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Background and Objectives

Influenza A viruses cause highly contagious diseases in a variety of hosts, including humans and pigs. To develop a vaccine that can be broadly effective against genetically divergent strains of the virus, in this study we employed molecular breeding (DNA shuffling) technology to create a panel of chimeric HA genes.

Methods and Results

Each chimeric HA gene contained genetic elements from parental swine influenza A viruses that had a history of zoonotic transmission, and also from a 2009 pandemic virus. Each parental virus represents a major phylogenetic clade of influenza A H1N1 viruses. Nine shuffled HA constructs were initially screened for immunogenicity in mice by DNA immunization, and one chimeric HA (HA-129) was expressed on both a A/Puerto Rico/8/34 backbone with mutations associated with a live, attenuated phenotype (PR8LAIV-129) and a A/swine/Texas/4199-2/98 backbone (TX98-129). When delivered to mice, the PR8LAIV-129 induced antibodies against all four parental viruses, which was similar to the breadth of immunity observed when HA-129 was delivered as a DNA vaccine. This chimeric HA was then tested as a candidate vaccine in a nursery pig model, using inactivated TX98-129 virus as the backbone. The results demonstrate that pigs immunized with HA-129 developed antibodies against all four parental viruses, as well as additional primary swine H1N1 influenza virus field isolates.


This study established a platform for creating novel genes of influenza viruses using a molecular breeding approach, which will have important applications toward future development of broadly protective influenza virus vaccines.  相似文献   

Natural killer (NK) cells are the effectors of innate immunity and are recruited into the lung 48 h after influenza virus infection. Functional NK cell activation can be triggered by the interaction between viral hemagglutinin (HA) and natural cytotoxicity receptors NKp46 and NKp44 on the cell surface. Recently, novel subtypes of influenza viruses, such as H5N1 and 2009 pandemic H1N1, transmitted directly to the human population, with unusual mortality and morbidity rates. Here, the human NK cell responses to these viruses were studied. Differential activation of heterogeneous NK cells (upregulation of CD69 and CD107a and gamma interferon [IFN-γ] production as well as downregulation of NKp46) was observed following interactions with H5N1, 1918 H1N1, and 2009 H1N1 pseudotyped particles (pps), respectively, and the responses of the CD56dim subset predominated. Much stronger NK activation was triggered by H5N1 and 1918 H1N1 pps than by 2009 H1N1 pps. The interaction of pps with NK cells and subsequent internalization were mediated by NKp46 partially. The NK cell activation by pps showed a dosage-dependent manner, while an increasing viral HA titer attenuated NK activation phenotypes, cytotoxicity, and IFN-γ production. The various host innate immune responses to different influenza virus subtypes or HA titers may be associated with disease severity.Influenza is a contagious, acute respiratory disease caused by influenza viruses and has caused substantial human morbidity and mortality over the past century (24, 27). The 1918-1919 pandemic caused by influenza virus type A H1N1 was responsible for an estimated 50 million deaths (21). In recent years, novel subtype influenza viruses, such as H5N1 and the 2009 pandemic H1N1, have been transmitted directly from animals to the human population. These infections were characterized by unusually high rates of severe respiratory disease and mortality among young patients (8, 18). Various genetic shifts have occurred in these viruses, allowing them to evade the host protective effects of specific antihemagglutinin (HA) or antineuraminidase (NA) antibodies (27). Therefore, host innate immunity in the early phase of infection, which includes a variety of pattern recognition molecules, inflammatory cytokines, and immune cells, such as macrophages and natural killer (NK) cells, plays a critical role in host defense.NK cells are bone marrow-derived, large, granular lymphocytes and are key effector cells in innate immunity for host defense against invading infectious pathogens and malignant transformation through cytolytic activity and production of cytokines, such as gamma interferon (IFN-γ) (10, 28, 43, 51). In humans, NK cells account for approximately 10% of all blood lymphocytes and are identified by their expression of the CD56 surface antigen and their lack of CD3. Two distinct subsets of human NK cells have been defined according to the cell surface density of CD56 expression (10). The majority (∼90% in blood) of human NK cells are CD56dim, and a minor population (∼10% in blood) is CD56bright. These NK subsets are functionally distinct, with the immunoregulatory CD56bright cells producing abundant cytokines and the cytotoxic CD56dim cells probably functioning as efficient effectors of natural and antibody-dependent target cell lysis (11).Many lines of evidence suggest that NK cells can be functionally activated by the interaction between natural cytotoxicity receptors (NCRs) on the cell surface and influenza virus HA protein or stress-induced proteins from infected cells (2, 13, 33, 44, 46). On the other hand, influenza virus is able to evade host immunity by infecting NK cells and triggering cell apoptosis or by attenuating NK cell lysis of H3N2-infected cells, owing to alterations in HA binding properties (35, 39). The infiltration of macrophages and lymphocytes into the lung and strong inflammatory responses were detected in H5N1 and the 1918 and 2009 pandemic H1N1 infections. Nevertheless, little is known about the precise roles of NK cells in these infections.In this study, the responses of NK cells to 1918 H1N1, 2009 H1N1, and H5N1 influenza A viruses were evaluated using three strains of influenza A virus pseudotyped particles (pps). Our findings may aid in understanding the pathogenicity of influenza viruses and its correlation with clinical severity.  相似文献   

