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Bone marrow stromal cell lines have been isolated that directly support B lymphopoiesis in vitro. Single B-lineage precursors proliferate and differentiate on certain of these stromal cell lines to establish long-term B-lineage cultures. These lymphopoietic stromal cells produce novel soluble factors that support proliferation of in vitro established pre-B cell populations. Lymphoid populations established on lymphopoietic stromal cell lines lack surface Ig-bearing cells, but give rise to surface Ig+ cells when transferred to mixed bone marrow feeder layers. Several stromal lines expressed a B-lineage neoplasia marker detected by the monoclonal antibody MAb6C3. Remarkably, only the 6C3Aghi stromal lines supported long-term proliferation of B-lineage cells. We propose that the 6C3 antigen-bearing molecule may play a role in stromal cell-dependent, pre-B cell proliferation, as well as in neoplastic proliferation of pre-B leukemias.  相似文献   

Bone marrow stromal cells and multi-lineage differentiation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Journal of Biosciences -  相似文献   



Nuclear accidents and terrorism presents a serious threat for mass casualty. While bone-marrow transplantation might mitigate hematopoietic syndrome, currently there are no approved medical countermeasures to alleviate radiation-induced gastrointestinal syndrome (RIGS), resulting from direct cytocidal effects on intestinal stem cells (ISC) and crypt stromal cells. We examined whether bone marrow-derived adherent stromal cell transplantation (BMSCT) could restitute irradiated intestinal stem cells niche and mitigate radiation-induced gastrointestinal syndrome.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Autologous bone marrow was cultured in mesenchymal basal medium and adherent cells were harvested for transplantation to C57Bl6 mice, 24 and 72 hours after lethal whole body irradiation (10.4 Gy) or abdominal irradiation (16–20 Gy) in a single fraction. Mesenchymal, endothelial and myeloid population were characterized by flow cytometry. Intestinal crypt regeneration and absorptive function was assessed by histopathology and xylose absorption assay, respectively. In contrast to 100% mortality in irradiated controls, BMSCT mitigated RIGS and rescued mice from radiation lethality after 18 Gy of abdominal irradiation or 10.4 Gy whole body irradiation with 100% survival (p<0.0007 and p<0.0009 respectively) beyond 25 days. Transplantation of enriched myeloid and non-myeloid fractions failed to improve survival. BMASCT induced ISC regeneration, restitution of the ISC niche and xylose absorption. Serum levels of intestinal radioprotective factors, such as, R-Spondin1, KGF, PDGF and FGF2, and anti-inflammatory cytokines were elevated, while inflammatory cytokines were down regulated.


Mitigation of lethal intestinal injury, following high doses of irradiation, can be achieved by intravenous transplantation of marrow-derived stromal cells, including mesenchymal, endothelial and macrophage cell population. BMASCT increases blood levels of intestinal growth factors and induces regeneration of the irradiated host ISC niche, thus providing a platform to discover potential radiation mitigators and protectors for acute radiation syndromes and chemo-radiation therapy of abdominal malignancies.  相似文献   

Continuous cell lines were derived from primary cultures of adherent bone marrow cells from SJL/J, BALB/c, C3H/eb, RF, and nude-ICR mice. All these lines readily assumed a pure fibroblastoid appearance with the exception of the BALB/c line (MBA-14), which retained both fibroblastoid and monocytoid cells. This particular line could promote the proliferation of myeloid progenitors (CFU-C) in short-term bone-marrow cultures. The two cell types that composed the MBA-14 cell line were successfully isolated and grown separately; the monocytes as the 14M and 14M1 cell lines and the fibroblastoid cells as the 14F clones. The latter were found to be preadipocytes and accumulated fat in the absence of added hydrocortisone, in medium supplemented with fetal calf serum. Growth of the monocyte lines (14M and 14M1) was dependent upon the mononuclear phagocyte stimulator CSF-1. In the parent MBA-14 cell line the growth of monocytes seemed to depend upon stimulating factor(s) produced by the fibroblastoid cells. The 14M1 monocytes were able to process and degrade antigen as efficiently as primary macrophages. Furthermore, processed antigen produced by 14M1 cells evoked proliferative response by antigen-primed lymph-node cells. In addition to these immunological functions the 14M1 cells were capable of modulating the colony-stimulating activity and degree of adipogenesis exhibited by the fibroblastoid cells. These interactions between monocytes and fibroblastoid cells may constitute part of the mechanism controlling the activity of the hematopoietic microenvironment.  相似文献   

