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Efforts to elucidate the mechanisms underlying the formation of binding sites in molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) and of MIP-ligand binding events are presented in the context of a thermodynamic treatment of MIP recognition phenomena.  相似文献   

Fluorescence anisotropy studies of molecularly imprinted polymers.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) is a biomimetic material that can be used as a biochemical sensing element. We studied the steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence and fluorescence anisotropy of anthracene-imprinted polyurethane. We compared MIPs with imprinted analytes present, MIPs with the imprinted analytes extracted, MIPs with rebound analytes, non-imprinted control polymers (non-MIPs) and non-MIPs bound with analytes to understand MIP's binding behaviour. MIPs and non-MIPs had similar steady-state fluorescence anisotropy in the range 0.11-0.24. Anthracene rebound in MIPs and non-MIPs had a fluorescence lifetime of tau = 0.64 ns and a rotational correlation time of phi(F) = 1.2-1.5 ns, both of which were shorter than that of MIPs with imprinted analytes present (tau = 2.03 ns and phi(F) = 2.7 ns). The steady-state anisotropy of polymer solutions increased exponentially with polymerization time and might be used to characterize the polymerization extent in situ.  相似文献   

Striegler S 《Bioseparation》2001,10(6):307-314
The selectivity of carbohydrate-imprinted polymers for several disaccharides, namely cellobiose, maltose, lactose and gentiobiose, is investigated. An ternary ligand–Cu(II)–carbohydrate complex was formed in alkaline solution and captured afterwards in the polymer. The accessibility of the polymer matrix for disaccharides was investigated by HPLC analysis, refractometry and 1H NMR spectroscopy applying excess of the original template during rebinding experiments under saturation conditions in unbuffered, aqueous solution at neutral pH and 20°C. The selective discrimination of the - and -glycosidic linkage of cellobiose and maltose is demonstrated. It is further shown, that the disaccharide-imprinted polymers slightly distinguish between the 1,4-- and the 1,6--glycosidic linkage of cellobiose and gentiobiose, while cellobiose and lactose are not selectively recognized. Due to the weak apparent binding constant of the functional Cu(II) monomers with the targeted disaccharides at physiological pH, the recognition process is dominated by the shape of the created imprinted cavity under the applied conditions.  相似文献   

Capacitive detection of glucose using molecularly imprinted polymers   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
A novel glucose biosensor based on capacitive detection has been developed using molecularly imprinted polymers. The sensitive layer was prepared by electropolymerization of o-phenylenediamine on a gold electrode in the presence of the template (glucose). Cyclic voltammetry and capacitive measurements monitored the process of electropolymerization. Surface uncovered areas were plugged with 1-dodecanethiol to make the layer dense, and the insulating properties of the layer were studied in the presence of redox couples. The template molecules and the nonbound thiol were removed from the modified electrode surface by washing with distilled water. A capacitance decrease could be obtained after injection of glucose. The electrode constructed similarly but with ascorbic acid or fructose only showed a small response compared with glucose. The stability and reproducibility of the biosensor were also investigated.  相似文献   

Molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) were grafted on iniferter-modified carbon nanotube (CNT). Tween 20 was first immobilized on CNT by hydrophobic interactions. The hydroxyl-functionalized CNT was modified by silanisation with 3-chloropropyl trimethoxysilane. The iniferter groups were then introduced by reacting the CNT-bound chloropropyl groups with sodium N,N-diethyldithiocarbamate. UV light-initiated copolymerization of ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (crosslinking agent) and methacrylic acid (functional monomer) resulted in grafting of MIP on CNT for theophylline as a model template. MIPs grafted on CNT were characterized with elemental analysis, scanning electron microscopy, and thermogravimetric analysis. The theophylline-imprinted polymer on CNT showed higher binding capacity for theophylline than non-imprinted polymer on CNT and selectivity for theophylline over caffeine and theobromine (similar structure molecules). The data of theophylline and caffeine binding into the theophylline-imprinted polymer correlated well with the Scatchard plot. These MIPs on CNT can potentially be applied to probe materials in biosensor system based on CNT field effect transistor.  相似文献   

