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本文研究了非离子型表面活性剂TritonX-100对含桐酸的卵磷脂脂质体的作用,结果表明,在TritonX-100对含桐酸的脂质体的作用中,存在一个TritonX-100的临界浓度,低于这个临界浓度时,TritonX-100的加入对脂质体的尺寸影响很小;当TritonX-100的浓度超过临界浓度时,脂质体迅速聚集成大团粒.  相似文献   

本文采用同步辐射小角X射线散射方法研究了用非离子表面活性剂TritonX—100处理后的嗜盐菌紫膜及其视紫红质蛋白结构的变化。实验结果表明,用不同浓度的TritonX—100处理紫膜碎片时,紫膜及其蛋白所处的状态有着很大变化。  相似文献   

本文研究用非离子表面活性剂Triton X-100处理后的细菌视紫红质(BR Bacteriorhodo-psin)光循环中间产物M_(412)动力学过程的变化.实验结果表明,用不同浓度的Triton处理pH=6.5的BR体系时,其中间产物M_(412).快衰减成分的半衰期(τ_(1/2)~f)在Triton浓度为0.05%(w/w)附近突然变慢,随着Triton浓度的加大,τ_(1/2)~f又逐渐加快;慢衰减部分的半衰期(τ_(1/2)~s)则随Tri-ton浓度的增加逐渐变慢.BR的生色团峰发生蓝移.说明不同浓度的Triton在水溶液中聚集状态不同,可不同程度地破坏膜脂的液晶态结构,从而导致镶嵌在其中的BR发生构象的变化,使转运质子的氢键通道受到不同程度的影响,故质子泵转运通道发生改变、致使M_(412)的衰减速率改变.  相似文献   

用荧光光谱方法研究了TritonX-100(以下缩写为TX-100)对菌紫质蛋白(Bacteriorhodopsin,BR)及视黄醛生色团漂白后的紫膜(Bateriopsin,BO)紫外荧光性质的影响.结果表明:表面活性剂TX-100使BR中色氨酸在326nm处的荧光发射强度增加。随着TX-100对BR的增溶,改变了生色团的构象环境,破坏了BR中色氨酸与生色团之间的能量转移。增溶后的BR中,Trp趋向于更疏水性的环境。  相似文献   

Abstract— The action of Triton X-100 on a membrane preparation from rat brain was studied with reference to the solubilization of acetylcholinesterase and the product was characterized by exclusion chromatography. The AChE and membrane protein were readily solubilized to form particles corresponding to a mol. wt. of about 5 × 105. The solubility of these particles depended on the continued presence of the detergent. It was concluded that these soluble particles formed an intermediate stage in organization between membrane-bound AChE and the soluble protein enzyme, and perhaps represented preexisting lipoprotein subunits of the membranes.  相似文献   

—The regulation of [14C]ACh synthesis was studied in rat striatal synaptosomes incubated in presence of various concentrations of Triton X-100, using [2-14C]pyruvate or [6-14C]glucose as precursors. The progressive rupture of the cytoplasmic and mitochondrial compartments induced by the non-ionic detergent was followed by studying the release, into the incubating medium, of lactate dehydrogenase and choline acetyltransferase (ChAc) and of fumarate hydratase, respectively. [3H]Choline uptake (1 μm ) was measured to determine the activity of the high affinity choline permease. 14CO2 formation from [2-14C]pyruvate was used as an index of the Krebs cycle activity. The rate of [14C]ACh synthesis from [2-14C] pyruvate was dependent on the Triton X-100 concentration; the ester formation decreased between 0·001% (v/v) and 0·010%, but increased again beyond this concentration of detergent. This last phenomenon was interpreted as the result of an extracellular synthesis of ACh involving pyruvate dehydrogenase and ChAc. At 0·002% Triton X-100 the 14CO2 formation was not affected, indicating a normal mitochondrial activity. The decrease of [14C]ACh synthesis observed up to this detergent concentration could be correlated to the decline of the highaffinity choline permease activity. In these experimental conditions, the ester synthesis could not be restored by the addition of large amounts of choline in the incubating medium suggesting that the molecules of choline must cross the high-affinity choline permease system in order to be acetylated. This could indicate a close association between the permease and choline acetyltransferase.  相似文献   

菠菜和青菜类囊体膜经SDS-PAGE*可分别分离出8条和7条含叶绿素的区带。经Cu螯合剂处理后发现菠菜CPIa、青菜CPI_a、LHCP_2带缺失,菠菜CPIa_1 LHCP_2和青菜CPI减少,两者的LHCP_3明显增加。外源Cu(5mmol/L CuCl_2)可使菠菜CPa_1带缺失。青菜CP_a带缺失,并且使菠菜CPI带的吸收峰由678nm移到672nm,在652nm处有一微弱小肩,并且出现679nm荧光发射峰,表现出LHC-Ⅱ的某些光谱特性。同时使菠菜和青菜的LHCP_1和LHCP_2的吸收峰均由672nm分别移到668nm和669nm,并且使LHCP_2在724nm处产生较强的荧光发射,接近于LHC-Ⅰ的某些光谱特性。由此初步认为,铜可能通过变构作用来调节两个光系统间从作用中心到捕光色素蛋白复合物,以及二者捕光色素蛋白复合物本身之间的能量转移。  相似文献   

