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Recently, we identified the 37-kDa laminin receptor precursor (LRP) as an interactor for the prion protein (PrP). Here, we show the presence of the 37-kDa LRP and its mature 67-kDa form termed high-affinity laminin receptor (LR) in plasma membrane fractions of N2a cells, whereas only the 37-kDa LRP was detected in baby hamster kidney (BHK) cells. PrP co-localizes with LRP/LR on the surface of N2a cells and Semliki Forest virus (SFV) RNA transfected BHK cells. Cell-binding assays reveal the LRP/LR-dependent binding of cellular PrP by neuronal and non-neuronal cells. Hyperexpression of LRP on the surface of BHK cells results in the binding of exogenous PrP. Cell binding is similar in PrP(+/+) and PrP(0/0) primary neurons, demonstrating that PrP does not act as a co-receptor of LRP/LR. LRP/LR-dependent internalization of PrP is blocked at 4 degrees C. Secretion of an LRP mutant lacking the transmembrane domain (aa 86-101) from BHK cells abolishes PrP binding and internalization. Our results show that LRP/LR acts as the receptor for cellular PrP on the surface of mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Cell-binding and internalization studies on neuronal and non-neuronal cells have demonstrated that the 37-kDa/67-kDa laminin receptor (LRP/LR) acts as the receptor for the cellular prion protein (PrP). Here we identify direct and heparan sulfate proteoglycan (HSPG)-dependent interaction sites mediating the binding of the cellular PrP to its receptor, which we demonstrated in vitro on recombinant proteins. Mapping analyses in the yeast two-hybrid system and cell-binding assays identified PrPLRPbd1 [amino acids (aa) 144-179] as a direct and PrPLRPbd2 (aa 53-93) as an indirect HSPG-dependent laminin receptor precursor (LRP)-binding site on PrP. The yeast two-hybrid system localized the direct PrP-binding domain on LRP between aa 161 and 179. Expression of an LRP mutant lacking the direct PrP-binding domain in wild-type and mutant HSPG-deficient Chinese hamster ovary cells by the Semliki Forest virus system demonstrates a second HSPG-dependent PrP-binding site on LRP. Considering the absence of LRP homodimerization and the direct and indirect LRP-PrP interaction sites, we propose a comprehensive model for the LRP-PrP-HSPG complex.  相似文献   

We have cloned the nuclear gene MRP4 coding for a mitochondrial ribosomal protein of the yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The gene was isolated by complementation of a respiratory-deficient mutant with a pleiotropic defect in mitochondrial gene expression. The nucleotide sequence of MRP4 revealed that it has sequence similarity with Escherichia coli ribosomal protein S2 and related proteins of chloroplast ribosomes from different plants. Further characterization of the MRP4 protein revealed that it is a component of the 37 S subunit of mitochondrial ribosomes. Moreover, the phenotype of cells carrying a disrupted copy of MRP4 is consistent with the MRP4 protein being an essential component of the mitochondrial protein synthetic machinery. Finally, we note that the MRP4 protein and other members of the S2 family of ribosomal proteins have regions of sequence similarity with the mammalian 68-kDa high affinity laminin receptor.  相似文献   

