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The spatial pattern and occurrence of a threatened bryophyte, Neckera pennata. were studied in relation to the abundance and pattern of suitable substrate trees at two spatial scales: 1) in a 4 x 4 km fraction of fragmented, mostly managed southern boreal forest landscape, and 2) in an old-growth forest stand within this landscape, with abundant occurrence of suitable habitats. To explore in detail the spatial clustering of N. pennata at the forest stand scale, we applied a second order point process analysis based on the Ripley's K-function for binary point patterns, Neckera pennata proved to be a rare species in the studied landscape: it was found only on 31 Populus tremula trees. At the landscape scale, the distribution of the species was highly aggregated: the species occurred only within a 60 ha old-growth forest patch in the whole area. At the forest stand scale, N. pennata proved to be a widespread, randomly distributed species without any tendency towards aggregation. It was found on 19 Populus trees, which was only 1.5% of the total 1253 potential substrate trees within the inventory area. The species showed a statistically significant preference towards large trees. The future of the species in the study area is unclear due to 1) the very low population density and 2) the lack of regeneration of Populus within the protected old-growth forest area hosting the remaining population.  相似文献   

Considerable scientific effort has gone into examining how the spatial structure of habitat influences organism distribution and abundance in both theoretical and applied contexts. An emerging conclusion from these works is that the overall amount of habitat in the landscape matters most for species persistence and that more local attributes of habitat structure such as the size and arrangement of patches is of secondary importance. In this study, we quantify how and when the effects of habitat configuration (patch size and isolation) influence the density of three species of insects (Order: Diptera; Wyeomyia smithii , Metriocnemus knabi , Fletcherimyia fletcheri ) whose larvae are found exclusively in identical habitats (the water-filled leaves of pitcher plants – Sarracenia purpurea ) in a system that is naturally patchy at multiple spatial scales. We illustrate that relationships with configuration exist regardless of the overall amount of habitat in the broader landscape, and that there are distinct changes in the relationship between insect density and habitat configuration across multiple spatial scales. In general, patch size is more important within the movement range of the individual and isolation is important at larger, aggregation scales. Thus we demonstrate that a) both the amount and configuration of habitat are important attributes of species distribution; b) responses to measures of configuration can be scaled to processes such as movement and c) that hierarchical frameworks extending across very broad scales are essential for understanding how species respond to habitat structure and their role in ecosystem function.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the relative contributions of the environment, landscape patterns, and spatial structure to explaining the variation in richness of rare woody species at three levels of rarity (low, medium, and high) and at different grain sizes and spatial extents. We used herbarium records of 195 rare woody species to quantify species richness—overall and for three levels of rarity—of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. We assessed relationships between rare species richness and different sets of explanatory variables (environmental, landscape patterns, and spatial structure of sampling units) using linear regression and variation partitioning analyses at three grain sizes (625, 400, and 225 km2). We also conducted a principle coordinates of neighbor matrices analysis to allow interpretation of the results in terms of different spatial extents. The percentage of variation in rare species richness explained by the models was highest for the largest grain size and spatial extent. At the larger extents, rare species richness was explained mainly by the environment, whereas landscape patterns played a more prominent role at the local extent. Landscape patterns also contributed more to explaining species richness at low to medium levels of rarity, whereas the richness of extremely rare species was better explained by spatial structure. We conclude that the relative contribution of the factors explaining the variation of rare species richness depends on both grain and extent, as well as on the level of rarity. These results underscore the importance of considering the different components of scale (grain and extent) as well as different levels of species rarity in order to better understand the patterns of distribution of rare species richness and to be able to frame appropriate conservation strategies.  相似文献   