A safe and effective vaccine is the best way to prevent large-scale highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAI) H5N1 outbreaks in the human population. The current FDA-approved H5N1 vaccine has serious limitations. A more efficacious H5N1 vaccine is urgently needed. Parainfluenza virus 5 (PIV5), a paramyxovirus, is not known to cause any illness in humans. PIV5 is an attractive vaccine vector. In our studies, a single dose of a live recombinant PIV5 expressing a hemagglutinin (HA) gene of H5N1 (rPIV5-H5) from the H5N1 subtype provided sterilizing immunity against lethal doses of HPAI H5N1 infection in mice. Furthermore, we have examined the effect of insertion of H5N1 HA at different locations within the PIV5 genome on the efficacy of a PIV5-based vaccine. Interestingly, insertion of H5N1 HA between the leader sequence, the de facto promoter of PIV5, and the first viral gene, nucleoprotein (NP), did not lead to a viable virus. Insertion of H5N1 HA between NP and the next gene, V/phosphorprotein (V/P), led to a virus that was defective in growth. We have found that insertion of H5N1 HA at the junction between the small hydrophobic (SH) gene and the hemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HN) gene gave the best immunity against HPAI H5N1 challenge: a dose as low as 1,000 PFU was sufficient to protect against lethal HPAI H5N1 challenge in mice. The work suggests that recombinant PIV5 expressing H5N1 HA has great potential as an HPAI H5N1 vaccine.  相似文献   

Previously we demonstrated the versatile utility of the Parapoxvirus Orf virus (ORFV) as a vector platform for the development of potent recombinant vaccines. In this study we present the generation of new ORFV recombinants expressing the hemagglutinin (HA) or nucleoprotein (NP) of the highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAIV) H5N1. Correct foreign gene expression was examined in vitro by immunofluorescence, Western blotting and flow cytometry. The protective potential of both recombinants was evaluated in the mouse challenge model. Despite adequate expression of NP, the recombinant D1701-V-NPh5 completely failed to protect mice from lethal challenge. However, the H5 HA-expressing recombinant D1701-V-HAh5n mediated solid protection in a dose-dependent manner. Two intramuscular (i.m.) injections of the HA-expressing recombinant protected all animals from lethal HPAIV infection without loss of body weight. Notably, the immunized mice resisted cross-clade H5N1 and heterologous H1N1 (strain PR8) influenza virus challenge. In vivo antibody-mediated depletion of CD4-positive and/or CD8-posititve T-cell subpopulations during immunization and/or challenge infection implicated the relevance of CD4-positive T-cells for induction of protective immunity by D1701-V-HAh5n, whereas the absence of CD8-positive T-cells did not significantly influence protection. In summary, this study validates the potential of the ORFV vectored vaccines also to combat HPAIV.  相似文献   

Highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses (HPAIV) originate from avirulent precursors but differ from all other influenza viruses by the presence of a polybasic cleavage site in their hemagglutinins (HA) of subtype H5 or H7. In this study, we investigated the ability of a low-pathogenic avian H5N1 strain to transform into an HPAIV. Using reverse genetics, we replaced the monobasic HA cleavage site of the low-pathogenic strain A/Teal/Germany/Wv632/2005 (H5N1) (TG05) by a polybasic motif from an HPAIV (TG05poly). To elucidate the virulence potential of all viral genes of HPAIV, we generated two reassortants carrying the HA from the HPAIV A/Swan/Germany/R65/06 (H5N1) (R65) plus the remaining genes from TG05 (TG05-HAR65) or in reversed composition the mutated TG05 HA plus the R65 genes (R65-HATG05poly). In vitro, TG05poly and both reassortants were able to replicate without the addition of trypsin, which is characteristic for HPAIV. Moreover, in contrast to avirulent TG05, the variants TG05poly, TG05-HAR65, and R65-HATG05poly are pathogenic in chicken to an increasing degree. Whereas the HA cleavage site mutant TG05poly led to temporary non-lethal disease in all animals, the reassortant TG05-HAR65 caused death in 3 of 10 animals. Furthermore, the reassortant R65-HATG05poly displayed the highest lethality as 8 of 10 chickens died, resembling “natural” HPAIV strains. Taken together, acquisition of a polybasic HA cleavage site is only one necessary step for evolution of low-pathogenic H5N1 strains into HPAIV. However, these low-pathogenic strains may already have cryptic virulence potential. Moreover, besides the polybasic cleavage site, the additional virulence determinants of H5N1 HPAIV are located within the HA itself and in other viral proteins.  相似文献   



Highly-pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAIV) and Newcastle disease virus (NDV) are the two most important poultry viruses in the world. Natural low-virulence NDV strains have been used as vaccines over the past 70 years with proven track records. We have previously developed a reverse genetics system to produce low-virulent NDV vaccine strain LaSota from cloned cDNA. This system allows us to use NDV as a vaccine vector for other avian pathogens.

Methodology/Principal Finding

Here, we constructed two recombinant NDVs (rNDVs) each of which expresses the hemagglutinin (HA) gene of HPAIV H5N1strain A/Vietnam/1203/2004 from an added gene. In one, rNDV (rNDV-HA), the open reading frame (ORF) of HA gene was expressed without modification. In the second, rNDV (rNDV-HAF), the ORF was modified so that the transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains of the encoded HA gene were replaced with those of the NDV F protein. The insertion of either version of the HA ORF did not increase the virulence of the rNDV vector. The HA protein was found to be incorporated into the envelopes of both rNDV-HA and rNDV-HAF. However, there was an enhanced incorporation of the HA protein in rNDV-HAF. Chickens immunized with a single dose of either rNDV-HA or rNDV-HAF induced a high titer of HPAIV H5-specific antibodies and were completely protected against challenge with NDV as well as lethal challenges of both homologous and heterologous HPAIV H5N1.

Conclusion and Significance

Our results suggest that these chimeric viruses have potential as safe and effective bivalent vaccines against NDV and. HPAIV. These vaccines will be convenient and affordable, which will be highly beneficial to the poultry industry. Furthermore, immunization with these vaccines will permit serological differentiation of vaccinated and avian influenza field virus infected animals.  相似文献   

甲型流感病毒H5N1的系统进化分析简评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金冬雁 《病毒学报》2007,23(3):240-243
美国加州大学Robert G.Wallace,Richard H.Lathrop和Walter M.Fitch等人在2007年3月7日电子版(13日正式出版)的PNAS上发表文章,题目是:甲型流感病毒H5N1的系统进化地理学统计分析学(Astatistical phylogeography of influenza A H5N1)。该文发表以后,国内外流感病毒学者对此发生浓厚的兴趣,提出了一些对该文的评论。采用先进的生物信息学、数学模型等跨学科的先进方法进行病毒学的研究,特别是用来指导传染病预防和控制,是值得提倡和鼓励的,我国科学家应当认真学习;但是任何采用生物信息学方法做出的预测,还须经过病毒学实验研究的验证。以下发表的评述,仅供参考。百家争鸣才有利于科学的进步。  相似文献   



Influenza A virus displays strong reassortment characteristics, which enable it to achieve adaptation in human infection. Surveying the reassortment and virulence of novel viruses is important in the prevention and control of an influenza pandemic. Meanwhile, studying the mechanism of reassortment may accelerate the development of anti-influenza strategies.