Bone marrow stromal cells (BMSC) have attracted interest through their possible use for cell therapy in neurological diseases. Recent reports demonstrated that these cells are able to migrate and have potential for neuronal differentiation after transplantation into brain parenchyma. The objective of this work was determine whether rat BMSC express NGF and GDNF, in order to study its potential application for treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. BMSC were harvested from male rats and cultured in DMEM supplemented with 20% fetal bovine serum. At passage 6 the total RNA was isolated using TriZol reactive. RT-PCRs to evaluate the expression of NGF and GDNF using specific primers were carried out. Our results indicate that rat BMSC have potential to produce NGF and GDNF. We have not found any report in favor of GDNF or NGF production from rat BMSC.  相似文献   

In natural habitats, microbes form multispecies communities that commonly face rapidly changing and highly competitive environments. Thus, phenotypic heterogeneity has evolved as an innate and important survival strategy to gain an overall fitness advantage over cohabiting competitors. However, in defined artificial environments such as monocultures in small- to large-scale bioreactors, cell-to-cell variations are presumed to cause reduced production yields as well as process instability. Hence, engineering microbial production toward phenotypic homogeneity is a highly promising approach for synthetic biology and bioprocess optimization.In this review, we discuss recent studies that have unraveled the cell-to-cell heterogeneity observed during bacterial gene expression and metabolite production as well as the molecular mechanisms involved. In addition, current single-cell technologies are briefly reviewed with respect to their applicability in exploring cell-to-cell variations. We highlight emerging strategies and tools to reduce phenotypic heterogeneity in biotechnological expression setups. Here, strain or inducer modifications are combined with cell physiology manipulations to achieve the ultimate goal of equalizing bacterial populations. In this way, the majority of cells can be forced into high productivity, thus reducing less productive subpopulations that tend to consume valuable resources during production. Modifications in uptake systems, inducer molecules or nutrients represent valuable tools for diminishing heterogeneity.Finally, we address the challenge of transferring homogeneously responding cells into large-scale bioprocesses. Environmental heterogeneity originating from extrinsic factors such as stirring speed and pH, oxygen, temperature or nutrient distribution can significantly influence cellular physiology. We conclude that engineering microbial populations toward phenotypic homogeneity is an increasingly important task to take biotechnological productions to the next level of control.  相似文献   

Bone marrow stromal cell lines (TBR cell lines) established from temperature-sensitive Simian Virus 40 T-antigen gene transgenic mice exhibited myogenic, osteogenic, and adipogenic differentiation. The effect of oncostatin M (OSM) on such mesenchymal cell differentiation of marrow stromal cell lines was examined. One of those stromal cell lines, TBRB, differentiated into skeletal muscle, and its differentiation was stimulated by OSM, whereas differentiation of TBR10-1 into smooth muscle was inhibited by OSM. TBR31-2 is a bipotent progenitor for adipocytes and osteoblasts, and OSM stimulated osteogenic differentiation while inhibiting adipogenic differentiation. On the other hand, TBR cell lines exhibited various potentials for supporting hematopoiesis in culture. When hematopoietic progenitor cells were cocultured with OSM-stimulated stromal cell lines, TBR10-1 and TBR31-2 exhibited enhanced hematopoietic supportive activity. As responsible molecules for stromal cell dependent hematopoiesis, expression of stem cell factor (SCF) (a ligand of c-Kit), vascular cell adhesion molecule (VCAM-1) (a ligand of VLA-4), and secretion of interleukin (IL)-6 were increased by OSM. OSM affected mesenchymal cell differentiation and promoted the hematopoietic supportive activity of marrow stromal cell lines. As OSM production is induced by cytokines from hematopoietic cells, OSM may be a key factor in mutual regulation between hematopoietic cells and stromal cells in the bone marrow. OSM may play a role as a regulator in maintaining the hematopoietic microenvironment in marrow by coordinating mesenchymal differentiation.  相似文献   

