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Genetic evidence suggests that the Drosophila ectoderm is patterned by a spatial gradient of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP). Here we compare patterns of two related cellular responses, both signal-dependent phosphorylation of the BMP-regulated R-SMAD, MAD, and signal-dependent changes in levels and sub-cellular distribution of the co-SMAD Medea. Our data demonstrate that nuclear accumulation of the co-SMAD Medea requires a BMP signal during blastoderm and gastrula stages. During this period, nuclear co-SMAD responses occur in three distinct patterns. At the end of blastoderm, a broad dorsal domain of weak SMAD response is detected. During early gastrulation, this domain narrows to a thin stripe of strong SMAD response at the dorsal midline. SMAD response levels continue to rise in the dorsal midline region during gastrulation, and flanking plateaus of weak responses are detected in dorsolateral cells. Thus, the thresholds for gene expression responses are implicit in the levels of SMAD responses during gastrulation. Both BMP ligands, DPP and Screw, are required for nuclear co-SMAD responses during these stages. The BMP antagonist Short gastrulation (SOG) is required to elevate peak responses at the dorsal midline as well as to depress responses in dorsolateral cells. The midline SMAD response gradient can form in embryos with reduced dpp gene dosage, but the peak level is reduced. These data support a model in which weak BMP activity during blastoderm defines the boundary between ventral neurogenic ectoderm and dorsal ectoderm. Subsequently, BMP activity creates a step gradient of SMAD responses that patterns the amnioserosa and dorsomedial ectoderm.  相似文献   

Proximodistal patterning in the Drosophila leg is elaborated from the circular arrangement of the proximal domain expressing escargot and homothorax, and the distal domain expressing Distal-less that are allocated during embryogenesis. The distal domain differentiates multiply segmented distal appendages by activating additional genes such as dachshund. Secreted signaling molecules Wingless and Decapentaplegic, expressed along the anterior-posterior compartment boundary, are required for activation of Distal-less and dachshund and repression of homothorax in the distal domain. However, whether Wingless and Decapentaplegic are sufficient for the circular pattern of gene expression is not known. Here we show that a proximal gene escargot and its activator homothorax regulate proximodistal patterning in the distal domain. Clones of cells expressing escargot or homothorax placed in the distal domain induce intercalary expression of dachshund in surrounding cells and reorient planar cell polarity of those cells. Escargot and homothorax-expressing cells also sort out from other cells in the distal domain. We suggest that inductive cell communication between the proximodistal domains, which is maintained in part by a cell-sorting mechanism, is the cellular basis for an intercalary mechanism of the proximodistal axis patterning of the limb.  相似文献   

Active endocytotic processes are required for the normal distribution of Wingless (Wg) protein across the epidermal cells of each embryonic segment. To assess the functional consequences of this broad Wg distribution, we have devised a means of perturbing endocytosis in spatially restricted domains within the embryo. We have constructed a transgene expressing a dominant negative form of shibire (shi), the fly dynamin homologue. When this transgene is expressed using the GAL4-UAS system, we find that Wg protein distribution within the domain of transgene expression is limited and that Wg-dependent epidermal patterning events surrounding the domain of expression are disrupted in a directional fashion. Our results indicate that Wg transport in an anterior direction generates the normal expanse of naked cuticle within the segment and that movement of Wg in a posterior direction specifies diverse denticle cell fates in the anterior portion of the adjacent segment. Furthermore, we have discovered that interfering with posterior movement of Wg rescues the excessive naked cuticle specification observed in naked (nkd) mutant embryos. We propose that the nkd segment polarity phenotype results from unregulated posterior transport of Wg protein and therefore that wild-type Nkd function may contribute to the control of Wg movement within the epidermal cells of the segment.  相似文献   

MyD88 is an adapter protein in the signal transduction pathway mediated by interleukin-1 (IL-1) and Toll-like receptors. A Drosophila homologue of MyD88 (DmMyD88) was recently shown to be required for the Toll-mediated immune response. In Drosophila, the Toll pathway was originally characterized for its role in the dorsoventral patterning of the embryo. We found that, like Toll, DmMyD88 messenger RNA is maternally supplied to the embryo. Here we report the identification of a new mutant allele of DmMyD88, which generates a protein lacking the carboxy-terminal extension, normally located downstream of the Toll/IL-1 receptor domain. Homozygous mutant female flies lay dorsalized embryos that are rescued by expression of a transgenic DmMyD88 complementary DNA. The DmMyD88 mutation blocks the ventralizing activity of a gain-of-function Toll mutation. These results show that DmMyD88 encodes an essential component of the Toll pathway in dorsoventral pattern formation.  相似文献   