Methodology/Principal Findings

The hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA) matching patterns of two pandemic H1N1 viruses (the 1918 and current 2009 strains) and a highly pathogenic avian influenza A virus (H5N1) were studied using a pseudotyped particle (pp) system. Our data showed that four of the six chimeric HA/NA combinations could produce infectious pps, and that some of the chimeric pps had greater infectivity than did their ancestors, raising the possibility of reassortment among these viruses. The NA of H5N1 (A/Anhui/1/2005) could hardly reassort with the HAs of the two H1N1 viruses. Many biological characteristics of HA and NA, including infectivity, hemagglutinating ability, and NA activity, are dependent on their matching pattern.


Our data suggest the existence of an interaction between HA and NA, and the HA NA matching pattern is critical for valid viral reassortment.  相似文献   

The spread of the recently emerged, highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza virus has raised concern. Preclinical studies suggest that passive immunotherapy could be a new form of treatment for H5N1 virus infection. Here, a neutralizing monoclonal antibody (MAb) against the hemagglutinin (HA) of the influenza A/chicken/Hatay/2004 H5N1 virus, MAb 9F4, was generated and characterized. MAb 9F4 binds both the denatured and native forms of HA. It was shown to recognize the HA proteins of three heterologous strains of H5N1 viruses belonging to clades 1, 2.1, and 2.2, respectively. By use of lentiviral pseudotyped particles carrying HA on the surface, MAb 9F4 was shown to effectively neutralize the homologous strain, Hatay04, and another clade 1 strain, VN04, at a neutralization titer of 8 ng/ml. Furthermore, MAb 9F4 also neutralized two clade 2 viruses at a neutralizing titer of 40 ng/ml. The broad cross-neutralizing activity of MAb 9F4 was confirmed by its ability to neutralize live H5N1 viruses of clade 2.2.2. Epitope-mapping analysis revealed that MAb 9F4 binds a previously uncharacterized epitope below the globular head of the HA1 subunit. Consistently, this epitope is well conserved among the different clades of H5N1 viruses. MAb 9F4 does not block the interaction between HA and its receptor but prevents the pH-mediated conformational change of HA. MAb 9F4 was also found to be protective, both prophylactically and therapeutically, against a lethal viral challenge of mice. Taken together, our results showed that MAb 9F4 is a neutralizing MAb that binds a novel and well-conserved epitope in the HA1 subunit of H5N1 viruses.The highly pathogenic avian influenza A subtype H5N1 virus was first isolated from geese in Guangdong province, China, in 1996 (44). Since 2003, the H5N1 strains have caused major morbidity and mortality in poultry populations across Asia, Europe, and Africa (3, 25). In 1997, the virus was transmitted from chickens to humans in Hong Kong, causing 18 reported cases of illness, including 6 deaths (6, 7, 37). As of September 2009, there were 442 confirmed human infections in 15 countries, with an alarming fatality rate of 59% (42). Although occurrences of human H5N1 infection are sporadic and rare, its rapid dissemination, the ongoing evolution of the avian H5N1 virus, and the absence of anti-H5N1 herd immunity in humans raise concerns regarding a possible H5N1 influenza pandemic (2, 4, 13). Since human infections are associated with severe disease and high mortality, the consequences of a pandemic could be catastrophic.Current strategies against influenza include vaccination and antiviral drug treatment (1). Due to the existence of multiple antigenic clades and subclades of the H5N1 virus, the difficulty of predicting the major strain that may cause the next pandemic is the main obstacle to current vaccine development. Moreover, resistance to M2 ion channel inhibitors (rimantidine and amantidine) has been reported in H5N1 isolates (1, 5), and the neuraminidase inhibitors (oseltamivir and zanamivir) require higher doses and prolonged treatment (45), and resistance has been reported in children (21). Passive immunotherapy is now increasingly used to treat numerous human infectious diseases (28, 33). Convalescent-phase blood and serum products were used to improve clinical outcomes for severely ill influenza patients during the 1918 influenza pandemic (27). Promising results with mouse models using a neutralizing monoclonal antibody (MAb) for H5N1 influenza treatment (17, 26) and a report of the recovery of an H5N1 virus-infected patient after treatment with convalescent-phase plasma (47) indicate that MAbs could be a potential treatment against H5N1 viruses.The hemagglutinin (HA) protein is one of the two major surface glycoproteins on the envelope of influenza A virus, with 16 distinct types identified in the avian species. The HA protein is responsible for receptor binding to host cells and for viral entry and is therefore the primary target of neutralizing antibodies (Abs) (35). It is a homotrimer, with each subunit made up of two disulfide-linked polypeptides, HA1 and HA2. Structurally, each subunit consists of a membrane-proximal helix-rich stem structure and a membrane-distal receptor binding globular domain (35).In this study, we describe a MAb, named MAb 9F4, raised against the recombinant baculovirus-expressed HA protein of A/chicken/Hatay/2004 H5N1 virus. Its neutralizing property was investigated, and epitope mapping was performed. The MAb 9F4 binding site was found to lie outside previously characterized antigenic sites in the HA protein. This epitope is well conserved among the different clades of H5N1 viruses, consistent with the cross-neutralizing activity of MAb 9F4. The mode of inhibition was also investigated, and MAb 9F4 was found to mediate postattachment neutralization in a dose-dependent manner. Finally, the protective ability of MAb 9F4 was also evaluated in a mouse model, and it was shown to protect against lethal H5N1 challenge both prophylactically and therapeutically. Taken together, the data could provide new information for the design of an H5N1 vaccine, and MAb 9F4 may be a possible candidate for use in passive immunotherapy.  相似文献   

