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中国7个地方绵羊品种遗传多样性的微卫星分析 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
利用26个微卫星标记分析了中国7个地方绵羊(Ovis aries)品种的遗传多样性。通过计算基因频率、平均杂合度(H)、多态信息含量(PIC)及有效等位基因数(Ne),并根据Nei氏标准遗传距离,利用UPGMA法进行了聚类分析,评估其种内遗传变异和品种间遗传关系。结果表明:26个微卫星位点共检测到278个等位基因,Ne 在2.1288-13.3924之间;以等位基因频率为基础,得出位点的平均杂合度在0.0629-0.5903之间,品种平均杂合度在0.3633-0.4489之间。26个位点均为高度多态位点,PIC在0.6628-0.8712之间。聚类分析表明哈萨克羊、阿勒泰羊和巴音布鲁克羊遗传关系最近;然后与白藏羊、黑藏羊聚为一类;湖羊和晋中羊聚为一类。各绵羊品种的聚类关系与其来源、育成史及地理分布基本一致。 相似文献
绵羊GDF9基因PCR-SSCP分析 总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25
生长分化因子9(GDF9)是由卵母细胞分泌的一种生长因子,它对早期卵泡的生长和分化起重要的调节作用。采用PCR-SSCP技术分析了GDF9基因在小尾寒羊、湖羊、多赛特羊和萨福克羊4个绵羊品种的多态性。结果表明:GDF9基因在两对引物扩增片段中均存在PCR-SSCP多态性。对于引物1扩增片段,4个绵羊品种均检测到AA基因型,AB基因型只出现在湖羊、多赛特羊和萨福克羊中,仅在萨福克羊中检测到BB基因型;在4个绵羊品种中,A等位基因频率明显高于B等位基因频率。对于引物2扩增片段,4个绵羊品种均检测到AA基因型,AB基因型只出现在湖羊、多赛特羊和萨福克羊中,4个绵羊品种均没有检测到BB基因型;在4个绵羊品种中,AA基因型频率最高,A等位基因频率明显高于B等位基因频率。引物1的多态性片段测序分析表明:位于GDF9基因cDNA第152处发生了单碱基的改变(A→G),并导致了氨基酸的改变(天冬酰胺→天冬氨酸)。 相似文献
六个中国固有绵羊品种遗传关系的微卫星标记分析 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
用5对微卫星引物对哈萨克羊、蒙古羊、兰州大尾羊、同羊、大尾寒羊、小尾寒羊共6个中国固有绵羊品种基因组进行了扩增, 对扩增结果用7种聚类方法(欧氏距离、欧氏平方距离、夹角余弦、皮尔逊相关、车贝雪夫距离、街区距离、明考夫斯基距离)进行了分析.结果表明, 分布在我国西北部的绵羊品种哈萨克羊、蒙古羊、兰州大尾羊在大多数情况下总是先聚在一起, 相对分布于中原地带的同羊、小尾寒羊和西北部的3个品种间距离较远,同羊和小尾寒羊之间距离也很远,大尾寒羊和小尾寒羊之间没有明显的遗传关系, 此结果与《中国绵羊品种志》中记载的情况基本一致.同时, 本研究结果也说明7种聚类方法均适用于微卫星标记资料的遗传分析. 相似文献
中国7个地方绵羊品遗传多样性的微卫星分析 总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14
利用26个微卫星标记分析了中国7个地方绵羊(Ovis aries)品种的遗传多样性。通过计算基因频率,平均杂合度(H)、多态信息含量(PIC)及有效等位基因数(Ne),并根据Nei氏标准遗传距离,利用UPGMA法进行了聚类分析,评估其种内遗传变异和品种间遗传关系。结果表明:26个微卫星位点共检测到278个等位基因,Ne在2.1288-13.3924之间;26个位点均为高度多态位点,PIC在0.6628-0.8712之间,聚类分析表明哈萨克羊、阿勒泰羊和巴音布鲁克羊遗传关系最近;然后与白藏羊,黑藏羊聚为一类,湖羊和晋中羊聚为一类,各绵羊各种的聚类关系与其来源,育成史及地理分布基本一致。 相似文献
新疆8个绵羊品种遗传多样性和系统发生关系的微卫星分析 总被引:62,自引:0,他引:62
为分析新疆北疆地区主要绵羊品种的遗传多样性和系统发生关系,利用10个微卫星标记,采用PCR扩增,12%非变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳、Sanguinetti银染法显色,对新疆北疆地区8个品种、1个杂交一代绵羊群体遗传多样性进行了检测,统计了各群体的等位基因组成、平均有效等位基因数(E)和平均基因纯合率,利用等位基因频率计算出各群体的平均遗传杂合度(h)、多态信息含量(PIC)和群体间的遗传距离。利用分子进化遗传分析软件,采用邻结法构建系统发生树;同时根据等位基因频率,利用PHYLIP(3.6)分析软件,采用最大似然法构建系统发生树,应用白举检验估计系统树中结点的白引导值,并进行了系统发生分析。结果表明:10个微卫星位点在9个绵羊群体中的多态信息含量除BMI824、MAF65为低、中度多态外,其余8个微卫星均为高度多态,可作为有效的遗传标记用于各绵羊品种的遗传多样性和系统发生关系的分析;所有绵羊群体的平均PIC(0.5631)、h(0.5721)和E(2.9)均低于国外其他品种的绵羊,其基因多态性和遗传多样性相对贫乏;新疆本地土种阿勒泰羊、哈萨克羊和巴什拜羊与国外引进绵羊品种及混有外血的本地培育品种遗传距离较远,他们聚为不同的两类,各绵羊品种的分子系统发生关系与其来源、育成史、分化及地理分布基本一致。 相似文献
我国6个地方绵羊品种微卫星DNA多态性研究 总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17
利用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳技术研究了我国蒙古羊、乌珠穆沁羊、哈萨克羊、阿勒泰羊、滩羊和藏绵羊 6个地方绵羊品种 17个微卫星标记的多态性 ,以探讨其遗传多样性、起源分化及群体间的遗传亲缘关系。结果表明微卫星标记不同位点间遗传多样性差异极显著 (P <0 0 1) ,群体间多态信息含量 (PIC)、近交程度 (Fis)和观察杂合度 (Obs .Het)差异不显著 ,但基因多样性 (genediversity)和期望杂合度 (Exp .Het)差异显著 (P <0 0 5 )。所研究的我国 6个地方绵羊品种与欧洲品种具有相似的遗传多样性 ,但具有较高的近交系数。个体和群体的聚类分析结果提示我国地方绵羊品种可能起源于两类祖先。群体间的聚类分析结果还表明 ,蒙古羊与乌珠穆沁羊分化不明显且具有较近的遗传亲缘关系 ,蒙古羊与藏绵羊间分化明显且具有较远的遗传亲缘关系。滩羊、阿勒泰羊以及藏绵羊间也具有较近的遗传亲缘关系。所研究的我国 6个地方绵羊品种的遗传分化 (Fst)与西班牙绵羊品种接近 ,但明显小于欧洲其他绵羊品种 相似文献
