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The substantial role of food sharing in human evolution has been widely recognized, and food-soliciting tactics may have been critical in facilitating these transfers. Great apes, our closest living relatives, also use different food-soliciting tactics to obtain food from both kin and non-kin. However, the individual and social factors involved in requests for and subsequent transfers of food have been relatively little studied. Here, we examined which tactics (e.g., tactile gestures, taking actions, and vocalizations) infant chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) employ to solicit food as well as the success of obtaining food from their conspecifics. Using a multimodal approach, we focused on food-related interactions in 14 chimpanzee infants of two different subspecies (P. t. schweinfurthii/verus) living in the communities of Kanyawara, Uganda, and Taï South, Côte d'Ivoire. Overall, we found that infants' solicitation tactics included mainly visual or tactile gestural requests and taking attempts, while vocalizations and gestures involving auditory components were rarely used. With increasing age, infants used more visual gestures when soliciting food from conspecifics other than the mother. If food was solicited from mothers or maternal kin, infants predominantly begged for food via (mechanically effective) taking attempts. In terms of subsequent food transfers, taking attempts were more successful than gestures. In light of the prevalent use of non-contact begging despite low rates of success, food solicitation in young great apes might also function to facilitate social tolerance and gain social information. We thus conclude that the food sharing context might represent a critical platform to learn and practice social rules underlying cooperative interactions, which can later be generalized across collaborative domains.  相似文献   

Prosocial behaviours such as helping, comforting, or sharing are central to human social life. Because they emerge early in ontogeny, it has been proposed that humans are prosocial by nature and that from early on empathy and sympathy motivate such behaviours. The emerging question is whether humans share these abilities to feel with and for someone with our closest relatives, the great apes. Although several studies demonstrated that great apes help others, little is known about their underlying motivations. This study addresses this issue and investigates whether four species of great apes (Pongo pygmaeus, Gorilla gorilla, Pan troglodytes, Pan paniscus) help a conspecific more after observing the conspecific being harmed (a human experimenter steals the conspecific’s food) compared to a condition where no harming occurred. Results showed that in regard to the occurrence of prosocial behaviours, only orangutans, but not the African great apes, help others when help is needed, contrasting prior findings on chimpanzees. However, with the exception of one population of orangutans that helped significantly more after a conspecific was harmed than when no harm occurred, prosocial behaviour in great apes was not motivated by concern for others.  相似文献   

Humans exhibit framing effects when making choices, appraising decisions involving losses differently from those involving gains. To directly test for the evolutionary origin of this bias, we examined decision-making in humans'' closest living relatives: bonobos (Pan paniscus) and chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). We presented the largest sample of non-humans to date (n = 40) with a simple task requiring minimal experience. Apes made choices between a ‘framed’ option that provided preferred food, and an alternative option that provided a constant amount of intermediately preferred food. In the gain condition, apes experienced a positive ‘gain’ event in which the framed option was initially presented as one piece of food but sometimes was augmented to two. In the loss condition, apes experienced a negative ‘loss'' event in which they initially saw two pieces but sometimes received only one. Both conditions provided equal pay-offs, but apes chose the framed option more often in the positive ‘gain’ frame. Moreover, male apes were more susceptible to framing than were females. These results suggest that some human economic biases are shared through common descent with other apes and highlight the importance of comparative work in understanding the origins of individual differences in human choice.  相似文献   

In order to fully understand human evolutionary history through the use of molecular data, it is essential to include our closest relatives as a comparison. We provide here estimates of nucleotide diversity and effective population size of modern African ape species using data from several independent noncoding nuclear loci, and use these estimates to make predictions about the nature of the ancestral population that eventually gave rise to the living species of African apes, including humans. Chimpanzees, bonobos, and gorillas possess two to three times more nucleotide diversity than modern humans. We hypothesize that the last common ancestor (LCA) of these species had an effective population size more similar to modern apes than modern humans. In addition, estimated dates for the divergence of the Homo, Pan, and Gorilla lineages suggest that the LCA may have had stronger geographic structuring to its mtDNA than its nuclear DNA, perhaps indicative of strong female philopatry or a dispersal system analogous to gorillas, where females disperse only short distances from their natal group. Synthesizing different classes of data, and the inferences drawn from them, allows us to predict some of the genetic and demographic properties of the LCA of humans, chimpanzees, and gorillas.  相似文献   

