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Nutritional programming of adult disease   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Intrauterine and early neonatal life is a period of physiological plasticity, during which environmental influences may produce long-term effects. Both undernutrition and overnutrition during this period have been shown to change disease risk in adulthood. These effects are influenced by the type, timing and duration of inappropriate nutrition and by the previous nutritional environment and may not be reflected in changes in body size. An understanding of the interaction between nutrient imbalance and alteration of gene expression is likely to be the key to optimising future health outcomes.  相似文献   

Glucocorticoid programming of adult disease   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Fetal exposure to elevated levels of glucocorticoids can occur naturally when maternal glucocorticoids are elevated in times of stress or when exogenous glucocorticoids are administered. Epidemiological studies and animal models have shown that, whereas short-term benefits may be associated with fetal glucocorticoid exposure, long-term deleterious effects may arise. This review compares the effects of exposure to natural versus synthetic glucocorticoids and considers the ways in which the timing of the exposure and the sex of the fetus may influence outcomes. Some of the long-term effects of glucocorticoid exposure may be explained by epigenetic mechanisms.  相似文献   

Previous research on the care-giver burden experienced by adult children has typically focused on the adult child and parent dyad. This study uses information on multiple informal care-givers and examines how characteristics of the informal care-giving network affect the adult child's care-giver burden. In 2007, 602 Dutch care-givers who were assisting their older parents reported on parental and personal characteristics, care activities, experienced burden and characteristics of other informal care-givers. A path model was applied to assess the relative impact of the informal care-giving network characteristics on the care-giver burden. An adult child experienced lower care-giver burden when the informal care-giving network size was larger, when more types of tasks were shared across the network, when care was shared for a longer period, and when the adult child had no disagreements with the other members of the network. Considering that the need for care of older parents is growing, being in an informal care-giving network will be of increasing benefit for adult children involved in long-term care. More care-givers will turn into managers of care, as they increasingly have to organise the sharing of care among informal helpers and cope with disagreements among the members of the network.  相似文献   

Longevity was significantly associated with season of birth in 101,634 individuals who died in Kiev during the period 1990-2000. The relationship between age at death and month of birth showed a very similar pattern for both men and women. Mean values for the age at death were lowest for subjects born in April-July, and highest for individuals born at the beginning and end of the year. Minimum and maximum ages at death, analysed according to month of birth, differed by 2.6 years in men and 2.3 years in women. For all major causes of death causes, the mean age at death for persons born in the fourth quarter was the highest. These results suggest that, in this population, longevity is affected by prenatal or early postnatal seasonal factors. This is consistent with the hypothesis that the rate of ageing may be programmed in response to environmental influences at critical periods of early development.  相似文献   

Kidney development and the fetal programming of adult disease   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Recent evidence, from both epidemiological and animal experimental studies, suggest that the very first environment, the intrauterine, is extremely important in determining the future health of the individual. Genetic and 'lifestyle' factors impinge on, and can exacerbate, a 'programming' effect of an adverse fetal environment. In this review, we present compelling evidence to suggest that one of the major organs affected by an unfavourable prenatal environment is the kidney. Many of the factors that can affect fetal renal development (i.e. exposure to excess glucocorticoids, insufficient vitamin A, protein/calorie malnutrition (in rats) and alterations in the intrarenal renin angiotensinogen system), also produce hypertension in the adult animal. When nephron number is compromised during kidney development, maladaptive functional changes occur and can lead, eventually, to hypertension and/or renal disease. Surprisingly, it is during the very earliest stages of kidney development that the vulnerability to these effects occurs.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence associates environmental challenges early in life with permanent alterations of physiological functions in adulthood. These changes in fetal environment can trigger physiological adaptations by the fetus, called fetal programming, which may be beneficial before birth but permanently influence the physiology of the organism. In this study, we investigated the potential connection between alcohol-induced decreased maternal thyroid function and the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid (HPT) function of adult rat offspring. Plasma 3,5,3'-triiodothyronine (T(3)), thyroxine (T(4)), and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels were decreased in alcohol-consuming (E) dams on gestational day 21 compared with ad libitum- (C) and pair-fed (PF) controls. No significant differences were found in HPT function in young offspring (3 wk of age) between diet groups. However, adult fetal alcohol-exposed (FAE) offspring had significantly decreased levels of T(3) along with elevated TSH compared with control offspring. T(4) administration to the mother did not normalize the hypothyroid state of the adult FAE offspring. Interestingly, administration of T(4) to control pregnant dams decreased plasma T(3) of the adult female offspring only, whereas T(4) together with maternal alcohol consumption or pair-feeding led to decreased TSH and T(4) in the adult female offspring. Our results suggest that ethanol consumption and T(4) administration alter maternal HPT function, leading to prenatally programmed permanent alterations in the thyroid function of the adult offspring.  相似文献   