Glucocorticoid hormones are thought to play a role in carcinogenesis as they regulate cell differentiation and proliferation. We have investigated the effect of dexamethasone on two cell lines derived from a colon carcinoma, which differ by their tumorigenicity. Dexamethasone was found to inhibit growth of both the progressive (PROb) and the regressive clone (REGb). Upon glucocorticoid treatment, PROb cells were found to secrete an additional Mr 40,000 protein. The synthesis and the release in the culture medium of this protein is stimulated specifically by glucocorticoid agonists, and not by other steroid hormones. The anti-glucocorticoid RU 38486 is ineffecient and suppresses the induction of this protein by dexamethasone. Induction is sensitive to actinomycin D, suggesting that regulation may be related to an alteration of the rate of mRNA synthesis. The cellular effect of glucocorticoid hormones being mediated through a specific soluble receptor, we have characterized this protein. The PROb cells contained more specific glucocorticoid-binding sites ( 170,000 sites per cell) than the regressive ones (REGb cells; 100,000 sites per cell). In both clones, the receptor was associated with the Mr 90,000 heat shock protein to yield large complexes (Stokes radius Rs 7.5 nm), which were dissociated to the same extent upon heat- and salt-treatment. The steroid- and DNA-binding unit of the receptor, characterized under denaturing conditions using an anti-receptor monoclonal antibody, was found to be more degraded in the PROb cell line.  相似文献   

Stromal cells in bone marrow provide an optimal microenvironment for hematopoiesis. The established stromal cell lines from bone marrow showed various cellular heterogeneities and differed in their hematopoietic supportive ability. By a differential display method, we cloned a gene whose expression levels were correlated with the hematopoietic supportive ability of stromal cells. Its deduced amino acid sequence shows a structure similar to myosins, except that it lacks an actin binding site. Interestingly, it contains a KE-rich sequence and a PDZ domain in the NH(2)-terminal, which are protein-protein interaction domains; therefore we termed this novel myosin Myosin containing PDZ domain (MysPDZ). Western blot analysis showed that its protein levels positively correlated with the supportive ability of stromal cells and immunostaining suggested that MysPDZ was present at cytoskeleton in a filamentous and/or network form. Thus MysPDZ may be involved in the maintenance of the stromal cell architectures required for cell to cell contact.  相似文献   

To investigate the effect of Trp53 (formerly known as p53) on stromal cells of the hematopoietic microenvironment, long-term bone marrow cultures were established from mice in which the Trp53 gene had been inactivated by homologous recombination (Trp53(-/-)) or their wild-type littermates (Trp53(+/+)). Long-term bone marrow cultures from Trp53(-/-) mice continued to produce nonadherent cells for 22 weeks, while Trp53(+/+) cultures ceased production after 15 weeks. There was a significant increase in the number of nonadherent cells produced in Trp53(-/-) long-term bone marrow cultures beginning at week 9 and continuing to week 22 (P < 0.02). The Trp53(-/-) cultures also showed significantly increased cobblestone island formation indicative of early hematopoietic stem cell-containing colonies beginning at week 10 (P < 0.01). Cobblestone islands persisted until weeks 15 and 22 in Trp53(+/+) and Trp53(-/-) cultures, respectively. Co-cultivation experiments in which Trp53(+/+) Sca1(+)lin- enriched hematopoietic stem cells were plated on Trp53(-/-) stromal cells showed increased cobblestone island formation compared to Trp53(-/-) Scal+lin- cells plated on Trp53(+/+) or Trp53(-/-) stromal cells. Radiation survival curves for clonal bone marrow stromal cells revealed a similar D0 for the Trp53(+/+) and Trp53(-/-) cell lines (1.62 +/- 0.16 and 1.49 +/- 0. 08 Gy, respectively; P = 0.408), and similar n (8.60 +/- 3.23 and 10.71 +/- 0.78, respectively) (P = 0.491). Cell cycle analysis demonstrated a G2/M-phase arrest that occurred 6 h after irradiation for both Trp53(+/+) and Trp53(-/-) stromal cell lines. After 10 Gy irradiation, there was no significant increase in the frequency of apoptosis detected in Trp53(+/+) compared to Trp53(-/-) marrow stromal cell lines. In the stromal cell lines, ICAM-1 was constitutively expressed on Trp53(+/+) but not Trp53(-/-) cells; however, a 24-h exposure to TNF-alpha induced detectable ICAM-1 on Trp53(-/-) cells and increased expression on Trp53(+/+) cells. To test the effect of Trp53 on the radiation biology of hematopoietic progenitor cells, the 32D cl 3 cell line was compared with a subclone in which expression of an E6 inserted transgene accelerates ubiquitin-dependent degradation of Trp53, thus preventing accumulation of Trp53 after genotoxic stress. The radiation survival curves were similar with no significant difference in the D0 or n, or in the percentage of cells undergoing apoptosis after 10 Gy irradiation between the two cell lines. Cells of the 32D-E6 cell line displayed a G2/M-phase arrest 6 h after 10 Gy, while cells of the parent line exhibited both a G2/M-phase arrest and a G1-phase arrest at 24 and 48 h. The results suggest a complex mechanism of action of Trp53 on the interactions between stromal and hematopoietic cells in long-term bone marrow cultures.  相似文献   

