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Agonist-stimulated internalization followed by recycling to the cell membrane play an important role in fine-tuning the activity of chemokine receptors. Because the recycling of chemokine receptors is critical for the reestablishment of the cellular responsiveness to ligand, it is crucial to understand the mechanisms underlying the receptor recycling and resensitization. In the present study, we have demonstrated that the chemokine receptor CXCR2 associated with myosin Vb and Rab11-family interacting protein 2 (FIP2) in a ligand-dependent manner. Truncation of the C-terminal domain of the receptor did not affect the association, suggesting that the interactions occur upstream of the C terminus of CXCR2. After ligand stimulation, the internalized CXCR2 colocalized with myosin Vb and Rab11-FIP2 in Rab11a-positive vesicles. The colocalization lasted for approximately 2 h, and little colocalization was observed after 4 h of ligand stimulation. CXCR2 also colocalized with myosin Vb tail or Rab11-FIP2 (129-512), the N-terminal-truncated mutants of myosin Vb and Rab11-FIP2, respectively, but in a highly condensed manner. Expression of the enhanced green fluorescent protein-tagged myosin Vb tail significantly retarded the recycling and resensitization of CXCR2. CXCR2 recycling was also reduced by the expression Rab11-FIP2 (129-512). Moreover, expression of the myosin Vb tail reduced CXCR2- and CXCR4-mediated chemotaxis. These data indicate that Rab11-FIP2 and myosin Vb regulate CXCR2 recycling and receptor-mediated chemotaxis and that passage of internalized CXCR2 through Rab11a-positive recycling system is critical for physiological response to a chemokine.  相似文献   

The Rab coupling protein (RCP) is a recently identified novel protein that belongs to the Rab11-FIP family. RCP interacts specifically with Rab4 and Rab11, small guanosine-5'-triphosphatases that function as regulators along the endosomal recycling pathway. We used fluorescence confocal microscopy and biochemical approaches to evaluate the participation of RCP during particle uptake and phagosome maturation. In macrophages, RCP is predominantly membrane-bound and displays a punctuate vesicular pattern throughout the cytoplasm. RCP is mainly associated with transferrin-containing structures and Rab11-labeled endosomes. Overexpression of H13, the carboxyl-terminal region of RCP that contains the Rab binding domain, results in an abnormal endosomal compartment. Interestingly, we found that RCP is associated as discrete patches or protein domains to early phagosomal membranes. In macrophages, overexpression of full-length RCP stimulates recycling from the phagosomal compartment, whereas overexpression of H13 diminishes this vesicular transport step. It is likely that acting as an intermediate between Rab4 and Rab11, RCP regulates membrane flux along the phagocytic pathway via recycling events.  相似文献   

Rab11 is a GTPase that regulates endosomal trafficking to apical plasma membrane domains in polarized epithelial cells. We report the identification of a novel Rab11 effector, Rip11. Rip11 is enriched in polarized epithelial cells where, like Rab11, it is localized to subapical recycling endosomes (ARE) and the apical plasma membrane. Using various transport assays, we demonstrate that Rip11 is important for protein trafficking from ARE to the apical plasma membrane. Rip11 is recruited to ARE by binding to Rab11 as well as through a Mg(2+)-dependent interaction of its C2 domain with neutral phospholipids. The association of Rip11 with membranes is regulated by a phosphorylation and dephosphorylation cycle. We propose a model whereby the Rab11/Rip 11 complex regulates vesicle targeting from the ARE.  相似文献   

