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  1. In order to analyze the role of both the fruit-coat and theendosperm in the germination of Grand Rapids lettuce seed andin the elongation of the embryo, the seeds were subjected toa number of operations. The fruit-coat was found to make onlya minor con tribution to the photosensitivity of the seed. Thefact that 100% germination of these seeds can occur in completedarkness, when the restraining influence of the endosperm isremoved by appropriate cuts, makes clear that it is the integrityof the endosperm layer that lecides the photosensitivity ofthe seed to red and far-red light. Thus it is deduced that theeffect of light is exerted primarily on the mechanical propertiesof the endosperm layer.
  2. Neither red nor far-red light wasfound to affect the elongationof the radicle of de-coated seeds,whereas both powerfully affectthe germination of intact seeds.It follows that radicle elongationis not itself the limitingfactor in germination, although ofcourse it follows immediatelyupon the germination process proper.
  3. In order to account forthe ability of red light to initiategermination, it is proposedthat the final step in the germinationcontrol process is theproduction of an enzyme whose actionenables the tip of theradicle to penetrate through the coat.This makes it possiblefor the radicle to begin elongating.Although the detectionof such an enzyme in the radicle wasnot successful, the cotyledonsdo produce both a pectinase andan enzyme hydrolyzing carboxymethylcellulose.Furthermore, seedsinjected with a cellulolytic, hemicellulolyticor pectolyticenzyme germinated to nearly the maximum extentin the dark.This gives considerable support to the hypothesis.
1 Present address: Johnson Foundation for Medical Physics, Universityof Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa., U. S. A. (Received December 5, 1962; )  相似文献   

Common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) seeds were stored under natural environmental conditions by placing them at three soil levels (surface, 5 cm, and 15 cm) in the field on November 1, 1972. Germination tests at 4-week intervals indicated that dormancy was broken by the end of January. Germination was initially greater at high temperatures, but this difference decreased with increasing time in the field. Secondary dormancy was evident in surface seeds by March 21 but not until April 18 at 5 cm and June 13 at 15 cm. Germination in the field was greatest at the surface but was observed at all soil levels by March 21. Seedling survival was 68% at the surface and 0% at 5 and 15 cm on June 13. Maximum and minimum soil temperatures were recorded at each soil level during the experiment and were correlated with the results. Greater germination and survival at the surface supports the evidence for ragweed's dependence on soil disturbance for germination, and the induction of secondary dormancy explains why ragweed does not constitute a dominant part of the vegetation when disturbance occurs after the soil warms to a critical point in the summer.  相似文献   

The pattern and sequence of zein degradation in the endosperm of germinating maize seeds were investigated by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and by immunostaining Western blots with a monoclonal antibody to α-zein and polyclonal antibodies to β-, γ-, and δ-zeins. The results indicated: 1) the degradation of the predominant α-zein fraction (23.8 and 26.7 kD) started on the 5th day after germination (DAG) and continued gradually until the 10th DAG with a small amount remaining undegraded up to the 26th DAG; 2) β-zein (17 kD) began to be degraded on the 2d DAG, and the degradation of the 17 kD polypeptide was completed by the 7th DAG; 3) γ-zeins (27 and 18 kD) were the first zeins to be degraded, and the degradations of γ-zeinl (27 kD) and γ-zein2 (18 kD) were complete by the 3rd and 4th DAG, respectively; and 4) the degradation of δ-zein (10 kD) began on the 4th DAG and was complete by the 7th DAG. Based on these results, the following arrangement of zein polypeptides within the protein bodies is postulated, assuming that the proteolytic events start at the periphery and processed towards the core of the protein body: 1) γ-zeins are situated around the periphery of the protein bodies and are possibly a structural component of the protein body membrane or directly anchored in the membrane; 2) β-zein would be internal to γ-zeins; and 3) α-zein and δ-zein would be in the protein body core. This arrangement is largely consistent with published data on the immunocytochemical localization of zeins, and it indicates that the different classes of zein are not randomly organized within the matrix of the protein body.  相似文献   

