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Slater, R. J. and Bryant, J. A. 1987. RNA polymerase activityduring breakage of seed dormancy by low temperature treatmentof fruits of Acer platanoides (Norway maple).—J. exp.Bot. 38:1026–1032. Endogenous RNA polymerase activity has been characterized innuclei isolated from embryo axes of Acer platanoides. Optimalactivity was recorded at 4·0 mol m–3 MgCl2 and50 mol m–3 (NH4)2SO4 and total activity could be inhibitedby up to 30% by -amanitin. Stratification of fruits leads toa stimulation of RNA polymerase activity. A minimum of 3 d coldtreatment is required with at least 3-fold stimulation recordedafter 10 d at 4°C. The increased enzyme activity is resistantto -amanitin suggesting an effect on RNA polymerase I. Key words: Acer platanoides, RNA polymerase, seed dormancy  相似文献   

Flow cytometric analyses of nuclear DNA levels were carriedout during development, stratification and germination of dormantseeds from three tree species with contrasting characteristics.Norway maple (Acer platanoides) and sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus)have orthodox (desiccation-tolerant) and recalcitrant (desiccation-sensitive)storage behaviours, respectively, and require only a periodof cold to break dormancy, whereas, orthodox cherry (Prunusavium) seeds require an initial warm period before cold stratificationto fully stimulate germination. Whole embryos and radicle tipsof both Norway maple and sycamore were found to have stablehigh levels of 4C DNA during the latter stages of developmentand both contained nuclei arrested at the 2C and 4C levels atmaturity. Mature cherry embryos had nuclei predominantly arrestedat the 2C level. This suggests that the acquisition of desiccationtolerance is not correlated with the arrest of the cell cycleat any particular nuclear DNA level. Neither DNA replicationin radicle cells nor germination occurred when seeds were maintainedmoist at a constant 20 °C. However, in the late stages ofcold treatment during stratification, nuclear DNA levels inradicle cells changed in advance of radicle emergence in theorthodox Norway maple and cherry, whereas in the recalcitrantsycamore, change was not recorded until after radicle emergence.These results show that DNA replication has potential use asan indicator of the progress of tree seeds through stratificationtreatments used to break some types of dormancy. The ways inwhich this indicator could be exploited for seed quality andperformance testing are discussed.Copyright 1998 Annals of BotanyCompany Norway maple,Acer platanoidesL., sycamore,Acer pseudoplatanusL., cherry,Prunus aviumL., DNA replication, flow cytometry, seed dormancy, stratification  相似文献   

Norway maple (Acer platanoidesis) is invasive in a natural stand in suburban Ithaca, NY. To determine the understory pattern and consequences of a Norway maple invasion, I compared density and species richness under Norway maples and sugar maples (Acer saccharum). Mean sapling density was significantly lower (P<0.0027) under Norway maples (3.64/100 m2±1.6 SE) than under sugar maples (19.4/100 m2±4.4 SE). Mean sapling species richness was significantly lower (P<0.0018) under Norway maples (0.7/32 m2±0.18 SE) than under sugar maples (2.6/32 m2±0.48 SE). Likewise, Norway maple regeneration is more frequent under sugar maples than sugar maple regeneration: 57% of sugar maple plots had Norway maple saplings while 0% of Norway maple plots had sugar maple saplings. Two significant plot effects were found for presence–absence: Norway maple saplings grow under Norway maples with a significantly lower frequency (P<0.03) than under sugar maples; sugar maple saplings grow under Norway maples with a significantly lower frequency (P<0.000) than under sugar maples. Across the site, Norway maple saplings were the most abundant (29 saplings for 480 m2). The success of Norway maple regeneration and the reductions in total stem density beneath Norway maples is most likely the result of its strong competitive abilities, notably its high shade tolerance and abundant seed crops.  相似文献   

Embryos from dormant and stratified Fraxinus americana seed were incubated with (S)-2-14C-abscisic acid (ABA) under a variety of conditions. Both dormant and stratified embryos rapidly metabolize abscisic acid to phaseic acid, dihydrophaseic acid, and an unidentified polar metabolite apparently derived from dihydrophaseic acid. Although the stratified embryos may have an increased capacity to metabolize abscisic acid, our calculations suggest that such an increased capacity would probably not be physiologically significant.  相似文献   

