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The first extracellular loop (ECL1) of claudins forms paracellular pores in the tight junction that determine ion permselectivity. We aimed to map the pore-lining residues of claudin-2 by comprehensive cysteine-scanning mutagenesis of ECL1. We screened 45 cysteine mutations within the ECL1 by expression in polyclonal Madin-Darby canine kidney II Tet-Off cells and found nine mutants that displayed a significant decrease of conductance after treatment with the thiol-reactive reagent 2-(trimethylammonium)ethyl methanethiosulfonate, indicating the location of candidate pore-lining residues. Next, we stably expressed these candidates in monoclonal Madin-Darby canine kidney I Tet-Off cells and exposed them to thiol-reactive reagents. The maximum degree of inhibition of conductance, size selectivity of degree of inhibition, and size dependence of the kinetics of reaction were used to deduce the location of residues within the pore. Our data support the following sequence of pore-lining residues located from the narrowest to the widest part of the pore: Ser68, Ser47, Thr62/Ile66, Thr56, Thr32/Gly45, and Met52. The paracellular pore appears to primarily be lined by polar side chains, as expected for a predominantly aqueous environment. Furthermore, our results strongly suggest the existence of a continuous sequence of residues in the ECL1 centered around Asp65–Ser68 that form a major part of the lining of the pore.  相似文献   

In tight junctions, both claudin-2 and claudin-10b form paracellular cation-selective pores by the interaction of the first ECL 1 with permeating ions. We hypothesized that a highly conserved aromatic residue near the pore selectivity filter of claudins contributes to cation selectivity by cation-π interaction with the permeating cation. To test this, we generated MDCK I Tet-off cells stably transfected with claudin-2 Tyr67 mutants. The Y67L mutant showed reduced cation selectivity compared with wild-type claudin-2 due to a decrease in Na+ permeability, without affecting the Cl permeability. The Y67A mutant enlarged the pore size and further decreased the charge selectivity due to an increase in Cl permeability. The Y67F mutant restored the Na+ permeability, Cl permeability, and pore size back to wild-type. The accessibility of Y67C to methanethiosulfonate modification indicated that its side chain faces the lumen of the pore. In claudin-10b, the F66L mutant reduced cation selectivity, and the F66A mutant lost pore conductance. We conclude that the conserved aromatic residue near the cation pore domain of claudins contributes to cation selectivity by a dual role of cation-π interaction and a luminal steric effect. Our findings provide new insight into how ion selectivity is achieved in the paracellular pore.  相似文献   

Claudins are transmembrane proteins of the tight junction that determine and regulate paracellular ion permeability. We previously reported that claudin-8 reduces paracellular cation permeability when expressed in low-resistance Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) II cells. Here, we address how the interaction of heterologously expressed claudin-8 with endogenous claudin isoforms impacts epithelial barrier properties. In MDCK II cells, barrier improvement by claudin-8 is accompanied by a reduction of endogenous claudin-2 protein at the tight junction. Here, we show that this is not because of relocalization of claudin-2 into the cytosolic pool but primarily due to a decrease in gene expression. Claudin-8 also affects the trafficking of claudin-2, which was displaced specifically from the junctions at which claudin-8 was inserted. To test whether replacement of cation-permeable claudin-2 mediates the effect of claudin-8 on the electrophysiological phenotype of the host cell line, we expressed claudin-8 in high-resistance MDCK I cells, which lack endogenous claudin-2. Unlike in MDCK II cells, induction of claudin-8 in MDCK I cells (which did not affect levels of endogenous claudins) did not alter paracellular ion permeability. Furthermore, when endogenous claudin-2 in MDCK II cells was downregulated by epidermal growth factor to create a cell model with low transepithelial resistance and low levels of claudin-2, the permeability effects of claudin-8 were also abolished. Our findings demonstrate that claudin overexpression studies measure the combined effect of alterations in both endogenous and exogenous claudins, thus explaining the dependence of the phenotype on the host cell line.  相似文献   

