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《Mammalian Biology》2014,79(1):52-57
The red deer is in the Iberian Peninsula at the southwestern edge of its European range and although widespread, red deer ecology in Portugal remains poorly understood. By using pellet group counts, we investigate how habitat structure, vegetation composition and human disturbance affect red deer occurrence. Red deer distribution was positively associated with areas with high density of heather, Leguminosae plants and patches with high cover of shrubs, ground cover and tree cover. Red deer occupied areas further away from roads and from villages. Red deer distribution was negatively associated with agricultural fields and areas with high canopy cover.In the perspective of the current climatic changes, continue research on red deer in these so-called edge populations represents an opportunity to assess the ecological responses within an evolutionary perspective and to provide important conservation suggestions for other countries located on the edge of its distribution range. The present results have implications for the conservation of red deer, emphasizing the need for wide range ecological studies. Red deer variation seems to be related to local factors rather than proximity to the edge of its range.  相似文献   

Plant distribution borders are key features to characterise the ecological niche of a species and to monitor effects of climate change. Here we focus on an evergreen small tree, Ilex aquifolium, which reaches its north-eastern range edge in Denmark. Our main objectives are to describe and to model the current distribution of the species, to identify the most important climatic and land use factors which shape this distribution pattern, and to analyse the species' habitat requirements. For this purpose we used data from a national mapping project, complemented by information from forest owners. The distribution and abundance of I. aquifolium in Denmark have markedly changed during the past 40 years. It is now found in almost all districts, although the centres of abundance still coincide with the historical records. Our model shows lower habitat suitability for the species in northern and eastern districts, where winters are more severe and spring precipitation is lower. To a lesser extent, land use influences I. aquifolium occurrence, but it is more common in areas with a high proportion of forests and/or urban sites. The analysis of habitat requirements supports these results, since I. aquifolium occurs mainly as a forest species in deciduous stands, on relatively nutrient-rich moist soils, and under moderately high light conditions. However, some records may be the product of seed dispersal from planted individuals nearby. The results suggest that the range edge of the species has moved at least 100 km east within half a century. Since I.aquifolium is sensitive to winter frost, this change in distribution may be due to increasingly mild winter temperatures.  相似文献   

We documented populations of deer mice in the Kananaskis Valley, southwestern Alberta, Canada from 1979 to 1997 to determine whether these short-season populations were more, or less, variable than populations in more temperate environments. We then examined patterns of reproduction, age-specific survival, and immigration to explain variation in summer population growth. Population densities showed no multi-annual periodicity and were generally low. At maximum, numbers doubled over the breeding season, but declined over the breeding season in 4 of 16 yr. Variability in population density was low, and similar to that of Peromyscus populations in more temperate environments. No demographic parameters were related to spring population densities, and immigration rates were low when conditions for survival of nestlings and adults were favorable. Variation in summer population growth was attributed primarily to variation in nestling survival among years.  相似文献   

We studied feeding activity and dietary components of hand-reared European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) in Israel. Our ultimate goal was to assess habitat suitability for future reintroduction of the species, which has been locally extinct for nearly a century. Activity patterns, diet composition, and body mass of four does were monitored in two (fenced) typical east Mediterranean habitats: mature forest and scrubland recovering from fire. Food supplements were provided between trials. Throughout the year, the deer exhibited diurnal and nocturnal activity, mostly at dawn and dusk. Diet composition varied considerably between seasons and habitats, demonstrating the opportunistic flexibility of the deer. In both habitats, the deer fed on over 85% of the plant species but preferred a particular plant species or parts. In summer and early autumn, fruits and seeds became the dominant portion of their diet. In our semi-natural experimental setup, deer maintained body mass through the winter and spring. Weight loss occurred as the dry season advanced, but the animals rapidly regained mass when annuals and grasses became available following the first rains. In the east Mediterranean habitats, water availability seems more problematic for deer survival than food availability.  相似文献   

The origin, trends in adaptatiogenesis and ecogenesis of megacerines reviewed. The major phylogenetic lineages are described, the main evolutionary events are dated and compared with changes in environments. It is shown that the major evolutionary changes in megacerines developed against a background of considerable changes in environments, which corresponded to global climatic and great regional landscape-climatic events.  相似文献   