[目的]Balb/c小鼠通过尾静脉注射和鼻腔接种禽流感H5N1亚型病毒造疾病模型,观察其血细胞变化。[方法]以禽流感H5N1亚型病毒通过静脉和鼻腔接种Balb/c小鼠,分别在0~7天和0~11天取血进行血细胞计数和分类,同时对于静脉接种方法进行了0~8小时的短时间监控。[结果]静脉接种途径在接种病毒后2小时就能显著的降低小鼠的白细胞总数、粒细胞及淋巴细胞数,白细胞总数及淋巴细胞数在第3天、粒细胞数在第2天就恢复正常而后均显著升高;而鼻腔接种仅在1~3天淋巴细胞有所降低,而后恢复正常;1~6天白细胞总数及粒细胞数显著升高,而后恢复正常。[结论]从血细胞变化而言,静脉接种相比鼻腔接种方法要好。  相似文献   

Two ferret-adapted H5N1 viruses capable of respiratory droplet transmission have been reported with mutations in the hemagglutinin receptor-binding site and stalk domains. Glycan microarray analysis reveals that both viruses exhibit a strong shift toward binding to “human-type” α2-6 sialosides but with notable differences in fine specificity. Crystal structure analysis further shows that the stalk mutation causes no obvious perturbation of the receptor-binding pocket, consistent with its impact on hemagglutinin stability without affecting receptor specificity.  相似文献   

Highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 viruses can result in poultry and occasionally in human mortality. A safe and effective H5N1 vaccine is urgently needed to reduce the pandemic potential. Hemagglutinin (HA), a major envelope protein accounting for approximately 80% of spikes in influenza virus, is often used as a major antigen for subunit vaccine development. In this study, we conducted a systematic study of the immune response against influenza virus infection following immunization with recombinant HA proteins expressed in insect (Sf9) cells, insect cells that contain exogenous genes for elaborating N-linked glycans (Mimic) and mammalian cells (CHO). While the antibody titers are higher with the insect cell derived HA proteins, the neutralization and HA inhibition titers are much higher with the mammalian cell produced HA proteins. Recombinant HA proteins containing tri- or tetra-antennary complex, terminally sialylated and asialyated-galactose type N-glycans induced better protective immunity in mice to lethal challenge. The results are highly relevant to issues that should be considered in the production of fragment vaccines.  相似文献   

