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Suckling behaviour in the brown long-eared bat (Plecotus auritus)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Thirty-two adult female brown long-eard bats were taken into captivity. Eight individuals gave birth to single young in captivity (known mother-young pairs), 10 were lactating when captured (putative mother-young pairs), and the remaining 14 bats were non-reproductive. Bats were maintained in five groups consisting of females from sigle(n=3) or mixed (n=2) wild roosts. All bats were housed in outdoor, free-flight enclosures and fed mainly on free-flying noctuid moths. Bats were individually were determined daily (n=152) for a single gruup of bats containing four known mother-young pairs and five non-reproductive bats. The probability of a being attached to the nipple declined from 100% of records at 1-5 days of age to 5% of records at 36-40 days of age. Females were always found suckling their own young. Suckling associations were determined using infra-red sensitive video-recordings of bat behaviour within the roost box. For both known (n=8) and putative mother-young pairs (n=10), there were no records of young attached to lactating females other than their own mothers (from the same or different wild roosts).  相似文献   

Molecular analysis of diet overcomes the considerable limitations of traditional techniques for identifying prey remains in bat faeces. We collected faeces from individual Mountain Long-eared Bats Plecotus macrobullaris trapped using mist nets during the summers of 2009 and 2010 in the Pyrenees. We analysed their diet using DNA mini-barcodes to identify prey species. In addition, we inferred some basic features of the bat's foraging ecology that had not yet been addressed. P. macrobullaris fed almost exclusively on moths (97.8%). As prey we detected one dipteran genus (Tipulidae) and 29 moth taxa: 28 were identified at species level (23 Noctuidae, 1 Crambidae, 1 Geometridae, 1 Pyralidae, 1 Sphingidae, 1 Tortricidae), and one at genus level (Rhyacia sp., Noctuidae). Known ecological information about the prey species allowed us to determine that bats had foraged at elevations between 1,500 and 2,500 m amsl (above mean sea level), mostly in subalpine meadows, followed by other open habitats such as orophilous grasslands and alpine meadows. No forest prey species were identified in the diet. As 96.4% of identified prey species were tympanate moths and no evidence of gleaning behaviour was revealed, we suggest P. macrobullaris probably forages by aerial hawking using faint echolocation pulses to avoid detection by hearing moths. As we could identify 87.8% of the analysed sequences (64.1% of the MOTUs, Molecular Operational Taxonomic Units) at species level, we conclude that DNA mini-barcodes are a very useful tool to analyse the diet of moth-specialist bats.  相似文献   

The brown long-eared bat, Plecotus auritus, is unusual among temperate zone bats in that summer maternity colonies are composed of adult males and females, with both sexes displaying natal philopatry and long-term association with a colony. Here, we describe the use of microsatellite analysis to investigate colony relatedness and mating patterns, with the aim of identifying the evolutionary determinants of social organization in P. auritus. Mean colony relatedness was found to be low (R=0.033 +/- 0.002), with pairwise estimates of R within colonies ranging from -0.4 to 0.9. The proportion of young fathered by males in their own colony was investigated using a Bayesian approach, incorporating parameters detailing the number of untyped individuals. This analysis revealed that most offspring were fathered by males originating from a different colony to their own. In addition, we determined that the number of paternal half-sibs among cohorts of young was low, inferring little or no skew in male reproductive success. The results of this study suggest that kin selection cannot account for colony stability and natal philopatry in P. auritus, which may instead be explained by advantages accrued through the use of familiar and successful roost sites, and through long-term associations with conspecifics. Moreover, because the underlying causes of male natal dispersal in mammals, such as risk of inbreeding or competition for mates, appear to be avoided via extra-colony copulation and low male reproductive skew, both P. auritus males and females are able to benefit from long-term association with the natal colony.  相似文献   

The diets of Natterer's bat Myotis nattereri and the common long-eared bat Plecotus auritus were investigated at a nursery colony of each species by analysis of droppings collected monthly from May to September. Respectively, 68% and 42% of the diets comprised items presumed to have been gleaned from foliage or other surfaces: diurnal insects, insects which rarely fly, and non-flying arthropods. Such surfaces included the ground: centipedes were eaten by both bats, and the muscid, Scatophaga stercoraria , usually associated with cattle dung, was a common prey. Indeed, the prevalence of cattle-farming around both of the bat roosts almost certainly contributed indirectly, in the form of S. stercoraria , to a significant part of the Diptera consumed. The chief food of M. nattereri was the larger Diptera, but Trichoptera, Hymenoptera and Arachnida were also important. Lepidoptera, Coleoptera and Hemiptera were minor prey, with Dermaptera and Chilopoda taken occasionally. Diptera, closely followed by Lepidoptera, together accounted for nearly two-thirds of the diet of P. auritus. Also taken, in descending order of importance, were Trichoptera, Arachnida, Chilopoda, Coleoptera, Dermaptera, Hymenoptera and Hemiptera. Plecotus auritus , but not M. nattereri , was evidently able to take a few small insects such as aphids and lesser nematoceran Diptera.  相似文献   

