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围绕《保护世界文化与自然遗产公约》中的文化遗产概念,对1977年至今以来不同版本的《实施世界遗产公约的操作指南》中,世界文化遗产"突出的普遍价值"评价标准的修订过程进行研究,分4个历史时期梳理了突出的普遍价值概念、评价标准、真实性和完整性条件、特殊类型遗产列入导则的主要变化,分析了标准修订的进步与局限,归纳了导致标准修订的因素,并探讨了标准修订对于不同相关者所产生的意义。  相似文献   

《风景园林》:杜博士,很高兴您接受我们的采访。您现在就职于联合国教科文组织驻华代表处,请问您的工作业务范围包括  相似文献   

该研究在申遗文本和大量文献资料的基础上,以峨眉山世界遗产地原生植物及植被群落为研究对象,从物种多样性、物种组成、植物区系、植被类型及垂直分布格局等方面,分析论证了峨眉山世界遗产地植物多样性的全球突出普遍价值,并简要概述了当前峨眉山世界遗产地植物受威胁状况以及在保护与发展中出现的问题。结果表明:(1)峨眉山世界遗产地目前拥有高等植物242科3 200种以上,特有植物、孑遗植物种类丰富。(2)与中国其他湿润性亚热带山地森林垂直带谱相比,峨眉山亚热带森林植被类型完整,常绿阔叶林东部类型在山地垂直带谱中占据显著地位,海拔上限最高,跨度最大,具有典型的亚热带常绿阔叶林东部亚区森林群落特点。(3)植物区系复杂,既有热带、亚热带和温带植物区系成份,又有中国—日本与中国—喜马拉雅植物区系分布。(4)受人为活动(旅游发展、基础设施建设等)和自然扰动(气候变暖、地质灾害等)影响,峨眉山世界遗产地植物多样性下降明显,珍稀濒危植物受威胁程度增加,典型群落面积退化,稳定性降低。建议在划定珍稀植物保护区,对植物栖息地进行专门保护的基础上,开展植物多样性、环境因子、人为活动动态监测,预见性地保护其突出普遍价值,实现世界遗产地的可持续发展。  相似文献   

联合国教科文组织通过《保护世界自然文化遗产公约》(以下简称《公约》)40年了,由于政治原因和发展阶段限制,很长时期我国都处于蒙昧状态。  相似文献   

毕雪婷  韩锋 《生物信息学》2018,25(10):115-119
将自然与文化完全对立的现代西方经典范式二元论,使自然遗产美学价值的评估标准(vii)在界定“自然美”方面往往有所局限:仅仅从物的存在而不是从人的审美活动出发来考察“美”。具体通过回顾依据标准(vii)列入《世界遗产名录》的历史案例,分析标准(vii)的两类评估要求(“绝妙的自然现象”与“特殊自然美和美学重要性”)所要识别的“自然美”。由标准(vii)的使用情况可以发现,为区别于自然的科学价值,美学价值必须把“自然美与自然审美”作为一个有机整体进行研究。而通过分析目前广泛使用的风景资源与风景美学评价方法,指出自然遗产美学价值的识别与评估应从现成的物质实体转向生成的关系存在,聚焦于“自然美”产生的社会文化背景,以此实现对自然和文化价值体系的整体关照。  相似文献   

世界自然遗产地是全球最具有保护价值的自然保护地,强调全球突出普遍价值的完整性和在全球的唯一性。世界自然遗产有助于更好地保护生态系统的完整性和原真性,促进人类与自然的可持续发展。该研究在大量文献资料的基础上,以海南潜在世界自然遗产地(海南热带雨林国家公园)原生动植物及植被群落(亚洲北缘热带雨林)为研究对象,从植被类型、物种多样性、区系组成、特有种等生物生态过程方面,评估海南潜在世界自然遗产地的全球突出普遍价值。结果表明:(1)海南潜在世界自然遗产地分布有3 653种野生维管植物,资源植物种类丰富。陆栖脊椎动物有540种,各类野生动物占全国的比例高达10%~30%,生物多样性极高。(2)植物区系独特,海南岛的热带雨林植被区划属于印度-马来雨林群系,属马来区的部分呈现出热带性和与中国华南大陆的共源性显示出明显的热带边缘性质,为中国华南植物区系与亚洲热带雨林的过渡类型。(3)植物区系中的植物物种特有性较低,特有属仅有7个,特有种仅约占岛内植物的1/10,较低的特有性表明了其大陆起源特征,是生物多样性不可替代的元素,具有鲜明的环境指示特色。该研究明确了海南潜在世界自然遗产地在全球背景下的突出普遍价值,为海南未来申遗提供科学依据和技术支撑。  相似文献   