The 37-kDa/67-kDa laminin receptor precursor/laminin receptor (LRP/LR) acting as a receptor for prions and viruses is overexpressed in various cancer cell lines, and their metastatic potential correlates with LRP/LR levels. We analyzed the tumorigenic fibrosarcoma cell line HT1080 regarding 37-kDa/67-kDa LRP/LR levels and its invasive potential. Compared to the less invasive embryonic fibroblast cell line NIH3T3, the tumorigenic HT1080 cells display approximately 1.6-fold higher cell-surface levels of LRP/LR. We show that anti-LRP/LR tools interfere with the invasive potential of HT1080 cells. Anti-LRP/LR single-chain variable fragment antibody (scFv) iS18 generated by chain shuffling from parental scFv S18 and its full-length version immunoglobulin G1-iS18 reduced the invasive potential of HT1080 cells significantly by 37% and 38%, respectively. HT1080 cells transfected with lentiviral plasmids expressing small interfering RNAs directed against LRP mRNA showed reduced LRP levels by approximately 44%, concomitant with a significant decrease in the invasive potential by approximately 37%. The polysulfated glycans HM2602 and pentosan polysulfate (SP-54), both capable of blocking LRP/LR, reduced the invasive potential by 20% and 35%, respectively. Adhesion of HT1080 cells to laminin-1 was significantly impeded by scFv iS18 and immunoglobulin G1-iS18 by 60% and 68%, respectively, and by SP-54 and HM2602 by 80%, suggesting that the reduced invasive capacity achieved by these tools is due to the perturbation of the LRP/LR-laminin interaction on the cell surface. Our in vitro data suggest that reagents directed against LRP/LR or LRP mRNA such as antibodies, polysulfated glycans, or small interfering RNAs, previously shown to encompass an anti-prion activity by blocking or downregulating the prion receptor LRP/LR, might also be potential cancer therapeutics blocking metastasis by interfering with the LRP/LR-laminin interaction in neoplastic tissues.  相似文献   

The 67-kDa laminin receptor (67LR) is a nonintegrin cell surface receptor that mediates high-affinity interactions between cells and laminin. Overexpression of this protein in tumor cells has been related to tumor invasion and metastasis. Thus far, only a full-length gene encoding a 37-kDa precursor protein (37LRP) has been isolated. The finding that the cDNA for the 37LRP is virtually identical to a cDNA encoding the ribosomal protein p40 has suggested that 37LRP is actually a component of the translational machinery, with no laminin-binding activity. On the other hand, a peptide of 20 amino acids deduced from the sequence of 37LR/p40 was shown to exhibit high laminin-binding activity. The evolutionary relationship between 23 sequences of 37LRP/p40 proteins was analyzed. This phylogenetic analysis indicated that all of the protein sequences derive from orthologous genes and that the 37LRP is indeed a ribosomal protein that acquired the novel function of laminin receptor during evolution. The evolutionary analysis of the sequence identified as the laminin-binding site in the human protein suggested that the acquisition of the laminin-binding capability is linked to the palindromic sequence LMWWML, which appeared during evolution concomitantly with laminin.   相似文献   

The laminin-binding protein, variously called the 37/67-kDa high affinity laminin receptor or p40, mediates the attachment of normal cells to the laminin network, and also has a role as a ribosomal protein. Over-expression of this protein has been strongly correlated with the metastatic phenotype. However, few studies have investigated the cellular consequence of the ablation of this gene's expression. To address this issue, the expression of the 37/67-kDa high affinity laminin receptor was knocked out with several siRNA constructs via RNA interference in transformed liver (Hep3B) cells. In each case where the message was specifically ablated, apoptosis was induced, as determined by annexin V/propidium iodide staining, and by double staining with annexin V and an antibody directed against the 37/67-kDa high affinity laminin receptor. These results suggest that this protein plays a critical role in maintaining cell viability.  相似文献   

The human ribosomal protein SA (RPSA) is a multilocus protein, present in most cellular compartments. It is a multifunctional protein, which belongs to the ribosome but is also a membrane receptor for laminin, growth factors, prion, pathogenic microorganisms, toxins, and the anticarcinogen epigallocatechin gallate. It contributes to the crossing of the blood-brain barrier by neurotropic viruses and bacteria and is used as a biomarker of metastasis. RPSA includes an N-terminal domain, which is homologous to the prokaryotic ribosomal proteins S2, and a C-terminal extension, which is conserved in vertebrates. The structure of its N-domain has been determined from crystals grown at 17 °C. The structure of its C-domain remains unknown. We produced in Escherichia coli and purified the full-length RPSA and its N- and C-domains. We characterized the folding states of these recombinant proteins mainly by methods of fluorescence and circular dichroism spectrometry, in association with quantitative analyses of their unfolding equilibria, induced with heat or urea. The necessary equations were derived from first principles. The results showed that the N-domain unfolded according to a three-state equilibrium. The monomeric intermediate was predominant at the body temperature of 37 °C. It also existed in the full-length RPSA and bound ANS, a small fluorescent molecule. The C-domain was in an intrinsically disordered state. The recombinant N- and C-domains weakly interacted together. These results indicated a high plasticity of RPSA, which could be important for its multiple cellular localizations and functional interactions.  相似文献   

