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Population genetics of peri-domestic Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae), vector of dengue and yellow fever, were investigated by gel electrophoresis of 10 enzyme loci in 14 samples of mosquito larvae collected in 1997-1998 from localities separated by distances of 3-275 km in French Guiana. Genetic differentiation between geographical populations was generally high (mean FST = +0.111, P < 10(-5)) even among seven sites <30 km apart (FST = +0.137, P < 0.05), but not positively correlated with distance. Thus, Ae. aegypti comprises a mosaic of genetically differentiated populations in French Guiana. This may be attributed to reinvasion from diverse origins through repeated founder events after this vector species was eliminated during the 1940s to 1960s.  相似文献   

Phosphate was fractionated in Guianese mangrove sediments. Fe(OOH)P was extracted using a Ca-EDTA + Na-dithionite solution buffered at pH 8. CaCO3P was extracted using Na2-EDTA solution at pH 4.5. Next, Acid Soluble Organic Phosphate (ASOP) was extracted by H2SO4 0.5 N. Finally, Residual Organic Phosphate (ROP) was digested with H2SO4 + H2O2. Four representative mangrove stages have been studied: sea edge pioneer mangroves, mature coastal mangroves, mixed riverine mangroves, and declining to dead mangroves. The sum of the P-fractions varied between 638 to 804 g g-1 in pioneer and mixed mangroves respectively. In all the stages, the percentage of inorganic phosphate was larger than 50% of the total P. Fe(OOH)P varied between 221 (pioneer mangrove) to 426 g g-1 (dead mangrove). CaCO3P varied between 75 to 102 g g-1 in mixed, dead or mature mangroves and attained 125 g g-1 in pioneer mangrove. The sum of the concentrations of organic phosphate (ASOP + ROP) increased markedly from the dead mangrove (189 g g-1) to the mixed mangrove (380 g g-1). Guianese mangroves, are relatively rich in total phosphate, possibly because they are narrowly related to the 'Amazon dispersal system. Each mangrove stage can be characterised by a prevailing form of phosphate. The concentrations of these different forms were ascribed to the marked relations with the seawater which controls import or export of suspended matters and to the wave action which controls the resuspension of the sediments and subsequently exchange of phosphate between the suspended matter and the water column.  相似文献   

We investigated the main life history of the three largest terrestrial rodents of French Guiana forest: the acouchy (Myoprocta exilis), the agouti (Dasyprocta leporina) and the paca (Agouti paca), using data collected during several years. There were noticeable differences among the species in sexual maturation and degree of seasonality in reproduction. Percentage of pregnant females, births and juveniles, and body weight of juveniles decreased progressively from the acouchy, through the agouti to the paca. The acouchy was by far the most seasonal: no births occur in the period August–October, 56% of births were encountered in November–January; consequently, young form an unique cohort in the population. The agouti was also seasonal, but to a lesser degree. Newborns appeared in every period of the year in paca, without any formation of cohort of young. These differences tended to be linked to the seasonal importance of fruits in diets, the most aseasonal species having the most diversified diet during the poor fruit season.


Jahreszeitliche Fortpflanzung von den drei größten terrestrischen Nagern im Regenwald von Französisch GuayanaDie Untersuchungen beziehen sich auf die wichtigsten Merkmale der Lebenszyklen der drei größten terrestrischen Nager, Acouchi, Aguti und Tieflandpaka, im Regenwald von Französisch Guayana, unter Verwendung von über mehrere Jahre währenden Beobachtungen, die beachtenswerte Unterschiede in bezug auf Geschlechtsreife und Fortpflanzung aufzeigen. Fortpflanzung und Populationsstruktur, wie Prozentsatz trächtiger Weibchen, Geburten, Auftreten von Jungen sowie deren Körpergewicht verringern sich kontinuierlich von Acouchis über Agutis hin zu Tieflandpakas. Während Acouchis die bei weitem am stärksten ausgeprägte jahreszeitlich gebundene Fortpflanzung mit 56% der Geburten in den Monaten November bis Januar zeigen, konnten von August bis Oktober keine Geburten beobachtet werden. Demzufolge treten die Jungen in der Population als eine einheitliche Altersklasse auf. Eine periodische Fortpflanzung zeigen auch Agutis, wenn auch weniger ausgeprägt, wohingegen bei Tieflandpakas über das gesamte Jahr hinweg Junge geboren werden, ohne jegliche Bildung von einer Altersklasse. Diese Unterschiede scheinen an die jahreszeitlich bedingte Produktion von für die Ernährung wichtigen Früchten gebunden zu sein, wobei die am wenigsten periodische Art in der früchtearmen Zeit das breiteste Nahrungsspektrum aufweist.  相似文献   

The growth rates of Leporinus friderici (Bloch, 1794) in four populations from four rivers of French Guiana are compared. According to a statistical analysis of growth curves using the method of maximum likelihood with the Gauss–Markardt algorithm, a marked difference is observed in the growth of the different samples which is attributed to the year of capture rather than to the geographical origin of fishes. It is demonstrated that the main factor affecting growth performances is the length of the rainy season, which corresponds for this species to the feeding period.  相似文献   

