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The mechanisms underlying HIV-1 control by protective HLA class I alleles are not fully understood and could involve selection of escape mutations in functionally important Gag epitopes resulting in fitness costs. This study was undertaken to investigate, at the population level, the impact of HLA-mediated immune pressure in Gag on viral fitness and its influence on HIV-1 pathogenesis. Replication capacities of 406 recombinant viruses encoding plasma-derived Gag-protease from patients chronically infected with HIV-1 subtype C were assayed in an HIV-1-inducible green fluorescent protein reporter cell line. Viral replication capacities varied significantly with respect to the specific HLA-B alleles expressed by the patient, and protective HLA-B alleles, most notably HLA-B*81, were associated with lower replication capacities. HLA-associated mutations at low-entropy sites, especially the HLA-B*81-associated 186S mutation in the TL9 epitope, were associated with lower replication capacities. Most mutations linked to alterations in replication capacity in the conserved p24 region decreased replication capacity, while most in the highly variable p17 region increased replication capacity. Replication capacity also correlated positively with baseline viral load and negatively with baseline CD4 count but did not correlate with the subsequent rate of CD4 decline. In conclusion, there is evidence that protective HLA alleles, in particular HLA-B*81, significantly influence Gag-protease function by driving sequence changes in Gag and that conserved regions of Gag should be included in a vaccine aiming to drive HIV-1 toward a less fit state. However, the long-term clinical benefit of immune-driven fitness costs is uncertain given the lack of correlation with longitudinal markers of disease progression.There is broad heterogeneity in the ability of HIV-infected individuals to control virus replication, ranging from elite controllers, who maintain undetectable viral loads without treatment, to rapid progressors, who progress to AIDS within 2 years of infection (9, 22, 32). Many interrelated factors, including host and viral genetic factors involved in antiviral immunity and the viral life cycle, may partially account for the differences in the course of disease progression (10, 11, 30, 41). The complex interplay between host genetic factors and viral factors is exemplified by human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class I-restricted cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) responses, which exert considerable immune pressure on the virus, resulting in escape mutations that affect the interaction of viral and host proteins, thereby influencing infection outcome.The exact mechanisms by which some HLA class I alleles, such as HLA-B*57 and HLA-B*27, are associated with slower progression to AIDS, while others, such as B*5802 and B*18, are associated with accelerated disease progression (6, 20, 42), are unclear. The magnitude and/or breadth of HLA-restricted CTL responses to the conserved Gag protein has been correlated inversely with disease progression or markers of disease progression in several studies (12, 21, 28, 31, 35, 43, 46), although there are some exceptions (4, 16, 37), while preferential targeting of the highly variable envelope protein (as occurs in HLA-B*5802-positive individuals) correlates with higher viral loads (21, 29). Protective HLA alleles restrict CTL responses that impose a strong selection pressure on a few specific Gag p24 epitopes, resulting in escape mutations (14) for which fitness costs have been demonstrated either through site-directed mutations introduced into a reference strain background (2, 8, 25, 38) or through in vivo reversion of these mutations after transmission to an HLA-mismatched individual (8, 24). Recent evidence suggests that Gag escape mutations with a fitness cost, particularly those in p24, are a significant determinant of disease progression: the transmitted number of HLA-B-associated polymorphisms in Gag was found to significantly impact the viral set point in recipients (although an associated fitness cost was not shown) (7, 15), and in a small number of infants, decreased fitness of the transmitted virus with HLA-B*5703/5801-selected mutations in Gag p24 epitopes resulted in slower disease progression (33, 39). Also, the number of reverting Gag mutations (thought to revert as a consequence of fitness costs) associated with individual HLA-B alleles was strongly correlated with the HLA-linked viral set point in chronically infected patients (26). A recent in vitro study showed that HLA-associated variation in Gag-protease, with resulting reduced replication capacity, may contribute to viral control in HIV-1 subtype B-infected elite controllers (27). Taken together, these studies suggest that CTL responses restricted by favorable HLA alleles select for escape mutations in conserved epitopes, particularly those in Gag, resulting in a fitness cost to HIV and therefore at least partly explaining the slower disease progression in individuals carrying these alleles.To date, many of the studies investigating the fitness cost of Gag escape mutations and their clinical relevance have concentrated on escape mutations associated with protective HLA alleles, have not assessed fitness consequences in the natural sequence background (in the presence of other escape and compensatory mutations), and/or have focused on a limited number of patients. Most importantly, the majority of studies have focused on HIV-1 subtype B. The present study is the first to use a large population-based approach and clinically derived Gag-protease sequences to investigate comprehensively the relationships between immune-driven sequence variation in Gag, viral replication capacity, and markers of disease progression in chronic infection with HIV-1 subtype C, the most predominant subtype in the epidemic. We assayed the replication capacity of recombinant viruses encoding patient Gag-protease in an HIV-1-inducible green fluorescent protein (GFP) reporter cell line and found associations between lower replication capacities, protective HLA alleles, protective HLA-associated mutations, lower baseline viral loads, and higher baseline CD4 counts. However, Gag-protease replication capacity did not correlate with the subsequent rate of CD4 decline.  相似文献   