The use and control of fire are uniquely human traits thought to have come about fairly late in the evolution of our lineage, and they are hypothesized to correlate with an increase in intellectual complexity. Given the relatively sophisticated cognitive abilities yet small brain size of living apes compared to humans and even early hominins, observations of wild chimpanzees' reactions to naturally occurring fire can help inform hypotheses about the likely responses of early hominins to fire. We use data on the behavior of savanna chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) at Fongoli, Senegal during two encounters with wildfires to illuminate the similarities between great apes and humans regarding their reaction to fire. Chimpanzees' close relatedness to our lineage makes them phylogenetically relevant to the study of hominid evolution, and the open, hot and dry environment at Fongoli, similar to the savanna mosaic thought to characterize much of hominid evolution, makes these apes ecologically important as a living primate model as well. Chimpanzees at Fongoli calmly monitor wildfires and change their behavior in anticipation of the fire's movement. The ability to conceptualize the “behavior” of fire may be a synapomorphic trait characterizing the human‐chimpanzee clade. If the cognitive underpinnings of fire conceptualization are a primitive hominid trait, hypotheses concerning the origins of the control and use of fire may need revision. We argue that our findings exemplify the importance of using living chimpanzees as models for better understanding human evolution despite recently published suggestions to the contrary. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Physical anthropologists often use nonmetric dental traits to trace the movement of human populations, but similar analysis of the teeth of nonhuman primates or the deciduous teeth is rare. Because nonmetric dental characteristics are manifestations of genetic differences among groups, they vary among geographically distant members of the same species and subspecies. We use 28 nonmetric dental traits in the deciduous molars to compare genetically and geographically distinct groups of extant African apes (Gorilla and Pan). Previous researchers have studied these traits in the adult or juvenile teeth of great apes and humans, and we score our observations according to established standards for hominins. We observe marked differences in trait frequencies between Gorilla and Pan, Pan troglodytes and P. paniscus, and two P. troglodytes subspecies but we find no significant differences between geographically isolated groups within the subspecies. Trait frequencies differ from those found in previous studies that contained fewer individuals. We find that the deciduous molars show similar variation to adult premolars and molars within Pan and Gorilla. This suggests that the deciduous dentition of these and other apes may contain diagnostic traits that are not currently in use.  相似文献   

Poaching and habitat destruction in the Congo Basin threaten African great apes including the bonobo (Pan paniscus), chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), and gorillas (Gorilla spp.) with extinction. One way to combat extinction is to reintroduce rescued and rehabilitated apes and repopulate native habitats. Reintroduction programs are only successful if they are supported by local populations. Ekolo ya Bonobo, located in Equateur province of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), is the world's only reintroduction site for rehabilitated bonobos. Here we assess whether children, of the Ilonga‐Pôo, living adjacent to Ekolo ya Bonobo demonstrate more pro‐ape conservation attitudes than children living in, Kinshasa, the capital city. We examined children's attitudes toward great apes because children are typically the focus of conservation education programs. We used the Great Ape Attitude Questionnaire to test the Contact Hypothesis, which posits that proximity to great ape habitat influences pro‐conservation attitudes toward great apes. Ilonga‐Pôo children who live in closer contact with wild bonobos felt greater responsibility to protect great apes compared to those in Kinshasa who live outside the natural habitat of great apes. These results suggest that among participants in the DRC, spatial proximity to a species fosters a greater sense of responsibility to protect and conserve. These results have implications for the successful implementation of great ape reintroduction programs in the Congo Basin. The data analyzed in this study were collected in 2010 and therefore provide a baseline for longitudinal study of this reintroduction site.  相似文献   

