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Demographic and life history data from wild populations of long-lived primate species are difficult to acquire but are critical for evaluating population viability and the success of conservation efforts. Camera trapping provides an opportunity for researchers to monitor wild animal populations indirectly and could help provide demographic and life history data in a way that demands fewer person-hours in the field, is less disruptive to the study population because it requires less direct contact, and may be cost effective. Using data on group composition collected concurrently though both direct observation and camera trap monitoring, we evaluate whether camera traps can provide reliable information on population dynamics (births, disappearances, interbirth intervals, and other demographic variables) for a wild population of white-bellied spider monkeys (Ateles belzebuth), an Endangered species. We placed camera traps focused on the sole access point used by the monkeys to visit a geophagy site located roughly in the center of one group’s home range, and we reviewed all of the photos collected at that site over a roughly 3-yr period to identify the individual monkeys recorded in the pictures. Group composition based on 2947 photos containing 3977 individual monkey images matched perfectly data collected concurrently through direct observation. The camera traps also provided estimates of the dates when individuals disappeared from the study group, and of infant births during the study. We conclude that long-term camera trap monitoring of wild populations of white-bellied spider monkeys—and other animals that are individually recognizable and that regularly visit predictable resources—can be a useful tool for monitoring their population dynamics indirectly.  相似文献   

Osteophagia is a common behaviour among ungulates. It has been considered as a mineral source for cervids, mainly related to phosphorus deficiency. In this study, we aimed to study the seasonality in antler consumption of Iberian red deer (Cervus elaphus) and to assess the differences among sex/age classes. In a game reserve located in South-Eastern Spain, antlers were offered to free-ranging animals, and their chewing behaviour was recorded with camera traps. Red deer was the species observed with greatest frequency (90.5%), and only red deer was observed chewing the offered antlers. Males showed greatest peak of consumption at the end of antler growth; females showed the greatest peak at the beginning of the lactation and calves after delivery of the newborn. All groups showed an important second peak of consumption in September. We conclude that osteophagia might have a role as a natural mineral supplement for red deer, but not for wild boar or foxes; and that each sex/age class uses this resource at different times according to differential needs in calcium and phosphorus, supporting the “seasonally increased requirements hypothesis”.  相似文献   

Prehensile tails appear to have evolved at least twice in platyrrhine evolution. In the atelines, the tail is relatively long and possesses a bare area on the distal part of its ventral surface that is covered with der-matoglyphs and richly innervated with Meissner's corpuscles. In contrast, the prehensile tail of Cebus is relatively short, fully haired, and lacks specialized tactile receptors. Little is currently known regarding tail function in capuchins, and whether their prehensile tail serves a greater role in feeding or traveling. In this paper we examine patterns of positional behavior, substrate preference, and tail use in wild white-faced capuchins (Cebus capucinus) inhabiting a wet tropical forest in northeastern Costa Rica. Observational data were collected over the course of 3 months on adult capuchins using an instantaneous focal animal time sampling technique. Differences in the frequency and context of tail use, and the estimated amount of weight support provided by the tail relative to other appendages during feeding/foraging and traveling were used as measures of the ecological role of this specialized organ in capuchin positional behavior. During travel, quadrupedal walking, leaping, and climbing dominated the capuchin positional repertoire. The capuchin tail provided support in only 13.3% of travel and was principally employed during below branch locomotor activities. In contrast, tail-assisted postures accounted for 40.6% of all feeding and foraging records and occurred primarily in two contexts. The tail was used to suspend the individual below a branch while feeding, as well as to provide leverage and weight support in above-branch postures associated with the extraction of prey from difficult to search substrates. A comparison of tail use in Cebus, with published data on the atelines indicates that both taxa possess a grasping tail that is capable of supporting the animal's full body weight. In capuchins and howling monkeys, the tail appears to be used more frequently and serves a greater weight-bearing role during feeding than during traveling. In Ateles, and possibly Brachyteles, and Lagothrix, however, the prehensile tail serves a dual role in both feeding and forelimb suspensory locomotion. Additional relationships between white-faced capuchin feeding, positional behavior, extractive foraging techniques, and prehensile tail use are discussed.  相似文献   