The structural polyprotein Gag of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) is necessary and sufficient for formation of virus-like particles. Its C-terminal p6 domain harbors short peptide motifs that facilitate virus release from the plasma membrane and mediate incorporation of the viral Vpr protein. p6 has been shown to be the major viral phosphoprotein in HIV-1-infected cells and virions, but the sites and functional relevance of p6 phosphorylation are not clear. Here, we identified phosphorylation of several serine and threonine residues in p6 in purified virus preparations using mass spectrometry. Mutation of individual candidate phosphoacceptor residues had no detectable effect on virus assembly, release, and infectivity, however, suggesting that phosphorylation of single residues may not be functionally relevant. Therefore, a comprehensive mutational analysis was conducted changing all potentially phosphorylatable amino acids in p6, except for a threonine that is part of an essential peptide motif. To avoid confounding changes in the overlapping pol reading frame, mutagenesis was performed in a provirus with genetically uncoupled gag and pol reading frames. An HIV-1 derivative carrying 12 amino acid changes in its p6 region, abolishing all but one potential phosphoacceptor site, showed no impairment of Gag assembly and virus release and displayed only very subtle deficiencies in viral infectivity in T-cell lines and primary lymphocytes. All mutations were stable over 2 weeks of culture in primary cells. Based on these findings, we conclude that phosphorylation of p6 is dispensable for HIV-1 assembly, release, and infectivity in tissue culture.  相似文献   

Previous studies have identified a central role for HLA-B alleles in influencing control of HIV infection. An alternative possibility is that a small number of HLA-B alleles may have a very strong impact on HIV disease outcome, dominating the contribution of other HLA alleles. Here, we find that even following the exclusion of subjects expressing any of the HLA-B class I alleles (B*57, B*58, and B*18) identified to have the strongest influence on control, the dominant impact of HLA-B alleles on virus set point and absolute CD4 count variation remains significant. However, we also find that the influence of HLA on HIV control in this C-clade-infected cohort from South Africa extends beyond HLA-B as HLA-Cw type remains a significant predictor of virus and CD4 count following exclusion of the strongest HLA-B associations. Furthermore, there is evidence of interdependent protective effects of the HLA-Cw*0401-B*8101, HLA-Cw*1203-B*3910, and HLA-A*7401-B*5703 haplotypes that cannot be explained solely by linkage to a protective HLA-B allele. Analysis of individuals expressing both protective and detrimental alleles shows that even the strongest HLA alleles appear to have an additive rather than dominant effect on HIV control at the individual level. Finally, weak but significant frequency-dependent effects in this cohort can be detected only by looking at an individual''s combined HLA allele frequencies. Taken together, these data suggest that although individual HLA alleles, particularly HLA-B, can have a strong impact, HIV control overall is likely to be influenced by the additive effect of some or all of the other HLA alleles present.HIV-specific CD8+ T cells play a central role in resolution of primary viremia and the long-term suppression of viral replication (13). Supporting this notion is the observed correlation between possession of particular human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class I alleles and control of HIV, measured both directly by time-to-AIDS (5, 6) and indirectly via clinical markers of disease progression (viral load [VL] and CD4 count) (15, 26, 28). Specific HLA class I alleles have been associated with relatively successful control of viral replication and slow disease progression, most notably, alleles HLA-B*57 and HLA-B*27 (1, 7, 12, 15, 21, 23), and also with relatively ineffective control of viral replication and rapid disease progression [B*35(Px), B*5802, and B*18] (5, 15, 17, 23). In addition, general trends suggesting an HLA class I heterozygote advantage (5) and rare allele advantage (28) and, most recently, a correlation between levels of surface expression linked to certain HLA-Cw alleles (11, 27) and HIV control has also been described.Among the different HLA class I loci, the HIV-specific CD8+ T-cell responses restricted by HLA-B alleles are thought to play the central role in determining disease outcome: the majority of detectable HIV-specific CD8+ T-cell responses are restricted by HLA-B alleles (3, 15, 16), HLA-B-restricted responses typically express a more effective “polyfunctional” phenotype (14), the strongest HLA-associations with either slow or rapid progression are with HLA-B alleles (5, 10, 11, 15), and HLA-B-restricted CD8+ T cells exert the strongest selection pressure on the virus (15, 19, 24). However, whether this apparent association between HIV immune control and HLA-B is a general and causal trend or, rather, is biased by the coincidence that the strongest HLA associations with either extreme of disease control happen, by chance, to involve HLA-B alleles remains uncertain.In order to further investigate the correlation between HLA type and HIV infection control, we here examine a cohort now comprising >1,200 chronically HIV C-clade-infected, treatment-naïve subjects from Durban, South Africa, in an extended analysis following from our previous studies of a smaller cohort (15). We first address the question of whether the dominant role of HLA-B in this population compared to the roles of HLA-A or HLA-C results from the influence of HLA-B alleles in general or is dependent on a few known strong associations, such as that between HLA-B*57 alleles and low viremia. Second, in light of recent data (11, 27), we assess the impact of HLA-C alleles on HIV disease outcome and examine the effect of HLA haplotypes on observed HLA associations with disease control. Third, we investigate the question of whether the impact of certain HLA-B alleles on HIV outcome dominates that of other HLA-B alleles to negate the contribution of the latter or whether the impact of individual HLA alleles can be additive. Finally, we compare the impact of individual HLA alleles on HIV on immune control to the impact of heterozygote and rare allele advantage in this cohort.  相似文献   