应用特异性引物扩增假眼小绿叶蝉(Empoasca vitis G?the)56个不同地理种群Cytb基因片段,探讨了11个地理种群间的遗传多样性、分子变异、遗传分化程度及基因流水平,测序结果表明56条序列存在236个变异位点,45个单倍型。分析得出:(1)11个地理种群群体单倍型多样度 Hd 为0.978 79,群体的Hd范围为0.933 3~1.000 0,总群体和各种群的中性检验结果均不显著,其进化模型为中性模型。(2)总群体遗传分化系数 Gst 与固定系数 Fst 分别为0.017 03与0.165 47。种群间基因流Nm为1.26,较频繁基因交流减小了遗传差异,不存在明显的地理分化效应。 相似文献
传粉导致的转基因白菜与其近缘种属材料间的基因流动 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
从形态、染色体及分子水平上证实,转基因不结球白菜(Brassica campestris ssp.chinensis var.utilis Tsen et Lee)中编码除草剂Basta抗性的bar基因能在田间条件下,经自然传粉,以较高频率侵入芜菁(B.campestris ssp.rapifera)、结球白菜(B.campestris/sssp.pek/nens/s)和不结球白菜(B.campestrs ssp.ch/nens/s)的基因组中,也能少量侵入同属异种的甘蓝型油菜(B.napus)基因组中;在温室人工辅助授粉条件下,除在上述种中的基因漂移率提高外,bar基因尚能以一定频率侵入同属的黑芥(B.nigra)、埃塞俄比亚芥(B.car/nata)、芥菜(B.juncea)基因组中,但始终未能得到转基因白菜与结球甘蓝(B.oleracea)、萝卜(尺.sativus)的杂种。转基因白菜与十字花科的7种常见杂草经温室人工辅助授粉,也均未得到抗性杂种。 相似文献
蒙古绵羊和哈萨克绵羊MHC-DRB3基因外显子2的多态性 总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9
采用PCR RFLP方法对蒙古绵羊和哈萨克绵羊MHC DRB3 基因第 2外显子 2 85bp的扩增产物进行多态性分析 ,共检测到 17种基因型 ,由A、B、C、D、E、F和H共 7个复等位基因控制。通过酶切图谱分析表明 ,蒙古绵羊和哈萨克绵羊的MHC DRB3 基因第 2外显子的第 15 4、16 8和 2 2 0位的碱基表现出多态性。统计分析表明 ,MHC DRB3 基因的部分基因型频率和等位基因频率在两个群体之间差异显著或极显著 (P <0 10、P <0 0 5或P <0 0 1)。χ2 适合性检验结果表明 ,蒙古绵羊和哈萨克绵羊的MHC DRB3 基因第 2外显子的HaeⅢ酶切位点均未达到Hardy Weinberg平衡状态 (P <0 0 1)。 相似文献
我国著名的多胎绵羊品种冯维祺,马月辉,傅宝玲(中国农业科学院畜牧研究所北京100094)94)我国绵羊、山羊品种资源相当丰富,不仅品种多,而且有可生产各种专门产品的品种。其中高繁殖力的品种,当今在国内外都是比较受重视的,是极宝贵的遗传资源,是发展肉羊... 相似文献
Herein, genetic relationships among five breeds of Bulgarian sheep were estimated using microsatellite markers. The total number of alleles identified was 226 at the 16 loci examined. D(A) distance values were used for phylogenetic tree construction with the UPGMA algorithm. The two Tsigai and two Maritza populations were found to be geneticallvery closely related to each other y (0.198, and 0.258 respectively). The Pleven Black Head population was distinct from the other four. These results could be useful for preserving genes in these breeds, thereby ensuring their preservation in Bulgaria. 相似文献
Multilocus genotypic data reveal high genetic diversity and low population genetic structure of Iranian indigenous sheep 下载免费PDF全文
S. M. F. Vahidi M. O. Faruque M. Falahati Anbaran F. Afraz S. M. Mousavi P. Boettcher S. Joost J. L. Han L. Colli K. Periasamy R. Negrini P. Ajmone‐Marsan 《Animal genetics》2016,47(4):463-470