Coat coloration plays an important role in communication, camouflage, and sexual selection in animals. Genetic mutations can lead to anomalous colorations such as melanism and leucism, where animals appear, respectively, darker or lighter than normal. Reporting abnormal coloration in wild animals is an important first step to understand the distribution, prevalence, and potential fitness consequences of these rare events. Here, we report several records of suspected leucism in the Eurasian badger (Meles meles) in a population in central Norway. Several camera traps recorded at least two leucistic individuals between 2017 and 2020. It took considerable effort, almost 400,000 camera trap nights over a period of 10 years all over Norway, to obtain a total of eleven records of leucistic badgers, indicating the rarity of this phenotype. It is unclear what has caused the presence of multiple leucistic badgers in a single population, but recent colonization and lack of predators might have played a role. Due to our observations, future studies can now be developed to study the underlying mechanisms and potential consequences of leucism in this badger population. The increasing use of networks of camera traps in wildlife research will provide new opportunities to record rare coloration in wild animals.  相似文献   

The giant panda is a flagship species in ecological conservation. The infrared camera trap is an effective tool for monitoring the giant panda. Images captured by infrared camera traps must be accurately recognized before further statistical analyses can be implemented. Previous research has demonstrated that spatiotemporal and positional contextual information and the species distribution model (SDM) can improve image detection accuracy, especially for difficult-to-see images. Difficult-to-see images include those in which individual animals are only partially observed and it is challenging for the model to detect those individuals. By utilizing the attention mechanism, we developed a unique method based on deep learning that incorporates object detection, contextual information, and the SDM to achieve better detection performance in difficult-to-see images. We obtained 1169 images of the wild giant panda and divided them into a training set and a test set in a 4:1 ratio. Model assessment metrics showed that our proposed model achieved an overall performance of 98.1% in mAP0.5 and 82.9% in recall on difficult-to-see images. Our research demonstrated that the fine-grained multimodal-fusing method applied to monitoring giant pandas in the wild can better detect the difficult-to-see panda images to enhance the wildlife monitoring system.  相似文献   

Avoidance behaviour can play an important role in structuring ecosystems but can be difficult to uncover and quantify. Remote cameras have great but as yet unrealized potential to uncover patterns arising from predatory, competitive or other interactions that structure animal communities by detecting species that are active at the same sites and recording their behaviours and times of activity. Here, we use multi-season, two-species occupancy models to test for evidence of interactions between introduced (feral cat Felis catus) and native predator (Tasmanian devil Sarcophilus harrisii) and predator and small mammal (swamp rat Rattus lutreolus velutinus) combinations at baited camera sites in the cool temperate forests of southern Tasmania. In addition, we investigate the capture rates of swamp rats in traps scented with feral cat and devil faecal odours. We observed that one species could reduce the probability of detecting another at a camera site. In particular, feral cats were detected less frequently at camera sites occupied by devils, whereas patterns of swamp rat detection associated with devils or feral cats varied with study site. Captures of swamp rats were not associated with odours on traps, although fewer captures tended to occur in traps scented with the faecal odour of feral cats. The observation that a native carnivorous marsupial, the Tasmanian devil, can suppress the detectability of an introduced eutherian predator, the feral cat, is consistent with a dominant predator – mesopredator relationship. Such a relationship has important implications for the interaction between feral cats and the lower trophic guilds that form their prey, especially if cat activity increases in places where devil populations are declining. More generally, population estimates derived from devices such as remote cameras need to acknowledge the potential for one species to change the detectability of another, and incorporate this in assessments of numbers and survival.  相似文献   