A bovine BAC clone containing a processed laminin receptor pseudogene (LAMR1P) has been isolated and characterized. A 2,901-bp sequence was produced from the clone, of which 1,187 bp represented seven identifiable exon-like domains, but no intervening sequences. The pseudogene sequence reveals several transversions and transitions, as well as insertions and deletions. A premature stop codon motif is present at nucleotide position 115 located in the exon-2-like domain. Physical mapping of the gene was performed by FISH and RH panel mapping and assigned LAMR1P to BTA4q24-->q26 with the closest linkage to BM6458 (19 cR, LOD score of 11.6). The functional laminin receptor putatively plays an important role in the transmission of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE). In this process, the receptor supposedly acts as the binding site for prion proteins to enter mammalian cells. Considering the existence of several human laminin receptor pseudogenes forming a complex family, any knowledge of even pseudogene sequences might be helpful to isolate the functional bovine laminin receptor gene.  相似文献   

Functional domains of the 67-kDa laminin receptor precursor   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
We report the characterization of two functional domains of the metastasis-associated 67-kDa laminin receptor (67-LR). Using synthetic peptides deduced from the cDNA sequence of the 37-kDa precursor of the laminin receptor (37-LRP) as well as their corresponding affinity-purified polyclonal antibodies, we identified a unique laminin binding site as well as a membrane-associated domain of the receptor. In laminin dot blot and solid phase radioligand assays, a 20 amino acid synthetic peptide (IPCNNKGAHSVGLMWWMLAR, amino acid residues 161-180, designated peptide G) specifically bound to laminin with high affinity (Kd = 5 x 10(-8) M). Peptide G also specifically eluted the 67-LR from a laminin affinity column. Peptide G and laminin reacted with a 1:1 stoichiometry, suggesting that there is one recognition site on laminin for the peptide G domain. Immunofluorescence studies, performed on permeabilized and nonpermeabilized human A2058 melanoma cells using 10 different affinity-purified antibodies to distinct regions of the 37-LRP, identified an unusually short membrane-associated domain that was consistent with a computer predicted transmembrane domain (residues 86-101). Our data demonstrate for the first time that the 37-LRP has two functional domains consistent with the characteristics of the mature 67-LR. Furthermore, we propose peptide G as a potential inhibitor of tumor cell interactions with laminin.  相似文献   

Midkine (MK) is a heparin binding multifunctional protein that promotes cell survival and cell migration. MK was found to bind to 37-kDa laminin binding protein precursor (LBP), a precursor of 67-kDa laminin receptor, with K(d) of 1.1 nM between MK and LBP-glutathione-S-transferase fusion protein. The binding was inhibited by laminin, anti-LBP, amyloid beta-peptide, and heparin; the latter two are known to bind to MK. In CMT-93 mouse rectal carcinoma cells, LBP was mostly located in the cytoplasm as revealed by immunostaining with anti-LBP antibody. That a portion of LBP or 67-kDa laminin receptor was located at the surface of these cells was verified by inhibition of cell attachment to laminin-coated dishes by anti-LBP antibody. When MK was added to culture medium of these cells, a part of LBP migrated to the nucleus. The movement occurred concomitantly with nuclear transport of biotin-labeled MK. These findings suggested that the binding of MK to LBP caused nuclear translocation of the molecular complex.  相似文献   