离体条件下TDZ对解除北五味子种子休眠的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以深度休眠的北五味子种子为材料,研究了离体条件下,种皮、胚乳因素对北五味子种子休眠的影响;建立了离体条件下,使用TDZ有效解除北五味子种子休眠的方法;并对北五味子种子解除休眠过程中过氧化物酶和过氧化氢酶活性变化规律进行分析.结果表明,(1)种皮和胚乳因素是引起北五味子种子休眠的主要因素,种皮和胚乳对北五味子种子的萌发具有不同程度的抑制作用;(2)MS培养基中添加0.02 mg·L-1 TDZ能有效解除北五味子种子休眠,可使第30天的发芽率达到90.0%,显著缩短北五味子种子休眠时间;(3)随着北五味子种子休眠被解除,过氧化物酶和过氧化氢酶活性均呈明显的增加趋势.  相似文献   

Growth and dormancy as affected by photoperiod and temperature have been studied in Norway spruce ecotypes of different latitudinal and altitudinal origin. First-year seedlings were used. In all ecotypes apical growth cessation and terminal bud formation occurred within 2 weeks after exposure to SD at temperatures of 18 to 24°C. At lower temperatures or at near-critical photoperiods the response was delayed. The critical photoperiod for apical growth cessation varied from 21 hours in ecotype Steinkjer, Norway (64°N) to about 15 hours in ecotype Lankowitz, Austria (47°04′N). High-elevation ecotypes also had longer critical pholoperiods than low-elevation ecotypes from the same latitude. A detectable growth depression resulted from as little as 1 or 2 SDs of 10 hours, and with 4 or more SDs apical growth cessation took place. In contrast to the situation in the shoot, root growth was not affected by photoperiod. Accordingly, the top:root ratio is drastically affected by photoperiod. The critical photoperiod for cambial growth was shorter than that for apical growth in all ecotypes and cambial growth cessation was delayed for several weeks compared with cessation of apical growth. A transition to formation of late-wood tracheids with thick walls and narrow lumens took place upon exposure to SD. The photoperiodic effects were significantly modified by temperature, but the critical photoperiods were only slightly changed by temperature in the range of 12 to 24°C. However, a 10-hour “night” at 4°C caused growth cessation in continuous light in four ecotypes tested. Temperature optimum for apical growth under non-limiting photoperiods (24 hours) was 21°C in all ecotypes, but with little difference among 18,21 and 24°C. The Q10 for apical growth was 3.5 in the temperature range 12 to 18°C. The growth potential as determined in 24-hour photoperiods was not significantly different among the various ecotypes except for one northern eco-type which was clearly inferior to the others. However, the growth of ecotype Steinkjer (64°N) was greatly suppressed even by the long midsummer days at 59°40′N, thus demonstrating the misleading impression one gets of the growth potential of northern ecotypes when they are moved southwards.  相似文献   

Phenolic growth-inhibiting substances were isolated from dormantbuds of sugar maple (Acer saccharurn Marsh) by paper chromatographyof their aqueous methanolic extracts. Inhibition was determinedin germination bioassays using lettuce (Lactuca sativa var.Grand Rapids) seeds. An inhibition of some 20% was attributedto four major phenolics identified as ferulic, vanillic, p-coumaric,and caffeic acids. Quercetm was also present and caused a weakstimulation of growth. Fractionation of the extract with acidic, neutral, and basicgroups indicated that more phenolic compounds were in the acidicgroup than in the neutral, while none were in the basic group. On a seasonal basis, autumn buds had a higher phenolic contentthan winter and spring buds. The results presented are not inconsistentwith the view that growth-inhibitory phenolic compounds couldcontribute to dormancy in sugar maple buds.  相似文献   

