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A revision of the early Tremadocian graptolites of the genus Rhabdinopora shows that Rhabdinopora proparabola from the Xiaoyangqiao section, Dayangcha, North China is the oldest species of the genus. Early Tremadocian species of Rhabdinopora can be differentiated easily by the construction of their nemata. The earliest species, Rhabdinopora proparabola, lacks a nema, while a multibranched nema is present in Rhabdinopora campanulatum (= Rhabdinopora parabola). The Rhabdinopora proparabola, Rhabdinopora campanulatum, Rhabdinopora flabelliformis (Anisograptus matanensis Biozone) and Rhabdinopora anglica biozones can be correlated worldwide. A short interval at the base of the Ordovician System does not contain any planktic graptolites.  相似文献   

We analyzed new occurrences of Azygograptus lapworthi from the Cordillera Oriental, Argentina. The bearer sandstones levels, corresponding to the Acoite Formation, are overlying the deposits, in which the Didymograptellus bifidus Biozone (Lower Ordovician, upper Floian, Fl3) was previously recognized, and are overlain by younger pelitic levels yielding Xiphograptus lofuensis (Middle Ordovician, early Dapingian, Dp2). Previous records from the Central Andean Basin are also reviewed in detail and accurately correlated, allowing us to conclude that the Azygograptus lapworthi Biozone corresponds to the Middle Ordovician (lower Dapingian, Dp1). This biostratigraphic framework documents that the transition between the Lower and Middle Ordovician deposits occurs in the uppermost levels of the Acoite Formation in the Argentine Cordillera Oriental. It is additionally integrated with up to date conodont records to establish a high-resolution regional correlation, with equivalent deposits from the Puna of northwestern Argentina and Cordillera Oriental of Bolivia, and to discuss new insights for global correlation.  相似文献   

Components of biodiversity are strongly scale dependent, but the relative importance of the patterns that operate at different scales and the links between them have been overlooked. To disentangle the ecological structure of Cambro‐Ordovician trilobite assemblages from the Argentine Cordillera Oriental at different scales, we explore patterns of abundance, dominance and occupancy across the onshore–offshore profile, and through three time intervals: Furongian, earliest Late Tremadocian (Tr2), latest Middle Floian–earliest Late Floian (Fl2–Fl3). At the regional scale, single taxa are overwhelming dominant in the Furongian (Parabolina) and in the earliest Late Tremadocian (Leptoplastides). Several dominants occur in the Floian, but just one (Famatinolithus) attains high occupancy and, rarely, high dominance. In contrast, only the Furongian records highly dominated local assemblages, whereas dominance distinctly decreases among Tr2 and Fl2–Fl3 ones. Thus, when both scales of analysis are combined, an unexpected scenario becomes evident: Tr2 assemblages resemble those of the Furongian at the regional scale, but mirror those of the Floian at the local scale. These results highlight a decoupling in local versus regional structures triggered by an earlier switch in dominance in local communities and a delayed change at the regional scale. Interestingly, this decrease in local dominance matches previous analyses accounting for a coeval step‐up in local evenness, suggesting that the Tr2 appears as a pivotal interval in the reorganization of communities in the Cordillera Oriental. This scenario emphasizes that biogeographical regions witnessed different regional‐scale processes, and suggests that scaling local and regional patterns provides new insights to unravel the history of biodiversity among benthic communities.  相似文献   

Variations in the chemical composition of the essential oils of Minthostachys mollis Griseb. (Lamiaceae) collected in their natural habitat in Argentina were determined using GC-FID-MS analysis. Seventy five samples collected out of 40 wild plant populations in the Central and Northwestern Argentina during four years sampling, were analyzed. Principal Component Analysis was made on the chemical data showing that samples from Córdoba and San Luis belonged to the typical menthone – pulegone chemotype in accordance with previous reports; meanwhile samples from Tucumán, Salta and Catamarca showed the presence of different compositions, some previously unreported, mainly those detected in Tucumán province. In addition, cluster analysis was applied using Euclidean distance to measure the dissimilarity in the relative composition of samples from Tucumán, Salta and Catamarca, using Ward's method as the agglomeration technique. Five groups were retained with less than 10% of information loss: i) dihydrocarvone-carvone, ii) pulegone with absence of menthone, iii) carvacryl acetate-carvacrol, iv) limonene and v) linalool.It is worth mentioning that the compositions of the different chemotypes remained constant throughout the four years of collection and despite the highly diverse pattern of compositions revealed in this search, the typical chemotype was not found present northwards Córdoba and San Luis provinces. This is the first report of a deep study on natural populations of peperina throughout the whole distribution area in Argentina with consecutive sampling repetitions of the same populations during several years.  相似文献   