GnRH-II enhances ovarian cancer cell invasion in an autocrine manner. We have now found that GnRH-II increases 37-kDa laminin receptor precursor (LRP) production in GnRH receptor (GnRHR)-positive OVCAR-3 and CaOV-3 ovarian cancer cells, while small interfering RNA (siRNA)-mediated depletion of GnRH-II or GnRHR mRNA abrogates this. The invasiveness of ovarian cancer cells is also reduced >85% by siRNA-mediated knockdown of LRP levels and >50% by pretreatment of Matrigel with a synthetic peptide that blocks interactions between laminin and the 67-kDa nonintegrin laminin receptor which comprises two LRP subunits. Conversely, overexpressing LRP in CaOV-3 cells increases their invasiveness 5-fold, while overexpressing LRP with a nonfunctional laminin-binding site does not. Depletion of LRP by siRNA treatment reduces CaOV-3 cell attachment to laminin-coated plates by ~80% but only reduces their binding to Matrigel by ~20%. Thus, while LRP influences CaOV-3 cell adhesion to laminin, LRP must act in other ways to enhance invasion. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are key mediators of invasion, and LRP siRNA treatment of OVCAR-3 and CaOV-3 cells inhibits MMP-2 but not MMP-9 mRNA levels. Overexpressing LRP in these cells increases MMP-2 production specifically, while a laminin-binding deficient LRP does not. Importantly, LRP siRNA treatment abolishes GnRH-II-induced MMP-2 production, and invasion in OVCAR-3 and CaOV-3 cells, which was also seen after MMP-2 siRNA treatment. These results suggest that GnRH-II-induced LRP expression increases the amount of the 67-kDa nonintegrin laminin receptor, which appears to interact with laminin in the extracellular matrix to promote MMP-2 expression and enhance ovarian cancer cell invasion.  相似文献   

Cytotoxic necrotizing factor 1 (CNF1) is a bacterial toxin known to activate Rho GTPases and induce host cell cytoskeleton rearrangements. The constitutive activation of Rho GTPases by CNF1 is shown to enhance bacterial uptake in epithelial cells and human brain microvascular endothelial cells. However, it is unknown how exogenous CNF1 exhibits such phenotypes in eukaryotic cells. Here, we identified 37-kDa laminin receptor precursor (LRP) as the receptor for CNF1 from screening the cDNA library of human brain microvascular endothelial cells by the yeast two-hybrid system using the N-terminal domain of CNF1 as bait. CNF1-mediated RhoA activation and bacterial uptake were inhibited by exogenous LRP or LRP antisense oligodeoxynucleotides, whereas they were increased in LRP-overexpressing cells. These findings indicate that the CNF1 interaction with LRP is the initial step required for CNF1-mediated RhoA activation and bacterial uptake in eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

A laminin-binding peptide (peptide G), predicted from the cDNA sequence for a 33-kDa protein related to the 67-kDa laminin receptor, specifically inhibits binding of laminin to heparin and sulfatide. Since the peptide binds directly to heparin and inhibits interaction of another heparin-binding protein with the same sulfated ligands, this inhibition is due to direct competition for binding to sulfated glycoconjugates rather than an indirect effect of interaction with the binding site on laminin for the 67-kDa receptor. Direct binding of laminin to the peptide is also inhibited by heparin. This interaction may result from contamination of the laminin with heparan sulfate, as binding is enhanced by the addition of substoichiometric amounts of heparin but inhibited by excess heparin and two heparin-binding proteins. Furthermore, laminin binds more avidly to a heparin-binding peptide derived from thrombospondin than to the putative receptor peptide. Adhesion of A2058 melanoma cells on immobilized peptide G is also heparin-dependent, whereas adhesion of the cells on laminin is not. Antibodies to the beta 1-integrin chain or laminin block adhesion of the melanoma cells to laminin but not to peptide G. Thus, the reported inhibition of melanoma cell adhesion to endothelial cells by peptide G may result from inhibition of binding of laminin or other proteins to sulfated glycoconjugate receptors rather than from specific inhibition of laminin binding to the 67-kDa receptor.  相似文献   

