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The largest forms of isocitrate lyase from Caenorhabditis elegans and Ascaris suum of 543,000 and 549,000 daltons, respectively, can be purified from three- to five-fold in excellent yield by pelleting from extracts at 160,000g for 4 hr. Isocitrate lyase in the pellet is much more stable toward proteolysis. Itaconate which both inhibits isocitrate lyase and suppresses the level of this enzyme in bacteria inhibits the partially purified isocitrate lyase from both C. elegans and A. suum. The inhibition is noncompetitive with respect to ds-isocitrate at one itaconate concentration. The Ki values at 30 C, pH 7.7, are 19 and 7.3 μM for the enzyme from C. elegans and A. suum, respectively. Itaconate inhibits the growth of C. elegans in random axenic as well as monoxenic cultures. At a concentration of 10 mM, itaconate is more effective in the inhibition of random axenic cultures than is oxalate, maleate, or succinate. At 60 mM itaconate, reproduction of C. elegans larvae is completely abolished.  相似文献   

It is well known that proteolysis often occurs after rupture of metazoan cells. Thus proteins isolated from extracts may not be representative of their native cellular counterparts. In the present research, extensive proteolysis was observed in crude extracts of the freeliving soil nematode Caenorhabditis elegans and the parasitic nematode Ascaris suum. Phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF) reduced the loss in activity of isocitrate lyase (EC, fumarase (EC, and citrate synthase (EC in extracts of C. elegans but had little or no effect upon loss of malate synthase (EC Catalase (EC was stable. The loss of isocitrate lyase and citrate synthase was less pronounced in extracts of 22-day-old embryos of A. suum. Catalase decayed in these extracts. The addition of PMSF reduced the loss in all three of these activities. Fumarase was stable. The number of active fragments of isocitrate lyase recovered after filtration on Sephadex G-200 increased with the length of storage of crude extracts in the absence of PMSF at 4 C. Even in the presence of PMSF five activity peaks were observed after storage of extracts of C. elegans at 4 C for 72 hr. The molecular weights of active species ranged between 549,000 and 128,000 for isocitrate lyase in extracts of either C. elegans or A. suum. The 549,000- and 214,000-dalton species of isocitrate lyase from A. suum were much more labile at 50 C than the 543,000- and 195,000-dalton species from C. elegans.  相似文献   

The purification and properties of isocitrate lyase from Chlorella   总被引:11,自引:5,他引:6  
1. Isocitrate lyase (threo-d(s)-isocitrate glyoxylate-lyase, EC has been purified from acetate-adapted cells of Chlorella pyrenoidosa. 2. The final preparation was homogeneous by the criteria of sedimentation, diffusion and polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis. 3. The sedimentation coefficient (S(20,w)) was 9.04x10(-13)sec. and the diffusion coefficient (D(20,w)) 4.62x10(-7)cm.(2)/sec.; from these values the molecular weight of the enzyme was calculated to be 170000 and its Stokes radius to be 4.63x10(-7)cm. 4. The elution of the enzyme from Sephadex G-100 was studied and estimates of molecular weight and Stokes radius were obtained from the elution data. 5. The turnover number of the enzyme was 5950moles of glyoxylate formed/min./mole of enzyme at 30 degrees . 6. With threo-d(s)(+)-isocitrate as substrate, the K(m) of the enzyme was 0.023mm.  相似文献   

Summary An Aspergillus nidulans gene library was constructed in a high-frequency transformation vector, pDJB3, based on the Neurospora crassa pyr4 gene. This gene library was used to isolate the structural gene for isocitrate lyase (acuD) by complementation of a deficiency mutation following transformation of A. nidulans. Plasmids rescued in Escherichia coli were able to transform five different A. nidulans acuD mutants. Transformation using plasmids containing the cloned fragment resulted in integration at the acuD locus in six of nine transformants.  相似文献   

Total poly(A(+))-RNA (poly(A(+))-RNA(tot)) was isolated from rat seminal vesicle and its size distribution determined by 70% formamide 5-25% sucrose density analysis. One major peak was resolved in the 10-13 S region and accounted for approximately 35% of the total poly(A(+))-RNA applied. Preparative 1% SDS, 5-20% linear sucrose density gradients also resolved a single major peak in the 11S region (poly(A(+))(11S). Analysis of poly(A(+))-RNA(tot) and poly(A(+))-RNA(11S) under denaturing conditions on 2% agarose gel electrophoresis demonstrated two major components in both poly(A(+))-RNA populations. Size estimations for these components are 620 and 540 NT respectively. (3)H-cDNA was made to both poly(A(+))-RNA(tot) and poly(A(+))-RNA(11S). Back-hybridization of poly(A(+))-RNA(tot) and poly(A(+))-RNA(11S) to their respective (3)H-cDNA revealed a highly abundant class representing 41% and 85% of the sequences in their respective (3)H-cDNA's. The highly abundant class corresponded to 3-5 sequences present in 30,000-50,000 copies/cell. Invitro translation of poly(A(+))-RNA(11S) resulted in two major polypeptides coded for by the 620 NT long and 540 NT long poly(A(+))-RNA respectively.Images  相似文献   