Genetic Regulation of Seed Dormancy in Purshia tridentata(Rosaceae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Seeds of Purshia tridentata, a shrub of semi-arid North America,require chilling to become non-dormant. Using seeds producedfrom controlled crosses in a common garden, we examined effectsof ovule parent, pollen parent, and year of production on germinationpercentage in response to chilling for 2 weeks at 2°C. Differencesamong ovule parents accounted for most of the variance in chillingresponse, and these differences (2 to 83% germination) wereconsistent across years. Differences among pollen parents werealso significant, producing a two- to five-fold difference inmean germination percentage. Differences among years were significantbut small. Ovule parent by year interactions showed that among-yearvariation in ripening environment did not affect ovule parentsequally. There was no significant pollen parent by year interaction,suggesting that the effect of maturation environment was mediatedthrough maternal tissues. In reciprocal crosses, two plantsthat showed contrasting dormancy levels as ovule parents producedseeds with similar dormancy as pollen parents, indicating thatthe genetic difference between them was at the testa level.Two plants that produced seeds with contrasting dormancy aspollen parents showed a similar but stronger pattern of contrastas ovule parents, showing that the genetic difference betweenthem was at both embryo and endosperm or testa level. Testaor endosperm genotype was primarily responsible for chillingresponse of intact seeds, while embryo genotype affected chillingresponse and also exercised primary control over low temperaturegermination rate, whether of excised embryos or of intact seeds.Copyright 2000 Annals of Botany Company Antelope bitterbrush, bitterbrush, common garden study, germination  相似文献   

Seed Coat Dormancy in Two Species of Grevillea(Proteaceae)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The role played by the seed coat in seed dormancy of Grevillealinearifolia(Cav.) Druce and G. wilsonii(A. Cunn.) was testedby a series of manipulations in which the seed coat was dissectedand removed, dissected and returned to the decoated seed, ordissected, removed and given a heat shock, and returned to thedecoated seed. Germination of intact seeds of both species wasalso examined after exposure to heat shock, smoke, or heat shockand smoke combined. Water permeability of the seed coat wasinvestigated by examining imbibition. For intact seeds, virtuallyno germination occurred under any treatment (G. wilsonii), orgermination was increased by exposure to either heat or smoke(G. linearifolia). Removal of the seed coat led to germinationof all decoated seeds for G. linearifolia, or a proportion ofdecoated seeds for G. wilsonii. Inclusion of smoked water inthe incubation medium led to a higher proportion of decoatedseeds germinating for G. wilsonii. Returning the seed coat,either with or without heat shock to the seed coat, did notsignificantly affect germination in either species. Seed coatswere permeable to water in both species. For the two Grevilleaspecies, there were different dormancy mechanisms that werecontrolled by the seed coat (G. linearifolia) or by both theseed coat and embryo (G. wilsonii). Copyright 2000 Annals ofBotany Company Grevillea linearifolia, Grevillea wilsonii, dormancy, seed coat dormancy, seed coat permeability, smoke, heat shock, germination  相似文献   

我们用[~3H]—Poly(U)饱和杂交的方法分析了水稻种子发育过程中Poly(A)含量和Poly(A)RNA水平的变化。胚乳发育过程中,Poly(A)含量和Poly(A)RNA水平均于开花后11天达到高峰,比蛋白质高峰出现时间约早10天。随着胚乳的成熟,蛋白质水平在开花后6~21天持续增长。但 Poly(A)含量和Poly(A)RNA水平却急剧下降。因此,在胚乳发育早期合成的Poly(A)RNA中,可能有部分不是直接用于蛋白质的合成。在胚的发育过程中,Poly(A)含量和Poly(A)RNA水平分别出现三次高峰。开花后30天,每胚含有5.94ng Poly(A)RNA,约占胚总RNA的0.097%,为稻胚中贮存的mRNA存在提供了一个直接的证据。  相似文献   