Adverse exposures in utero have long been linked with an increased susceptibility to adult cardio-renal and metabolic diseases. Clear gender differences exist, whereby growth-restricted females, although exhibiting some phenotypic modifications, are often protected from overt disease outcomes. One of the greatest physiological challenges facing the female gender, however, is that of pregnancy; yet little research has focused on the outcomes associated with this, as a potential 'second-hit' for those who were small at birth. We review the limited evidence suggesting that pregnancy may unmask cardio-renal and metabolic disease states and the consequences for long-term maternal health in females who were born small. Additionally, a growing area of research in this programming field is in the transgenerational transmission of low birth weight and disease susceptibility. Pathways for transmission might include an abnormal adaptation to pregnancy by the growth-restricted mother and/or inheritance via the parental germline. Strategies to optimise the pregnancy environment and/or prevent the consequences of inheritance of programmed deficits and dysfunction are of critical importance for future generations.  相似文献   

At Hahnemann Medical College and Hospital in Philadelphia, researchers attempted to determine whether uterine cavity IUD-induced inflammation extends into the abdominal cavity. Adult female mice were used. In each experimental animal (14), a piece of polyethylene intramedic tubing (1.3 cm long) was fixed in place by suture within each uterine horn. In the sham-operated controls (15), a silk suture was sutured into each horn. 3 weeks later peritoneal fluid specimens were obtained from the 2 groups and compared. The IUD resulted in significant increases in histiocytes (pl.001) and polymorphonuclear leukocytes (pl.001). Mesothelial cells were significantly decreased (pl.001), but mesothelial cells were somehwat higher in the controls than is usually found. No significant changes in lymphocytes or monocytes were observed. Only experimental animals showed daisy cells. Thus, the IUD resulted in a definite abdominal inflammatory effect. Judging by the spontaneous activity measured on an Electronic Activity Monitor, the IUD produced no animal discomfort. 25% of the IUDs were expelled.  相似文献   

We studied glucose metabolic adaptations in the intrauterine growth-restricted (IUGR) rat offspring to decipher glucose homeostasis in metabolic programming. Glucose futile cycling (GFC), which is altered when there is imbalance between glucose production and utilization, was studied during a glucose tolerance test (GTT) in 2-day-old (n = 8), 2-mo-old (n = 22), and 15-mo-old (n = 22) female rat offspring. The IUGR rats exposed to either prenatal (CM/SP, n = 5 per age), postnatal (SM/CP, n = 6), or pre- and postnatal (SM/SP, n = 6) nutrient restriction were compared with age-matched controls (CM/CP, n = 5). At 2 days, IUGR pups (SP) were smaller and glucose intolerant and had increased hepatic glucose production and increased glucose disposal (P < 0.01) compared with controls (CP). At 2 mo, the GTT, glucose clearance, and GFC did not change. However, a decline in hepatic glucose-6-phosphatase (P < 0.05) and fructose-1,6-biphosphatase (P < 0.05) enzyme activities in the IUGR offspring was detected. At 15 mo, prenatal nutrient restriction (CM/SP) resulted in greater weight gain (P < 0.01) and hyperinsulinemia (P < 0.001) compared with postnatal nutrient restriction (SM/CP). A decline in GFC in the face of a normal GTT occurred in both the prenatal (CM/SP, P < 0.01) and postnatal calorie (SM/CP, P < 0.03) and growth-restricted offspring. The IUGR offspring with pre- and postnatal nutrient restriction (SM/SP) were smaller, hypoinsulinemic (P < 0.03), and hypoleptinemic (P < 0.03), with no change in GTT, hepatic glucose production, GFC, or glucose clearance. We conclude that there is pre- and postnatal programming that affects the postnatal compensatory adaptation of GFC and disposal initiated by changes in circulating insulin concentrations, thereby determining hepatic insulin sensitivity in a phenotype-specific manner.  相似文献   