Oestrogen deficiency enhances bone osteoclastogenesis and bone resorption. Evidence of cooperation between stromal cells and osteoclast precursors in mice suggests that oestradiol acts by regulating cytokine release from stromal cells. Bone marrow stroma contains multipotent progenitors that give rise to many mesenchymal lineages, including osteoblasts that may regulate osteoclast differentiation. We immortalized and characterized six human bone marrow stromal cell lines (presence of Stro1, secretion of alkaline phosphatase, osteocalcin, formation of lipid droplets, and presence of alpha and beta oestrogen receptors). The response of cytokines to oestradiol was then evaluated in vitro, as were the phorbol myristate acetate (PMA)-stimulated cytokine levels. Cells had the characteristics of undifferentiated stromal cells (Stro1+, RANK-L+), and expressed alpha-oestrogen receptors. The osteoblast phenotype (amounts of alkaline phosphatase and osteocalcin) was weak and there was a poor capacity to differentiate into adipocytes. These cell lines did not respond to oestradiol by producing interleukin 6 (IL-6), IL-1 or tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) either constitutively or after stimulation with PMA. Moreover, RANK-L and osteoprotegerin expressions were not regulated by oestradiol in vitro. Thus, modulation of these cytokines by stromal cells do not appear to be the mechanism by which oestradiol regulates bone resorption in humans.  相似文献   

骨髓基质细胞(bone marrow stromal cells,BMSCs)又名成纤维细胞样克隆形成单位(fibroblast colonyforming units,CFU-F)、间质干细胞(mesenchymal stem cells,MSCs)、间质祖细胞(mesenchymal progenitor cells.MPCs)。本文统一用BMSCs这一概念,对其生物学特性及其神经损伤修复作用进行综述。  相似文献   

The phenomenon of geometric phenotypic variability is described and its widespread occurrence is established by a new analysis of data from a literature survey of quantitative variation in 39 different enzymes and other cell products in hepatomas and cell lines. The range of variation from hepatoma to hepatoma or from cell line to cell line was between 3- and 700-fold, depending on the particular cell product. By collating together and normalizing the data for the enzymes and other cell products surveyed, it was demonstrated in a statistically valid manner that the quantitative variation for most, if not all, of the enzymes and serum albumin was not random, but followed a geometric series, the consecutive terms of which differed by a factor of square root 2. In addition, examples are presented to show that quantitative inheritance in normal tissues also occurs along this geometric series.  相似文献   

The cloning of established human leukemia and lymphoma cell lines at limiting dilutions in microwells and soft agar is described. Growth of most cell lines was improved by the addition of human AB serum and irradiated human bone marrow stromal cells. In general, the cloning efficiency in microwells was greater than in soft agar. The effect of bone marrow stromal cells appeared to be caused by a diffusable factor(s), but close cellular interaction could not be excluded since cloning in microwells produced consistent and optimal cell growth compared to growth in soft agar. It was concluded that cloning of leukemia and lymphoma cell lines in microwells was the preferred method and that similar techniques could improve the cloning of fresh leukemia and lymphoma cells.  相似文献   