为探究低温层积过程中桃儿七种子细胞壁代谢及种皮超微结构与休眠解除的内在联系,该研究通过低温层积解除桃儿七种子休眠,分析休眠解除过程中种子不同部位细胞壁组分及相关代谢酶的变化,同时利用扫描电镜对种皮的超微结构进行观察。结果表明,(1)桃儿七种皮主要由角质层、栅状石细胞层及海绵组织层3层构成,在层积过程中,种皮内部的海绵组织逐步疏松膨胀,种皮表面破损加剧;(2)种子不同部位的细胞壁组分具有明显差异,整个层积过程中,种胚、种皮和胚乳中的纤维素含量均在层积中期(45 d和60 d)降至最低,3个部位的纤维素酶活性在层积中期对应升高;种胚和种皮内的半纤维素含量均在层积中期显著下降,种皮中甘露聚糖酶活性和木糖苷酶活性在层积中期时相应达到最大;3个部位的果胶含量均在层积后期(75 d和90 d)时显著下降,而种皮和胚乳中多聚半乳糖醛缩酶活性也在层积后期相应升高;(3)种胚和胚乳内过氧化物酶活性在层积75 d和90 d时明显下降,而SOD活性在此时显著上升。(4)种子不同部位3种木质素单体的组成比例具有明显区别,同时3种木质素单体含量均随层积时间的延长而显著降低,且胚乳和种皮中的S-木质素含量对种子萌发存在显著的负向影响关系。研究认为,在低温层积过程中,桃儿七种子内细胞壁组分纤维素、半纤维素及木质素的逐步酶解,活性氧作用下的细胞壁松弛以及海绵组织层的疏松膨胀和种皮的破裂,破坏了细胞壁的刚性结构,促使种子机械束缚力降低,吸水性能提高、胚根生长能力增强,最终导致其休眠解除。  相似文献   

Sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) seedlings were grown in a nursery for three years in 13, 25, 45 and 100 per cent of full daylight. During the third year of growth, the rates of their apparent photosynthesis and respiration were measured periodically with an infra-red gas analyzer at various light intensities and normal CO2 concentration. In addition, the rates of apparent photosynthesis of a single attached leaf of the same seedlings were measured at saturating light intensity, hut varying CO2 concentrations. An increase in the light intensity in which seedlings were grown had no effect on their height or mean leaf area, hut resulted in thicker leaves, an increase in the total leaf area per seedling due to an increase in the number of leaves, an increase in the dry weight especially of roots and a decrease in the chlorophyll content of leaves. Throughout the growing season seedlings grown in full daylight, as compared with those grown in lower light intensities, had the lowest rates of apparent photosynthesis measured at standard conditions (21,600 lux light intensity and 300 ul/l of CO2), when this was expressed per unit leaf area, hut the highest rates on a per seedling basis. Thus dry matter production attained at the end of the growing season correlated positively with the photosynthetic rate per seedling, but not per unit leaf area. The rates of apparent photosynthesis of seedlings grown at lower light intensities were more responsive to changes in light intensity or CO2 concentration than those of seedlings grown in full daylight intensity.  相似文献   

DINAR  M.; STEVENS  M. A. 《Annals of botany》1982,49(4):477-483
The effect of temperature on sucrose uptake, and changes inlevels of starch, hexoses and sucrose in detached tomato fruitswas used to investigate the role of the sink in regulation ofcarbon import. Sucrose uptake was lower at 5 °C and greaterat 40 °C than at 25 °C. Conversion of radioactive componentsto starch was lower at both 5 °C and 40 °C than at 25°C, while the levels of non-radioactive starch was similarat all three temperatures. There was a depletion of glucoseand fructose in fruits at 40 °C. Uptake of sucrose froman agar medium by detached tomato fruits was negatively correlatedwith initial sucrose content of the fruit. The results indicatethat carbon import by tomato fruits is largely determined bysucrose levels which can be affected by metabolic activity. Lycopersicon esculentum L., tomato, fruit, sucrose uptake, temperature, carbon metabolism  相似文献   

