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Behavioural and biomaterial coevolution in spider orb webs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mechanical performance of biological structures, such as tendons, byssal threads, muscles, and spider webs, is determined by a complex interplay between material quality (intrinsic material properties, larger scale morphology) and proximate behaviour. Spider orb webs are a system in which fibrous biomaterials—silks—are arranged in a complex design resulting from stereotypical behavioural patterns, to produce effective energy absorbing traps for flying prey. Orb webs show an impressive range of designs, some effective at capturing tiny insects such as midges, others that can occasionally stop even small birds. Here, we test whether material quality and behaviour (web design) co‐evolve to fine‐tune web function. We quantify the intrinsic material properties of the sticky capture silk and radial support threads, as well as their architectural arrangement in webs, across diverse species of orb‐weaving spiders to estimate the maximum potential performance of orb webs as energy absorbing traps. We find a dominant pattern of material and behavioural coevolution where evolutionary shifts to larger body sizes, a common result of fecundity selection in spiders, is repeatedly accompanied by improved web performance because of changes in both silk material and web spinning behaviours. Large spiders produce silk with improved material properties, and also use more silk, to make webs with superior stopping potential. After controlling for spider size, spiders spinning higher quality silk used it more sparsely in webs. This implies that improvements in silk quality enable ‘sparser’ architectural designs, or alternatively that spiders spinning lower quality silk compensate architecturally for the inferior material quality of their silk. In summary, spider silk material properties are fine‐tuned to the architectures of webs across millions of years of diversification, a coevolutionary pattern not yet clearly demonstrated for other important biomaterials such as tendon, mollusc byssal threads, and keratin.  相似文献   

Spider web research bridges ethology, ecology, functional morphology, material science, development, genetics, and evolution. Recent work proposes the aerial orb web as a one‐time key evolutionary innovation that has freed spider‐web architecture from substrate constraints. However, the orb has repeatedly been modified or lost within araneoid spiders. Modifications include not only sheet‐ and cobwebs, but also ladder webs, which secondarily utilize the substrate. A recent nephilid species level phylogeny suggests that the ancestral nephilid web architecture was an arboricolous ladder and that round aerial webs were derived. Because the web biology of the basalmost Clitaetra and the derived Nephila are well understood, the present study focuses on the webs of the two phylogenetically intervening genera, Herennia and Nephilengys, to establish ontogenetic and macroevolutionary patterns across the nephilid tree. We compared juvenile and adult webs of 95 Herennia multipuncta and 143 Nephilengys malabarensis for two measures of ontogenetic allometric web changes: web asymmetry quantified by the ladder index, and hub asymmetry quantified by the hub displacement index. We define a ‘ladder web’ as a vertically elongated orb exceeding twice the length over width (ladder index ≥ 2) and possessing (sub)parallel rather than round side frames. Webs in both genera allometrically grew from orbs to ladders, more so in Herennia. Such allometric web growth enables the spider to maintain its arboricolous web site. Unexpectedly, hub asymmetry only increased significantly in heavy‐bodied Nephilengys females, and not in Herennia, challenging the commonly invoked gravity hypothesis. The findings obtained in the present study support the intrageneric uniformness of nephilid webs, with Herennia etruscilla webs being identical to H. multipuncta. The nephilid web evolution suggests that the ancestor of Nephila reinvented the aerial orb web because the orb arises at a much more inclusive phylogenetic level, and all intervening nephilids retained the secondarily acquired substrate‐dependent ladder web. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 99 , 849–866.  相似文献   

Transmission of natural and artificial vibrations in webs of Nephila clavipes was examined using laser Doppler vibrometry to determine how this spider discriminates and localizes stimuli. 1. Vibration signals of four entrapped insect species peaked at different frequencies from 5–30 Hz, but their spectra overlapped considerably. Peak amplitudes spanned 50 dB. 2. Transmission of longitudinal vibrations along individual radii was attenuated over ca. 12 cm by 4.0 ± 2.7 dB; attenuation values for transverse and lateral vibrations were 22.2 ± 4.6 dB and 26.2 ± 4.3 dB, respectively. Some transmission spectra characteristics may be explained by resonances of the spider and threads. 3. Radial thread transmission increased by 2.2–5.8 dB after cutting the connecting auxiliary spirals, demonstrating that vibrations leak from stimulated radii via these threads. Auxiliary spirals provide structural support to Nephila webs at the expense of degraded directional transmission. 4. Upon single-point stimulation, vibrations measured around the web hub and at the spider's tarsi revealed 2-D vibration amplitude gradients of 20–30 dB indicating the stimulus direction. In contrast, measured vibration propagation velocities of 70–1500 m/s resulted in time-of-arrival differences at the spiders tarsi of < 1.5 ms, which may be too brief for stimulus direction determination.Abbreviations A area - C propagation velocity - E Young's modulus - LDV laser Doppler vibrometer/-metry - r.h. relative humidity - T tension - space constant - radius of gyration - density - 2-D two-dimensional - 3-D three-dimensional  相似文献   