张莹  雷国平  林佳  张慧 《生态学杂志》2012,31(5):1250-1256
景观格局变化下的区域生态风险研究可以为保护区域景观生态系统健康,实现区域资源的合理和可持续利用提供重要科学依据。以扎龙自然保护区为研究区,利用遥感手段提取景观类型信息,定量分析不同空间尺度下研究区景观格局时空变化特征和演变规律。根据研究区景观格局变化特点构建景观生态风险指数,对研究区不同时期空间尺度变化过程中景观生态风险时空变化特征进行分析。研究表明:1995—2010年研究区不同空间尺度下景观总体格局和各景观类型格局变化显著,呈现不同变化特征;景观生态风险随空间粒度的增大而减小。对比分析两期数据,研究区景观生态风险加剧,其空间分布均呈环形扩散特征。根据本研究区区域面积大小和景观格局复杂程度,确定了景观格局和景观生态风险研究的适宜尺度域。  相似文献   

Aim This study addresses how species resolve environmental differences into biological habitats at multiple, interacting spatial scales. How do patterns of local habitat use change along an elevation gradient? How do patterns of local habitat partitioning interact with partitioning at a landscape scale? Location Northern and southern Lesser Antilles islands, West Indies. Methods We document how Anolis Daudin, 1802 lizards partition habitat locally at sites along a landscape‐scale elevation gradient. We examine habitat partitioning both with and without interspecific interactions in the predominately flat northern Lesser Antilles islands and in the more mountainous southern islands. Results Anoles partition local habitat along perch‐height and microclimate axes. Northern‐group sympatric anoles partition local habitat by perch height and have overlapping distributions at the landscape scale. Southern‐group sympatric anoles partition local habitat by microclimate and specialize in particular habitats at the landscape scale. In both the northern and southern groups, species use different perch heights and microclimates only in areas of species overlap along the elevation gradient. Main conclusions We demonstrate the interaction between local‐ and landscape‐scale habitat partitioning. In the case of microclimate partitioning, the interaction results from the use of thermal physiology to partition habitat at multiple scales. This interaction prompts the question of whether habitat partitioning developed ‘local‐out’ or ‘landscape‐in’. We pose this dichotomy and present a framework for its resolution.  相似文献   

Local community structure and interactions have been shown to depend partly on landscape context. In this paper we tested the hypothesis that the spatial scale experienced by an organism depends on its trophic level. We analyzed plant-herbivore and herbivore-parasitoid interactions in 15 agricultural landscapes differing in structural complexity using the rape pollen beetle ( Meligethes aeneus ), an important pest on oilseed rape ( Brassica napus ), and its parasitoids. In the very center of each landscape a patch of potted rape plants was placed in a grassy field margin strip for standardized measurement. Percent non-crop area of landscapes was negatively related to plant damage caused by herbivory and positively to the herbivores' larval mortality resulting from parasitism. In a geographic scale analysis, we quantified the structure of the 15 landscapes for eight circular sectors ranging from 0.5 to 6 km diameter. Correlations between parasitism and non-crop areas as well as between herbivory and non-crop area were strongest at a scale of 1.5 km, thereby not supporting the view that higher trophic levels experience the world at a larger spatial scale. However, the predictive power of non-crop area changed only slightly for herbivory, but greatly with respect to parasitism as scales from 0.5 to 1.5 km and from 1.5 to 6 km diameter increased. Furthermore, the effect of non-crop area tended to be stronger in parasitism than herbivory suggesting a greater effect of changes in landscape context on parasitoids. This is in support of the general idea that higher trophic levels should be more susceptible to disturbance.  相似文献   