2010年8月1日,世界遗产委员会批准了贵州赤水、福建泰宁、湖南崀山、广东丹霞山、江西龙虎山和浙江江郎山6个国家级风景名胜区以"中国丹霞"系列提名的形式列入世界遗产名录;同时,在中国诞生和发展起来的丹霞地貌获得了国际认可,填补了世界遗产在地貌类型上的空白。在中国丹霞申报阶段,规划提出6省组建"中国丹霞世界遗产保护管理委员会"、"中国丹霞世界遗产专家委员会"和"顾问委员会";同时,制定了遗产地突出普遍价值的保护、分级与分区保护、环境保护、旅游管理、居民参与和社区发展、宣传与展示、科学研究、遗产地监测等保护与利用方案,提出了财政与法律保障、行动计划和预算方案等。上述规划在遗产申报和申报成功之后陆续得到实施。  相似文献   

张丽荣  孟锐  路国彬 《生态学报》2013,33(21):7277-7287
本文将光核桃遗传资源的经济价值划分为直接利用价值、间接利用价值和潜在利用价值,采用市场价格法、旅行费用法、防护费用法及类比分析法等方法对光核桃遗传资源的经济价值进行估算,并提出该资源保护与管理建议。光核桃遗传资源经济价值的评估,将为具有潜在巨大经济价值的生物遗传资源管理提供价值评估方法,同时为维护国家利益、制订生物多样性保护与管理政策及建立生物遗传资源惠益分享制度提供技术支持。  相似文献   

著: 《生物信息学》2018,25(9):81-85
日本的庭院文化经过长时间发展,已形成独特的景观空间语言。这些空间语言由庭园、公园、广场等城市外部空间传承,而我们需要静下心来理解这掺杂着思想和时代背景的特殊语言体系。日本的景观教育,通过以下课程设置,将空间的语言体系传授给学生们:1)通过测量掌握设计语言的基础,学生通过尺子测量传统空间和现代空间,获得相应的空间感。近年来也通过3D测量技术,掌握更加精细的尺度感。2)材料使日本特有的设计语言更加丰富多变,通过实际接触石材和植物,体验管理和施工,加深学生对材料的理解。3)在学习和实践的基础上,进行与国际和社会接轨的设计。面对当下多领域融合的社会课题,组织建筑、规划、土木等学科的学生们进行展览和交流,并开展相应的实践训练  相似文献   

英国应对复杂问题形成了精细而又综合的国家公园保护机制,具有鲜明特色和重要借鉴意义。自然保护与景观保护是英国国家公园保护的“二元方法”,是国家层面保护制度在国家公园中的“投射”。基于此形成了以国家保护制度为骨架,国家公园层面补充强化的国家公园保护制度。首先,系统阐释了国家层面以生物多样性为主导的自然保护机制和国家公园层面的强化措施;其次,分析了基于景观特征评估的景观保护机制。在此基础上,提出英国国家公园自然保护与景观保护对中国当前国家公园机制建构的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

世界文化景观遗产的申报,是近年来国内越来越关注的话题,作为中国第一个成功以文化景观列入世界遗产名录的案例,五台山的申报过程为中国的文化景观遗产申报与研究提供了很多线索,尤其在突出普遍价值的认识及其保护管理方面,更是积累了一定的经验,同时也引发了新的思考。经过申报前后对遗产价值标准的对比研究及对保护管理的重新思考,认识到文化景观必须将自然、文化作为一个整体加以认知和保护,尤其要研究人与自然之间的作用机制,重视其中活态遗产的保护和展示。  相似文献   

近30年来,九寨沟在推进旅游可持续发展方面进行了长期有益的探索和实践,其经验获得国内外的普遍认同。与此同时,日益增长的游客规模对生态环境和生物多样性保护的威胁,逐渐成为旅游可持续发展面临的最大挑战。生物多样性保护是九寨沟的使命之一,在游客容量测算中应予以充分考虑,这在游客规模日益增加的背景下尤显重要。但是目前传统的游客容量测算中却没有涉及生物多样性容量,而且由于生物多样性监测数据和相关知识不充分,生物多样性容量也难以进行测算。因此,需要在下一步有针对性地积累生物多样性监测数据,将其结果纳入游客容量测算中,并在此基础上探索执行以监测为基础的游客容量适应性管理机制。  相似文献   


The purpose of this article is to set out the essential requirements for a successful regional agreement for Sirenians in the South Pacific. To achieve this, the current Dugong Action Plan, which is being formed under the auspice of the South Pacific Regional Environmental Program, will be juxtaposed against the “best practice” in this area, as evinced by current development in international environmental law and policy relating to Sirenians.  相似文献   