Tight junctions are multiprotein complexes that form the fundamental physiologic and anatomic barrier between epithelial and endothelial cells, yet little information is available about their molecular organization. To begin to understand how the transmembrane proteins of the tight junction are organized into multiprotein complexes, we used blue native-PAGE (BN-PAGE) and cross-linking techniques to identify complexes extracted from MDCK II cells and mouse liver. In nonionic detergent extracts from MDCK II cells, the tight junction integral membrane protein claudin-2 was preferentially isolated as a homodimer, whereas claudin-4 was monomeric. Analysis of the interactions between chimeras of claudin-2 and -4 are consistent with the transmembrane domains of claudin-2 being responsible for dimerization, and mutational analysis followed by cross-linking indicated that the second transmembrane domains were arranged in close proximity in homodimers. BN-PAGE of mouse liver membrane identified a relatively discrete high molecular weight complex containing at least claudin-1, claudin-2, and occludin; the difference in the protein complex sizes between cultured cells and tissues may reflect differences in tight junction protein or lipid composition or post-translational modifications. Our results suggest that BN-PAGE may be a useful tool in understanding tight junction structure.  相似文献   

Autophagy is an intracellular degradation pathway and is considered to be an essential cell survival mechanism. Defects in autophagy are implicated in many pathological processes, including inflammatory bowel disease. Among the innate defense mechanisms of intestinal mucosa, a defective tight junction (TJ) barrier has been postulated as a key pathogenic factor in the causation and progression of inflammatory bowel disease by allowing increased antigenic permeation. The cross-talk between autophagy and the TJ barrier has not yet been described. In this study, we present the novel finding that autophagy enhances TJ barrier function in Caco-2 intestinal epithelial cells. Nutrient starvation-induced autophagy significantly increased transepithelial electrical resistance and reduced the ratio of sodium/chloride paracellular permeability. Nutrient starvation reduced the paracellular permeability of small-sized urea but not larger molecules. The role of autophagy in the modulation of paracellular permeability was confirmed by pharmacological induction as well as pharmacological and genetic inhibition of autophagy. Consistent with the autophagy-induced reduction in paracellular permeability, a marked decrease in the level of the cation-selective, pore-forming TJ protein claudin-2 was observed after cell starvation. Starvation reduced the membrane presence of claudin-2 and increased its cytoplasmic, lysosomal localization. Therefore, our data show that autophagy selectively reduces epithelial TJ permeability of ions and small molecules by lysosomal degradation of the TJ protein claudin-2.  相似文献   

Claudin-16 (CLDN16) regulates the paracellular reabsorption of Mg2+ in the thick ascending limb of Henle''s loop. However, the mechanism regulating the tight junctional localization of CLDN16 remains unknown. In yeast two-hybrid systems, we found that CLDN16 bound to syntaxin 8 (STX8), a target soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor. We have examined the effect of STX8 on the localization and function of CLDN16 using Madin-Darby canine kidney cells expressing FLAG-tagged CLDN16. A pulldown assay showed that the carboxyl cytoplasmic region of human CLDN16 bound to STX8. CLDN16 was localized in the thick ascending limb, whereas STX8 was widely distributed throughout the rat kidney. An association between CLDN16 and STX8 was observed in rat renal homogenates and Madin-Darby canine kidney cells. STX8 siRNA decreased the cell surface localization of CLDN16 and transepithelial electrical resistance and permeability to Mg2+ but increased the co-localization of CLDN16 with early endosome and lysosome markers. Dephosphorylation of CLDN16 by protein kinase A inhibitors and S217A mutant, a dephosphorylated form, decreased the association with STX8 and the cell surface localization of CLDN16. Recycling assays indicated that STX8 siRNA decreased the trafficking of CLDN16 to the plasma membrane without affecting endocytosis. Dominant negative Rab11 and recycling inhibitor primaquine decreased the cell surface localization of CLDN16, which was similar to that in STX8 siRNA-transfected cells. These results suggest that STX8 mediates the recycling of CLDN16 and constitutes an important component of the CLDN16 trafficking machinery in the kidney.  相似文献   

The epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC) mediates the rate-limiting step in transepithelial Na+ transport in the distal segments of the nephron and in the lung. ENaC subunits are cleaved by proteases, resulting in channel activation due to the release of inhibitory tracts. Peptides derived from these tracts inhibit channel activity. The mechanism by which these intrinsic inhibitory tracts reduce channel activity is unknown, as are the sites where these tracts interact with other residues within the channel. We performed site-directed mutagenesis in large portions of the predicted periphery of the extracellular region of the α subunit and measured the effect of mutations on an 8-residue inhibitory tract-derived peptide. Our data show that the inhibitory peptide likely binds to specific residues within the finger and thumb domains of ENaC. Pairwise interactions between the peptide and the channel were identified by double mutant cycle experiments. Our data suggest that the inhibitory peptide has a specific peptide orientation within its binding site. Extended to the intrinsic inhibitory tract, our data suggest that proteases activate ENaC by removing residues that bind at the finger-thumb domain interface.  相似文献   

The cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) is a chloride channel belonging to the ATP-binding cassette transporter superfamily. CFTR is gated by ATP binding and hydrolysis at its two nucleotide-binding domains (NBDs), which dimerize in the presence of ATP to form two ATP-binding pockets (ABP1 and ABP2). Mutations reducing the activity of CFTR result in the genetic disease cystic fibrosis. Two of the most common mutations causing a severe phenotype are G551D and ΔF508. Previously we found that the ATP analog N6-(2-phenylethyl)-ATP (P-ATP) potentiates the activity of G551D by ∼7-fold. Here we show that 2′-deoxy-ATP (dATP), but not 3′-deoxy-ATP, increases the activity of G551D-CFTR by ∼8-fold. We custom synthesized N6-(2-phenylethyl)-2′-deoxy-ATP (P-dATP), an analog combining the chemical modifications in dATP and P-ATP. This new analog enhances G551D current by 36.2 ± 5.4-fold suggesting an independent but energetically additive action of these two different chemical modifications. We show that P-dATP binds to ABP1 to potentiate the activity of G551D, and mutations in both sides of ABP1 (W401G and S1347G) decrease its potentiation effect, suggesting that the action of P-dATP takes place at the interface of both NBDs. Interestingly, P-dATP completely rectified the gating abnormality of ΔF508-CFTR by increasing its activity by 19.5 ± 3.8-fold through binding to both ABPs. This result highlights the severity of the gating defect associated with ΔF508, the most prevalent disease-associated mutation. The new analog P-dATP can be not only an invaluable tool to study CFTR gating, but it can also serve as a proof-of-principle that, by combining elements that potentiate the channel activity independently, the increase in chloride transport necessary to reach a therapeutic target is attainable.  相似文献   

Malfunction of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) leads to cystic fibrosis, but the regulation of CFTR is not fully understood. Here, we identified the intermediate filament protein keratin K18 (K18) as a CFTR-binding protein by various approaches. We mapped a highly conserved “hydrophobic patch” (1413FLVI1416) in the CFTR C-terminus, known to determine plasmalemmal CFTR stability, as the K18-binding site. On the other hand, the C-terminal tail of K18 was found to be a critical determinant for binding CFTR. Overexpression of K18 in cells robustly increased the surface expression of wild-type CFTR, whereas depletion of K18 through RNA interference specifically diminished it. K18 binding increased the surface expression of CFTR by accelerating its apical recycling rate without altering CFTR biosynthesis, maturation, or internalization. Importantly, CFTR surface expression was markedly reduced in duodenal and gallbladder epithelia of K18−/− mice. Taken together, our results suggest that K18 increases the cell surface expression of CFTR by interacting with the CFTR C-terminal hydrophobic patch. These findings offer novel insights into the regulation of CFTR and suggest that K18 and its dimerization partner, K8, may be modifier genes in cystic fibrosis.  相似文献   