Dispersal is a key process in metacommunity dynamics, allowing the maintenance of diversity in complex community networks. Geographic distance is usually used as a surrogate for connectivity implying that communities that are closely located are considered more prone to exchange individuals than distant communities. However, in some natural systems, organisms may be subjected to directional dispersal (air or water flows, particular landscape configuration), possibly leading close communities to be isolated from each other and distant communities to be connected. Using geographic distance as a proxy for realised connectivity may then yield misleading results regarding the role of dispersal in structuring communities in such systems. Here, we quantified the relative importance of flow connectivity, geographic distance, and environmental gradients to explain polychaete metacommunity structure along the coasts of the Gulf of Lions (northwest Mediterranean Sea). Flow connectivity was estimated by Lagrangian particle dispersal simulations. Our results revealed that this metacommunity is strongly structured by the environment at large spatial scales, and that both flow connectivity and geographic distance play an important role within homogeneous environments at smaller spatial scales. We thus strongly advocate for a wider use of connectivity measures, in addition to geographic distance, to study spatial patterns of biological diversity (e.g. distance decay) and to infer the processes behind these patterns at different spatial scales. Synthesis Everything is connected, but connections are seldom accurately quantified. Biological communities are often studied separately, using observations, experiments and models to unravel local dynamics of organisms interacting with each other. However, regional processes such as dispersal through ocean and air circulation, likely to connect distant communities and influence their local dynamics, are not always accounted for, or, at best, used as an homogeneous and distance‐related factor. Ocean models have being extensively developed and validated during the past decades with the increasing availability of accurate meteorological data. Using such model outputs, precise quantifi cation of exchange rates of organisms between communities was performed in a marine Mediterranean coastal area. Jointly with local environmental and biological data, these results were used to quantify the effects of realistic connectivity on local and regional polychaete community structure, and revealed that the environmental gradient, geographic distance, and connectivity were responsible for community structure at different spatial scales.  相似文献   

Agricultural decline and urbanization entail rapid alterations of the patterns of organization of rural landscapes in Europe. The spread of the urban footprint to the adjacent countryside contributes to the development of new anthropogenic ecosystems in formerly rural hinterlands. In this study, butterflies are considered as biological indicators of these rapid environmental changes. Our purpose is to better understand changes in biodiversity related to the evolution of available habitats in a mutating landscape. In this study, we investigate butterfly communities of four land-use types (fallow lands, gardens, vineyards, woodlands) within different landscape contexts. Our results reveal that variations in structure and functional composition of these communities are related to different levels of human disturbance at both landscape scale and habitat scale.  相似文献   

范敏  彭羽  王庆慧  米凯  卿凤婷 《生态学报》2018,38(7):2450-2461
景观格局是植物多样性的重要影响因素,为了探明沙地景观格局与植物多样性的关系及其空间尺度效应,以浑善达克沙地腹地为研究区,采用样方法进行植物群落学调查,基于GIS和遥感分析技术,分析景观格局指数,计算了10个尺度(100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900,1000m)下33个景观格局指数,利用双变量相关性分析法筛选出不同尺度下与植物多样性显著相关的指数;运用逐步回归的方法识别不同尺度下对植物多样性贡献显著的景观格局指数,并进行拟合检验。研究结果表明:景观格局指数对物种多样性影响具有显著的尺度依赖性。在所有空间尺度,景观格局指数主要对Shannon多样性指数和β指数影响较大;在100m尺度下,Shannon指数逐步回归R~2值达到最大(0.138);β指数在900m尺度下R2值达到最大值(0.2)。拟合检验发现,在500m尺度下,均匀度指数、Shannon多样性指数和β多样性指数实测值和预测值拟合均达到显著水平(P0.05),故认为500m尺度下,景观格局对植物多样性影响较大。因此,在不同尺度下管理和保护沙地植物多样性,应综合考虑景观格局指数的尺度效应,根据需要建立和优化有利于植物多样性的景观格局。  相似文献   

1. We studied the relative role of local habitat variables and landscape pattern on vole–plant interactions in a system with grey-sided voles ( Clethrionomys rufocanus (Sund.)) and their favourite winter food plant, bilberry ( Vaccinium myrtillus L.). The study was conducted during a vole peak year (1992–93) in a tundra area in northern Norway.
2. Using Mantel statistics we were able to separate the direct effects of the spatial patterning of habitats and the indirect effects due to spatial aggregations of similar habitats.
3. Results indicate that knowledge about the explicit spatial patterning of patches does not improve our understanding of the system. Instead, two local factors, vegetation height and bilberry biomass, explained more than 50% of the variation in cutting intensity in winter (defined as the proportion of above-ground shoots cut). Increasing vegetation height increased, and increasing bilberry biomass decreased, the cutting intensity.
4. The conclusion that grey-sided voles are able to distribute themselves relative to habitat quality was also partially supported by our estimated over-winter persistence by voles in the various habitats. Vole persistence was uncorrelated with vegetation height, the important predictor of autumn vole density, but tended to correlate with the deviation from the relation between vegetation height and autumn vole density. This conforms to the expectations from the theory of ideal-free habitat distribution.
5. The cue for vole habitat choice, i.e. vegetation height, indicates that either predation or freezing risk is important for voles when selecting over-wintering habitat.  相似文献   

