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The ability of insulin to influence the responsiveness of murine T lymphocytes in a culture system containing a serum substitute was documented. The presence of insulin was found to enhance the concanavalin A (Con A) reactivity of the lymphocytes. Once the cells were activated by a short-term exposure to Con A, insulin was capable of replacing Con A for the continued stimulation of the cells. This was true both for lymphocyte proliferation and for the generation of nonspecific cytotoxic T lymphocytes. The presence or absence of insulin was not found to influence the phytohemagglutinin responsiveness of the T lymphocytes. Possible reasons for the observed results are discussed in relation to a proposed model for lymphocyte activation.  相似文献   

Suppression of immune functions was demonstrated in both humans and animals when exogenous RNA was eliminated from the diet. However, direct actions of RNA/nucleotide on the immune system are virtually unknown. Thus, in this study, we explored effects of RNA and nucleotide on lymphocyte functions in vitro. Yeast whole RNA, which is free of endotoxin, was supplemented to culture media, and changes in mitogen responses, thymocyte proliferation, or in vitro antibody production by murine spleen lymphocytes were analyzed. Yeast whole RNA potentiated the proliferation of spleen lymphocytes and it also strikingly enhanced in vitro antibody production in response to sheep red blood cells at least 10-fold. However, it did not potentiate the proliferation of thymocytes (immature lymphocytes). These enhancing activities of yeast RNA were significantly reduced by RNAse treatment, but not by treatments with DNAse or polymyxin B. Certain mononucleotides exhibited less, but similar, action on murine spleen lymphocytes. The whole yeast RNA employed was already degraded to small nucleotide (less than 1 kb). Therefore, it may be suggested that certain components of RNA degraders can function as powerful immunomodulators, indicating that exogenous RNA or nucleotide may be important in facilitating immune responses under certain circumstances.  相似文献   

Changes in the activities of several lysosomal enzymes were studied during transformation of mouse spleen cells in vitro. The activity of beta-glucuronidase increased during culture in the presence of T or B-cell mitogens, and lymphoblasts contained higher levels of activity than did small, non-transformed lymphocytes. Moreover, lymphoblasts in well-transformed cultures had higher activities than those in poorly-transformed cultures. The activities of other lysosomal enzymes (N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase, alpha-mannosidase, beta-glucosidase) also increased during mitogenic stimulation, but each at different rates, although aryl sulphatase was unaffected. Such differences may be of importance when lymphocytes are used for diagnosis of inherited lysosomal deficiency diseases.  相似文献   

Endothelin (ET)-1 induces proliferation of various cells including smooth muscle cells, fibroblasts, glomerular mesangial cells, endothelial cells and osteoblasts. ET-1 also stimulates synthesis of interleukin (IL)-6 in endothelial and bone marrow stromal cells of rat. It is well known that IL-6 modulates megakaryocytopoiesis. Some studies have indicated that megakaryocytes express both ET receptors and they are targets for ET. Therefore we planned to examine the effects of ET-1 on the growth of normal megakaryocytic cells in rat bone marrow primary cell culture. Bone marrow cells were cultured at 37 degrees C, in an incubator atmosphere of 5% CO2 in air and 95% relative humidity for nine days. ET-1 at 10(-7), 10(-8 ) and 10(-11) M, and control with saline were added at the beginning of the experiment protocol. At each day, plasma clots were stained using direct-coloring thiocholin method for acetylcholinesterase activity. Although 10(-7) M ET-1 did not change the proliferation of megakaryocytic cells, this could be due to the presence of over crowded fibroblasts in the same environment. 10(-8) M ET-1 stimulated megakaryocytic cell growth to 234% over the control on the fifth day. ET-1 at a concentration of 10(-11) M also rised the megakaryocytic cell number significantly reaching up to 86% at the sixth day. Our results indicate that ET-1 may modulate the growth of megakaryocytic cells by an autocrine and/or paracrine action.  相似文献   

The unassembled (soluble) and assembled (particulate) pools of clathrin in murine lymphocytes have been separated by centrifugation, and specifically quantified by immunoblotting of cellular extracts with an anticlathrin heavy chain monoclonal antibody. In resting spleen lymphocytes only 25-30% of the total cellular clathrin was found to be present in an assembled form. Upon activation of lymphocytes with B or T cell mitogens (lipopolysaccharide or concanavalin A), the levels of assembled clathrin increased to 60% of the total. These changes in the levels of assembled clathrin were not due to an increase in total cellular clathrin concentration following lymphocyte activation, but rather to changes in the steady state ratio of assembled to unassembled clathrin. The increase in assembled clathrin preceded the expression of transferrin receptors, as measured by the cell surface binding of an antitransferrin receptor monoclonal antibody, and maximal DNA synthesis, indicating that clathrin assembly occurs early after lymphocyte activation and precedes cell division. Immunofluorescence analysis of activated lymphocytes with an anti-clathrin heavy chain monoclonal antibody revealed a punctuate staining pattern characteristic of coated pits and vesicles. Activated B lymphocytes displayed particularly prominent staining in the perinuclear region compared to T cells, suggesting that clathrin assembly may be important for B cell functions such as immunoglobulin synthesis or secretion. These results suggest that in lymphocytes, clathrin assembly is a dynamic process that is triggered by mitogenic stimuli.  相似文献   

Adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP) acts to inhibit a number of lymphocyte activities. The extent of this inhibition was tested by evaluating the effects of two cAMP-raising agents on B cell S phase entry induced by several different mitogenic regimens. It was found that both dibutyryl cAMP (dbcAMP) and isobutylmethylxanthine (IBMX) enhanced S phase entry induced by some regimens but inhibited S phase entry induced by others. The observed enhancing activity stands in contrast to the general notion of cAMP as being a "negative regulator," and it confirms that the observed inhibiting activity does not simply reflect cytotoxicity. Mitogenic regimens that appear to mimic each other, such as F(ab')2 fragments of goat anti-mouse immunoglobulin and the combination of a calcium ionophore and a phorbol ester, were distinguished by their responses to the addition of the two cAMP-raising agents. B cell responses were enhanced or inhibited even when dbcAMP was added 18-24 hr after the establishment of cultures. Cyclic AMP may regulate in a complex fashion S phase entry in cells of the immune system.  相似文献   

Abstract A mitogenic substance on murine lymphocytes was detected in the culture supernate of Streptococcus pyogenes type 12 strain. This substance had a molecular weight of 28 000 and p I 9.2, and was designated as S. pyogenes mitogen (SPM). The proliferative response of C3H/HeN spleen cells began at 1 ng ml−1 and reached a maximal response at 100 ng ml−1 of SPM for 4 days culture. Anti-Thy 1.2 mAb and complement-treated spleen cells abrogated the proliferative response to any dose of SPM. Although the anti-major histocompatibility complex class I mAbs had no blocking effect on proliferation by SPM, this proliferation was substantially inhibited by the addition of either anti-I-A or anti-I-E mAb, and complete inhibition was produced by the addition of both mAbs. Fixed antigen-presenting cells still induced T cell proliferation by SPM. A significant expansion of T cells bearing Vβ13 T-cell receptor was observed up to 73% among the Thy1.2+ cells in cultures stimulated with SPM, indicating expansion in a Vβ-specific manner. Immunoblotting of IEF-separated proteins showed that anti-streptococcal pyrogenic exotoxin (SPE) C reacted with a protein of p I 6.9 and anti-SPEB did not show any reactivity. SPEA was reported to expand Vβ8.1 and 8.2 bearing murine T cells, and SPM did not. SPM also exhibited potent mitogenic activity on human T cells and Vβ21+ T cells were selectively expanded. These results lead to the conclusion that SPM was neither SPEA, B nor C, but a new protein belonging to a group of streptococcal superantigens with activity on not only human but also murine lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Lymphocytes cytotoxic for mouse embryo fibroblasts (MEF) infected with murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV) were produced by in vitro culture of "memory" spleen cells with UV-irradiated, MCMV-infected, MEF. Cytotoxic lymphocytes were developed from spleen cells of mice 10 to 240 days after infection with MCMV. The cytotoxic cells carried the theta and Ly 2 antigens, and were H-2 restricted in the recognition of infected target cells.  相似文献   

The mitogenic response of C3H/HeJ mice to the B cell mitogens, poly C and poly I, is approximately one-half the response measured in various LPS-responder strains. C3H/HeJ mice respond normally to poly I:C, the heteroduplex polymer. The low responder phenotype of C3H/HeJ mice to poly C and poly I is shown by an analysis of (C3H/HeJ x C57BL/6J-By-Ps)F1 X C3H/HeJ backcross progeny to result from a gene locus that is closely linked or identical to the defective LPS response locus expressed by the C3H/HeJ strain. The entire mitogenic activity in poly C preparations and most of the mitogenic activity in poly I preparations is insensitive to ribonuclease degradation. Hot aqueous phenol extraction of the polynucleotides separates the majority of the mitogenic activity that is soluble in the combined interface and phenol phase fraction from the aqueous soluble polynucleotides. The ribonuclease-insensitive, phenolsoluble contaminant elicits a reduced response in C3H/HeJ mice as compared to an LPS responder strain. We conclude that 1) poly C has no inherent mitogenic activity; 2) poly I preparations contain both ribonucleasesensitive and insensitive mitogenic activities; 3) the ribonuclease-resistant mitogenic activity in polynucleotide preparations has properties unlike those of LPS or lipid A; and 4) the product of LPS response gene has an effect upon the mitogenic stimulation of spleen cells by the contaminant.  相似文献   