Abstract Orb web spiders face a dilemma: forage in open habitats and risk predation or forage in closed habitats to minimize risk but at reduced foraging profitability. We tested whether Argiope keyserlingi opts for safer habitats at the expense of foraging success by (i) determining habitat selection indices in open and closed habitats; (ii) marking and releasing individual juvenile, subadult and adults over two 4‐week periods to determine if life‐history stage influences habitat selection; and (iii) determining the biotic and abiotic environmental parameters that relate to A. keyserlingi abundance. We found that A. keyserlingi selected closed habitats. Sedge and anthropogenic structures were selected and trees were avoided. Juveniles were never found in open habitats, most likely because of high postdispersal mortality. Subadults and adults may shift from closed to open habitats while juveniles never shifted habitat. Foliage density, plant height, potential prey abundance, and mantid and bird abundance were correlated with A. keyserlingi abundance, with only bird abundance explaining habitat selection. We measured web capture area, spiral distance (distance between spiral threads) and the number of decoration arms (0, 1, 2, 3 or 4) in the field and did laboratory experiments to test the influence of (i) space and vegetation; (ii) prey abundance; and (iii) web damage, on web architecture. Argiope keyserlingi webs exhibited geometric plasticity by having larger prey capture areas and spiral distances in open habitats. Decoration design did not differ between habitats however. Variation in space availability, air temperature, prey abundance and web damage explained the variations in web architecture. Potential prey size and diversity differed between habitats but prey abundance did not. As large prey may be important for spider survivorship, foraging success appears to be compromised by occupying closed habitats.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Protein is important for a foraging animal to consume, as it promotes growth and enhances survival, particularly in web‐building spiders, which need to invest considerable protein into web building and may trade‐off growth for web investment. 2. The influence of dietary protein uptake on growth and web investment was tested in the orb web spider Argiope keyserlingi, by feeding them flies reared on three different media: (1) high protein, (2) low protein, and (3) standard (control) media. There was a negative correlation between protein and energy content of the flies across treatments; flies reared on the high protein media had the highest protein, but lowest energy, while flies reared on the low protein media had the lowest protein but highest energy. 3. It was found that silk investment and web architecture in A. keyserlingi was not affected by diet. Growth and decoration building were both enhanced when spiders were fed a high protein diet. 4. It was concluded that protein intake, rather than energy, influenced both growth and decoration building because: (1) protein intake enhances growth in other animals, (2) protein is essential for silk synthesis, especially aciniform silk, and (3) protein is a limiting factor actively sought by foraging animals in natural environments.  相似文献   

An effective visual signal elicits a strong receiver response. The visual receptors of most insects are sensitive to ultraviolet (UV), blue and green light. The decorations of certain orb web spiders may be described as a type of visual signal, a sensory trap, as they exploit visual biases in insects. We filtered UV and blue light from the decorations of Argiope keyserlingi , under field conditions, using plastic sheets to test if the UV and blue light reflected affects the type of prey caught. We found that houseflies, blowflies, stingless bees, honeybees and vespid wasps were caught more frequently in webs with decorations than webs without, while ichneumonid wasps were caught less frequently. Blowflies, stingless bees, honeybees and vespid wasps were caught more often in unfiltered decorated webs. These insects also have receptor sensitivities in the blue and UV. We showed that exploiting visual sensory biases plays an integral role in attracting insects to orb web decorations. Whether UV light, blue light, or both, are the most important cue, however, requires further study.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 94 , 221–229.  相似文献   

In order to study the tempo and the mode of spider orb web evolution and diversification, we conducted a phylogenetic analysis using six genetic markers along with a comprehensive taxon sample. The present analyses are the first to recover the monophyly of orb-weaving spiders based solely on DNA sequence data and an extensive taxon sample. We present the first dated orb weaver phylogeny. Our results suggest that orb weavers appeared by the Middle Triassic and underwent a rapid diversification during the end of the Triassic and Early Jurassic. By the second half of the Jurassic, most of the extant orb-weaving families and web designs were already present. The processes that may have given origin to this diversification of lineages and web architectures are discussed. A combination of biotic factors, such as key innovations in web design and silk composition, as well as abiotic environmental changes, may have played important roles in the diversification of orb weavers. Our analyses also show that increased taxon sampling density in both ingroups and outgroups greatly improves phylogenetic accuracy even when extensive data are missing. This effect is particularly important when addition of character data improves gene overlap.  相似文献   