We present a new concept of synthesis for preparation of molecularly imprinted polymers using a functionalized initiator to replace the traditional functional monomer. Using propranolol as a model template, a carboxyl-functionalized radical initiator was demonstrated to lead to high-selectivity polymer particles prepared in a standard precipitation polymerization system. When a single enantiomer of propranolol was used as template, the imprinted polymer particles exhibited clear chiral selectivity in an equilibrium binding experiment. Unlike the previous molecular imprinting systems where the active free radicals can be distant from the template-functional monomer complex, the method reported in this work makes sure that the actual radical polymerization takes place in the vicinity of the template-associated functional groups. The success of using functional initiator to synthesize molecularly imprinted polymers brings in new possibilities to improve the functional performance of molecularly imprinted synthetic receptors.  相似文献   

We have employed FITC--albumin as the protein template molecule in an aqueous phase molecular imprinted polymer (HydroMIP) strategy. For the first time, the use of a fluorescently labeled template is reported, with subsequent characterization of the smart material to show that the HydroMIP possesses a significant molecular memory in comparison to that of the nonimprinted control polymer (HydroNIP). The imaging of the FITC--albumin imprinted HydroMIP using confocal microscopy is described, with the in situ removal of the imprinted protein displayed in terms of observed changes in the fluorescence of the imprinted polymer, both before and after template elution (using a 10% SDS/10% AcOH (w/v) solution). We also report the imaging of a bovine hemoglobin (BHb) imprinted HydroMIP using two-photon confocal microscopy and describe the effects of template elution upon protein autofluorescence. The findings further contribute to the understanding of aqueous phase molecular imprinting protocols and document the use of fluorescence as a useful tool in template labeling/detection and novel imaging strategies.  相似文献   

Synthesis and catalysis by molecularly imprinted materials   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Molecularly imprinted materials have been demonstrated to possess a very high degree of selectivity towards targeted substrates. In addition to such tailor-made molecular recognition, progress has been made in introducing reactive groups into the recognition sites. Putting teeth into imprinted matrices is one method of making true enzyme mimics or plastizymes, which are plastic polymer enzyme mimics.  相似文献   

A potential problem associated with molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) sorbents is that of cross-reactivity. In this study three MIPs (imprinted with Boc-L-phenylalanine, Boc-L-alanine, Boc-L-glutamic acid) plus a non-imprinted control were prepared and examined for their ability to bind differentially the enantiomers of boc-protected phenylalanine in an effort to quantify cross-reactivity and to develop a predictive model. Batch rebinding studies showed a degree of predictability for a number of MIP-ligand pairs, but other combinations showed unexpectedly high levels of cross-reactivity. Despite the general acceptance of heterogeneity of MIP binding sites, many previous studies report linear Scatchard plots, which is indicative of binding site homogeneity. The data from this study produced curves, clearly demonstrating heterogeneity. The theoretical and practical implications of this heterogeneity are discussed. Chirality 9:233–237, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Novel molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) for the recognition of nitrofurantoin (NFT) were prepared by photoinitiated polymerisation in polar solvent using 2,6-bis(methacrylamido) pyridine (BMP) as the functional monomer and carboxyphenyl aminohydantoin (CPAH) as the analogue of the template. The binding constants of the complex between BMP and nitrofurantoin or CPAH in DMSO were determined with 1H NMR titration to be 630 ± 104 and 830 ± 146 M−1, respectively. To study the influence of the functional monomer, two polymer compositions were prepared containing the template, the functional monomer and the crosslinker in the molar ratio 1:1:12 for MIP1 and 1:4:20 for MIP2, respectively. The imprinting factor at saturation concentration of nitrofurantoin, which is the ratio of the amount bound to the MIP and the non-imprinted control polymer (NIP), was determined to be 2.47 for MIP1 and 2.49 for MIP2. The cross reactivity of the imprinted polymers seems to be determined by the ability to form hydrogen bonds to the functional monomer while the shape of the molecule has no real influence.  相似文献   