Electroporative drug delivery (electroloading of cells) takes place effectively by inserting electrodes mediating strong electric pulses. Another possibility is the disturbance of lipid bilayer structures by weak pulsating electromagnetically induced currents (PEMIC) produced by Helmholtz coils. In yeast cells (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) the enhancement of drug (sensitizer) transport through cell membranes by PEMIC results in an increased photodynamic cell killing. Depending on the magnetic flux, a window of 25% killing rate, caused by the photodynamic effect, could be observed at approximately 8 mT with a frequency of 50 Hz.  相似文献   

Wild-type chloroplast membranes from Chlamydomonas reinhardi exhibit four faces in freeze-etchreplicas: the complementary Bs and Cs faces are found where the membranes are stacked together; the complementary Bu and Cu faces are found in unstacked membranes. The Bs face carries a dense population of regularly spaced particles containing the large, 160 ± 10 A particles that appear to be unique to chloroplast membranes. Under certain growth conditions, membrane stacking does not occur in the ac-5 strain. When isolated, these membranes remain unstacked, exhibit only Bu and Cu faces, and retain the ability to carry out normal photosynthesis. Membrane stacking is also absent in the ac-31 strain, and, when isolated in a low-salt medium, these membranes remain unstacked and exhibit only Bu and Cu faces. When isolated in a high-salt medium, however, they stack normally, and Bs and Cs faces are produced by this in vitro stacking process. We conclude that certain particle distributions in the chloroplast membrane are created as a consequence of the stacking process, and that the ability of membranes to stack can be modified both by gene mutation and by the ionic environment in which the membranes are found.  相似文献   

Electrophoresis of thylakoid membrane polypeptides from Chlamydomonas reinhardi revealed two major polypeptide fractions. But electrophoresis of the total protein of green cells showed that these membrane polypeptides were not major components of the cell. However, a polypeptide fraction whose characteristics are those of fraction c (a designation used for reference in this paper), one of the two major polypeptides of thylakoid membranes, was resolved in the electrophoretic pattern of total protein of green cells. This polypeptide could not be detected in dark-grown, etiolated cells. Synthesis of the polypeptide occurred during greening of etiolated cells exposed to light. When chloramphenicol (final concentration, 200 µg/ml) was added to the medium during greening to inhibit chloroplastic protein synthesis, synthesis of chlorophyll and formation of thylakoid membranes were also inhibited to an extent resulting in levels of chlorophyll and membranes 20–25% of those found in control cells. However, synthesis of fraction c was not affected by the drug. This polypeptide appeared in the soluble fraction of the cell under these conditions, indicating that this protein was synthesized in the cytoplasm as a soluble component. When normally greening cells were transferred from light to dark, synthesis of the major membrane polypeptides decreased. Also, it was found that synthesis of both subunits of ribulose 1, 5-diphosphate carboxylase was inhibited by chloramphenicol, and that synthesis of this enzyme stopped when cells were transferred from light to dark.  相似文献   

我们先前的研究表明,植物多糖抑制体外培养的小鼠肉瘤S180细胞增殖并使细胞膜磷脂含量减少,同时抑制膜磷脂酰肌醇转换。为进一步探讨植物多糖与膜磷脂的关系,本文采用毛细管柱气相色谱法分析了茯苓多糖(PPS)、刺五加多糖(ASPS)与S180细胞一同温育24h后,细胞膜磷脂和中性脂的脂肪酸组成变化,发现中性脂的脂肪酸组成和不饱和性不受影响,磷脂的脂肪酸组成发生明显改变,花生四烯酸(C(20:4))和豆蔻酸(C(14:0))降低(P<0.05或P<0.01),与用作阳性药物对照的氨甲喋呤作用相似。本文对膜磷脂脂肪酸组成变化的意义结合先前的实验结果进行了讨论,认为在PPS、ASPS的抗肿瘤机理中,细胞膜磷脂生化特性的改变是重要环节。  相似文献   

用Ca2+和胰酶处理大叶藻(Zosteramarina)和刺松藻(Codiumfragile)叶绿体膜,研究了它们的类囊体膜多肽组分与Mg2+诱导Chla荧光和膜表面电荷变化之间的相互关系。观察到:(1)在大叶藻的叶绿体膜中,Mg2+诱导PS-Ⅱ荧光强度的增高与其诱导类囊体膜表面电荷密度的降低密切相关;但这种相关性的效应不存在于刺松藻的叶绿体膜中。(2)用Ca2+处理这两种叶绿体膜分别除去其类囊体膜表面的32-34KD和30-31KD多肽,对上述Mg2+诱导的现象无明显的影响。(3)用胰酶进一步消化这些Ca2+处理过的叶绿体膜分别除去其类囊体膜表面的26KD和23-24KD多肽,那么在大叶藻的叶绿体膜中,Mg2+诱导荧光和类囊体膜表面电荷变化的相关性效应则全部消失;但在刺松藻的叶绿体膜中,Mg2+诱导荧光增高的效应完全消失,而Mg2+诱导膜表面电荷变化的性质则保持不变。这些实验结果不仅证明,类囊体膜表面的26KD和23-24KD多肽分别为大叶藻和刺松藻叶绿体膜中阳离子诱导激发能在PS-Ⅱ和PS-Ⅰ之间分配变化的特异性作用部位;而且说明阳离子调节激发能在这两个光系统之间分配的机理,在这两种海生植物的叶绿体膜中  相似文献   

