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Summary The total protein staining of biological specimens with the electrostatically binding Naphthol Yellow S or the covalently binding dinitrofluorobenzene must be interpreted as methods which yield data on the specific amino acid pool of the proteins concerned. Both dyes bind to certain free amino-acid side-chains, giving different dye-protein ratios for various proteins. In the presence of DNA, dinitrofluorobenzene stains all proteins present in cell nuclei, whereas Naphthol Yellow S only stains the majority of the non-histone proteins. When protein staining methods are combined with the Feulgen-Pararosaniline (SO2) procedure for DNA, decreased Feulgen-DNA contents were measured in dinitrofluorobenzene-stained isolated nuclei and lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Summary Owing to the accumulation of nuclear non-histone protein (NHP) (a) in cells entering the cell cycle from the quiescent state and (b) in continuously cycling cells during G1 phase, a simultaneous determination of DNA and nuclear NHP is of high potential utility in cell kinetic studies. This paper provides guidelines for a Feulgen-Naphthol Yellow S staining technique for this purpose. It discusses details of the preparation and quantification procedures, and reviews the evidence for a quantitative relationship between nuclear Naphthol Yellow S binding and nuclear NHP.  相似文献   

A comparison has been made between dinitrofluorobenzene (DNFB) and Naphthol Yellow S (NYS) as protein stains in combination with the pararosaniline-SO2 Feulgen procedure. Chicken erythrocytes were used as test cells. Cytophotometric measurements were made using a Zeiss scanning stage cytophotometer coupled to a PDP 11/10 minicomputer using the BICOSCAN program to obtain values for protein per cell, protein per "nuclear area' and DNA per nucleus. With 5N HCl as the Feulgen hydrolysis agent, DNFB staining, applied before the Feulgen procedure, was found to be unaffected by hydrolysis conditions required to give optimum Feulgen staining and showed only small losses after longer hydrolysis times. On the other hand measurements of NYS staining, of necessity applied after the Feulgen procedure, seem to be susceptible to the duration of Feulgen hydrolysis. This susceptibility is probably due to the interaction of the DNA phosphates with the basic amino acid residues, potential binding sites for NYS. Since the degree of this interaction may be variable, it is argued that NYS binding will measure the available basicity of proteins at the time of staining but no specific protein fraction. DNFB binding is unaffected by DNA-protein interactions and therefore can give a more reliable measure of "nuclear' protein, particularly in conjunction with Feulgen-DNA measurements.  相似文献   

Summary A comparison has been made between dinitrofluorobenzene (DNFB) and Naphthol Yellow S (NYS) as protein stains in combination with the pararosaniline-SO2 Feulgen procedure. Chicken erythrocytes were used as test cells. Cytophotometric measurements were made using a Zeiss scanning stage cytophotometer coupled to a PDP 11/10 minicomputer using the BICOSCAN program to obtain values for protein per cell, protein per nuclear area and DNA per nucleus. With 5N HCl as the Feulgen hydrolysis agent, DNFB staining, applied before the Feulgen procedure, was found to be unaffected by hydrolysis conditions required to give optimum Feulgen staining and showed only small losses after longer hydrolysis times. On the other hand measurements of NYS staining, of necessity applied after the Feulgen procedure, seem to be susceptible to the duration of Feulgen hydrolysis. This susceptibility is probably due to the interaction of the DNA phosphates with the basic amino acid residues, potential binding sites for NYS. Since the degree of this interaction may be variable, it is argued that NYS binding will measure the available basicity of proteins at the time of staining but no specific protein fraction. DNFB binding is unaffected by DNA-protein interactions and therefore can give a more reliable measure of nuclear protein, particularly in conjunction with Feulgen-DNA measurements.  相似文献   

J Gaub 《Histochemistry》1976,49(4):293-301
1. In isolated liver cells, fixed in 4 per cent formaldehyde (NFS) for Feulgen-Naphthol Yellow S (F-NYS) staining of DNA and protein, nuclear shrinkage increases the nuclear concentration of solids to 46 per cent (w/v) before the start of the NYS staining. 2. When a fixative mixture of methanol:acetic acid:formalin (85:5:10 by volume; MAF) is used, the concentration of nuclear solids during NYS staining remain at a physiological level of 19 per cent. 3. By exposing liver cells to NFS for 10 to 120 seconds before fixation in MAF, increasing nuclear shrinkage can be induced with increasing pretreatment in NFS. Nuclear NYS binding decreases in parallel with the decreasing nuclear volume in cells thus treated. As the shrinkage induced reduction in NYS binding may vary with the net charge of nuclear non-histone proteins, MAF fixation must be preferred for quantitative determinations of nuclear non-histone protein in F-NYS stained, isolated cells. 4. Fixation in MAF offers the same advantages as NFS fixation as regards the small loss of proteins during the Feulgen staining procedure and the excellent reproducibility of the F-NYS staining. Storage of MAF fixed cells in the fixative for a few days does not alter their F-NYS staining properties. 5. In MAF fixed, F-NYS stained cells there is no NYS binding to histone basic amino acid residues.  相似文献   