Pattern formation in the Drosophila embryo   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Three plausible hypotheses about developmental commitments in the Drosophila embryo propose that: (1) a micromosaic of localized determinants in the egg trigger somatic commitments; (2) monotonic anterior-posterior and dorsal-ventral gradients in the egg specify positions by a series of threshold values; (3) sequential subdivision of the early embryo into 'anterior' or 'posterior' 'middle' or 'end', 'dorsal' or 'ventral', 'odd' or 'even' compartmental domains encodes the somatic commitment in each region in a combinatorial epigenetic code. Evidence in favour of such a combinatorial code includes its capacity to account for major features of transdetermination and for many single and coordinated homoeotic transformations. In particular, both these metaplasias often cause transformations between ectodermal tissues such as antenna and genitalia, whose anlagen lie far apart on the blastoderm fate map. This phenomenon is not naturally explained by monotonic gradient models. In contrast, not only transformation between distant regions of the fate map, but also the observed geometries of compartmental boundaries on the wing, and probable ones in the early embryo, are naturally explained by reaction-diffusion models. These systems form a discrete succession of differently shaped monotonic and nonmonotonic eigenfunction gradient patterns of the same morphogens, as the tissue containing the chemical system changes in size and shape, or in other parameters. The successive mirror symmetries in non-monotonic gradients predict that distant regions of the embryo make similar developmental commitments, and also predict specific classes of pattern mutants forming mirror symmetric structures along the embryo on a variety of length scales. Finally, reaction diffusion systems spontaneously generate transverse gradients of the underlying chemicals when more than one eigenfunction is amplified at once, and therefore specify two-dimensional positional information within domains. Although it is attractive, no feature of the combinatorial code hypothesis is verified. Current data relating to whether the sequential formation of compartmental boundaries actually reflects the commitment of the two isolated 'polyclones' to alternative fates, whether any genes act continuously to maintain disc commitments, and whether homoeotic mutants actually 'switch' disc determined states, are assessed.  相似文献   

The formation of complex structures in any multicellular organism requires cooperative behaviour within cell populations. Genetic and molecular analysis of pattern formation in the Drosophila embryo is providing us with new insights into the cellular basis of this process, implicating a diversity of molecules, some familiar, others novel, in intercellular communication.  相似文献   

Intrasegmental patterning in the Drosophila embryo requires the activity of the segment polarity genes. The acquisition of positional information by cells during embryogenesis is reflected in the dynamic patterns of expression of several of these genes. In the case of patched, early ubiquitous expression is followed by its repression in the anterior portion of each parasegment; subsequently each broad band of expression splits into two narrow stripes. In this study we analyse the contribution of other segment polarity gene functions to the evolution of this pattern; we find that the first step in patched regulation is under the control of engrailed whereas the second requires the activity of both cubitus interruptusD and patched itself. Furthermore, the products of engrailed, wingless and hedgehog are essential for maintaining the normal pattern of expression of patched.  相似文献   

Hedgehog (Hh) signalling from posterior (P) to anterior (A) cells is the primary determinant of AP polarity in the limb field in insects and vertebrates. Hh acts in part by inducing expression of Decapentaplegic (Dpp), but how Hh and Dpp together pattern the central region of the Drosophila wing remains largely unknown. We have re-examined the role played by Collier (Col), a dose-dependent Hh target activated in cells along the AP boundary, the AP organiser in the imaginal wing disc. We found that col mutant wings are smaller than wild type and lack L4 vein, in addition to missing the L3-L4 intervein and mis-positioning of the anterior L3 vein. We link these phenotypes to col requirement for the local upregulation of both emc and N, two genes involved in the control of cell proliferation, the EGFR ligand Vein and the intervein determination gene blistered. We further show that attenuation of Dpp signalling in the AP organiser is also col dependent and, in conjunction with Vein upregulation, required for formation of L4 vein. A model recapitulating the molecular interplay between the Hh, Dpp and EGF signalling pathways in the wing AP organiser is presented.  相似文献   

The tube protein plays an essential role in the signal transduction pathway that establishes dorsoventral polarity in the Drosophila melanogaster embryo. Characterization of each of four tube mutants revealed a substitution or insertion in the amino-terminal half of the protein. This portion of the tube protein is also evolutionarily conserved, as demonstrated by isolation and sequencing of the Drosophila virilis tube gene. Moreover, RNA microinjection assays and germline transformation experiments demonstrated that the amino-terminal domain alone provides substantial levels of gene function: constructs encoding only the amino-terminal domain restore dorsoventral polarity to embryos lacking any maternal tube function. In the carboxyterminal domain, sequence conservation is concentrated in the five octapeptide repeats. Although the repeat-containing domain by itself provides no rescue of the tube maternal effect phenotype, it is necessary for wild-type levels of tube activity. This domain is thus likely to play an ancillary role in axis formation.  相似文献   