The mechanism of tight junction (TJ) assembly and the structure of claudins (Cldn) that form the TJ strands are unclear. This limits the molecular understanding of paracellular barriers and strategies for drug delivery across tissue barriers. Cldn3 and Cldn5 are both common in the blood-brain barrier but form TJ strands with different ultrastructures. To identify the molecular determinants of folding and assembly of these classic claudins, Cldn3/Cldn5 chimeric mutants were generated and analyzed by cellular reconstitution of TJ strands, live cell confocal imaging, and freeze-fracture electron microscopy. A comprehensive screening was performed on the basis of the rescue of mutants deficient for strand formation. Cldn3/Cldn5 residues in transmembrane segment 3, TM3 (Ala-127/Cys-128, Ser-136/Cys-137, Ser-138/Phe-139), and the transition of TM3 to extracellular loop 2, ECL2 (Thr-141/Ile-142) and ECL2 (Asn-148/Asp-149, Leu-150/Thr-151, Arg-157/Tyr-158), were identified to be involved in claudin folding and/or assembly. Blue native PAGE and FRET assays revealed 1% n-dodecyl β-d-maltoside-resistant cis-dimerization for Cldn5 but not for Cldn3. This homophilic interaction was found to be stabilized by residues in TM3. The resulting subtype-specific cis-dimer is suggested to be a subunit of polymeric TJ strands and contributes to the specific ultrastructure of the TJ detected by freeze-fracture electron microscopy. In particular, the Cldn5-like exoplasmic face-associated and particle-type strands were found to be related to cis-dimerization. These results provide new insight into the mechanisms of paracellular barrier formation by demonstrating that defined non-conserved residues in TM3 and ECL2 of classic claudins contribute to the formation of TJ strands with differing ultrastructures.  相似文献   

STIM1 and Orai1 represent the two molecular key components of the Ca2+ release-activated Ca2+ channels. Their activation involves STIM1 C terminus coupling to both the N terminus and the C terminus of Orai. Here we focused on the extended transmembrane Orai1 N-terminal (ETON, aa73–90) region, conserved among the Orai family forming an elongated helix of TM1 as recently shown by x-ray crystallography. To identify “hot spot” residues in the ETON binding interface for STIM1 interaction, numerous Orai1 constructs with N-terminal truncations or point mutations within the ETON region were generated. N-terminal truncations of the first four residues of the ETON region or beyond completely abolished STIM1-dependent Orai1 function. Loss of Orai1 function resulted from neither an impairment of plasma membrane targeting nor pore damage, but from a disruption of STIM1 interaction. In a complementary approach, we monitored STIM1-Orai interaction via Orai1 V102A by determining restored Ca2+ selectivity as a consequence of STIM1 coupling. Orai1 N-terminal truncations that led to a loss of function consistently failed to restore Ca2+ selectivity of Orai1 V102A in the presence of STIM1, demonstrating impairment of STIM1 binding. Hence, the major portion of the ETON region (aa76–90) is essential for STIM1 binding and Orai1 activation. Mutagenesis within the ETON region revealed several hydrophobic and basic hot spot residues that appear to control STIM1 coupling to Orai1 in a concerted manner. Moreover, we identified two basic residues, which protrude into the elongated pore to redound to Orai1 gating. We suggest that several hot spot residues in the ETON region contribute in aggregate to the binding of STIM1, which in turn is coupled to a conformational reorientation of the gate.  相似文献   

Activation of Ca(2+) release-activated Ca(2+) channels by depletion of intracellular Ca(2+) stores involves physical interactions between the endoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+) sensor, STIM1, and the channels composed of Orai subunits. Recent studies indicate that the Orai3 subtype, in addition to being store-operated, is also activated in a store-independent manner by 2-aminoethyldiphenyl borate (2-APB), a small molecule with complex pharmacology. However, it is unknown whether the store-dependent and -independent activation modes of Orai3 channels operate independently or whether there is cross-talk between these activation states. Here we report that in addition to causing direct activation, 2-APB also regulates store-operated gating of Orai3 channels, causing potentiation at low doses and inhibition at high doses. Inhibition of store-operated gating by 2-APB was accompanied by the suppression of several modes of Orai3 channel regulation that depend on STIM1, suggesting that high doses of 2-APB interrupt STIM1-Orai3 coupling. Conversely, STIM1-bound Orai3 (and Orai1) channels resisted direct gating by high doses of 2-APB. The rate of direct 2-APB activation of Orai3 channels increased linearly with the degree of STIM1-Orai3 uncoupling, suggesting that 2-APB has to first disengage STIM1 before it can directly gate Orai3 channels. Collectively, our results indicate that the store-dependent and -independent modes of Ca(2+) release-activated Ca(2+) channel activation are mutually exclusive: channels bound to STIM1 resist 2-APB gating, whereas 2-APB antagonizes STIM1 gating.  相似文献   