Field measurements of xylem sap osmotic and pressure potentialwere made on sugar maple trecs (Acer saccharum Marsh) duringthe winter and spring of 3 years to determine whether the hydrostaticpressure was osmotically generated. Sap osmotic potential waslow enough to account for the hydrostatic pressure but the dynamicsof its diurnal behaviour indicated that osmotic potential wasnot directly responsible for hydrostatic pressure. The diurnalcourse of hydrostatic pressure showed definite peaks but osmoticpotential often did not. The magnitude of the diurnal changesin hydrostatic pressure was approximately 0·15 MPa whereasthe changes in osmotic potential were only 0·05 MPa.Because the sap osmoticum is primarily sucrose, and starch isstored in the xylem throughout the tree, the temperature dependenceof the sucrose-starch interconversion system was investigated.More active amylase was formed in maple twigs after incubationat 0°C and 4°C than at –3, 6 or 15°C. Therate of starch hydrolysis by maple amylase increased with temperature,reaching a maximum at approximately 45°C. There was somestarch hydrolysis at –3°C. The starch hydrolysis systemthus indicated no critical role for temperature fluctuationsabout 0°C. Starch was found to be densely stored in therays of the trunk and twigs and around the central pith in thetwigs. Key words: Acer succhmum Marsh, Osmotic potential, Xylem sap pressure  相似文献   

陈建敏  孙德兰 《植物学报》2005,22(5):541-548
莲子叶细胞中储存了丰富的营养物质, 主要为蛋白质、淀粉和淀粉质体DNA。这些贮藏物质为种子萌发和幼苗的生长提供必需的能量和养料。通过组织化学和显微镜观察, 研究莲从种子萌发到植株生长至具有4个节时, 子叶中贮藏物质消耗的全过程。在此过程中, 子叶中的贮藏物质不断降解,营养物质发生转运。蛋白体首先发生降解, 其大量降解主要发生在幼苗三叶期。淀粉质体降解时会聚 集成团, 之后体积逐渐减小, 最后完全降解。种子萌发后65天是子叶贮藏物质消耗末期, 淀粉质体DNA的含量比萌发后20天的三叶期明显减少。细胞壁的形态结构发生多种形式的变化, 细胞壁发生的这些变化与子叶细胞间物质的运输有关。含多糖的球形颗粒通过维管束在子叶中运输。  相似文献   

田世平 《植物学报》2000,17(2):160-167
本文主要探讨甜橙[(Citrus sinensis (L.) Osb.]果实在短期超低氧贮藏条件下,果皮和果汁中乙醇和乙醛等挥发性物质的含量,以及它们在不同贮藏温度和货架存放期间的变化和对果实风味品质的影响。在普通冷藏条件下,随着贮藏期的延长,甜橙果实中挥发性物质的含量虽呈上升趋势,但超低氧贮藏更明显地刺激果实中乙醇和乙醛含量的迅速增加。甜橙果实在0.3% O2的超低氧条件下贮藏30 d,果皮中乙醇的含量为519.8 μg/kg,果汁中达1547.1 μg/kg,比普通冷藏的果实高83倍,乙醛的含量较对照果实高6~7倍。低氧处理对果实可溶性固形物,可滴定酸和pH值的影响不大。甜橙果汁中乙醇含量在1000 μg/kg以下时果实的风味品质仍在正常范围之内。结果表明对甜橙果实进行短期(<20 d)的超低氧处理是可行的。  相似文献   

莲种子萌发和幼苗生长时期营养物质的代谢变化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
莲子叶细胞中储存了丰富的营养物质,主要为蛋白质、淀粉和淀粉质体DNA.这些贮藏物质为种子萌发和幼苗的生长提供必需的能量和养料.通过组织化学和显微镜观察,研究莲从种子萌发到植株生长至具有4个节时,子叶中贮藏物质消耗的全过程.在此过程中,子叶中的贮藏物质不断降解,营养物质发生转运.蛋白体首先发生降解,其大量降解主要发生在幼苗三叶期.淀粉质体降解时会聚集成团,之后体积逐渐减小,最后完全降解.种子萌发后65天是子叶贮藏物质消耗末期,淀粉质体DNA的含量比萌发后20天的三叶期明显减少.细胞壁的形态结构发生多种形式的变化,细胞壁发生的这些变化与子叶细胞间物质的运输有关.含多糖的球形颗粒通过维管束在子叶中运输.  相似文献   

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