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During the life cycle of Physarum polycephalum, uninucleate amoebae develop into multinucleate syncytial plasmodia. These two cell types differ greatly in cellular organisation, behaviour and gene expression. Classical genetic analysis has identified the mating-type gene, matA, as the key gene controlling the initiation of plasmodium development, but nothing is known about the molecular events controlled by matA. In order to identify genes involved in regulating plasmodium formation, we constructed a subtracted cDNA library from cells undergoing development. Three genes that have their highest levels of expression during plasmodium development were identified: redA, redB (regulated in development) and mynD (myosin). Both redA and redB are single-copy genes and are not members of gene families. Although redA has no significant sequence similarities to known genes, redB has sequence similarity to invertebrate sarcoplasmic calcium-binding proteins. The mynD gene is closely related to type II myosin heavy-chain genes from many organisms and is one of a family of type II myosin genes in P. polycephalum. Our results indicate that many more red genes remain to be identified, some of which may play key roles in controlling plasmodium formation. Received: 21 June 1999 / Accepted: 17 August 1999  相似文献   

The two vegetative cell types of the acellular slime mould Physarum polycephalum - amoebae and plasmodia - differ greatly in cellular organisation and behaviour as a result of differences in gene expression. The development of uninucleate amoebae into multinucleate, syncytial plasmodia is under the control of the mating-type locus matA, which is a complex, multi-functional locus. A key period during plasmodium development is the extended cell cycle, which occurs in the developing uninucleate cell. During this long cell cycle, many of the changes in cellular organisation that accompany development into the multinucleate stage are initiated including, for example, alterations in microtubule organisation. Genes have been identified that show cell-type specific expression in either amoebae or plasmodia and many of these genes alter their pattern of expression during the extended cell cycle. With the introduction of a DNA transformation system for P. polycephalum, it is now possible to investigate the functions of genes in the vegetative cell types and their roles in the cellular reorganisations accompanying development.  相似文献   

The morphogenesis of plasmodium in Didymium megalosporum was observed for the first time by hanging drop culture and 3 % oat-agar culture under controlled conditions. The development of plasmodium was characteristic formation process of phaneroplasmodium. The mature plasmodium was white yellow or yellow green in color, and had an extending fan-like sheet at the front, followed by a network of veins. It could be easy to fuse into a bigger plasmodium during the formation and die at high temperature or starvation. In view of the important role of alpha-tubulin during the morphogenesis of plasmodium, we sequenced partial sequence of alpha-tubulin gene, a total length of 1,159 bp, in this plasmodium. It had an intron area from 177 to 235 bp, and the exon area had a similarity of 91 % relative to altA locus of alpha-tubulin gene in Physarum polycephalum, the translated amino acid sequence was identical (100 % match) between the two.  相似文献   

The light stimulus, which under conditions of starvation induces the development of sporangia in the slime mold Physarum polycephalum, can be transferred from the light-exposed part to the unexposed part of a plasmodium by means of plasma circulation. A small quantity of protoplasm from a sporulating donor plasmodium, which had passed through the premorphogenetic phase, was transferred by a short period fusion with a briefly starved, light-induction-incompetent acceptor plasmodium. This led to sporulation and even to a reduction of the premorphogenetic phase from 9 down to 3 h in the acceptor plasmodium. After fusion with a sporulating plasmodium, a highly starved plasmodium from a non-sporogenic culture line or a growing plasmodium from a normal line prevents further morphogenesis of sporangia in the sporulating partner.  相似文献   

We have tested the hypothesis which stipulates that only early-replicating genes are capable of expression. Within one cell type of Physarum - the plasmodium - we defined the temporal order of replication of 10 genes which were known to be variably expressed in 4 different developmental stages of the Physarum life cycle. Southern analysis of density-labeled, bromodesoxyuridine-substituted DNA reveals that 4 genes presumably inactive within the plasmodium, were not restricted to any temporal compartment of S-phase: 1 is replicated in early S-phase, 2 in mid S-phase and 1 in late S-phase. On the other hand, 4 out of 6 active genes analysed are duplicated early, with the first 30% of the genome. Surprisingly, the two others active genes are replicated late in S-phase. By gene-dosage analysis, based on quantitation of hybridization signals from early and late replicating genes throughout S-phase, we could pinpoint the replication of one of these two genes at a stage where 80-85% of the genome has duplicated. Our results demonstrate that late replication during S-phase does not preclude gene activity.  相似文献   