Changes in the levels of isocitrate lyase, malate synthase, catalase, fumarase, and NADP+-isocitrate dehydrogenase have been investigated during larval development of the free-living soil nematode Caenorhabditis elegans in the presence and absence of Escherichia coli. The specific activities of isocitrate lyase, malate synthase, and catalase are maximal at the time of egg hatching and, thereafter, decline during larval development when larvae feed on E. coli, whereas in the absence of E. coli specific activities of the same enzymes increase for 12 hr and subsequently remain constant. There is, however, no change in specific activity of fumarase or NADP+-isocitrate dehydrogenase during the same developmental period, in either case. Cycloheximide at 100 μM arrests the decline of isocitrate lyase during development of feeding larvae but has no effect upon the appearance of isocitrate lyase during starvation. The latter is true also for 15 mM itaconate. There is inactivation of isocitrate lyase in crude extracts of frozen worms in comparison to that in analogous extracts prepared from freshly harvested nematodes.  相似文献   

The adult cuticle of the soil nematode, Caenorhabditis elegans, is a proteinaceous extracellular structure elaborated by the underlying layer of hypodermal cells during the final molt in the animal's life cycle. The cuticle is composed of an outer cortical layer connected by regularly arranged struts to an inner basal layer. The cuticle can be isolated largely intact and free of all cellular material by sonication and treatment with 1% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). Purified cuticles exhibit a negative material in the basal cuticle layer. The cuticle layers differ in their solubility in sulfhydryl reducing agents, susceptibility to various proteolytic enzymes and amino acid composition. The struts, basal layer, and internal cortical layer are composed of collagen proteins that are extensively cross-linked by disulfide bonds. The external cortical layer appears to contain primarily noncollagen proteins that are extensively cross-linked by nonreducible covalent bonds. The collagen proteins extracted from the cuticle with a reducing agent can be separated by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis into eight major species differing in apparent molecular weight.  相似文献   

A purification scheme is described for the glyoxylate cycle enzyme isocitrate lyase from maize scutella. Purification involves an acetone precipitation and a heat denaturation step, followed by ammonium sulfate precipitation and chromatography on DEAE-cellulose and on blue-Sepharose. The latter step results in the removal of the remaining malate dehydrogenase activity, and of a high molecular mass (62 kDa) but inactive degradation product of isocitrate lyase. Catalase can be completely removed by performing the DEAE-cellulose chromatography in the presence of Triton X-100. Pure isocitrate lyase can be stored without appreciable loss of activity at -70 degrees C in 5 mM triethanolamine buffer containing 6 mM MgCl2, 7 mM 2-mercaptoethanol, and 50% (v/v) glycerol, pH 7.6. Maize isocitrate lyase is a tetrameric protein with a subunit molecular mass of 64 kDa. Purity of the enzyme preparation was demonstrated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of dodecylsulfate, in acid (pH 3.2) urea and by isoelectric focusing (pI = 5.1). Maize isocitrate lyase is devoid of covalently linked sugar residues. From circular dichroism measurements we estimate that its structure comprises 30% alpha-helical and 15% beta-pleated sheet segments. The enzyme requires Mg2+ ions for activity, and only Mn2+ apparently is able to replace this cation to a certain extent. The kinetics of the isocitrate lyase-catalyzed cleavage reaction were investigated, and the amino acid composition of the maize enzyme was determined. Finally the occurrence of an association between maize isocitrate lyase and catalase was observed. Such a multienzyme complex may be postulated to play a protective role in vivo.  相似文献   