DNA synthesis in S phase Chinese hamster embryo fibroblast cells in the presence of exogenous 3H-dUrd shows incorporation of the labeled precursor with very little dilution by the large unlabeled intracellular precursor pools. Full mixing would predict a specific activity 10-fold less than that measured. This coupled with the finding that 80% of the radioactivity derived from the exogenous 3H-dUrd appears in the karyoplasts implies a compartmentation where 3H-dUMP and 3H-dTTP derived from exogenous 3H-dUrd do not mix freely with endogenous cytoplasmic pools.  相似文献   

Summary Quantitative aspects of DNA losses during fixation and pararosaniline(SO2)-Feulgen staining of microscopic preparations were studied. The preparation of a new cytochemical model, consisting of DNA-protein layers (with thicknesses between 0.1 and 5.0 m) on microscopic glass slides is described and potentialities and limitations of this model are discussed.Polyacrylamide films into which high molecular weight calf thymus DNA or chicken erythrocyte nuclei had been constrained served as another model. As biological objects chicken erythrocyte nuclei and rat liver nuclei either in suspension or on microscopical glass slides were used.The experimental results indicate a loss of about 5% of the DNA due to the fixation procedure applied. Hydrolysis in 5 N HCl at room temperature, staining with the pararosaniline-Schiff medium and rinsing with sulfurous acid induced losses of DNA too, varying in amount depending on the type of preparation used. About 10% of the original DNA content is lost in total from chicken erythrocyte nuclei and rat liver nuclei dried on microscopical glass slides, from chicken erythrocyte nuclei constrained in polyacrylamide films, and from DNA-protein layers on microscopic glass slides. For nuclei fixed and stained in suspension the total losses amount to about 40%. The differences in losses between various types of preparations are discussed. Biochemically, the content of DNA originally present per chicken eythrocyte nucleus was determined to be 2.52 pg, a value, which is in good accordance with reliable biochemical data published already. It is shown that calibration of cytochemical staining intensities into biochemical units or absolute amounts of material by use of a model system, is only reliable when it is known or to be expected that both the loss of material due to fixation and staining, and the stoichiometric relation between material present and dye molecules is identical. The same holds for the application of internal biological reference systems.Supported by grant no. 28-394 of the Praeventiefonds, The HagueIn receipt of a grant from Het Ministerie van Onderwijs en Wetenschappen, Afdeling Buitenlandse Betrekkingen, The Netherlands  相似文献   

Quantitative aspects of DNA losses during fixation and pararosaniline(SO2)-Feulgen staining of microscopic preparations were studied. The preparation of a new cytochemical model, consisting of DNA-protein layers (with thicknesses between 0.1 and 5.0 micrometer) on microscopic glass slides is described and potentialities and limitations of this model are discussed. Polyacrylamide films into which high molecular weight calf thymus DNA or chicken erythrocyte nuclei had been constrained served as another model. As biological objects chicken erythrocyte nuclei and rat liver nuclei either in suspension or on microscopical glass slides were used. The experimental results indicate a loss of about 5% of the DNA due to the fixation procedure applied. Hydrolysis in 5 N HCl at room temperature, staining with the pararosaniline-Schiff medium and rinsing with sulfurous acid induced losses of DNA too, varying in amount depending on the type of preparation used. About 10% of the original DNA content is lost in total from chicken erythrocyte nuclei and rat liver nuclei dried on microscopical glass slides, from chicken erythrocyte nuclei constrained in polyacrylamide films, and from DNA-protein layers on microscopic glass slides. For nuclei fixed and stained in suspension the total losses amount to about 40%. The differences in losses between various types of preparations are discussed. Biochemically, the content of DNA originally present per chicken erythrocyte nucleus was determined to be 2.52 pg, a value, which is in good accordance with reliable biochemical data published already. It is shown that calibration of cytochemical staining intensities into biochemical units or absolute amounts of material by use of a model system, is only reliable when it is known or to be expected that both the loss of material due to fixation and staining, and the stoichiometric relation between material present and dye molecules is identical. The same holds for the application of internal biological reference systems.  相似文献   

A model system of polyacrylamide films containing the Triton extract of rat brain homogenate was applied to investigate quantitatively some aspects of three methods for the cytochemical demonstration of acetylcholinesterase activity (Lewis 1961; Karnovsky and Roots 1964; Tsuji 1974). Biochemical determinations showed that about 90% of the acetylcholinesterase activity originally present in the Triton extract were still detectable in the films. The relationship of the formation of cuprous thiocholine iodide in the case of the methods of Lewis (1961) or Tsuji (1974) and of cupric ferrocyanide at the reaction of Karnovsky and Roots (1964) to either enzyme concentration or incubation time were tested in detail. The results showed that for the method of Tsuji and, with some restrictions, also for the method of Karnovsky and Roots a linearity exists in these two respects. In the case of the Lewis technique, an approximate linearity between the amount of reaction product and incubation time could only be found from 90 min onward, but no linearity was detected in relation to the enzyme concentration. At low enzyme concentrations, too little white precipitate was formed in comparison to higher ones. Therefore it is suggested that this technique, as compared to the methods of Tsuji and Karnovsky and Roots, probably is less suitable as a quantitative cytochemical method.  相似文献   