Both maternal glucocorticoid administration and maternal dietary protein or food restriction in pregnancy cause fewer nephrons and hypertension in the adult offspring. The purpose of these studies was to determine the extent to which nutritional factors contribute to programming of offspring hypertension by maternal glucocorticoids. Pregnant rats were treated with dexamethasone (100 microg x kg(-1) x d(-1) sc) on days 1-10 (ED) or days 15-20 (LD) of pregnancy. Additional groups of pregnant animals were pair fed to the early (EDPF) and late (LDPF) dexamethasone-treated groups, and another group was untreated or given vehicle (C). The dams treated with dexamethasone reduced their food intake and lost or failed to gain a normal amount of weight during treatment; body weights of ED dams caught up to normal after the treatment period, whereas those of LD dams did not. In adulthood ( approximately 21 wks), chronically instrumented male offspring of ED had normal blood pressures (125 +/- 2 mmHg vs. 126 +/- 1 mmHg in C), whereas LD offspring were hypertensive (136 +/- 3 mmHg). However, LDPF offspring were equally hypertensive (134 +/- 2 mmHg). Glomerular filtration rates normalized to body weight were not significantly different among groups. Qualitatively similar results were found in female offspring. Thus the long-term effects of maternal glucocorticoid administration at this dose on offspring's blood pressure may, in large part, be accounted for by the reduction in maternal food intake. These data suggest that maternal glucocorticoids and maternal food or protein restriction may, at least in part, share a common mechanism in programming offspring for hypertension. The window of sensitivity of future offspring blood pressure to either maternal insult coincides with nephrogenesis in the rat, suggesting that impaired renal development could play an important role in this programming.  相似文献   

Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) has been shown to influence renal development and lead to fewer nephrons. Data on long term renal function after IUGR are limited. We studied the effect on renal function of IUGR in aging rats. IUGR was induced using a model of bilateral uterine artery ligation in pregnant Wistar rats. Renal function was studied at the age of 18 months. In male IUGR rats, estimated glomerular filtration rate was significantly decreased compared to male control rats [1.1 (SD 0.3) 1.7 (SD 0.3) ml x min(-1), p<0.05]. Female IUGR rats showed an increased urinary protein excretion compared with female control rats [84 (SD 73) vs. 12 (SD 13) mg x 24h(-1), p<0.01]. All male rats showed heavy proteinuria (p<0.01 vs. female rats from same experimental group), with no significant differences between the groups. Tubular reabsorption of phosphorus was lower in females, but showed no differences between the experimental groups. In conclusion, IUGR impairs renal function in the rat. It is suggested that a low nephron endowment leads to proteinuria as a sign of glomerular damage, and ends with a decrease in glomerular filtration rate as a sign of glomerular loss.  相似文献   

Exposure of the fetus to the intrauterine milieu can have profound effects on the health of the offspring in adulthood. Results of a series of studies demonstrate the powerful influence of the mother's metabolic state on whether the emerging adult develops obesity and hyperinsulinemia. Importantly, these attributes can be passed on to the next generation nongenetically and can be reversed and prevented.  相似文献   