Li Q  He T  Xu Z 《Biochemical genetics》2005,43(7-8):387-406
The majority of research in genetic diversity yields recommendations rather than actual conservation achievements. We assessed the efficacy of actual in situ and ex situ efforts to conserve Parashorea chinensis (Dipterocarpaceae) against the background of the geographic pattern of genetic variation of this species. Samples from seven natural populations, including three in a nature reserve, and one ex situ conservation population were studied. Across the natural populations, 47.8% of RAPD loci were polymorphic; only 20.8% on average varied at the population level. Mean population genetic diversity was 0.787 within natural populations and 1.410 for the whole species. Significant genetic differentiation among regions and isolation by distance were present on larger scales (among regions). AMOVA revealed that the majority of the among-population variation occurred among regions rather than among populations within regions. Regression analysis, Mantel test, principal coordinates analysis, and cluster analysis consistently demonstrated increasing genetic isolation with increasing geographic distance. Genetic differentiation within the region was quite low compared to that among regions. Multilocus spatial autocorrelation analysis of these three populations revealed random distribution of genetic variation in two populations, but genetic clustering was detected in the third population. The ex situ conserved population contained a medium level of genetic variation compared with the seven natural populations; it contained 77.1% of the total genetic variation of this species and 91% of the moderate to high frequency RAPD fragments (f > 0.05). Exclusive bands were detected in natural populations, but none were found in the ex situ conserved population. The populations protected in the nature reserve contained most of the genetic variation of the whole species, with 81.4% of the total genetic variation and 95.7% of the fragments with moderate to high frequency (f > 0.05) of this species conserved. The results show that the ex situ conserved population does not contain enough genetic variation to meet the need of release in the future, and that more extensive ex situ sampling in natural populations TY, NP, HK, and MG is needed. The in situ conserved population contains representative genetic variation to maintain long-term survival and evolutionary processes of P. chinensis.  相似文献   

目的 探讨临床科研管理系统在临床科室科研管理工作中的重要作用及推广价值。方法 使用SPSS15.0软件对数据进行统计分析,入组率比较采用χ2检验。结果 采用临床科研管理系统后,前3个月入组率不断升高,然后持续稳定在较高水平,前3个月的入组率(18.83%)明显低于后12个月的入组率(28.22%),差异有统计学意义(P = 0.006)。目前已经有15项在研课题登记在案,科室科研氛围良好。结论 推行临床科研管理体系后,科研工作在数量和质量上均有了长足的发展和进步,在医院中具有推广价值。  相似文献   

Cow's milk is accorded a high cultural value in the contemporary United States. Its white color, association with the maternal and the pastoral, and repeated mention in the Bible add positive symbolic weight to this major national agricultural commodity. Thus, it comes as no surprise that influential policy-making institutions in the United States recommend milk consumption for all U.S. groups. This is despite variation in adult populations' abilities to digest milk, which has been documented by biological anthropologists. This article assesses various U.S. "stories" about milk consumption and its relationship to biological variation against the biological anthropological explanation of variation in lactase activity/lactose tolerance. Many of these serve as normalizing discourses that ultimately pathologize biological difference and may undermine the dietary traditions of some ethnic groups. In particular, the close relationship between government and the dairy industry leads to policies that fail to seriously consider variation in digestive physiology among the diverse U.S. populations.  相似文献   

Two species of Phytoseiidae predominated in and around vineyards in an experimental site in the south of France: Typhlodromus exhilaratus is the dominant species on grapes, whereas T. phialatus occurs in the uncultivated areas surrounding these crops. To help understand their distribution, this study aims to determine their susceptibility to a fungicide (dimethomorph + mancozeb) and an insecticide (chlorpyriphos-ethyl), which have been widely used at the experimental site for at least four years. The hypothesis tested is that the effects of these two pesticides differ between T. exhilaratus and T. phialatus. Two populations of T. exhilaratus, one collected on a vine crop where the two pesticides were applied and the other in an unsprayed orchard of Sorbus domestica, and one population of T. phialatus collected on Viburnum tinus from uncultivated areas adjacent to the vine crop, were tested under laboratory conditions. The fungicide seems to affect the females of T. phialatus more than those of T. exhilaratus from vine. However, at the recommended field concentration the female mortality rates of the three strains were low and female fecundities were not significantly different. Conversely, mortality rates were very high for the three strains at the recommended field concentration of chlorpyrifos-ethyl. The strain of T. exhilaratus from vine seems to be more tolerant and 20% of females survived the recommended field rate. This suggests better survival after insecticide application than females of T. phialatus (100% mortality at a lower concentration than the recommended rate). As extrapolation of laboratory results to the field is often irrelevant, these differences could be just one of several factors affecting the spatial segregation of the two species in the agrosystem considered. Possible explanations other than pesticides for the poor settlement of T. phialatus in vine plots are discussed.  相似文献   

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