Summary A model system of polyacrylamide films containing the Triton extract of rat brain homogenate was applied to investigate quantitatively some aspects of three methods for the cytochemical demonstration of acetylcholinesterase activity (Lewis 1961; Karnovsky and Roots 1964; Tsuji 1974).Biochemical determinations showed that about 90% of the acetylcholinesterase activity originally present in the Triton extract were still detectable in the films. The relationship of the formation of cuprous thiocholine iodide in the case of the methods of Lewis (1961) or Tsuji (1974) and of cupric ferrocyanide at the reaction of Karnovsky and Roots (1964) to either enzyme concentration or incubation time were tested in detail. The results showed that for the method of Tsuji and, with some restrictions, also for the method of Karnovsky and Roots a linearity exists in these two respects. In the case of the Lewis technique, an approximate linearity between the amount of reaction product and incubation time could only be found from 90 min onward, but no linearity was detected in relation to the enzyme concentration. At low enzyme concentrations, too little white precipitate was formed in comparison to higher ones. Therefore it is suggested that this technique, as compared to the methods of Tsuji and Karnovsky and Roots, probably is less suitable as a quantitative cytochemical method.This word was performed while one of us (Dr. Andrä) was in receipt of a visitor grant from the Netherlands Organization for the Advancement of Pure Research (ZWO)  相似文献   

Transfer of cytoplasmic and nuclear proteins between cells in culture   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Evidence is presented for transfer of proteins between cells in culture, using techniques which previously have shown RNA transfer and the lack of DNA transfer between cells in culture. These techniques involved making donor cells heavier than recipient cells by having them ingest tantalum particles. After coculture of donor and recipient cells the two cell types were separated by centri- fugation on Ficoll gradients and the recipient cells analyzed for radioactively labeled proteins that may have passed from the prelabeled donor cells.These techniques also provided evidence for passage of donor cell proteins to recipient cell nuclei. Examination of the nuclear proteins in the recipient cells revealed that histones were transferred intercellularly to a greater extent than other nuclear proteins. The histone subfractions in the recipient cell nuclei were studied by acrylamide gel electrophoresis. No major differences were found in the proportion of each histone subfraction that was transferred to the recipient cell nuclei.  相似文献   

A rapid and simple procedure for the direct solubilization of DNA from adherent cultured cells, or sedimented cells, has been developed and employed in the measurement of DNA in small numbers of endothelial cells (1 X 10(3).  相似文献   

A new technique has been devised for staining the mitotic spindle in mammalian cells while preserving spindle structure and chromosome number. The cells are trypsinized and fixed with a 3:1 methanol:acetic acid solution containing 4 mM MgCl2 and 1.5 mM CaCl2 at room temperature. The cells are then placed on slides and treated with 5% perchloric acid before staining with a 10% acetic acid solution containing safranin O and brilliant blue R. The preserved spindles appear dark blue against a light cytoplasmic background with chromosomes stained bright red. Individual chromosomes and chromatids are clearly visible. Positioning of the chromosomes relative to the spindle apparatus is readily ascertained allowing easy study of mitotic spindle and chromosome behavior.  相似文献   

The number of pore complexes per nucleus was determined for a wide variety of cultured cells selected for their variable DNA content over a range of 1-5,6000. The pore number was compared to DNA content, nuclear surface area, and nuclear volume. Values for pore frequency (pores/square micrometer) were relatively constant in the species studied. When the pore to DNA ratio was plotted against the DNA content, there was a remarkable correlation which decreased exponentially for the cells of vertebrae origin. Exceptions were the heteroploid mammalian cells which had the same ratio as the diploid mammalian cells despite higher DNA content. The results are interpreted to mean that neither the nuclear surface, the nuclear volume, nor the DNA content alone determines the pore number of the nucleus, but rather an as yet undetermined combination of different factors. The surface and volume of vertebrate nuclei do not decrease with decreasing DNA content below a given value. The following speculation is suggested to account for the anomalous size changes of the nucleus relative to DNA content in vertebrates. Species with small DNA complements have a relatively large proportion of active chromatin which determines the limits of the physical parameters of the nucleus. The amount of active chromatin maybe the same for at least the vertebrates with low DNA content, At high DNA content, the nuclear parameters may be determined by the relatively high proportion of inactive condensed chromatin which increases the nuclear surface and volume.  相似文献   

Summary A new method is described for staining cell nuclei with propidium iodide in preparations that have been processed for autoradiography. The permeability of the stripping film to the dye molecule has been studied, as have the staining conditions, in order to optimize the stoichiometry of the DNA-dye interaction. A procedure has also been set up to allow the simultaneous measurement of DNA content and grain count on the same cell.  相似文献   

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