Vuguin PM 《Hormone research》2007,68(3):113-123
Fetal growth retardation is a fetal adaptation in response to inadequate supply of oxygen and/or nutrients. Animal models of intrauterine growth retardation are an invaluable tool to question the genetic, molecular and cellular events that determine fetal growth and development. Rodent and non-litter bearing animals are mammalian system with similar embryology,anatomy and physiology to humans. Utilization of these systems has led to a greater understanding of the pathophysiology and consequences of intrauterine growth retardation. These observations are comparable to that observed in humans born small for gestational age, and are of interest because of the known association between poor fetal growth and development of adult disease. All the experimental manipulations described here have altered a number of metabolic and physiological variables, but the pattern of alterations seems to vary with the procedure and species employed. This review describes animal models for intrauterine growth retardation and assesses their potentials and limitations at aiming to improve strategies for the prevention of adult disease.  相似文献   

Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) leads to obesity, glucose intolerance, and type 2 diabetes mellitus in the adult. To determine the mechanism(s) behind this "metabolic imprinting" phenomenon, we examined the effect of total calorie restriction during mid- to late gestation modified by postnatal ad libitum access to nutrients (CM/SP) or nutrient restriction (SM/SP) vs. postnatal nutrient restriction alone (SM/CP) on skeletal muscle and white adipose tissue (WAT) insulin-responsive glucose transporter isoform (GLUT4) expression and insulin-responsive translocation. A decline in skeletal muscle GLUT4 expression and protein concentrations was noted only in the SM/SP and SM/CP groups. In contrast, WAT demonstrated no change in GLUT4 expression and protein concentrations in all experimental groups. The altered in utero hormonal/metabolic milieu was associated with a compensatory adaptation that persisted in the adult and consisted of an increase in the skeletal muscle basal plasma membrane-associated GLUT4 concentrations. This perturbation led to no further exogenous insulin-induced GLUT4 translocation, thereby disabling the insulin responsiveness of the skeletal muscle but retaining it in WAT. These changes, which present at birth, collectively maximize basal glucose transport to the compromised skeletal muscle with a relative resistance to exogenous/postprandial insulin. Preservation of insulin responsiveness in WAT may serve as a sink that absorbs postprandial nutrients that can no longer efficiently access skeletal muscle. We speculate that, in utero, GLUT4 aberrations may predict type 2 diabetes mellitus, whereas postnatal nutrient intake may predict obesity, thereby explaining the heterogeneous phenotype of the IUGR adult offspring.  相似文献   

Associations between exponential childhood growth superimposed on low birth weight and adult onset cardiovascular disease with glucose intolerance/type 2 diabetes mellitus exist in epidemiological investigations. To determine the metabolic adaptations that guard against myocardial failure on subsequent exposure to hypoxia, we compared with controls (CON), the effect of intrauterine (IUGR), postnatal (PNGR), and intrauterine and postnatal (IPGR) calorie and growth restriction (n = 6/group) on myocardial macronutrient transporter (fatty acid and glucose) -mediated uptake in pregestational young female adult rat offspring. A higher myocardial FAT/CD36 protein expression in IUGR, PNGR, and IPGR, with higher FATP1 in IUGR, FATP6 in PNGR, FABP-c in PNGR and IPGR, and no change in GLUT4 of all groups was observed. These adaptive macronutrient transporter protein changes were associated with no change in myocardial [(3)H]bromopalmitate accumulation but a diminution in 2-deoxy-[(14)C]glucose uptake. Examination of the sarcolemmal subfraction revealed higher basal concentrations of FAT/CD36 in PNGR and FATP1 and GLUT4 in IUGR, PNGR, and IPGR vs. CON. Exogenous insulin uniformly further enhanced sarcolemmal association of these macronutrient transporter proteins above that of basal, with the exception of insulin resistance of FATP1 and GLUT4 in IUGR and FAT/CD36 in PNGR. The basal sarcolemmal macronutrient transporter adaptations proved protective against subsequent chronic hypoxic exposure (7 days) only in IUGR and PNGR, with notable deterioration in IPGR and CON of the echocardiographic ejection fraction. We conclude that the IUGR and PNGR pregestational adult female offspring displayed a resistance to insulin-induced translocation of FATP1, GLUT4, or FAT/CD36 to the myocardial sarcolemma due to preexistent higher basal concentrations. This basal adaptation of myocardial macronutrient transporters ensured adequate fatty acid uptake, thereby proving protective against chronic hypoxia-induced myocardial compromise.  相似文献   

