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Of the 200+ serogroups of Vibrio cholerae, only O1 or O139 strains are reported to cause cholera, and mostly in endemic regions. Cholera outbreaks elsewhere are considered to be via importation of pathogenic strains. Using established animal models, we show that diverse V. cholerae strains indigenous to a non-endemic environment (Sydney, Australia), including non-O1/O139 serogroup strains, are able to both colonize the intestine and result in fluid accumulation despite lacking virulence factors believed to be important. Most strains lacked the type three secretion system considered a mediator of diarrhoea in non-O1/O13 V. cholerae. Multi-locus sequence typing (MLST) showed that the Sydney isolates did not form a single clade and were distinct from O1/O139 toxigenic strains. There was no correlation between genetic relatedness and the profile of virulence-associated factors. Current analyses of diseases mediated by V. cholerae focus on endemic regions, with only those strains that possess particular virulence factors considered pathogenic. Our data suggest that factors other than those previously well described are of potential importance in influencing disease outbreaks.  相似文献   

The O-polysaccharide from Vibrio cholerae O6 was isolated from the LPS by mild-acid hydrolysis and has been investigated by sugar and methylation analysis and NMR spectroscopy. The polysaccharide was also depolymerized with aqueous hydrofluoric acid to give the repeating unit and multiples thereof. The O-polysaccharide had the following tetrasaccharide repeating unit. Two O-acetyl groups are present, one of them making the GlcNAc residue fully substituted and the steric crowding considerable at the branching residue.  相似文献   

Electroporation has become a widely used method for rapidly and efficiently introducing foreign DNA into a wide range of cells. Electrotransformation has become the method of choice for introducing DNA into prokaryotes that are not naturally competent. Electroporation is a rapid, efficient, and streamlined transformation method that, in addition to purified DNA and competent bacteria, requires commercially available gene pulse controller and cuvettes. In contrast to the pulsing step, preparation of electrocompetent cells is time consuming and labor intensive involving repeated rounds of centrifugation and washes in decreasing volumes of sterile, cold water, or non-ionic buffers of large volumes of cultures grown to mid-logarithmic phase of growth. Time and effort can be saved by purchasing electrocompetent cells from commercial sources, but the selection is limited to commonly employed E. coli laboratory strains. We are hereby disseminating a rapid and efficient method for preparing electrocompetent E. coli, which has been in use by bacteriology laboratories for some time, can be adapted to V. cholerae and other prokaryotes. While we cannot ascertain whom to credit for developing the original technique, we are hereby making it available to the scientific community.  相似文献   

Vibrio harveyi and Vibrio cholerae have quorum sensing pathways with similar design and highly homologous components including multiple small RNAs (sRNAs). However, the associated luminescence phenotypes of strains with sRNA deletions differ dramatically: in V. harveyi, the sRNAs act additively; however, in V. cholerae, the sRNAs act redundantly. Furthermore, there are striking differences in the luminescence phenotypes for different pathway mutants in V. harveyi and V. cholerae. However, these differences have not been connected with the observed differences for the sRNA deletion strains in these bacteria. In this work, we present a model for quorum sensing induced luminescence phenotypes focusing on the interactions of multiple sRNAs with target mRNA. Within our model, we find that one key parameter - the fold-change in protein concentration necessary for luminescence activation - can control whether the sRNAs appear to act additively or redundantly. For specific parameter choices, we find that differences in this key parameter can also explain hitherto unconnected luminescence phenotypes differences for various pathway mutants in V. harveyi and V. cholerae. The model can thus provide a unifying explanation for observed differences in luminescence phenotypes and can also be used to make testable predictions for future experiments.  相似文献   

Cholera, a known diarrheal disease is associated with various risk factors like hypovolemic shock, rice watery stools, and death in developing countries. The overuse of antibiotics to treat cholera imposed a selective pressure for the emergence and spread of multi-drug resistant Vibrio cholerae strains. The failure of conventional antimicrobial therapy urged the researchers to find an alternative therapy that could meddle the cholera murmurs (Quorum Sensing). It seems to effectively overcome the conventional cholera therapies in parallel to decrease the morbidity and mortality rate in the developing countries. The paramount objective of this review essentially focuses on the different Quorum Sensing (QS) regulatory switches governing virulence and pathogenicity of Vibrio cholerae. This review also provides an insight into the plausible QS targets that could be exploited to bring about a breakthrough to the prevailing cholera therapy.  相似文献   