Short interfering RNAs (siRNAs) are a class of regulatory effectors that enforce gene silencing through formation of RNA duplexes. Although progress has been made in identifying the capabilities of siRNAs in silencing foreign RNA and transposable elements, siRNA functions in endogenous gene regulation have remained mysterious. In certain organisms, siRNA biosynthesis involves novel enzymes that act as RNA-directed RNA polymerases (RdRPs). Here we analyze the function of a Caenorhabditis elegans RdRP, RRF-3, during spermatogenesis. We found that loss of RRF-3 function resulted in pleiotropic defects in sperm development and that sperm defects led to embryonic lethality. Notably, sperm nuclei in mutants of either rrf-3 or another component of the siRNA pathway, eri-1, were frequently surrounded by ectopic microtubule structures, with spindle abnormalities in a subset of the resulting embryos. Through high-throughput small RNA sequencing, we identified a population of cellular mRNAs from spermatogenic cells that appear to serve as templates for antisense siRNA synthesis. This set of genes includes the majority of genes known to have enriched expression during spermatogenesis, as well as many genes not previously known to be expressed during spermatogenesis. In a subset of these genes, we found that RRF-3 was required for effective siRNA accumulation. These and other data suggest a working model in which a major role of the RRF-3/ERI pathway is to generate siRNAs that set patterns of gene expression through feedback repression of a set of critical targets during spermatogenesis.REPRESSION of gene expression by small RNAs of ∼20–30 nt in length is important for many aspects of multicellular eukaryotic development. A variety of classes of small RNA with distinct structural features, modes of biogenesis, and biological functions have been identified (reviewed in Hutvagner and Simard 2008). We are particularly interested in a class of small RNAs, called endogenous short interfering RNAs (siRNAs), that are similar to intermediates in exogenously triggered RNA interference (RNAi) in their perfect complementarity to mRNA targets. High-throughput sequencing technology has provided a valuable tool for characterization of endogenous siRNA populations from many diverse sources, including mouse embryonic stem cells (Babiarz et al. 2008), Drosophila heads (Ghildiyal et al. 2008), and Arabidopsis pollen (Slotkin et al. 2009). These siRNAs have been proposed to function in the regulation of both cellular processes and genome defense through downregulation of gene expression. Caenorhabditis elegans, like plants and fungi, utilizes RNA-copying enzymes called RNA-directed RNA polymerases (RdRPs) as part of the RNAi machinery (Smardon et al. 2000; Sijen et al. 2001). While two of the C. elegans RdRPs are nonessential (RRF-1 and RRF-2), mutations in either of the remaining two (EGO-1 or RRF-3) lead to fertility defects (Smardon et al. 2000; Simmer et al. 2002). RRF-3 is functionally distinct from EGO-1 in that the RRF-3 requirement in fertility is temperature dependent. In addition, RRF-3 activity has an inhibitory effect on exogenously triggered RNAi (resulting in an ERI, or enhanced RNAi, mutant phenotype in rrf-3 mutants). Mutants lacking either RRF-3 or another ERI factor, ERI-1, have been used as experimental tools because of their enhanced sensitivity in RNAi-based screens. One proposed mechanism for the enhancement in RNAi in rrf-3 and eri mutants has been a competition for cofactors between the exogenously triggered RNAi pathway and an endogenous RNAi pathway. Consistent with this hypothesis, siRNAs corresponding to several genes have been shown by Northern analysis to depend upon RRF-3 and other ERI factors for their accumulation (Duchaine et al. 2006; Lee et al. 2006; Yigit et al. 2006). Global microarray analyses have also been undertaken to identify messenger RNAs whose expression is affected by RRF-3 and ERI-1 (Lee et al. 2006; Asikainen et al. 2007).A functional significance of the RRF-3/ERI pathway has been inferred by the inability of rrf-3, eri-1, eri-3, and eri-5 mutant strains to propagate at a high growth temperature (Simmer et al. 2002; Duchaine et al. 2006). Rather than producing temperature-sensitive mutant protein effects, RRF-3 and other ERI proteins are thought to act in a temperature-sensitive process, as evidenced by the predicted truncated and presumed nonfunctional protein fragments that would result from the available deletion alleles and by their shared temperature-sensitive phenotypes. rrf-3 mutant animals have been observed to exhibit X-chromosome missegregation (Simmer et al. 2002) and an unusual persistence of a chromatin mark on the X chromosome during male spermatogenesis (Maine et al. 2005). X-chromosome missegregation and defective spermatogenesis have been referred to in previous studies of eri-1 (Kennedy et al. 2004) and eri-3 and eri-5 (Duchaine et al. 2006). Furthermore, eri-3 mutant sterility can be rescued by insemination with wild-type sperm (Duchaine et al. 2006).Here we investigated the role of RRF-3 during spermatogenesis. We found defects evident at multiple stages, including after fertilization, where defects in rrf-3 mutant sperm can produce subsequent nonviable embryos. By using high-throughput sequencing, we characterized a large population of siRNAs present in spermatogenic cells and found a strong enrichment for antisense siRNAs from genes with known mRNA expression during spermatogenesis. While the majority of siRNA production during spermatogenesis does not require RRF-3, we found a set of genes for which siRNA production was dependent upon RRF-3. Existing data indicate increased expression for these genes in rrf-3 and/or eri-1 mutants. Taken together, our analyses suggest a working model in which the RRF-3/ERI pathway generates siRNAs that downregulate specific genes during spermatogenesis, with this regulation playing a key role in generating functional sperm.  相似文献   