In vitro mitogenic stimulation of murine spleen cells by herpes simplex virus.   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Spleen cells of B6 mice not previously immunized were induced to DNA synthesis by supernatants from HSV-infected tissue culture. The stimulatory principle could be passed through a 45-micrometer filter and sedimented at 100,000 x G. It was abolished by UV light, heating at 56 degrees C, and by an anti-HSV serum. The possibility that the observed stimulation was caused by LPS was therefore excluded, and there was a-so no indication of mycoplasma contamination. Partial purification of spleen cells from macrophages resulted in an increased stimulation by HSV. From experiments with nylon columns, anti-theta antibody, and nude mice it was concluded that HSV acted as a B cell mitogen. Strains of both HSV types 1 and 2 were stimulatory for B6 spleen cells. Of nine freshly isolated HSV strains with identical passage history (twice in HEF) four were strongly stimulatory, three showed a moderate stimulation, and two did not stimulate. Spleen cells from A/J and DBA/2 mice were stimulated to the same extent by HSV (WAL) as spleen cells from B6 mice. No viral replication was demonstrable in B6 spleen cell cultures stimulated for DNA synthesis by HSV. Thus our study demonstrates induction of cellular DNA synthesis in B lymphocytes by HSV which is abolished by inactivation of the virus.  相似文献   

Splenic lymphocytes from mice treated with Propionibacterium acnes cells as well as with their cell walls were found to be variably active on the lymphoproliferative responsiveness. Furthermore, the effect of these bacterial agents on the ex vivo Con A response of the lymphocytes showed a certain stimulation that was higher with oral treatments. In the same conditions the influence of these agents on the LPS lymphocytes stimulation was almost without any statistical significance. In vitro blastogenesis experiments were undertaken in order to elucidate the influence of different amphiphilic molecules from peripheric bacterial structures on the lymphoproliferative response of murine splenocytes. Stimulation rates were also determined as a function of the (3H) thymidine incorporation. Combined effects of mitogens (Con A and LPS) with bacterial amphiphilic molecules were also evaluated as a function of the DNA synthesis variations. All cases resulted in a variable inhibition of the mitogenic response which appeared dose-dependent and more active for associations of Con A and amphiphilic molecules. The most effective intrinsic mitogenic activities were detected with teichoic acids and intracellular polysaccharides. These last molecules without purification, assayed as cytoplasmic fractions, appeared modified in the intensity of their action, depending on their carbohydrate/protein ratios.  相似文献   

Seromucoproteins from human serum were isolated by perchloric acid extraction followed by DEAE-Sephadex A-50 ion exchange chromatography. The in vitro pretreatment of spleen leukocytes with this fraction caused a dose-dependent inhibition of graft-versus-host reaction as well as an increase of their electrophoretic mobility, the viability being maintained. On contrary, the pretreatment of mice (prospective spleen cell donors of recipients of sheep red blood cells) with human seromucoproteins had no effect on the gvh-reaction as well as on the agglutinin formation to sheep red blood cells under the given conditions. It is supposed that the suppressive effect after in vitro pretreatment may be attributed to a coating effect of seromucoproteins. The fact that spleen cells pretreated in vitro with seromucoproteins are lysed in presence of complement and antiseromucoprotein antiserum supports our opinion. These findings as well as data from the literature support the hypothesis that local concentrated mucoproteins in the skin graft bed in cases of protractedly surviving skin grafts, in the placenta, and on neoplastic tissues can influence unspecifically the immune response. We hope that the understanding of this mechanism may open new possibilities in prolonging allograft survival time.  相似文献   

Betacellulin (BTC) is a member of the epidermal growth factor family. It has two biological activities: mitogenic activity in fibroblasts and vascular smooth muscle cells, and differentiation activity for the differentiation of pancreatic acinar AR42J cells into insulin-secreting cells. The previous finding that recombinant BTC promotes the neogenesis of beta-cells in a mouse model supports the possibility that BTC is a therapeutic protein. However, the mitogenic activity of BTC may not be needed for differentiation into beta-cells and may cause a side effect in clinical use. We prepared several derivatives of BTC to segregate the two activities, to decrease the mitogenic activity, and to maintain the differentiation activity. We succeeded in obtaining BTC derivatives segregated by the two biological activities by preparing truncated-type derivatives. A derivative of BTC, BTC24-76, with a truncated N-terminal 23 amino acids and C-terminal 4 amino acids, was 2.5-fold more active in differentiation and had one-tenth of the mitogenic activity. The derivatives described in the present study should be helpful in future applications as therapeutic proteins and in basic research for discovery of a BTC-specific receptor.  相似文献   

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