When searching for insects along edges, Barbastella barbastellus alternated between two signal types. Type-2 signals had durations around 6 ms and were composed of an initial shallowly downward frequency modulated component, starting at about 45 kHz and followed by a shorter more steeply modulated component that ended at about 32 kHz. Type-1 signals were rather stereotyped with durations around 2.5 ms and a very short rise time. They covered an approximately 8 kHz-wide frequency band positioned just below the 12-15 kHz-wide frequency band of type-2 signals, with no or small frequency overlap. In the recordings, type-1 signals almost had always a higher amplitude than type-2 signals, at least partly caused by head movements. Assuming that signal structure reflects function, we hypothesize that type-2 signals have the same adaptive value as the signals with a broadband and narrowband component of other vespertilionids, but with a reverse arrangement of the signal elements. Like the broadband component of the type-2 signals, type-1 signals are well suited to localize background targets. Thus, the localization component may be distributed among two signals separated in time, which has the advantage that both signals can be varied independently in the direction of emission and in amplitude.  相似文献   


The authors monitored five maternity colonies of Plecotus austriacus to obtain data about phenology, roosting, and emergence behaviour. The bats occupied their roosts between April and October, with maximum colony sizes in August. Roosting sites in the attic’s roof ridge and temperatures of 20–25°C were favoured. Also considering the small colony (maximum 59) and cluster sizes (maximum 13 bats), P. austriacus behaved less thermophilic than other attic-dwelling species. During low temperatures, the bats chose small crevice-like roosting sites to compensate for that; during daytime, many bats remained hidden in crevices. Emergence began approximately 30 min after sunset; the bats used multiple, preferably crevice-like openings. P. austriacus left its summer roosts comparatively late; renovation works should, therefore, not start before November. For monitoring purposes, we recommend two to three emergence countings outside the attics in early August during warm weather, alongside two attic inspections 1–2 h before emergence for offspring monitoring.


Veith M  Beer N  Kiefer A  Johannesen J  Seitz A 《Heredity》2004,93(4):342-349
Bat-swarming sites where thousands of individuals meet in late summer were recently proposed as 'hot spots' for gene flow among populations. If, due to female philopatry, nursery colonies are genetically differentiated, and if males and females of different colonies meet at swarming sites, then we would expect lower differentiation of maternally inherited genetic markers among swarming sites and higher genetic diversity within. To test these predictions, we compared genetic variance from three swarming sites to 14 nursery colonies. We analysed biparentally (five nuclear and one sex-linked microsatellite loci) and maternally (mitochondrial D-loop, 550 bp) inherited molecular markers. Three mtDNA D-loop haplolineages that were strictly separated at nursery colonies were mixed at swarming sites. As predicted by the 'extra colony-mating hypothesis', genetic variance among swarming sites (V(ST)) for the D-loop drastically decreased compared to the nursery population genetic variance (V(PT)) (31 and 60%, respectively), and genetic diversity increased at swarming sites. Relatedness was significant at nursery colonies but not at swarming sites, and colony relatedness of juveniles to females was positive but not so to males. This suggests a breakdown of colony borders at swarming sites. Although there is behavioural and physiological evidence for sexual interaction at swarming sites, this does not explain why mating continues throughout the winter. We therefore propose that autumn roaming bats meet at swarming sites across colonies to start mating and, in addition, to renew information about suitable hibernacula.  相似文献   