A large body of knowledge relating to the constitution of Rab GTPase/Rab effector complexes and their impact on both membrane domain organization and overall membrane trafficking has been built up in recent years. However in the context of the live cell there are still many questions that remain to be answered, such as where and when these complexes assemble and where they perform their primary function(s). We describe here the dynamic processes that take place in the final steps of the Rab11A dependent recycling pathway, in the context of the membrane platform constituted by Myosin Vb, Rab11A, and Rab11-FIP2. We first confirm that a series of previously reported observations obtained during the study of a number of trafficking cargoes also apply to langerin. Langerin is a cargo molecule that traffics through Rab11A-positive membrane domains of the endosomal recycling pathway. In order to explore the relative dynamics of this set of partners, we make extensive use of a combinatory approach of Live-FRET, fast FRAP video, fast confocal and TIRF microscopy modalities. Our data show that the Myosin Vb/Rab11A/Rab11-FIP2 platform is spatially involved in the regulation of langerin trafficking at two distinct sites within live cells, first at the sorting site in the endosomal recycling compartment (ERC) where transport vesicles are formed, and subsequently, in a strict time-defined order, at the very late stage of docking/tethering and fusion of these langerin recycling vesicles to the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Small GTPases of the rab family are crucial elements of the machinery that controls membrane traffic. In the present study, we examined the distribution and function of rab11. Rab11 was shown by confocal immunofluorescence microscopy and EM to colocalize with internalized transferrin in the pericentriolar recycling compartment of CHO and BHK cells. Expression of rab11 mutants that are preferentially in the GTP- or GDP-bound state caused opposite effects on the distribution of transferrin-containing elements; rab11-GTP expression caused accumulation of labeled elements in the perinuclear area of the cell, whereas rab11-GDP caused a dispersion of the transferrin labeling. Functional studies showed that the early steps of uptake and recycling for transferrin were not affected by overexpression of rab11 proteins. However, recycling from the later recycling endosome was inhibited in cells overexpressing the rab11-GDP mutant. Rab5, which regulates early endocytic trafficking, acted before rab11 in the transferrin-recycling pathway as expression of rab5-GTP prevented transport to the rab11- positive recycling endosome. These results suggest a novel role for rab11 in controlling traffic through the recycling endosome.  相似文献   

Rab11-FIP2 is a recently described member of the Rip11/Rab11-FIP/Rab coupling protein family of Rab11 interacting proteins. Rab11-FIP2 interacts with both Rab11 and myosin Vb and co-localizes with Rab11 in both HeLa and Madin-Darby canine kidney cells (Hales, C. M., Griner, R., Hobdy-Henderson, K. C., Dorn, M. C., Hardy, D., Kumar, R., Navarre, J., Chan, E. K., Lapierre, L. A., and Goldenring, J. R. (2001) J. Biol. Chem. 276, 39067-390751). Here, we characterized the specificity of the interaction between Rab11-FIP2 and Rab11 and report that it does not interact with Rab4, Rab3, Rab5, Rab6, or Rab7. We demonstrate that the COOH-terminal region of Rab11-FIP2, which contains the Rab11 binding domain (RBD), is necessary and sufficient for its early endosomal membrane association. In contrast, the amino-terminal region, which contains a phospholipid binding C2-domain, by itself was insufficient for membrane binding. Expression of a deletion mutant of Rab11-FIP2, containing the RBD, caused tubulation of a transferrin receptor-positive early endosomal compartment in HeLa cells. Endogenous Rab11 was also associated with this compartment. This phenotype cannot be reversed by excess wild-type Rab11, or dominant-positive Rab11 (Rab11Q70L), suggesting that Rab11-FIP2 functions downstream of Rab11 in endosomal trafficking.  相似文献   