Seven different monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) specific to only Vibrio cholerae were produced using a combination of five representative serotypes of V. cholerae for immunization. The first three MAbs (VC-93, VC-82 and VC-223) were specific to the V. cholerae serogroup O1 with different avidity for the serotypes O1 Inaba and O1 Ogawa. The fourth and the fifth MAbs were specific to V. cholerae O139 (VC-812) or O141 (VC-191) serogroups, respectively. The sixth MAb (VC-26) bound to all three serogroups of V. cholerae. The seventh MAb (VC-63) bound to all twenty five isolates of V. cholerae used in this study. None of the seven MAbs showed cross-reactivity with other Vibrio spp. or closely-related V. cholerae species, V. mimicus or other gram-negative bacteria. The eighth MAbs (VC-201) specific to almost all Vibrio spp. was also obtained. In dot blotting, these MAbs can be used to detect a diluted pure culture of V. cholerae in solution with a sensitivity range of from 105 to 107 CFU ml− 1. However, the detection capability could be improved equivalent to that of PCR technique after preincubation of samples in alkaline peptone water (APW). Thus, these MAbs constitute convenient immunological tools that can be used for simple, rapid and simultaneous direct detection and differentiation of the individual serotypes of V. cholerae in complex samples, such as food and infected animals, without the requirement for bacterial isolation or biochemical characterization.  相似文献   

Multiple Displacement Amplification (MDA) of DNA using φ29 (phi29) DNA polymerase amplifies DNA several billion-fold, which has proved to be potentially very useful for evaluating genome information in a culture-independent manner. Whole genome sequencing using DNA from a single prokaryotic genome copy amplified by MDA has not yet been achieved due to the formation of chimeras and skewed amplification of genomic regions during the MDA step, which then precludes genome assembly. We have hereby addressed the issue by using 10 ng of genomic Vibrio cholerae DNA extracted within an agarose plug to ensure circularity as a starting point for MDA and then sequencing the amplified yield using the SOLiD platform. We successfully managed to assemble the entire genome of V. cholerae strain LMA3984-4 (environmental O1 strain isolated in urban Amazonia) using a hybrid de novo assembly strategy. Using our method, only 178 out of 16,713 (1%) of contigs were not able to be inserted into either chromosome scaffold, and out of these 178, only 3 appeared to be chimeras. The other contigs seem to be the result of template-independent non-specific amplification during MDA, yielding spurious reads. Extraction of genomic DNA within an agarose plug in order to ensure circularity of the extracted genome might be key to minimizing amplification bias by MDA for WGS.  相似文献   

Cholera is a communicable disease caused by consumption of contaminated food and water. This potentially fatal intestinal infection is characterised by profuse secretion of rice watery stool that can rapidly lead to severe dehydration and shock, thus requiring treatment to be given immediately. Epidemic and pandemic cholera are exclusively associated with Vibrio cholerae serogroups O1 and O139. In light of the need for rapid diagnosis of cholera and to prevent spread of outbreaks, we have developed and evaluated a direct one-step lateral flow biosensor for the simultaneous detection of both V. cholerae O1 and O139 serogroups using alkaline peptone water culture. Serogroup specific monoclonal antibodies raised against lipopolysaccharides (LPS) were used to functionalize the colloidal gold nanoparticles for dual detection in the biosensor. The assay is based on immunochromatographic principle where antigen-antibody reaction would result in the accumulation of gold nanoparticles and thus, the appearance of a red line on the strip. The dry-reagent dipstick format of the biosensor ensure user-friendly application, rapid result that can be read with the naked eyes and cold-chain free storage that is well-suited to be performed at resource-limited settings.  相似文献   

