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During wire explosion, along with striations (a regular structure with alternating lower and higher density bands), low-density regions the characteristic axial size of which differs substantially from that of striations and can reach 1–2 mm are also observed in the discharge channel. Such irregular structures came to be known as “gaps” (D. B. Sinars et al., Phys. Plasmas 8, 216 (2001)). In the present study, the mechanism of the formation of core gaps during explosions of 25- and 50-μm-diameter copper and nickel wires in air is investigated. It is shown that the specific energy deposited in the gap region substantially exceeds the average specific energy deposited in the wire material.  相似文献   

The time evolution of the matter parameters and current distribution in the discharge channel formed during a nanosecond explosion of a 25-μm-diameter 12-mm-long aluminum wire was studied in a series of experiments with the following parameters: the discharge voltage was U 0 = 20 kV, the current amplitude was I max ∼ 8 kA, and the current rise rate was dI/dt ∼ 40 A/ns. Optical shadow and schlieren images of the discharge channel were obtained using the second harmonic of a YAG: Nd+3 laser, and UV images of the discharge channel self-radiation were recorded using a four-frame camera with a microchannel plate. The process of aluminum wire explosion was simulated numerically (including simulations performed from the “cold start”). The numerical results were compared with the experimental data.  相似文献   

Multiple dense phases of nucleosome core particles (NCPs) were formed in controlled ionic conditions (15-160 mM monovalent salt, no divalent ions), under osmotic pressures ranging from 4.7 x 10(5) to 2.35 x 10(6) Pa. We present here the x-ray diffraction analysis of these phases. In the lamello-columnar phase obtained at low salt concentration (<25 mM), NCPs stack into columns that align to form bilayers, kept separated from one another by a layer of solvent. NCPs form a monoclinic lattice in the plane of the bilayer. For high salt concentration (>50 mM), NCPs order into either a two-dimensional columnar hexagonal phase or into three-dimensional orthorhombic (quasi-hexagonal) crystals. The lamellar and hexagonal (or quasi-hexagonal) organizations coexist in the intermediate salt range; their demixing requires a long time. For an applied pressure P = 4.7 10(5) Pa, the calculated NCPs concentration ranges from approximately 280 to 320 mg/ml in the lamello-columnar phase to 495 to 585 mg/ml in the three-dimensional orthorhombic phase. These concentrations cover the concentration of the living cell.  相似文献   

Docking to the plasma membrane prepares vesicles for rapid release. Here, we describe a mechanism for dense core vesicle docking in neurons. In Caenorhabditis elegans motor neurons, dense core vesicles dock at the plasma membrane but are excluded from active zones at synapses. We have found that the calcium-activated protein for secretion (CAPS) protein is required for dense core vesicle docking but not synaptic vesicle docking. In contrast, we see that UNC-13, a docking factor for synaptic vesicles, is not essential for dense core vesicle docking. Both the CAPS and UNC-13 docking pathways converge on syntaxin, a component of the SNARE (soluble N-ethyl-maleimide-sensitive fusion protein attachment receptor) complex. Overexpression of open syntaxin can bypass the requirement for CAPS in dense core vesicle docking. Thus, CAPS likely promotes the open state of syntaxin, which then docks dense core vesicles. CAPS function in dense core vesicle docking parallels UNC-13 in synaptic vesicle docking, which suggests that these related proteins act similarly to promote docking of independent vesicle populations.  相似文献   

At the RRC Kurchatov Institute, high-impedance plasma opening switches have recently been developed that enable efficient pulse sharpening and are capable of operating in a repetitive mode. This paper presents the results of studying the conduction phase preceding the current break. In this stage, the magnetic-field and current waves propagate in the plasma from the switch to the load. The magnetic-field and current detectors placed along the plasma axis are used to measure the velocity and acceleration of the current front near the cathode and anode. At the end of the conduction phase, the characteristic velocities near the cathode and anode attain 100 and 50 cm/μs, respectively. During the current front propagation, the width of the front nearly triples. The acceleration and widening of the front are reasonably explained within electron magnetohy-drodynamics. It is shown that the voltage during the current break depends on the length of the coaxial cathode of the switch. When the cathode length is shorter than the distance covered by the current front, the generated voltage decreases substantially. __________ Translated from Fizika Plazmy, Vol. 27, No. 1, 2001, pp. 64–70. Original Russian Text Copyright ? 2001 by Dolgachev, Kingsep, Ushakov.  相似文献   

The fungicidal effect of low-temperature plasma generated by positive direct current discharge and its influence on the growth dynamics was evaluated on three micromycete species and yeast in water suspensions. The fungicidal effect was lower than analogous bactericidal effect and differs substantially among various fungal species. Together with the cidal effects, the slower growth of exposed fungal spores was observed.  相似文献   