Summary Mean oxygen consumption and simultaneous ventilation frequency of nine non-reproductive brown long-eared bats (body mass 8.53–13.33 g) were measured on 159 occasions. Ambient (chamber) temperature at which the measurements were made ranged from 10.8 to 41.1°C. Apneic ventilation occurred in 22 of the 59 measurements made when mean oxygen consumption was less than 0.5 ml·min-1. No records of apneic ventilation were obtained when it was over 0.5 ml·min-1. The relationship between ventilation frequency and mean oxygen consumption depended on whether ventilation was apneic or non-apneic. When ventilation was non-apneic the relationship was positive and log-linear. When ventilation was apneic the relationship was log-log. Within the thermoneutral zone ventilation frequency was not significantly different from that predicted from allometric equations for a terrestrial mammal of equivalent body mass, but was significantly greater than that predicted for a bird. A reduction in the amount of oxygen consumed per breath occurred at ambient temperatures above the upper critical temperature (39°C).Abbreviations RH relative humidity - T a chamber temperature - vf ventilation frequency - VO2 oxygen consumption  相似文献   

Conflicting phylogenetic signals of two data sets that analyse different portions of the same molecule are unexpected and require an explanation. In the present paper we test whether (i) differential evolution of two mitochondrial genes or (ii) cryptic diversity can better explain conflicting results of two recently published molecular phylogenies on the same set of species of long-eared bats (genus Plecotus). We sequenced 1714bp of three mitochondrial regions (16S, ND1, and D-loop) of 35 Plecotus populations from 10 European countries. A likelihood ratio test revealed congruent phylogenetic signals of the three data partitions. Our phylogenetic analyses demonstrated that the existence of a previously undetected Plecotus lineage caused the incongruities of previous studies. This lineage is differentiated on the species level and lives in sympatry with its sister lineage, Plecotus auritus, in Switzerland and Northern Italy. A molecular clock indicates that all European Plecotus species are of mid or late Pliocene origin. Plecotus indet. was previously described as an intergrade between P. auritus and Plecotus austriacus since it shares morphological characters with both. It is currently known from elevations above 800 m a.s.l. in the Alps, the Dinarian Alps and the Pindos mountains in Greece. Since we could demonstrate that incongruities of two molecular analyses simply arose from the mis-identification of one lineage, we conclude that molecular phylogenetic analyses do not free systematists from a thorough inclusion of morphological and ecological data.  相似文献   

Long-eared bats of the genus Plecotus are widespread and common over most of the western Palaearctic. Based on recent molecular evidence, they proved to represent a complex of several cryptic species, with three new species being described from Europe in 2002. Evolutionary relationships among the different lineages are still fragmentary because of the limited geographic coverage of previous studies. Here we analyze Plecotus mitochondrial DNA sequences from the entire Mediterranean region and Atlantic Islands. Phylogenetic reconstructions group these western Palaearctic Plecotus into two major clades which split at least 5 Myr ago and that are each subdivided into further subgroups. An 'auritus group' includes the traditional P. auritus species and its sister taxon P. macrobullaris (=P. alpinus) plus related specimens from the Middle East. P. auritus and P. macrobullaris have broadly overlapping distributions in Europe, although the latter is apparently more restricted to mountain ranges. The other major clade, the 'austriacus group,' includes the European species P. austriacus and at least two other related taxa from North Africa (including P. teneriffae from the Canary Islands), the Balkans and Anatolia (P. kolombatovici). The sister species of this 'austriacus group' is P. balensis, an Ethiopian endemic. Phylogenetic reconstructions further suggest that P. austriacus reached Madeira during its relatively recent westward expansion through Europe, while the Canary Islands were colonized by a North African ancestor. Although colonization of the two groups of Atlantic Islands by Plecotus bats followed very distinct routes, neither involved lineages from the 'auritus group.' Furthermore, the Strait of Gibraltar perfectly segregates the distinct lineages, which confirms its key role as a geographic barrier. This study also stresses the biogeographical importance of the Mediterranean region, and particularly of North Africa, in understanding the evolution of the western Palaearctic biotas.  相似文献   

During summer the brown long-eared bat Plecotus auritus (Vespertilionidae) forms stable colonies, comprised of both adult females and males and young of the year. A long-term ringing study conducted in north-east Scotland has established that little movement occurs among colonies and that both sexes are recruited into their natal colony. The aim of the present study was to investigate, using microsatellite DNA markers, if genetic structure within the population reflects the spatial structure indicated by ringing. Inter-colony FST estimates obtained for all colony members, and for females and males separately, were low (0.019, 0.026 and 0.011, respectively), but all values differed significantly from zero. These data indicate high gene flow between colonies, although some coancestry among colony members is evident in both sexes. On combining the ringing and genetic data, it is concluded that gene flow occurs via extra-colony copulation, rather than natal dispersal, and that each colony behaves as a distinct subpopulation. Microgeographical genetic isolation by distance was demonstrated for, to our knowledge, the first time in a bat species, and found to be apparent both across the entire study area and along one river valley. The results suggest that extensive macrogeographical population genetic structure may be evident across the species'' range.  相似文献   

