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I used a discontinuous population ofScleranthus annuus (Caryophyllaceae) to study the effect of crossing distances on flower morphology of the progeny. Four types of progeny were produced by artificial selfing, crossing with pollen-donors from the same patch in the population, crossing with pollen from donors from other patches in the population and inter-population crosses. The size of gynoecium parts and 12 sepal characters in this petal-lacking species were significantly influenced by the type of cross and the patch in the population from where the seed-parents originated. All comparisons of progeny types except selfed vs progeny produced by within-patch crosses were significantly separated from each other, while all four seed-parent patches used were significantly separated in a multidimensional space.  相似文献   

Reticulate and microechinate pollen forms withinSilene latifolia (S. alba, S. pratensis) were first described from N. America, where the species is an introduced weed. A previous study showed that the two forms also exist in Europe and intergrade along a zone roughly congruent with intergradation zones in seed morphology and flavone glycosylation genotypes. The present survey of pollen from herbarium specimens is more extensive and covers localities from nearly the whole of the species' native Eurasian and North African range. The first axis of a detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) of qualitative characterstate data for 11 pollen morphological characters shows a gradient between the two extreme exine types, reticulate and microechinate. When mapped, the co-ordinates of pollen samples on this axis indicate a broad zone of intergradation which coincides approximately with the somewhat sharper transition between low- and high-tubercle seeds in C. and N. Europe, but becomes diffuse in Italy and the Mediterranean region and diverges from the seed transition zone in SW. Asia and the Middle East. The biological significance of the pollen morphs is unknown; the variation pattern in pollen morphology, unlike that in seeds, is not consistently correlated with macroclimate.  相似文献   

The new taxonMoehringia intricata subsp.giennensis, from the calcareous mountains of the south-eastern Iberian Peninsula is described. A comparative morphological study with regard to the most closely related taxa, contributes information of leaf anatomy, seed and pollen morphology, ecology and distribution.  相似文献   

The involvement of gibberellins in the control of flowering of sunflower was studied by direct application of GA3 to the apex of the plants, analysis of the endogenous levels of gibberellin-like substances at different plant ages, and indirectly by the application of paclobutrazol, an inhibitor of gibberellin synthesis. GA3 speeded-up flower initiation and floral apex development. The time of GA3 application was more critical than the amount of GA3 applied. The endogenous levels of gibberellin-like compounds increased significantly by day 15 after sowing. The application of paclobutrazol markedly delayed floral initiation and this effect was also depedent on plant age. Both GA3 and paclobutrazol had their greatest effects between 10 and 20 days after sowing suggesting that an increase in gibberellins in that time period plays a role in floral initiation.  相似文献   

Silene acaulis (Caryophyllaceae) is an alpine-arctic plant with a gynodioecious breeding system, but significant variation in sex expression has been reported. In addition, population sex ratio may be modified by the anther-smutMicrobotryum violaceum (Pers.)Deml & Oberwinkler, which sterilizes individuals of both sexes. A survey was undertaken at several sites on Baffin Island, Canada, to determine sex ratio and assess variation in female function among morphologically hermaphroditic individuals. The degree of anthersmut infection was also measured. Six sites had high female frequencies ranging from 72–80% and < 2% smut infection. High female frequencies may indicate cytoplasmic control of male-sterility. A seventh site from a mesic habitat had only 50% females and a higher rate of smut infection (22%). Of the three sites studied in detail, 84% of females set at least one capsule compared to only 25% of the hermaphrodites, indicating reduced female function. Hermaphrodites displayed significant variability in female function. Flowers with short styles (< 4.0mm) had degenerated ovules, and field estimates confirmed that only 5% of these individuals set capsules, but comprised the majority (> 55%) of hermaphrodites. Although hermaphrodites with short-styled flowers functioned solely as males, there was no increase in pollen production compared to long-styled hermaphrodites. Long-styled hermaphrodites produced the same number of ovules as females, and all set at least one capsule but these plants were uncommon (< 11%) at all sites.  相似文献   

Pollination ofDianthus gratianopolitanus was studied in a population of the Swiss Jura mountains. Pollinators of this plant species are reported here for the first time. The flowers were not only visited by butterflies as postulated in the literature, but also by diurnal hawkmoths (Macroglossum stellatarum) and by diurnal and nocturnal noctuid moths. — Nectar is sucrose-dominant, the sugar concentration is moderate but the amino acid concentration is high. Nectar characteristics correspond well with the syndrome ofLepidoptera-pollinated flowers. — Field observations and flower characters (colour, range of the calyx length) suggest thatDianthus gratianopolitanus is an intermediate species in the transition of butterfly to moth pollination. — Lack of reproductive success inDianthus gratianopolitanus can not be attributed to lack of suitable pollinators.  相似文献   