Members of the Rab family of small GTPases play important roles in membrane trafficking along the exocytic and endocytic pathways. The Rab11 subfamily consists of two highly conserved members, Rab11a and Rab11b. Rab11a has been localized both to the pericentriolar recycling endosome and to the trans-Golgi network and functions in recycling of transferrin. However, the localization and function of Rab11b are completely unknown. In this study green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged Rab11b was used to determine its subcellular localization. GFP-Rab11b colocalized with internalized transferrin, and using different mutants of Rab11b, the role of this protein in transferrin uptake and recycling was examined. Two of these mutants, Rab11b-Q/L (constitutively active) and Rab11b-S/N (constitutively inactive), strongly inhibited the recycling of transferrin. Interestingly, both of them had no effect on transferrin uptake. In contrast, the C-terminally altered mutant Rab11b-DeltaC, which cannot be prenylated and therefore cannot interact with membranes, did not interfere with wild-type Rab11b function. From these data we concluded that functional Rab11b is essential for the transport of internalized transferrin from the recycling compartment to the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Learning-related plasticity at excitatory synapses in the mammalian brain requires the trafficking of AMPA receptors and the growth of dendritic spines. However, the mechanisms that couple plasticity stimuli to the trafficking of postsynaptic cargo are poorly understood. Here we demonstrate that myosin Vb (MyoVb), a Ca2+-sensitive motor, conducts spine trafficking during long-term potentiation (LTP) of synaptic strength. Upon activation of NMDA receptors and corresponding Ca2+ influx, MyoVb associates with recycling endosomes (REs), triggering rapid spine recruitment of endosomes and local exocytosis in spines. Disruption of MyoVb or its interaction with the RE adaptor Rab11-FIP2 abolishes LTP-induced exocytosis from REs and prevents both AMPA receptor insertion and spine growth. Furthermore, induction of tight binding of MyoVb to actin using an acute chemical genetic strategy eradicates LTP in hippocampal slices. Thus, Ca2+-activated MyoVb captures and mobilizes REs for AMPA receptor insertion and spine growth, providing a mechanistic link between the induction and expression of postsynaptic plasticity.  相似文献   

Several Rabs, including Rab11, regulate the traffic and sorting of proteins in the endosomal pathway. Recently, six novel Rab11 family interacting proteins (FIPs) were identified. Although they share little overall sequence homology, all FIPs contain a conserved Rab11-binding domain. Here we investigate the role of FIPs as Rab11-targeting proteins and show that the Rab11-binding domain assumes an alpha-helical structure, with the conserved residues forming a hydrophobic Rab11-binding patch. This hydrophobic patch mediates the formation of mutually exclusive complexes between Rab11 and various members of FIP protein family. Furthermore, the formation of Rab11/FIP complexes regulates Rab11 localization by recruiting it to distinct endocytic compartments. Thus, we propose that Rab11/FIP complexes serve as targeting patches, regulating Rab11 localization and recruitment of additional cellular factors to different endocytic compartments.  相似文献   

Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR)-mediated Cl(-) secretion across fluid-transporting epithelia is regulated, in part, by modulating the number of CFTR Cl(-) channels in the plasma membrane by adjusting CFTR endocytosis and recycling. However, the mechanisms that regulate CFTR recycling in airway epithelial cells remain unknown, at least in part, because the recycling itineraries of CFTR in these cells are incompletely understood. In a previous study, we demonstrated that CFTR undergoes trafficking in Rab11a-specific apical recycling endosomes in human airway epithelial cells. Myosin Vb is a plus-end-directed, actin-based mechanoenzyme that facilitates protein trafficking in Rab11a-specific recycling vesicles in several cell model systems. There are no published studies examining the role of myosin Vb in airway epithelial cells. Thus, the goal of this study was to determine whether myosin Vb facilitates CFTR recycling in polarized human airway epithelial cells. Endogenous CFTR formed a complex with endogenous myosin Vb and Rab11a. Silencing myosin Vb by RNA-mediated interference decreased the expression of wild-type CFTR and DeltaF508-CFTR in the apical membrane and decreased CFTR-mediated Cl(-) secretion across polarized human airway epithelial cells. A recombinant tail domain fragment of myosin Vb attenuated the plasma membrane expression of CFTR by arresting CFTR recycling. The dominant-negative effect was dependent on the ability of the myosin Vb tail fragment to interact with Rab11a. Taken together, these data indicate that myosin Vb is required for CFTR recycling in Rab11a-specific apical recycling endosomes in polarized human airway epithelial cells.  相似文献   

