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Bacteriophage T4 carrying an amber mutation in gene 22 plus an amber mutation in gene 21 form aberrant, tubular structures termed rough polyheads, instead of complete phage when they infect Escherichia coli B. These rough polyheads consist almost entirely of the major capsid protein in its uncleaved form (gp23). When rough polyheads are treated under mild conditions with any of the five proteases, trypsin, chymotrypsin, thermolysin, pronase, or the protease from Staphylococcus aureus V8, the gp23 is rapidly hydrolyzed at a limited number of peptide bonds. In contrast, cleaved capsid protein (gp23) in mature phage capsids is completely resistant to proteolysis under the same conditions. A major project in this laboratory requires determining the primary structure of gp23, a large protein (Mr = 58,000) quite rich in those amino acids at which cleavages are achieved by conventional means. Recovery of peptides from the complex mixtures resulting from such cleavages proved to be extremely difficult. The limited proteolysis of gp23 in rough polyheads had yielded a set of large, easily purified fragments which are greatly simplifying the task of determining the primary structure of this protein.  相似文献   

The head shell of bacteriophage T4 contains most likely only five different protein species: gp20, gp231, gp241, hoc and soc. Only gp231, the major head protein, hoc and soc are found in the tubular part of elongated capsids of giant bacteriophage T4. Giant T2 bacteriophages contain only gp231 in their tubular part. This difference between T2 and T4 bacteriophages correlates with some of their physico-chemical properties like instability/stability, respectively of the capsid to dissociation at higher pH or in the presence of detergents.In an attempt to understand this phenomenon at a molecular level, we present in this paper the complete primary structure of soc protein and discuss its relevance to future work.  相似文献   

A physicochemical study was made of the replication and transmission of UV-irradiated T4 genomes. The data presented in this paper justify the following conclusions. (i) For both low and high multiplicity of infection there was abundant replication from UV-irradiated parental templates. It exceeded by far the efficiency predicted by the hypothesis that a single lethal hit completely prevents replication of the killed phage DNA: i.e., some dead phage particles must replicate parts of thier DNA. (ii) Replication of the UV-irradiated DNA was repetitive as shown by density reversal experiments. (iii) Newly synthesized progeny DNA originating from UV-irradiated templates appeared as significantly shorter segments of the genomes than progeny DNA produced from non-UV-irradiated templates. A good correlation existed between the number of UV hits and the number of random cuts that would be needed to reduce replication fragments to the length observed. (iv) The contribution of UV-irradiated parental DNA among progeny phage in multiplicity reactivation was disposed in shorter subunits than was the DNA from unirradiated parental phage. It is important to emphasize that it was mainly in the form of replicative hybrid. These conclusions appear to justify excluding interparental recombination as a prerequisite for multiplicity reactivation. They lead directly to some form of partial replica hypothesis for multiplicity reactivation.  相似文献   

The baseplate of bacteriophage T4 is a multiprotein molecular machine that controls host cell recognition, attachment, tail sheath contraction and viral DNA ejection. We report here the three-dimensional structure of the baseplate-tail tube complex determined to a resolution of 12 A by cryoelectron microscopy. The baseplate has a six-fold symmetric, dome-like structure approximately 520 A in diameter and approximately 270 A long, assembled around a central hub. A 940 A-long and 96 A-diameter tail tube, coaxial with the hub, is connected to the top of the baseplate. At the center of the dome is a needle-like structure that was previously identified as a cell puncturing device. We have identified the locations of six proteins with known atomic structures, and established the position and shape of several other baseplate proteins. The baseplate structure suggests a mechanism of baseplate triggering and structural transition during the initial stages of T4 infection.  相似文献   

