative of an extinction debt. In this study, we investigate whether signs of historical grassland management can be found in clear‐cuts after at least 80 years as coniferous production forest by comparing floras between clear‐cuts with a history as meadow and as forest in the 1870s in Sweden. Study sites were selected using old land‐use maps and data on present‐day clear‐cuts. Species traits reflecting high capacities for dispersal and persistence were used to explain any possible links between the plants and the historical land use. Clear‐cuts that were formerly meadow had, on average, 36% higher species richness and 35% higher richness of grassland indicator species, as well as a larger overall seed mass and lower anemochory, compared to clear‐cuts with history as forest. We suggest that the plants in former meadows never disappeared after afforestation but survived as remnant populations. Many contemporary forests in Sweden were managed as grasslands in the 1800s. As conservation of remaining grassland fragments will not be enough to reduce the existing extinction debts of the flora, these young forests offer opportunities for grassland restoration at large scales. Our study supports the concept of remnant populations and highlights the importance of considering historical land use for understanding the distribution of grassland plant species in fragmented landscapes, as well as for policy‐making and conservation.  相似文献   

Understanding wildlife movements and habitat selection are critical to drafting conservation and management plans. We studied a population of eastern Hermann’s tortoise (Testudo hermanni boettgeri) in a traditionally managed rural landscape in Romania, near the northern edge of the species geographic distribution. We used telemetry to radio-track 24 individuals between 2005 and 2008 and performed a Euclidian distance-based habitat selection analysis to investigate habitats preferred by tortoises at both landscapes (second-order order selection) and individual (third-order selection) home range scales. The home range size for tortoises in our study area was 3.79?±?0.62 ha and did not differ by gender or season (pre- and post-nesting seasons). Their movement ecology was characterized by short-distance movements (daily mean?=?31.18?±?1.59 m), apparently unaffected by habitat type. In contrast to other studies, movements of males and females were of similar magnitude. At the landscape (population home range) scale, grasslands and shrubs were preferred, but tortoises also showed affinity to forest edges. At the individual home range scale, tortoises selected grassland and shrub habitats, avoided forests, and used forest edges randomly. Creeks were avoided at both spatial scales. Our results suggest that tortoise home ranges contain well-defined associations of habitats despite a higher selection for grasslands. As such, avoiding land conversion to other uses and maintaining habitat heterogeneity through traditional practices (e.g., manual mowing of grasslands, livestock grazing) are critical for the persistence of tortoise populations.  相似文献   

新疆东部天山蝶类多样性及其垂直分布   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张鑫  胡红英  吕昭智 《生态学报》2013,33(17):5329-5338
2006-2008年研究了新疆东部天山蝶类多样性和垂直分布.结果表明:研究区域内共记录蝴蝶7科43属63种,占新疆已记录蝶类种数的24.80%,区系组成主要是古北种,占73%;其次是广布种,占27%,没有发现东洋种.其中蛱蝶科的物种数最多,为11属19种,蚬蝶科的物种数最少,只有1属1种.按海拔将生境分为5个垂直自然带,包括低山灌木草原带、山地森林草原带、亚高山草甸带、高山草甸带、垫状植被带.蝶类物种数和个体数排序为亚高山草甸带>山地森林草原带>低山灌木草原带>高山草甸带>垫状植被带.采用Shannon-Wiener指数和G-F指数对蝶类物种和科、属的多样性进行了分析评价,结果显示亚高山草甸带的蝶类多样性最为丰富,其次是山地森林草原带和低山灌木草原带,而高山草甸带和垫状植被带的蝶类多样性相对较低,物种和科、属多样性分析结果均一致.蝶类垂直分布明显,物种数和个体数随海拔变化的趋势类似,均为先增加后下降.蝶类区系成分随着海拔升高发生改变,广布种的比例逐渐降低,高山草甸带和垫状植被带只有古北种分布.研究结果显示,生境改变对蝴蝶群落影响明显,保护生境是保护蝴蝶生存的最主要措施.  相似文献   