1. In most cases, the most important determinant of wetland vegetation is the water regime. Although water regime is usually described and managed at the scale of whole wetlands, the patterning of vegetation is likely to be determined by water regimes that are experienced at much finer spatial scales. In this study, we assess the significance of internal heterogeneity in water regimes and the role that this heterogeneity plays in vegetation patterning. 2. The effects of water regime on wetland plant species richness and vegetation structure were studied at Dowd Morass, a 1500 ha, Ramsar‐listed wetland in south‐eastern Australia that is topographically heterogeneous. Data on plant variables and water depth were collected along 45 (50 m) transects throughout the wetland and related to water regimes assigned individually for each transect. Wetland plants were assigned to plant functional groups (PFG) that describe the response of plants to the presence or absence of water at different life stages. 3. The classification of water depth data indicated four distinct water regimes in the wetland that were differentiated primarily by the duration of the dry period. Representatives of all PFGs co‐existed over small spatial scales where topographical variation was present, and the richness and cover of understorey species declined as transects became more deeply and permanently flooded. Some PFGs (e.g. amphibious fluctuation tolerator‐low growing and amphibious fluctuation responder‐morphologically plastic) were eliminated by extended periods of flooding, which increased the cover but not richness of submerged plants. Species richness and foliage projective cover declined as water regimes shifted from shallow and frequently exposed conditions to regimes typified by deeper and longer inundation. Cover of the structurally dominant woody species was compromised by deeply flooded conditions but vegetative regeneration occurred despite high water levels. 4. Internal topographical variation generates mosaics of water regimes at fine spatial scales that allow plant species with different water regime requirements to co‐exist over small distances. Deep water and an absence of dry periods result in decreased cover of plants and an overall loss of species richness in the understorey. Water regimes are described that promote regeneration and cover of structurally dominant taxa and increased species richness in the understorey. The study demonstrates a strong association between vegetation and the diverse water regimes that exist within a single wetland, a pattern that will be useful for modelling the effects of modified water regimes on wetland vegetation.  相似文献   

景观组成、结构和梯度格局对植物多样性的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
植物多样性作为生物多样性研究的主要内容,一直以来受到广泛关注。近20年来,随着景观生态学的兴起和地理信息技术的发展,景观生态学与岛屿生物地理学、异质种群理论相结合,在植物多样性的保护和利用研究中得到运用。本文就在这3个理论的基础上,简述了景观组成(斑块、廊道、基质)、景观结构(斑块面积、边缘、隔离程度)和梯度格局(海拔、演替、土壤养分、干扰)对植物多样性的影响,强调了地理信息技术应用的重要性和景观层次上进行植物多样性研究的必要性。因此,在多个尺度上共同研究多个影响因子对植物多样性的复合作用,利于进一步揭示植物多样性的变化过程及其机制,有利于植物多样性的保护和利用。  相似文献   

Changes of the structure of a community of Spheciformes wasps (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) along a 15 year recovery gradient after wildfires in a Mediterranean agroecosystem are reported and analysed. The species that contribute to determining the structure, change in dominance amongst the most abundant species, and variation in guild structure of the community with the passage of time since fire, as well as the environmental variables contributing to the structure of the community are also analyzed. Mediterranean Spheciformes communities are highly resistant to fire. The sampling year, representative of different climate conditions, and the time since the fire, were the main variables which affected community variation local conditions of the habitat was more important than time since fire in determining community. Local conditions; presence of trophic resources, nesting sites, and presence of prey for feeding the larvae, depended on climatological conditions and the time since fire. Variations were detected in the dominance values of the most abundant species, together with displacements among species within the same genus, as a function of the local conditions, the existing resources, and the time since the wildfire. Therefore, change in community structure cannot be attributed solely to the effect of the fire, as both climatic and environmental conditions contribute to community structure.  相似文献   