An analysis of the flowering plant flora of a lowland moist forest in central French Guiana reveals 298 species with adaptations for wind dispersal. This represents 16.2% of the flowering plant flora and 9.8% of the class Magnoliopsida (dicotyledons). The most diverse wind-dispersed families are the Orchidaceae in the Liliopsida (monocotyledons) with 135 species and the Bignoniaceae in the Magnoliopsida with 37 species. The wind-dispersed species of central French Guiana have evolved either small, dust-like seeds, fruits or seeds with various kinds of wings, fruits or seeds with tufts of hairs, or expanded wing- or parachute-like persistent calyces. Most wind-dispersed species, among the liliopsids, are epiphytes and, among the magnoliopsids, trees or lianas. In central French Guiana, collections of these species with mature diaspores have been gathered most often in October and March, the months with peak wind velocities. In contrast, collections from June and July, when wind velocities are at a minimum, are rare.  相似文献   

A database providing information on mosquito specimens (Arthropoda: Diptera: Culicidae) collected in French Guiana is presented. Field collections were initiated in 2013 under the auspices of the CEnter for the study of Biodiversity in Amazonia (CEBA: http://www.labexceba.fr/en/). This study is part of an ongoing process aiming to understand the distribution of mosquitoes, including vector species, across French Guiana. Occurrences are recorded after each collecting trip in a database managed by the laboratory Evolution et Diversité Biologique (EDB), Toulouse, France. The dataset is updated monthly and is available online. Voucher specimens and their associated DNA are stored at the laboratory Ecologie des Forêts de Guyane (Ecofog), Kourou, French Guiana. The latest version of the dataset is accessible through EDB’s Integrated Publication Toolkit at or through the Global Biodiversity Information Facility data portal at http://www.gbif.org/dataset/5a8aa2ad-261c-4f61-a98e-26dd752fe1c5 It can also be viewed through the Guyanensis platform at http://guyanensis.ups-tlse.fr  相似文献   

Coussarea granvillei is newly described and illustrated from material collected in the environs of Mount Galbao, near Saül, French Guiana. This new species is compared toC. amapaensis, for which the morphological and distributional ranges are extended and briefly discussed, and toC. leptophragma andC. revoluta.  相似文献   

Guarea michel-moddei, a new species from central French Guiana is described and illustrated. It differs from the morphologically similarG. cristata of western Amazonia by its unbranched habit; shorter, less dense indumentum of the young parts, leaves, and inflorescence; bullate leaves, shorter inflorescence, shorter pubescence on the corolla; and smaller corolla and staminal tube.  相似文献   

John J. Pipoly 《Brittonia》1999,51(2):128-133
Herbarium studies leading to a treatment of the Myrsinaceae for the Flora of Central French Guiana resulted in the discovery of two heretofore undescribed species,Cybianthus prevostiae andStylogyne incognita. The species are described and illustrated, and hypotheses regarding phylogenetic relationships with their respective congeners are provided.Cybianthus prevostiae is unusual among members ofCybianthus subgen.Weigeltia owing to its monoaxial habit and ellipsoid pistil, and deeply cupuliform calyx.Stylogyne incognita, a taxon often confused withS. micrantha, is most closely related toS. sordida but is separated from it by the corymbose inflorescence, entire leaves, longer petioles, and membranaceous perianth.  相似文献   

Helen Kennedy 《Brittonia》1995,47(2):156-159
Calathea maasiorum from French Guiana and Surinam is described as new. It belongs toCalathea sectionBreviscapus Bentham. The foliage is patterned with a light green band along the midrib above. This new species has previously been confused withC. cyclophora Baker from Amazonian Colombia, Brazil, Venezuela, and Guyana but it is distinguished fromC. cyclophora by the absence of bracteoles, the elliptic to obovate leaf blade, and shorter (1–2 cm long) bracts.  相似文献   

Pitcairnia geyskesii is a saxicolous bromeliad endemic to the granitic inselbergs of French Guiana and Surinam. Seven polymorphic microsatellite markers were characterized to investigate the polymorphism among individuals sampled on five inselbergs in French Guiana. The total number of alleles per locus varied from four to 14. Mean observed heterozygosities at each microsatellite locus ranged from 0.114 to 0.629. This set of microsatellites offers an efficient tool for more detailed investigations on the genetic structure of fragmented populations living on such a singular and insular habitat within tropical rainforest.  相似文献   

Eugenia argyrophylla andE. morii from Saül in Central French Guiana are described and illustrated.  相似文献   

A new species,Bactris nancibaensis, from French Guiana, is described and illustrated.  相似文献   