Gram-negative bacteria use type II secretion systems for the transport of virulence factors and hydrolytic enzymes through the outer membrane. These sophisticated multi-protein complexes reach from the pore in the outer membrane via the pseudopilins in the periplasm and a multi-protein inner-membrane sub-complex, to an ATPase in the cytoplasm. The human pathogen Vibrio cholerae uses such a secretion machinery, called the Eps-system, for the export of its major virulence factor cholera toxin into the intestinal tract of the human host. Here, we describe the 2.4 A structure of the hetero-tetrameric complex of the N-terminal domain of the ATPase EpsE and the cytoplasmic domain of the inner membrane protein EpsL, which constitute the major cytoplasmic components of the Eps-system. A stable fragment of EpsE in complex with the cytoplasmic domain of EpsL was identified via limited proteolysis and facilitated the crystallization of the complex. This first structure of a complex between two different proteins of the type II secretion system reveals that the N-terminal domain of EpsE and the cytoplasmic domain of EpsL form a hetero-tetramer, in which EpsL is the central dimer and EpsE binds on the periphery. The dimer of EpsL in this complex is very similar to the dimer seen in the crystal structure of the native cytoplasmic domain of EpsL, suggesting a possible physiological relevance despite a relatively small 675 A2 buried solvent accessible surface. The N-terminal domain of EpsE, which forms a compact domain with an alpha+beta-fold, places its helix alpha2 in a mostly hydrophobic cleft between domains II and III of EpsL burying 1700 A2 solvent accessible surface. This extensive interface involves several residues whose hydrophobic or charged nature is well conserved and is therefore likely to be of general importance in type II secretion systems.  相似文献   

Pathogenic Vibrio cholerae secrete V. cholerae cytolysin (VCC), an 80 kDa pro-toxin that assembles into an oligomeric pore on target cell membranes following proteolytic cleavage and interaction with cell surface receptors. To gain insight into the activation and targeting activities of VCC, we solved the crystal structure of the pro-toxin at 2.3A by X-ray diffraction. The core cytolytic domain of VCC shares a fold similar to the staphylococcal pore-forming toxins, but in VCC an amino-terminal pro-domain and two carboxy-terminal lectin domains decorate the cytolytic domain. The pro-domain masks a protomer surface that likely participates in inter-protomer interactions in the cytolytic oligomer, thereby explaining why proteolytic cleavage and movement of the pro-domain is necessary for toxin activation. A single beta-octyl glucoside molecule outlines a possible receptor binding site on one lectin domain, and removal of this domain leads to a tenfold decrease in lytic activity toward rabbit erythrocytes. VCC activated by proteolytic cleavage assembles into an oligomeric species upon addition of soybean asolectin/cholesterol liposomes and this oligomer was purified in detergent micelles. Analytical ultracentrifugation and crystallographic analysis indicate that the resulting VCC oligomer is a heptamer. Taken together, these studies define the architecture of a pore forming toxin and associated lectin domains, confirm the stoichiometry of the assembled oligomer as heptameric, and suggest a common mechanism of assembly for staphylococcal and Vibrio cytolytic toxins.  相似文献   

Work in recent years has led to the recognition of the importance of small regulatory RNAs (sRNAs) in bacterial regulation networks. New high-throughput sequencing technologies are paving the way to the exploration of an expanding sRNA world in nonmodel bacteria. In the Vibrio genus, compared to the enterobacteriaceae, still a limited number of sRNAs have been characterized, mostly in Vibrio cholerae, where they have been shown to be important for virulence, as well as in Vibrio harveyi. In addition, genome-wide approaches in V. cholerae have led to the discovery of hundreds of potential new sRNAs. Vibrio splendidus is an oyster pathogen that has been recently associated with massive mortality episodes in the French oyster growing industry. Here, we report the first RNA-seq study in a Vibrio outside of the V. cholerae species. We have uncovered hundreds of candidate regulatory RNAs, be it cis-regulatory elements, antisense RNAs, and trans-encoded sRNAs. Conservation studies showed the majority of them to be specific to V. splendidus. However, several novel sRNAs, previously unidentified, are also present in V. cholerae. Finally, we identified 28 trans sRNAs that are conserved in all the Vibrio genus species for which a complete genome sequence is available, possibly forming a Vibrio “sRNA core.”  相似文献   

霍乱弧菌是引起人和动物烈性肠道传染病霍乱的病原体。在霍乱弧菌的200多个血清群中,只有O1群和O139群霍乱弧菌能引起霍乱。快速准确检测O1群和O139群霍乱弧菌是霍乱防治的关键。表面抗原在O1群和O139群霍乱弧菌检测中发挥着重要作用。简要综述了O1群和O139群霍乱弧菌的脂多糖、霍乱肠毒素、外膜蛋白W、毒素共调菌毛和甘露糖敏感血凝素等5种主要抗原的研究进展。  相似文献   