The anisotropy of the yield and energy of neutrons generated in a small-size plasma focus chamber with a total neutron yield of about 4 × 109 DD neutrons per shot was investigated experimentally. The neutrons were recorded using scintillation detectors on a 3-m-long flight base. The measurements were performed at the angles 0° and 90° with respect to the chamber axis. The maximum neutron energy measured by the time-of-flight method at the angles 0° and 90° was found to be 2.8 and 2.5 MeV, respectively. The measured anisotropy of the neutron yield was in the range 1.15–1.88. The integral DD neutron yield of the source was measured using the activation method (by activating silver isotopes). It is found that the neutron yield and the yield anisotropy depend linearly on the discharge current jump ΔI at the instant of neutron generation.  相似文献   

It is shown that the electric field may cause instability of low-frequency potential oscillations with a period of about 1 min in the D region of the ionosphere. This is related to the fact that the attachment rate of electrons to molecules is a nonmonotonic function of the temperature: it increases at low temperatures and decreases at high temperatures. The temperature corresponding to the maximum attachment rate is about 1000 K. The development of instability can result in the formation of quasi-steady layers of the electron density with a characteristic spatial period of several tens of meters. Such inhomogeneities can affect the propagation of radio waves with wavelengths on the order of or shorter than 10 m.  相似文献   

The fully open state of heterotypic gap junction channels formed by pairing cells expressing connexin 32 (Cx32) with those expressing connexin 26 (Cx26) rectifies in a way that cannot be predicted from the current-voltage (I-V) relation of either homotypic channel. Using a molecular genetic analysis, we demonstrate that charged amino acids positioned in the amino terminus (M1 and D2) and first extracellular loop (E42) are major determinants of the current-voltage relation of the fully open state of homotypic and heterotypic channels formed by Cx26 and Cx32. The observed I-V relations of wild-type and mutant channels were closely approximated by those obtained with the electrodiffusive model of Chen and Eisenberg (Chen, D., and R. Eisenberg. 1993. Biophys. J. 64:1405-1421), which solves the Poisson-Nernst-Plank equations in one dimension using charge distribution models inferred from the molecular analyses. The rectification of the Cx32/Cx26 heterotypic channel results from the asymmetry in the number and position of charged residues. The model required the incorporation of a partial charge located near the channel surface to approximate the linear I-V relation observed for the Cx32*Cx26E1 homotypic channel. The best candidate amino acid providing this partial charge is the conserved tryptophan residue (W3). Incorporation of the partial charge of residue W3 and the negative charge of the Cx32E41 residue into the charge profile used in the Poisson-Nernst-Plank model of homotypic Cx32 and heterotypic Cx26/Cx32 channels resulted in I-V relations that closely resembled the observed I-V relations of these channels. We further demonstrate that some channel substates rectify. We suggest that the conformational changes associated with transjunctional voltage (V(j))-dependent gating to these substates involves a narrowing of the cytoplasmic entry of the channel that increases the electrostatic effect of charges in the amino terminus. The rectification that is observed in the Cx32/Cx26 heterotypic channel is similar although less steep than that reported for some rectifying electrical synapses. We propose that a similar electrostatic mechanism, which results in rectification through the open and substates of heterotypic channels, is sufficient to explain the properties of steeply rectifying electrical synapses.  相似文献   

A study of the process of implosion of a cylindrical tungsten wire array by electrical and optical methods shows that it involves two phases. In the first phase, the plasma is produced from the dense wire cores under the action of the heat flux from the current-carrying plasma. This plasma then fills the internal space of the liner array. The measured inductance of the liner and its visible diameter vary only slightly in this phase. During the second phase, the total material of the liner is compressed toward the axis and the inductance of the discharge gap increases. The process of the implosion of wire arrays is studied by analyzing the electric parameters (current and voltage) of the load in the Angara-5-1 facility. The time behavior of the load inductance, the average current radius, and the start time of the liner compression are determined. The compression start time determined from the visible size of the liner is found to coincide with that determined from electric measurements. The compression ratio of the liner in terms of the average current radius turns out to be lower than that measured by optical and X-ray diagnostics. The reason is that, by the instant of maximum compression, only a portion of the current flows at the periphery of the initial wire array.  相似文献   

TRPC proteins are the mammalian homologues of the Drosophila transient receptor potential channel and are involved in calcium entry after agonist stimulation of non-excitable cells. Seven mammalian TRPCs have been cloned, and their mechanisms of activation and regulation are still the subject of intense research. TRPC proteins interact with the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor, and the conformational coupling plays a critical role in the activation of calcium entry. Some evidence also supports an exocytotic mechanism as part of the activation of calcium entry. To investigate the possible involvement of exocytosis in TRPC6 activation, we evaluated the location of TRPC6 at the plasma membrane by biotinylation labeling of cell surface proteins and by indirect immunofluorescence marking of TRPC6 in stably transfected HEK 293 cells. We showed that when the muscarinic receptor was stimulated or the thapsigargin-induced intracellular calcium pool was depleted the level of TRPC6 at the plasma membrane increased. The carbachol concentration at which TRPC6 externalization occurred was lower than the concentration required to activate TRPC6. Externalization occurred within the first 30 s of stimulation, and TRPC6 remained at the plasma membrane as long as the stimulus was present. These results indicate that an exocytotic mechanism is involved in the activation of TRPC6.  相似文献   