The design of a globally effective vaccine rests on the identification of epitopes capable of eliciting effective cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) responses across multiple HIV clades in different populations. This study aims to discern the effect of HLA polymorphisms and the cross-clade reactivity or clade-specificity of epitopes in Thailand where HIV-1 CRF01_AE is circulating.

Materials and Methods

14 peptides based on consensus HIV-1 CRF01_AE amino acid sequences were designed for use in IFN-γ ELISpot assays and 51Cr release assays among 66 HIV-1 CRF01_AE-infected Thai patients. For ELISpot responders carrying HLA alleles currently unknown to restrict CRF01_AE epitopes, in silico epitope-HLA prediction was performed.


29/66 (43.9%) patients recognized at least one peptide. In total 79 responses were seen against all 14 peptides. 28/79 (35.4%) of the responses were in patients with HLA alleles previously reported to restrict CRF01_AE epitopes, 24/79 (30.4%) responses were in individuals with HLA alleles previously reported to restrict epitopes of HIV clades other than CRF01_AE, and the remaining 27/79 (34.2%) responses were not associated with HLA alleles previously known to restrict HIV epitopes. In silico epitope prediction detected 19 novel, epitope-HLA combinations, and 11/19 (57.9%) were associated with HLA-C alleles. We further confirmed a novel HLA restriction of a previously identified HIV-1 Gag epitope [p24122–130: PPIPVGDIY (PY9)] by HLA-B*40:01 with a standard 51Cr release assay.


CTL recognition sites in HIV-1 Gag were similar among different clades but the HLA restriction differed in Thai patients. This disparity in HLA restriction along different populations illustrated the importance of clade- and population-specific HLA analysis prior to CTL vaccine design.  相似文献   

In chronic HIV infection, CD8+ T cell responses to Gag are associated with lower viral loads, but longitudinal studies of HLA-restricted CD8+ T cell-driven selection pressure in Gag from the time of acute infection are limited. In this study we examined Gag sequence evolution over the first year of infection in 22 patients identified prior to seroconversion. A total of 310 and 337 full-length Gag sequences from the earliest available samples (median = 14 days after infection [Fiebig stage I/II]) and at one-year post infection respectively were generated. Six of 22 (27%) individuals were infected with multiple variants. There was a trend towards early intra-patient viral sequence diversity correlating with viral load set point (p = 0.07, r = 0.39). At 14 days post infection, 59.7% of Gag CTL epitopes contained non-consensus polymorphisms and over half of these (35.3%) comprised of previously described CTL escape variants. Consensus and variant CTL epitope proportions were equally distributed irrespective of the selecting host HLA allele and most epitopes remained unchanged over 12 months post infection. These data suggest that intrapatient diversity during acute infection is an indicator of disease outcome. In this setting, there is a high rate of transmitted CTL escape variants and limited immune selection in Gag during the first year of infection. These data have relevance for vaccine strategies designed to elicit effective CD8+ T cell immune responses.  相似文献   