With the recent emergence of a novel pandemic strain, there is presently intense interest in understanding the molecular signatures of virulence of influenza viruses. PB1-F2 proteins from epidemiologically important influenza A virus strains were studied to determine their function and contribution to virulence. Using 27-mer peptides derived from the C-terminal sequence of PB1-F2 and chimeric viruses engineered on a common background, we demonstrated that induction of cell death through PB1-F2 is dependent upon BAK/BAX mediated cytochrome c release from mitochondria. This function was specific for the PB1-F2 protein of A/Puerto Rico/8/34 and was not seen using PB1-F2 peptides derived from past pandemic strains. However, PB1-F2 proteins from the three pandemic strains of the 20th century and a highly pathogenic strain of the H5N1 subtype were shown to enhance the lung inflammatory response resulting in increased pathology. Recently circulating seasonal influenza A strains were not capable of this pro-inflammatory function, having lost the PB1-F2 protein''s immunostimulatory activity through truncation or mutation during adaptation in humans. These data suggest that the PB1-F2 protein contributes to the virulence of pandemic strains when the PB1 gene segment is recently derived from the avian reservoir.  相似文献   



The development of new therapeutic targets and strategies to control highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 virus infection in humans is urgently needed. Broadly cross-neutralizing recombinant human antibodies obtained from the survivors of H5N1 avian influenza provide an important role in immunotherapy for human H5N1 virus infection and definition of the critical epitopes for vaccine development.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We have characterized two recombinant baculovirus-expressed human antibodies (rhAbs), AVFluIgG01 and AVFluIgG03, generated by screening a Fab antibody phage library derived from a patient recovered from infection with a highly pathogenic avian influenza A H5N1 clade 2.3 virus. AVFluIgG01 cross-neutralized the most of clade 0, clade 1, and clade 2 viruses tested, in contrast, AVFluIgG03 only neutralized clade 2 viruses. Passive immunization of mice with either AVFluIgG01 or AVFluIgG03 antibody resulted in protection from a lethal H5N1 clade 2.3 virus infection. Furthermore, through epitope mapping, we identify two distinct epitopes on H5 HA molecule recognized by these rhAbs and demonstrate their potential to protect against a lethal H5N1 virus infection in a mouse model.


Importantly, localization of the epitopes recognized by these two neutralizing and protective antibodies has provided, for the first time, insight into the human antibody responses to H5N1 viruses which contribute to the H5 immunity in the recovered patient. These results highlight the potential of a rhAbs treatment strategy for human H5N1 virus infection and provide new insight for the development of effective H5N1 pandemic vaccines.  相似文献   

Despite substantial efforts to control and contain H5N1 influenza viruses, bird flu viruses continue to spread and evolve. Neutralizing antibodies against conserved epitopes on the viral hemagglutinin (HA) could confer immunity to the diverse H5N1 virus strains and provide information for effective vaccine design. Here, we report the characterization of a broadly neutralizing murine monoclonal antibody, H5M9, to most H5N1 clades and subclades that was elicited by immunization with viral HA of A/Goose/Guangdong/1/96 (H5N1), the immediate precursor of the current dominant strains of H5N1 viruses. The crystal structures of the Fab′ fragment of H5M9 in complexes with H5 HAs of A/Vietnam/1203/2004 and A/Goose/Guangdong/1/96 reveal a conserved epitope in the HA1 vestigial esterase subdomain that is some distance from the receptor binding site and partially overlaps antigenic site C of H3 HA. Further epitope characterization by selection of escape mutants and epitope mapping by flow cytometry analysis of site-directed mutagenesis of HA with a yeast cell surface display identified four residues that are critical for H5M9 binding. D53, Y274, E83a, and N276 are all conserved in H5N1 HAs and are not in H5 epitopes identified by other mouse or human antibodies. Antibody H5M9 is effective in protection of H5N1 virus both prophylactically and therapeutically and appears to neutralize by blocking both virus receptor binding and postattachment steps. Thus, the H5M9 epitope identified here should provide valuable insights into H5N1 vaccine design and improvement, as well as antibody-based therapies for treatment of H5N1 infection.  相似文献   

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