Arterial meningeal patterns were observed for 100 hemispheres from great ape endocasts (Pan paniscus, Pan troglodytes, Gorilla gorilla, and Pongo pygmaeus). Eight patterns emerged based on the relative contributions to the walls and dura mater of the middle part of the braincase of meningeal arteries that stem from two sources. These arteries enter the braincase through either the orbit (delivering blood from the internal carotid artery) or through the base of the middle cranial fossa (via the middle meningeal artery whose blood comes from the external carotid artery). The three genera of apes manifest different frequencies of the eight, patterns, with orangutans highly dependent on orbital meningeal arteries at one extreme, and chimpanzees showing the greatest reliance on the middle meningeal artery at the other. As was the case in an earlier study of rhesus monkeys, there is a trend across the two genera of African apes for increased mean cranial capacity to be associated with increased reliance on the internal carotid artery for supplying the middle portion of the braincase. However, unlike the case for macaques, this trend does not reach statistical significance in African apes. Because it is rare for humans to manifest significant arterial contributions from the orbit to the middle cranial fossa, the comparative data on monkeys, apes, and humans suggest that, during the course of vascular evolution in Homo, the middle meningeal artery eventually took over supply of the entire middle cranial fossa. This hypothesis should be tested in the hominid fossil record. Earlier work on meningeal arterial patterns in apes has traditionally relied on Adachi's system that was determined from humans and focuses on the origin of the middle branch of the middle meningeal artery. As a result, the extensive orbital contributions to the middle portion of the braincase that characterize apes were not recognized and the eight patterns described in this paper were often erroneously assigned to the three patterns that adequately describe only humans. Adachi's system should therefore be abandoned for nonhuman primates and early hominids. A correct understanding of meningeal arterial evolution cannot be achieved until the orbital contributions to the meningeal arteries are recognized and incorporated into an evolutionary study that spans from apes to fossil hominids to living people. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A number of researchers have suggested a functional relationship between dietary variation and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) morphology, yet few studies have evaluated TMJ form in the African apes. In this study, I compare TMJ morphology in adults and during ontogeny in Gorilla (G.g. beringei, G.g. graueri, and G.g. gorilla) and Pan (P. paniscus, P. troglodytes troglodytes, P.t. schweinfurthii, and P.t. verus). I test two hypotheses: first, compared to all other African apes, G.g. beringei exhibits TMJ morphologies that would be predicted for a primate that consumes a diet comprised primarily of moderately to very tough, leafy vegetation; and second, all gorillas exhibit the same predicted morphologies compared to Pan. Compared to all adult African apes, G.g. beringei has higher rami and condyles positioned further above the occlusal plane of the mandible, relative to jaw length. Thus, mountain gorillas have the potential to generate relatively more muscle force, more evenly distribute occlusal forces along the postcanine teeth, and generate relatively greater jaw adductor moment. G.g. beringei also exhibits relatively wider mandibular condyles, suggesting these folivorous apes are able to resist relatively greater compressive loads along the lateral and/or medial aspect of the condyle. All gorillas likewise exhibit these same shape differences compared to Pan. These morphological responses are the predicted consequences of intensification of folivory and, as such, provide support for functional hypotheses linking these TMJ morphologies to degree of folivory. The African apes to not, however, demonstrate a systematic pattern of divergence in relative condylar area as a function of intensification of folivory. The ontogenetic trajectories for gorillas are significantly elevated above those of Pan, and to a lesser but still significant degree, mountain gorillas similarly deviate from lowland gorillas (G.g. gorilla and G.g. graueri). Thus, adult shape differences in ramal and condylar heights do not result from the simple extrapolation of common growth allometries relative to jaw length. As such, they are suggestive of an adaptive shift towards a tougher, more folivorous diet. However, the allometric patterning for condylar area and condylar width does not systematically conform to predictions based on dietary specialization. Thus, while differences in condylar shapes may confer functional advantages both during growth and as adults, there is no evidence to suggest selection for altered condylar proportions, independent of the effects of changes in jaw size.  相似文献   