The oldest known estuarine bivalve assemblage is documented from the Lower Ordovician (upper Arenig-lower Llanvirn) Alto del Cóndor Formation, which crops out in the Cordillera Oriental of northwestern Argentina. This unit displays most of the diagnostic sedimentary attributes of estuarine environments. Biotic components include low-diversity trace fossils and a peculiar bivalve fauna consisting of the new genera Konduria, Pseudoredonia, and Pucamya, and the new species Redonia condorensis. This constitutes the earliest known occurrence of bivalves in brackish waters, suggesting that the capability of this clade to colonize estuarine environments developed early in their radiation.  相似文献   

New discoveries from a recently described nearshore marine fauna from northwestern Venezuela of presumed early Miocene age are reported. The fossils consist of a cranial portion of a crocodile assigned to the Tbmistominae, confirming the presence of this group in South America, and the scapula of a cetacean with affinities to the Platanistoidea. The stratigraphic section of the fossil locality ‘Cerro La Cruz’ consists of ca. 87 m of clayey marls interbedded with thin hardground units, with the upper strata being gypsiferous. The fossils were found in sandstones stratigraphically above this sequence.   相似文献   

The lower Eocene Lumbrera Formation in Salta province, northwestern Argentina, outstands for providing snake remains from a non-Patagonian Paleogene site. The material consists of articulated precloacal vertebrae that represent a new medium-sized macrostomatan snake, namely Amaru scagliai nov. gen., nov. sp. The vertebral characters of Amaru scagliai nov. gen., nov. sp., suggest affinities with advanced clades, which is consistent with the recognition of derived macrostomatans in the early Paleocene of Bolivia and early Eocene of Brazil. The new snake confirms the presence of macrostomatan snakes in South America as early as the Eocene and suggests that the southern continents may have played an unsuspected role in the origin and evolution of advanced macrostomatans during the earliest Cenozoic.  相似文献   

The North American Upper Ordovician reference standard, the Cincinnatian Series, contains rich shelly microfossil faunas in its type area in the Cincinnati Region but graptolites are uncommon in most of its shallow-water calcareous sediments. Consequently, the graptolite correlation of this key sequence has remained uncertain, in part, even controversial. A review of both previously published recently discovered graptolite Occurrences in the type Cincinnatian, combined with data from the important graptolite successions in Oklahoma New York-Quebec, has not only clarified the graptolite correlation of the Cincinnatian but also added new data on the morphology taxonomy, the vertical horizontal distribution, of several taxa. The information now at hand indicates that the Edenian Stage correlates with the C. spiniferus Zone, the Maysvillian Stage with the C. pygmaeus lower middle P. manitoulinensis Zone, the Richmondian Stage with the upper P. manitoulinensis , the D. complanatus , possibly part of the C. inuiti Zone. Comparison between graptolite conodont biostratigraphic evidence reveals no apparent conflict. Correlations are proposed between Upper Ordovician North American stages, graptolite conodont zones, successions in Texas, Oklahoma, Sweden, European graptolite zones, British series.  相似文献   

It has long been known that polyploid organisms are more prevalent in arctic than in temperate environments. Past explanations for this geographical trend have focused on the role of glacial cycles in generating polyploids and the influence of abiotic factors in favouring polyploidy in the north. In combination, these mechanisms probably suffice to explain the observed geographical cline in ploidy levels in members of the Daphnia pulex complex in the Holarctic. While only diploid members of the D. pulex complex are found in the temperate regions of North America and Europe, allozyme and DNA quantification analyses indicate that the southern Argentine pulex-complex fauna is dominated by polyploids. Indeed, the present study is the first to document the presence of polyploid members of the D. pulex complex in any temperate climate. The results of phylogeographic analyses suggest that this difference in polyploid distribution between the northern and southern hemispheres is based more on ecological and historical contingencies than direct selection for polyploidy. Specifically, competition with diploid relatives probably limits the lower latitudinal range of polyploids in the north, but appears not to have occurred in Argentina. Because of these differences, the present study provides important insights into the diverse factors that determine the distributions and evolutionary fates of polyploid organisms.  相似文献   

报道湖南益阳早、中奥陶世的叶笔石1属5种,包括Phyllograptus anna Hall,1865,Phyllograptus anna longus Ruedemann,1947,Phyllograptus anna ultimus Ruedemann,1904,Phyllograptus claviger Monsen,1937,Phyllograptus claviger acuminatus(Chen and Xia),1979。研究表明,该属主要产出于弗洛晚期至大坪中期,在早、中奥陶世笔石多样性演变事件第一阶段的后期(Corymbograptus deflexus带),叶笔石所代表的上攀伸展类型就已萌芽,且在第二阶段(Pseudophyllograptus angustifolius elongatus带-Isograptus victoriae divergens带)于均分笔石动物群中占据优势地位,对该动物群内部类群的演替起着承前启后的作用,同时也验证了笔石动物群自身的演替对于其多样性演变具有重要影响。  相似文献   