Global climate change is a major threat to biodiversity, posing increasing pressures on species to adapt in situ or shift their ranges. A protected area network is one of the main instruments to alleviate the negative impacts of climate change. Importantly, protected area networks might be expected to enhance the resilience of regional populations of species of conservation concern, resulting in slower species loss in landscapes with a significant amount of protected habitat compared to unprotected landscapes. Based on national bird atlases compiled in 1974–1989 and 2006–2010, this study examines the recent range shifts in 90 forest, mire, marshland, and Arctic mountain heath bird species of conservation concern in Finland, as well as the changes in their species richness in protected versus unprotected areas. The trends emerging from the atlas data comparisons were also related to the earlier study dealing with predictions of distributional changes for these species for the time slice of 2051–2080, developed using bioclimatic envelope models (BEMs). Our results suggest that the observed changes in bird distributions are in the same direction as the BEM‐based predictions, resulting in a decrease in species richness of mire and Arctic mountain heath species and an increase in marshland species. The patterns of changes in species richness between the two time slices are in general parallel in protected and unprotected areas. However, importantly, protected areas maintained a higher level of species richness than unprotected areas. This finding provides support for the significance and resilience provision of protected area networks in preserving species of conservation concern under climate change.  相似文献   

There The Wattled Crane Bugeranus carunculatus is one of the top five most threatened bird species in South Africa, with the main threat being the loss of undisturbed breeding habitat. A basic understanding of this species' use of its environment is needed to implement conservation action. This quantitative study focused on determining the home range size of active breeding pairs in the KwaZulu-Natal midlands of South Africa, and assessing the land use composition of these home ranges. Wattled Cranes were found to have an average home range size of 16.64km2, consisting mostly of open natural grassland (mean of 75.5% of the overall home range of pairs). Other significant land use contributions to the home ranges were temporary irrigated and dryland cultivated agriculture. The core breeding area (wetland) of the home range constituted only 2.3% of the overall home range size, consisting of similar proportions of both wetland (48.9%) and grassland (51.8%) habitat. This indicates the dependence of Wattled Cranes on specific wetland habitats, surrounded by natural grassland. Wattled Cranes show home range sizes larger than other similar-sized crane species, suggesting that this may be as a result of their large body size and their occupation of highly transformed and fragmented habitats in an agricultural landscape. However, the occurrence of transformed land use types in home ranges suggests that breeding pairs tolerate some degree of disturbance within their home ranges. The home ranges do not appear to be currently restricted by surrounding land use types, indicating that factors other than habitat loss may be contributing to breeding site losses. The study has therefore indicated the need for closer working relationships between conservationists and agricultural communities to promote the conservation of valuable natural grasslands surrounding wetlands.  相似文献   

Ecological communities always contain a few common species and an abundance of uncommon species. Given that most plant mortality occurs in seeds and seedlings, recruitment success often predicts plant community assemblage and patterning, but observational patterns do not reveal whether plant populations are seed or habitat limited. Grassland plant species make up a sizable portion of the overall native flora in northeastern North America (N.A.), but approximately 30 % of the area’s threatened and endangered flora are grassland species, possibly leftovers from the post-glacial landscape. Yet, close relatives of many rare grassland species thrive in the same range. We investigated whether seed or habitat limitation explained rarity and commonness in remnant grassland species. We used seed addition experiments coupled with microhabitat manipulations (burning and herbivore exclusion) in three different habitat types to evaluate recruitment (germination and seedling survival) limitation for three rare and three common grassland species. Rare grassland species successfully recruited where burning reduced initial competitor density, but seedling survival suggested they were severely limited by interspecific competition. Both the rare and common plant species survived equally well in forest habitats where herbaceous density was low whereas neither survived in the edge habitats. Only the common plants thrived in the high-competition meadow habitat, further suggesting that the rare grassland species are poor competitors. Commonness and rarity are temporal designations that can change as disturbance alters the landscape. Glacial retreat and low precipitation in northeastern N.A. created a landscape suitable for poor competitors that tolerated poor conditions. Our results suggest that rare remnant grassland plants, unlike their close relatives, display more biotic than abiotic limitation as they do not compete well with other plants. These results suggest that suitable habitat is not a spatial location but a temporally transient assemblage of species requirements.  相似文献   

The persistence of pond-breeding amphibian populations is influenced on different spatial scales ranging from the individual breeding pond to surrounding habitat patches to landscape clusters of breeding pond populations. The connectivity among breeding ponds as well as the availability of suitable terrestrial habitats surrounding the ponds plays a major role in long-term viability of amphibian species. Besides road traffic and urban structures agricultural land activity can disrupt landscape connectivity through the use of pesticides, fertilizers and physical activity such as tillage. We developed an expert-based model to assess the impact of agricultural management measures on the migration area and terrestrial habitat availability for seven amphibian species. The model is based on a Habitat Suitability Index to identify suitable terrestrial habitats and includes a landscape permeability approach. Size of migration areas, connectivity of breeding ponds and number of reachable terrestrial habitats were modeled considering species-specific migration ranges and habitat preferences. We consider how pesticides application might lead to fragmentation and isolation of amphibian breeding pond populations. Therefore the potential disrupting impact of pesticides was simulated by inflating landscape resistance to medium and high migration cost. One amphibian species showed a decrease of migration area by 48.3% and a decrease of reachable terrestrial habitats by 41.5% at high migration costs. Three additional species showed a decrease of their migration areas between 31.5 and 35.7%. At increased migration cost, some of the investigated populations were isolated at breeding pond level or restricted to pond clusters. Our model could be used to prioritize conservation efforts for pond-breeding amphibians with adequate consideration of agricultural land use and its impact on amphibian migration.  相似文献   