Molecularly imprinted polymers are highly stable and can be sterilised, making them ideal for use in biotransformation process. In this communication, we describe a novel application of molecularly imprinted polymers in an enzymatic reaction. The enzymatic condensation of Z-L-aspartic acid with L-phenylalanine methyl ester to give Z-L-Asp-L-Phe-OMe (Z-aspartame) was chosen as a model system to evaluate the applicability of using molecularly imprinted polymers to facilitate product formation. When the product-imprinted polymer is present, a considerable increase (40%) in product yield is obtained. Besides their use to enhance product yields, as demonstrated here, we suggest that imprinted polymers may also find use in the continuous removal of toxic compounds during biochemical reactions.  相似文献   

The use of molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) in chemical and bioanalytical applications has been gaining in interest in recent years. Compared to their biological receptor counterparts, MIPs are easy to prepare, have long shelf stability and can be used under a variety of harsh conditions. The majority of MIPs currently used are produced by traditional free radical polymerization. One drawback with the use of standard free radical initiators is that little control can be exerted over the chemical processes that form the final imprinted cavities. In this study we set out to investigate the application of controlled (living) free radical polymerization to the preparation of MIPs. This was exemplified by the synthesis of cholesterol-imprinted bulk polymers by nitroxide-mediated polymerization (NMP). A sacrificial covalent bond was employed to maintain imprinting fidelity at elevated temperature. Selective uptake of cholesterol from solutions in hexane was studied with imprinted polymers prepared under different conditions. The imprinted hydrolyzed MIP prepared by NMP displayed higher selective cholesterol binding than that prepared by a traditional radical polymerization.  相似文献   

Molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) for the recognition of enalapril and lisinopril were prepared using 4-vinylpyridine as the functional monomer. Following thermal polymerisation the resulting materials were crushed, ground and sieved. First generation MIPs were produced in protic polar porogenic solvents (mixture of methanol (MeOH) and acetonitrile (ACN)). These MIPs were used and validated as sorbents for solid phase extraction and binding assays. Second generation MIPs were produced with polar aprotic porogenic solvent (DMSO). These polymers were packed in HPLC columns in order to investigate their molecular recognition properties in a dynamic mode. The study of the mobile phase composition included two major parameters: organic modifier content and pH value. Retention factors illustrate selective binding of the template from the imprinted polymers, compared to structurally related compounds.  相似文献   

Molecular recognition-based separation and sensing systems have received much attention in various fields because of their high selectivity for target molecules. Molecular imprinting has been recognized as a promising technique for the development of such systems, where the molecule to be recognized is added to a reaction mixture of a cross-linker(s), a solvent(s), and a functional monomer(s) that possesses a functional groups(s) capable of interacting with the target molecule. Binding sites in the resultant polymers involve functional groups originating from the added functional monomer(s), which can be constructed according to the shape and chemical properties of the target molecules. After removal of the target molecules, these molecularly imprinted complementary binding sites exhibit high selectivity and affinity for the template molecule. In this article, recent developments in molecularly imprinted polymers are described with their applications as separation media in liquid chromatography, capillary electrophoresis, solid-phase extraction, and membranes. Examples of binding assays and sensing systems using molecularly imprinted polymers are also presented.  相似文献   

Andersson LI 《Bioseparation》2001,10(6):353-364
Of the many applications of molecular imprinting in analytical separation science, the one with highest potential of soon being used in routine analysis is that of solid-phase extraction. Already several examples of selective pre-concentration of biological and environmental samples have been reported. The interest in imprinted extraction sorbents originates from the high selectivities and affinities obtainable, properties which can be qualitatively and quantitatively pre-determined for a particular analyte and separation by the imprinting process. This review summarises work published on molecular imprinted solid-phase extraction and discusses some imprinted-sorbent specific method development issues.  相似文献   

Molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) represent a new class of materials possessing high selectivity and affinity for the target molecule. Since their discovery in 1972, molecularly imprinted polymers have attracted considerable interest from bio- and chemical laboratories to pharmaceutical institutes. They have been utilized as sensors, catalysts, sorbents for solid-phase extraction, stationary phase for liquid chromatography, mimics of enzymes, receptors and antibodies. Among which, the application of molecularly imprinted polymers for molecular recognition-based separation and screening of compounds has undergone rapid extension and received much attention in recent years. This article mainly focuses on the separation and screening of certain pharmacophoric compounds of interests from biological origin using molecular imprinting technology. Examples of extraction and recognition of active components as anti-tumors or anti-Hepatitis C virus inhibitors from Chinese traditional herbs using molecularly imprinting technology are particularized in this article. Comparison between the screening effect based on MIPs and that based on antibodies is also represented. Consequently the merits and demerits of these two technologies are highlighted.  相似文献   

In this study, molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) prepared using a multifunctional and a monofunctional monomer were compared with respect to their affinities, selectivities, and imprinting efficiencies for organophosphates. This is of interest because multifunctional monomers have higher affinities than traditional monofunctional monomers for their target analytes and thus should yield MIPs with higher affinities and selectivities. However, polymers containing multifunctional monomer may also have a higher number of unselective, non-templated binding sites. This increase in background binding sites could lead to a decrease in the magnitude of the imprinting effect and in the selectivity of the MIP. Therefore, phosphate selective imprinted and non-imprinted polymers (NIPs) were prepared using a novel multifunctional triurea monomer. The binding properties of these polymers were compared with polymers prepared using a monofunctional monourea monomer. The binding affinities and selectivities of the monomers, imprinted polymers, and NIPs were characterized by NMR titration, binding uptake studies, and binding isotherms. MIPs prepared with the triurea monomer showed higher binding affinity and selectivity for the diphenylphosphate anion in organic solvents than the MIPs prepared with the monofunctional monomer. Surprisingly, the binding properties of the NIPs revealed that the polymers prepared using the multifunctional and monofunctional monomers were very similar in affinity and selectivity. Thus, the multifunctional monomers increase not only the affinity of the MIP but also enhance the imprinting effect.  相似文献   

A novel molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) system selective for D-phenylalanine is described where polymerization is performed in aqueous solution. The unique polymer system comprises a hydrophobic moiety-selective functional monomer, polymerizable beta-cyclodextrin, an electrostatic interacting functional monomer, 2-acryloylamido-2-methylpropane sulfonic acid (AMPSA), and the crosslinking agent N,N'-diacryloylpiperazine. Chromatographic evaluation of polymer-ligand recognition characteristics demonstrated ligand selectivity by the MIP and that optimal recognition was achieved through a balance of hydrophobic and electrostatic ligand-polymer interactions, indicating that recognition in these systems is regulated by enthalpy-entropy compensation. The imprinting effect was shown to be sufficient to reverse the inherent selectivity of cyclodextrin for L-phenylalanine.  相似文献   

In conjunction with polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE), molecular imprinting methods have been applied to produce a multilayer mini-slab in order to evaluate how selectively and specifically a hydrogel-based molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) binds bovine haemoglobin (BHb, ~64.5 kDa). A three-layer mini-slab comprising an upper and lower layer and a MIP, or a non-imprinted control polymer dispersion middle layer has been investigated. The discriminating MIP layer, also based on polyacrylamide, was able to specifically bind BHb molecules in preference to a protein similar in molecular weight such as bovine serum albumin (BSA, ~66 kDa). Protein staining allowed us to visualise the protein retention strength of the MIP layer under the influence of an electric field. This method could be applied to other proteins with implications in effective protein capture, disease diagnostics, and protein analysis.  相似文献   

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