The effects of wortmannin and LY294002, specific inhibitors of phosphoinositide-3-kinase, on the shape, locomotive behavior, and glucose chemotaxis were studied using the Physarum polycephalum plasmodium, a multinuclear amoeboid cell with the self-oscillatory mode of locomotive behavior. Both inhibitors were shown to cause a reduction in the plasmodium frontal edge and a decrease in the efficiency of mass transfer during migration. They also suppressed the chemotaxis towards glucose and eliminated the characteristic changes in self-oscillatory behavior normally observed in response to the treatment of the whole plasmodium with glucose. The manifestation of these effects depended on the inhibitor concentration, treatment duration, and size of plasmodium. The involvement of phosphoinositide-3-kinase in formation of the frontal edge and control of P. polycephalum plasmodium chemotaxis suggests that the correlation of polar shape and directional movement of amoeboid cells with the distribution of phosphoinositides in the plasma membrane has a universal nature.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to clarify the role of the electrical activity of the Physarum polycephalum plasmodium in the control of the contractile activity and self-organization of the directed locomotion. This single-celled organism with a non-excitable membrane is a classic object that is used in studies of amoeboid motility. Its patterns of motor behavior and signal systems are common for many tissue cells. The presence of 50 mM KCl in an agar substrate under half of a separate plasmodial strand strongly inhibits the formation of the frontal zone and leads to sharp morphological polarization of the strand, which suggests the involvement of electrical processes in the autowave self-organization of the plasmodial structure. The gigantic sizes of the plasmodium make it possible to record its electrical activity simultaneously at different parts of the cell. It has been established that potentials and currents at parts of the plasmodium that are distant from each other oscillate synchronously and differ only in the shape of the signals, probably due to differences in the phases or the number of excited harmonics. We recorded currents (~50 pA) of single ion channels of the plasmodial membrane using the classical local voltage-clamp method. It has been found that the oscillation spectrum of the current that is generated by the plasmodium has high-frequency fluctuations, which are probably connected with periodic detachments of the membrane from the cytoskeleton during the formation and growth of the pseudopodia. It has been also shown that neomycin, a substrate inhibitor of phospholipase C, prevents oscillations of both the mechanical and electrical activity of the plasmodium. This is consistent with its well-established ability to inhibit mechanosensitive Ca2+ channels, which are apparently present in the plasmodial membrane. These data indicate the presence of a general signal system that is linked with the dynamics of the membrane- cytoskeleton association, which could be involved in the galvano- and chemotaxis of amoeboid cells.  相似文献   

Mc Manus , Sister Mary Annunciata , R.S.M. (Mount Mercy Coll., Cedar Rapids, Iowa.) Laboratory cultivation of Clastoderma debaryanum. Amer. Jour. Bot. 48(10): 884–888. Illus. 1961.—Clastoderma debaryanum has been cultivated on laboratory media for the first time and its life cycle studied. Spores germinate to produce a single protoplast which may remain a myxamoeba or may become a swarm cell. The swarm cells fuse in pairs to form a zygote, which grows into a microscopic, spherical plasmodium. The plasmodium never develops a network of veins and shows only irregular streaming. At maturity each plasmodium gives rise to 1 sporangium. There is always a sphere of gelatinous material about 4/5 the distance up the stalk, which appears late in the development of the sporangium, and which dries to become a wrinkled enlargement. The peridium dehisces early, leaving only a few plates attached to some of the peripheral tips of the capillitial twigs, and a peridial collar. The solid capillitium branches from the tip of a very short columella.  相似文献   

Amoebae of the acellular slime mold Physarum polycephalum convert to plasmodia both asexually and sexually. Genetic analysis of a mutant that exhibits enhanced asexual plasmodium formation is reported. The mutant carries a single lesion (gad-11) located 12.3 map units from mt, a gene that controls mating specificity in sexual plasmodium formation. The mutation, which was isolated in an mt3 strain, is also expressed in mth and mt4 strains.  相似文献   

The possibility of tight coupling of phospholipase C with the signal pathway PI3K/ PTEN, a ubiquitous mechanism for the control of chemotaxis and cell shape in free-living amoebae and mammalian tissue cells, has been investigated in Physarum polycephalum plasmodium, a multinuclear amoeboid cell with the autooscillatory mode of motility. It was found that on the maintenance of contractile autooscillations and protoplasmic shuttle streaming, U73122, an inhibitor of the signal transduction to phospholipase C, induces degradation of the plasmodium frontal zone, decreases efficiency of locomotion and suppresses the chemotaxis toward glucose as well as the response of oscillator to this attractant. The identity of the effects of U73122 with those shown for wortmannin and LY294002, widely used PI3K inhibitors (Matveeva et al. 2008. Biophysics. 53, 533–538), suggests a tight coupling of the signal pathways of phospholipase C and PI3K/PTEN. U73122 increases the period of contractile oscillations and abolishes its cyclic changes attributed for the plasmodium migration. The results indicate that motile behavior of the plasmodium is under the receptor-mediated control.  相似文献   