Giant T4 phage capsoids formed in canavanine-treated cultures infected by phage mutants in genes 21 and 17, respectively, differ with regard to cleavage of the major capsid protein, gp 23, and in the fine structure of their hexagonal surface lattices. Quantitative computer processing of electron micrographs shows that the significant differences in capsomer morphology amount to six symmetrically placed features present in the uncleaved hexamer but absent after cleavage. These features may be related with the N-terminal portions of gp 23 monomers excised by phage-specific proteolysis. Cleaved 17? giants can be induced to undergo a further structural transformation (expansion). Structural characteristics of partially transformed giant particles give clues about the dynamics of the cleavage and expansion transformations. Both processes appear to be polar, initiating in one cap and propagating along the particle. The transition zone of partial cleavage is diffuse, whereas the transition between unexpanded and expanded areas is confined to a narrow band of some 20 nm width.  相似文献   

Many large viral capsids require special pentameric proteins at their fivefold vertices. Nevertheless, deletion of the special vertex protein gene product 24 (gp24) in bacteriophage T4 can be compensated by mutations in the homologous major capsid protein gp23. The structure of such a mutant virus, determined by cryo-electron microscopy to 26 angstroms, shows that the gp24 pentamers are replaced by mutant major capsid protein (gp23) pentamers at the vertices, thus re-creating a viral capsid prior to the evolution of specialized major capsid proteins and vertex proteins. The mutant gp23* pentamer is structurally similar to the wild-type gp24* pentamer but the insertion domain is slightly more distant from the gp23* pentamer center. There are additional SOC molecules around the gp23* pentamers in the mutant virus that were not present around the gp24* pentamers in the wild-type virus.  相似文献   

The folate compound which is a structural component of the Escherichia coli T-even bacteriophage baseplates, has been identified as the hexaglutamyl form of folic acid using a new chromatographic procedure (Baugh, C.M., Braverman, E. and Nair, M.G. (1974) Biochemistry 13, 4952-4957). It has also been found that the host cell contains a variety of polyglutamyl forms of folic acid. The major form is the triglutamate (about 50%) but small amounts of higher molecular weight folates including the octaglutamate (1.8%) have been identified. Upon infection with wild-type T4D bacteriophage there is a shift in the distribution of the folate compounds so that the folyl polyglutamyl compounds having the higher molecular weights are increased. Infection of E. coli with baseplate mutants of T4D containing an amber mutation in gene 28 resulted in the formation of significant amounts (over 7%) of folate compound(s) of molecular weight much higher than those observed either in uninfected cells or cells infected with wild-type T4D. It is suggested that the T4D gene 28 product functions to cleave glutamate residues from high molecular weight folyl polyglutamates to increase the availability of the folyl hexaglutamate for virus assembly.  相似文献   

We have investigated the conformational basis of the expansion transformation that occurs upon maturation of the bacteriophage T4 prohead, by using laser Raman spectroscopy to determine the secondary structure of the major capsid protein in both the precursor and the mature states of the surface lattice. This transformation involves major changes in the physical, chemical, and immunological properties of the capsid and is preceded in vivo by processing of its major protein, gp23 (56 kDa), to gp23* (49 kDa), by proteolysis of its N-terminal gp23-delta domain. The respective secondary structures of gp23 in the unexpanded state, and of gp23* in the expanded state, were determined from the laser Raman spectra of polyheads, tubular polymorphic variants of the capsid. Similar measurements were also made on uncleaved polyheads that had been expanded in vitro and, for reference, on thermally denatured polyheads. We find that, with or without cleavage of gp23, expansion is accompanied by substantial changes in secondary structure, involving a major reduction in alpha-helix content and an increase in beta-sheet. The beta-sheet contents of gp23* or gp23 in the expanded state of the surface lattice, and even of gp23 in the unexpanded state, are sufficient for a domain with the "jellyroll" fold of antiparallel beta-sheets, previously detected in the capsid proteins of other icosahedral viruses.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