The natural geographical occurrence, carbon assimilation, and structural and biochemical diversity of species with C4 photosynthesis in the vegetation of Mongolia was studied. The Mongolian flora was screened for C4 plants by using 13C/12C isotope fractionation, determining the early products of 14CO2 fixation, microscopy of leaf mesophyll cell anatomy, and from reported literature data. Eighty C4 species were found among eight families: Amaranthaceae, Chenopodiaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Molluginaceae, Poaceae, Polygonaceae, Portulacaceae and Zygophyllaceae. Most of the C4 species were in three families: Chenopodiceae (41 species), Poaceae (25 species) and Polygonaceae, genus Calligonum (6 species). Some new C4 species in Chenopodiaceae, Poaceae and Polygonaceae were detected. C4 Chenopodiaceae species make up 45% of the total chenopods and are very important ecologically in saline areas and in cold arid deserts. C4 grasses make up about 10% of the total Poaceae species and these species naturally concentrate in steppe zones. Naturalized grasses with Kranz anatomy,of genera such as Setaria, Echinochloa, Eragrostis, Panicum and Chloris, were found in almost all the botanical-geographical regions of Mongolia, where they commonly occur in annually disturbed areas and desert oases. We analyzed the relationships between the occurrence of C4 plants in 16 natural botanical-geographical regions of Mongolia and their major climatic influences. The proportion of C4 species increases with decreasing geographical latitude and along the north-to-south temperature gradient; however grasses and chenopods differ in their responses to climate. The abundance of Chenopodiaceae species was closely correlated with aridity, but the distribution of the C4 grasses was more dependent on temperature. Also, we found a unique distribution of different C4 Chenopodiaceae structural and biochemical subtypes along the aridity gradient. NADP-malic enzyme (NADP-ME) tree-like species with a salsoloid type of Kranz anatomy, such as Haloxylon ammodendron and Iljinia regelii, plus shrubby Salsola and Anabasis species, were the plants most resistant to ecological stress and conditions in highly arid Gobian deserts with less than 100 mm of annual precipitation. Most of the annual C4 chenopod species were halophytes, succulent, and occurred in saline and arid environments in steppe and desert regions. The relative abundance of C3 succulent chenopod species also increased along the aridity gradient. Native C4 grasses were mainly annual and perennial species from the Cynodonteae tribe with NAD-ME and PEP-carboxykinase (PEP-CK) photosynthetic types. They occurred across much of Mongolia, but were most common in steppe zones where they are often dominant in grazing ecosystems. Received: 17 March 1999 / Accepted: 1 November 1999  相似文献   

This study examined the interplay of spatial and environmental effects shaping the range margin of the red‐backed shrike (Lanius collurio) in northern Portugal. The occurrence of shrikes in 10 × 10 km UTM squares was related to three sets of explanatory variables, reflecting environmental effects (climate and habitat), large‐scale spatial trends, and neighbourhood influences (considering an autologistic term); spatial variables were used as surrogates for historical and demographic factors. Multiple logistic regression models were built for each set, and then variation partitioning based on partial regressions isolated the unique and shared components of explained variation. The environmental model revealed a dominant influence of climate effects, with the occurrence of shrikes increasing with frost and thermal amplitude, declining with insolation, and responding unimodally to rainfall. There was a weaker influence of habitat conditions, though shrikes were more likely with increasing cover by annual crops and pastures, and decreasing forest cover. Only a relatively small proportion of explained variation was due to a ‘pure’ environmental component (10.4%), as most variation explained by environmental factors appeared spatially structured (51.9%). The unique contributions of spatial variables to the overall model were also small, though the neighbourhood effects appeared relatively stronger than large‐scale trends. Taken together, results suggested that the south‐western range margin of the red‐backed shrike was largely determined by spatially structured environmental factors. Nevertheless, there were also ‘pure’ environmental factors determining some isolate occurrences irrespective of any spatial structure, and ‘pure’ spatial factors that appeared to favour the occupation of squares surrounding the core distribution areas irrespective of environmental conditions. These results add to the growing evidence that both environmental and spatial factors need to be considered in predictive modelling of species range margins.  相似文献   

In a current article in the Journal of Vegetation Science, Molina‐Montenegro and colleagues extend the study of plant–plant interactions on stress gradients to extremes – the moss and lichen‐dominated communities of Antarctica. They found that the importance of facilitation at this extreme end of a ‘cold–harsh continuum’ was similar to that reported at the extreme ends of alpine gradients around the world. In other words, in contrast to recent theory and case studies in other systems, facilitative effects did not wane in extremely stressful conditions.  相似文献   