Cholera enterotoxin is a major antigenic determinant for virulence of Vibrio cholerae O1 which can enter into a viable but non-culturable (N-C) state, not detectable by conventional culture methods, yet remain capable of producing enterotoxin and potentially pathogenic. PCR was applied in the current study to detect the chilera toxin (ctx) gene of N-C cells, thus eliminating the necessity of culture. Sets of oligonucleotide primers were designed, based on the ctxAB operon of V. cholerae O1, to detect the presence of the ctx gene. DNA from both culturable and N-C cells of V. cholerae O1 was amplified by PCR using sets of primers flanking 302-, 564- and 777-bp fragments of the ctx gene. The PCR method employed was capable of detecting the ctx gene in N-C V. cholerae in aquatic microcosms and in diarrheal stool samples from three patients who had distinct clinical symptoms of cholera but were culture-negative for V. cholerae O1 and non-O1 and enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli. Forty cycles of a two-step reaction (30 s each at 94 and 60°C) were optimal and more time efficient than a three-step PCR described previously. The procedure, from the point of heating microcosms or broth culture samples to observation on gels, requires < 4 h to complete.J.A.K. Hasan, A. Huq, M.A.R. Chowdhury, and R.R. Colwell are with the Department of Microbiology, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA. M. Shahabuddin is with the National Institute of Health. Bethesda, MD, USA. L. Loomis is with New Horizons Diagnostics Corporation, Columbia, MD, USA.  相似文献   

Vibrio cholerae O1 can enter a state in which they remain viable but are non-culturable. Presumably, such bacteria can be pathogenic if they retain the capacity to proliferate in the human intestine following ingestion. Two groups of volunteeers were given inocula containing viable but non-culturable V. cholerae O1 of the attenuated vaccine strain CVD 101 (viable CVD 101 organisms readily colonize the human intestine). Volunteers in one of the two groups excreted viable CVD 101, demonstrating that, in the environment of the human intestine, previously non-culturable vibrios can regain the capacity to multiply. These observations support the proposition that viable but non-culturable bacterial enteropathogens may pose a potential threat to health.  相似文献   

The structure of Vibrio cholerae protein VC0424 was determined by NMR spectroscopy. VC0424 belongs to a conserved family of bacterial proteins of unknown function (COG 3076). The structure has an alpha-beta sandwich architecture consisting of two layers: a four-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet and three side-by-side alpha-helices. The secondary structure elements have the order alphabetaalphabetabetaalphabeta along the sequence. This fold is the same as the ferredoxin-like fold, except with an additional long N-terminal helix, making it a variation on this common motif. A cluster of conserved surface residues on the beta-sheet side of the protein forms a pocket that may be important for the biological function of this conserved family of proteins.  相似文献   

The enteric pathogen Vibrio cholerae secretes a water-soluble 80-kD cytolysin, Vibrio cholerae cytolysin (VCC) that assembles into pentameric channels following proteolytic activation by exogenous proteases. Until now, VCC has been placed in a unique class of pore-forming toxins, distinct from paradigms such as Staphyloccal alpha-hemolysin. However, as reported here, amino acid sequence analysis and three-dimensional structure modeling indicate that the core component of the VCC toxin is related in sequence and structure to a family of hemolysins from Staphylococcus aureus that include leukocidin F and alpha-hemolysin. Furthermore, our analysis has identified the channel-forming region of VCC and a potential lipid head-group binding site, and suggests a conserved mechanism of assembly and lysis. An additional domain in the VCC toxin is related to plant lectins, conferring additional target cell specificity to the toxin.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine the host range of the Vibrio harveyi myovirus-like bacteriophage (VHML) and the cholera toxin conversion bacteriophage (CTX Phi) within a range of Vibrio cholerae and V. mimicus and V. harveyi, V. cholerae and V. mimicus isolates respectively. METHODS AND RESULTS: Three V. harveyi, eight V. cholerae and five V. mimicus isolates were incubated with VHML and CTX Phi. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to determine the presence of VHML and CTX Phi in infected isolates. We demonstrated that it was possible to infect one isolate of V. cholerae (isolate ACM #2773/ATCC #14035) with VHML. This isolate successfully incorporated VHML into its genome as evident by positive PCR amplification of the sequence coding part of the tail sheath of VHML. Attempts to infect all other V. cholerae and V. mimicus isolates with VHML were unsuccessful. Attempts to infect V. cholerae non-01, V. harveyi and V. mimicus isolates with CTX Phi were unsuccessful. CONCLUSIONS: Bacteriophage infection is limited by bacteriophage-exclusion systems operating within bacterial strains and these systems appear to be highly selective. One system may allow the co-existence of one bacteriophage while excluding another. VHML appears to have a narrow host range which may be related to a common receptor protein in such strains. The lack of the vibrio pathogenicity island bacteriophage (VPI Phi) in the isolates used in this study may explain why infections with CTX Phi were unsuccessful. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The current study has demonstrated that Vibrio spp. bacteriophages may infect other Vibrio spp.  相似文献   