Iranian livestock diversity is still largely unexplored, in spite of the interest in the populations historically reared in this country located near the Fertile Crescent, a major livestock domestication centre. In this investigation, the genetic diversity and differentiation of 10 Iranian indigenous fat‐tailed sheep breeds were investigated using 18 microsatellite markers. Iranian breeds were found to host a high level of diversity. This conclusion is substantiated by the large number of alleles observed across loci (average 13.83, range 7–22) and by the high within‐breed expected heterozygosity (average 0.75, range 0.72–0.76). Iranian sheep have a low level of genetic differentiation, as indicated by the analysis of molecular variance, which allocated a very small proportion (1.67%) of total variation to the between‐population component, and by the small fixation index (FST = 0.02). Both Bayesian clustering and principal coordinates analysis revealed the absence of a detectable genetic structure. Also, no isolation by distance was observed through comparison of genetic and geographical distances. In spite of high within‐breed variation, signatures of inbreeding were detected by the FIS indices, which were positive in all and statistically significant in three breeds. Possible factors explaining the patterns observed, such as considerable gene flow and inbreeding probably due to anthropogenic activities in the light of population management and conservation programmes, are discussed. 相似文献
K. M. Davenport C. Hiemke S. D. McKay J. W. Thorne R. M. Lewis T. Taylor B. M. Murdoch 《Animal genetics》2020,51(2):284-291
Selection for performance in diverse production settings has resulted in variation across sheep breeds worldwide. Although sheep are an important species to the United States, the current genetic relationship among many terminal sire breeds is not well characterized. Suffolk, Hampshire, Shropshire and Oxford (terminal) and Rambouillet (dual purpose) sheep (n = 248) sampled from different flocks were genotyped using the Applied Biosystems Axiom Ovine Genotyping Array (50K), and additional Shropshire sheep (n = 26) using the Illumina Ovine SNP50 BeadChip. Relationships were investigated by calculating observed heterozygosity, inbreeding coefficients, eigenvalues, pairwise Wright’s FST estimates and an identity by state matrix. The mean observed heterozygosity for each breed ranged from 0.30 to 0.35 and was consistent with data reported in other US and Australian sheep. Suffolk from two different regions of the United States (Midwest and West) clustered separately in eigenvalue plots and the rectangular cladogram. Further, divergence was detected between Suffolk from different regions with Wright’s FST estimate. Shropshire animals showed the greatest divergence from other terminal breeds in this study. Admixture between breeds was examined using admixture , and based on cross-validation estimates, the best fit number of populations (clusters) was K = 6. The greatest admixture was observed within Hampshire, Suffolk, and Shropshire breeds. When plotting eigenvalues, US terminal breeds clustered separately in comparison with sheep from other locations of the world. Understanding the genetic relationships between terminal sire breeds in sheep will inform us about the potential applicability of markers derived in one breed to other breeds based on relatedness. 相似文献