15 new species are described: Sect.Sclerocalycinae:S. farsistanica, S. stapfii. — Sect.Spergulifoliae:S. paktiensis. — Sect.Auriculatae:S. caroli-henrici, S. daënensis, S. gertraudiae, S. nizvana, S. oligophylla, S. persepolitana, S. pseudaucheriana, S. pseudonurensis, S. renzii, S. salangensis, S. sojakii. — Sect.Brachypodae:S. rasvandica. — All the new species are from Iran with exception ofS. paktiensis andS. parvanica which are from Afghanistan.
Florae Iranicae praecursores 46–60. — Praecursores praecurrentes in Pl. Syst. Evol.142: 239–246 (1983).  相似文献   

Morphological and biochemical data were analysed from 30 greenhouse-grown populations of EuropeanSilene latifolia. Six separate character sets (flavones, seed, pollen, capsules, male and female flower morphology) were used in the analyses. There was broad-scale congruence between trends of geographic variation in most character sets, with the populations being assigned to western (or southern and western) and eastern clusters. The eastern and western clusters abut along a transition zone that runs roughly from Belgium to the northern Balkans; this zone represents a region of relatively rapid change and contains populations intermediate between the eastern and western clusters. Variation in flower morphology was weak and discordant with variation in the other character sets. The origin and maintenance of the variation pattern is discussed in terms of migrational history and hybrid zones.  相似文献   

The chromosome numbers of several Greece species of the genusSilene L. from natural habitats are reported for the first time:S. sieberi, S. niederi, S. radicosa subsp.rechingeri, S. oligantha, S. skorpilii, S. schwarzenbergeri andS. fruticulosa. All species are diploid with 2n = 24 chromosomes, including 0, 2 or 4 SAT-chromosomes;S. niederi has B-chromosomes.

Ten species in the genusSilene sectt.Siphonomorpha andAuriculatae were crossed artificially involving 612 crosses to test inter- and infraspecific, intervarietal and intersectional crossability. In sect.Siphonomorpha all interspecific crosses (between diploids) failed due to cross- or seed-incompatibility; however, intervarietal crosses betweenS. gigantea var.gigantea andS. gigantea var.incana produced hybrids. In sect.Auriculatae hybrids were produced betweenS. vallesia andS. boryi, both tetraploids, but crosses between these and the diploid species were unsuccessful. The delimitation and status of the species in both sections was supported by the crossing results.  相似文献   

In the diploid speciesP. prolifera, the evolution of autogamy has resulted in the presence of distinct selfing and outcrossing races. The change in breeding system toward autogamy is associated with a reduction in the size of floral features and a lower pollen production. The outbreeding populations have only been found in Greece, while the selfing populations have colonized much of Europe. The two races appear to be reproductively isolated from one another. —Petrorhagia sect.Kohlrauschia contains four species.P. glumacea is outbreeding and shows unilateral incompatibility with the small-flowered race ofP. prolifera and interfertility with the large-flowered race; althoughP. glumacea is sympatric with the large-flowered race, they do not appear to hybridize in the wild. Amongst the allopatric species, internal breeding barriers are also found. These may take the form of hybrid sterility or seed incompatibility.P. velutina is autogamous and reproductively isolated from all the other species of the section regardless of whether they are sympatric or allopatric. It is suggested that the evolution of autogamy has been an important factor in the spread ofP. velutina, the tetraploidP. nanteuilii, and the small-flowered race ofP. prolifera in Europe.  相似文献   

Silene thebana Orph. exBoiss. is transferred as a subspecies toS. fabaria (L.)Sm., resulting in the new combinationS. fabaria (L.)Sm. subsp.thebana (Orph. exBoiss.)Melzh. The chromosome count of 2n = 24 is recorded for the first time for this taxon.Dedicated to Prof. DrK. H. Rechinger on the occasion of his 80th birthday, 16th October 1986.  相似文献   

The shape and the mode of dehiscence of the capsule had been regarded as good differential characters betweenAcanthophyllum and related genera.—Studies of these characters, including the shape of the ovary, in species ofAcanthophyllum, Diaphanoptera, Ochotonophila andScleranthopsis show, however, that they cannot be used as differential characters for the genusAcanthophyllum. Dedicated to Prof.K. H. Rechinger on the occasion of his 80th birthday.  相似文献   

Floral morphology in all ten species ofCrossostylis, one of the inland genera of Rhizophoraceae and is distributed in the South Pacific Islands, was studied to increase our knowledge on floral features of individual species as well as on relationships among the species. Flowers ofCrossostylis, unlike those of the other Rhizophoraceae, always have semi-inferior ovaries and entire petals, but are diversified concerning the number and arrangement of stamens and carpels, the presence or absence of staminodia, sexuality and the structure of nectaries. Despite some doubt of the presence of apomorphies restricted to the whole genus, we tentatively definedCrossostylis by a combination of the presence of the semi-inferior ovary, entire petals, and arillate seeds, and then performed cladistic analysis on the basis of 24 floral and other morphological characters and withCarallia andGynotroches as outgroups. Our phylogenetic analysis suggested that the species ofCrossostylis are divided into two monophyletic groups: one comprising six species distributed in the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and the Fiji Islands, and the other comprising four species distributed in New Caledonia and Polynesia.  相似文献   