A cDNA coding for a 37 kDa polypeptide has been identified in several species as both the potential precursor of the 67 kDa laminin receptor (37LRP) and a putative ribosome-associated protein (p40). Interestingly, increased expression of this polypeptide (37LRP/p40) is consistently observed in invasive and metastatic cancer cells and is associated with poor prognosis. Southern-blot analysis of human genomic DNA predicted multiple copies of the 37LRP/p40 gene. In this study, we report that the number of copies of this sequence in the human genome is 26 ± 2. We have sequenced and analyzed 19 genomic clones corresponding to the 37LRP/p40 gene and found that they were all processed pseudogenes. They all lack intronic sequences and show multiple genetic alterations leading in some cases to the appearance of stop codons. Moreover, they all bear characteristic features of retroposons as the presence of a poly(A)-tail at their 3′ end and short direct repeated flanking DNA sequences. None of the pseudogenes analyzed present cis-elements in their 5′ flanking region such as TATA or GC boxes. Our data reveal that over 50% of the 37LRP/p40 gene copies are pseudogenes most probably generated by retropositional events. The finding of multiple pseudogenes for the 37LRP/p40 gene suggests that the accumulation of several copies of this gene might have given a survival advantage to the cell in the course of evolution.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: PCK3145 is an anti-metastatic synthetic peptide with promising therapeutic efficacy against hormone-refractory prostate cancer. The characterization of the PCK3145 peptide cell surface binding/internalization mechanisms and of the receptors involved remained to be explored. RESULTS: [(14)C]PCK3145 cell surface binding assays showed rapid and transient kinetic profile, that was inhibited by RGD peptides, laminin, hyaluronan, and type-I collagen. RGD peptides were however unable to inhibit PCK3145 intracellular uptake. Far-Western ligand binding studies enabled the identification of the 37-kDa laminin receptor precursor (37LRP) as a potential ligand for PCK3145. Overexpression of the recombinant 37LRP indeed led to an increase in PCK3145 binding but unexpectedly not to its uptake. CONCLUSIONS: Our data support the implication of laminin receptors in cell surface binding and in transducing PCK3145 anti-metastatic effects, and provide a rational for targeting cancers that express high levels of such laminin receptors.  相似文献   

Even though the involvement of the 67-kDa laminin receptor (67LR) in tumor invasiveness has been clearly demonstrated, its molecular structure remains an open problem, since only a full-length gene encoding a 37-kDa precursor protein (37LRP) has been isolated so far. A pool of recently obtained monoclonal antibodies directed against the recombinant 37LRP molecule was used to investigate the processing that leads to the formation of the 67-kDa molecule. In soluble extracts of A431 human carcinoma cells, these reagents recognize the precursor molecule as well as the mature 67LR and a 120-kDa molecule. The recovery of these proteins was found to be strikingly dependent upon the cell solubilization conditions: the 67LR is soluble in NP-40-lysis buffer whereas the 37LRP is NP-40-insoluble. Inhibition of 67LR formation by cerulenin indicates that acylation is involved in the processing of the receptor. It is likely a palmitoylation process, as indicated by sensitivity of NP-40-soluble extracts to hydroxylamine treatment. Immunoblotting assays performed with a polyclonal serum directed against galectin3 showed that both the 67- and the 120-kDa proteins carry galectin3 epitopes whereas the 37LRP does not. These data suggest that the 67LR is a heterodimer stabilized by strong intramolecular hydrophobic interactions, carried by fatty acids bound to the 37LRP and to a galectin3 cross-reacting molecule. J. Cell. Biochem. 69:244–251, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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