The small GTPase Rab11 regulates the recycling of endosomes to the plasma membrane via interactions with the Rab11 family of interacting proteins (FIPs). FIPs contain a highly conserved Rab binding domain (RBD) at their C termini whose structure is unknown. Here, we have determined the crystal structure of the RBD of FIP2 in complex with Rab11(GTP) by single wavelength anomalous diffraction methods. The overall structure is a heterotetramer with dyad symmetry, arranged as a Rab11-(FIP2)2-Rab11 complex. FIP2 forms a central alpha-helical coiled coil, with both helices contributing to the Rab11 binding patch on equivalent and opposite sides of the homodimer. Switch 1 of Rab11 is embedded between the two helices, while switch 2 remains flexible and is peripherally associated with the effector. The complex reveals the structural basis for Rab11 recognition by FIPs and suggests the molecular mechanisms underlying endocytic recycling pathways.  相似文献   

The beta2ARs (beta(2)-adrenergic receptors) undergo ligand-induced internalization into early endosomes, but then are rapidly and efficiently recycled back to the plasma membrane, restoring the numbers of functional cell-surface receptors. Gathering evidence suggests that, during prolonged exposure to agonist, some beta2ARs also utilize a slow recycling pathway through the perinuclear recycling endosomal compartment regulated by the small GTPase Rab11. In the present study, we demonstrate by co-immunoprecipitation studies that there is a beta2AR-Rab11 association in HEK-293 cells (human embryonic kidney cells). We show using purified His(6)-tagged Rab11 protein and beta2AR intracellular domains fused to GST (glutathione transferase) that Rab11 interacts directly with the C-terminal tail of beta2AR, but not with the other intracellular domains of the receptor. Pull-down and immunoprecipitation assays revealed that the beta2AR interacts preferentially with the GDP-bound form of Rab11. Arg(333) and Lys(348) in the C-terminal tail of the beta2AR were identified as crucial determinants for Rab11 binding. A beta2AR construct with these two residues mutated to alanine, beta2AR RK/AA (R333A/K348A), was generated. Analysis of cell-surface receptors by ELISA revealed that the recycling of beta2AR RK/AA was drastically reduced when compared with wild-type beta2AR after agonist washout, following prolonged receptor stimulation. Confocal microscopy demonstrated that the beta2AR RK/AA mutant failed to co-localize with Rab11 and recycle to the plasma membrane, in contrast with the wild-type receptor. To our knowledge, the present study is the first report of a direct interaction between the beta2AR and a Rab GTPase, which is required for the accurate intracellular trafficking of the receptor.  相似文献   

E-cadherin plays an essential role in cell polarity and cell-cell adhesion; however, the pathway for delivery of E-cadherin to the basolateral membrane of epithelial cells has not been fully characterized. We first traced the post-Golgi, exocytic transport of GFP-tagged E-cadherin (Ecad-GFP) in unpolarized cells. In live cells, Ecad-GFP was found to exit the Golgi complex in pleiomorphic tubulovesicular carriers, which, instead of moving directly to the cell surface, most frequently fused with an intermediate compartment, subsequently identified as a Rab11-positive recycling endosome. In MDCK cells, basolateral targeting of E-cadherin relies on a dileucine motif. Both E-cadherin and a targeting mutant, DeltaS1-E-cadherin, colocalized with Rab11 and fused with the recycling endosome before diverging to basolateral or apical membranes, respectively. In polarized and unpolarized cells, coexpression of Rab11 mutants disrupted the cell surface delivery of E-cadherin and caused its mistargeting to the apical membrane, whereas apical DeltaS1-E-cadherin was unaffected. We thus demonstrate a novel pathway for Rab11 dependent, dileucine-mediated, mu1B-independent sorting and basolateral trafficking, exemplified by E-cadherin. The recycling endosome is identified as an intermediate compartment for the post-Golgi trafficking and exocytosis of E-cadherin, with a potentially important role in establishing and maintaining cadherin-based adhesion.  相似文献   