Vibrio cholerae, the causative agent of cholera, is a natural inhabitant of the aquatic ecosystem. Chironomid (nonbiting midges) egg masses were recently found to harbour V. cholerae non-O1 and non-O139, providing a natural reservoir for the cholera bacterium. Chironomid populations and the presence of V. cholerae in chironomid egg masses were monitored. All V. cholerae isolates were able to degrade chironomid egg masses. The following virulence associated genes were detected in the bacterial isolates: hapA (100%), toxR (100%), hlyA (72%) and ompU (28%). The chironomid populations and the V. cholerae in their egg masses followed the phenological succession and interaction of host-pathogen population dynamics. A peak in the chironomid population was followed by a peak in the V. cholerae population. If such a connection is further substantiated for the pathogenic serogroups of V. cholerae in endemic areas of the disease, it may lead to a better understanding of the role of chironomids as a host for the cholera bacterium.  相似文献   

The synthesis of oligosaccharide fragments of the O-specific polysaccharide of Vibrio cholerae O139 containing a 4,6-cyclic phosphate galactose residue linked to GlcNAc is described. 8-Azido-3,6-dioxaoctyl 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyl-beta-D-galactopyranosyl-(1-->3)-2-acetamido-4,6-O-benzylidene-2-deoxy-beta-D-glucopyranoside, obtained by condensation of 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyl-alpha-D-galactopyranosyl bromide and 8-azido-3,6-dioxaoctyl 2-acetamido-4,6-O-benzylidene-2-deoxy-beta-D-glucopyranoside, was converted to 8-azido-3,6-dioxaoctyl 3-O-benzyl-beta-D-galactopyranosyl-(1-->3)-2-acetamido-6-O-benzyl-2-deoxy-beta-D-glucopyranoside (6) by reductive opening of the acetal, followed by deacetylation and selective benzylation. Phosphorylation of 6 furnished two isomeric 4,6-cyclic 2,2,2-trichloroethyl phosphates. Glycosylation of the (S)-phosphate with 2,4-di-O-benzyl-3,6-dideoxy-alpha-L-xylo-hexopyranosyl bromide under halide-assisted conditions gave the desired tetrasaccharide, together with a trisaccharide. Global deprotection and reduction of the azide to an amine was effected by catalytic hydrogenation/hydrogenolysis to give the deprotected tetrasaccharide, which is functionalized for conjugation.  相似文献   

Vibrio cholerae is a diverse species of Gram-negative bacteria, commonly found in the aquatic environment and the causative agent of the potentially deadly disease cholera. These bacteria employ a type VI secretion system (T6SS) when they encounter prokaryotic and eukaryotic competitors. This contractile puncturing device translocates a set of effector proteins into neighboring cells. Translocated effectors are toxic unless the targeted cell produces immunity proteins that bind and deactivate incoming effectors. Comparison of multiple V. cholerae strains indicates that effectors are encoded in T6SS effector modules on mobile genetic elements. We identified a diverse group of chimeric T6SS adaptor proteins required for the translocation of diverse effectors encoded in modules. An example for a T6SS effector that requires T6SS adaptor protein 1 (Tap-1) is TseL found in pandemic V. cholerae O1 serogroup strains and other clinical isolates. We propose a model in which Tap-1 is required for loading TseL onto the secretion apparatus. After T6SS-mediated TseL export is completed, Tap-1 is retained in the bacterial cell to load other T6SS machines.  相似文献   

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