To determine the molecular mechanism(s) linking fetal adaptations in intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) to adult maladaptations of type 2 diabetes mellitus, we investigated the effect of prenatal seminutrient restriction, modified by early postnatal ad libitum access to nutrients (CM/SP) or seminutrient restriction (SM/SP), vs. early postnatal seminutrient restriction alone (SM/CP) or control nutrition (CM/CP) on the skeletal muscle postreceptor insulin-signaling pathway in the adult offspring. The altered in utero hormonal/metabolic milieu was associated with no change in basal total IRS-1, p85, and p110beta subunits of PI 3-kinase, PKCtheta, and PKCzeta concentrations but an increase in basal IRS-2 (P < 0.05) only in the CM/SP group and an increase in basal phospho (p)-PDK-1 (P < 0.05), p-Akt (P < 0.05), and p-PKCzeta (P < 0.05) concentrations in the CM/SP and SM/SP groups. Insulin-stimulated increases in p-PDK-1 (P < 0.05) and p-Akt (P < 0.0007), with no increase in p-PKCzeta, were seen in both CM/SP and SM/SP groups. SHP2 (P < 0.03) and PTP1B (P < 0.03) increased only in SM/SP with no change in PTEN in CM/SP and SM/SP groups. Aberrations in kinase and phosphatase moieties in the adult IUGR offspring were initiated in utero but further sculpted by the early postnatal nutritional state. Although the CM/SP group demonstrated enhanced kinase activation, the SM/SP group revealed an added increase in phosphatase concentrations with the net result of heightened basal insulin sensitivity in both groups. The inability to further respond to exogenous insulin was due to the key molecular distal roadblock consisting of resistance to phosphorylate and activate PKCzeta necessary for GLUT4 translocation. This protective adaptation may become maladaptive and serve as a forerunner for gestational and type 2 diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   

Adverse events during pregnancy, including prenatal ethanol (EtOH) exposure, are associated with insulin-resistant diabetes in male rat offspring, but it is unclear whether this is true for female offspring. We investigated whether prenatal EtOH exposure alters glucose metabolism in adult female rat offspring and whether this is associated with reduced in vivo insulin signaling in skeletal muscle. Female Sprague-Dawley rats were given EtOH, 4 g.kg(-1).day(-1) by gavage throughout pregnancy. Glucose tolerance test and hyperinsulinemic euglycemic clamp were performed, and insulin signaling was investigated in skeletal muscle, in adult female offspring. We gave insulin intravenously to these rats and determined the association of glucose transporter-4 with plasma membranes, as well as the phosphorylation of phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase-1 (PDK1), Akt, and PKCzeta. Although EtOH offspring had normal birth weight, they were overweight as adults and had fasting hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia, and reduced insulin-stimulated glucose uptake. After insulin treatment, EtOH-exposed rats had decreased membrane glucose transporter-4, PDK1, Akt, and PKCzeta in the gastrocnemius muscle, compared with control rats. Insulin stimulation of PDK1, Akt, and PKCzeta phosphorylation was also reduced. In addition, the expression of the protein tribbles-3 and the phosphatase enzyme activity of phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted on chromosome 10 (PTEN), which prevent Akt activation, were increased in muscle from EtOH-exposed rats. Female rat offspring exposed to EtOH in utero develop insulin-resistant diabetes in association with excessive PTEN and tribbles-3 signaling downstream of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase pathway in skeletal muscle, which may be a mechanism for the abnormal glucose tolerance.  相似文献   

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