A Role of myosin Vb and Rab11-FIP2 in the aquaporin-2 shuttle   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Arginine-vasopressin (AVP) regulates water reabsorption in renal collecting duct principal cells. Its binding to Gs-coupled vasopressin V2 receptors increases cyclic AMP (cAMP) and subsequently elicits the redistribution of the water channel aquaporin-2 (AQP2) from intracellular vesicles into the plasma membrane (AQP2 shuttle), thereby facilitating water reabsorption from primary urine. The AQP2 shuttle is a paradigm for cAMP-dependent exocytic processes. Using sections of rat kidney, the AQP2-expressing cell line CD8, and primary principal cells, we studied the role of the motor protein myosin Vb, its vesicular receptor Rab11, and the myosin Vb- and Rab11-binding protein Rab11-FIP2 in the AQP2 shuttle. Myosin Vb colocalized with AQP2 intracellularly in resting and at the plasma membrane in AVP-treated cells. Rab11 was found on AQP2-bearing vesicles. A dominant-negative myosin Vb tail construct and Rab11-FIP2 lacking the C2 domain (Rab11-FIP2-DeltaC2), which disrupt recycling, caused condensation of AQP2 in a Rab11-positive compartment and abolished the AQP2 shuttle. This effect was dependent on binding of myosin Vb tail and Rab11-FIP2-DeltaC2 to Rab11. In summary, we identified myosin Vb as a motor protein involved in AQP2 recycling and show that myosin Vb- and Rab11-FIP2-dependent recycling of AQP2 is an integral part of the AQP2 shuttle.  相似文献   

Cells use multiple pathways to internalize and recycle cell surface components. Although Rab11a and Myosin Vb are involved in the recycling of proteins internalized by clathrin-mediated endocytosis, Rab8a has been implicated in nonclathrin-dependent endocytosis and recycling. By yeast two-hybrid assays, we have now demonstrated that Myosin Vb can interact with Rab8a, but not Rab8b. We have confirmed the interaction of Myosin Vb with Rab11a and Rab8a in vivo by using fluorescent resonant energy transfer techniques. Rab8a and Myosin Vb colocalize to a tubular network containing EHD1 and EHD3, which does not contain Rab11a. Myosin Vb tail can cause the accumulation of both Rab11a and Rab8a in collapsed membrane cisternae, whereas dominant-negative Rab11-FIP2(129-512) selectively accumulates Rab11a but not Rab8a. Additionally, dynamic live cell imaging demonstrates distinct pathways for Rab11a and Rab8a vesicle trafficking. These findings indicate that Rab8a and Rab11a define different recycling pathways that both use Myosin Vb.  相似文献   

ADP-ribosylation factors (Arfs) and Arf GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs) are key regulators of membrane trafficking and the actin cytoskeleton. The Arf GAP ASAP1 contains an N-terminal BAR domain, which can induce membrane tubulation. Here, we report that the BAR domain of ASAP1 can also function as a protein binding site. Two-hybrid screening identified FIP3, which is a putative Arf6- and Rab11-effector, as a candidate ASAP1 BAR domain-binding protein. Both coimmunoprecipitation and in vitro pulldown assays confirmed that ASAP1 directly binds to FIP3 through its BAR domain. ASAP1 formed a ternary complex with Rab11 through FIP3. FIP3 binding to the BAR domain stimulated ASAP1 GAP activity against Arf1, but not Arf6. ASAP1 colocalized with FIP3 in the pericentrosomal endocytic recycling compartment. Depletion of ASAP1 or FIP3 by small interfering RNA changed the localization of transferrin receptor, which is a marker of the recycling endosome, in HeLa cells. The depletion also altered the trafficking of endocytosed transferrin. These results support the conclusion that ASAP1, like FIP3, functions as a component of the endocytic recycling compartment.  相似文献   