【目的】为了明确我国甜菜夜蛾Spodoptera exigua地理种群间的遗传分化及基因流,阐明该种害虫在我国的种群历史动态。【方法】本研究对采自我国20个地理种群的529头甜菜夜蛾样品进行线粒体COI基因序列测定与分析,利用DnaSP 5.0和Arlequin 3.11软件分析种群间遗传多样性、遗传分化、基因流水平及分子变异,构建了单倍型系统发育树与单倍型网络图。【结果】在所分析的所有529个序列样本中,共检测出10个单倍型,其中Hap_1为所有种群所共享。总群体遗传多样性较低(Hd=0.257±0.025,Pi=0.0007±0.0001,Kxy=0.323),群体间遗传分化较小(FST=0.211),基因流水平较高(Nm=1.870)。AMOVA分析表明,甜菜夜蛾遗传变异主要来自种群内,种群间变异水平较低。各种群间遗传分化程度与地理距离无显著相关性(R2=0.005,P>0.05)。各单倍型相互散布在不同种群中,未形成明显系统地理结构。中性检验(Tajima’s D=-2.177, P<0.05; Fu’s FS=-8.629, P<0.05)与错配分布分析表明,我国甜菜夜蛾种群曾经历种群近期扩张。【结论】研究结果揭示,甜菜夜蛾各种群间的基因交流并未受到地理距离的影响,验证了甜菜夜蛾具有高度的迁飞能力。 相似文献
Genetic variability at 18 microsatellites was analysed on the basis of individual genotypes in five Spanish breeds of sheep – Churra, Latxa, Castellana, Rasa-Aragonesa and Merino -, with Awassi also being studied as a reference breed. The degree of population subdivision calculated between Spanish breeds from FST diversity indices was around 7% of total variability. A high degree of reliability was obtained for individual-breed assignment from the 18 loci by using different approaches among which the Bayesian method provided to be the most efficient, with an accuracy for nine microsatellites of over 99%. Analysis of the Bayesian assignment criterion illustrated the divergence between any one breed and the others, which was highest for Awassi sheep, while no great differences were evident among the Spanish breeds. Relationships between individuals were analysed from the proportion of shared alleles. The resulting dendrogram showed a remarkable breed structure, with the highest level of clustering among members of the Spanish breeds in Latxa and the lowest in Merino sheep, the latter breed exhibiting a peculiar pattern of clustering, with animals grouped into several closely set nodes. Analysis of individual genotypes provided valuable information for understanding intra- and inter-population genetic differences and allowed for a discussion with previously reported results using populations as taxonomic units. 相似文献
Eleven flocks of three Spanish sheep breeds have been studied: four Churra, four Lacha and three Manchega. Genetic variations between flocks of the same and different breeds have been analysed, using eight genetic blood systems and a wide range of statistical methods. The results show that the Churra, Lacha and Manchega breeds present significant differences between each other. Significant intraracial variations have been observed in Churras and Lachas, although they were almost non-existent in Manchegas. In some cases the genetic distances between flocks of the same breed were greater than the distances between flocks of different breeds. The data indicate that the closest breeds genetically are Lacha and Manchega. 相似文献