Samples from eleven populations of wild barley were examined for metric growth and reproductive traits in a common garden field trial. Descendants of these plants were examined for electrophoretically determined genotypes. In most cases each population had one or more predominant electrophoretically detectable genotypes and many infrequent genotypes. Analysis of variance ofHordeum spontaneum shows that the between-population variance component contributed the bulk of the observed variation in metric traits, with only a small proportion of the total variation contributed by the between-genotype within-population variance component. Nevertheless, a full 20% of the F values for the among genotype analysis were significant at the 5% level. In addition, using discriminant analysis, electrophoretically determined genotypes could be easily distinguished on the basis of trait (i.e., metric) measurements. The joint use of electrophoresis (to identify genotypes) and of trait measurements is a powerful tool for investigating intrapopulation genetic variation.  相似文献   

Allozymic variation at 30 isozyme loci was examined electrophoretically in nine annual and one perennial species ofCicer. While most of the accessions examined were monomorphic, species can be differentiated on the basis of their enzyme phenotypes. Several groups of species were identified based upon genetic distance values. For example,C. arietinum, C. reticulatum, andC. echinospermum shared the same alleles for most of the loci exmained. PerennialC. anatolicum is also closely related to this group. Similarly,C. judaicum, C. bijugum, andC. pinnatifidum formed another group. Two annual species,C. chorassanicum andC. yamashitae clustered together, whereasC. cuneatum was the most distantly related species. Correlations were found between genetic distances and geographic distribution. Results from enzyme electrophoresis tend to support the previously reported taxonomic treatments based upon crossability and morphological similarity. However,C. yamashitae, which has been classified in the second crossability group, is quite distinct genetically and morphologically from the remaining species of the group. An isozyme gene duplication observed in the genus suggested the monophyletic origin of the species examined in the present study.  相似文献   

Genetic variation within and the relationship betweenStellaria longipes Goldie andS. longifolia Muhl. were studied. Ten enzyme systems were assessed in eight natural populations ofS. longipes (25 loci) and three ofS. longifolia (20 loci) using starch and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Patterns of population differentiation corresponded to geographic distance. There was no evidence that polyploidS. longipes had greater electrophoretic variability than diploidS. longipes. The isozyme data confirmed extensive population differentiation in these species and, within that context, a relatively close relationship betweenS. longipes andS. longifolia. It was postulated that diploids of these two species might be the progenitors of tetraploidS. longipes.  相似文献   

Two karyotypic variants were recognized in populations of Acanthophyllum laxiusculum Schiman-Czeika. Variant A had 2N = 30 and variant B showed the presence of 0 to 3 B-chromosomes in addition to 2N = 30 chromosomes. Analysis of chromosome behaviour at meiosis showed that the presence of B-chromosomes increases chiasma frequency in A-chromosomes; this effect was higher for plants with odd numbers of B-chromosomes compared with plants with even numbers of B-chromosomes. Comparisons of variants A and B, suggests that B-chromosomes have an effect pollen stainability and seed production. It seems that the presence of B-chromosomes may increase pollen stainability and seed production in variant B.  相似文献   

Morphological relationships were investigated among diploidStellaria porsildii, polyploidS. longipes, and diploidS. longifolia. Canonical discriminant analysis, based on a priori assumptions to maximize differences among groups, showed thatS. longipes clusters equally distant between the two diploid species along an axis connecting the diploids' centroids, but it differs along an axis perpendicular to this axis. The intermediacy along the former axis is evidence thatS. longipes is an amphiploid derived fromS. longifolia andS. porsildii. The divergence along the latter axis may be attributable to adaptively valuable heterotic traits which were retained following amphidiploidization. The only morphological discontinuity occurred between the two diploids, whereas the morphological range ofS. longipes overlapped the range of both diploids forming a continuum. The lack of discrete clusters is likely due to hybridization and introgression withS. longifolia on one hand, and convergence of traits betweenS. longipes var.monantha andS. porsildii on the other. High a posteriori assignments in classificatory discriminant analysis supports the separation ofS. longipes var.monantha from otherS. longipes specimens. AlthoughS. longipes var.monantha grouped close toS. porsildii, the two groups separate based on leaf shape traits. Overall results support, firstly, the hypothesis thatS. porsildii is a diploid parent species which by hybridizing withS. longifolia gave rise to polyploidS. longipes. Secondly, results suggest thatS. longipes var.monantha converged morphologically towardsS. porsildii relatively recently due to ecological specialization, and merits distinction at least as a variety ofS. longipes.  相似文献   

The complex floral structure in the southern African genusConophytum (Mesembryanthemaceae; 77 spp.) is described in detail and assigned to three basic floral types, two of which can be divided into two subtypes. Correlations between structural features and phenological patterns are demonstrated and discussed in the family context as well as in relation to the systematic subdivision of the genus.  相似文献   

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