Myosin-Va (Myo5a) is a motor protein associated with synaptic vesicles (SVs) but the mechanism by which it interacts has not yet been identified. A potential class of binding partners are Rab GTPases and Rab3A is known to associate with SVs and is involved in SV trafficking. We performed experiments to determine whether Rab3A interacts with Myo5a and whether it is required for transport of neuronal vesicles. In vitro motility assays performed with axoplasm from the squid giant axon showed a requirement for a Rab GTPase in Myo5a-dependent vesicle transport. Furthermore, mouse recombinant Myo5a tail revealed that it associated with Rab3A in rat brain synaptosomal preparations in vitro and the association was confirmed by immunofluorescence imaging of primary neurons isolated from the frontal cortex of mouse brains. Synaptosomal Rab3A was retained on recombinant GST-tagged Myo5a tail affinity columns in a GTP-dependent manner. Finally, the direct interaction of Myo5a and Rab3A was determined by sedimentation velocity analytical ultracentrifugation using recombinant mouse Myo5a tail and human Rab3A. When both proteins were incubated in the presence of 1 mm GTPγS, Myo5a tail and Rab3A formed a complex and a direct interaction was observed. Further analysis revealed that GTP-bound Rab3A interacts with both the monomeric and dimeric species of the Myo5a tail. However, the interaction between Myo5a tail and nucleotide-free Rab3A did not occur. Thus, our results show that Myo5a and Rab3A are direct binding partners and interact on SVs and that the Myo5a/Rab3A complex is involved in transport of neuronal vesicles.  相似文献   

Plasma membrane proteins that are internalized independently of clathrin, such as major histocompatibility complex class I (MHCI), are internalized in vesicles that fuse with the early endosomes containing clathrin-derived cargo. From there, MHCI is either transported to the late endosome for degradation or is recycled back to the plasma membrane via tubular structures that lack clathrin-dependent recycling cargo, e.g., transferrin. Here, we show that the small GTPase Rab22a is associated with these tubular recycling intermediates containing MHCI. Expression of a dominant negative mutant of Rab22a or small interfering RNA-mediated depletion of Rab22a inhibited both formation of the recycling tubules and MHCI recycling. By contrast, cells expressing the constitutively active mutant of Rab22a exhibited prominent recycling tubules and accumulated vesicles at the periphery, but MHCI recycling was still blocked. These results suggest that Rab22a activation is required for tubule formation and Rab22a inactivation for final fusion of recycling membranes with the surface. The trafficking of transferrin was only modestly affected by these treatments. Dominant negative mutant of Rab11a also inhibited recycling of MHCI but not the formation of recycling tubules, suggesting that Rab22a and Rab11a might coordinate different steps of MHCI recycling.  相似文献   

To maintain polarity, epithelial cells continuously sort transmembrane proteins to the apical or basolateral membrane domains during biosynthetic delivery or after internalization. During biosynthetic delivery, some cargo proteins move from the trans-Golgi network (TGN) into recycling endosomes (RE) before being delivered to the plasma membrane. However, proteins that regulate this transport step remained elusive. In this study, we show that Rab13 partially colocalizes with TGN38 at the TGN and transferrin receptors in RE. Knockdown of Rab13 with short hairpin RNA in human bronchial epithelial cells or overexpression of dominant-active or dominant-negative alleles of Rab13 in Madin-Darby canine kidney cells disrupts TGN38/46 localization at the TGN. Moreover, overexpression of Rab13 mutant alleles inhibits surface arrival of proteins that move through RE during biosynthetic delivery (vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein [VSVG], A-VSVG, and LDLR-CT27). Importantly, proteins using a direct route from the TGN to the plasma membrane are not affected. Thus, Rab13 appears to regulate membrane trafficking between TGN and RE.  相似文献   

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