Genetic distances among five of the most important Italian native sheep breeds were estimated by using gene frequencies of four blood group and seven blood protein loci and by three different computing methods. The values of the three distance matrices were highly correlated. Genetic distances were found within the range values reported in the literature for local breeds. Shorter distances fitted the historical evidence of migrations. 相似文献
Peter C Bruford M Perez T Dalamitra S Hewitt G Erhardt G;ECONOGENE Consortium 《Animal genetics》2007,38(1):37-44
The population structure and genetic diversity of 57 European and Middle Eastern marginal and cosmopolitan sheep breeds from 15 countries were analysed by typing 31 microsatellite markers. Mean unbiased expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.63 in British Exmoor Horn to 0.77 in Albanian Ruda. South-eastern European and Middle-Eastern sheep breeds were significantly more variable than northwestern and western European breeds. An overall heterozygote deficiency (f) across all loci was observed (P < 0.001), while genetic differentiation (theta) was 5.7%. Principal component analysis and Bayesian model-based clustering indicate a south-east to north-west cline, but also revealed distinct groups of Middle-Eastern fat-tailed sheep, south-eastern European sheep and north-western/western European sheep. Within the last group, two less-distinct clusters comprised the Merino-type and Alpine breeds respectively. The incomplete demarcations of most clusters probably reflects cross-breeding and/or upgrading. 相似文献
The genetic variability of 204 sheep from nine breeds (Awassi, Çine Çapar?, Karaka?, Karya, Karayaka, Morkaraman, Norduz, Sak?z and Tuj) growing in four different regions (western, northern, eastern and south‐eastern Anatolia) was assessed using 18 microsatellite loci. High mean number of alleles, allelic richness and factorial correspondence analysis showed the degree of admixture between native sheep breeds of Turkey. The Karya and Çine Çapar? breeds were observed as the most distinct of the breeds, and possible introgressions were detected in other breeds. It was found that 8.9% of genetic variation resulted from the difference between the populations. The genetic variation in Turkish breeds was not much higher than that of European breeds, which might be a consequence of the recent sharp decrease in sheep numbers. 相似文献