Linyphiidae is the second largest family of spiders. Using Linyphia hortensis and L. triangularis, we describe linyphiid sheet-web construction behaviour. Orb-web construction behaviour is reviewed and compared with that of nonorb-weaving orbicularians. Phylogenetic comparisons and the biogenetic law are applied to deduce behavioural homology. Linyphia webs were constructed gradually and in segments over a period of many days and had a long lifespan. Two construction behaviours, supporting structure and sticky thread (ST) (within the sheet) were observed. ST construction behaviour in linyphiids is considered homologous to sticky spiral construction in orb-weavers. Overall web construction conformed to the pattern of alternate construction of sticky and nonsticky parts as observed in theridiids. Linyphiids had no problem in switching between structure construction and ST construction even during a single behavioural bout. Both web construction behaviours in linyphiids were nonstereotypic, which is unusual in orbicularians. This might be due to the loss of control mechanisms at genetic level, probably by macro mutation. Lack of stereotypic behaviour might have played a substantial role in the origin of the diverse web forms seen in nonorb-weaving orbicularians. This hypothesis is consistent with patterns observed in the orbicularian phylogeny.  相似文献   

Although the basic taxonomic characteristics usually remain unchanged, some spinning apparatuses undergo consistent adaptive variations. As the presence of additional protuberances known as nubbins and tartipores have caused disagreements regarding some Araneidae spiders, more detailed definitions on the cuticular structures have recently been proposed. Reflecting this definition, microstructural organization of silk spinning apparatuses in the orb web spider Argiope bruennichi were reconsidered using field emission scanning electron microscopy. Among the seven kinds of functional spigots in females, it was revealed that two types (major ampullates and pyrifoms) are located on anterior spinnerets and another five types are distributed on median (minor ampullates, tubuliforms and aciniforms) or posterior (tubuliforms, flagelliforms, aggregates and aciniforms) spinnerets, respectively. In addition to functional spigots, cuticular remnants of the nubbins and the tartipores were found on the spinning fields, but the number of tartipores on each spinneret varied among individuals based on maturity. Nevertheless, three kinds of cuticular protuberances of ampullate silk glands were clearly visible at both the anterior and median spinnerets.  相似文献   

  1. Plant–animal interactions are diverse and widespread shaping ecology, evolution, and biodiversity of most ecological communities. Carnivorous plants are unusual in that they can be simultaneously engaged with animals in multiple mutualistic and antagonistic interactions including reversed plant–animal interactions where they are the predator. Competition with animals is a potential antagonistic plant–animal interaction unique to carnivorous plants when they and animal predators consume the same prey.
  2. The goal of this field study was to test the hypothesis that under natural conditions, sundews and spiders are predators consuming the same prey thus creating an environment where interkingdom competition can occur.
  3. Over 12 months, we collected data on 15 dates in the only protected Highland Rim Wet Meadow Ecosystem in Kentucky where sundews, sheet‐web spiders, and ground‐running spiders co‐exist. One each sampling day, we attempted to locate fifteen sites with: (a) both sheet‐web spiders and sundews; (b) sundews only; and (c) where neither occurred. Sticky traps were set at each of these sites to determine prey (springtails) activity–density. Ground‐running spiders were collected on sampling days. DNA extraction was performed on all spiders to determine which individuals had eaten springtails and comparing this to the density of sundews where the spiders were captured.
  4. Sundews and spiders consumed springtails. Springtail activity–densities were lower, the higher the density of sundews. Both sheet‐web and ground‐running spiders were found less often where sundew densities were high. Sheet‐web size was smaller where sundew densities were high.
  5. The results of this study suggest that asymmetrical exploitative competition occurs between sundews and spiders. Sundews appear to have a greater negative impact on spiders, where spiders probably have little impact on sundews. In this example of interkingdom competition where the asymmetry should be most extreme, amensalism where one competitor experiences no cost of interaction may be occurring.