Although CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) are protective in HIV-1 infection, the factors determining their antiviral efficiency are poorly defined. It is proposed that Gag targeting is superior because of very early Gag epitope presentation, allowing early killing of infected cells before Nef-mediated downregulation of human leukocyte antigen class I (HLA-I). To study Gag epitope presentation kinetics, three epitopes (SL977-85, KF11162-172, and TW10240-249) were genetically translocated from their endogenous location in the Rev-dependent (late) gag gene into the Rev-independent (early) nef gene with concomitant mutation of the corresponding endogenous epitopes to nonrecognized sequences. These viruses were compared to the index virus for CTL-mediated suppression of replication and the susceptibility of this antiviral activity to Nef-mediated HLA-I downregulation. SL9-specific CTLs gained activity after SL9 translocation to Nef, going from Nef sensitive to Nef insensitive, indicating that translocation accelerated infected cell recognition from after to before HLA-I downregulation. KF11-specific CTL antiviral activity was unchanged and insensitive to HLA-I downregulation before and after KF11 translocation, suggesting that already rapid recognition of infected cells was not accelerated. However, TW10-specific CTLs that were insensitive to Nef at the baseline became sensitive with reduced antiviral activity after translocation, indicating that translocation retarded epitope expression. Cytosolic peptide processing assays suggested that TW10 was inefficiently generated after translocation to Nef, compared to SL9 and KF11. As a whole, these data demonstrate that epitope presentation kinetics play an important role in CTL antiviral efficiency, that Gag epitopes are not uniformly presented early, and that the epitope context can play a major role in presentation kinetics.  相似文献   

The primary aim of this study was to measure HIV-1 persistence following combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) in infants and children. Peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) HIV-1 DNA was quantified prior to and after 1 year of cART in 30 children, stratified by time of initiation (early, age <3 months, ET; late, age >3 months-2 years, LT). Pre-therapy PBMC HIV-1 DNA levels correlated with pre-therapy plasma HIV-1 levels (r = 0.59, p<0.001), remaining statistically significant (p = 0.002) after adjustment for prior perinatal antiretroviral exposure and age at cART initiation. PBMC HIV-1 DNA declined significantly after 1 year of cART (Overall: -0.91±0.08 log10 copies per million PBMC, p<0.001; ET: -1.04±0.11 log10 DNA copies per million PBMC, p<0.001; LT: -0.74 ±0.13 log10 DNA copies per million PBMC, p<0.001) but rates of decline did not differ significantly between ET and LT. HIV-1 replication exposure over the first 12 months of cART, estimated as area-under-the-curve (AUC) of circulating plasma HIV-1 RNA levels, was significantly associated with PBMC HIV-1 DNA at one year (r = 0.51, p = 0.004). In 21 children with sustained virologic suppression after 1 year of cART, PBMC HIV-1 DNA levels continued to decline between years 1 and 4 (slope -0.21 log10 DNA copies per million PBMC per year); decline slopes did not differ significantly between ET and LT. PBMC HIV-1 DNA levels at 1 year and 4 years of cART correlated with age at cART initiation (1 year: p = 0.04; 4 years: p = 0.03) and age at virologic control (1 and 4 years, p = 0.02). Altogether, these data indicate that reducing exposure to HIV-1 replication and younger age at cART initiation are associated with lower HIV-1 DNA levels at and after one year of age, supporting the concept that HIV-1 diagnosis and cART initiation in infants should occur as early as possible.  相似文献   