The mRNA for the adaptive enzyme isocitrate lyase (ICL) from Chlorella fusca has been identified by fractionation of total poly(A)-containing RNA and in vitro translation followed by immune precipitation. The Mr of ICL mRNA was approximately 8.0 X 10(5), which is in good agreement with a previous estimate obtained by in vivo double-labelling.  相似文献   

We have isolated several new EMS-induced, long-lived mutants of Caenorhabditis elegans, using a novel screen that eliminates the need for replica plating. Three new alleles of age-1 (z10, z12, and z25) were identified by failure to complement age-1 (hx546) for life span extension; these alleles had life spans ranging from 18.9 to 25.9 days at 25°C, with an average 46% increase in life span. After backcrossing, alleles were examined in a wild-type background for resistance to several environmental stresses: heat (35°C), ultraviolet (UV) light (20 J/m2), and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) (0.5 M). Two replicates of the test of thermotolerance were completed on each strain, giving mean survivals of 842 min (hx546), 810 min (z10), 862 min (z12), and 860 min (z25), compared to 562 min for wild type. All the age-1 alleles were significantly tolerant, compared with wild type (P < 0.001). Two replicates for UV resistance were also completed with mean survivals of 103, 118, 108, and 89 hr, respectively, compared to 72 hr for wild type. One test of hydrogen peroxide resistance has shown that z12 and N2 had a mean survival of 41 hr, while the other age-1 alleles had mean survival of 54 hr (z10), and 62 hr (z25); H2O2 resistance is the only environmental stress that differentiates among the age-1 alleles. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Ribonucleoproteins of the ribosomal fraction of germinated pea embryo axes, containing translationally active mRNA, differ from analogous ribonucleoproteins of dry pea seeds, which contain stored mRNA, by the presence of a 60 kDa protein fraction showing affinity to poly(A). The above protein fraction largely affects the activity of poly(A)+ RNA translation in cell-free system. An activating effect is clearly seen at a weight ratio of poly(A)-binding proteins:poly(A)+ RNA of 3:1, whereas with an increase in the concentration of these proteins the translational activity drops. The effect of poly(A)-binding proteins containing the 60 kDa fraction on poly(A)+ RNA dependent cell-free translation can be efficiently reduced by simultaneous addition of synthetic poly(adenylic acid). It was also proved that activation of translation does not influence its products. It is concluded that poly(A)-binding proteins from the ribosomal fraction of embryo axes of pea seeds, especially the 60 kDa fraction, are involved in regulation of the translational activity of poly(A)+ RNA.  相似文献   

The total RNA from cells infected with Machupo and Lassa viruses as well as poly(A+) and poly(A-) fractions of the RNA were translated in the cell-free protein synthesizing system from rabbit reticulocytes. The translated products were treated with specific antibodies and analyzed in polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Only poly(A-) fraction of RNA coded for the synthesis of NP protein in vitro. The mRNAs for NP protein of Machupo and Lassa viruses are supposed to contain no poly(A) sequences at 3'end, or if they really do, the size of the sequences is not adequate for binding with oligo(dT)-cellulose.  相似文献   

The mRNA's for both the heavy chain (H315) and the light chain (L315) of the mineral oil-induced plasmacytoma-315 myeloma protein have been isolated and partially purified from both total cellular RNA and RNA derived from membrane-bound polysomes. The yields of both L315 mRNA and, in particular, of H315 mRNA were increased when total cellular RNA was used as starting material. Total poly(A)-containing mRNA and partially purified mRNA obtained by preparative sucrose gradient sedimentation stimulated protein synthesis in cell-free extracts derived from Ehrlich ascites tumor cells or wheat germ. Cell-free products antigenically and structurally related to both the authentic L315 and H315 secreted by intact cells were synthesized in the Ehrlich ascites cell-free system in response to the appropriate mRNA's. Only the L315 mRNA was efficiently translated in the cell-free system derived from wheat germ.  相似文献   

Total cellular poly(A+)-RNA was isolated from a lactating cow mammary gland. The poly(A+)-RNA molecules exhibit a heterogeneous distribution from 500 to 5000 nucleotides (average size--1600 nucleotides) and are made up of three main fractions (1550, 950 and 600 nucleotides) possessing a high template activity during translation in vitro. Optimal conditions for poly(A+)-RNA translation in a cell-free protein-synthesizing system from wheat embryos were elaborated. Immunochemical analysis of translation products revealed that 30% of the synthesized polypeptides are precipitated by immunoglobulins against cow milk proteins. Using hybridization with homologous cDNA, the kinetic complexity and heterogeneity of total cellular poly(A+)-RNA were investigated. This population was shown to consist of four classes differing in the diversity of their nucleotide sequences and the number of copies per cell. The total amount of the poly(A+)-RNA species in the cells of a lactating cow mammary gland is 9200, i.e., 0.46% of the genome complexity.  相似文献   

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