对于活动隐秘、难以直接观察的野生猫科动物, 红外相机与卫星追踪颈圈是目前研究其日活动节律的两种主要采样工具。日活动节律基于对动物活跃状态(即活跃或不活跃)的判断, 由于获取数据的机制不同, 两种方法所获得的动物日活动节律模式之间可能存在差异, 但缺乏基于野外实地调查的系统对比评估和分析。荒漠猫(Felis bieti)分布于青藏高原东部, 是唯一的中国特有猫科动物, 被列为国家I级重点保护野生动物。本研究以荒漠猫为例, 使用红外相机和卫星追踪颈圈两种工具, 于2020年6月至2021年12月对青海祁连山地区的荒漠猫进行调查, 分别基于放置在荒漠猫洞口(相机位点2个, 独立有效探测173次)、兽径(相机位点23个, 独立有效探测423次)两种红外相机布设方式和卫星追踪颈圈(追踪个体10只, 总有效定位点62,942个)所得的数据, 评估了该物种的日活动节律, 并对不同途径所得的活动节律模式间的差异进行了对比。结果显示, 荒漠猫全天都有活动, 在黄昏17:00-19:00时段存在一个活动高峰。全部红外相机探测数据与颈圈活动量数据获得的活动曲线重叠系数最高, 为0.89。与卫星追踪颈圈方法相比, 红外相机数据反映出16:00-21:00的活动水平更高; 这一时间段较高的活动主要来自洞口位点的红外相机探测数据。荒漠猫行为谱的对比分析结果显示, 不同方法所判断的动物“活跃”状态所对应的行为类型不同: 安装在洞口处的红外相机记录以繁殖、育幼相关的社会行为为主; 安装在兽径处的红外相机记录以移动、觅食等行为为主; 而卫星追踪颈圈只能相对粗略地区分荒漠猫的移动和静止。本研究的结果表明, 不同方法所获得的野生猫科动物的“活动节律”之间存在差异; 在不同方法记录到的数据中, 二元化的“活跃”或“不活跃”分类背后所反映的动物行为类别和含义是不同的。在对比不同方法获得的活动节律时需要谨慎, 应在对动物的行为模式和规律深入全面了解的基础上, 对数据做出恰当、准确的解读。  相似文献   

Tasmanian echidnas, Tachyglossus aculeatus setosus, were tested in serial discrimination-reversal tasks, comparing their operant behaviour in reversal-shift and non-reversal-shift conditions, using positional and visual/tactile cues. Learning-set formation of the pattern characteristic of eutherian mammals was observed in all tests for all subjects, but performances were superior in tests of positional discrimination and in reversal-shift conditions. The results were consistent with those obtainable for eutherian mammals in comparable tests and suggest that echidnas can be used as subjects in experimental studies of operant learning.  相似文献   

Camera traps are increasingly used in ecological research. However, tests of their performance are scarce. It is already known from previous work that camera traps frequently fail to capture visits by animals. This can lead to a misinterpretation of ecological results such as density estimates or predation events. While previous work is mainly based on mammals, for birds, no data about if and how camera traps can be successfully used to estimate species diversity or density are available. Hence, the goal of our study was an empirical validation of six different camera traps in the field. We observed a total number of N = 4567 events (independent visits of a bird) in 100 different sessions from March 2017 until January 2018 while camera traps were deployed. In addition, N = 641 events are based on a comparison of the two close‐up camera traps especially designed for birds. These events were all directly observed by the authors. Thus, the cameras can be compared against the human observer. To give an overall assessment and a more generalizable result, we combined the data from the six camera traps and showed that bird size category (effect size = 0.207) and distance (effect size = 0.132) are the most important predictors for a successful trigger. Also, temperature had a small effect, and flock size had an impact with larger flocks being captured more often. The approach of the bird, whether it approached the camera frontally or laterally had no influence. In Table 8 , we give some recommendations, based on our results, at which distances camera traps should be placed to get a 25%, 50%, and 75% capture rate for a given bird size.  相似文献   

Habituation has been the standard methodology used to study the natural history of great apes and other primates. Habituation has invaluable strengths, particularly in quantity and diversity of data collected, but along with these come substantial weaknesses, i.e., costs both in time and effort, health risks, and potential exposure of subjects to poaching. With new technologies, we are able to extend our studies beyond the limitations of habituation; camera traps are one technology that can be used to study unhabituated primate groups. In this study we used eight camera traps over the course of 2 yr (1542 camera trap days) to capture thousands of still images of West African savanna chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) in the Falémé region of southeastern Senegal. Images corroborated behavioral observations from habituated chimpanzees at the Fongoli site, where researchers have observed nocturnal activity and cave use. The cameras also captured interspecies interactions at water sources during the dry season and allowed us to determine demographic composition and minimum community size. The photographs provide data on local fauna, including predators (Panthera pardus pardus, Panthera leo senegalesis, and Crocuta crocuta), potential prey, and competitor species (Papio papio, Cercopithecus aethiops, and Erythrocebus patas). As primate habitat across Africa is further threatened and human–wildlife conflict increases, camera trapping could be used as an essential conservation tool, expanding studies of primates without exacerbating potential threats to the species.  相似文献   