The photorequirement for the germination of Eragrostis seedsdecreases with the progress of their after-ripening, and thegermination occurs whether in continuous light or in darknessat the final stage of after-ripening. The dehydration of seedsor the puncturing of seed coats also results in a decrease ofphotorequirement for germination. The rate of water absorptionof seeds increases with the germination capacity under continuousdark condition. However, there is no correlation between therespiration rate and the germination capacity; respiration isstimulated in the punctured seeds, but not in the after-ripenedseeds. The after-ripened or punctured seeds which no longer have aphotorequirement become light-sensitive again, when they areallowed to germinate in the air of low oxygen concentrations.The assumption is presented that the permeability to oxygenof the seed coat may be a factor controlling the seed germinationof this species. (Received August 21, 1964; )  相似文献   

电场处理油葵种子后对其萌发期抗旱性的影响   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
用不同电场条件处理油葵种子,以PEG(聚乙二醇)模拟水分胁迫,通过高渗溶液萌发法、种子吸水率和膜脂过氧化检测法测定电场处理对油葵种子萌发期抗旱性的影响。结果表明,不同处理条件对油葵种子在萌发期对水分胁迫的适应性影响不同。通过电场处理能够提高油葵种子吸水速率及在水分胁迫条件下的发芽势、发芽率;降低水分胁迫对种子细胞膜的伤害,提高种子萌发期体内超氧化物歧化酶、过氧化物醇的活性,减少了膜脂过氧化产物丙二醛的积累。所有这些变化都有利于缓解水分胁迫对油葵种子的伤害,提高其对水分胁迫的适应性。  相似文献   

Stratification of common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) seeds at 4 C was most successful for breaking dormancy, whereas -5 C was least effective and 10 C was intermediate. Germination in the light exceeded that in the dark at all stratification and germination temperatures. The optimum temperatures for germination in the light were 10/20, 15/25, and 20/30. Maximum germination in the dark occurred at 20/30 C for seeds stratified at 4 and 10 C but the optimum temperatures for seeds stratified at -5 C were 10/20, 15/25, and 20/30. Seeds stratified at -5 and 10 C germinated best after 15 weeks of stratification, whereas 12 weeks of stratification at 4 C resulted in maximum germination. Secondary dormancy was induced in seeds which did not germinate in the dark. This was affected by stratification temperature and duration and germination temperature. The ecological significance of these germination characteristics is discussed.  相似文献   

赤霉素与脱落酸对番茄种子萌发中细胞周期的调控   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
利用细胞流检仪检测番茄(Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) GA-缺陷型、ABA-缺陷型和相应的正常品种(野生型)成熟种子胚根尖细胞倍性水平时发现:GA-缺陷型和野生型种子绝大多数细胞DNA 水平为2C,而ABA-缺陷型种子则含有较多的4C细胞。在标准发芽条件下,ABA-缺陷型和野生型种子浸种1 d 后胚根尖细胞DNA 开始复制,随后胚根突破种皮而发芽。然而GA-缺陷型种子除非加入外源GA,否则既不发生细胞DNA 复制,也不发芽。这说明内源GA 是启动番茄种子胚根尖细胞DNA 复制的关键因素,同时也说明番茄根尖细胞DNA 复制是种子发芽的必要条件。实验证明:ABA 不抑制细胞DNA 合成,但阻止G2 细胞进入到M 期。外源ABA处理野生型种子与渗控处理结果相似,可以大幅度提高胚根尖4C/2C细胞的比例,但抑制种子的最终发芽  相似文献   

1. The effects of gibberellin, kinetin, potassium nitrate, andtheir interactions in the germination of light-sensitive tobaccoseeds were studied. 2. Gibberellin was very effective in inducing the dark germinationof tobacco seeds, and a linear relation was found to exist betweenthe germination rate and the concentration of gibberellin ifa suitable temperature was chosen for germination. This linearrelation was, however, changed by illumination and by a raisedtemperature in the manner that the germination on lower concentrationsof gibberellin was increased by the former and decreased bythe latter. 3. Kinetin was effective in promoting the tobacco seed germinationonly when the seeds were irradiated. This light effect was,however, limited only to the longer wavelengths in the visibleregion. The red effect was found to be reversed by infra-redirradiation under the influence of kinetin. 4. The combination of gibberellin and kinetin was synergisticin promoting the tobacco seed germination both in the lightand in the dark, whereas the combination of potassium nitrateand gibberellin or kinetin was synergistic only in the light. (Received November 1, 1960; )  相似文献   

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