Compartmentalized HIV-1 replication within the central nervous system (CNS) likely provides a foundation for neurocognitive impairment and a potentially important tissue reservoir. The timing of emergence and character of this local CNS replication has not been defined in a population of subjects. We examined the frequency of elevated cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) HIV-1 RNA concentration, the nature of CSF viral populations compared to the blood, and the presence of a cellular inflammatory response (with the potential to bring infected cells into the CNS) using paired CSF and blood samples obtained over the first two years of infection from 72 ART-naïve subjects. Using single genome amplification (SGA) and phylodynamics analysis of full-length env sequences, we compared CSF and blood viral populations in 33 of the 72 subjects. Independent HIV-1 replication in the CNS (compartmentalization) was detected in 20% of sample pairs analyzed by SGA, or 7% of all sample pairs, and was exclusively observed after four months of infection. In subjects with longitudinal sampling, 30% showed evidence of CNS viral replication or pleocytosis/inflammation in at least one time point, and in approximately 16% of subjects we observed evolving CSF/CNS compartmentalized viral replication and/or a marked CSF inflammatory response at multiple time points suggesting an ongoing or recurrent impact of the infection in the CNS. Two subjects had one of two transmitted lineages (or their recombinant) largely sequestered within the CNS shortly after transmission, indicating an additional mechanism for establishing early CNS replication. Transmitted variants were R5 T cell-tropic. Overall, examination of the relationships between CSF viral populations, blood and CSF HIV-1 RNA concentrations, and inflammatory responses suggested four distinct states of viral population dynamics, with associated mechanisms of local viral replication and the early influx of virus into the CNS. This study considerably enhances the generalizability of our results and greatly expands our knowledge of the early interactions of HIV-1 in the CNS.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of HLA class I alleles on clinical parameters for HIV-1 disease progression in the Japanese population, where two strongly protective alleles, HLA-B*57 and HLA-B*27, are virtually nonexistent. HLA-B alleles showed a dominant role, primarily through HLA-B*67:01 and the HLA-B*52:01-C*12:02 haplotype. Neither a rare-allele nor a heterozygote advantage was found, suggesting that the effect of HLA alleles in the Japanese population is either different from those observed in Africans and Caucasians or undetectable due to limited power.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) elite controllers (EC) maintain viremia below the limit of commercial assay detection (<50 RNA copies/ml) in the absence of antiviral therapy, but the mechanisms of control remain unclear. HLA-B57 and the closely related allele B*5801 are particularly associated with enhanced control and recognize the same Gag240-249 TW10 epitope. The typical escape mutation (T242N) within this epitope diminishes viral replication capacity in chronically infected persons; however, little is known about TW10 epitope sequences in residual replicating viruses in B57/B*5801 EC and the extent to which mutations within this epitope may influence steady-state viremia. Here we analyzed TW10 in a total of 50 B57/B*5801-positive subjects (23 EC and 27 viremic subjects). Autologous plasma viral sequences from both EC and viremic subjects frequently harbored the typical cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL)-selected mutation T242N (15/23 sequences [65.2%] versus 23/27 sequences [85.1%], respectively; P = 0.18). However, other unique mutants were identified in HIV controllers, both within and flanking TW10, that were associated with an even greater reduction in viral replication capacity in vitro. In addition, strong CTL responses to many of these unique TW10 variants were detected by gamma interferon-specific enzyme-linked immunospot assay. These data suggest a dual mechanism for durable control of HIV replication, consisting of viral fitness loss resulting from CTL escape mutations together with strong CD8 T-cell immune responses to the arising variant epitopes.A subset of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1)-infected persons who control viremia to below the limit of detection (<50 RNA copies/ml