A new fossil assemblage bearing graptolites, chitinozoans and acritarchs is analyzed based on material collected in the Pascha-Incamayo area, Salta Province, NW Argentina. The occurrence of Hunnegraptus copiosus (Lindholm, 1991), associated with specimens of the genus Tetragraptus (Salter, 1863), is highly relevant to improve the age assignment and correlate the fossil-bearing levels previously assigned to the Devendeus Formation. Different stages in the development of the index species of the Upper Tremadocian H. copiosus Biozone are described and illustrated. The precise stratigraphic ranges of the associated chitinozoans and acritarchs are discussed, according to the biostratigraphic analysis, and the stratigraphic relationships for the studied section are considered.  相似文献   

The Late Tremadoc storm-dominated shoreface to inner platform deposits exposed west of the Purmamarca village (Coquena Formation) contain a considerably more diverse brachiopod fauna than previously reported. Coquinite horizons from the lower heterolitic succession have yielded monospecific associations of Nanorthis purmamarcaensis nov. sp. (formerly assigned to N. christianiae KJERULF), which is also reported from the Late Tremadoc rocks of the Cerro San Bernardo area. The fine-grained Upper Member of the Coquena Formation contains a more diverse fauna composed by Nanorthis brachymyaria nov. sp., Astraborthis quebradensis nov. sp. and the new plectorthid genus Lipanorthis (type species L. andinus nov. sp.). A different species of Lipanorthis (L. santalaurae nov. sp.) from the Mid Tremadoc Floresta Formation of the Sierra de Mojotoro is also described.  相似文献   

Historical opinions of the “species problem” are briefly reviewed, and four salient stages are recognized according to origin of species concepts. We propose that species is the unit preserving superior gene assembly and is maintained by specific mechanisms. Based on characteristics of plant evolution, we assume that understanding plant species may include three stages, i.e. morphological recognition stage, multidisciplinary verification stage, and illuminating mechanisms preserving superior gene assembly.  相似文献   

One of the long-standing problems in North American graptolite biostratigraphy is the distinct differences in assemblages of post-Climacograptus bicornis age between the classical graptolite sequences in the New York - Quebec and Marathon, west Texas, regions. These have been attributed either to faunal provincialism or to the presence of a major hiatus between the Woods Hollow and Maravillas formations in Texas. New collections from the key Marathon Picnic Grounds section contain diagnostic Late Ordovician graptolites that confirm the existence of a major stratigraphic gap below the Maravillas Formation. The lower Maravillas Formation (Zone 13) has a Late Ordovician, low-diversity Pacific Province graptolite fauna that includes the biostratigraphically diagnostic species Climacograptus nevadensis, C. tubuliferus, Orthograptus fastigatus and Dicellograptus ornatus. Zone 13 graptolite assemblages from the Marathon region correlate with the C. tubuliferus to D. ornatus zones in the Trail Creek, Idaho, succession, the Ea4-Bo2 interval in Victoria, the O. fastigatus Zone in the Canadian Arctic Islands, the O. quadrimucronatus to D. ornatus zones of the Canadian Cordillera, and the D. complanatus to D. anceps zones in Scotland. The hiatus between the Woods Hollow and Maravillas formations spans an interval corresponding to at least the Eal Ea3 interval in Australia, the C. americanus to upper A. manitoulinensis zones in the New York - Quebec succession, and the D. clingani and P. linearis zones in Scotland. These results agree with the magnitude of the hiatus previously indicated by conodont biostratigraphy. Late Ordovician graptolite distribution patterns in North America can be explained by an extension of Cooper, Fortey & Lindholm's (1991; Lethaia 24) Lower Ordovician graptolite biofacies model into the Upper Ordovician, which incorporates both lateral water-mass specificity and depth stratification. Using this model, we recognize in Laurentia two separate biofacies among tropical-zone Late Ordovician Pacific Province graptolite faunas, a cosmopolitan Oceanic biofacies, and a cratonic Laurentian biofacies. The lower Maravillas Formation graptolite fauna is clearly part of the Oceanic biofacies, whereas the coeval Appalachian faunas represent the Laurentian biofacies. □Graptolites, Ordovician, biostratigraphy, Texas, biofacies, biogeography.  相似文献   

The heparan sulphate proteoglycan agrin is expressed as several isoforms in various tissues. Agrin is best known as a crucial organizer of postsynaptic differentiation at the neuromuscular junction, but it has recently also been implicated in the formation of the immunological synapse, the organization of the cytoskeleton and the amelioration of function in diseased muscle. So the activities of agrin might be of broader significance than previously anticipated.  相似文献   

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