We have used translational diffusion coefficient measurements and subunit hydrodynamic theory to determine the dimensions and shape of bacterioophage T4D baseplates and tails. The diffusion coefficient of the baseplate, measured by quasielastic laser light scattering (QLS), was determined previously by Wagenknecht and Bloomfield to be D = 8.56 × 10?8 cm2/s. For the tail, we found D = 5.88 × 10?8 cm2/s by QLS, and D = 6.02 × 10?8 cm2/s by combining sedimentation coefficient and molecular weight in the Svedberg equation. These values, which have an uncertainty of ±2.7%, when combined with subunit hydrodynamic theory, enabled us to refine estimates of dimensions obtained by electron microscopy. For the hexagonal baseplate, the vertex-to-vertex distance is about 480 Å, the thickness is 160 Å, and there are six extended short fibers 320-Å long and 40 Å in diameter. When a baseplate of these dimensions is attached to a tail tube-sheath-connector complex 1050-Å long and 240 Å in diameter, the calculated D is 5.93 × 10?8 cm2/s, within 1% of experiment. This combined use of electron microscopy and hydrodynamics, using the former to ascertain shape, and the latter to obtain solution dimensions, is a powerful approach to the structure of biomolecular complexes.  相似文献   

The folate compound which is a structural component of the Escherichia coli T-even bacteriophage baseplates, has been identified as the hexaglutamyl form of folic acid using a new chromatographic procedure (Baugh, C.M., Braverman, E. and Nair, M.G. (1974) Biochemistry 13, 4952–4957). It has also been found that the host cell contains a variety of polyglutamyl forms of folic acid. The major form is the triglutamate (about 50%) but small amounts of higher molecular weightsfolates including the octaglutamate (1.8%) have been identified. Upon infection with wild-type T4D bacteriophage there is a shift in the distribution of the folate compounds so that the folyl polyglutamyl compounds having the higher molecular weights are increased. Infection of E. coli with baseplate mutants of T4D containing an amber mutation in gene 28 resulted in the formation of significant amounts (over 7%) of folate compound(s) of molecular weight much higher than those observed either in uninfected cells or cells infected with wild-type T4D. It is suggested that the T4D gene 28 product functions to cleave glutamate residues from high molecular weight folyl polyglutamates to increase the availability of the folyl hexaglutamate for virus assembly.  相似文献   

The phenotypic characteristics of 26 ptg mutations in T4 gene 23 are described. All were located in three tight clusters in that gene and, by definition of ptg mutations, all produced giant phage. Intermediate petite phage, which invariably made up a substantial fraction of the progeny of these mutants, appeared to be a unique product of gene 23 mutations. Isometric petite phage were produced in significant numbers by strains with mutations at only 4 of the 10 sites identified with the PTG phenotype. The data presented indicate that there was little if any variation in the lengths of the normal, the intermediate petite, and the isometric petite classes. The frequencies of those capsid types were fairly specific for the individual mutations. The giant capsids that resulted from ptg mutations also had characteristic length distributions, of which three types were distinguished. These highly specific effects of gene 23 ptg mutations on capsid length regulation of T4 imply that the product of gene 23, gp23, plays a significant role in controlling the length of its capsid. The restrictions these observations place on a model for T4 capsid length regulation are discussed briefly.  相似文献   

The tail of bacteriophage T4 undergoes large structural changes upon infection while delivering the phage genome into the host cell. The baseplate is located at the distal end of the contractile tail and plays a central role in transmitting the signal to the tail sheath that the tailfibers have been adsorbed by a host bacterium. This then triggers the sheath contraction. In order to understand the mechanism of assembly and conformational changes of the baseplate upon infection, we have determined the structure of an in vitro assembled baseplate through the three-dimensional reconstruction of cryo-electron microscopy images to a resolution of 3.8 Å from electron micrographs. The atomic structure was fitted to the baseplate structure before and after sheath contraction in order to elucidate the conformational changes that occur after bacteriophage T4 has attached itself to a cell surface. The structure was also used to investigate the protease digestion of the assembly intermediates and the mutation sites of the tail genes, resulting in a number of phenotypes.  相似文献   