Among over 40 mammal species threatened by the filling of a hydroelectric dam reservoir in French Guiana, three species of primates have been translocated, comprising 124 red howler monkeys, six white-faced sakis, and 95 golden-handed tamarins. Health status of the animals was evaluated by direct physical examination and by hematological, biochemical, virological, and parasitological surveys of collected blood. The physical condition of the howlers was slightly worse toward the end of the capture period, but that of sakis and tamarins remained satisfactory. Several ectoparasites (ticks, larvae of dipterous insects, fleas, and lice) were collected, and various wounds, apparently nondebilitating, were recorded in howlers. Hematological and biochemical profiles determined for the three species revealed a slight anemia in howlers. Entamoeba, Strongyloides, and Trypanoxyurus were common in fecal samples of howlers. A survey of blood smears from the three species revealed infection by several types of microfilaria, Trypanosoma rangeli-like and Plasmodium brasilianum in all three, and Trypanosoma cruzi-like in howlers. These infections had no significant impact on the health status or the hematological profiles. Serologic investigations revealed occasional reactions against Toxoplasma gondii, a strong anti-Plasmodium response in the two Cebidae species, and a weaker one in tamarins. Attempts to isolate arbovirus failed, but antibody responses to Mayaro and yellow fever viruses were strong, especially in the howlers. A strong correlation between age and serological status led to a better understanding of the epidemic cycles. Our survey indicates French Guianan primates are reservoirs for several anthropozoonoses, including malaria, Chagas disease, and arboviruses.  相似文献   

An analysis of the flowering plant flora of a lowland moist forest in central French Guiana reveals 25 species with adaptations for epizoochorous dispersal by barbs, hooks, or spines (stick-tights). This represents 1.5% of the flowering plant flora. Stick-tights are represented among the monocotyledons of the flora of central French Guiana by five species of Poaceae. The Fabaceae and Asteraceae, each with six species with stick-tight dispersal, are the richest families of flowering plants in terms of stick-tight dispersal in central French Guiana. This region possesses numerous potential mammal and bird dispersal agents, therefore it is a puzzle why stick-tight dispersal, especially among species of the canopy, is not more frequent.  相似文献   

The epithets of the flowering plants of central French Guiana are classified into derivation categories. Specific epithets of the flowering plants of central French Guiana refer mostly to shapes (274 species), persons (252), places (212), appearance (146), and size (140). These categories account for 55% of names given to the plants of this flora. The most prolific publishers of names for the flora of central French Guiana are Aublet and Linnaeus, who were respectively the authors of 177 and 110 of the names of species (15% of the total) found in the flora of central French Guiana. Although many of the species names, such as those relating to place and person, are easy to categorize, many others are open to different interpretations. Specific epithets with different orthographies derived from Guiana or Guyana are discussed. In addition, problems in the use of diacritical marks and inconsistencies with spacing between the abbreviations of given names and surnames of authors of plant names are noted.  相似文献   

Eric Gouda 《Brittonia》1994,46(2):134-136
The new combination,Disteganthus lateralis, is coined based onAechmea lateralis. An illustration for this species is provided.  相似文献   

Mangroves represent a major environment of tropical coasts. They are highly productive, and act both as a source and a sink of organic carbon. Concentrations and characteristics (fluorescence and hydrophobic–hydrophilic fractions) of dissolved organic matter (DOM) were investigated in relation to the organic content of sediments and to the chemistry of pore waters along the coastline of French Guiana. The pore waters studied were extracted (centrifugation, soil moisture sampler) from sediments cored beneath A. germinans mangrove stands representative of development stages: pioneer, mature and senescent. In order to asses the effects of seasonal changes, two cores were performed in each location, just after dry and wet seasons, respectively. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations in pore waters of the upper sediment were found to increase, from 0.7 mmol l−1 under the pioneers to 9 under senescent mangroves. The evolution of sedimentary organic carbon (SedOC) in the same sediment paralleled that of DOC, increasing from 0.7 to 28%. On the contrary, in the lower parts of sediment cores SedOC and DOC displayed contrasting vertical trends: SedOC decreased sharply with depth while DOC increased, reaching concentrations up to 30 mmol l−1 at 50 cm in the older, senescent mangroves. In addition, the Fluorescence/DOC ratios and the hydrophobic contents of DOC were higher at greater depths in most cores, expressing changes in the DOC composition. These results suggest that the DOC of the upper layers originated directly from the SedOC of the enclosing sediment, while the hydrophobic and fluorescent DOC accumulated in the anoxic bottom layer. The mechanisms responsible for this accumulation at depth requires additional research to be fully understood. However, the anoxic conditions and high pH values prevailing in the lower sediment, by lessening DOM sorption and enhancing SedOC dissolution, may be partly responsible for the high DOC concentrations and fluorescences at depth. In addition, seasonal variation may be involved. During the rainy season, water sources were mixed resulting in lower DOC concentrations in the upper sediment, whereas during the dry season, increased evapotranspiration concentrate salts and DOC, which are transported vertically with percolating water.  相似文献   

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