Hen Harriers Circus cyaneus are threatened across much of their range and their conservation requires appropriate habitat management. The locations of 148 Hen Harrier nests found in the Republic of Ireland during national breeding surveys in 2000 and 2005 were used to assess nest-site selection. The distribution of these nests was compared to distributions of randomly located points to investigate selection at the scale of the nest-site and landscape. The main nesting habitats selected were pre-thicket stage of first and, particularly, second rotation plantations, mostly of exotic conifers. There was no evidence that the area of post-closure plantations negatively affected Hen Harrier nest distribution. There was a positive correlation across study areas between changes in numbers of Hen Harrier nests between 2000 and 2005 and changes in the area of pre-thicket second rotation plantations over the same period. The overall effect of plantation forests on breeding Hen Harriers in Ireland therefore appears to be positive. However, this study did not consider the effects of plantation habitats on breeding success. Improved grassland was strongly avoided as a nesting habitat. Furthermore, after controlling for the influence of nesting habitat on nest location, landscapes with a high percentage cover of improved grassland were also avoided. Further agricultural intensification of grassland in areas where Hen Harriers breed is likely to have a negative impact on this species. These results are required for the development of management strategies for the conservation of this species.  相似文献   

The hutchinsonian realized niche of a species is the most common tool for selecting the actions needed when restoring habitats and establishing conservation areas of species. However, defining the realized niche of a species is problematic due to variation across spatial and temporal scales. In this study we tested the hypothesis that habitat parameters defining the realized niche of a species can be derived from a regional study and that national changes in land use influence the perception of the realized niche across different landscapes. We described the realized habitat niche of the threatened dragonfly Leucorrhinia pectoralis, in four Estonian landscapes which all have undergone more than 20 years of habitat degradations. We recorded the presence/absence of L. pectoralis and measured 7 habitat variables for 140 lakes and ponds located in one restored and three un-restored landscapes. Lake size and proportion of short riparian vegetation were significantly positive parameters determining the presence of L. pectoralis across landscape types. The species was much more habitat specific in the restored landscape, with larger influence of other habitat parameters. Our data suggest that the realized niche of the species in the un-restored landscapes was constrained by the present-day habitats. The study demonstrate that if a species realized niche is derived from local distribution patterns without incorporating landscape history it can lead to an erroneous niche definition. We show that landscape restoration can provide knowledge on a species’ habitat dependencies before habitat degradation has occurred, provided that restoration mitigation reflects the former landscape characteristics.  相似文献   

Because of its crucial importance for the persistence of the endangered Tehuantepec jackrabbit (Lepus flavigularis), we identified structural characteristics of native vegetation (1) selected by Tehuantepec jackrabbits to establish home ranges, (2) used within home ranges, and (3) in relation to activity and inactivity periods. A neotropical savanna in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, México, offered diversity in native flora and heterogeneity in vegetation structure to the studied population of Tehuantepec jackrabbit. Adults and juveniles differed in habitat use patterns. No effect on habitat selection was detected for sex or season. Jackrabbits established home ranges on grassy habitat with discontinuous overstory of nanche (Byrsonima crassifolia) shrubbery and morro (Crescentia) trees. Adults underused dense vegetation where predators may ambush them; juveniles avoided dense vegetation and grassland without overstory. Within adults’ home ranges, habitat selection favoring grassy habitats with nanche and morro was relatively stronger during the activity period (nocturnal and crepuscular hours) and during one of 2 years which had more rainfall. Scattered trees and open shrubbery likely allowed foraging jackrabbits with both visibility and escape routes used to detect and outrun predators. Moreover, during the inactivity period (diurnal hours) adults and juveniles favored nanche shrubbery that provided resting jackrabbits with shelter to hide from predators. Clearly, structure and diversity of native vegetation in the savanna needs to be preserved for conservation of Tehuantepec jackrabbits because deteriorated habitat may pose higher predation rates for a jackrabbit population in risk of extirpation.  相似文献   

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