Spatial patterns of entomopathogenic and other free‐living nematode populations were analyzed at the landscape scale. Free‐living bacterial feeder populations can be classified into trophic groups based on their functional and life history characteristics. Differences in life history traits were hypothesized to result in different spatial structures of populations. Spatial autocorrelations (Moran's I index) and exponential variogram models were calculated and estimated for each trophic group, including entomopathogenic nematodes, and comparisons were made among them. Spatial autocorrelation results showed that the spatial structure of entomopathogenic nematode populations is similar to that of relatively r‐selected free‐living bacterial feeders, which share several life history traits with entomopathogenic nematodes.  相似文献   

Understanding dispersal patterns, population structure and connectivity among populations is helpful in the management and conservation of threatened species. Molecular markers are useful tools as indirect estimators of these characteristics. In this study, we assess the population genetic structure of the orange coral Astroides calycularis in the Alboran Sea at local and regional scale, and at three localities outside of this basin. Bayesian clustering methods, traditional F-statistics and D(est) statistics were used to determine the patterns of genetic structure. Likelihood and coalescence approaches were used to infer migration patterns and effective population sizes. The results obtained reveal a high level of connectivity among localities separated by as much as 1 km and moderate levels of genetic differentiation among more distant localities, somewhat corresponding with a stepping-stone model of gene flow and connectivity. These data suggest that connectivity among populations of this coral is mainly driven by the biology of the species, with low dispersal abilities; in addition, hydrodynamic processes, oceanographic fronts and the distribution of rocky substrate along the coastline may influence larval dispersal.  相似文献   

1. We examined whether the anthropogenic degradation of wetlands leads to homogenization of the biota at local and/or landscape scales and, if so, what specific factors account for such an effect. We compared 16 isolated wetlands (Michigan, U.S.A.) that varied in surrounding land use: half had developed, and half undeveloped, riparian zones. Samples of macrophytes, epiphytic diatoms, zooplankton, macroinvertebrates and water chemistry were collected along three transects in each wetland. 2. Developed wetlands were more nutrient‐rich with higher Cl concentrations. The plant community at developed sites was dominated by Lemnaceae (duckweed), while undeveloped wetlands were dominated by rooted, floating‐leaved vegetation and sensitive plant species. Undeveloped wetlands contained heterogeneous and species‐rich plant communities, greater species richness of zooplankton and diatoms, and heterogeneous zooplankton distributions as compared to developed sites. 3. A comparison among wetlands showed that diatom and zooplankton assemblages in developed wetlands were nested subsets of richer biota found in less developed wetlands. Conversely, plant communities were more heterogeneously distributed among developed wetlands at the landscape level. This may be attributable to patchy invasions by exotic species, which were a feature of the degraded wetlands within developed landscapes. 4. Our results indicate that several taxonomic groups showed similar, probably inter‐dependent, responses to wetland degradation and habitat homogenization at both the local and landscape scales. This change in community structure from a species‐rich and heterogeneous community dominated by floating‐leaved plants in undeveloped wetlands, to nutrient‐rich wetlands dominated by duckweed may represent a shift to an alternate stable state.  相似文献   

Explaining the causes of regular multi annual oscillations (cycles) in animal populations has been a major problem for ecology, partly due to a lack of methodological rigor. In this paper we show how the analysis of R-functions, the functional relationship between the per capita rate of change of a species and components of its environment, can be used to detect the causes of population cycles. Analysis of the R-functions enables one to separate cycles due to negative feedback between species (endogenous causes) from those forced by one-way effects (exogenous causes). We illustrate the approach by reference to the spruce needle-miner inhabiting Danish spruce plantations, and conclude that population cycles in this insect are probably caused by interactions with two species of parasitic hymenoptera.  相似文献   

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