CD138 (Syndecan 1) is a heparan sulfate proteoglycan that concentrates heparan sulfate-binding growth factors on the surface of normal and malignant plasma cells (multiple myeloma, MMC). Recent studies have shown the presence of a CD138-negative fraction of MMC within myelomatous bone marrow (BM). We employed kinome array technology to characterize this fraction at a molecular level, using a myeloma cell line model. Compared to CD138-positive cells, CD138-negative MMC showed (i) a reduced activity of kinases involved in cell cycle progression, in agreement with a decreased labeling index and (ii) reduced Rho signaling to F-actin. Interestingly, CD138 mRNA and protein expression was reduced upon interaction of MM cells with stromal cell lines and primary mesenchymal cultures, which was accompanied by the acquisition of an increased Bcl6/Blimp1 ratio. Co-culture induced an increased activity of kinases involved in adhesion and a decreased S-phase transition in both CD138-positive and -negative fractions. In addition, CD138-negative MMC demonstrated an increased STAT3 and ERK1/2 activation compared to CD138+ MMC, in agreement with a lower sensitivity to compound exposure. The presence of a less mature, more resistant CD138-negative myeloma cell fraction within bone marrow microniches might contribute to high incidence of relapse of Myeloma patients.  相似文献   

The Steel anemia of mice results from an inherited defect in the hematopoietic microenvironment. Proteoglycans synthesized by bone marrow stromal cells are an important functional component of the hematopoietic microenvironment in normal animals. It is thus possible that Steel anemia results from a molecular abnormality involving bone marrow stromal proteoglycans. To investigate this possibility, we studied proteoglycan synthesis in three stromal cell lines from Steel anemic (Sl/Sld) animals and two control stromal cell lines, one (+/+2.4) from a non-anemic littermate, and one (GBl/6) from a normal mouse. Proteoglycans were precursor labelled with 35S sulfate and separated by ion exchange HPLC, CsCl density gradient centrifugation, and molecular sieve HPLC. Glycosaminoglycan (GAG) moieties were characterized by molecular sieve HPLC and enzyme sensitivity. There were no consistent differences in total proteoglycan synthesis, proteoglycan heterogeneity, GAG hydrodynamic size, or enzyme sensitivity among the cell lines studied. Growth factor binding to stromal extracellular matrix (ECM) was studied by co-culture of an IL-3-dependent cell line (FDC-P1) with cell-free ECM preparations from an Sl/Sld and a control (GBl/6) stromal cell line, with and without pre-incubation with IL-3. Cell-free ECM preparations from Sl/Sld and control cell lines supported FDC-P1 growth to an approximately equal extent after pre-incubation with IL-3. FDC-P1 growth support by ECM preparations from both cell lines was also observed without IL-3 pre-incubation, although to a lesser extent, suggesting ECM binding of endogenous growth factors synthesized by the stromal cells.  相似文献   

In order to elucidate the pathologic significance of the bone marrow (BM) microenvironment in multiple myeloma (MM) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA), we established patient- or healthy donor (HD)-derived BM stromal cell lines by transfecting the plasmid for expression of SV40 large T Ag and examined their ability to support the stromal cell-dependent growth of a pre-B cell line, DW34. The means of recovered cell numbers of DW34 co-cultured with MM- and RA-derived BM stromal cell lines ranged from 6- to 10-fold more than those with HD-derived ones. Their enhanced ability to support DW34 cell growth was not caused by cytokines, including IL-6, IL-7, and c-kit ligand, although exogenous IL-7 could augment the growth-supporting ability. DW34 cell growth on the stromal cell lines was abolished by inhibiting cell-to-cell interaction with a membrane filter. FACS analysis revealed that the stromal cell lines did not express LFA-1 alpha, beta, NCAM, or ELAM-1. Both patient and HD BM stromal cell lines variably expressed ICAM-1, VCAM-1, and CD44. However, surface expression levels of these molecules did not correlate with the ability of the stromal cell lines to support DW34 cell growth. Taken together, these results suggested that BM microenvironment might play important roles in the pathogenesis of MM and RA.  相似文献   

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