Camera trapping has greatly enhanced population monitoring of often cryptic and low abundance apex carnivores. Effectiveness of passive infrared camera trapping, and ultimately population monitoring, relies on temperature mediated differences between the animal and its ambient environment to ensure good camera detection. In ectothermic predators such as large varanid lizards, this criterion is presumed less certain. Here we evaluated the effectiveness of camera trapping to potentially monitor the population status of the Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis), an apex predator, using site occupancy approaches. We compared site-specific estimates of site occupancy and detection derived using camera traps and cage traps at 181 trapping locations established across six sites on four islands within Komodo National Park, Eastern Indonesia. Detection and site occupancy at each site were estimated using eight competing models that considered site-specific variation in occupancy (ψ)and varied detection probabilities (p) according to detection method, site and survey number using a single season site occupancy modelling approach. The most parsimonious model [ψ (site), p (site*survey); ω = 0.74] suggested that site occupancy estimates differed among sites. Detection probability varied as an interaction between site and survey number. Our results indicate that overall camera traps produced similar estimates of detection and site occupancy to cage traps, irrespective of being paired, or unpaired, with cage traps. Whilst one site showed some evidence detection was affected by trapping method detection was too low to produce an accurate occupancy estimate. Overall, as camera trapping is logistically more feasible it may provide, with further validation, an alternative method for evaluating long-term site occupancy patterns in Komodo dragons, and potentially other large reptiles, aiding conservation of this species.  相似文献   

Practical techniques are required to monitor invasive animals, which are often cryptic and occur at low density. Camera traps have potential for this purpose, but may have problems detecting and identifying small species. A further challenge is how to standardise the size of each camera’s field of view so capture rates are comparable between different places and times. We investigated the optimal specifications for a low-cost camera trap for small mammals. The factors tested were 1) trigger speed, 2) passive infrared vs. microwave sensor, 3) white vs. infrared flash, and 4) still photographs vs. video. We also tested a new approach to standardise each camera’s field of view. We compared the success rates of four camera trap designs in detecting and taking recognisable photographs of captive stoats ( Mustela erminea ), feral cats (Felis catus) and hedgehogs ( Erinaceus europaeus ). Trigger speeds of 0.2–2.1 s captured photographs of all three target species unless the animal was running at high speed. The camera with a microwave sensor was prone to false triggers, and often failed to trigger when an animal moved in front of it. A white flash produced photographs that were more readily identified to species than those obtained under infrared light. However, a white flash may be more likely to frighten target animals, potentially affecting detection probabilities. Video footage achieved similar success rates to still cameras but required more processing time and computer memory. Placing two camera traps side by side achieved a higher success rate than using a single camera. Camera traps show considerable promise for monitoring invasive mammal control operations. Further research should address how best to standardise the size of each camera’s field of view, maximise the probability that an animal encountering a camera trap will be detected, and eliminate visible or audible cues emitted by camera traps.  相似文献   

Camera trapping is widely used in ecological studies. It is often considered nonintrusive simply because animals are not captured or handled. However, the emission of light and sound from camera traps can be intrusive. We evaluated the daytime and nighttime behavioral responses of four mammalian predators to camera traps in road‐based, passive (no bait) surveys, in order to determine how this might affect ecological investigations. Wild dogs, European red foxes, feral cats, and spotted‐tailed quolls all exhibited behaviors indicating they noticed camera traps. Their recognition of camera traps was more likely when animals were approaching the device than if they were walking away from it. Some individuals of each species retreated from camera traps and some moved toward them, with negative behaviors slightly more common during the daytime. There was no consistent response to camera traps within species; both attraction and repulsion were observed. Camera trapping is clearly an intrusive sampling method for some individuals of some species. This may limit the utility of conclusions about animal behavior obtained from camera trapping. Similarly, it is possible that behavioral responses to camera traps could affect detection probabilities, introducing as yet unmeasured biases into camera trapping abundance surveys. These effects demand consideration when utilizing camera traps in ecological research and will ideally prompt further work to quantify associated biases in detection probabilities.  相似文献   