Many nonhuman primates produce food-associated vocalizations upon encountering or ingesting particular food. Concerning the great apes, only food-associated vocalizations of chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and bonobos (Pan paniscus) have been studied in detail, providing evidence that these vocalizations can be produced flexibly in relation to a variety of factors, such as the quantity and quality of food and/or the type of audience. Only anecdotal evidence exists of eastern (Gorilla beringei) and western gorillas (Gorilla gorilla) producing food-associated vocalizations, termed singing or humming. To enable a better understanding of the context in which these calls are produced, we investigated and compared the vocal behavior of two free-ranging groups of western lowland gorillas (Gorilla g. gorilla) at Mondika, Republic of Congo. Our results show that (a) food-associated call production occurs only during feeding and not in other contexts; (b) calling is not uniformly distributed across age and sex classes; (c) calls are only produced during feeding on specific foods; and (d) normally just one individual gives calls during group feeding sessions, however, certain food types elicit simultaneous calling of two or more individuals. Our findings provide new insight into the vocal abilities of gorillas but also carry larger implications for questions concerning vocal variability among the great apes. Food-associated calls of nonhuman primates have been shown to be flexible in terms of when they are used and who they are directed at, making them interesting vocalizations from the viewpoint of language evolution. Food-associated vocalizations in great apes can offer new opportunities to investigate the phylogenetic development of vocal communication within the primate lineage and can possibly contribute novel insights into the origins of human language.  相似文献   

The dietary adaptations of Australopithecus anamensis are contentious, with suggestions that range from soft fruits to hard, brittle, tough, and abrasive foods. It is unlikely that all propositions are equally valid, however. Here we extend recent finite element (FE) analyses of enamel microstructure (Shimizu and Macho, 2008) to enquire about the range of loading directions (i.e., kinematics) to which A. anamensis enamel microstructure/molars could safely be subjected. The rationale underlying this study is the observation that hard brittle foods are broken down in crush, while tough foods require shear. The findings are compared with those of Pan and Gorilla.Eighteen detailed FE models of enamel microstructure were created and analysed. The results highlight the uniqueness of A. anamensis dental structure and imply that mastication in this species included a greater shear component than in Pan, as well as a wider range of loading directions; it is similar to that in Gorilla in this respect. These findings are in accord with microwear studies (Grine et al., 2006a). Unlike either of the great apes, however, enamel microstructure of A. anamensis was found to be poorly equipped to withstand loading parallel to the dentino-enamel junction; such loading regimes are associated with mastication of soft fleshy fruits. This, together with broader morphological considerations, raises doubts as to whether A. anamensis was essentially a frugivore that expanded its dietary niche as a result of fluctuations in environmental conditions, e.g., during seasonal food shortages. Instead, it is more parsimonious to conclude that the habitual diet of A. anamensis differed considerably from that of either of the extant African great apes.  相似文献   

Bonobos (Pan paniscus; n = 5), orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus abelii; n = 6), and a gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla; n = 1) were presented with two opaque cups, one empty and one baited (containing two bananas). Subjects had to independently gain weight information about the contents of the cups to find the hidden food. Six apes attained above chance level within a total of 16 trials. Successful subjects spontaneously adopted the method of successively lifting the cups and thus comparing their weight before making a choice. Prior to testing, these apes had participated in a weight discrimination task. To rule out that a subject's good performance was influenced by previous experience in weight experiments, we ran a second test in which the same task was presented to a group of chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes; n = 9) who were naïve to weight experiments. These subjects also participated in an additional test condition in which the same problem was presented based on learning to associate arbitrary visual stimuli. The results show that experience did not affect performance because the nine naïve subjects were equally able to find the food when the task stimuli held a causal relation (i.e. weight indicates the hidden food). Interestingly, only one of the naïve subjects solved the task when the task elements held an arbitrary relation (i.e. certain visual pattern indicates food). Our results confirm previous findings that apes perform better in problems grounded on causal compared to arbitrary relations. Am. J. Primatol. 73:323–334, 2011. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The transition to a cooked diet represents an important shift in human ecology and evolution. Cooking requires a set of sophisticated cognitive abilities, including causal reasoning, self-control and anticipatory planning. Do humans uniquely possess the cognitive capacities needed to cook food? We address whether one of humans'' closest relatives, chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), possess the domain-general cognitive skills needed to cook. Across nine studies, we show that chimpanzees: (i) prefer cooked foods; (ii) comprehend the transformation of raw food that occurs when cooking, and generalize this causal understanding to new contexts; (iii) will pay temporal costs to acquire cooked foods; (iv) are willing to actively give up possession of raw foods in order to transform them; and (v) can transport raw food as well as save their raw food in anticipation of future opportunities to cook. Together, our results indicate that several of the fundamental psychological abilities necessary to engage in cooking may have been shared with the last common ancestor of apes and humans, predating the control of fire.  相似文献   