An acidic protein was extracted with neutral-salt solutions from rat skin. When precipitated by dialysis against dilute acetic acid, the structural protein was separated from contaminating soluble collagens and other soluble proteins. The precipitate was dissolved in buffers containing 1% Triton X-100 and purified to apparent size and charge homogeneity by chromatography on a DEAE Bio-Gel A column. Triton X-100 was necessary for achieving nondestructive disaggregation of the protein which could be reversed by dialyzing out the detergent against methanol-dilute acetic acid.  相似文献   

Dark-grown cells of the y-1 mutant of Chlamydomonas reinhardi contain a partially differentiated plastid lacking the photosynthetic lamellar system. When exposed to the light, a rapid synthesis of photosynthetic membranes occurs accompanied by synthesis of chlorophyll, lipids, and protein and extensive degradation of the starch reserve. The process is continuously dependent on illumination and is completed within 6–8 hr in the absence of cell division. Photosynthetic activity (O2 evolution, Hill reaction, NADP photo-reduction, and cytochrome f photooxidation) parallels the synthesis of pigment and membrane formation. During the greening process, only slight changes occur in the levels of soluble enzymes associated with the photosynthetic process (RuDP-carboxylase, NADP-linked G-3-P dehydrogenase, alkaline FDPase (pH 8)) as compared with the dark control. Also cytochrome f concentration remains almost constant during the greening process. The kinetics of the synthesis of chlorophyll, formation of photosynthetic membranes, and the restoration of photosynthetic activity suggest that the membranes are assembled from their constituents in a single-step process.  相似文献   

The development of photosynthetic lamellae during greening of dark-grown Chlamydomonas y-1 cells was investigated by radioautography. Acetate-3H was used as a marker for membrane lipids. In short pulse-labeling experiments, about 50–60% of the radioactivity incorporated was found in the lipid fraction and about 25–50% in starch granules present in the chloroplast of these algae. The relative specificity of acetate-3H used as a marker for membranes was artificially increased through quantitative removal of the starch granules from fixed cells by amylase treatment. Analysis of turnover coefficients of different membrane constituents and of the contribution of turnover and net synthesis to the total label incorporated in pulse experiments indicated that the incorporation of acetate into specific lipids was mainly due to net synthesis. The distribution of radioactivity in the different lipid constituents at the end of a short pulse and after 30- and 60-min chases indicated that transacylation is minimal and may be disregarded as a possible cause of randomization of the label. Statistical analysis of radioautographic grain distribution and measurements of different structural parameters indicate that (a) the chloroplast volume and surface remain constant during the process, whereas the growth of the photosynthetic lamellae parallels the increase in chlorophyll; (b) the lamellae do not develop from the chloroplast envelope or from the tubular system of the pyrenoid; (c) all the lamellae grow by incorporation of new material within preexisting structures; (d) different types of lamellae grow at different rates. The pyrenoid tubular system develops faster than the thylakoids, and single thylakoids develop about twice as fast as those which are paired or fused to grana. It is concluded that growth of the membranes occurs by a mechanism of random intussusception of molecular complexes within different types of preexisting membranes.  相似文献   

The ionic transfer number in an electrolyte solution in the pores of a narrow pored collodion membrane depends much more on the concentration than it does in a free aqueous solution. The potential difference of two solutions of the same electrolyte in different concentration depends largely on the concentration range. The ratio of the concentrations on the two sides was always 1:2 in the experiments; the concentration range was varied. It is shown that the transfer number of Cl, calculated from the P.D. measured, is very small in dilute solution (down to .02 and less in some cases), whereas it approaches the value .5 holding for free aqueous solutions when the concentration range is raised. The differences for the transfer number of Cl, according to the cation (H, K, Na, Li), can be recognized and show the same order as in free aqueous solution. But even in LiCl, where in an ordinary aqueous solution the transfer number of Cl is always > .5, this number is very low in the case of the membrane (e.g. < .05 in .01 M solution).  相似文献   

Certain members of the phytotropin class of auxin transport inhibitors are shown to bind with high affinity to the known naphthylphthalamic acid binding sites in maize (Zea mays) coleoptiles. The binding site is, thus, a phytotropin binding site. In general, the degree of binding correlates with the phytotropin structure activity rules and with physiological activities of model compounds. It is argued that the binding site may be a receptor, and it also may be the receptor involved in the control of the auxin transport process. The possibility is raised that the binding sites may be intrinsic receptors for endoanalog(s) of the phytotropins.  相似文献   

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