E. de  Fanis  G. Jones 《Journal of Zoology》1995,235(1):85-97
Female brown long-eared bats Plecotus auritus nurse their own young selectively. Choice experiments suggested that females recognized infants by using both olfactory and acoustic cues. Infant isolation calls (i-calls) showed individual variation, and vocal signatures allowed the females to recognize and suckle their own pup. As the pups grew, the i-calls increased in frequency and decreased in duration, and the i-calls appeared to change into orientation cries. Mothers were able to recognize recent calls of their own babies in preference to older calls. Echolocation sounds were distinguishable statistically between lactating females, and the behaviour of the babies during choice experiments suggested that in this species a mutual acoustic recognition occurs. The growth and development of wing shape in P. auritus are described.  相似文献   

1. The neural audiogram of the common long-eared bat, Plecotus auritus was recorded from the inferior colliculus (IC). The most sensitive best frequency (BF) thresholds for single neurones are below 0 dB SPL between 7-20 kHz, reaching a best value of -20 dB SPL between 12-20 kHz. The lower and upper limits of hearing occur at 3 kHz and 63 kHz, respectively, based on BF thresholds at 80 dB SPL. BF threshold sensitivities are about 10 dB SPL between 25-50 kHz, corresponding to the energy band of the sonar pulse (26-78 kHz). The tonotopic organization of the central nucleus of the IC (ICC) reveals that neurones with BFs below 20 kHz are disproportionately represented, occupying about 30% of ICC volume, occurring in the more rostral and lateral regions of the nucleus. 2. The acoustical gain of the external ear reaches a peak of about 20 dB between 8-20 kHz. The gain of the pinna increases rapidly above 4 kHz, to a peak of about 15 dB at 7-12 kHz. The pinna gain curve is similar to that of a simple, finite length acoustic horn; expected horn gain is calculated from the average dimensions of the pinna. 3. The directional properties of the external ear are based on sound diffraction by the pinna mouth, which, to a first approximation, is equivalent to an elliptical opening due to the elongated shape of the pinna. The spatial receptive field properties for IC neurones are related to the directional properties of the pinna. The position of the acoustic axis of the pinna and the best position (BP) of spatial receptive fields are both about 25 degrees from the midline between 8-30 kHz but approach the midline to 8 degrees at 45 kHz. In elevation, the acoustic axis and the BP of receptive fields move upwards by 20 degrees between 9-25 kHz, remaining stationary for frequencies up to 60 kHz. 4. The extremely high auditory sensitivity shown by the audiogram and the directionality of hearing are discussed in terms of the adaptation of the auditory system to low frequencies and the role of a large pinna in P. auritus. The functional significance of low frequency hearing in P. auritus is discussed in relation to hunting for prey by listening and is compared to other gleaning species.  相似文献   

Echolocation sounds of Rhinolophus ferrumequinum nippon as they approached a fluttering moth (Goniocraspidum pryeri) were investigated using an on-board telemetry microphone (Telemike). In 40?% of the successful moth-capture flights, the moth exhibited distinctive evasive flight behavior, but the bat pursued the moth by following its flight path. When the distance to the moth was approximately 3-4?m, the bats increased the duration of the pulses to 65-95?ms, which is 2-3 times longer than those during landing flight (30-40?ms). The mean of 5.8 long pulses were emitted before the final buzz phase of moth capture, without strengthening the sound pressure level. The mean duration of long pulses (79.9?±?7.9?ms) corresponded to three times the fluttering period of G. pryeri (26.5?×?3?=?79.5?ms). These findings indicate that the bats adjust the pulse duration to increase the number of temporal repetitions of fluttering information rather than to produce more intense sonar sounds to receive fine insect echoes. The bats exhibited Doppler-shift compensation for echoes returning from large static objects ahead, but not for echoes from target moths, even though the bats were focused on capturing the moths. Furthermore, the echoes of the Telemike recordings from target moths showed spectral glints of approximately 1-1.5?kHz caused by the fluttering of the moths but not amplitude glints because of the highly acoustical attenuation of ultrasound in the air, suggesting that spectral information may be more robust than amplitude information in echoes during moth capturing flight.  相似文献   

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