plasma) without antiviral therapy has been termed elite controllers/suppressors (EC) (2, 3, 6, 13, 32). Some of these individuals have been infected in excess of 30 years, indicating prolonged containment of HIV replication, but the mechanisms associated with this extreme viremia control remain elusive (13). Among EC, certain HLA class I alleles are overrepresented, in particular HLA-B57, strongly suggesting that HIV-1-specific cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) responses restricted by these alleles may be crucial for viremia control (16, 29, 32). However, to date, there has been no clear explanation as to why some subjects can control viremia but others cannot, even when carrying the same allegedly protective HLA alleles. Moreover, the characteristics of virus-specific immune responses as well as the impact of viral escape mutations on in vitro replicative fitness in persons with different disease outcomes remain unclear.Growing numbers of studies suggest that CTL targeting Gag, particularly the p24 capsid protein, play an important role in controlling viremia (7, 15, 22, 26, 32, 33, 38). Indeed, the most protective HLA class I allele, B57, which is present in over 40% of EC (32), restricts four immunodominant CTL epitopes in the p24 capsid protein. Previous studies have failed to find differences in the recognition of Gag epitopes or in gamma interferon (IFN-γ) responses to HIV proteins between B57-positive (B57+) long-term nonprogressors and B57+ progressors (28). Other studies have shown differences in the frequency of polyfunctional CD8+ T cells between B57+ EC and B57+ progressors (5); likewise, differences in the frequency of IFN-γ/interleukin-2-producing CD8+ T cells between controllers and progressors with protective HLA alleles were reported (16). Recently, Bailey et al. reported that plasma viruses in B57+ EC can harbor CTL escape mutations in the Gag protein, and in some cases these autologous variants were recognized by CTL (3). However, since there were no comparisons to progressors, it is unclear whether the viral variants that were detected or the apparent de novo CTL responses to the variant viruses are characteristic features among B57+ persons who maintain persistent control.Of the four immunodominant Gag CTL epitopes restricted by HLA-B57, TW10 (TSTLQEQIGW [Gag residues 240 to 249]) is known to be the earliest target in acute infection (1, 11, 36), therefore likely playing an important role in defining the plasma viral load set point. This epitope is also known to be presented by the closely related B*5801 allele, which is also associated with viral control (21). One of the most frequently detected mutations within this epitope, T242N, is known to occur rapidly and almost universally after acute infection in persons expressing HLA-B57/B*5801 (11, 17, 23). The same mutation has been shown to have a negative impact on viral replication capacity (VRC) by both clinical observation and in vitro experiments (8, 23, 25). Moreover, as plasma viral load increases, compensatory mutations accumulate, restoring VRC to some extent (8). Additional studies, predominantly with children, indicated that some TW10 escape variants may be targeted by specific immune responses (17). Together, these data suggest a hypothesis to explain the diverse disease courses among B57+ subjects, namely, that a combination of fitness cost by CTL escape from the TW10 response, variable accumulation of compensatory mutations, and variable generation of specific CTL responses to the new variant influence plasma viral loads.In this study, we investigated plasma viral sequences and IFN-γ-specific enzyme-linked immunospot (ELISPOT) assay responses to autologous Gag TW10 sequences in HLA-B57/B*5801-positive EC and compared these data to those obtained from persons with detectable viremia. Our results indicate that the TW10 T242N mutation does not differentiate HLA-B57/B*5801 EC from those with viremia and that CTL responses to this variant epitope are frequently detected in both viremic and aviremic subjects. However, some rare variants within and flanking this epitope were observed exclusively in HIV controllers, most of which not only reduced VRC but also were recognized by specific CTL at a high magnitude. These data suggest that the additive effects of both CTL-mediated selection for less fit viral variants and CD8 T-cell responses to the variant viruses contribute to strict viremia control in HLA-B57/B*5801-positive controllers.  相似文献   