The transient receptor potential channels TRPML2 and TRPML3 (MCOLN2 and MCOLN3) are nonselective cation channels. They are widely expressed in mammals. However, little is known about their physiological function(s) and activation mechanism(s). TRPML3 can be activated or rather de-inhibited by exposing it first to sodium-free extracellular solution and subsequently to high extracellular sodium. TRPML3 can also be activated by a variety of small chemical compounds identified in a high throughput screen and is inhibited by low pH. Furthermore, it was found that TRPML3 is constitutively active in low or no sodium-containing extracellular solution. This constitutive activity is independent of the intracellular presence of sodium, and whole-cell current densities are similar with pipette solutions containing cesium, potassium, or sodium. Here, we present mutagenesis data generated based on the hypothesis that negatively charged amino acids in the extracellular loops of TRPML3 may interfere with the observed sodium inhibition. We systematically mutated negatively charged amino acids in the first and second extracellular loops and found that mutating Glu-361 in the second loop has a significant impact on the sodium-mediated block of TRPML3. We further demonstrate that the TRPML3-related cation channel TRPML2 is also activated by lowering the extracellular sodium concentration as well as by a subset of small chemical compounds that were previously identified as activators of TRPML3, thus confirming the functional activity of TRPML2 at the plasma membrane and suggesting similar gating mechanisms for both TRPML channels.  相似文献   

Epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) in the kidneys is critical for Na+ balance, extracellular volume, and blood pressure. Altered ENaC function is associated with respiratory disorders, pseudohypoaldosteronism type 1, and Liddle syndrome. ENaC is known to interact with components of the cytoskeleton, but the functional roles remain largely unclear. Here, we examined the interaction between ENaC and filamins, important actin filament components. We first discovered by yeast two-hybrid screening that the C termini of ENaC α and β subunits bind filamin A, B, and C, and we then confirmed the binding by in vitro biochemical assays. We demonstrated by co-immunoprecipitation that ENaC, either overexpressed in HEK, HeLa, and melanoma A7 cells or natively expressed in LLC-PK1 and IMCD cells, is in the same complex with native filamin. Furthermore, the biotinylation and co-immunoprecipitation combined assays showed the ENaC-filamin interaction on the cell surface. Using Xenopus oocyte expression and two-electrode voltage clamp electrophysiology, we found that co-expression of an ENaC-binding domain of filamin substantially reduces ENaC channel function. Western blot and immunohistochemistry experiments revealed that the filamin A C terminus (FLNAC) modestly reduces the expression of the ENaC α subunit in oocytes and A7 cells. After normalizing the current by plasma membrane expression, we found that FLNAC results in ∼50% reduction in the ENaC channel activity. The inhibitory effect of FLNAC was confirmed by lipid bilayer electrophysiology experiments using purified ENaC and FLNAC proteins, which showed that FLNAC substantially reduces ENaC single channel open probability. Taken together, our study demonstrated that filamin reduces ENaC channel function through direct interaction on the cell surface.  相似文献   

The transient receptor potential vanilloid type 5 (TRPV5) Ca2+ channel facilitates transcellular Ca2+ transport in the distal convoluted tubule (DCT) of the kidney. The channel is glycosylated with a complex type N-glycan and it has been postulated that hydrolysis of the terminal sialic acid(s) stimulate TRPV5 activity. The present study delineates the role of the N-glycan in TRPV5 activity using biochemical assays in Human Embryonic Kidney 293 cells expressing TRPV5, isoelectric focusing and total internal reflection fluorescent microscopy. The anti-aging hormone klotho and other glycosidases stimulate TRPV5-dependent Ca2+ uptake. Klotho was found to increase the plasma membrane stability of TRPV5, via the TRPV5 N-glycan. Sialidase mimicked this stimulatory action. However, this effect was independent of the N-glycosylation state of TRPV5, since the N-glycosylation mutant (TRPV5N358Q) was activated to the same extent. We showed that the increased TRPV5 activity after sialidase treatment is caused by inhibition of lipid raft-mediated internalization. In addition, sialidase modified the N-glycan of transferrin, a model glycoprotein, differently from klotho. Previous studies showed that after klotho treatment, galectin-1 binds the TRPV5 N-glycan and thereby increases TRPV5 activity. However, galectin-3, but not galectin-1, was expressed in the DCT. Furthermore, an increase in TRPV5-mediated Ca2+ uptake was detected after galectin-3 treatment. In conclusion, two distinct TRPV5 stimulatory mechanisms were demonstrated; a klotho-mediated effect that is dependent on the N-glycan of TRPV5 and a sialidase-mediated stimulation that is lipid raft-dependent and independent of the N-glycan of TRPV5.  相似文献   

Acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) are neuronal proton-gated cation channels associated with nociception, fear, depression, seizure, and neuronal degeneration, suggesting roles in pain and neurological and psychiatric disorders. We have recently discovered black mamba venom peptides called mambalgin-1 and mambalgin-2, which are new three-finger toxins that specifically inhibit with the same pharmacological profile ASIC channels to exert strong analgesic effects in vivo. We now combined bioinformatics and functional approaches to uncover the molecular mechanism of channel inhibition by the mambalgin-2 pain-relieving peptide. Mambalgin-2 binds mainly in a region of ASIC1a involving the upper part of the thumb domain (residues Asp-349 and Phe-350), the palm domain of an adjacent subunit, and the β-ball domain (residues Arg-190, Asp-258, and Gln-259). This region overlaps with the acidic pocket (pH sensor) of the channel. The peptide exerts both stimulatory and inhibitory effects on ASIC1a, and we propose a model where mambalgin-2 traps the channel in a closed conformation by precluding the conformational change of the palm and β-ball domains that follows proton activation. These data help to understand inhibition by mambalgins and provide clues for the development of new optimized blockers of ASIC channels.  相似文献   

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease affects 64 million people and is currently the fourth leading cause of death worldwide. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease includes both emphysema and chronic bronchitis, and in the case of chronic bronchitis represents an inflammatory response of the airways that is associated with mucus hypersecretion and obstruction of small airways. Recently, it has emerged that exposure to cigarette smoke (CS) leads to an inhibition of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) Cl channel, causing airway surface liquid dehydration, which may play a role in the development of chronic bronchitis. CS rapidly clears CFTR from the plasma membrane and causes it to be deposited into aggresome-like compartments. However, little is known about the mechanism(s) responsible for the internalization of CFTR following CS exposure. Our studies revealed that CS triggered a rise in cytoplasmic Ca2+ that may have emanated from lysosomes. Furthermore, chelation of cytoplasmic Ca2+, but not inhibition of protein kinases/phosphatases, prevented CS-induced CFTR internalization. The macrolide antibiotic bafilomycin A1 inhibited CS-induced Ca2+ release and prevented CFTR clearance from the plasma membrane, further linking cytoplasmic Ca2+ and CFTR internalization. We hypothesize that CS-induced Ca2+ release prevents normal sorting/degradation of CFTR and causes internalized CFTR to reroute to aggresomes. Our data provide mechanistic insight into the potentially deleterious effects of CS on airway epithelia and outline a hitherto unrecognized signaling event triggered by CS that may affect the long term transition of the lung into a hyper-inflammatory/dehydrated environment.  相似文献   

Gap junction channels communicate the cytoplasms of two cells and are formed by head to head association of two hemichannels, one from each of the cells. Gap junction channels and hemichannels are permeable to ions and hydrophilic molecules of up to Mr 1,000, including second messengers and metabolites. Intercellular Ca2+ signaling can occur by movement of a number of second messengers, including Ca2+, through gap junction channels, or by a paracrine pathway that involves activation of purinergic receptors in neighboring cells following ATP release through hemichannels. Understanding Ca2+ permeation through Cx26 hemichannels is important to assess the role of gap junction channels and hemichannels in health and disease. In this context, it is possible that increased Ca2+ influx through hemichannels under ischemic conditions contributes to cell damage. Previous studies suggest Ca2+ permeation through hemichannels, based on indirect arguments. Here, we demonstrate for the first time hemichannel permeability to Ca2+ by measuring Ca2+ transport through purified Cx26 hemichannels reconstituted in liposomes. We trapped the low affinity Ca2+-sensitive fluorescent probe Fluo-5N into the liposomes and followed the increases in intraliposomal [Ca2+] in response to an imposed [Ca2+] gradient. We show that Ca2+ does move through Cx26 hemichannels and that the permeability of the hemichannels to Ca2+ is high, similar to that for Na+. We suggest that hemichannels can be a significant pathway for Ca2+ influx into cells under conditions such as ischemia.  相似文献   

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