The present report aims to quantify the use of zygodactylous (opposability of digits II to III) grasping in relation to positional modes and support size and orientation, in the highly arboreal, walking/climbing woolly opossum, Caluromys philander. For this purpose, four captive adult C. philander were intensively video-recorded and their positional behavior, hand grasp, and support size and orientation use were analyzed frame-by-frame. Overall, C. philander used a zygodactylous grasp in 81.3±1.2% of bouts. In terms of support features, this grasp was particularly common on (a) supports that could be wholly and partly held by the animals’ hand and (b) vertical supports in particular. In a comparable manner, zygodactyly dominated during above-support positional modes, but was significantly less used during bridging and suspension. The results show that zygodactyly provided an above-support secure and steady grasp on relatively unstable arboreal supports, by aligning the hand with the main axis of the support. This very likely assisted in controlling over the applied torques during cautious quadrupedal and climbing activities with extended hand contact that characterizes the locomotor strategy of C. philander. These observations need to be further tested by more detailed kinetic studies and on a larger sample of arboreal didelphids.  相似文献   

The study of animals in the wild offers opportunities to collect relevant information on their natural behavior and abilities to perform ecologically relevant tasks. However, it also poses challenges such as accounting for observer effects, human sensory limitations, and the time intensiveness of this type of research. To meet these challenges, field biologists have deployed camera traps to remotely record animal behavior in the wild. Despite their ubiquity in research, many commercial camera traps have limitations, and the species and behavior of interest may present unique challenges. For example, no camera traps support high‐speed video recording. We present a new and inexpensive camera trap system that increases versatility by separating the camera from the triggering mechanism. Our system design can pair with virtually any camera and allows for independent positioning of a variety of sensors, all while being low‐cost, lightweight, weatherproof, and energy efficient. By using our specialized trigger and customized sensor configurations, many limitations of commercial camera traps can be overcome. We use this system to study hummingbird feeding behavior using high‐speed video cameras to capture fast movements and multiple sensors placed away from the camera to detect small body sizes. While designed for hummingbirds, our application can be extended to any system where specialized camera or sensor features are required, or commercial camera traps are cost‐prohibitive, allowing camera trap use in more research avenues and by more researchers.  相似文献   

Tail biting in domestic pigs relates to a range of risk factors, primarily in the pigs’ environment. Preventive tail docking is widely used, and various experimental approaches suggest that docking reduces the risk of tail biting. However, whether the docking length affects the prevalence of tail biting outbreaks is less studied, as is how a shortened tail will affect pigs’ social behaviour. The aim of this study was to investigate how three different tail docking lengths, measured at docking, as well as retained intact tails (Short: 2.9 cm; Medium: 5.7 cm; Long: 7.5 cm; and Undocked) affected tail biting risk and behaviour directed at other finisher pigs with the same docking length treatment. Tail lesions were scored weekly, as was behaviour at pen level after introduction to finisher pens and until a potential outbreak of tail biting or slaughter. Pigs from four commercial herds (258 litters) entered the study. Before the pigs entered the finisher section and data collection started, some pigs were excluded, mainly due to tail biting outbreaks in the weaner section. The risk of a tail biting outbreak differed significantly between treatments (P=0.001), with a lowered risk of a tail biting outbreak in Short pens compared with Undocked (P<0.001) and Medium (P<0.05), and was affected by herd as well (P<0.001). Pens in the Long and Undocked treatments were pooled for the behavioural analysis due to low representation, especially in the Undocked treatment. The probability of tail contacts, where a pig interacted with a pen mate’s tail, differed between docking length treatments and was highest in the Long/Undocked compared with the Short treatment (P<0.01), but docking length did not affect aggressive behaviour. Docking length affected the risk of a tail biting outbreak and the frequency of tail-directed behaviour in our participating herds, of which three reported a high prevalence of tail biting problems. Only the shortest docking length treatment (Short) reduced the tail biting risk, but did not completely prevent tail biting outbreaks.  相似文献   