Many spiders use silk to construct webs that must function for days at a time, whereas many other species renew their webs daily. The mechanical properties of spider silk can change after spinning under environmental stress, which could influence web function. We hypothesize that spiders spinning longer‐lasting webs produce silks composed of proteins that are more resistant to environmental stresses. The major ampullate (MA) silks of orb web spiders are principally composed of a combination of two proteins (spidroins) called MaSp1 and MaSp2. We expected spider MA silks dominated by MaSp1 to have the greatest resistance to post‐spin property change because they have high concentrations of stable crystalline β‐sheets. Some orb web spiders that spin three‐dimensional orb webs, such as Cyrtophora, have MA silks that are predominantly composed of MaSp1. Hence, we expected that the construction of three‐dimensional orb webs might also coincide with MA silk resistance to post‐spin property change. Alternatively, the degree of post‐spin mechanical property changes in different spider silks may be explained by factors within the spider's ecosystem, such as exposure to solar radiation. We exposed the MA silks of ten spider species from five genera (Nephila, Cyclosa, Leucauge, Cyrtophora, and Argiope) to ecologically high temperatures and low humidity for 4 weeks, and compared the mechanical properties of these silks with unexposed silks. Using species pairs enabled us to assess the influence of web dimensionality and MaSp composition both with and without phylogenetic influences being accounted for. We found neither the MaSp composition nor the three‐dimensionality of the orb web to be associated with the degree of post‐spin mechanical property changes in MA silk. The MA silks in Leucauge spp. are dominated by MaSp2, which we found to have the least resistance to post‐spin property change. The MA silk in Argiope spp. is also dominated by MaSp2, but has high resistance to post‐spin property change. The ancestry of Argiope is unresolved, but it is largely a tropical genus inhabiting hot, open regions that present similar stressors to silk as those of our experiment. Ecological factors thus appear to influence the vulnerability of orb web spider MA silks to post‐spin property change. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 106 , 580–588.  相似文献   

According to optimal foraging theory, spiders should adapt their web building to environmental variations. Until now, there was no data on the influence of simultaneous information coming from different environmental factors on web building behaviour. Under laboratory conditions, we studied the behaviour of Zygiella x-notata in the presence of prey, conspecifics, or both simultaneously. There was a stimulating effect of prey, but web building was not affected by the presence of conspecifics. When spiders and prey were present simultaneously, the effect was similar to that of prey alone; it seemed that there was no interactive influence of both factors. We discussed about the use of environmental information by spiders in foraging behaviour.  相似文献   

The genetic basis for developmental stability, the ability of an organism to withstand genetic and environmental disturbance of development, is poorly understood. Fluctuating asymmetry (FA: small random deviations from symmetry in paired, bilateral traits) is the most widely used measure of developmental stability, and evidence suggests FA is weakly and negatively associated with genome‐wide heterozygosity. We investigated the genetic basis of developmental stability in the yellow dung fly. Fly lines were inbred for 16 generations at which time they were homozygous at the phosphoglucomutase (PGM) loci and PGM appears to influence FA in at least one other taxon. After 16 generations of inbreeding, lines homozygous for different PGM alleles were crossed and levels of FA for four metric traits were compared in the inbred and crossed flies. We also compared FA levels in these flies with previously gathered data on wild‐type (second generation outcrossed) flies, and additionally looked at the effects of two environmental stresses (larval food limitation and increased temperature) on FA. There were no significant differences in any measure of FA, nor in mean FA, in any trait when inbred and crossed flies were compared. Comparison of FA in these and wild flies also revealed no significant differences. Food limitation had no influence on FA, whereas heat stress increased FA of naturally, but not sexually, selected traits. Our results do not show a negative relationship between heterozygosity and FA, but support the notion that FA levels are stress, trait and taxon specific.  相似文献   

The bouncing mechanism of human running is characterized by a shorter duration of the brake after ‘landing’ compared with a longer duration of the push before ‘takeoff’. This landing–takeoff asymmetry has been thought to be a consequence of the force–velocity relation of the muscle, resulting in a greater force exerted during stretching after landing and a lower force developed during shortening before takeoff. However, the asymmetric lever system of the human foot during stance may also be the cause. Here, we measure the landing–takeoff asymmetry in bouncing steps of running, hopping and trotting animals using diverse lever systems. We find that the duration of the push exceeds that of the brake in all the animals, indicating that the different lever systems comply with the basic property of muscle to resist stretching with a force greater than that developed during shortening. In addition, results show both the landing–takeoff asymmetry and the mass-specific vertical stiffness to be greater in small animals than in large animals. We suggest that the landing–takeoff asymmetry is an index of a lack of elasticity, which increases with increasing the role of muscle relative to that of tendon within muscle–tendon units.  相似文献   

In animal species where females mate with multiple males, female mating success might be expected to covary with aspects of female morphology, such as size or shape. Spiders are especially interesting in this regard, as the females of several spider groups weave intricate webs that often accommodate multiple male spiders, all of whom are potential mates. Because web design is likely to be dependent on female size/shape, we use multivariate methods to assess the relationships among female morphology, web design, and reproductive ecology over a range of body sizes in the orb-weaving spider Nephila clavipes . Of the measured variables, only abdomen size explained a significant amount of the variation in number of males on a web, and this relationship holds even after statistically accounting for body size. Because abdomen size is an indicator of body condition in spiders, we suggest that condition is likely to be an important factor relating to potential mating success in female spiders. We found no evidence for an association between web design and number of males on a web, although our data indicate that larger females build webs that are both larger and further from the ground than those of smaller females.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2006, 87 , 95−102.  相似文献   

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