Fibritin is a fibrous protein that forms "whiskers" attached to the neck of bacteriophage T4. Whiskers interact with the long tail fibers regulating the assembly and infectivity of the virus. The fibritin trimer includes the N-terminal domain responsible for attachment to the phage particle and for the collar formation, the central domain forming a 500 A long segmented coiled-coil structure, and the C-terminal "foldon" domain. We have designed a "mini" fibritin with most of the coiled-coil domain deleted, and solved its crystal structure. The non-helical N-terminal part represents a new protein fold that tightly interacts with the coiled-coil segment forming a single domain, as revealed by calorimetry. The analysis of the crystal structure and earlier electron microscopy data on the collar-whisker complex suggests the necessity of other proteins to participate in the collar formation. Crystal structure determination of the N-terminal domain of fibritin is the first step towards elucidating the detailed structure and assembly mechanism of the collar-whisker complex.  相似文献   

Unsupported, unstained frozen-hydrated extended tails of bacteriophage T4 have been studied by cryo-electron microscopy. Their three-dimensional structure has been reconstructed after correlation and averaging of the information from different particles. While the reconstructions of hydrated tails show all the features found by conventional electron microscopy, they are characterized by an open structure. Individual subunits constituting the axial repeat cannot be outlined unambiguously, as the density connectivity is sensitive to the phase-contrast transfer function effects. In order to minimize these effects, we found that the best data set for three-dimensional reconstruction is composed of layer-lines corrected for the phase-contrast transfer function and an uncorrected equator.  相似文献   

Ten UV-sensitive mutants of T4D with the v phenotype were isolated. Of these ten mutants, two are amber and two opal. In UV curves and in photoreactivation and multiplicity reactivation (MR) experiments the nonsense mutants show the v phenotype in su hosts and almost the T4+ phenotype in su+ hosts. The mutations are located between rI and e and are alleles of v1. In crosses with irradiated and non-irradiated phages the recombinant frequency is not reduced by uvs5.Amber uvs5 propagated in CR63 su+ is with B su just as sensitive to UV as uvs5 propagated in B su, which permits the conclusion that the capsid of T4 phage particles does not contain the v gene product.In addition, four mutants with a relative UV sensitivity equal to that of T4x were isolated. These are discussed in the next paper33.  相似文献   

A mutation (byp24) affecting the N-terminal region of p23 will suppress the lethal effects of am and ts mutations in gene 24. In the presence of normal p24, the byp24 alteration causes a delay in the cleavage of capsid proteins and the assembly of a high percentage of isometric, short-headed particles; therefore, the byp24 mutation can affect the length of the T4 capsid. In the absence of p24, 24?byp24 double mutants show a reduced rate of cleavage of capsid precursor proteins, and a reduced rate of virus assembly.Iminunoprecipitation with anti-p24 serum has shown the presence of both p24 and p24c in wild-type phage particles. The 24?byp24 particles contain no p24 or p24c, as determined by immunoprecipitation, urea/acrylamide gel electrophoresis, and two-dimensional isoelectric focusing, urea/acrylamide gradient gel electrophoresis. They have a normal electron microscopic appearance, pH stability, and heat stability; but they are more resistant to osmotic shock than wild-type T4. We suggest that p24 normally functions in the initiation of phage T4 capsid protein cleavage reactions.  相似文献   

Three basic proteins of low molecular weight (about 8000, 10,000 and 18,000) were isolated from the T4D phage particle. Many molecules of each protein are located within the phage head, possibly in association with the DNA, and together with the proteins which form the head membrane comprise most of the head structural protein. The purified internal proteins were characterized by physicochemical and immunological techniques; a radio-immunoassay allowed measurement of their synthesis in phage infected bacteria. Each internal protein is synthesized at both early and late times after infection. Their structural genes are present in the phage genome, but do not appear to be among the known amber mutant-containing genes of T4D. No evidence was found to suggest that the internal proteins are formed from a common precursor molecule, nor are their origins related to those of the internal peptides; however, one of the internal proteins may be altered before its incorporation into the phage. Pulse-chase experiments with two of these proteins show that they are incorporated into certain defective T4D heads. Whether or not they are incorporated appears to depend on the degree of completion of these heads, perhaps with respect to DNA packaging.  相似文献   

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