Null mutations in SAC6 and ABP1, genes that encode actin-binding proteins, failed to complement the temperature-sensitive phenotype caused by a mutation in the ACT1 gene. To identify novel genes whose protein products interact with actin, mutations that fail to complement act1-1 or act1-4, two temperature-sensitive alleles of ACT1, were isolated. A total of 14 extragenic noncomplementing mutations and 12 new alleles of ACT1 were identified in two independent screens. The 14 extragenic noncomplementing mutations represent alleles of at least four different genes, ANC1, ANC2, ANC3 and ANC4 (Actin NonComplementing). Mutations in the ANC1 gene were shown to cause osmosensitivity and defects in actin organization; phenotypes that are similar to those caused by act1 mutations. We conclude that the ANC1 gene product plays an important role in actin cytoskeletal function. The 12 new alleles of ACT1 will be useful for further elucidation of the functions of actin in yeast.  相似文献   

The control of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) associated with particular HLA class I alleles suggests that some CD8+ T-cell responses may be more effective than others at containing HIV-1. Unfortunately, substantial diversities in the breadth, magnitude, and function of these responses have impaired our ability to identify responses most critical to this control. It has been proposed that CD8 responses targeting conserved regions of the virus may be particularly effective, since the development of cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) escape mutations in these regions may significantly impair viral replication. To address this hypothesis at the population level, we derived near-full-length viral genomes from 98 chronically infected individuals and identified a total of 76 HLA class I-associated mutations across the genome, reflective of CD8 responses capable of selecting for sequence evolution. The majority of HLA-associated mutations were found in p24 Gag, Pol, and Nef. Reversion of HLA-associated mutations in the absence of the selecting HLA allele was also commonly observed, suggesting an impact of most CTL escape mutations on viral replication. Although no correlations were observed between the number or location of HLA-associated mutations and protective HLA alleles, limiting the analysis to mutations selected by acute-phase immunodominant responses revealed a strong positive correlation between mutations at conserved residues and protective HLA alleles. These data suggest that control of HIV-1 may be associated with acute-phase CD8 responses capable of selecting for viral escape mutations in highly conserved regions of the virus, supporting the inclusion of these regions in the design of an effective vaccine.Despite substantial advances in antiretroviral therapies, development of an effective human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) vaccine remains a critical goal (6, 39, 82). Unfortunately, current vaccine efforts have failed to reduce infection rates in humans (9, 75) and have only achieved modest decreases in viral loads in the simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV)/SHIV macaque model (21, 44, 81). A majority of these vaccine approaches have focused on inducing T-cell responses, utilizing large regions of the virus in an attempt to induce a broad array of immune responses (6, 34, 44, 81). While it is well established that CD8+ T-cell responses play a critical role in the containment of HIV-1 (45, 49, 67), supported in part by the strong association of particular HLA class I alleles with control of HIV (20, 33, 42, 61), it remains unclear which particular CD8+ T-cell responses are best able to control the virus and thus should be preferentially targeted by a vaccine. Studies comparing the magnitude, breadth, and function of CD8+ T-cell responses in subjects exhibiting either enhanced or poor control of HIV-1 have yielded few clues as to the specific factors associated with an effective CD8+ T-cell response (2, 28, 64, 67). Various differences in the functional capacity of T-cell responses have been observed in long-term nonprogressors (1, 26, 64), although it is possible that these differences may be reflective of an intact immune response, as opposed to having had directly enhanced immune control. As such, efforts are needed to identify factors or phenotypes associated with protective CD8+ T-cell responses in order to enable vaccines to induce the most effective responses.Recent studies have begun to suggest that the specificity of the CD8+ T-cell response, or the targeting of specific regions of the virus, may be associated with control of HIV-1. Preferential targeting of Gag, a structurally conserved viral protein responsible for multiple functions, has been associated with lower viral loads (25, 43, 56, 60, 77, 85). Furthermore, Kiepiela et al. (43) recently illustrated in a large cohort of 578 clade C-infected subjects that Gag-specific responses were associated with lowered viremia, in contrast to Env-specific responses, which were associated with higher viremia. These data are in line with previous observations that many of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I alleles most strongly associated with control of HIV-1 and SIV, namely, HLA-B57, HLA-B27, and Mamu-A*01, restrict immunodominant CD8+ T-cell responses against the Gag protein (8, 10, 24, 63, 68, 83). However, other alleles associated with slower disease progression, such as HLA-B51 in humans and Mamu-B08 and B-17 in the rhesus macaque, do not immunodominantly target Gag, suggesting that targeting of some other regions of the virus may also be capable of eliciting control (8, 52-54). In addition, recent studies investigating the pattern of HIV-1-specific CD8+ T-cell responses during acute infection reveal that only a small subset of CD8+ T-cell responses restricted by any given HLA allele arise during acute infection and that there exist clear immunodominance patterns to these responses (8, 77, 85). Since control of HIV-1 is likely to be established or lost during the first few weeks of infection, these data suggest that potentially only a few key CD8+ T-cell responses may be needed to adequately establish early control of HIV-1.One of the major factors limiting the effectiveness of CD8+ T-cell responses is the propensity for HIV-1 to evade these responses through sequence evolution or viral escape (3, 13, 66). Even single point mutations within a targeted CD8 epitope can effectively abrogate recognition by either the HLA allele or the T-cell receptor. However, recent studies have begun to highlight that many sequence polymorphisms will revert to more common consensus residues upon transmission of HIV-1 to a new host, including many cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) escape mutations (4, 30, 33, 48, 50). Notably, the more rapidly reverting mutations have been observed to preferentially occur at conserved residues, indicating that structurally conserved regions of the virus may be particularly refractory to sequence changes (50). In support of these data, many CTL escape mutations have now been observed to directly impair viral replication (15, 23, 55, 74), in particular those known to either revert or require the presence of secondary compensatory mutations (15, 23, 73, 74). Taken together, these data suggest that, whereas CTL escape mutations provide a benefit to the virus to enable the evasion of host immune pressures, some of these mutations may come at a substantial cost to viral replication. These data may also imply that the association between Gag-specific responses and control of HIV-1 may be due to the targeting of highly conserved regions of the virus that are difficult to evade through sequence evolution.The propensity by which HIV-1 escapes CD8+ T-cell responses, and the reproducibility by which mutations arise at precise residues in targeted CD8 epitopes (3, 48), also enables the utilization of sequence data to predict which responses may be most capable of exerting immune selection pressure on the virus. Studies in HIV-1, SIV, and hepatitis C virus (16, 58, 65, 78) are now rapidly identifying immune-driven CTL escape mutations across these highly variable pathogens at the population level by correlating sequence polymorphisms in these viruses with the expression of particular HLA alleles. We provide here an analysis of HLA-associated mutations across the entire HIV-1 genome using a set of sequences derived from clade B chronically infected individuals. Through full-length viral genome coverage, these data provide an unbiased analysis of the location of these mutations and suggest that the control of HIV-1 by particular HLA alleles correlates with their ability to preferentially restrict early CD8+ T-cell responses capable of selecting for viral escape mutations at highly conserved residues of the virus. These data provide support for the inclusion of specific highly conserved regions of HIV-1 into vaccine antigens.  相似文献   

