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Angiotensin-I-converting enzyme (ACE) plays a critical role in the regulation of blood pressure through its central role in the renin-angiotensin and kallikrein-kinin systems. ACE contains two domains, the N and C domains, both of which are heavily glycosylated. Structural studies of ACE have been fraught with severe difficulties because of surface glycosylation of the protein. In order to investigate the role of glycosylation in the N domain and to create suitable forms for crystallization, we have investigated the importance of the 10 potential N-linked glycan sites using enzymatic deglycosylation, limited proteolysis, and mass spectrometry. A number of glycosylation mutants were generated via site-directed mutagenesis, expressed in CHO cells, and analyzed for enzymatic activity and thermal stability. At least eight of 10 of the potential glycan sites are glycosylated; three C-terminal sites were sufficient for expression of active N domain, whereas two N-terminal sites are important for its thermal stability. The minimally glycosylated Ndom389 construct was highly suitable for crystallization studies. The structure in the presence of an N domain-selective phosphinic inhibitor RXP407 was determined to 2.0 Å resolution. The Ndom389 structure revealed a hinge region that may contribute to the breathing motion proposed for substrate binding.  相似文献   

C-terminal Src kinase (Csk) phosphorylates and down-regulates the Src family tyrosine kinases (SFKs). Crystallographic studies of Csk found an unusual arrangement of the SH2 and SH3 regulatory domains about the kinase core, forming a compact structure. However, recent structural studies of mutant Csk in the presence of an inhibitor indicate that the enzyme accesses an expanded structure. To investigate whether wt-Csk may also access open conformations we applied small angle x-ray scattering (SAXS). We find wt-Csk frequently occupies an extended conformation where the regulatory domains are removed from the kinase core. In addition, all-atom structure-based simulations indicate Csk occupies two free energy basins. These basins correspond to ensembles of distinct global conformations of Csk: a compact structure and an extended structure. The transitions between these structures are entropically driven and accessible via thermal fluctuations that break local interactions. We further characterized the ensemble by generating theoretical scattering curves for mixed populations of conformations from both basins and compared the predicted scattering curves to the experimental profile. This population-combination analysis is more consistent with the experimental data than any rigid model. It suggests that Csk adopts a broad ensemble of conformations in solution, populating extended conformations not observed in the crystal structure that may play an important role in the regulation of Csk. The methodology developed here is broadly applicable to biological macromolecules and will provide useful information about what ensembles of conformations are consistent with the experimental data as well as the ubiquitous dynamic reversible assembly processes inherent in biology.  相似文献   

Peptide:N-glycosidase (PNGase) F, the first PNGase identified in prokaryotic cells, catalyzes the removal of intact asparagine-linked oligosaccharide chains from glycoproteins and/or glycopeptides. Since its discovery in 1984, PNGase F has remained as the sole prokaryotic PNGase. Recently, a novel gene encoding a protein with a predicted PNGase domain was identified from a clinical isolate of Elizabethkingia meningoseptica. In this study, the candidate protein was expressed in vitro and was subjected to biochemical and structural analyses. The results revealed that it possesses PNGase activity and has substrate specificity different from that of PNGase F. The crystal structure of the protein was determined at 1.9 Å resolution. Structural comparison with PNGase F revealed a relatively larger glycan-binding groove in the catalytic domain and an additional bowl-like domain with unknown function at the N terminus of the candidate protein. These structural and functional analyses indicated that the candidate protein is a novel prokaryotic N-glycosidase. The protein has been named PNGase F-II.  相似文献   

Nonenveloped virus must penetrate the cellular membrane to access the cytoplasm without the benefit of membrane fusion. For birnavirus, one of the peptides present in the virus capsid, pep46 for infectious bursal disease virus, is able to induce pores into membranes as an intermediate step of the birnavirus-penetration pathway. Using osmotic protection experiments, we demonstrate here that pep46 and its pore-forming N-terminal moiety (pep22) form pores of different diameters, 5–8 and 2–4 nm, respectively, showing that both pep46 moieties participate to pore formation. The solution structures of pep46, pep22, and pep24 (the pep46 C-terminal moiety) in different hydrophobic environments and micelles determined by 1H NMR studies provide structural insights of the pep46 domain interaction. In CDCl3/CD3OH mixture and in dodecylphosphocholine micelles, the N-terminal domain of pep46 is structured in a long kinked helix, although the C terminus is structured in one or two helices depending upon the solvents used. We also show that the folding and the proline isomerization status of pep46 depend on the type of hydrophobic environment. NMR spectroscopy with labeled phospholipid micelles, differential scanning calorimetry, and plasmon waveguide resonance studies show the peptides lie parallel to the lipid-water interface, perturbing the fatty acid chain packing. All these data lead to a model in which the two domains of pep46 interact with the membrane to form pores.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli, the biogenesis of both cytochrome bd-type quinol oxidases and periplasmic cytochromes requires the ATP-binding cassette-type cysteine/GSH transporter, CydDC. Recombinant CydDC was purified as a heterodimer and found to be an active ATPase both in soluble form with detergent and when reconstituted into a lipid environment. Two-dimensional crystals of CydDC were analyzed by electron cryomicroscopy, and the protein was shown to be made up of two non-identical domains corresponding to the putative CydD and CydC subunits, with dimensions characteristic of other ATP-binding cassette transporters. CydDC binds heme b. Detergent-solubilized CydDC appears to adopt at least two structural states, each associated with a characteristic level of bound heme. The purified protein in detergent showed a weak basal ATPase activity (approximately 100 nmol Pi/min/mg) that was stimulated ∼3-fold by various thiol compounds, suggesting that CydDC could act as a thiol transporter. The presence of heme (either intrinsic or added in the form of hemin) led to a further enhancement of thiol-stimulated ATPase activity, although a large excess of heme inhibited activity. Similar responses of the ATPase activity were observed with CydDC reconstituted into E. coli lipids. These results suggest that heme may have a regulatory role in CydDC-mediated transmembrane thiol transport.  相似文献   

Siphophage SPP1 infects the Gram-positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis using its long non-contractile tail and tail-tip. Electron microscopy (EM) previously allowed a low resolution assignment of most orf products belonging to these regions. We report here the structure of the SPP1 distal tail protein (Dit, gp19.1). The combination of x-ray crystallography, EM, and light scattering established that Dit is a back-to-back dimer of hexamers. However, Dit fitting in the virion EM maps was only possible with a hexamer located between the tail-tube and the tail-tip. Structure comparison revealed high similarity between Dit and a central component of lactophage baseplates. Sequence similarity search expanded its relatedness to several phage proteins, suggesting that Dit is a docking platform for the tail adsorption apparatus in Siphoviridae infecting Gram-positive bacteria and that its architecture is a paradigm for these hub proteins. Dit structural similarity extends also to non-contractile and contractile phage tail proteins (gpVN and XkdM) as well as to components of the bacterial type 6 secretion system, supporting an evolutionary connection between all these devices.  相似文献   

O-GlcNAc transferase is an essential mammalian enzyme responsible for transferring a single GlcNAc moiety from UDP-GlcNAc to specific serine/threonine residues of hundreds of nuclear and cytoplasmic proteins. This modification is dynamic and has been implicated in numerous signaling pathways. An unexpected second function for O-GlcNAc transferase as a protease involved in cleaving the epigenetic regulator HCF-1 has also been reported. Recent structural and biochemical studies that provide insight into the mechanism of glycosylation and HCF-1 cleavage will be described, with outstanding questions highlighted.  相似文献   

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