This study focused on Oeosophagostomum sp., and more especially on O. bifurcum, as a parasite that can be lethal to humans and is widespread among humans and monkeys in endemic regions, but has not yet been documented in apes. Its epidemiology and the role played by non-human primates in its transmission are still poorly understood. O. stephanostomum was the only species diagnosed so far in chimpanzees. Until recently, O. bifurcum was assumed to have a high zoonotic potential, but recent findings tend to demonstrate that O. bifurcum of non-human primates and humans might be genetically distinct. As the closest relative to human beings, and a species living in spatial proximity to humans in the field site studied, Pan troglodytes is thus an interesting host to investigate. Recently, a role for chimpanzees in the emergence of HIV and malaria in humans has been documented. In the framework of our long-term health monitoring of wild chimpanzees from Kibale National Park in Western Uganda, we analysed 311 samples of faeces. Coproscopy revealed that high-ranking males are more infected than other individuals. These chimpanzees are also the more frequent crop-raiders. Results from PCR assays conducted on larvae and dried faeces also revealed that O. stephanostomum as well as O. bifurcum are infecting chimpanzees, both species co-existing in the same individuals. Because contacts between humans and great apes are increasing with ecotourism and forest fragmentation in areas of high population density, this paper emphasizes that the presence of potential zoonotic parasites should be viewed as a major concern for public health. Investigations of the parasite status of people living around the park or working inside as well as sympatric non-human primates should be planned, and further research might reveal this as a promising aspect of efforts to reinforce measures against crop-raiding.  相似文献   

Liquid–liquid phase separation (LLPS) is now recognized as a common mechanism underlying regulation of enzyme activity in cells. Insights from studies in cells are complemented by in vitro studies aimed at developing a better understanding of mechanisms underlying such control. These mechanisms are often based on the influence of LLPS on the physicochemical properties of the enzyme's environment. Biochemical mechanisms underlying such regulation include the potential for concentrating reactants together, tuning reaction rates, and controlling competing metabolic pathways. LLPS is thus a powerful tool with extensive utilities at the cell's disposal, e.g. for consolidating cell survival under stress or rerouting metabolic pathways in response to the energy state of the cell. Here, we examin the evidence for how LLPS affects enzyme catalysis and begin to understand emerging concepts and expand our understanding of enzyme catalysis in living cells.  相似文献   