Over the past 40 years, Northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) populations have declined range-wide. The Mid-Atlantic once held the highest densities in the country and now shows some of the worst declines. Although population parameters have been quantified throughout most of the bobwhite range, Mid-Atlantic populations have been largely unstudied. To better quantify the dynamics of this declining system, we sought to not only gather annual data on home range, movement, and habitat selection, but also examine how some of these metrics might impact survival. We captured and radio-tracked 154 bobwhites between May 2006 and April 2008 on a 125 km2 area of Cumberland County, New Jersey, USA. Seasonal daily movement ranged from 146 m to 158 m but several extreme movements were notable. Across seasons, grassland habitat was used in greater proportion to its availability, shrub-scrub and agriculture habitats were used equally with their availability and forests and other habitats were used less than their availability. Differences in second-order selection occurred between seasons with lower use of shrub-scrub and forest habitats and higher use of other habitat in breeding seasons. Pooled breeding season survival was 0.343, nonbreeding season survival was 0.183, and annual survival was 0.063. Although mortality was dominated by avian predators, house cat mortalities were noteworthy. Cox proportional hazard analysis revealed that risk of breeding season mortality risk was increased by longer daily movement, lower grassland use, and higher forest and other use. During the nonbreeding season, risk of mortality increased with shorter daily movement and proximity to occupied buildings and barns. This information could inform management decisions in the greater Mid-Atlantic as well as other areas of their range where they exist at very low abundances. © 2010 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Examination of the skulls of 133 Roe deer (123♂, 10♀) from seven areas of England and Scotland has shown that small canine teeth or their alveoli are occasionally found in the upper jaw of both males and females. These teeth do not penetrate the gum and are detected readily only by dissection or preparation of the skull. Evidence for the presence of canine teeth was found in three of the seven populations sampled. It is concluded that the frequency of occurrence in most of the populations examined is very low except in one where it is of the order of 17 %. It is not clear whether the upper canine is represented in both the deciduous and the permanent dentition.  相似文献   

Studies of grouse conducted at northern latitudes have shown that tetraonids frequently exhibit cyclic fluctuations in abundance but little is known about the dynamics of grouse species at the southerly edge of their range. Hunting statistics from four species of grouse based on 30 yr of data collected from 210 hunting areas were examined from the Dolomitic Alps in the province of Trentino. These data were summed to represent 18 time series from discrete mountain groups. Analyses identified cycles of ca 5 yr in the minority of rock ptarmigan Lagopus mutus and hazel grouse Bonasa bonasia populations. These cycles only showed significant negative autocorrelation at half the cycle period and were classified as phase-forgetting quasi-cycles. Cycles were not found in time series of black grouse Tetrao terix or capereaillie Tetrao urogallus. Correcting time series for hunting effort or hunting restrictions tended to increase the proportion of populations that exhibited cycles but no difference in the strength of second order density dependence, A linear first order density-dependent autoregressive model described the dynamics of most of the populations with the exception of a proportion of rock ptarmigan and black grouse populations where a non linear first order model provided the best tit. We compare the findings with studies conducted in Finland and suggest possible reasons for the reduced tendency to cycle in the populations of southern Europe.  相似文献   

Non‐consumptive effects of predators result from the cost of responses to perceived risk. Prey modulate risk exposure through flexible habitat selection at multiple scales which, in interaction with landscape constraints, determines their use of risky habitats. Identifying the relative contributions of landscape constraints and habitat selection to risk exposure is a critical first step towards a mechanistic understanding of non‐consumptive effects. Here, we provide an integrative multi‐scale study of roe deer spatial responses to variable hunting pressure along a landscape gradient of open habitats and dispersed refuges. Between low‐risk and high‐risk periods, we investigated shifts in 1) home‐range location, 2) probability of using risky habitats (between‐habitat scale) and 3) distance to the nearest refuge (within‐habitat scale). For 2) and 3), we disentangled the contributions of landscape constraints and habitat selection to risky habitat use. We found that when risk was high, roe deer did not shift their home‐range, but generally decreased their use of risky habitats, and sometimes reduced their distance to cover (particularly older animals). There was a functional response in between‐habitat selection, with animals living in more open landscapes responding more than those living in landscapes with more refuges. However, individuals living in more open landscapes avoided open risky habitat less. Finally, we found that among‐individual variation in risk exposure was generally, but not always, minimized by habitat selection across gradients of landscape constraints. To our knowledge, this is the first study simultaneously documenting prey responses to risk at the within‐habitat, between‐habitat and home‐range scales. Our results support the view that between‐habitat selection acts at a higher hierarchical level than within‐habitat selection, and provide a framework for disentangling the contributions of habitat selection and landscape constraints to risk exposure. Selection cannot always compensate for landscape constraints, indicating a need for further investigation of the processes underlying habitat selection.  相似文献   