A link has been established between prenatal nutrition and the development of metabolic and cardiovascular diseases later in life, a process referred to as developmental programming. It has been suggested that the trajectory of development is shifted by alterations in the maternal nutritional state leading to changes in developmental plasticity, in part underpinned by epigenetic changes in gene regulation. However, to date, only candidate gene approaches have been used to assess expression and molecular changes in the offspring of maternally undernourished animals. Furthermore, most work has focused on animals at an age where the programmed phenotype is already manifest and little is known about changes in gene expression in the offspring prior to development of obesity and related metabolic disorders. Gene expression profiles of liver, retroperitoneal white adipose fat, and biceps femoris skeletal muscle tissue from young adult male rats (55 days old) in which nutritional status had been manipulated in utero by maternal undernutrition (UN) were compared to the profiles of offspring of ad libitum fed mothers serving as the control group (AD) (8 offspring/group). The expression profiles were determined using the Illumina RatRef-12 BeadChip. No significant changes in expression were identified for skeletal muscle or white adipose tissue. However, studies of liver tissue showed 249 differentially expressed genes (143 up regulated, 106 down regulated). Although the animals at day 55 have yet to develop obesity they already show biochemical abnormalities and by day 110 express a phenotype characterized by increased adiposity and altered insulin sensitivity. An analysis of pathways affected suggests that intrauterine programming of UN animals to favor fat as an energy source results in mitochondrial dysfunction which initially affects the postnatal hepatic function and subsequently, via the resultant metabolic changes in other organs leads to the evolution of a phenotype similar to that of the metabolic syndrome.  相似文献   

In the present study authors claim that the adult orthonectids can not move through host tissues by themselves. In various species of these enigmatic parasites there are at least two different mechanisms of emission of males and females from the host body. Intoshia linei, the orthonectid from Lineus ruber (Heteronemertini), and Intoshia variabili, the parasite of a flatworm Macrorhynchus crocea, realize the first way of emission. The plasmodium of these species forms tube-like outgrowths, which pierce the host tissues reaching the host body surface. The cytoplasm structure of these outgrowths differs from the cytoplasm of the central mass of plasmodium. Small mitochondria with electron dense matrix, lipid granules and vesicular bodies being common in the central part are absent in these outgrowths. Plasmodial outgrowths reach the host body surface and adult orthonectids move inside them using their cilia and stopping from time to time. The plasmodial outgrowths penetrate the ciliated epithelium, then males and females leave the host. Duration of emission may vary in different species from 6 to 13 days. The second mechanisms of emission is common for the orthonectid parasites of mollusks. Our observations of Rhopalura philinae from the gastropod Philine scabra lead to the conclusion that males and females leave their host practically simultaneously. When the plasmodium attains the terminal stage of its development most of the host entrails are already displaced by plasmodial mass. It causes breaks in host body walls and hence to emission of sexual individuals. During this process, which lasts about 24 hours, the mollusk dies. The same mechanism was observed in Rhopalura littoralis--parasite of the gastropod Onoba aculeus. Our investigations of emission ways reveal that the plasmodium of orthonectids has a potency of directing growth and can form certain structures. The process of forming the plasmodial outgrowths is coordinated in time and space. These outgrowths have certain directions inside the host body and the maturation of sexual individuals is clear related with the development of plasmodium outgrowth system. Our results suggest that forming of plasmodial outgrowths is an element of development of the united and highly integrated system. It is necessary to emphasize the capability of plasmodium to accomplish such morphogenetic transformations. This fact argues that plasmodium is a part of parasite organism and not host cells modified, like some experts supposed.  相似文献   

显型原质团是绒泡菌目黏菌的营养生长阶段,其最明显的现象是往返原生质流,但一直并不清楚原生质流反向流动的原因。观察研究了淡黄绒泡菌和全白绒泡菌原质团中的原生质流,结果表明:由于菌脉中堵塞或是在原质团前缘尚未分化通道引起反向原生质流,从而引起原质团多方向生长使原质团前缘呈现扇面状。原生质流总的方向是扇面端,并完成原质团运动。  相似文献   

The application of expressed sequence tag (EST) technology has proven to be an effective tool for gene discovery and the generation of gene expression profiles. The generation of an EST resource for the cardiovascular system has revealed significant insights into the changes in gene expression that guide heart development and disease. Furthermore, an important genetic resource has been developed for cardiovascular biology that is valuable for data mining and disease gene discovery.  相似文献   

Possible involvement of extracellular cAMP-specific phosphodiesterase in the control of cell motile behavior has been investigated in Physarum polycephalum plasmodium, a multinuclear amoeboid cell with the autooscillatory mode of motility. It was found that the rate of the hydrolysis of 10 mM cAMP by a partially purified preparation of cAMP-specific phosphodiesterase secreted by the plasmodium in the course of migration decreases 20-30 times under the action of 1 mM dithiothreitol. In the presence of 1-5 mM of this strong reducing agent, the onset of the plasmodium spreading and the transition to the stage of migration were delayed in a concentration-dependent manner. In accordance with the morphological pattern of motile behavior, the duration of the maintenance of high frequency autooscillations, which normally precede the increase in the rate of the spreading and appear also in response to the application of attractants at spatially uniform concentrations, strongly increased by the action of dithiothreitol. The results obtained suggest that the autocrine production of cAMP and extracellular cAMP-specific phosphodiesterase is an important constituent of the mechanism controlling the motile behavior of the Physarum polycephalum plasmodium.  相似文献   

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