While a number of studies have documented the mandibular variations in hominoids, few focused on evaluating the variation of the whole outline of this structure. Using an efficient morphometrical approach, i.e. elliptical Fourier analysis, mandibular outlines in lateral view from 578 adult hominoids representing the genera Hylobates, Pongo, Gorilla, Pan, and Homo were quantified and compared. This study confirms that elliptical Fourier analysis provides an accurate characterization of the shape of the mandibular profile. Differences in mandibular shape between hominoid genera, species, subspecies, and to a lesser extent between sexes were demonstrated. Mandibles in great apes and hylobatids subspecies were generally less distinct from each other than were species. However, the magnitudes of differences among subspecies of Gorilla and Pongo approached or exceeded those between Pan troglodytes and P. paniscus. The powerful discrimination between taxa from the genus down to subspecific level associated to the relatively low level of intrageneric mandibular polymorphism in great apes provides strong evidences in support of the taxonomic utility of the shape of the mandibular profile in hominoids. In addition, morphological affinities between Pongo and Pan and the clear distinction between Homo and Pan suggest that the mandibular outline is a poor estimate of phylogenetic relationships in great apes and humans. The sexual dimorphism in mandibular shape exhibits two patterns of expression: a high degree of dimorphism in Gorilla, Pongo, and H. s. syndactylus and a relatively low one in modern humans and Pan. Besides, degree of mandibular shape dimorphism can vary considerably among closely related subspecies as observed in gorillas, arguing against the use of mandibular shape dimorphism patterns as characters in phylogenetic analyses. However, the quantification of the mandibular shape and of the variations among hominoids provides an interesting comparative framework that is likely to supply further arguments for a better understanding of the patterns of differentiation between living hominoids.  相似文献   

Of the living apes, the chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) and bonobo (Pan paniscus) are often presented as possible models for the evolution of hominid bipedalism. Bipedality in matched pairs of captive bonobos and chimpanzees was analyzed to test hypotheses for the evolution of bipedalism, derived from a direct referential model. There was no overall species difference in rates of bipedal positional behavior, either postural or locomotory. The hominoid species differed in the function or use of bipedality, with bonobos showing more bipedality for carrying and vigilance, and chimpanzees showing more bipedality for display.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic mobilities of ten homologous serum proteins and enzymes in Man and anthropoid apes led to estimations of the genetic distances between five species (Homo, Pan, Gorilla, Pongo and Symphalangus). The separation of the Symphalangus (Siamang) lineage from that leading to the great apes and Man is obvious. Less evident is the cluster containing only humans and chimpanzees, and also the fact that orang-utans are placed closer to Man than gorillas.  相似文献   

ApoC-I, the smallest of the soluble apolipoproteins, associates with both TG-rich lipoproteins and HDL. Mass spectral analyses of human apoC-I previously had demonstrated that in the circulation there are two forms, either a 57 amino acid protein or a 55 amino acid protein, due to the loss of two amino acids from the N-terminus. In our analyses of the apolipoproteins of the other great apes by mass spectrometry, four forms of apoC-I were detected. Two of these showed a high degree of identity to the mature and truncated forms of human apoC-I. The other two were homologous to the virtual protein and its truncated form that are encoded by a human pseudogene. In humans, the genes for apoC-I and its pseudogene are located on chromosome 19, the pseudogene being 2.5 kb downstream from the apoC-I gene. Based on the similarity between the apoC-I gene and the pseudogene, it has been concluded that the latter arose from the former as a result of gene duplication approximately 35 Mya. Interestingly, the virtual protein encoded by the pseudogene is acidic, not basic like apoC-I. In the chimpanzee, there also are two genes for apoC-I, the one upstream encodes a basic protein and the downstream gene, rather than being a pseudogene, encodes an acidic protein (P86336). In addition to reporting on the molecular masses of great ape apoC-I, we were able to clearly demonstrate by “Top-down” sequencing that the acidic form arose from a separate gene. In our analyses, we have measured the molecular masses of apoC-I associated with the HDL of the following great apes: bonobo (Pan paniscus), chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes), and the Sumatran orangutan (Pongo abelii). Genomic variations in chromosome 19 among great apes, baboons and macaques as they relate to both genes for apoC-I and the pseudogene are compared and discussed.  相似文献   

The medical problems of great apes including gorillas (Gorilla gorilla), orangutans (Pongo pymaeus), and chimpanzees (Pan sp.) published during the last decade are reviewed. Anesthetic techniques, diseases or organ systems, neoplasia, infectious diseases, and reproductive problems are reviewed. Gonadal tumors and atherosclerosis in great apes appear frequently in the literature. Diseases with suspected viral etiology include papillomas in chimpanzees, retrovirus-associated lymphomas in gorillas, and various herpesvirus disease. Technology developed for human medicine has expanded the diagnostic opportunities for clinicians working with great apes.  相似文献   

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