A group of human diseases, known as 'laminopathies', are associated with defects in proteins of the nuclear envelope. Most laminopathy mutations have been mapped to the A-type lamin gene, which is expressed in most adult cell types. So, why should different mutations in a near-ubiquitously expressed gene be associated with various discrete tissue-restricted diseases? Attempts to resolve this paradox are uncovering new molecular interactions #151; both inside the nucleus and at its periphery -- which indicate that the nuclear envelope has functions that go beyond mere housekeeping.  相似文献   

Understanding the spatial patterns of reproductive biology might provide predictions about fitness and population stability in different locations within the geographical range of a particular species. Leptuca uruguayensis is a fiddler crab that breeds year round in tropical estuaries but only in summer months in temperate salt marshes. In this study, we examined several reproductive attributes of the southernmost population of L. uruguayensis, including the proportion of ovigerous females, the proportion of surface‐active crabs, the developmental status of the gonads and hepatopancreas, and the fullness of seminal receptacles, and related them to environmental factors such as temperature, photoperiod, and sediment organic matter content. We found that temperature was the environmental factor that was most correlated with the reproductive process of the southernmost fiddler crab, since this environmental factor was related to ovarian development, to the fullness of seminal receptacles, and to the hepatosomatic index. At the southern edge of its distribution, the low temperatures of winter restricted reproduction in L. uruguayensis. These winter temperatures might represent the lower limit of the thermal window of this fiddler crab, limiting its extension toward higher latitudes.  相似文献   

Life at the dry edge: Microorganisms of the Atacama Desert   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Atacama Desert, located in northern Chile, is the driest and oldest Desert on Earth. Research aimed at the understanding of this unique habitat and its diverse microbial ecosystems begun only a few decades ago, mainly driven by NASA's astrobiology program. A milestone in these efforts was a paper published in 2003, when the Atacama was shown to be a proper model of Mars. From then on, studies have been focused to examine every possible niche suitable for microbial life in this extreme environment. Habitats as different as the underside of quartz rocks, fumaroles at the Andes Mountains, the inside of halite evaporates and caves of the Coastal Range, among others, have shown that life has found ingenious ways to adapt to extreme conditions such as low water availability, high salt concentration and intense UV radiation.  相似文献   

We have investigated the effects of taxol on steady-state tubulin flux and on the apparent molecular rate constants for tubulin addition and loss at the two ends of bovine brain microtubules in vitro. These microtubules, which consist of a mixture of 70% tubulin and 30% microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs), undergo a net addition of tubulin at one end of each microtubule (A end) and a precisely balanced net loss of tubulin at the opposite end (D end) at steady state in vitro. They do not exhibit to a detectable extent the "dynamic instability" behavior described recently for MAP-free microtubules, which would be evident as an increase in the mean microtubule length and a decrease in the number of microtubules in the suspensions [Mitchison, T., & Kirschner, M. (1984) Nature (London) 312, 237-242]. We used a double-label procedure in which microtubules were labeled with tritium and carbon-14 at A ends and carbon-14 at D ends to distinguish the two ends, combined with a microtubule collection procedure that permitted rapid and accurate analysis of retention of the two labels in the microtubules. We found that taxol slowed the flux of tubulin in a concentration-dependent manner, with 50% inhibition occurring between 5 and 7 microM drug. The effects of taxol on the apparent molecular rate constants for tubulin addition and loss at the two microtubule ends were determined by dilution analysis at an intermediate taxol concentration. The results indicated that taxol decreased the magnitudes of the dissociation rate constants at the two ends to similar extents, while exerting little effect on the association rate constants.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Bacteriophage lambda clones containing Theileria parva genomic DNA derived from two different telomeres were isolated and the nucleotide sequences of the telomeric repeats and adjacent telomere-associated (TAS) DNA were determined. The T.parva telomeric repeat sequences, a tandem array of TTTTAGGG or TTTAGGG interspersed with a few variant copies, showed a high degree of sequence identity to those of the photosynthetic algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (97% identity) and Chlorella vulgaris (87.7% identity) and the angiosperm Arabidopsis thaliana (84.4% identity). Unlike most organisms which have been studied, no significant repetitive sequences were found in the nucleotide sequences of TAS DNA located centromere-proximal to the telomeric repeats. Restriction mapping and hybridisation analysis of lambda EMBL3 clones containing 16 kilobases of TAS DNA derived from one telomere suggested that they did not contain long regions of repetitive DNA. The cloned TAS DNAs were mapped to T.parva Muguga genomic SfiI fragments 8 and 20, which are located at opposite ends of the largest T.parva chromosome. A 126 bp sequence located directly centromere-proximal to the telomeric repeats was 94% identical between the two cloned telomeres. The conserved 126 bp sequence was present on all T.parva Muguga telomeric SfiI fragments.  相似文献   

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