In recent years, the prevalence of HIV-1 infection has been rapidly increasing among men who have sex with men (MSM). However, it remains unknown how the host immune system responds to the infection in this population. We assessed the quantity of HIV-specific CD8+ T-cell responses by using Elispot assay and their functionalities by measuring 5 CD8+ T-cell evaluations (IL-2, MIP-1β, CD107a, TNF-α, IFN-γ) with flow cytometry assays among 18 primarily and 37 early chronically HIV-infected MSM. Our results demonstrated that subjects at early chronic phase developed HIV-specific CD8+ T-cell responses with higher magnitudes and more diversified functionalities in comparison with those at primary infection. However, populations with IL-2+ CD107a+ or in combination with other functionality failed to develop in parallel. The multifunctional but not monofunctional HIV-specific CD8+ T cells were associated with higher CD4+ T -cell counts and lower viral loads. These data revealed that prolonged infection from primary to early chronic infection could selectively increase the functionalities of HIV-specific CD8+ T cells in HIV-infected MSM population, the failure to develop IL-2 and cytotoxic functionalities in parallel may explain why the increased HIV-specific CD8+ T cells were unable to enhance the containment of HIV-1 replication at the early chronic stage.  相似文献   

Expression of HLA-B*57 and the closely related HLA-B*58:01 are associated with prolonged survival after HIV-1 infection. However, large differences in disease course are observed among HLA-B*57/58:01 patients. Escape mutations in CTL epitopes restricted by these HLA alleles come at a fitness cost and particularly the T242N mutation in the TW10 CTL epitope in Gag has been demonstrated to decrease the viral replication capacity. Additional mutations within or flanking this CTL epitope can partially restore replication fitness of CTL escape variants. Five HLA-B*57/58:01 progressors and 5 HLA-B*57/58:01 long-term nonprogressors (LTNPs) were followed longitudinally and we studied which compensatory mutations were involved in the restoration of the viral fitness of variants that escaped from HLA-B*57/58:01-restricted CTL pressure. The Sequence Harmony algorithm was used to detect homology in amino acid composition by comparing longitudinal Gag sequences obtained from HIV-1 patients positive and negative for HLA-B*57/58:01 and from HLA-B*57/58:01 progressors and LTNPs. Although virus isolates from HLA-B*57/58:01 individuals contained multiple CTL escape mutations, these escape mutations were not associated with disease progression. In sequences from HLA-B*57/58:01 progressors, 5 additional mutations in Gag were observed: S126N, L215T, H219Q, M228I and N252H. The combination of these mutations restored the replication fitness of CTL escape HIV-1 variants. Furthermore, we observed a positive correlation between the number of escape and compensatory mutations in Gag and the replication fitness of biological HIV-1 variants isolated from HLA-B*57/58:01 patients, suggesting that the replication fitness of HLA-B*57/58:01 escape variants is restored by accumulation of compensatory mutations.  相似文献   

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