A diagnostic method for determining plasma density from the dispersion of surface waves guided by a discharge channel in an axial magnetic field is discussed. The diagnostic characteristics that are the easiest to record experimentally are determined by analyzing the theoretical dispersion curves, and the ways of exploiting these characteristics for plasma diagnostics are suggested. To determine the slowing-down factor of a probing wave in a plasma channel, it is proposed to use diagnostic-signal resonances that occur when the wavelength of the slowed wave becomes equal to the length of the emitting or receiving antenna. The dependence of the plasma density averaged over the cross section of the plasma column on the strength of the external magnetic field is determined for a discharge channel formed as a result of the ionization self-channeling of plasma (lower hybrid) waves and whistlers.  相似文献   

The properties are studied of dusty plasma structures formed in a glow discharge in a dust trap above the lower wall of the side branch of the discharge tube, near the turn of the discharge channel. The dust structure is three-dimensional with a characteristic size of up to 3 cm and contains about 30000 dust grains. Depending on the experimental conditions, dust-acoustic, dissipative, and charge-gradient instabilities can develop in such a structure. When using highly polydisperse dust grains of arbitrary shape, the effect of selection of dust grains by the plasma with respect to their mean size and shape was discovered. This effect was studied quantitatively in two gases by using the method of gathering and extraction of the dust grains levitating in the trap. The morphology of the dust structures was determined from the pair correlation functions of the horizontal cross sections containing long-range order peaks and elements of a hexagonal lattice. Stratification of a uniform structure accompanied by convective rotation caused by the grain charge gradient was observed. Applications of the dusty plasma created in this type of device are discussed.  相似文献   

A system for recording X-ray ion spectra by means of a spherical crystal with the subsequent transformation of the X-ray spectrum into an optical image recorded with the help of an optical streak camera is described. A computer code intended to recover the plasma parameters from the intensities of spectral lines of H- and He-like ions of some chemical elements (z = 6–29) is developed. Results of experiments on the determination of the parameters of hot plasma formed during the implosion of nested aluminum wire arrays at the S-300 high-current generator are presented.  相似文献   

The role of different ionization mechanisms in penning-type gas discharges used to generate an emitting plasma in plasma electron sources is considered. It is shown that, under certain conditions, a substantial contribution to the process of gas ionization is provided by plasma electrons.  相似文献   

To examine the protein proximity and subunit organization of type C retroviruses, preparations of AKR murine leukemia virus were treated with bifunctional cross-linking reagents and analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). The cross-linked components obtained were characterized by immunoprecipitation with monospecific antisera against purified viral proteins, followed by SDS-PAGE analysis both before and after cleavage of the cross-links. With these procedures, complexes of both viral envelope and core components were identified. The major envelope subunit obtained was a large (apparent molecular weight of 450,000 to 500,000), glycosylated complex, composed of four to six gp70-p15(E) subunits. This complex was detected over a 100-fold range of cross-linker concentration and thus seems to represent a particularly stable viral substructure. The cross-linked complexes of the core proteins consisted of oligomers of p30 dimers, suggesting that the p30 dimer is a basic structural unit of the viral core. When virion preparations, which had previously been disrupted with the nonionic detergent Nonidet P-40, were cross-linked, the envelope complex was still observed, indicating that this structure is stable in the presence of Nonidet P-40. A similar envelope structure was observed for feline leukemia virus, suggesting that such a complex may be a conserved feature of oncornavirus structure.  相似文献   

Tetrahymena thermophila, a ciliated protozoan, has a well-developed pathway of regulated secretion from dense core granules called mucocysts. Since exocytosis-defective mutants are available, steps in the biogenesis of dense core granules and their fusion with the plasma membrane may be resolved genetically. To describe the steps in biochemical terms, we have generated antisera against mucocyst content proteins. One antiserum is directed against a calcium binding protein, p40, that is released on stimulation of exocytosis. p40 is shown to associate with an insoluble matrix in mature mucocysts. In addition, the antiserum recognizes a larger protein, p60, that is soluble, is not found in mature mucocysts and is not released on stimulation. Pulse-chase experiments support a precursor-product relationship between p60 and p40. Using these proteins as markers, two mutant Tetrahymena strains defective in exocytosis have been shown to accumulate the putative precursor p60 in organelles that can be distinguished from one another and from wild type mucocysts on the basis of density. The kinetics of appearance of insoluble p40 and the mutant phenotypes suggest a model of mucocyst maturation in which sorting precedes matrix condensation.  相似文献   

The study is aimed at investigating the fine structure of the plasma current sheath (PCS) in the PF-3 plasma focus facility. The PCS dynamics in a deuterium discharge was studied. The PCS parameters were measured using absolutely calibrated magnetic probes installed at different positions with respect to the facility axis and the anode surface. A magneto-optical probe recording both the magnetic signal and the PCS optical luminosity was first applied to analyze the PCS structure. This made it possible to spatially resolve the current and shock-wave regions. It is demonstrated that the current distribution is different in different discharge stages. It is shown that the neutron yield is determined by the value of the current compressed toward the axis, rather then the amplitude of the total discharge current.  相似文献   

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