Captures of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), in Jackson traps baited with trimedlure were compared with captures in cylindrical open-bottom dry traps baited with a food-based synthetic attractant (ammonium acetate, putrescine, and trimethylamine). Tests were conducted in Guatemala during a sterile male release program in an area where wild flies were present in low numbers. More wild and sterile females were captured in food-based traps, and more wild and sterile males were captured in trimedlure traps. The food-based traps captured almost twice as many total (male plus female) wild flies as the trimedlure traps, but the difference was not significant. Females made up approximately 60% of the wild flies caught in the food-based attractant traps; the trimedlure traps caught no females. The ratio of capture of males in trimedlure traps to food-based traps was 6.5:1 for sterile and 1.7:1 for wild flies. Because fewer sterile males are captured in the food-based traps, there is a reduction in the labor-intensive process of examining flies for sterility. The results indicate that traps baited with food-based attractants could be used in place of the Jackson/trimedlure traps for C. capitata sterile release programs because they can monitor distributions of sterile releases and detect wild fly populations effectively; both critical components of fruit fly eradication programs by using the sterile insect technique.  相似文献   

Studies on carnivores, which are generally difficult to observe directly because they are elusive and nocturnal, are carried out through indirect methods, e.g. , camera trapping and radiotracking. The first method has been used to estimate population densities of species that can be differentiated as individuals using unique pelage patterns. However, the use of capture–recapture methodology has raised doubts regarding the estimation of the sampling area around the camera traps, which is obtained using maximum distances traveled by individuals photographed at two or more different locations. In this paper, the results from camera traps are compared with a radiotracking study carried out simultaneously with ocelots ( Leopardus pardalis ) to confirm whether maximum distances observed in camera traps coincide with ranging patterns determined from radio telemetry, and in turn whether the sampling areas estimated from camera traps are appropriate for estimating density. Mean maximum distance moved was 2880 m according to camera trap records during a 60-d survey period while, with radiotracking, the maximum distance moved was 3176 m during the same period. The difference is not significant, and the sampling areas estimated with camera traps to assess ocelot density are reliable. However, if the area covered by cameras is reduced to less than three to four times average home range for the target species, then density estimates from camera trapping are exaggerated because of the reduced observed distances and the fact that multiple individuals can overlap in relatively small areas.  相似文献   

红外相机技术在我国野生动物监测中的应用: 问题与限制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
红外相机(camera traps)作为对野生动物进行“非损伤”性采样的技术, 已成为研究动物多样性、种群生态学及行为学的常用手段之一。其发展和普及为中国野生动物多样性和物种保育研究带来了诸多机会。如今, 国内大多数自然保护区都在运用红外相机技术开展物种监测工作。本文结合20年来已发表的相关研究, 从内容、实验设计以及发展趋势方面, 总结了目前红外相机技术在应用过程中出现的共性问题; 并就相机对动物的干扰性、影像识别、研究的适用范围及安全保障四个方面, 对该项技术在实践中存在的限制进行了探讨。最后结合红外相机技术未来的发展方向, 提出了建立技术规范、数据集成和共享、影像数据版权维护、提高监测效率等问题。  相似文献   

The behaviour of lumpfish, Cyclopterus lumpus L., in sea pens, with and without Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., present, was assessed by underwater camera technology. Behaviour was classified by recording the principal activity of individual fish for 30-s intervals. The majority of daylight time was spent actively foraging for food. Antagonistic behaviour between Atlantic salmon and lumpfish was not observed during the whole experimental period and no mortality was seen in either species. Cleaning behaviour, but at low frequency, was observed as lumpfish cleaned sea lice off Atlantic salmon. Significantly lower sea lice infection levels were seen on Atlantic salmon when reared together with lumpfish compared to the control group without lumpfish. Feeding behaviour can be classified as strongly opportunistic.  相似文献   

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