In Drosophila melanogaster embryos cuticle formation occurs between 12 and 16 hours of development at 25°C. The formation of the cuticulin and the protein epicuticular layers is simultaneous in the hypoderm, the tracheoblasts, and the fore- and hindgut cells. The cuticulin forms as a dual lamina, aggregating from granules secreted by the hypodermal cells. This is followed by the formation of a granular protein epicuticle and finally by the secretion of a mixed fibrous and granular endocuticle. All secretory cells are relatively simple in their ultrastructure. The secretory process is a membrane phenomenon, occurring at the tips of hypodermal microvillae on cells at the surface of the embryo and on those hypodermal cells lining the lumen of the fore- and hindgut. It also occurs along the entire surface of the tracheoblast lumen as well as on the outer surface of those cells which form exoskeletal chitinous setae. The process involves a specialization of the plasma membrane with the formation of secretory granules intracellularly beneath the membrane and the extrusion of these granules through the membrane to the outside where final cuticle formation occurs.  相似文献   

The appearance of bottle cells at the dorsal vegetal/marginal boundary of Xenopus embryos marks the onset of blastopore formation. The conditions leading to this epithelial activity were investigated by inducing bottle cells ectopically in the animal region with VegT or different members of the transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta family. Morphological studies on the ectopic bottle cells indicate their close similarity to the endogenous bottle cells at the dorsal blastopore lip. The subepithelial cells of the induced animal region express mesodermal genes in a pattern reminiscent to that observed on the dorsal lip. Relating this expression pattern to the position of the ectopic bottle cells leads to the conclusion that bottle cells form in regions of high TGF-beta signalling. The specific inhibitory effects of cerberus on ectopically induced bottle cells revealed that nodal related growth factors are the intrinsic signals that elicit bottle cell formation in the normal embryo. In addition, fibroblast growth factor signalling is an essential precondition for this epithelial response as it is for mesoderm formation. We conclude that bottle cell formation in the epithelial layer of the gastrula is closely linked to mesodermal patterning in the subepithelial tissues.  相似文献   

Positional information in the dorsoventral axis of the Drosophila embryo is encoded by a BMP activity gradient formed by synergistic signaling between the BMP family members Decapentaplegic (DPP) and Screw (SCW). short gastrulation (sog), which is functionally homologous to Xenopus Chordin, is expressed in the ventrolateral regions of the embryo and has been shown to act as a local antagonist of BMP signaling. Here we demonstrate that SOG has a second function, which is to promote BMP signaling on the dorsal side of the embryo. We show that a weak, homozygous-viable sog mutant is enhanced to lethality by reduction in the activities of the Smad family members Mad or Medea, and that the lethality is caused by defects in the molecular specification and subsequent cellular differentiation of the dorsal-most cell type, the amnioserosa. While previous data had suggested that the negative function of SOG is directed against SCW, we present data that suggests that the positive activity of SOG is directed towards DPP. We demonstrate that Chordin shares the same apparent ligand specificity as does SOG, preferentially inhibiting SCW but not DPP activity. However, in Drosophila assays Chordin does not have the same capacity to elevate BMP signaling as does SOG, identifying a functional difference in the otherwise well conserved process of dorsoventral pattern formation in arthropods and chordates.  相似文献   

Dorsal ventral polarity and pattern formation in the Drosophila embryo   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The establishment of polarity along the dorsal-ventral axis of the Drosophila embryo requires the graded distribution of the dorsal morphogen. Several maternal genes are responsible for the formation of the gradient and their products act in an ordered series of events that begins during oogenesis and involves two different cell types, the oocyte and the follicle cells. The last step in the series results in selective nuclear localization of dorsal proteins, dorsal is thought to regulate the expression of zygotic genes in a concentration dependent way. The zygotic genes determine cell fates in specific regions of the embryo and direct other genes involved in the processes of differentiation.  相似文献   

Extracellular serine protease cascades have evolved in vertebrates and invertebrates to mediate rapid, local reactions to physiological or pathological cues. The serine protease cascade that triggers the Toll signaling pathway in Drosophila embryogenesis shares several organizational characteristics with those involved in mammalian complement and blood clotting. One of the hallmarks of such cascades is their regulation by serine protease inhibitors (serpins). Serpins act as suicide substrates and are cleaved by their target protease, forming an essentially irreversible 1:1 complex. The biological importance of serpins is highlighted by serpin dysfunction diseases, such as thrombosis caused by a deficiency in antithrombin. Here, we describe how a serpin controls the serine protease cascade, leading to Toll pathway activation. Female flies deficient in Serpin-27A produce embryos that lack dorsal-ventral polarity and show uniform high levels of Toll signaling. Since this serpin has been recently shown to restrain an immune reaction in the blood of Drosophila, it demonstrates that proteolysis can be regulated by the same serpin in different biological contexts.  相似文献   

Axis specification in the Drosophila embryo.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Three genetic hierarchies control cell-fate specification in largely distinct regions of the antero-posterior axis of the Drosophila embryo, whereas a single hierarchy specifies dorso-ventral cell fates. Molecular genetic analysis of these hierarchies is leading to increased understanding of the nature of the regulatory circuitry that controls regional cell-fate specification.  相似文献   

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